
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Jan 20, 2006
oh Feb...I''m so sorry!
I hope he comes around soon...I imagine that''s very difficult to deal with...

Mtjoya, it''s totally normal to be nervous but it does get better later on in pregnancy (at least it did for me). The first few weeks went by so slowly...and then time starts flying!. I''m still nervous, but I remember very well the anxiety of the first trimester. Mela would always say to picture a happy growing baby(ies) in my belly!. It did help...picture your baby growing strong and happy!!!

Tao, that sounds wonderful about your job! Any news on the glucose test?


I went to breast feeding class. If you''re not planning on attending one...I highly recommend it!. Mine was at the hospital so it gave me a chance to meet the lactation consultant that will most likely help me when the babies are here. I won''t lie, I''m a little overwhelmed now but feel better prepared. I have tons of questions for the instructor but luckily I have ehr email and she said we should contact her if we have any questions (now or 6 months from now!). I think if I just had one baby I wouldn''t be so scared of this...but with two it''s going to be very challenging...I can only do my best but I am committed to trying it!

Other than that I am just psyched the weekend is finally here!. I''m hoping to make it to buy buy baby today or tomorrow to order the glider and get the things that I''m still missing for the boys!.

I''m definitely getting a little antsy knowing that the boys could very well be here in 6 weeks!. I''m hoping we make it as far as we can though

And here is my bump pic!. I took it yesterday since that''s when I "turn" I take my bump pics on Thursdays

I think it''s gotten bigger...but I think it gets bigger every second! lol

ps: sorry, same shorts you''ve seen before and same pose...I''m trying to use similar poses so I can then add the pics to my collage

Photo 14.jpg


Jan 20, 2006

Spotting is never fun and I completely understand why you''re nervous!!!

I had spotting early on, more than once...and know what I have in my belly now (twins!). The Dr thinks the spotting was just due to the increased activity in the womb in those early weeks!.

I never had cramping, but the Dr said the same long as the spotting is not accompanied by cramping/pain then it''s most likely ok.


Jan 29, 2007
Date: 8/28/2009 9:23:04 AM
Author: february2003bride
Sabine- Thank you! I have my first appointment today to get bloodwork done and probably get the ultrasound form. My kids are 12 (13 in Nov), 5 (6 in Nov) and 3 (4 in 2 weeks!).

DH is still so mad that he''s not speaking to me
And when he does he''s rude and cold. He''s not being distant because I''m pregnant, but because I don''t agree with how he wants it handled. Emotionally, right now I''m just wiped out.
February, that has got to be so difficult. I''m so sorry that he hasn''t come around yet. Have you guys maybe considered going to counseling, either with a couples therapist or religious advisor? I don''t know the situation at all, but I know how men can be, and maybe he will start to feel more accepting of the situation if he feels that he''s being "heard" by an impartial third party. Sometimes men can feel out of control when it comes to the reproductive process, and since you guys were using birth control, he may feel upset that things didn''t do according to plan. Maybe once he can vent to someone about things not going the way he wanted, he can start to accept the reality of the situation.

You guys are in my thoughts, I hope that everything works out for you ...


Jan 29, 2007
Thanks Mandarine, it''s nice to hear about spotting that turned out to be nothing.

By the way, you look great - I love your bump! How many weeks are you now?


Sep 1, 2008
Date: 8/28/2009 1:32:03 AM
Author: qtiekiki

Date: 8/27/2009 11:35:41 PM
Author: fiery
Mt-totally normal. Consider it practice because worrying about your child never really goes away.

Ditto. It''s just the beginning. =D

I live pretty close to you. Are you going to Huntington Hospital for the birth?
Hey! Yea, I am having my bebe there!


Sep 1, 2008
Date: 8/28/2009 8:23:19 AM
Author: phoenixgirl
Tao, I''m glad you have some good care options lined up. We''re still working on that.

mtjoya, it''s totally normal to be nervous. I have a tendency to not want to take up my doctor''s time, so I don''t always think to ask the questions I have. Maybe if you asked more questions about each round of tests, you''d feel more reassured. It''s most likely standard procedure and nothing to worry about. I know what you mean about the blood tests, though. I really thought I wasn''t nervous at all and I was putting the results out of my mind for my 12 week blood tests. Then I got a message on my cell phone saying, ''This is the doctor''s office. Your results are in,'' and I convinced myself that if the results were ok, they would have said so on the message. My heart started pounding out of my chest, I got the shakes, and I actually used my cell phone during school hours to call back, something I never do. Anyway . . . results were normal!
Thanks! I know what u mean about the worrying part! I worry about everything! My mom tells me, well don''t worry if they didn''t call. So, when they didn''t then I didn''t worry as much. But, when I went in to the appt. the nurse took me into a small quiet room and I started to freak, then he comes over and tells me we tested you for blah blah ....(scary diseases) and everything is okay...perfectly healthy! I was relieved..I do lead a healthy life, but I guess we do tend to freak out!


