
Birth control & your libido (sex drive)... FYI

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Found this on a website about IUDs:

"Women who want to become pregnant may have their IUD removed at any time. While most women who stop using IUDs are able to become pregnant, IUDs can have negative effects on a woman''s fertility. If perforation, embedding, or pelvic infection occurs, the uterus or tubes may become damaged and lower the chance of pregnancy. In cases of severe damage or infection of the uterus, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be required, resulting in permanent sterility. The synthetic hormone in the Mirena IUD can cause a delay in return of menstruation and fertility after it is removed."

Amanda a BIG thank you for starting this topic!

I too recently went of BC, about 4 months ago, and HALLELUJAH!!!!! I am a different person! I would cry for no reason, I was moody, I had no sex drive, and I couldn''t figure out what was going on with me. I honestly thought I was depressed, so I started googling depression and came across a few forms that other women said that their BC was the factor given them same symptoms I was having! I talked to my doc and I went of BC and I have seen the light!
I guess we never question it because "everybody is on birth control" right?! So Amanda THANK YOU THANK YOU for spreading the word!

Now IUD''s, i never even though about those... I''ll have to start researching them. Who needs any other forum, PS has it all!

Big thank you to all the ladies!!!
Poshpepper, they say that in the literature, but when I had it put in, they said that it wasn''t actually necessary. Basically, some women have a harder time if they haven''t had children because their cervixes are not as open. I didn''t have any issues, though, and I don''t have any children that I know of!
It is so liberating to be reading this post, and to see just how many of us have suffered from this!

I too was on bc (almost consistently from the time I was 17 till now), and was never in the mood (and even didn''t really enjoy foreplay) but once we got really started, loved doing the deed! We were also paranoid so always used condoms with bc. Now that I''m ttc, I don''t think I''d want to go back on bc. I feel pretty comfortable with FAM and think that using condoms along with temping/monitoring CF it will be fine!

Thanks for starting this Amanda, and thanks to everyone for sharing your stories! Angry misinformed bc takers unite!
Date: 11/19/2008 3:23:54 PM
Author: ladypirate
Poshpepper, they say that in the literature, but when I had it put in, they said that it wasn''t actually necessary. Basically, some women have a harder time if they haven''t had children because their cervixes are not as open. I didn''t have any issues, though, and I don''t have any children that I know of!
Thanks ladypirate and mia1181.
Mia, that is kinda scary to read... Ladypirate, did your gyno advise you of the chance of sterility when you went in for consultation? Im a wondering what the risk % is.
More things to think about.
I dont think I would be able to go off of BC completely until we TTC. I started taking it before I was sexually active just for the benefits of lighter more regular periods and less PMS.

One more IUD question... which I think was partially answered above, but are the side effects that different from BCP? I guess for the non-hormonal they would be, but the Mirena has hormones right?
OMG, great topic. When I first started taking the pill, I noticed a drop in my libido and dryness... So after a few months, I complained. I was told that the hormone level could be causing my symptoms so I switched from ortho-tricyclin to allese. Still no change. I have talked to the docs about it and they didn''t think it was the BCP. Based on that, I attributed the change in my body to other medical issues i was having. Now that I have been on BCP for 5 years, I have also noticed that I have gained a lot of weight. I have been off the pill for 2 months now and I haven''t returned to my old self yet.

Amanda, thanks to your thread, I have new hope that it''s not just me. I hope to return to my old self soon.
Awesome topic!!! I've been on the pill for 10 years and...Sex, what's sex?

I brought this up to my Gyno at my last appt. (about 7 months ago). I had noooooo sex drive and I also had extreme headaches during my period. She changed my BC to Lybrel which you take every day and do not ever get your period. That part is fantastic! No more headaches, no cramps, no sore breasts. BUT, I'm starting to think its not worth the effect no sex is having on my relationship.

I've also gained about 20 pounds since I've been on the pill. I always thought it was just because I'm getting older, metabolism is changing, etc....BUT, I would be over the moon if getting off the pill would help shed some pounds!

