
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Sep 1, 2008
Your bebe is soooo cute! How exciting!


Sep 21, 2006
taovandel: wow, those are great shots. amazing stuff!

tao & feb: well seems like ortho tri lo isn''t as reliable as other forms of BC. I guess I should look into it b/c we''ve just had a little one and I''m not ready for a surprise right now at least! (although surprises are blessings too :)). Sometimes I''m not as timely as I should be (especially when travelling) and have had the late spotting thing too (which eventually led to normal, but short AF), so I guess I need to keep a closer eye!

feb: those are lines! Maybe your friend was being a debbie downer for other reasons? How''s the DH after a few days have passed?

mandarine: 30wks yay!!!! Is the shower soon?


Jan 20, 2006
Thank you guys!!! I know, 30 weeks is crazy!!!!! So exciting. Now I''m just hoping they stay put for at least another 6 weeks!

Janine, I had my shower and posted a few pics a few weeks ago!!. It was awesome!
. My sister did a great job!

Here is another picture...right after my mom had surprised me by showing up here! (hence the crying face I have!)...with my sister [



Jan 20, 2006
and another one of me & my mom....I love this picture too



Jan 20, 2006
Tao, those are great pictures!!!! What a cutie pie!!!!

Congrats on your 29 weeks!!!!


Mar 22, 2008
Aww, thanks for remembering! Isn''t it crazy how far we''ve come!

I love those pictures of you with your mom--it''s just so sweet! I''d be a mess if I was away from my mom and she surprised me--she''s my rock in life.


Jan 20, 2006
Thanks Tao!!!

I know you''re exactly one week behind me!!!


Sep 21, 2006
Manderine: thanks for sharing the new pictures. You seem to have such a strong bond with your mom and sisters--that''s whyeach shot is full of so much emotion! Your boys are in for a treat and sure to be spoiled by all!


Jan 20, 2006
Thanks Janine!!
Yes, we''re very close! My little sister (well, not so little since she''s 25!) was the only one missing

My older sis (the one in the pic) and I talk on the phone like 6 times a day, it''s a little ridiculous! hehe


Aug 17, 2007
Morning ladies.

Feel like the fog has lifted for just a minute, so going to try to post while I still have some energy. I have to say, I have never been this tired in my entire life!

My birth story isn''t really that "interesting" as I said; I was being a bit sarcastic and trying not to say terribly horribly painful and scare all of you!

Went into the hospital Monday night at around 8:30 pm. I thought they would give me the pill to start softening my cervix, that I would go to sleep, and the pitocin/labor would start in the morning. WRONG! They gave me the pill around 9 or 9:30. First, they put the IV in my arm and started fluids, and hooked up the external monitors for the baby''s heartbeat and my contractions. I also had to have a blood pressure monitor on the entire time, that would go off about every 15 minutes. This would become VERY annoying and difficult once labor progressed.

Gave me the pill, began feeling some contractions, but not painful, more just like medium-bad menstrual cramps. Dozed through them, DH was sleeping as well. Around 11 or so, maybe later, nurse came back in and told me that the baby was not dealing with the contractions very well and his heart rate dropped every time. So they gave me a shot to STOP the contractions. Said they would let me sleep and let body rest, then would start pitocin at 2:45 am and see if he could handle the contractions, but if not, they would stop the pitocin and "see what the dr says". To me, this was code for you are going to have a c-section. The nurse wasn''t very hopeful it would work and I asked her how the pitocin worked without the pill doing it''s job of softening/opening the cervix. She said honestly, it tends to set you up for failure b/c you start having contractions, but don''t progress. But they would try and see. At this point, I am thinking, if I have to have a c-section anyways, I''d rather do it and not have painful pitocin contractions. But I trusted my doctor, so just went with it. And the nurse said they can turn the pitocin off at anytime, which should stop the contractions if necessary.

