
Do you wear your Diamond Jewelry EVERYWHERE?

I don't wear my more expensive stuff at the beach, but then I never really go the beach. I take my rings off when I clean the house and I don't wear them at work either. If I worked out I would take them off too. I pretty much take them off when I know I am going to be using my hands a lot or I'm afraid they will get damaged somehow.
I have different sets so I choose what I am going to wear based on where I'm going and what I am doing.
I haven't worn my ACA upgrade in about three weeks though because I'm in the process of returning it back to WF. I have it ready in the fed ex box but right now it's not safe to send it back.

Kayla, are you trading in your diamond? Would love to hear your story!

Sorry for the threadjack!!
I'm curious to know if most people wear their diamonds all the time: rain or shine, beach & sand, chlorine & sunscreen, and even to bed.
I'm extremely anal about my diamonds, and I refuse to wear them to bed, in the pool, at the beach, around sunscreen, or in the pool. I don't even wash my hands with them on!
Please share your opinions on the subject!
I have seen multiple people with their wedding sets on in the water & along the shore, and I want to!
Is it just me?! o_O

I am very much enjoying this thread. First comment, as a jewelry lover, I love to wear my newly acquired diamond ring everywhere. My last one was "appropriated" some years ago and I have sorely missed wearing it. Now I wear my new one everywhere, almost. Having lost my first wedding ring in the ocean while free diving, I learned that is a bad idea. The salt in the seawater desiccates my fingers and they shrink, and as one of the ladies said, you don't even feel it leaving.

Another thing to be careful of is chlorinated pools. The chlorine reacts with many of the alloys in a gold ring and leaves the original gold looking much like a honey comb when magnified. It also leaves it very weak, so prongs can take sudden leave of absence, along with the diamond. Those with platinum rings do not need to worry about this as much as those with gold rings.

When I am at the gym, I wear athletic clothes with a secure pocket and keep my money and my ring in my pocket.

I loved FeFeV's beautiful bangle and the romance of her husband spending his entire bonus on it.

My gunky ring story. I was in a local jewelry store the other day and a lady came in with a ring that was attractive, even covered in finger gookie. Without a thought I said to her, "What a gorgeous ring that must be, why don't you let one of the staff here make it look incredible for you."

She looked at me quizzically for a moment then turned to the gemologist she was with and said, 'Would you mind having this cleaned?"

The owner came out of her office and cleaned it personally. Probably a good thing that they know me...

Oh, and one last thought, for those of you who take your rings off when washing your hands. I have replaced over a dozen rings this last twenty years that were taken off in a restroom while cleaning hands. I know it is a hard habit to overcome, but please, NEVER take your ring off in a public restroom. It is simply too easy to forget and even in only a minute, your ring can be gone forever.

Kayla, are you trading in your diamond? Would love to hear your story!

Sorry for the threadjack!!
Yes. I am. I've been waiting to trade my 3.321 I VS2 for a similar diamond bc the current one has internal graining (I think) which bugged me.
They finally got something in which is slightly smaller than I want but has a higher clarity- 3.098 I VS1. It's a brand new diamond certed 8/17/17.
So I jumped on it asap. It is .21 mm smaller but I think I prefer the higher clarity anyway, I'll also be getting a pretty nice refund as well. It will be going into my Stuller setting for now until I can figure out what I want.
I had planned on the Dahlia head with the MC2 Bella
Stratta shank but it looks like it might not work out now.
Threadjack over!!!
Yes. I am. I've been waiting to trade my 3.321 I VS2 for a similar diamond bc the current one has internal graining (I think) which bugged me.
They finally got something in which is slightly smaller than I want but has a higher clarity- 3.098 I VS1. It's a brand new diamond certed 8/17/17.
So I jumped on it asap. It is .21 mm smaller but I think I prefer the higher clarity anyway, I'll also be getting a pretty nice refund as well. It will be going into my Stuller setting for now until I can figure out what I want.
I had planned on the Dahlia head with the MC2 Bella
Stratta shank but it looks like it might not work out now.
Threadjack over!!!

That's wonderful - I knew you were a bit hesitant on your other stone because of the graining. I'm sure this new stone will be superb! Can't wait to see it!!
I've lost an expensive watch at the beach several years ago, and have not worn jewellery when on such an outing because of that. It was a gift too.
HA! I have you WELL beat!

I was in hospital a few years ago for some surgery and saw the nurses who had gunky looking rings from continual hand washing. I called my husband and got him to bring in my ultrasonic and I cleaned every ring brought in by all the nurses on the ward. All while hooked up to an IV.