Your experience with Mirena sounds very encouraging. I'm going to do some research and ask my doc about this. My Dr. also gave me some literature on a copper IUD that has no hormones. I'm seriously considering going this route especially after reading all of your posts. If anyone has any experience with a copper or non-hormonal IUD, I would be extremely interested in your opinion!
Wow what an interesting topic! I''m like Musey in that D and I use bc and condoms and I really don''t know if I''d be comfortable enough using just condoms. My sex drive is so low at the moment and it was never like that years ago. I''m on bc for about 7 years at this stage. D and I could not afford to support a child at the moment and I have 2.5 years left in college so I''ll probably stay on bc at the moment until then, but I really would love to come off it now.
I too suffer from a low libido, but haven''t been on BC in several years, so that''s not the culprit......I think its just me. I''d sure like to change that though.... But on a side note, we have only used condoms and have for 3 years with no problems at all.
I''ve had similar issues that are discussed in this thread and I think it''s about time these issues are discussed. I am blessed to have an awesome OBGYN that researchers these things and cares about these issues. She basically told me to get off hormones completely if I want to improve libido issues. She said with her clients there doesn''t seem to be much improvement in switching to lower dosage pills. I''m currently on YAZ, but have tried many different pills over the almost decade I''ve been on BC.

I''d love to get off the pill, but I hate to say this because it makes me feel vain...but whenever I get off the pill my acne gets really bad. Is there any to combat the acne if I get off BC?
This is an interesting topic...

There are many reasons why certain types of BC can or cannot be used by an individual

This should be discussed with your health care provider

If you have a problem let them know...they can''t fix it if they don''t know it is a problem...(people don''t tell their providers...)

As for providers not telling about the side they are not asked (even though it is mentioned in the commercials for BCP)..and 2....I suspect they do explain it...I know I always did/do...
Also certain types of BCP can have this effect more so than others...that is why letting your providers know can really help tham get you on the right plan that meets all of you needs
I still can''t believe so many of you are experiencing the same problems that I am- I thought I was alone (I''m still in college and all of my girlfriends seem to be fine)!

I can share a bit more information with you today:

1. What if I switch from a different pill or switch to a different form of hormonal birth control- will that bring my sex drive back? Maybe. As I''ve stated before, all women respond differently to different therapies and what works for 1 woman may not work for another. To my knowledge, there have been no studies done about libido and other forms of birth control (they didn''t even specify which pills the women in the Journal of Sexual Health article used, but I''m guessing it was the whole range). My best educated guess would be this: since the effects on libido are due to the metabolism of the hormones by your liver, ANY hormonal birth control option has the potential to decrease your libido... this goes for Nuvaring, Ortho Evra, Mirena, etc. It doesn''t matter how you get the hormones into your body- they all go to the liver once they get in! Again, this is just my educated guess- there is no data to back it up. You can always try something else, and it may work wonderfully for you! I also don''t know whether the metabolism estrogen or progestin contributes more to the libido problem, or if they contribute equally.

2. Estrogen vs. Progestin- estrogens and progestins are 2 female hormones that work together to control your cycle (they are found naturally in the body and fluctuate with your cycle)- they are also the 2 hormones found in hormonal birth controls. Estrogen (ethinyl estradiol or mestranol) is mainly responsible for inhibiting ovulation. Progestins (norethindrone, levonorgestrel, norgestimate, desogestrel, drospirenone, ethynodiol diacetate) are mainly responsible for production of thick cervical mucus (which is why you should see a thick mucus after ovluation- because your natural progestins rise). The progestin component is usually what makes BCP different and unique. The estrogen compoenent is absolutely contraindicated (women should NOT take if) if they are a smoker over the age of 35, have had a previous DVT (deep vein thrombosis), breast cancer, or other estrogen-dependent cancer. Therefore, some pills contain ONLY the progestin component. The problem with progestin-only pills is that they MUST be taken at the SAME TIME every day! If you miss your pill by even 3 hours, you decrease the effectiveness of it (this is not true with combined hormone pills or those containing estrogens). Therefore, many of the "permanent" dosage forms- Depo Provera, Mirena, and Implanon are progestin only. You don''t need to worry about compliance!