2:45 am, started pitocin. At first, not too bad, just waves of pressure like you''d imagine. Got through them on my own, with some breathing. DH still sleeping, didn''t really need him at this point. They start the pitocin at 1, then turn it up a level every hour or so. I got to 4 around 6 am. By 6:30 am, I was severely uncomfortable, and needed to not only grab DH''s hand, but the hospital railing and use all of the breathing techniques I could manage to get through the contractions. They started coming right on top of each other, so I wasn''t getting a ton of breaks in between. The nurse offered the epidural, but I was still hoping to avoid it. Let me just say right now, this was STUPID. At least for me! I asked her if they were going to get a ton worse and she said absolutely and soon. I was only at level 4 of the pitocin, and it can go up to 36, though they don''t often need to go that high. I had her check me and I was till completely closed, which meant it was going to be a long long day ahead. She also told me it takes an hour to get the epidural. She told me that pitocin contractions aren''t the same as natural labor, and that they know that lying in a bed is the worst way to endure labor- walking around, squatting on ball, etc, is the most ideal, but unfortunately they can''t allow you to do that when being induced b/c of the monitoring. I asked her if she had many patients that managed to go medicine-free when being induced and she said she had ONE. At this point, being totally closed and in tons of pain, I gave in and asked for the epidural. I really felt bad and like I was giving up too soon. However, by the time the dr came to do the epidural an hour later, I was out of my head trying to get through the contractions on my own, and they were really getting out of my control.

Got the epidural around 7:15 am. DID NOT HURT AT ALL, didn''t even feel it. The IV in my arm hurt way worse. I didn''t get a full epidural, I could still feel my legs and such. I could feel some of the contractions, but it was just like a small feeling of pressure, no pain and SUCH a relief. Nurse checked me around 7:30, and I was 2 cm dilated.

My OB came to check me around 8:30 or 9 am- and I was 9 cm already!
Around 10 or so, could begin to feel the contractions again, but weirdly totally isolated in one spot in my lower left abdomen, and a little bit in my bottom and crotch. It got really intense and they called the epidural guy back (can''t remember how to spell anesthiesiologist , sorry!) to give me a another dose, which totally helped. Now at this point I can feel the contractions as pressure in my bottom and crotch but they aren''t painful per se, just a lot of pressure. The dr offered to give me more medicine to block that, but said it would be harder to push or could take longer. I wanted this over with as soon as possible so I said to leave it.

Began pushing around 11:30. This was by far the hardest part. I had been very scared of labor, but never gave much thought to pushing. First, it farking hurts. Secondly though, and I did not realize this, you have to hold your breath for 10 seconds and push as hard as you can, about 3x, through every contraction. This is completely unnatural to me. In working out, yoga, or getting through labor, you breathe THROUGH the hard part. Well here you have to hold your breath through the hard part. This was extremely difficult for me. Then it got so intense, it was like a freight train was moving through me and I couldn''t stop it and it was hard to get on top of it and control it. You basically can''t, and just have to give in to the pressure and pain and realize your body is doing it''s job.

He came really quickly. The nurse was like, oh god, stop pushing, we have to call the dr. Let me tell you, at that point, NOT pushing is harder than pushing. My eyes are shut tight, which is the only way I can focus, and they are trying to introduce me to the on-call dr in case mine doesn''t get there, and I am like, I DON''T CARE who you are, I DON''T CARE if my dr makes it or not, just somebody get down there and catch this baby. Dr got there, and he came out literally 2 minutes later.

They handed him to me right away- be warned, they are a bit creepy looking. Oliver was kind of gray and slimy, so wrinkly, his skinny arms and legs crossed and he was screaming. Apparently, I said, "Oh, he looks just like Gollum"- which is the creepy creature from Lord of The Rings.
The nurse totally laughed and said I was honest at least, most moms say that the baby is the most beautiful thing they''ve ever seen. They aren''t.

They cleaned him up. Dr stitched me up- I tore b/c he came out so fast. Also delivered the placenta and all that. Btw, I felt all of this. I didn''t care so much about feeling it, but I just wanted to put my legs down and relax, and it was another 45 minutes or so before people stopped messing with me. They gave him back to me- all cleaned up- and we did some skin on skin and tried to breast-feed. I don''t remember if he did it right away or not, but he latched on well at some point that day.

So- recap:

6:30 am- totally closed
7:15 am (post epidural)- 2 cm
9:00 am- 9 cm
12:37 pm- Oliver is born!

Have a bit more, but the bug is stirring, back later!!!!


Dec 16, 2007
Wow China, good for you! Your story sounds a lot like mine. I think the pit was at level 12 or so when I got the epi and it was pretty rough. Strange that they wanted to induce you at night??? Obviously so that the docs would be there in the day to deliver
But that must have been rough without any sleep! Can''t wait to see pictures!


