
Bridal Weight Loss Thread

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My goal is to lose 25 pounds by the new year (01/01/2014) with mini goals along the way.

09/21/13 Start/ day we got engaged
10/12/13 Got my planner to help -04 pounds
10/27/13 -11 pounds
11/02/13 Friends engagement dinner, goal: -13 pounds -12.6 pounds
11/09/13 Fam. engagement dinner, goal: -15 pounds
11/16/13 goal: -17 pounds
11/30/13 Thanksgiving weekend
12/13/13 4th Anniversary! goal: 20-25 pounds
12/23/13 Christmas-time! Hope to give him something sexy this year
12/31/13 NYE!! goal: 25-28 pounds
03/20/14 Spring Break + Dress Shopping! goal: 35 pounds

Update: Didn't reach my goal completely, but I am in that week prior to Uncle Tom's visit. But I'm happy I reached my goal pretty darn close! SO can tell a difference already. I was trying on dresses for him yesterday, and he mentioned that it's obvious in my back-fat area.. you know, where it folds if you're overweight? I can see it too ::) I also went shopping with him yesterday, and grabbed my usual size L at H&M for this super cute dress. It was loose-ish around the mid-section, and would require a belt to make it really cinch my waist. So SO grabbed a M for me :!: It fit so much better around the waist area, but it was wayyyyy too short, so I bought the L anyway. It did give me a rather large confidence boost!! ::)
maple2012|1383361106|3548939 said:
Madelise... we have very similar goals!!! My goal is to lose 35 pounds by March 1st (4 months from now) too when I go dress shopping, and THEN an additional 20 pounds by August 1st. That would be 3 months before the wedding AND that's when I plan to do engagement photos and alterations for the wedding dress.

Today is November 1st - officially one year before the wedding and my official diet and exercise plan starts today. I've managed to lose 15 pounds already from my highest wait but I've kind of been a slacker about it and it took me much longer than it should have.

I use to be very thin and healthy in college but 5 years ago hurt my back and could barely walk for about 3 years. That combined with a horrid desk job that kept me sitting for 10 hours a day led to heavy weight gain but I'm determined to lose it all now that my back is better and I can start exercising again!

Ooh we should def keep each other accountable! :wavey: I'm not setting any goals past March since I know everything in the future is arbitrary considering current progress. I might even have to alter next month's goals since I didn't quite reach my own goal for today. That 0.6 pounds behind means about 3-4 days added on to everything else! And.. I tend to plateau. I'm assuming it will come sometime in December. Yikes!

365 days til your wedding, how very exciting!!
I hope I behave tonight at our engagement dinner with friends tonight! Yikes. It's always hard when other people are eating fun stuff!
09/21/13 Start/ day we got engaged
10/12/13 Got my planner to help -04 pounds
10/27/13 -11 pounds
11/02/13 Friends engagement dinner, goal: -13 pounds -12.6 pounds
11/09/13 Fam. engagement dinner, goal: -15 pounds -13 pounds
11/16/13 goal: -15 pounds
11/23/13 FBIL's Islamic marriage ceremony, goal: -17 pounds
11/30/13 Thanksgiving weekend, goal: no gaining.
12/13/13 4th Anniversary! goal: 20-25 pounds
12/23/13 Christmas-time! Hope to give him something sexy this year
12/31/13 NYE!! goal: 25-28 pounds
03/20/14 Spring Break + Dress Shopping! goal: 35 pounds

Update: Yuck, the last two weeks were so slow! I had been so used to seeing about .2 pounds drop per day on the scale, and now it's slowing right on down. It doesn't help that Uncle Tom is late, and that I had spent last night celebrating with FBIL and his new wife. I ate a lot of yummy Persian food and had more than a few drinks. Hellooooo weight gain! Tonight is my own engagement dinner with our families, but hopefully I won't do too much damage since there's no alcohol and we're eating at a vegetarian restaurant :)) I have to edit that 11/16 goal since there's no way I can lose 4 pounds in 1 week!! And the week after is FBIL's Islamic marriage ceremony, where I'll be meeting a lot of FI's family for the first time.. gotta stay focused!!
Slow weight loss is good! Keep up the great tracking and adjust goals as needed!

So after having lost a bit of weight, I gained it all back and then some with the bad eating (no time to cook due to school and sick DH) and lots of stress plus no exercise.

