
Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"!


Jul 28, 2012
My fiancee just got me our dream ring...he designed it himself very carefully, based on inspiration pieces we found together. It is so beautiful and meaningful. It was also a big surprise for both of us!

Neither of us had anticipated how incredible and flashy his design would actually look in real life. You know how there's a "Wow!" factor to a nice diamond that can't really be captured in a photo? Well, we were diamond-naive and didn't fully realize that, so he designed something that looks "Wow!" in design and inspiration photos... but in person that actually comes out as "WowWOW!!" (I finally totally get what people mean when they say the photo of their ring doesn't do it justice!)

Sounds like bragging almost, right? Well, of course I am dazzled! We are both privately magpies abut sparkle...When it's just me and him looking at it in private, we think it's overwhelming but gorgeous.

BUT...showing it to others is another story! I feel genuine discomfort when I think of showing it to family and friends..and even just walking around's kind of a :love: :oops: :oops: feeling...and I'm hoping for some PS "therapy" on the issue! :)

I know "flashiness" is all relative (it would be no biggie on PS and probably downright puny on Wall St.), but I believe that for my RL community, it's on the high-flash side. I think the stone is somewhat (not hugely) larger than normal for here, but he chose a very sparkly RB, and it's set in a fancy pave band...think Tacori-esque (but it's a no-name as he designed it himself). I'm known as a modest person in general, definitely not "the flashy one," so this is different and probably unexpected for me. And:

a) Some specific people (not my favorite people, but unavoidable) may be envious and try to make my life more difficult due to that.
b) We don't want people who care about us worrying that he spent too much on the ring. We are both comfortable with what he spent, but we don't want this up for analysis.
c) I'm scared that people on the street will see it and want to steal it. (I heard people may even cut off your finger!)

Even he is making similar comments, which makes me feel relieved that it's not "only me" feeling these anxieties (I love how he makes me feel "sane" :) )

Anyway, due to feeling discomfort imagining what others will think/say/do, I find myself wondering if it's too gaudy. I hate that I'm having these thoughts because we designed it, he worked so hard on it, and it feels wrong to feel embarrassed of it and like hiding it, when I am so overjoyed of what it represents! My wedding band will definitely be very simple (it will go great with it) and in future I can have the option to sometimes wear just the band. BUT, the wedding is still far off, and everyone will want to see the e-ring.

I'm wondering a couple things:

- Is a big part of the "flash factor" the fact that it's just been high-polished and sonic cleaned? Will it "tame down"(darken?) significantly as it gets a little use?

- Is this a normal reaction to our first piece of "bling" jewelery? Could the gaudiness be mostly in our own heads? Is there "flash reduction" over time (similar to "diamond shrinkage") ...the longer we look at it the more normal it will seem to us?

- There are so many absolutely breathtaking rings on PS - I'm sure that for some of you, your ring must stand out as different among your real-life community? How do you deal??

- What is the best (humblest) way to deal with potential comments/perceptions that the ring is "too much"? What do you think about when showing it for the first time: smudging it up, showing it in bad lighting, emphasizing that it's a "no name", or even lying about the quality? (DF won't be offended, and I don't mind if it goes so far that people end up underwhelmed with my ring!)


Apr 30, 2005
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Enjoy your ring.
What others think and say does not matter.
For whom are you living your life, you or them?


Apr 28, 2008
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Congrats on your engagement!

I think it'll just take some getting used to. Honestly most people outside of your friends and family probably won't even notice. I used to have a 1.81 carat round in a very blingy halo and while I was self-conscious in public at first, I quickly got over it. The average non-PS person doesn't really notice other people's rings, at least not in my experience! Show your ring proudly!


Aug 8, 2005
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Can you post pics?
I've felt this way and opted to sell the piece. BUT it was not my engagement ring and I had no personal attachment.

That said, come cattiness from other women is inevitable unfortunately, and if you love it I would not start changing things you love because of other's opinions/comments as that is a terrible habit to get into.