Mar 20, 2003
China, thanks for sharing your story! I think before when I read posters'' birth stories, it seemed very abstract to me, but now that we''ve got less than two months to go and have been taking our childbirth classes, I am grateful to know the details!

Meresal, congratulations!!! I''m glad the in-laws were excited . . . usually they shape up really fast when there''s the prospect of a real, live, cute grandchild on the way!

february, Congrats!!! I can imagine how shocking it would be for you and DH, but I''m sure he''ll come around. My sister is having a surprise #3, and I was a surprise #3, and she said that even though she was so shocked she thought about how our family wouldn''t have been the same without me (aw thanks sis!).

Also, re: coke and caffeine. I used to drink coke too and quit (this was pre-pregnancy). I was explaining to my class one day how I wasn''t myself because of my caffeine withdrawal, and this one boy said he bet it was the sugar I was missing instead. I actually think he was right -- the caffeine in one coke is around 1/4 of what''s in a cup of coffee, so you were at most having 1/2 a cup of coffee a day. But that sugar definitely gives you a pick-me-up. I switched to Honest Tea which has fewer calories and natural cane sugar instead of the high fructose corn syrup in coke (and about the same minimal amount of caffeine), but once I was pregnant it didn''t taste good to me any more. Now I sometimes add a little bit of natural lemonade to my water for a taste of sweet.

Mandarine, ugh, sorry you are not sleeping so well! Does your belly feel heavy when it hangs to the side? Mine is just getting to this point. I''ve been rolling a towel up underneath it for a little extra support.

Yesterday I cleaned the basement, and now everything in the house is organized except the kitchen drawer. I think I need to keep this one spot messy for my sanity -- like as a physical representation of the tiny bit of my personality where I just let loose. The basement was a full day job because it''s really more like a garage: cement floors, and DH''s bike room is in the back, so he wheels his muddy bikes through it regularly. But still we use it as living space so I''m glad it''s clean (for now).


Feb 12, 2006
So I have a question for everyone. A pretty personal one.

I have no sex drive. Haha. Well, that''s not exactly true. But, I haven''t been well in so long that sex is really difficult. During my first trimester it was the last thing on my mind because I seriously couldn''t breathe. I think we did it twice and both of those times I ended up coughing like a nutjob afterwards. Definitely not romantic. And we couldn''t kiss or cuddle because I felt like I was choking constantly.

Now in the second trimester this pass out thing has got me wiped. So wiped! I think about sex and have even had really vivid dreams. But when it comes to the actual deed, it just never seems to work. I''m too exhausted.

So any tips on getting my sex drive back? Pleasing DH in other ways isn''t going to work because I''m still coughing and the gag reflux is on high drive. Sorry, was that TMI? Haha. I just didn''t want anyone to suggest that because it is NOT going to happen. Haha. Help! My poor DH is such a doll, but I know that he must be dying.


Mar 20, 2003
Cello, that''s tough.

There were a few comments regarding "sexy time" starting with Sha''s question on page 723 with some helpful tips for more comfortable/workable positions. If the problem is that you are literally too tired to move, then I think you just need to rest. I''m sure your DH understands.

But if the problem is that being exhausted means that you have a hard time "getting in the mood," then starting with massage, cuddling, candles, etc. can help. And there''s always KY Jelly (why does typing that make me feel like giggling like a school girl?). I''ve lowered my expectations to just needing to be relaxed with the help of the aforementioned lubricant. I''ve accepted that I''m not going to respond the way I do when not pregnant, so my goal is just to get to the point where we can physically do the deed, cherishing the connection and closeness but knowing there won''t be the physical pay-off/fun of non-pregnant sexy time. I''ve had some sex dreams too so the fact that I can''t get there when awake is a bummer, but what can you do?


Feb 12, 2006
thanks phoenix. it''s not a ky issue. and yes, I feel giggly writing that too. it''s a too exhausted to function issue. I know I need to rest, but it''s frustrating because I''m so sick of resting. Ugh! I guess I just really needed someone to tell me to stop trying to do things and rest. Thank you. I''m stubborn as heck and I shouldn''t be worrying about my sex drive. I suck at bedrest! Haha/


Jun 27, 2007
tavo, cute ultrasound pics! How many weeks are you now?