I'm trying to get back on track but am having a hard time losing in a healthy way. DH is back to work (despite still being in lots of pain with his doctors saying "Don't work!!!") since the disability insurance denied again. After several months of no pay, things are a bit tight financially. We've been making due with what was in the house plus very little extra (which isn't too bad since I like to stock for a month or two in case of snow/ice).
I've been watching "A" very carefully to make sure her food is balanced and enough calories to keep her steady (and gain a little) and watching DH carefully so he stays healthy.... but I've sort of been so busy cooking meals (4+ hours per day...) that I've forgotten to watch myself.
I need to fix that. It is not healthy for me to be eating 400-800 calories per day for this long.

So... even though I'm dropping fast, my goal this week is to lose less weight than I did this last week.

11/1 -- 206.8
11/8 -- 199.0

goal for 11/15: 197
Yeesh, TP! Congrats on the weight loss, but :errrr: I agree! Too fast isn't any good. I do the same thing as you; I get super busy and forget to eat myself. FI and my BFF say that's the reason why I balloon by eating a peanut; I gain weight from just smelling cake! I'd forget to eat ALL day, starve, then go to sleep because I'm lethargic… next day, I'm so hungry that I go out and binge eat junk food or whatever I crave, and eat MORE calories than I should for days!! lol. So to get my metabolism up to a closer-to-normal range (and to avoid binge eating), I'm now aiming to eat once every 2 hours. I set alarms on my phone to remind myself. It's still not perfect, since I am often busy when the alarm goes off.. but still, it's better than nothing. My BFF also makes little zip lock bag Snack Packs for me. 1 greek yogurt for breakfast, 1 smaller ziplock baggie with baby carrots, 1 small ziplock baggie of trail mix, and 1 large apple. This leaves me at "only" another 600 calories to be held accountable for the day, so I get an El Pollo Loco Pollo Bowl and split it for around 3-4PM, then again around 7-8PM. If I order it with no rice, I let myself order 2 bowls.. but quite honestly, I can't finish them, so I prefer to just split 1 and enjoy some rice.

If I owned a kitchen (I live in a bedroom and store my stuff in a mini-fridge), I'd meal prep. What about doing that for yourself? And doing a little snack-pack thingy like I do? Once a week, you grill chicken breast or cook fish or something, make asparagus, quinoa, whatever you want… and make yourself your lunch and dinners for the whole week? It gets tiring to eat the same thing daily, but you can change it up on a weekly basis?

I see people on my Facebook and Instagram do this and I'm very jealous. It keeps you accountable for what you eat, and it saves soooo much time since you're only cooking in 1 marathon maybe 4-hour cooking spree instead of cooking for 1 hour a day, 7 days.
madelise|1384073119|3553726 said:
Yeesh, TP! Congrats on the weight loss, but :errrr: I agree! Too fast isn't any good. I do the same thing as you; I get super busy and forget to eat myself. FI and my BFF say that's the reason why I balloon by eating a peanut; I gain weight from just smelling cake! I'd forget to eat ALL day, starve, then go to sleep because I'm lethargic… next day, I'm so hungry that I go out and binge eat junk food or whatever I crave, and eat MORE calories than I should for days!! lol. So to get my metabolism up to a closer-to-normal range (and to avoid binge eating), I'm now aiming to eat once every 2 hours. I set alarms on my phone to remind myself. It's still not perfect, since I am often busy when the alarm goes off.. but still, it's better than nothing. My BFF also makes little zip lock bag Snack Packs for me. 1 greek yogurt for breakfast, 1 smaller ziplock baggie with baby carrots, 1 small ziplock baggie of trail mix, and 1 large apple. This leaves me at "only" another 600 calories to be held accountable for the day, so I get an El Pollo Loco Pollo Bowl and split it for around 3-4PM, then again around 7-8PM. If I order it with no rice, I let myself order 2 bowls.. but quite honestly, I can't finish them, so I prefer to just split 1 and enjoy some rice.

If I owned a kitchen (I live in a bedroom and store my stuff in a mini-fridge), I'd meal prep. What about doing that for yourself? And doing a little snack-pack thingy like I do? Once a week, you grill chicken breast or cook fish or something, make asparagus, quinoa, whatever you want… and make yourself your lunch and dinners for the whole week? It gets tiring to eat the same thing daily, but you can change it up on a weekly basis?

I see people on my Facebook and Instagram do this and I'm very jealous. It keeps you accountable for what you eat, and it saves soooo much time since you're only cooking in 1 marathon maybe 4-hour cooking spree instead of cooking for 1 hour a day, 7 days.

I've done better the last couple of days. Actually up a bit to 199.8 today.

It is so easy to get busy and forget to have meals :nono: I guess I'm lucky that I haven't been feeling hungry at all so no binge issues. I've actually been fuller with less at meals!