Jun 23, 2005
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

What size is the diamond? Do you have any pictures of the ring to share?

No way to really give an opinion about how flashy it is without something to go on but generally speaking, if the both of you like it that's all that matters. Wear and enjoy what you like; there will always be people with opinions that won't necessarily mirror yours. I also ditto the fact that you will get 'used' to it - that's why DSS sets in so quickly! The eye becomes accustomed to what it is seeing.

Would you be concerned if folks questioned the house you live in or the car you drive? It's along the same lines. Wearing a piece of jewelry with confidence is not flashy or showy IMO - it just says that this is important to you and what you two decided to spend your money on. Should matter very little to anyone else so don't let others set your standards for you!


Apr 22, 2010
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Congrats on your engagement, Tabby! Yes, I suspect the longer you wear the ring the more normal and less flashy it'll seem (I wouldn't advise getting it dirty to reduce the flash though). Once you get used to it, you'll probably feel a lot less self-conscious about it but you are not responsible for the way others feel about your ring and if they want to worry about how much you spend, well, you'll just have to let them. If you're really worried about getting robbed (and even if you're not), make sure your ring is insured. I sometimes turn it around in places where I don't feel particularly safe to avoid attracting unwanted attention. I hope you can enjoy your new ring!


Aug 28, 2008
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Congrats on your engagement! It seems like you and your fiance love the ring but are also uncomfortable because of how "attention grabbing" it is. I would say you would probably get used to it over time, and, unless it is going to get you negative attention at work (which may affect your career trajectory), otherwise I say wear it! It's designed with lots of love and input from the two of you.

Snarky comments from others are inevitable. I know you don't want folks to think he overspent on your e-ring, but I feel so long as both of you are well aware that it was within his limits, it really shouldn't even be anyone's concern.

When I first showed off my e ring and then my upgrade (1.5 to 3) both times I had one or two people give me the "too much" comment, or the "I would spend that kind of money on a house/car then on a diamond". To which I just smile and say "I am content with a modest house and (insert typical family sedan brand) car", knowing full well that some of these people who said it has spent tons on cars and expensive houses. Don't put down your e-ring in front of these people, it was built with love, and you should wear it proudly!


Jul 8, 2010
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

I feel the same way - I don't even wear mine at work for (B) !! and not sure how i will feel when i get my new ultra-blingy set- -

Where is this ring? We want to see it! :naughty:


May 27, 2009
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Congratulations on your engagement! :appl:

I really think it's a combination of being newly engaged and newly wearing a diamond ring that you, yourself, are wowed over. As you wear it day by day, I suspect you will become more comfortable with it. While your ring will become dirty if you don't clean it, it better not darken up, you want that baby to shine!

As for the details, no reason to go into exactly what you have (ie: 2.5 ct, D, VVS1) most people won't be interested in that, anyway. If they do ask, you can answer without going into detail, such as it's a bit over 2...or, I can't believe how big it feels...or whatever feels comfortable to you. You could even give an answer like one celebrity I read years ago (sorry, I forget who) who said something like: "how many carats, I have no idea...I would never be so tacky as to ask that." Of course, the last one would never work around here, but if some one in real life is so rude as to persist on the details, why not? :tongue:

Wear your ring in good health and happiness. Unless you managed to snag Kim Kardashian's ring from the divorce, I'm sure it's not too flashy, just very new to you.


Sep 23, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Are you me? I've been having the exact same thoughts and sinking feeling for weeks now, and I haven't even seen my ring.


Apr 18, 2012
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

I am familiar with that feeling. And I'm going to be embarrassingly honest right now...