Mandarine, those photos of your sister and your mom are adorable...
Y''all look a lot alike.

cello - yeah, there was a little discussion on ''sexy time'' a while back. I think it''s normal not to have much of a drive - especially cominig closer to the end of your pregnancy. There are so many other things to deal with. I guess it''s also normal to feel somewhat guilty/bad about it, though. I know I still feel that way at time- our sex life is pretty nonexistent right now and it makes me feel neglectful...irrationally or not. My drive has picked up a bit but I''m still unsure about trying new positions, and I think DH is too. Honestly, missionary is his favourite - but it''s pretty uncomfortable right now for obvious reasons. So far he doesn''t seem to bothered by our non-existent sex life but I''m worried that it may grate on him if it continues for 3 more months. And then what happens when the baby is born? I''m sure I won''t feel like having sex then either! I guess pregnancy can be an exercise in patience, in that respect.


Mar 20, 2003
Cello, with the move and bedrest and everything, I really think you just need to take it easy! Heck, I figure that a lot of men would rather take care of their needs on their own than try to get it on with an exhausted, hormonal woman. So really, I bet your DH is hardly thinking about it all. This is just one of those times when you get through the best you can. Take care of yourself and don''t worry about sexy time unless you get your energy back and stop passing out!


Mar 22, 2008
I''m 29 weeks today!! 11 weeks to go---November can''t get here fast enough....


Mar 15, 2005
Cello - I don''t think DH and I have done it since March, before all my exam stress and the IVF crap x2. He''s definitely been taking care of it himself, and strangely hasn''t complained. Now I''m just too scared to go for it. How about reading some trashy Harlequin or other novels with pretty explicit sex scenes? Sad to say, those are definite turn-ons for me. :) And I assume you''ve got two healthy hands to go along with your uninterested mouth?
I should probably think of doing something nice for DH one of these days too...


Mar 22, 2008
My boss and his wife are also expecting a baby. They are exactly 2 months behind me and are also expecting a baby boy. My boss is also practically best friends with my husband and are close friends of mine also (we all work for the same company). Anyways, his sister-in-law is restarting her daycare business and wanted to know if we were interested--as his baby will also be watched by his sister-in-law. I definitely am and it looks like we now finally have daycare set up. But the other news is that he worked it out with my immediate supervisor who does the schedule for me to start working an 8-4 schedule once I''m back from maternity leave (M-F). Currently I work 10-8 p.m. and it can change from any day (M-Saturday, with an occasional Sunday). How great is this new schedule! I''m sooo excited about it and I''m glad I won''t have to worry about putting the burden on one of our parents to watch the baby around our schedule. I do need to work out to see if it would be possible to only have the baby there on certain days as my husband might have a day off during M-F and would be able to be with the baby--or if my sister wanted to watch the baby, etc. I''m hoping it''s not just a set fee for the week but something a bit more lenient. We just found out about this roughly 4 hours ago--so haven''t had the chance yet to work out the tiny details---but it''s nice to finally have something.


Sep 1, 2008
Hello, Ladies

I wanted to somewhat vent here because I have been such a nervous wreck! I am barely 15 weeks along and have taken a lot of tests! I am trying to relax and think positive but I seem to always be on edge. For some reason, while I was at the doctor''s office yesterday I was so scared and nervous that he was going to break out some bad news but he didn''t, he read back that the tests that I took were fine and that everything is great. I took the 2nd round of blood test to test the baby for any genetic conditions and won''t get the results 7-10 days after they have been sent to the lab. Like always, I start to panic and worry and want my baby to be okay.

How did you ladies deal with the nervousness and can you please explain this process to me? This my first baby and I feel so silly worrying and fearing the unknown. Thanks, a bunch!


May 18, 2008
Mt-totally normal. Consider it practice because worrying about your child never really goes away. Hope the results come soon! Where are you from?


Sep 1, 2008
Thanks, fiery!
I am 10 mins. away from Pasadena, Ca.


Nov 14, 2004
Date: 8/27/2009 11:35:41 PM
Author: fiery
Mt-totally normal. Consider it practice because worrying about your child never really goes away.

Ditto. It''s just the beginning. =D

I live pretty close to you. Are you going to Huntington Hospital for the birth?