Sep 1, 2008
Mandarine- Thanks for the advice, I will think positive and always tell myself and think that I have a healthy beautiful bebe growing inside of me!

Your belly looks soooo cute! Congrats on your twin boys! That must be super exciting! Everyone tells me I am having a girl, I don''t know yet maybe next appt. I am 15 weeks along!


Jan 20, 2006
Thanks Vesper!!! I''m 30 weeks as of yesterday!!!

Thanks mtjoya!...I can''t wait to see what you''re having. Seems like we went through a "boys" wave...maybe now it''s the "girls" wave!!!


Nov 13, 2007
Thank you again everyone for the welcomes and congratulations! We are getting more excited by the day! I find myself constantly googl'ing pictures of embryo's and how far along our little bud is, and what it is developing this week.
Based on LMP, I'm at 6 weeks today and no real signs of "pregnancy" yet. (I don'want to mention tem by name, b/c I'm not sad I don't have them

mt- I'm not as far as you (about half), but I have already started a minor case of anxiety pangs. I hope I can keep it cool, but its hard not to focus how much you want things to be perfect.

China- Thanks for sharing your story. I nver tought I would want toknow the in's and out's, but after reading your story I see it's definitely better to know any and all possibilities.

So, since it's a slow Friday morning at work... I am looking into my company's "Child Care Leave" benefits, and WOW!!! I get the first 12 weeks paid, and then another optional 8 weeks unpaid. For total of 20 weeks!! Is this at all normal?? It seems lke 5 months is alot of time.
Also, it looks like I am also eligible for 3 weeks of STD to run concurrently with the first 3 of my 12 paid weeks of my mernity leave. Is this normal?


Sep 1, 2008
meresal- Congrats on your lil one! It''s exciting and crazy all at the same time! I have shared the news only with loved ones and haven''t told anyone at work, although I am approaching 4 months!
I feel like this baby is my little own secret and it feels so wonderful! Enjoy these moments because they are priceless...I still google to check how the baby is growing hehe!

Mandarine-Yeah, I will let you guys know asap when I find out hopefully next appt!
The Chinese calendar said that I will be having a girl. I conceived in May and I was 25, so we will see!


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 8/28/2009 10:35:34 AM
Author: meresal

So, since it's a slow Friday morning at work... I am looking into my company's 'Child Care Leave' benefits, and WOW!!! I get the first 12 weeks paid, and then another optional 8 weeks unpaid. For total of 20 weeks!! Is this at all normal?? It seems lke 5 months is alot of time.
Also, it looks like I am also eligible for 3 weeks of STD to run concurrently with the first 3 of my 12 paid weeks of my mernity leave. Is this normal?
ETA: 12 weeks of eligible "Short Term Disability"

mt- We have only told DH's family and a few very close friends. We are telling my parents next weekend when we see them in person. For me, it is so hard not sharing the news!!


Aug 23, 2005
vesper - i had the same issue early on.... twice... both after working out. but everything was normal and fine... the drs. tend to get concerned with bright red spotting BUT, that said, they had me come in both times for an u/s just to make sure everything was ok (it was). i'm surprised your dr. isn't having you come in.. my dr. said they have the patient come in for peace of mind... you could always call and ask to be checked out.

china!!!!! GIRL!!! i've been waiting for your story! can i just tell you how much i love your gollum comment! and it IS true... babies right-out-the-womb are a little ... well... different looking ;-) plus, i have always thought that baby boys look much more like old men when they are born while baby girls look so 'angelic'... it sounds like your labor, while not pain-free,
was manageable, which is always nice to hear... i also love that you probably only pushed for, 1/2 hour or so? maybe less? for some reason i am most worried about the pushing part. interesting about holding your breath.. can't wait to see some pictures! congratulations again!!! i'd love to hear how the first week PP has gone for you..

hello to all of the newly preggo ladies!
- congratulations!!!