In the last 2 years my husband has bought me 3 things that we both wanted, we love, and we could afford, but that are not "normal" for our social circle... breast augmentation, a convertible BMW, and a blingy new ring. Even HERE on PS... I am embarrassed to say that out loud because of how it "appears". The first "purchase" was obviously very personal. After having 3 kids and raising them to teenagers, and working hard to get my body back in shape, I was tired of being a "pear" and needing to wear a padded bra just to get some curve. I wanted to look "proportionate", but not obvious. I was very worried about the perception of this procedure and what others would think. As it turns out, most people never said anything. My family and extended family were all amazingly supportive, and the person who was the most critical was ME! 2 years later I am thrilled with the outcome (which, if you didn't know me before, you would never know.) And believe me... it is the gift that keeps on giving!! Best money we ever spent! :naughty:

As for the car... I drove a minivan for 16 years and when my youngest turned 16 I realized I was always driving the van all by myself. Waste of space, right?? Well, I started looking for a cute, smaller car that would be just for me. I have always loved convertibles, but we live in the PNW where it rains a lot... so not very practical, right?? Well, we found this cute little BMW, used, with very low miles and it didn't cost any more than my Toyota Sienna had! I got a great trade-in value for my van and we got a killer deal on the car. (And when I was looking at other cars, my husband said to me... Honey... when the sun comes out... are you going to kick yourself if you don't get the convertible??) He was SO right, and I have been LOVING driving with the top down all summer long! But I DO find myself explaining to people the "rationale" for getting this car... everything that I just wrote here... the "great price" , the fact that I drove a minivan for so long, etc. etc. Like I need to justify WHY I have a cute fun car!!

And NOW... I just got this amazing new ring. Which I have talked a lot about on here. There was a long story leading up to getting this ring, and we both LOVE it!! But it is definitely eye-catching for my real-life world. Most of my friends still haven't seen it yet... but a lot of them knew I was working on it. But... they also know I am a bling-lover. It is kind of a joke because I love everything that sparkles. But still... this isn't costume jewelry or a sequined shirt. And I knew that I needed to be OK with wearing it. And you know what... I AM ok!! I LOVE it!! I've been married a long time and my husband wanted to bless me with it and he thinks I'm worth it. We didn't go in debt for it, and I wanted to create an heirloom that I can pass down.

But, ultimately, what I had to come to is this... This is MY life, MY marriage, MY body... etc. I want to behave in a way that is modest and appropriate and not "bragging or showing off". But I also want to ENJOY my life, my marriage, and my blessings without feeling like I need to apologize, justify or settle.

If YOU love it... wear it with confidence. Wear it with gratitude. Wear it with class. Wear it with LOVE because your BF spent the time, money and effort to create it for you because HE thinks you are worth it!!

And if you need to come up with a "tag line" that you say if someone remarks about it being super big, or "too much" or whatever, that's OK too ... you can always say something like... "Yeah, it is much more than I ever expected! But Johnny designed it for me and I am totally overwhelmed with how beautiful it is! He is definitely a keeper!"
(Or something like that, that doesn't apologize for it, but lets people know that you were just as shocked as they are.) Your attitude of thankful humility will set the tone for what others think. And if they are still judging or petty... then THEY are the ones with the problem, and you just respond with grace and let it GO!!

I hope you will post pictures!! I can't wait to see what he created for you! And yes... you will also get used to it!!


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

I am another who has felt uncomfortable around some friends due to having a larger diamond than any of them. I could write a lot of what Dougsgirl wrote, actually. And I love what she wrote!

The one thing I do want to affirm is that when anyone comments on the ring, say what Dougsgirl said or just say, "Thank you! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful fiance!" If they say, "I'd never pay that much for a ring.", then I'd say "You certainly should spend your money however you want."

If anyone is rude enough to ask how much it cost, then say, "Oh, more than $1000 and less than $100,000." (The truth is, "It is none of your business!!!" :angryfire: )

I also agree about not giving exact specs. That also is none of their business. Family does not have any need to know how much he spent, either, so don't tell them. And you don't have to say a thing about brand or anything else.

The key to all this is to anticipate all the possible comments and have a brief planned response. Never belittle your ring or show embarrassment about it.