Hahaha you are the best mrs-b! So thoughtful omg... I never would have even thought of that if I had an ultrasonic that still worked that is. Good going.:appl:

I don't wear my rings doing anything that could annoy me because I am super sensitive to wearing anything so if I am swimming then no, I cannot wear any jewelry. That and the worry it would be lost but the uncomfortable factor of wearing anything besides a swimsuit while swimming is also a big issue.

When I am in a public washroom I won't take it off now (I used to) but it is hard to keep on as I want to take it off when hand washing. But yes too easy to lose that way.

I also don't wear it washing dishes, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning etc.

I once lost an expensive bracelet hiking in Alaska. Smart move right but hey I was in my early twenties. Now in my early fifties I have become a wiser woman. At least in some ways.:cheeky:

I love my ring but I don't wear it as often as many of you. I am IRL very minimalist in style.

Yes. I am. I've been waiting to trade my 3.321 I VS2 for a similar diamond bc the current one has internal graining (I think) which bugged me.
They finally got something in which is slightly smaller than I want but has a higher clarity- 3.098 I VS1. It's a brand new diamond certed 8/17/17.
So I jumped on it asap. It is .21 mm smaller but I think I prefer the higher clarity anyway, I'll also be getting a pretty nice refund as well. It will be going into my Stuller setting for now until I can figure out what I want.
I had planned on the Dahlia head with the MC2 Bella
Stratta shank but it looks like it might not work out now.
Threadjack over!!!

Kayla OMG so excited for you!!! Hoping it is the diamond of your dreams!!!!:appl:
I ALWAYS leave the house with 2 of 4 possible pieces of diamond jewellery on (rings left and right hands), tennis bracelet, studs or pendant.
I have been known to appear in public with no makeup on, completely au naturale but not without my jewellery!!

This is me! My sister makes fun of me because I'll be wearing workout leggings and a tshirt with my diamonds studs/jackets, my SS oval and my Carl Blackburn makeup. I do take them off to cook, clean, garden, exercise, apply sunscreen and for bed.....and I clean them frequently too....I should add that I am guilty of taking them off when washing in a public restroom. I tuck them in my pocket or my bra , or if I don't have a pocket, put them in a zippered part of my wallet. I can't stand getting soap all over them!
This is me! My sister makes fun of me because I'll be wearing workout leggings and a tshirt with my diamonds studs/jackets, my SS oval and my Carl Blackburn makeup. I do take them off to cook, clean, garden, exercise, apply sunscreen and for bed.....and I clean them frequently too....I should add that I am guilty of taking them off when washing in a public restroom. I tuck them in my pocket or my bra , or if I don't have a pocket, put them in a zippered part of my wallet. I can't stand getting soap all over them!

Ditto on the hand washing, laundry, etc. If I don't have a pocket, my rings go in my bra, in the zippered part of my purse, or rolled in my sock....
Bump!! :kiss2:
Basically I wear my jewelry only if I leave the house, so it means I don’t wear them to cleaning, cooking, gardening, ironing or training. (Usually i train at home). I wear them at home only when we have guests,

But I wear without hesitation any of my jewelry to go grocery shopping or to drop off my DD to kindergarten, even if I don’t wear make up and I put on a jeans and a shirt.
I probably wear my ring to most things I do. I won't wear it to the gym because I lift weights while I am there or to a pool or the beach because I'm not sure how salt water affects platinum long term. But I pretty much sleep and shower, cook, and do chores in them. I don't like to take them off because I lose things that way. I haven't forgiven myself for losing the garnet solitaire set I loved so much probably a decade ago now. I had taken it off to clean it, wrapped it for what was supposed to be a moment in the paper towel just to soak up water before wiping with a fiber cloth and I must have gotten distracted and set down the paper towel and my father thinks we threw it away because the set was never ever found :(

So I pretty much do all my chores and cooking in gloves. That way nothing can get on the rings from food and there's some protection between them and what I am doing. My rings get cleaned up by me either daily or once every couple of days and I take them to the jeweller every 2 to 3 months instead of every six for prong check since I wear them a bit more. And everything is insured in case anything does happen.