3. Here are the birth control options I have seen discussed or questioned so far- keep in mind, they ALL contain hormones and have the potential to impact your libido, no matter what form you use- BUT... another option may work better for YOUR body- we are all very different on the inside:
1. Depo Provera- this in an injection every 3 months of medroxyprogesterone (it contains no estrogen). The biggest problem with Depo is that it can (and does) cause up to 5 pounds of weight gain for every year of use! (that means if you take it for 10 years, you can expect to gain up to 50 pounds!)- also some women experience break through bleeding with it, and it is not easily reversible if you decide you want children (it may take up to 18 months or longer to return to fertility). On the flip side, it is highly effective and easy to adhere to- it is also good if you cannot take estrogen
2. Ortho Evra- this is patch that you apply to your skin and leave on for 1 week at a time. It contains both estrogen and progestin. Women weighing over 90kg should not use it (because it will decrease the effectiveness of the medication- if you have a large amount of fat beneath the skin, it cannot get into the blood stream). The disadvantage is that is carries a higher risk of thromboembolism (stroke, DVT) than the pill. (and from my personal experience, it falls off easily, but I am very active). On the positive side, it is convenient to use
3. Nuva Ring- this is a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina and left for 3 weeks. It contains both estrogen and progestin. The disadvantage is that it can cause vaginal irritation, and it can fall out. On the positive side, it is convenient to use.
4. Implanon- this is a rod that is inserted underneath the skin of your upper arm. It contains only progestin. It is good for 3 years and is fairly easy for your doctor to remove if you decide you want children. Other than that, I don''t know much about it.
5. Mirena- this is an intrauterine device (IUD) that is inserted into the cervix. It contains only progestin and is released over 5 years. It may cause irregular bleeding early on (which can be common with any hormonal method), it can reduce cramping and bleeding, and you may even stop having your period over time. Supposedly, there is a quick return to fertility once it is removed. Mirena is indicated to be used in women who have had children already (termed parous women). Those that have not had children yet (term nulliparous) may have a smaller uterus and a smaller cervical opening, making the IUD more difficult (and probably more painful) to place. While being nulliparous is not a contradindication to using Mirena, it is a caution against it, and it is a decision that your OB/GYN will take into consideration. Also, younger women may blame the IUD for causing infertility. If the women has already had children, then the IUD cannot be blamed for the cause. You are also more likely to expel the IUD if you have never had children. Other disadvantages- if you do expel your IUD (which is more common in the first 3 months and more common in younger women and those who have never had a child) you may not know it, and the first indication that our IUD came is would be pregnancy. However, Mirena is very effective and very convenient- it may not right for you though- check with your doctor!
6. Copper IUD- this is something I know very little about. I think there is a good review of it on (listed below). From what I do know, it contains no hormones (and my help with the libido problem) and it is good for up to 10 years (althought I think the initial cost is high)
7. Seasonale- this is an extended cycle oral contraceptive- it contains both estrogen and progestin. With seasonale, you only have a period once every 3 months (or once a season). With the extended cycle contraceptives, you build up less and less of you endometrial lining, so when you do have your period, it''s not (or shouldn''t be) significantly more bleeding than normal. It has been debated whether these are normal or safe, but so far the data shows that they are OK to use. They are newer agents, so there have been no long term studies done.
8. Lybrel- this is another extended cycle oral contraceptive- it contains both estrogen and progestin. You only have a period once a year. Again, its a newer agent, so no long term studies have been done.
9. Yaz- also an extended cycle oral contraceptive (or you can use Yasmin, which is a montly pack but contains the same hormones). It contains both estrogen and progestin, but the particular type of progestin is called drosperinone. Drosperinone has a chemical structure similar to the diuretic, spironolactone (or aldactone). Therefore, it can be used to decrease bloating. Yaz is also much less androgenic and can reduce acne severity as well as other PMS symptoms.

4. If I stop taking my birth control, will my ance get worse? Probably so. Many BCP are targeted to improve acne because they contain low levels of androgens. Examples include Ortho Tri-Cylen, Yaz, Yasmin, Ovcon, Micrette, to name a few. When I was 17, my dermatologist prescribed Ortho Tri-Cyclen for that reason. I had terrible ance when I was a teenager, and I still battle with it. Since I quit taking my BCP, I''ve noticed that my ance is only bad for about 1 week a month (which corresponds to my cycle) and I can usually predict when I will break out. There are LOTS of options to control acne, and a dermatologist can help you find the right one. I''ve actually started to use Proactiv and have had some success with it. Acne was one of my big concerns, but I concluded that it was something I could deal with to get my drive back! Sorry, that was more personal information than research, but you can expect acne to worsen some.