My solution the last couple of days has been to just cook a bit of extra each morning when I get breakfast ready for "A" and then I can have some breakfast while she's eating hers. Same with when I deal with lunch for DH.

I have snack-pack things ready in the cupboard. I'll have to munch one on the days I find I've skipped a meal.

Cooking in large quantity is great!
I've been doing a big pot of soup on Sunday and also a pot of chicken stock (used as a base for soup later in the week plus great to add some nutrients when cooking rice). Some days I'll even roast some squashes so they are ready to turn into soup or whatever later in the week.
Today I've got a big pot of split pea going along with prepping the beans for tomorrow's dinner (once beans are prepped it only takes about 20 minutes and makes enough for 3 nights) plus the chicken stock and two pumpkins.

Menu currently looks something like this (toss in fresh baked bread and some fruits):

Sunday: eggs & toast
leftover cornbread stuffing & chicken
lentil soup (with chicken stock base & lots of veggies)
Monday: steel cut oatmeal
split pea soup (with chicken stock, carrots, celery)
Tuscan cannellini beans (beans, tomatoes, turkey sausage, fresh herbs)
Tuesday: eggs & toast
split pea
cannellini beans
Wednesday: oatmeal
split pea
chicken & rice (with veggies)
Thursday: eggs & toast
split pea
cannellini beans
Friday: oatmeal
split pea
Stuffed chickens roasted with spiced rice & green beans.
Hi TP, how has the last week been? Have you been remembering to eat :) I've been out of state for a conference, and my eating has been all whack. I had to had to treat myself to some tourist-y foods that are bad for me. The conference location also only had overpriced crap. Boo :/

Good news: didn't gain weight.
Bad news: didn't lose.

7 more days until my next check-in. These last few weeks have been duds. I'm hoping I have a good upcoming one, weight-loss wise!
Highest weight: 189.0 (3/11/2013)
Goal: 135.0

7/8/2013: 162.8
7/15/2013: 158.8
7/22/2013: 157.0
7/29/2013: 156.2
8/2/2013: 153.4
8/9/2013: 151.8
8/16/2013: 151.6
8/23/2013: Engagement Weekend! Skip!
8/30/2013: 150.4
9/6/2013: 150.4
9/13/2013: 149.4
9/20/2013: 149.0
9/27/2013: 149.0

Okay. Back on the band wagon! I need to stay on track during the holidays and I have 291 days until wedding dress time. :naughty:
11/15/2013: 152.4

Total pounds lost so far: 36.6 lbs.
Total left to goal: 17.4 lbs.

Weigh in every Friday!
Ok sorry I haven't been posting! Grad school and dog obedience classes along with work keep me really busy.

10/26/13-153.2 (last time I posted)
11/9/13- 156.0
11/16/13- 156.0

So, I've gained a couple pounds. I haven't been walking as much as before since it gets dark so early now and it's cold. I need to get back into it though and just buy some reflective clothing. I know my pup would appreciate the walks as well.

Keep up the good work everyone!!
joining you all here! :wavey: likely in lurk mode, but here!
-15.6! Phew the scale FINALLY moved. FI also gave me a present this week to help me out: a new accurate digital scale! My previous one would give me different readings each time, so for consistency, I'd always take the highest #. Turns out that I was correct to do that.. Even the highest number was 0.6 lb less than the accurate reading! Yay for reliability and consistency!

It really did hurt my feelings those mornings that I'd weigh myself thinking I lost a pound.. To only weigh myself again and see that I hadn't! Lol!! Or worse, I gained!

I'm so happy (:
09/21/13 Start/ day we got engaged
10/12/13 Got my planner to help -04 pounds
10/27/13 -11 pounds
11/02/13 Friends engagement dinner, goal: -13 pounds -12.6 pounds
11/09/13 Fam. engagement dinner, goal: -15 pounds -13 pounds
11/16/13 goal: -15 pounds -13 pounds
11/23/13 FBIL's Islamic marriage ceremony, goal: -17 pounds -15.6 pounds
11/30/13 Thanksgiving weekend, goal: -17 pounds
12/13/13 4th Anniversary! goal: -21 pounds (pre-undergrad weight)
12/23/13 Christmas-time! Hope to give him something sexy this year
12/31/13 NYE!! goal: -25 pounds
03/20/14 Spring Break + Dress Shopping! goal: 35 pounds

