
Color of his OEC

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Dec 6, 2005
So, my boyfriend and I are *hoping* to get engaged next year. He has inherited a stone from a great aunt that we would like to use. Unfortunately, I do not have pics of it to post right now ( I promise I will if you are interested). I have seen it -- it is an OEC, 1.45 carats, K-L color, VVS2. The cut itself is also beautiful -- some OEC's are kind of "worn" around the edges, and this one is not. It was cut between 1900-1920.

It is a beautiful stone. I was really worried that the color would be, well, yellow-ish, but it faces up very beautifully and white. Funnily enough, another friend of mine who inherited an OEC and said hers was an L showed me her ring, and I thought it looked significantly more yellowish than his.

I am worried, though, that after wearing the ring for a few years, that when I look at it I will only think about the less than ideal color. Although I was thrilled with the color when I looked at the stone face up, when I turned the stone to the side I definitely did see a yellow tint.

This doesn't mean that I don't want to the stone. I love the idea of having an old, antique, family heirloom and I feel so lucky that he has this!!! Also, I love the idea of how much money we are saving so that we can put the money we save towards our first home.

But, just like someone's quote on this board, "It is harder to find a mind-clean stone than an eye-clean stone." I hate the idea that I might one day look at my stone and think, "If only it were a G" or something like that. What I hate even more is that people who know something about diamonds might look at it and think, "It's a tad yellowish" or even worse, say that behind my back!!! (I know people who do this; my sister's friend got a 3 carat pear shaped diamond engagement ring and my sister said, "It's kind of yellow, though." When my sister got engaged, she looked at old diamonds and wanted one, until she "found out that most of them do not have good color." Naturally, I don't want people saying that about my engagement ring.)

I feel guilty and ungrateful about wishing it were a more perfect color. How many other girls would just be thrilled to get a diamond from the guy of their dreams? Ugh.

Any thoughts?


Jul 12, 2004
I have a J OEC..also inherited.. and I believe I have it set with H sidestones.. and honestly.. I can NOT tell the difference. They all look very white to me. I have been told on here.. or somewhere.. that OECs actually HIDE their color very well.. so you can get away with going a little lower color in them. I don''t think you should let the letter bother you if you think the stone looks white to you! My stone is certainly not perfect.. its also SI2, and while it faces up pretty much eye clean.. there is a big ol'' hunk o junk in it that you can see from the side.. That i discovered about a week after I was engaged.. But honestly.. I don''t let it bother me.. Nobody besides me knows it is there.. and I LOVE my ring!
That being said.. some day.. I want my FI to buy me a BIG OLD modern ROCK.. with all the nice specs and stuff. But for now.. I am PERFECTLY thrilled to be wearing my gorgeous OEC. Honestly.. it makes peoples Jaws drop.. because its way more than we ever could have afforded on our own.. All my friends my age have much much smaller diamonds..
AND we just bought a house too.. I think that if he had bought my ring.. we would have been in debt for 7 more years and never been able to buy our house!


Apr 30, 2005
I would love to see pics! I love the cape stones and have a large L which I love but it is a personal thing, they are not for everyone. If this diamond is unset you will see less colour once it is mounted so keep that in mind. It is important to love your e-ring, if you are sure the colour would bother you then maybe it might be best to look for another diamond, but once this is set you might adore it, in a round a K or L is a long way from really yellow to me if well cut, whereas a pear would show more colour. I think maybe give this one a chance, it could be a stunner and very unique. Maybe in years to come if the colour bothers you which it might not, you could upgrade to another diamond and have this one set into a fantastic pendant, just an idea.


May 15, 2005

I love antique diamond rings and I love old cuts. I would be very happy to have that OEC diamond and wear it proud. Even if the color bothers you a little, it has something that many modern rings don''t have (at least yet) and that is a history. It is priceless.

I am not sure why antique diamonds tend to have a lower color grade, but I actually enjoy the "warmer" color of these type diamonds when set in an antique setting. The warmer color (at least I think of it this way) looks ivory or antique white to me, not bright white. Nothing wrong with a tint of color.

I would enjoy the stone/ring. Wear it proud and if it still bothers you years down the road, get a three-stone or something to celebrate being married for a few years (i.e. 5, 10).