I think the only strange comment I have ever gotten was a store clerk who said, "Your husband sure must love you a lot." :confused: I don't equate diamond size with love, so that comment caught me off base. So just think of this kind of thing and have a planned reply.

Now we need to see this ring!


Apr 6, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Wow, listen to Dougsgirl. She is like a diamond fairy godmother. RIGHT ON advice. And, where is this gem of a gem?


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Wow, DG and DS - you two are on fire here!! I concur with all you have both said as well as Alexiszoe and others above... you should NEVER EVER have to apologize for something wonderful in your life!! EVER!!!

You have been given a beautiful gift and I hope you can enjoy every sparkle! (tho, until we have the pics, its all just hearsay!! ;)) :naughty: :Up_to_something: :bigsmile: ... I'm just sayin'...)

I love the idea of a prepared quick quip to repeat/repeat/repeat to any one who is so bold as to make a rude comment about your ring. Wear it proudly and enjoy it!!


May 23, 2012
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

You've gotten some great advice. Congrats on your engagement!


Aug 28, 2008
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Like what dougsgirl and diamondseeker said, by focusing attention on how your BF designed it for you, it diverts the question and focuses on his sweet gesture, you don't look like someone who "pressured" him into getting this ring for you (for those who have questions about financial status and might think so!) and if there are questions asking you how much it costs, which diamondseeker pointed out (there will always be rude people out there), just say you have no idea since he's the one who planned and designed this! :naughty:


May 1, 2007
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

I have some experience with this! Short Story: After a year I still felt uncomfortable (read: self-conscious) with my ring, so I changed it completely. Now I am 100% comfortable, and happy, with my ring.

Long Story: My DH proposed with a simple solitaire (1ct, for reference, poorly cut so the diamond itself wasn't especially flashy). In an effort to bandaid the cut quality, I reset it into a substantial setting with a lot of flash (halo, tapered sides with diamonds, hand engraving). It was gorgeous but I felt the way you do about it now... it just made me feel conspicuous and uncomfortable. I loved the ring itself and kept hoping the feeling would go away, but after a year or so I was still acutely aware of my left hand and would purposely subdue it. No one ever made any comments, good or bad, so it was all just me. Finally, I changed the diamond and ring altogether (in part because of this feeling and in part because it was still just a bandaid fix and what I really wanted was a beautifully cut center). The new ring is 100% comfortable to me now and I love wearing it. Ironically, it's worth a lot more than the sacrificed flashy ring, but somehow much more 'me'.

As a side note, a couple of friends were genuinely surprised when I shared the reason for changing my ring (i.e. they were surprised I thought it was flashy and that it made me uncomfortable). Just goes to show it was more my own feelings about the ring than anyone else's, and that just reinforced that it just wasn't the ring for me.

ETA: I think what I am suggesting by sharing my story is that barring any return periods that you could take advantage of, wear the ring a while and see if your feelings change. If they don't, then you know you can always move on to another ring using this experience to guide you towards one you will feel better about.


Feb 15, 2007
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

I'm guessing part of your anxiety is the adjustment that comes when you go from never wearing a diamond ring to wearing one every day. I remember feeling very conspicuous when I was first engaged, but then I quickly realized that NOBODY ELSE cared about or noticed my ring nearly as much as I did. :cheeky:

As for worrying about negative comments from others, that's something that will likely bother you less and less the more comfortable you become in your own skin and with your new ring. I've never had anyone comment about how much money we must have spent on my jewelry, but if someone did I'd think they were very rude and insecure--but it wouldn't make ME feel insecure.

When it comes down to it, I really don't think other people notice rings as much as we PSers like to think they should! :cheeky: If I were you I'd wear the ring for a while and see how you feel then. If you don't become more comfortable with it in time, then maybe it's just not the right style for you. That's okay, too! But I really think a lot of your discomfort comes with the newness of it.

Best wishes on your engagement!!!! And do share some pictures of your ring, we want to see this beauty!