Finally got to get some internet on my computer to update this list as well as alter some goals. Altered it so that I actually have a goal for loss not just maintenance during the Thanksgiving week since my last few weeks were stalled. Also updated to have a goal weight loss of -21 lb for our anniversary since that amount will officially undo 2.5 years' worth of damage. It's how much I weighed when I started my undergraduate studies (junior and senior years). Woot woot!!
09/21/13 Start/ day we got engaged
10/12/13 Got my planner to help -04 pounds
10/27/13 -11 pounds
11/02/13 Friends engagement dinner, goal: -13 pounds -12.6 pounds
11/09/13 Fam. engagement dinner, goal: -15 pounds -13 pounds
11/16/13 goal: -15 pounds -13 pounds
11/23/13 FBIL's Islamic marriage ceremony, goal: -17 pounds -15.6 pounds
11/28/13 Thanksgiving weekend, goal: -17 pounds -17.2 pounds
12/13/13 4th Anniversary! goal: -21 pounds (pre-undergrad weight)
12/23/13 Christmas-time! Hope to give him something sexy this year
12/31/13 NYE!! goal: -25 pounds
03/20/14 Spring Break + Dress Shopping! goal: 35 pounds

I cheated.. I weighed myself before Thanksgiving.
I did lose. I just.. am not sure.. if I gained after those meals. :eek:
I updated the date to reflect that. Yikes!!! I don't think I want to step on a scale for a week.

I wanted to go Black Friday shopping for new clothes since my jeans are falling off and my dresses are starting to look frumpy on me.. but FI nixed that idea. He says to give it 10 more pounds before we revamp my wardrobe with a temporary set of outfits as to avoid buying too many temporary clothing. I have my eyes on the single digit dress sizes!!
Yay Madelise :appl:

Great progress! Awesome you've got a supportive FI :appl:

Re: clothes -- do you have a Kohls or something like it around you? Maybe you could get a pair of jeans or two on clearance now and then go in another 10 pounds for more wardrobe refreshing. I understand not wanting to spend a bunch of money now on clothes that won't fit right in another month, but I also get how uncomfortable it is to wear stuff that really doesn't fit. I've been trying to buy a couple of sweaters or a pair of pants every so often so it is small amounts of money but I've always got at least a couple of things that fit me pretty well. (Love Kohls for that! I was able to get a new pair of jeans for $6)
Feeling a tad sad. :(( I weighed myself right before I left to California for thanksgiving week and I was officially down 20 pounds total, a week and a half later after the holiday and too many dinners out with friends and family and I was up 4 pounds! I was so upset I started crying. Poor SO could only comfort me and tell me he loved me no mater how much I weighed. :blackeye:

Granted that I do think some of that was water retention from my monthly friend... but I'm sure some wasn't.

Back on track today with the diet and my next weigh in is Saturday after my monthly friend leaves so it don't throw my numbers off again. Fingers crossed I have a successful diet and exercise week... and that I stay focused!
Don't beat yourself up maple -- holidays suck. Recognizing it and getting back on track is all you can do. I stepped on the scale this morning after 1 month and 2 days of being married, a honeymoon, baby shower (for my sister), two Thanksgivings + zillions of leftovers and my birthday, and I'm exactly 10 lbs higher than wedding weight (now 163 from 153...). Yeah...I'm back on my diet plan today.
Hey guys mind if I join in??

My wedding date is 27th sept 14 and I need something to keep me accountable and kick myself into gear!
Rebecca0388|1386252934|3568075 said:
Hey guys mind if I join in??

My wedding date is 27th sept 14 and I need something to keep me accountable and kick myself into gear!

Hi :wavey:


Hop on in!

For great random talking and wedding planning stuff, you should also check out the "Getting lost in stupid stuff" thread.
Thanks :) I will come back tomorrow with my first official weigh in.

This is exactly what I need!
First weighed in on Saturday and starting today I'm using myfitnesspal.

7/12/2013 - 176.80
I'm up to 202.6 after going down so quickly. Thanksgiving and taking the time to remember to eat seems to have over-corrected the dropping weight.

Back at it. Hopefully I'll find that healthy medium where I'm losing at a slow but steady pace!
Stayed the same this week

7/12/2013 - 176.8
14/12/2013 - 176.8
Hi Ladies!

Losing weight during the holidays when it's freezing outside is so difficult. I have not lost any weight since thanksgiving but so glad I didn't gain anything with all the awful food I ate! This is my first weigh in on this thread! I had a more aggressive goal previously but seeing how I am super busy at work, have limited time to exercise, and it's the holidays and my birthday (as well as a vacation), I am being realistic with my goal. My lowest weight ever as an adult and within the past 6-7 years was 130 lbs. I will now be happy if I can hit 145 lbs by my wedding next November 2014.