Dec 6, 2005
Thank you so much everyone. MelissaSue, I hope one day I am just like you and wearing my OEC and living in my new home with him.

The diamond is set right is in an old platinum setting with 4 marquise sidestones. I would love to show you pictures, but his mom has it in a lockbox.

We have an appt with Leon Mege (another nice thing about inheriting a stone -- you can spend more on the setting!) in January. I hope I can get pictures of the old setting before then and show you all. I might have to twist his arm about it.

You know, it really is a great idea just to appreciate it. I know I will love this piece of jewelry, especially when and if it becomes my own. It''s just a little hard when you don''t get to pick out your own, you know? But now I can daydream of my modern ring that I can ask for as an anniversary present one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oct 14, 2005
Roxy, just my opinion, but I feel that the OECs are in a class by themselves. I liken them to beautiful antique furniture pieces. Oh, the stories they could tell! I think you really can''t put them in the same *slot* as a newly cut white white diamond. They are not the same.

Later, if you choose, you may want to also get a whiter stone. There''s nothing wrong with this and neither is it''s beautiful OEC sister stone that you''ll have already enjoyed. Antique and very very special.


Oct 30, 2005
I think Susi''s totally right. OECs are unique and beautiful in an entirely different way. I''d actually rather have a K colored OEC than an E colored modern brilliant cut. It''s a personal preference, but I think you''re incredible lucky. Consider setting it with six prongs, or a bezel, or halo and you won''t see it through the side as much. You''ll just see the top white gorgeous side of the stone. Make sure to share pics once it''s all done!


Jun 8, 2004
also, in terms of worrying that people will notice the color or talk about it behind your back, I think that if people are aware that it''s an antique and a family heirloom they won''t have anything to say, even if they do notice the color. people are aware that older diamonds are often warmer, and I think most people totally realize that it''s part of their charm. people who appreciate and buy antique diamonds and jewelry totally accept the color as part of the deal (actually, most of them like the warmer color), and antique stones and jewelry are SO popular right now that I think anyone looking at the ring will get it. put it this way, anyone who is totally uneducated about diamonds probably won''t even pick up on the color, and anyone who is educated will know that old cut stones are so stylish and cool, and that they''re almost always warm, so I think you''re covered either way! (especially if you''re very knowledgable about and proud of your ring...if you show it to people and explain that its an OMC, with what that is, and the fact that they''re cut differently and have certain old world charasteristics and charm, why would they feel the urge to think anything negative about it?)

i love those stones!


Nov 18, 2004
I adore OEC'S, and this sounds like a real beauty. A treasure if you will. They have a magic all their own. Give it some time. I had to search the country to find a OEC for my SIL when her's fell out of her ering. It too was a family stone and she was devastated when she lost it. She could have had any stone, but only wanted me to find her an OEC. She asked me to find her one as pretty as the one she lost. Boy was that a challenge. I am happy to say, I found it's twin, at least that's what she says.
HTH. Please post pics, when you get a chance.


Aug 29, 2003
No.... IMO, you have every reason to feel good about your diamond. There's no such thing as 'mind clean' - you need to see some diamonds and get the 'real data' in.

I am not surprised that you found another stone with the same grades looking substantially more colored - it is common and the explanation is somewhere in the cut of the two, I would think. Although these grades are relatively wide ranges and it could also be that yours is indeed whiter.

Any chance to compare the color in yours with some modern fancy cuts, for example?

If you get to see a range of diamonds for reference, you will know more than most people likely to examine your ring. Perhaps jewelers would be able to 'grade' yours on sight later on, but don't count on precision, especially if the setting will not be very open (e.g this is such a closed setting).

The stones does a few things so right, it needs special praise: it came with perfect timing and at the perfect price
Just fit to get itself in the perfect setting ... for everyone to gasp at the perfect ring the diamond has become.
There's so much more about a ring than the color of the main stone - even if it wasn't as good as you describe.