Oct 8, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Tabbycat|1349724792|3281655 said:
I'm wondering a couple things:

- Is a big part of the "flash factor" the fact that it's just been high-polished and sonic cleaned? Will it "tame down"(darken?) significantly as it gets a little use?

that i don't know, but I sure hope not.

- Is this a normal reaction to our first piece of "bling" jewelery? Could the gaudiness be mostly in our own heads? Is there "flash reduction" over time (similar to "diamond shrinkage") ...the longer we look at it the more normal it will seem to us?

YES it is ALL in our heads! I felt very uncomfortable wearing my new ring which seem just too big, too shiny, too sparkly, too everything. That feeling was gone after 2 weeks.

- There are so many absolutely breathtaking rings on PS - I'm sure that for some of you, your ring must stand out as different among your real-life community? How do you deal??

Mine is biggest among friends and family. I don't feel guilty wearing it and don't feel i have to justify my love for blings. But I am also aware that this is not something that everyone can afford so I would not purposely draw attention to it. I would certainly NOT compare it with my friends'. When someone make a compliment I will happily accept with a "thank you" without going into the specs or the story behind the purchase. If anyone ask about its costs, i will just make a joke or something but i wouldn't tell, the same way I wouldn't tell people how much I make. Very close friends/family might ask and I would tell only because I know they mean no harm and truely genuinely interested.

I often notice women staring at my ring but then again *I* stare at other women's jewelry ALL THE TIME, so i just take that as a sign of appreciation from fellow bling lovers.

- What is the best (humblest) way to deal with potential comments/perceptions that the ring is "too much"? What do you think about when showing it for the first time: smudging it up, showing it in bad lighting, emphasizing that it's a "no name", or even lying about the quality? (DF won't be offended, and I don't mind if it goes so far that people end up underwhelmed with my ring!)

IMHO, people who say/think the ring is too much are either jealous or worried (parents especially) for you. Jealousy comes from within the person. It's not what you wear but how THEY chose to feel. They can be jealous of your ring, or your husband, the shoes you wear. THere's nothing you can do about so I wouldn't care less what they think. As to people who are genuinely concerned for you, e.g. a concern mother who might worry that you took out a big loan to fund the ring (which I hope you did not :rodent: ), i'd just make sure that they know that's not the case, and emphasize this is something very special and meaningful that you created together with the love of your life.



Oct 9, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Wear it...and wear it happily and proudly! Pics lady! :wink2:

Deactivated member 42515

Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

The thing is that people are always going to hate. No matter what. As long as you love the ring, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks.

DH and I have been on this end of the stick ever since we got married. His friends question how we can buy things all the time. Even his family thinks that we don't deserve anything we have. But DH and I work hard and we save and save while those people spend money on things like bars and gambling. What I'm trying to say is that people will never look at their own situation. So you just gotta ignore all the remarks and looks.

DH's own sister goes around telling everybody that I am a spoiled brat and that I don't deserve anything I have. But I know that I work hard everyday and sacrifice on a lot of things to have what we have.

People will always always hate. But I really think it should not matter what other people think.

But do you really love your ring? I can't really tell from your post if you love it but ur afraid of other people's opinions or if you have second thoughts about it yourself?


Oct 11, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

No pics, didn't happen.



Oct 4, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

distracts|1349762186|3282005 said:
No pics, didn't happen.


Exactly!! Tabbycat, come back and share your gorgeous ring with us... we are eager to share in your joy!! :bigsmile:


Sep 9, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

If it's discomfort because you don't feel like it's really you then maybe it may be a choice to get it changed but it if it's all due to what others may perceive I think you should just rock it! The last thing people should be doing is making negative opinions about you about your ring just because it's flashier than theirs and a beautiful ring should be shown proudly!

I thought I had my perfect e-ring but it's not flashy or big enough. My husband thinks I'll get robbed on the metro subways since it's so sparkly but it seems like it's logic. If you're in a high crime rate neighborhood or going through a place you do not feel comfortable then I would say turning it around is a great idea since you can also double it as a weapon :) I work in DC and I have yet to hide my ring.