Mar 20, 2003
Tao, I''m glad you have some good care options lined up. We''re still working on that.

mtjoya, it''s totally normal to be nervous. I have a tendency to not want to take up my doctor''s time, so I don''t always think to ask the questions I have. Maybe if you asked more questions about each round of tests, you''d feel more reassured. It''s most likely standard procedure and nothing to worry about. I know what you mean about the blood tests, though. I really thought I wasn''t nervous at all and I was putting the results out of my mind for my 12 week blood tests. Then I got a message on my cell phone saying, "This is the doctor''s office. Your results are in," and I convinced myself that if the results were ok, they would have said so on the message. My heart started pounding out of my chest, I got the shakes, and I actually used my cell phone during school hours to call back, something I never do. Anyway . . . results were normal!


Aug 16, 2007
Cello, I''m so sorry to hear about all your difficulties. I keep thinking about you, and I really hope the move helps to settle things. Don''t beat yourself up for not having can deal with it. And dr. k had some good advice too!

Congrats Mer! How exciting!

Congrats Feb! Crazy about being on the pill...I truly hope there are no negative affects from it! Hope your husband comes around soon too! How old are your 3 other lo''s?

China, wow! Sounds painful! So how are you feeling these days? Do you have any help at home? Is your dh still home? I remember how hard the first few days are, so I''m definitely thinking of you, but we need pics girl!


Jan 18, 2005
Sabine- Thank you! I have my first appointment today to get bloodwork done and probably get the ultrasound form. My kids are 12 (13 in Nov), 5 (6 in Nov) and 3 (4 in 2 weeks!).

DH is still so mad that he''s not speaking to me
And when he does he''s rude and cold. He''s not being distant because I''m pregnant, but because I don''t agree with how he wants it handled. Emotionally, right now I''m just wiped out.


Jan 29, 2007
Date: 8/27/2009 12:26:36 AM
Author: taovandel
Meresal: My insurance covers the dating u/s (I had one at 10 weeks) and the anatomy scan (20 weeks)--We also had another u/s at 24 weeks to confirm the gender (Which didn''t actually confirm the gender but changed it!). My parents wanted to do an elective 4-d u/s for fun--as they gave us a dvd of the entire u/s set to lullabies and what not. Also in the elective u/s we were able to have a ton of people in the room with us--whereas at the Doctor I could only have 2 other people in the room with us.

Glad to hear that everything went great with the inlaws and keeping my fingers crossed that you enjoy the rest of this pregnancy!

I''m going to try and upload a picture...should be one of the baby smiling...the u/s tech couldn''t get over his cheeks.
That''s the best US pic I''ve ever seen - that baby is so happy!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/28/2009 9:23:04 AM
Author: february2003bride
Sabine- Thank you! I have my first appointment today to get bloodwork done and probably get the ultrasound form. My kids are 12 (13 in Nov), 5 (6 in Nov) and 3 (4 in 2 weeks!).

DH is still so mad that he''s not speaking to me
And when he does he''s rude and cold. He''s not being distant because I''m pregnant, but because I don''t agree with how he wants it handled. Emotionally, right now I''m just wiped out.
Feb I''m so sorry. I hope you both can reach an understanding. Reading between the lines, I can only imagine how hard it must be to disagree about something like that. Is you DH worried about finances? Or is he older and worries that this will be too hard?


Jan 29, 2007
Light brown spotting - freaking out - need advice!!!

Hi guys, I''m 6 and a half weeks along now, and started some light brown spotting yesterday morning (only showing up if I wipe, not enough to stain my underwear). I called the dr. right away, and she said that it can be normal, and since I''m not having any cramping, she thinks everything is fine. Also, they checked my progesterone levels a couple of weeks ago, and they were very high for how far along I am. She said that she has never seen a miscarriage in someone with progesterone levels as high as mine were at the time they were taken. Still, they put me on "full pelvic rest" (no sex or exercise) and as much bed rest as I can manage (I''m a SAHM of a 2 year old with no family or SAH friends in the area). Also, my first ultrasound is scheduled for Monday, so she just told me to sit tight over the weekend and they will check everything out when I come in Monday morning. Of course, she also said that if I started cramping, or the spotting turned to bleeding, to call immediately. Today everything is the same - just very light brown spotting.

I am asking you guys because I''m freaking out - did any of you have any light spotting early in your pregnancy? Did everything turn out OK? When I was pregnant with my first, I never had any spotting at all, and maybe that''s why I''m so freaked out this time.

I would really appreciate any information or anecdotes anyone has to share - thanks!
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