My husband would be more upset with me if they lived in my jewellery box because of not wearing them then he would be if they got ruined on my hand. He complains about his sisters who got these beautiful, expensive rings, and all they do is wear their wedding bands. So he loves to see my set on me pretty much 24/7. That's just us though. I don't think anyone who doesn't wear her rings to do those things is too anal at all. People should do what makes them comfortable :)
I wear mine every time I leave the house. When I'm at home, I usually don't wear any jewelry (except two eternity bands stacked together every once in a while). I don't like to wear them at home because I'm inevitably doing some sort of chore that might put them at risk. And I don't like sleeping in them because I'm afraid the sheets will abrade the settings over time. But they go on before I leave the house and come back off again after I get home. :))
He complains about his sisters who got these beautiful, expensive rings, and all they do is wear their wedding bands.

Many moons ago, long before CBI and I, I sold a gentleman a 4 ct plus diamond in an 18 kt gold ring for his intended. Since they were going to be traveling internationally for two months I also made an exact copy of the ring in 14kt yellow instead of the 18kt yellow and with a non diamond center stone so that she would not worry about it if it was lost or stolen. I also provided a statement of evaluation for insurance purposes for the diamond ring.

Big success, he was a hero.

Six months later he comes into my office and was dragging the "lucky lady" with him.

"Wink, will you PLEASE tell (name redacted) that it is okay to put this copy away and wear the real diamond?" I explained about the evaluation document and she already knew that it was fully insured. She just felt more comfortable wearing the copy.

It took me only a short time to convince her that she was insulting her beloved who went to a LOT of trouble to find and acquire that diamond for her. They went to the bank on the way home and she put the real ring on.

Sometimes the practical gets in the way of the romantic.

HA! I have you WELL beat!

I was in hospital a few years ago for some surgery and saw the nurses who had gunky looking rings from continual hand washing. I called my husband and got him to bring in my ultrasonic and I cleaned every ring brought in by all the nurses on the ward. All while hooked up to an IV.

Okay you supersede me! I love that you did that...I would so do that. So because it took me so long to get my ring, I was really crazed about other people's dirty rings. I didn't understand how people who had them could not take care of them. I worked with two wonderful sales reps who i got to see twice a year. both came in with beautiful engagement rings. One was huge. Probably a good 2.5 at least. I used to yell at them each and every time about their dirty rings.... I did it so much, every 6 months for 8 years, that one of them actually had it be her reminder twice a year to get the rings cleaned because she knew I would yell at her. Success!!!!
Now for me with my ring, earrings or necklace.. they get a bath and put to bed after each day I wear them. I would like a little ring box that looks like a bed :) I don't take the ring off ever outside of the house, the earrings and necklace get worn only when I know I won't be in a compromising position for them. I can't imagine wearing any of them to the beach. The horror! I have two different plan platinum bands that I choose between depending on the activity... they have patina'ed.. but not lost a bit of shape. and at the gym.. I lift weights so i bought a silcone wedding band .. which is great for the gym.
Now I only wear rings when I am going out somewhere. When I was younger I used to wear sets everywhere, stackers, gemstone rings, and as a result I've lost gemstones, damaged, scratched and destroyed the metalwork in rings and sets when diving scraping my hands on coral, broke an Argyle diamond in half while wearing it smashing bricks in an inside wall with no gloves on renovating a house, and I have broken and chipped countless gemstones. I think I ended up trashing and breaking both sentimental things and expensive things, and figured I was so hard on everything because I use my hands for the types of things mentioned. My hands have always looked like the most aged part of me as well, I don't take care of them at all. So now I only wear it "out."
Hard no to wearing jewelry while I'm washing dishes, working out, or going to the beach/pool. I wear jewelry to the office, while running errands, and for socializing. I never take off my rings when washing my hands unless it's in my own bathroom--I figure it's better to clean them regularly than risk leaving them behind.

I tend to take off my jewelry as soon as I get home, especially earrings. I think my earlobes have some kind of jewelry-repelling magnets in them. I swear I lose earrings like crazy, which is why I don't have any super expensive ones. I'm constantly checking to make sure they're still there! [quickly checks Kate Spade enamel studs] Yep, I'm good.

I think wearing jewelry in bed would drive me crazy. And not in the good way. ;)2
I don't wear my jewelry in the pool, spa, shower or bed. Everywhere else is fair game. I may tone it down or go all out depending on the situation but I otherwise always have something on.
Depends on the jewelry and activity for me. I usually wear the same assortment to work, social events, and when I’m out and about. If what I’m doing may dirty or damage them, I leave them off or at home. My rings and pendant necklaces come off before I sleep at night. However, my studs I pretty much wear 24/7 and only take off for cleaning.