feb - i'm so sorry you have to deal with this part by yourself. it's no fun to feel 'responsible' for the situation (even tho it takes 2 to tango
- (((hugs))) when does your husband get home? i'm sure it's hard to digest long distance.

mandy - cute bump!!!! you look perfectly perfect! and love your jeans btw.

i feel like i'm forgetting a thousand other people. this week has been a little nuts at work, and doesn't look like it's going to slow down until after baby comes. i'm trying to stay calm and chill as not to pass any bad mojo onto the babe, but it gets hard

on a slightly more exciting note, DH and i are going 'home' this weekend for a baby shower. DH was so cute the other night... i think he got a little antsy thinking about baby so he went ahead and put together all of the gear we have (stored neatly, until now, in the basement). which i thought was funny b/c some of it we won't need for months and months.. anyhoo i get home from work and he leads me to the basement to 'show me' what he's been up to.... and then proceeds to give me a tutorial on how everything works/folds down/etc. me thinks soooommeooooone is getting excited for baby
- he's actually voluntarily putting his hand on my belly at night to feel the nugget move around.... sunkist, there is hope

oh, on the sexy time front.... yeah, being tired all of the time has got to be hard. and then the stress that you are not doing 'other things' on top of the stress of moving and not working, oh and MAKING A BABY ... i think maybe just a little sit down with DH to tell him you feel bad, but just don't have the energy.. maybe the two of you can come up with a solution that makes both of you feel better?

i'm off to the bathroom to take my weekly classy picture ;-)


Sep 1, 2008
meresal-I understand how hard it is not to say anything. I work with alot of gossipy chatty jealous female co-workers. The other day a co-worker got upset because I didn''t tell her that I was getting married! I was like ok...she never tells me anything, (private life) invites me to her daughter''s bday parties and so forth. I feel that I should only share this wonderful news to the people that will wish me well and that love me.

Your parents are going to be thrilled!


Jan 18, 2005
Vesper- I had 4 episodes of brown/pink/red bleeding during my first trimesters with DS#2. Each time I was rushed into my OB''s office for an internal and then sent to get a u/s, Each time everything was fine! A lot of my friends have had bleeding episodes in pregnancy and everything was usually fine. Get lots of rest and let us know how you are doing and how your u/s goes!!


Mar 20, 2003
Vesper, I''m no expert or doctor, but in my mind *brown* spotting (especially a very tiny amount) should not be too worrisome because whatever was bleeding a tiny bit has obviously stopped. Red spotting would worry me more.

February, oh my. That would be a big decision, one you both need to be on board with. I''m sure he''s just emotionally overwhelmed but the silent treatment is no way to reach an adult decision together about something this important. Best wishes whatever you two decide to do.

I overdid it on my walk today.
I thought I would be ok because it''s cloudy and only a high in the low 80s although it is quite humid. I always take 24 oz. of icy water and have been taking my cell phone for a few weeks now, so at least I had those things. Around 20 minutes in, I had to pee really badly and considered popping behind somebody''s bushes or using this port-o-potty at a construction site (until a guy came out of it looking disgusted and carrying his own toilet paper). It took another 20 minutes to reach a coffee shop where I finally got to go. Then as I was heading home I started to slow down and feel sluggish. I quickly realized I was getting dehydrated (probably because I wasn''t drinking as much as usual because of the need to pee) and guzzled my water, but I started to get more and more lightheaded. About 5 blocks from home I sat on a bench, started seeing the floating thingies you see before passing out, and thought about calling DH or a neighbor to come get me, but I felt like my chances of passing out/getting worse were just as good if I were walking slowly home for 5-10 minutes as if I were just sitting there wondering when my help would show up.

So I made it home and immediately guzzled/scarfed down some lemonade, a banana, a yoghurt, a granola bar, and some cashews. I think my blood sugar is almost back to normal now (an hour later) and baby is giving me some reassuring kicks. All at the same time I''m glad I made it home ok, mad at myself for letting this happen, and confused about where exactly I went wrong. On top of the dehydration, I had eaten two hours before and probably would have been better off with more food in my stomach before I left. DH has these gel things he consumes during bike races; maybe I can travel with one of those from now on.


Jun 26, 2006
Here is my contribution to BPF. I am 28 weeks and still feeling pretty good.