5. Birth control pills/hormonal contraception- the good, the bad, and the ugly
The good - Hormonal contraception can increase menstrual irregularity, decrease cramps and pain associated with your period, decrease time and amount of bleeding, reduce PMS symptoms, decrease the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease, decrease the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer (a 50% decreased risk up to 10 year post use protection, if you have used pills for > 5 years), decrease in incidence of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and benign breast disease, they decrease the risk of an ectopic pregnancy, and can protect against the main causes of infertility (endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids).
The bad- hormonal contraception (and especially combined hormones- mainly the estrogen component) can increase your risk of thromboembolism and stroke- this risk is dramatically increased if you are a smoker, and also if you have high blood pressure.
The ugly- hormonal contraception has its adverse effects- nausea and vomitting, breast discomfort, headache, break through bleeding, ance/hair changes, to name a few.

OK- I''ve tried to address MOST of the issues I''ve seen, and I''m devoting a ton of time to this thread. I''ll keep checking back, but here are some other sites to keep you entertained in the mean time:

If you need a great site for medical information, visit This is a trusted medical site for patients and consumers (and clinicians also use another form of Medline). You can watch actual surgeries and search for just about any topic. It''s a really great site!! I highly recommend it, and recommend that you share it with your friends! Other good websites on contraception include: , , , and
Some of the above info is correct need to get these questions answered by you healthcare provider as everyone is different
Date: 11/19/2008 9:30:16 PM
Author: diane5006
This is an interesting topic...

There are many reasons why certain types of BC can or cannot be used by an individual

This should be discussed with your health care provider

If you have a problem let them know...they can''t fix it if they don''t know it is a problem...(people don''t tell their providers...)

As for providers not telling about the side they are not asked (even though it is mentioned in the commercials for BCP)..and 2....I suspect they do explain it...I know I always did/do...

Hmm, I could be mistaken but I don''t think any commercials for birth control pills that I have seen mention anything about a decreased libido. Yes, they do mention increased risk of stroke/blood clot that increases when you are 30+ or smoke, break-through bleeding, and the list goes on etc, etc..
But I don''t ever recall hearing decreased sex drive mentioned in the possible side effects. I even just read my little info/directions/warnings packet that comes with my pills and there is a list of side effects and decreased libido is NOWHERE on there!! I just find this odd because judging from this thread it seems like it''s the most common problem people have with the pill! I guess they feel like they only have to mention the things that have a very slim chance of occurring.

I would have never thought to mention this at my yearly visit cause it somehow didn''t feel relevant.. I had no idea that this was the cause. But now that I have a pretty good idea that BC is the culprit I will definitely be bringing it up!!

Anyways, I suppose I have some decisions to make!!

And Amanda thank you SOO much for devoting your time to research these topics. I have no doubt you have helped soo many people just in the past couple days.. I know you have definitely opened MY eyes!!
I have experienced it, but my doc said I would because I had a testosterone imbalance which caused an overdeveloped sex drive among other things.
My anti-anxiety pills had a much bigger effect on dampening my libido until I switched, so other meds can do it to
Kcoursolle- is there any chance you could refer me to your OBGYN? My primary care doctor is great, but she''s been switching me from pill to pill the last 2.5 years with no success...
Date: 11/19/2008 11:56:48 PM
Author: rockzilla
Kcoursolle- is there any chance you could refer me to your OBGYN? My primary care doctor is great, but she''s been switching me from pill to pill the last 2.5 years with no success...
I''d be happy to by email, but I rather not on here, do you have my email address by chance? I think we exchanged, but I misplaced everyones
Date: 11/19/2008 7:54:49 PM
Author: kcoursolle
I''ve had similar issues that are discussed in this thread and I think it''s about time these issues are discussed. I am blessed to have an awesome OBGYN that researchers these things and cares about these issues. She basically told me to get off hormones completely if I want to improve libido issues. She said with her clients there doesn''t seem to be much improvement in switching to lower dosage pills. I''m currently on YAZ, but have tried many different pills over the almost decade I''ve been on BC.