My 2c


Jan 29, 2005
Date: 12/10/2005 9:42:00 PM
Author: valeria101

The stones does a few things so right, it needs special praise: it came with perfect timing and at the perfect price
Just fit to get itself in the perfect setting ... for everyone to gasp at the perfect ring the diamond has become.
There''s so much more about a ring than the color of the main stone - even if it wasn''t as good as you describe.
Ana - as usual - you''ve summed it up perfectly....

You mention that you are worried about people talking about your stone behind your back... Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid such people - the ones who feel it is their mission in life to criticize anything and everything you have or don''t have - not just your engagement ring. They aren''t worth your even worrying about. You are going to have an absolutely stunning engagement ring!!! And a lifetime to fulfill the promise that it symbolizes. Enjoy it.. I can''t wait to see the pictures!


Feb 14, 2005
I too have an OEC that was inherited - you can see it here and in the pic below. It is such a lovely stone - such character and history. The modern cuts just don''t have the same personality. The one I have is somewhere in the K-L color range, and I think it is perfect for what it is. I had recently upgraded my e-ring stone to a D color, so this looked quite different - but it is lovely. From the side it is significantly visible in it''s color, but face up it is a perfect ivory - candlelight - old lace - you get the idea. If the color really worries you, then try to find the perfect setting for the stone, perhaps one that has the stone set a bit deeper into the ring, or at least with a basket to obscure some of the profile view.

This stone is such a treasure - don''t ever let what other people think bother you. This stone deserves to find a special home in a spectacular setting (and believe me, a setting can make ALL the difference!).

I''ve been looking at the Whitehouse Brothers site quite a bit - have you looked there for settings? The pics are all unmounted, so it''s hard to get an idea of how it would look set. Antique Engagement Rings has pics of finished rings, both true antiques and replica settings. This would be a good place to start to look for mounting ideas.



Nov 2, 2005
I''m not an expert at all but if it looks white from the top and yellow from the sides, maybe you could do a halo setting to minimize the color?


Dec 8, 2005
I am worried, though, that after wearing the ring for a few years, that when I look at it I will only think about the less than ideal color [...] I hate the idea that I might one day look at my stone and think, "If only it were a G" or something like that.

On a symbolic level, isn't this what so many people worry about with their partner? And isn't that the challenge of long-term know the flaws, the less-than-ideal parts of who we are with, and yet embrace the whole person?*

I'm a big fan of antique jewelry and cuts for all the reasons others have mentioned. I sense that you do feel priviledged to be part of this OEC's history, and I wonder if you can focus on that even more; perhaps it would wipe away any last vestiges of doubt/insecurity.

Hopefully I won't be kicked off PS for saying that when I set about choosing a ring I wasn't looking for techincal perfection. I knew I couldn't live up to perfection, and frankly had no desire to try; man, if I can act as a "better me" it's a good day! I don't know if this was a result of my age (36), my crotchety nature, or my survival of our mostly DIY budget kitchen reno. [Nothing in diamond ads speaks to the ahem JOY of being sink-free for three months!]

Instead, I looked for a piece that said, "I've been around through good times and bad, and I've come out the other side." Of course the winner happened to be quite beautiful to me, fit the budget (hey, we have two bathrooms that need work!) and IMO look smashing on, so it wasn't all philosophy! (g).

Anyway, just a thought from someone with a small European cut diamond ring who knows you will end up with the best of both worlds--a diamond that makes you part of his family's history in a ring the two of you have made drop-dead gorgeous with your chosen setting!

ps Ecf, that is one amazingly lovely beautiful ring.

*Barring real deal-breakers, of course!


Nov 12, 2004
I''m a little late here, but I agree with everyone else...beautiful antique cut diamonds are in a class by fact a higher class IMO!!

I''d take an old cut stone over a modern RB any day of the week. That it''s a family heirloom makes it even more of a treasure!



Apr 17, 2002
Giving you a family heirloom is a beautiful way for your boyfriend to welcome you into his family. And that sounds like a gorgeous stone! I hope you post pictures soon.

I also wear an heirloom K/L OEC of about the same size, and I love it. I think it's a much prettier stone than my newer-cut F, also inherited. I prefer the setting that the F is in, but I wear the K/L more often because I love the cut so much. There's something uniquely charming about a well-cut OEC.