Jan 18, 2005
Mandarine, Vesper and Dreamer- DH is 41, and IMO not too old for this
and I''m 32. For DH, it comes down to money and time. He hates his current position (software development) and now feels like he really can''t leave if we have another baby (which I disagree with. He certainly CAN leave for another position with another company) and we''ve had to help my parents financially due to them loaning my older brother their entire retirement. My brother was suppose to have paid them back by now (he''s in real estate) but now it looks like he may never pay them back.
so DH is thinking of the money that we may never see ourselves, since my parents won''t be able to pay us back, and what we may have to help out in the future with.

As for time, DH is a very hands on and amazing dad. When he''s not working, we''re always doing something fun with the kids. He worries that now there will be even less time for the kids individually, that they''ll miss out in someway. And he feels that he just cannot handle another baby period. Honestly, he works long hours and travels so it''s actually me doing 99% of the day to day stuff. I feel like if I can make it work, so can he. The ironic thing is, we were trying for a 4th baby last spring, but this thing with my parents happened, and DH started to really loathe his job, so we stopped amd decided that another baby wasn''t in the cards for us and to be happy and complete with our 3. The plan was for me to be on the pill while DH got a vasectomy. He never made the appointment and I don''t know what happened with my pills.

DH did say last night that he will jsut have to accept that we''re having a 4th and eventually be happy. DS#2 was a surprise and DH was not happy the whole 9 months. The minute DS was born, he had DH wrapped around his finger. They have such an amazing bond and DS is a total daddy''s boy! So I''m hoping (no, I know) that the same thing will happen. I just don''t want the same tension that we had with my last pregnancy, especially since everything worked out.

DH refuses to go to counseling because he says he doesn''t have the time. I''m pushing for it though.


Aug 23, 2005
viz 32 weeks - over and out ;-)



Jan 29, 2007
Date: 8/28/2009 11:39:34 AM
Author: february2003bride
Mandarine, Vesper and Dreamer- DH is 41, and IMO not too old for this
and I''m 32. For DH, it comes down to money and time. He hates his current position (software development) and now feels like he really can''t leave if we have another baby (which I disagree with. He certainly CAN leave for another position with another company) and we''ve had to help my parents financially due to them loaning my older brother their entire retirement. My brother was suppose to have paid them back by now (he''s in real estate) but now it looks like he may never pay them back.
so DH is thinking of the money that we may never see ourselves, since my parents won''t be able to pay us back, and what we may have to help out in the future with.

As for time, DH is a very hands on and amazing dad. When he''s not working, we''re always doing something fun with the kids. He worries that now there will be even less time for the kids individually, that they''ll miss out in someway. And he feels that he just cannot handle another baby period. Honestly, he works long hours and travels so it''s actually me doing 99% of the day to day stuff. I feel like if I can make it work, so can he. The ironic thing is, we were trying for a 4th baby last spring, but this thing with my parents happened, and DH started to really loathe his job, so we stopped amd decided that another baby wasn''t in the cards for us and to be happy and complete with our 3. The plan was for me to be on the pill while DH got a vasectomy. He never made the appointment and I don''t know what happened with my pills.

DH did say last night that he will jsut have to accept that we''re having a 4th and eventually be happy. DS#2 was a surprise and DH was not happy the whole 9 months. The minute DS was born, he had DH wrapped around his finger. They have such an amazing bond and DS is a total daddy''s boy! So I''m hoping (no, I know) that the same thing will happen. I just don''t want the same tension that we had with my last pregnancy, especially since everything worked out.

DH refuses to go to counseling because he says he doesn''t have the time. I''m pushing for it though.
Feb, I''m so glad to hear that he''s coming around. It sounds like you guys have a lot of stress right now, especially with the family/money situation, but it sounds like your husband is a great dad who will soon be excited about this baby. I can understand how anyone with that much on their plate would be a little freaked out at the thought of an unexpected pregnancy.


Jan 20, 2006
Viz and Nov, you guys look so cute!!!!!!

It''s funny there is exactly 2 weeks in between me and each of you
You both look great!

Viz, love the cardigan!!!!!!!.

Feb, it does sound like there is a lot going on...but he will come around!....I just hope it''s sooner rather than later because you deserve to feel happy and enjoy the little miracle inside of you!


Jan 29, 2007
Date: 8/28/2009 11:15:40 AM
Author: vizsla
vesper - i had the same issue early on.... twice... both after working out. but everything was normal and fine... the drs. tend to get concerned with bright red spotting BUT, that said, they had me come in both times for an u/s just to make sure everything was ok (it was). i''m surprised your dr. isn''t having you come in.. my dr. said they have the patient come in for peace of mind... you could always call and ask to be checked out.
Hey Vizsla, thanks for letting me know your story - I''m definitely feeling better now. I''ve actually noticed that finally, after a day and a half, I can barely see the spotting anymore, so hopefully it''s almost past now.