I''d love to get off the pill, but I hate to say this because it makes me feel vain...but whenever I get off the pill my acne gets really bad. Is there any to combat the acne if I get off BC?
Kcousolle: not to be vain either, but that was on of my concerns too. My doc prescribed me clindoxyl gel, it''s by prescription only, and it really seems to work, put it on at night before bed, wash it off in the morning. I''m sure if you asked your doc they would prescribe you something that would work for your type of acne.
This gel actually takes care of my acne better then when i was on the Pill... should have asked about it years ago!!
Date: 11/19/2008 4:25:56 PM
Author: poshpepper
Date: 11/19/2008 3:23:54 PM

Author: ladypirate

Poshpepper, they say that in the literature, but when I had it put in, they said that it wasn''t actually necessary. Basically, some women have a harder time if they haven''t had children because their cervixes are not as open. I didn''t have any issues, though, and I don''t have any children that I know of!

Thanks ladypirate and mia1181.

Mia, that is kinda scary to read... Ladypirate, did your gyno advise you of the chance of sterility when you went in for consultation? Im a wondering what the risk % is.

More things to think about.

I dont think I would be able to go off of BC completely until we TTC. I started taking it before I was sexually active just for the benefits of lighter more regular periods and less PMS.

One more IUD question... which I think was partially answered above, but are the side effects that different from BCP? I guess for the non-hormonal they would be, but the Mirena has hormones right?

Poshpepper, I did know about the risk of perforation prior to getting it put in, but it''s very rare. My gyno explained to me that it usually occurs during insertion and especially when someone does not have a lot of experience putting it in. The way she explained it to me was that the device was soft plastic (she showed it to me before she put it in) and your uterus is about the thickness of your cheek. You''d have to push pretty hard for it to puncture the uterus.

That said, it did make me nervous. I was practically shaking when I went in for the appointment! One thing she did that made me feel better is that she said "well, we''ll try it and if it doesn''t go in easily, we can go from there." It made me feel better because I knew she wasn''t going to try to force it in. She had also put in hundreds of them and had had it herself (it is apparently the most common form of birth control for OB-GYNs themselves).

As far as side effects, I haven''t noticed any aside from occasionally cramping (like period cramps) and occasional breast tenderness. I went straight from Depo on which I had no side effects at all aside from not having periods (I went off because I didn''t want to lose bone mass permanently, which is a risk after 2 years), and I haven''t noticed anything aside from those two things. Part of this is probably because it''s progesterone-only and part is probably because it''s a super low dose delivered directly to the area.

As far as expelling it within the first 3 months, I would think you would notice. There are strings that hang down through the cervix into your vagina (they tend to curl up around the cervix--SO has not had a problem with feeling them at all) and you check them occasionally to make sure it is still in place. I also had a follow up appointment a few weeks after it was placed so she could check it and make sure it was staying put and everything looked healthy.

I hope that helped!
Ugghh....I have a super low sex drive and I''m NOT on any type of BC.
I guess I''m just screwed.
Date: 11/20/2008 2:03:17 PM
Author: wishful
Ugghh....I have a super low sex drive and I''m NOT on any type of BC.
I guess I''m just screwed.
Are you on other medications? Other medications can cause it too. But honestly I just wonder how much of it is just being a woman.
Date: 11/20/2008 10:12:21 AM
Author: ladypirate

I hope that helped!
Yes! Thank you so much for all the info
Kcoursolle - I don''t have your email anymore, but I think I was able to send you a message on facebook. Let me know if you got it!
Date: 11/20/2008 9:20:14 AM
Author: ~*Snow*~

Date: 11/19/2008 7:54:49 PM
Author: kcoursolle
I''ve had similar issues that are discussed in this thread and I think it''s about time these issues are discussed. I am blessed to have an awesome OBGYN that researchers these things and cares about these issues. She basically told me to get off hormones completely if I want to improve libido issues. She said with her clients there doesn''t seem to be much improvement in switching to lower dosage pills. I''m currently on YAZ, but have tried many different pills over the almost decade I''ve been on BC.

