
Best Purchase Of 2012


Apr 19, 2004

I know the year is not over and folks are still buying for Christmas, etc; but if you had to choose now; what would have been your "best" purchase of 2012?

Both my DH and I agree...our Weber BBQ. New awesome Toto's toilets (in our reno's) came close! :bigsmile:

What's yours?

It was a purchase my DH made for all 3 kids, now that they all have cars of their own, but he gave each of them a set of 4 snow tires + installation $$$ - and that was this year's Christmas gift. Totally unglamorous and not a 'fun' gift, but I'd rather have 3 safe kids than any other alternative....

If it could be bling related, (and I've had a pretty sweet bling 2012!) I'd say finding my OEC with the help of the amazing Dreamer and setting it in the beautiful IDJ setting, when we went to NYC this fall.

oh - another boring one was topping up my TFSA. Not a purchase, but it took a lot of cash out of circulation! :roll:
Enerchi|1355703596|3332993 said:
It was a purchase my DH made for all 3 kids, now that they all have cars of their own, but he gave each of them a set of 4 snow tires + installation $$$ - and that was this year's Christmas gift. Totally unglamorous and not a 'fun' gift, but I'd rather have 3 safe kids than any other alternative....

If it could be bling related, (and I've had a pretty sweet bling 2012!) I'd say finding my OEC with the help of the amazing Dreamer and setting it in the beautiful IDJ setting, when we went to NYC this fall.

oh - another boring one was topping up my TFSA. Not a purchase, but it took a lot of cash out of circulation! :roll:


I totally relate to the snow tire gig. Can't put a price on safety!


I totally relate to the snow tire gig. Can't put a price on safety!

EXACTLY! so while it isn't a fun purchase, it was an infinitely more practical purchase that has long lasting effects. (but I'm still in the process of buying them each something a little more "gift" like... yay Mom!) ;))
My dh said it is his custom suit that I bought him for his birthday. He loves it and I have to say he looks quite dapper when he is wearing it.
Second would have been our beautiful brazilian walnut deck that we had built in May but alas that got destroyed. But no worries- we will rebuild.

For me I am drawing a blank lol. I made a good number of purchases but cannot think of them all right now or what would have been my best purchase of the year. My dh loves all the print dresses I bought this year. A totally different look for me-a very mod, very 60's look. So maybe that was one of my best purchases-all the new dresses and new fashion look I got.

Sharon- we have Toto toilets. Love them! I did not see your reno thread...will have to check it out. Hope it went well!!
My 2 purchases remain to be seen if they are good choices but I am hopeful they will be something we look back on as a smart move.

The first one is new snow tires. The ones that were on my car were awful on ice. I bought Michelin but so far we've only had one day with ice and DH slid through a corner with them. Of course he drives faster in bad conditions than I do.

The second is a new house which we are closing on this week.
missy|1355704721|3333006 said:
My dh said it is his custom suit that I bought him for his birthday. He loves it and I have to say he looks quite dapper when he is wearing it.
Second would have been our beautiful brazilian walnut deck that we had built in May but alas that got destroyed. But no worries- we will rebuild.

For me I am drawing a blank lol. I made a good number of purchases but cannot think of them all right now or what would have been my best purchase of the year. My dh loves all the print dresses I bought this year. A totally different look for me-a very mod, very 60's look. So maybe that was one of my best purchases-all the new dresses and new fashion look I got.

Sharon- we have Toto toilets. Love them! I did not see your reno thread...will have to check it out. Hope it went well!!

HI Missy:

There is nothing like a well suited man! :love:

The story of your deck makes me sad, but your positive energy is wonderful. Deck #2 will be even better!

I have no pictures of our reno's (BR upstairs starts Jan 2nd) but the kitchen and basement BR was a great success. I know it is silly to love those Toto's...but the technology is cool. Super ideal cut toilet! ;))

marcy|1355705100|3333007 said:
My 2 purchases remain to be seen if they are good choices but I am hopeful they will be something we look back on as a smart move.

The first one is new snow tires. The ones that were on my car were awful on ice. I bought Michelin but so far we've only had one day with ice and DH slid through a corner with them. Of course he drives faster in bad conditions than I do.

The second is a new house which we are closing on this week.


I saw the picture of your fireplace in the other thread Marcy--and so far looks pretty darn great! Enerchi and I were just talking of snow tires; for those of us who live in wintery conditions, they are a necessity, not a luxury. I got stuck backing out of my driveway a few years ago...on my way to get my new snow tires!