It's no use worrying about what people say behind your back. No matter what ring you get, someone might say something about it. When someone criticizes your engagement ring, the person to pity is her, not you--she's probably not as happy as she could be, or she would be glad for you instead of critical.

Congratulations on your forthcoming engagement, and may you and your man have many, many years of joy and love together, no matter what ring you wear. (But I hope you wear a ring with that stone, because it sounds so beautiful!)


Dec 6, 2005
THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYONE!!! You all have made me feel so much better. I never was completely fixated on the stats of a diamond (not one to insist on a flawless D) or anything, but when i saw how far down the color scale this ring was, I got freaked out. Now I realize that (i) I will just be lucky to receive a ring from my wonderful bf that is a family heirloom, and (ii) OECs are a different animal and cannot be judged simply by color; every diamond is different and the one I will receive is perfect for me.

ECF -- I have seen your beautiful OEC so many times on this site (have been lurking here for months). I must say that it is my favorite OEC that I have seen on the site!! The fire in the ring is amazing and i love the setting too. Thanks for the links for settings too, because I really need to start braintstorming about what I want before we go to see Leon.

I will definitely post pictures in the future!


Aug 29, 2003
Date: 12/14/2005 9:26:15 AM
Author: roxy7

I really need to start braintstorming about what I want before we go to see Leon.
Aha! Your diamond is a lucky one - up for red carpet treatment

About setting options that would minimize color, I would just ask at Art of Platinum.

As far as I can tell, a setting that does not leave the pavilion in the open would work best, but this could mean allot of things, from halo to lower basket settings or side stones. The settings for which these old cuts were originally meant were like this anyway - the very tall wiry ones are recent.

Just curious... would you hate colored sidestones? I can't think of any better strategy to ward off any comment about the 'color' of the center stone from the worst of snobs.


Dec 6, 2005
Valeria: I am kind of against colored side stones for my engagement ring. I really want the traditional, all-diamond ring.

It''s funny that people suggested a halo because I thought that a halo would make the OEC look more yellow because the halo diamonds would contrast against the other. i really thought that the center stone would look whiter with no halo.

I probably don''t want a halp anyway because my hand is tiny. My fingers are so short and stubby that I really want a delicate ring that doesn''t look too big on me.


Aug 29, 2003
Date: 12/14/2005 11:58:40 AM
Author: roxy7

Valeria: I am kind of against colored side stones for my engagement ring. I really want the traditional, all-diamond ring.

I was also thinking all-diamond (like THIS)... but how traditional this is, is another matter.

It''s funny that people suggested a halo because I thought that a halo would make the OEC look more yellow because the halo diamonds would contrast against the other. i really thought that the center stone would look whiter with no halo.

Good point... the small ones look ''whiter'' than anything though. Because of the size. So... it didn''t cross my mind.

I probably don''t want a halo anyway because my hand is tiny. My fingers are so short and stubby that I really want a delicate ring that doesn''t look too big on me.

Is there a favorite on the Art of Platinum site?
Fingers crossed for the design. Sure enough this will turn memorable - everything from this shop did so far



Dec 6, 2005
Valeria: Here is one of my Leon favorites:

I dream of a ring with this kind of band, but without the halo. Do you think that would look right with an OEC?

I have other favorites on his website, but am having a hard time getting it to link. Also, I clicked on the link that you last posted, but it came up as "page unavailable"


Oct 30, 2005
Actually, I''ve dropped my future OEC into settings like that (without the halo), and the stone just POPS! It really enhances the OEC, IMO. Just a thin line of pave down either side seems to really make a stone jump right out at you...I love that!


Jul 27, 2005
Roxy7- I agree w/ everyone above and also wanted to emphasize to you how honored you should feel to be offered a family stone. My FI surprised me w/ a ring in which the center stone is a transitional brilliant that had been in a necklace of his grandmother''s. I am so honored that his family would allow him to use it for an e-ring for me. It is well cut and has flouresence so it faces up much whiter than it the M that it is.
I admit when learned of it''s color during appraisal I was first upset, then Ted Baer (appraiser) explained how the value of a stone used ot not be based as much on color and the color grading wasn''t the same and that some color was desirable. My stone doesn''t appear dirty or yellow- not all "color" in a stone is yellow- can be greenish etc., and it looks fine w/ the I/J side stones. It is in a basket setting, so not much of the profile is exposed, where color would be more detectable. Also Ted told me that my stone is basically irreplaceable, as they no longer cut diamonds like they used to.