I actually am going to start seeing another OB in a week and a half - just in time for my first 8 week appointment. I had a great dr. deliver my first baby, but we were living in a different town at the time, and the only hospital his practice delivers at is pretty far from our new house. So, I decided to find a new OB when we moved to our new house a couple of years ago. This one I''ve been seeing is OK for a yearly pap and stuff, but when I was trying to conceive and finally got pregnant, they have been a nightmare. It takes forever to get in, and the staff is always saying that the doctors took more new patients than they can handle, and that''s why it''s impossible to get in to see anyone. The staff also NEVER calls with test results, and it''s hard to get a nurse to call you back if you have a question. They either shouldn''t have taken on more patients than they could handle, or they should hire another doctor ...

Anyway, several friends of mine who just had babies recommended a great dr. & practice to me that I''m really excited to go see. After reading tons of reviews on this dr., he is considered one of the best OBs in our area, and the other drs. in the practice are also excellent. Plus, they deliver at the best maternity hospital in our area. I''m really excited to start with this new practice - just another week and a half!

I have several friends in my town who go to the mediocre doctors I''m going to now, but they have had all of their kids delivered by these people, so they think that it''s normal to have to wait 5 weeks for test results or for nurses to never call you back. After that great dr. that delivered my first baby, I guess I''m just spoiled, but I''m so relieved that I''ll finally be seeing a doctor with an excellent reputation again.


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 8/28/2009 12:16:34 PM
Author: Mandarine
Viz and Nov, you guys look so cute!!!!!!

It''s funny there is exactly 2 weeks in between me and each of you
You both look great!

Viz, love the cardigan!!!!!!!.

Feb, it does sound like there is a lot going on...but he will come around!....I just hope it''s sooner rather than later because you deserve to feel happy and enjoy the little miracle inside of you!
Ditto and ditto! Too cute!

Feb- I''m glad to hear that DH is warming up. I can understand the initial shock, especially with the money situation. Sounds like he is starting to come around though

Vesper- Congrats on finding a new doctor. Seems like these days all the really good ones aren''t taking new patients, that''s a great find!! I don''t think I could handle 5 weeks for test results especially if it is the first pregnancy.


Aug 23, 2005
vesper - yeah.. it took about 2 days and then stopped completely... the second time my dr. put me on ''no sexy time'' for 2 weeks... but again, it tuned out to be nothing... there is a lot going on down there and i just chalked it up to that. i wouldn''t be worried (easier said than done, right?) but i''m so super glad you are seeing a great dr. i think they can make or break a your PG experience. i go to a WONDERFUL midwife/dr. practice and i thank my lucky stars that i have a good group of people.

p.s. the cardigan is an old navy maternity super sale item... i hate to ''invest'' in this body :) that said, i need some new pants BADLY.. i''m wearing my leggings to death (thank gawd they are in style) but i think i need one more pair of pants to get me thru the next 6-8 weeks. but it''s soooo hard to find LONG pants that aren''t a million dollars..... the search continues ;-)

have a good weekend ladies!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, gals. I am posting my 18 week pic. I think I have popped out slightly since I last posted my 15 week pic. I am wearing the same outfit to try to compare. Hope everyone is having a great day!



Mar 22, 2008
Still no word on the glucola test---we went to call the lab but their little automated voice mail said that it can take 1 week. So we are going to wait until Monday and then we will call. I''m figuring no news is good news and going with that.

Everyone looks fantastic!


Mar 16, 2005
Nov and Viz, you guys look great!


Jan 18, 2005
Can anyone tell me about hcg levels? During my exam today my OB said that I was having some spotting. Right now I''m having some cramping and brown spotting. The nurse just called me and said my beta level was 51. They want me to repeat it on Tuesday but they think i''m going to miscarry


Mar 20, 2003
Oh Feb, I'm so sorry. I hope that's not what it is.

I don't know anything about HCG levels, but how far along are you? That might help the ladies in the know.

Sending dust your way . . . and hugs . . .


Mar 22, 2008
Feb: I''m so sorry! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.... Here is a chart I found with some hcg levels on them....


Jan 29, 2007
February, I''m so sorry, I hope that''s not what''s happening. Please let us know how you are doing, and I hope that everything turns out OK for you ...
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