Apr 26, 2007
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

distracts|1349762186|3282005 said:
No pics, didn't happen.


Official spokesperson is official.

Concerning the post itself? I think of it like weight loss - calories in vs. energy expended. If the pleasure you derive from the ring is greater than the stress/worry it causes you, it's worth it. And unless you have a genuine psycho in your life, that is or will be the case, because most people will either be happy for you, or not notice at all.

America has some issues with Tallest Poppy Syndrome - this is the second or third post on this topic I remember this week. It's a pity that we're swinging around to a point where we enforcing these strict social standards. Or ... have they been there all along, and I've just been oblivious?


Mar 12, 2012
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

I say you should just enjoy your ring ... and stop worrying about what other people think/say/do!

If you are happy that is all that matters - but I do know how you feel. I spent a significant sum of money on a ring myself recently, and was a little worried what others thought. I'm not made of money, I've struggled all my life, and I've been single for most of it. When I bought my ring I thought they'd think:

A) I probably should have spent it on IVF - as I don't have children, would love to have them, but can't conceive naturally.
B) That I probably should have spent it paying off my university debts.
C) That I probably should have spent it getting liposuction or a gastric by-pass.
D) That I probably should have spent it on a new kitchen;
E) Or on upgrading my car which is nearly 20 years old!

and they probably do. But ya know what ... it's not about them!

Enjoy your good fortune, and I hope it continues for you.


Nov 7, 2004
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

a) As far as people making comments, you can't control other people, just how you feel
b) if you can afford it, than it isn't really other people's business.
c) Please get it insured. And don't wear it in situations you don't think it is safe. To tell you the truth I think this is not a common occurance, in part because CZs are so prevalent, a robber won't know if it is a diamond or a cz that he is eying.

As far as feeling it is too flashy, it's funny when I got my anniversary ring, even though it is a modest ring compared to most around here, I had the same feeling, that whoah, it is "more" than I expected. I think my feeling was compounded by the fact I hadn't worn diamonds (before this) and most of my jewelry is sterling. I felt like maybe it was too much and should be toned down. Sure enough I wore it and got used to it very quickly (within a week).

So if it is too flashy, that is a judgment call only you can make. Most likely you will get used to it and love it even more. But if after a month you still feel like it is "too much" then get the setting changed; don't force yourself to wear a ring you do not 100% love.


Aug 22, 2012
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

Enjoy your ring-what others feel or think is irrelevant. I have a big center stone and when asked "How many carats?" I never have tell anyone as it is none of their business. I try not to answer but if pressed-I say "It is bad luck to disclose size of the stone". If really pressed I then say "Enough to choke a horse!" I love to look at others' jewelery but I do not ask for specifics. I figure it is none of my business.


Feb 12, 2011
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h

You've gotten some really great advice.. I would just echo... wear and enjoy your ring. There are always going to be times when you may not want to wear it or would like to have something more "under-stated" or you should leave it at home. I do this often. I have a plain band (I know not married yet..but in the future) I wear and I also will only wear my eternity bands. It's about balance.

Unfortunately.... people will always be people... we have to take the good with the bad or the nice with the not-so-nice... come up with a few comebacks that make you feel comfortable and start handing them out when those uncomfortabl moments arise!!

Enjoy!!! post pictures... we all want to see your beautiful ring!


Feb 8, 2003
Re: Discomfort because (perfect) ring feels "too flashy"...h


Your ring is new and exciting so you're focusing on it a lot right now. Give it some time and settle in and enjoy it. I think if you're a more modest person, just wearing your ring can provide a nice flash factor without looking overboard.

If you eventually decide that it's still feeling too blingy, you can reset the stone... but give it time! It took me years to figure out what my best size is... the is a small window of comfortable diamond size for me, but it took owning various pieces, and seeing how often I wore them, to determine that window.
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