I have had some people say to me that the center stone looks different than the side stones, but they are different cuts and very different sizes and I always explain that the center stone is an heirloom, antique cut etc. and most people "get it." My ring gets far more comments about it''s size and the unique setting- only 2 people have said anything about the stones looking different- not one has ever straight out said anything specifically about color. I don''t know about the OEC your BF has to work w/ but mine "looks" like it weighs more than it does. People never ask what COLOR a stone is, they always ask how big it is!

I have started trying on wedding bands and one person in a jewelry store told me that she thinks that for a while everyone wanted D-F''s but now people are realizing that if you go totally colorless in an e-ring you are then tied to having everything be that high of quality color ($$$) in all other rings (wedding/anniversary bands) so now people are going with "warmer" stones.

I will admit I am psycho about keeping my stone as clean as possible, because the color doesn''t matter at all if the stone is dirty.

Basically it boils down to your personal taste- if prior to learning about the family stone you had your heart set on a 1 ct D-F princess cut stone, than this isn''t the rock for you, but if you can appreciate the personality, character and character of the stone and accept that it''s not a modern stone, then you will definitely be able to love it.


Dec 6, 2005
JDGirl: Thanks for the support. I really hope my stone looks beautiful with a band like that. Obviously, things are subject to change, but I wanted a delicate and detailed setting. I am quite worried about it looking good in the setting, because that will be the one thing attributed completely to my taste (since everyone will know that we re-did the setting). So I want it to be beautiful, and I am quite worried because what if Leon makes the ring and I don''t like it?

DTNYC: Thanks so much to you!! I am so glad that there is someone else who went through exactly what I am. I am so honored to be a part of the tradition of the stone and I wouldn''t want anything else. I was just freaked out about the color. But your stone looks gorgeous!!

The funny thing -- the original "flower" setting of your stone is somewhat similar to the setting my bf inherited. It also is meant to look like a flower -- there are 4 marquise sidestones meant to look like supporting leaves and then the diamond. One of the marquise diamonds is smashed though. He and I were thinking that, since the current setting looks very bad on my hand, we could maybe put a ruby or emerald or other color stone in it one day and give it to one of his sisters as a gift. I guess a lot of the old diamond rings, the true antiques, have that sort of "flower" setting.


Jul 27, 2005
roxy- we could start an heirloom stone support group!
Another thing that I love is knowing that I have something no one else has- your ring will be one of a kind, not something people see in magazine ads, in the mall, etc. Even though so many PSers are into stones that have great specs, there is a big antique cut fan club out there.

Actually the stone in my ring was in a necklace and FI took it out and had setting made for my ring. He & the jeweler worked on it together. I didn''t know he had family stone, but he did tell me he had a "guy" and the guy strongly suggested round. I told him I like traditional, elegant settings- tapered baguettes on the side etc. Well they worked together and the guy sketched out the ring and suggested the 6 sidestones and said it presented the stone as part of a bouquet or something flowery like that and then the jeweler built the setting.
I love it- it doesn''t scream vintage or antique, but it flatters the stone and is very unique- I guess it could pass as an antique setting.

There are still 3 other rounds and 2 baguettes left in the necklace and FI and I are going to take necklace along w/ the YG ring and see if any of the stone match enough to be paired as earrings
. Best part of an heirloom stone is the budget bonus you get that can be used on setting and elsewhere!

Also not to be all goopy- but when my FI proposed (it was a surprise, I knew he had been working/looking at rings, but didn''t have any clue as to details) he said he had something for me, that was from/part of his family and he wanted to give it to me, in anticipation of us becoming/starting a family. It was so sweet and meaningful.


Dec 8, 2005
Even though so many PSers are into stones that have great specs, there is a big antique cut fan club out there.

Me again...just wanted to let folks know some of the fan clubbers are right here on PS (g). In case anyone''s missed it, this thread is getting hot again but could use more more more!

PS thread: Show Me Your Antique Cuts!
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