I''d love to get off the pill, but I hate to say this because it makes me feel vain...but whenever I get off the pill my acne gets really bad. Is there any to combat the acne if I get off BC?
Kcousolle: not to be vain either, but that was on of my concerns too. My doc prescribed me clindoxyl gel, it''s by prescription only, and it really seems to work, put it on at night before bed, wash it off in the morning. I''m sure if you asked your doc they would prescribe you something that would work for your type of acne.
This gel actually takes care of my acne better then when i was on the Pill... should have asked about it years ago!!
This is great to hear, I''m glad you''ve found a great topical treatment that works for you. I finally feel like I''ve gotten my skin under control with the pill and proactiv...but it would be great to get off hormonal BC. I guess it couldn''t hurt to get off for a month or two and see what happens with my skin and make a dermatologist appt.
Date: 11/20/2008 9:11:46 PM
Author: rockzilla
Kcoursolle - I don''t have your email anymore, but I think I was able to send you a message on facebook. Let me know if you got it!
Yup, I got it and I wrote you a message.
WOW. So I''ve been on Microgestin and Loestrin for probably the last five years??? Which means I''ve had no sex drive for 5 years. My hub and i''ve been married for two and for the last year or two i''ve wondered if it was the birth control because i''d heard about it.....but I guess being a woman, was quicker to blame myself than a pill.....but the timing of my M.I.A libido is just too quirky. So i quit. lol. I''ve been off for a week now.....haven''t become insanely you-know-what just yet....but here''s hoping. the worst part though is that I absolutely HATE HATE HATE HATE condoms and i hope my skin doesn''t go bonkers. ;(
Anyways, good to hear so many women with the same thing. . . . . . here''s hopin!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I have been having terrible issues with this, to the point where last night BF had to reassure me that he would still love me no matter how long this lasted. I was sobbing, freaking out that something''s wrong with me. BCP doesn''t work well for me for a number of reasons, so I''m making an appointment with a gyno tomorrow (it''ll be a few months before I can probably get an appointment for Mirena, but oh well). Honestly? I threw out what I had left. I''ve been on it for years with out medical supervision (I know, I know, it''s terrible, but it''s not available in the country I live in and it did work wonders for me). So it''s gone. Just...gone. BF said he''s comfortable with the extra risk, I''m comfortable with the extra risk, so it''s gone. And I haven''t been able to stop smiling.

If nothing else, this is getting me set up with a gyno and I''ll actually have medical supervision, which is a good thing.

I''m a little scared, though, because my friend that has it said it really really hurt to get put in, and that the doctor commented that she was the first person not to scream.
This is such a great topic - thanks for posting all of this, Amanda!

I went on BC when I was 19, and I''ve been on it steadily ever since: I just went off it three days ago, and I''m really curious to see how things will change over the next weeks and months. I don''t want to have children immediately, but I''ve gotten so sick of the side effects ....

For the first 9 years, I was on Ortho-Tri-Cyclon, and I thought it was pretty good for the most part: it steadied my period and removed the horrible, painful cramps that I used to have, it got rid of the zit or two that I used to get every month, and I didn''t notice any weight gain. It did lower my libido, but given that it was pretty high to start with (hello, being a teenager!), I didn''t really mind that. But when I met my very observant husband, I was a bit perturbed by his observation of the fact that I''d managed to be completely oblivious to the fact that I was consistently - like clockwork! - a madwoman for one week out of the month. After I started my new job and moved across the country, it got bad enough that I decided to switch pills to see if it really was hormonally linked ... so I switched to Alesse.


On the one hand, it removed any doubt in my head concerning the monthly crying fits - DEFINITELY hormonal, and, oh, what a relief to not be nigh-on clinically depressed for one week out of every four! On the other hand, I''ve gained 5 pounds out of nowhere (not such a big deal) and developed ACNE (deal-breaker). I''m almost 30, for crissakes, and I have NEVER had bad skin in my life. It''s not too bad on my face, but my back ... well, let''s just say that while it may not directly be affecting my libido, I do NOT feel sexy like this. So, I''m going to go off, get fitted for a diaphragm (unless one of you lovely ladies would like to suggest another non-hormonal form of BC that should work as well or better?), and see what happens when my body rebounds ....
I went off my pill (generic alesse) this month to see what happens. I'm on week one (13 days since my last pill). I'm really hoping that my monthly gift continues to come regularly
we'll see...

I've been feeling more depressed/distraught than usual over the past 3 or 4 days. I'm wondering if it's some sort of hormonal withdrawal or something?? I don't know if that happens, or if everything's back to normal as soon as you toss the BCP...
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