Highest Weight: 210
Current Weight: 192.4
Goal Weight by March 1, 2014 (Dress Shopping): 175

I am on fitness pal if anyone wants to add me as their friend! :bigsmile: My next check-in will be New Years Eve!
TooPatient|1386545153|3570145 said:
I'm up to 202.6 after going down so quickly. Thanksgiving and taking the time to remember to eat seems to have over-corrected the dropping weight.

Back at it. Hopefully I'll find that healthy medium where I'm losing at a slow but steady pace!

Good luck TooPatient! I feel you with Thanksgiving... an the holidays for that matter! I gained at least 2-3 pounds that week was was NOT water weight.
Time for my check-in!!

Highest Weight: 210
Current Weight: 189.6
Total Weight Lost: 20.4
Goal Weight by March 1, 2014 (Dress Shopping): 175
Great progress Maple!

Next week we are joining the gym! Its way too cold to work out outside!

I am getting back on the bandwagon and will be joining you ladies next week. A little less than 8 months till dress time. :love:

Keep up the good work!
Hi Ladies, I'd love to (re?) join this! I was over in LIW before I got engaged, and somehow the time has FLOWN and my dress fitting is in a little over a month!!! >.< My dress is having trouble zipping up the last couple of inches (it never quite zipped up completly, I bought it on clearance). I'm sad because at one point it did zip up, and just barely fit with no undergarments. Something hit me where I was like WTH, this is not okay, so I'd love as much accountability as possible to get this dress to fit WITH my undergarments! I joined a group to do a 60 day Insanity challenge, and I'm doing the fit test tomorrow. Very scared, but I know I have got to do everything I can in the next month to shed a little bit of weight to get that dress to fit! I haven't weighed myself in a while, plan on getting that starting weight before the fitness test.

Historically, I have been much heavier, so I can't complain too much. At my heaviest around 2010, I weight over 170lbs. Then a couple years ago, I became really intent on losing weight and managed to get down to where I am now, around 155. Since then, I've been steady with my weight, but would ideally love to be stable in the 140-145 lb range.

So here's for meeting goals, and staying accountable!! First weigh in will be tomorrow, and I think my weekly weigh-ins will be on Mondays. That way, weekends will not be an excuse to cheat!!
AntiqueSparkler & SweatPea... glad you are both joining the thread! yeah!!

I had lost another 1.5 pounds since last posting on here but since last Friday night the fiance and I have been on vacation eating out with family and friends, doing catering and cake tasting, wine tasting, etc. OMG there's too much food that I am starting to feel nauseous. We had three cake tastings lined up and I cancelled the last one because the idea of eating anything more that is sweet is making me feel sick. ;( Who thought you could do too many cake tastings? :eek:

My next weigh in will be January 25th - should give me a full week to get rid of any excess weight I gained on this trip. It's a bit unfortunate that I had to put a pause on my weight loss journey but what do you do... vacation called!
Hi again!

So I decided that I need to start a new weight loss journey. I think I keep using my prior weight loss of 40lbs as an excuse to slack... so I am going to start over. I weighed in yesterday and will weigh in Mondays going forward.

Come on girls, we can do it!!! :bigsmile:

Highest weight: 189.0 (3/11/2013)
7/8/2013: 162.8
7/15/2013: 158.8
7/22/2013: 157.0
7/29/2013: 156.2
8/2/2013: 153.4
8/9/2013: 151.8
8/16/2013: 151.6
8/23/2013: Engagement Weekend! Skip!
8/30/2013: 150.4
9/6/2013: 150.4
9/13/2013: 149.4
9/20/2013: 149.0
9/27/2013: 149.0
11/15/2013: 152.4
Total Pounds Lost: 36.6

New weight loss journey starting 1/15/14
Starting Weight: 154.2
Goal Weight: 135.0
D-Day: 9/6/14

Total to Lose: 19.2 lbs.

1/20/2014: 154.2
Sheepishly rejoining this thread :wavey:

Since I last posted, the holidays really got to me and I gained some weight. Right after Christmas/New Year's I weighed in at 164.5. :oops: Since then, I really started making some serious goals to get healthier. I thought about trying the Paleo diet, but I just don't think I can cut out so much food. Last week I started counting calories and lost 3 pounds without adding any exercise!

I'm still trying to find a good exercise routine. I would love to join a gym again, but since I live about 20 minutes away from the closest one, it would be too time consuming and costly to join. I have completed two days of Jillian's 30 day shred. I had forgotten the great feeling of soreness after a hard workout. I feel like I really accomplished something.

So, here are my stats:

HW: 164.5
CW: 159.5
Goal: 140
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