This year I acquired some excellent vintage tools, mostly planes and luthier tools. But the best thing of all is an early 19th century workbench The top is a single piece of wood, 8 inches thick. It weighs over 300 pounds. Had is shipped freight from michigan to nyc. People stopped and gawked when they unloaded it onto my sidewalk, while two friends and I tried to figure out how we were going to get it in the elevator.

The best bling acquisition? My yellow diamond crystal!



VapidLapid|1355705742|3333019 said:
This year I acquired some excellent vintage tools, mostly planes and luthier tools. But the best thing of all is an early 19th century workbench The top is a single piece of wood, 8 inches thick. It weighs over 300 pounds. Had is shipped freight from michigan to nyc. People stopped and gawked when they unloaded it onto my sidewalk, while two friends and I tried to figure out how we were going to get it in the elevator.

The best bling acquisition? My yellow diamond crystal!


VL--you just have the neatest/coolest stuff!

I just got mine in today! Tempurpedic mattress. ::) My back has been KILLING ME, and since I've quit my FT job last year, I haven't gone to a chiropractor. I just took the best nap ever.
madelise|1355708342|3333045 said:
I just got mine in today! Tempurpedic mattress. ::) My back has been KILLING ME, and since I've quit my FT job last year, I haven't gone to a chiropractor. I just took the best nap ever.


May you have many more blissful naps--and to a better back!

It hasn't arrived yet, but we ordered my 11" MacBook Air a little over a week ago.

My hard drive crashed two weeks ago :(( so I was really down about that. But not anymore! I had been using DH's hand-me-down MacBook for four years, so now it's my turn! The best part is that my job gives me $600 for personal technology purchases, so that covers half of it. Woot!
Skippy|1355709434|3333074 said:
I never owned a carpet cleaner but having twins 1 years old kind of required this purchase. lol

We love our Hoover Max Extract; it is also highly rated on consumer reports


Miss Skippy--that looks like a handy little number! Of course your twins are the cutest ever....just thought I'd throw that in :bigsmile:

Haven|1355710072|3333082 said:
It hasn't arrived yet, but we ordered my 11" MacBook Air a little over a week ago.

My hard drive crashed two weeks ago :(( so I was really down about that. But not anymore! I had been using DH's hand-me-down MacBook for four years, so now it's my turn! The best part is that my job gives me $600 for personal technology purchases, so that covers half of it. Woot!


Excellent! Hope your MB arrives shortly since you'll be needing it to store many pictures of your (soon) little arrival! :appl:

Our best (and worst, sometimes!) purchase of 2012 was our first home! My DH and I were lucky enough to buy what we think will be our forever-home on our first shot, and we are very excited to start turning it into *our* home...once we fix all the stuff the previous owners neglected/did an awful job of "fixing" themselves/just did wrong in the first place. :rolleyes: :roll: :rolleyes:
vc10um|1355710884|3333095 said:
Our best (and worst, sometimes!) purchase of 2012 was our first home! My DH and I were lucky enough to buy what we think will be our forever-home on our first shot, and we are very excited to start turning it into *our* home...once we fix all the stuff the previous owners neglected/did an awful job of "fixing" themselves/just did wrong in the first place. :rolleyes: :roll: :rolleyes:


Exciting! You should join me in my reno thread...share your tips and experiences!

canuk-gal|1355710183|3333084 said:
Skippy|1355709434|3333074 said:
I never owned a carpet cleaner but having twins 1 years old kind of required this purchase. lol

We love our Hoover Max Extract; it is also highly rated on consumer reports


Miss Skippy--that looks like a handy little number! Of course your twins are the cutest ever....just thought I'd throw that in :bigsmile:


aww, thank you friend!!! :halo:

Oh hubby has the Mac Air too and loves it; he got it this summer!
canuk-gal|1355710039|3333081 said:
madelise|1355708342|3333045 said:
I just got mine in today! Tempurpedic mattress. ::) My back has been KILLING ME, and since I've quit my FT job last year, I haven't gone to a chiropractor. I just took the best nap ever.


May you have many more blissful naps--and to a better back!


Thanks, Sharon! I hope so, too! I figure the $$ I save from chiro and masseuse visits would justify the cost ::)

Haven, you'll love the air. I carry mine (13") in my purse everywhere, so the weightlessness of it is much appreciated! Good for you for spoiling yourself with a much deserved new laptop :praise:

Skippy, vacuums are godsend. I don't even sweep anymore, I just vacuum! LOL!
My upgrade(s)! :eek: :halo:
Haven, I have the 11" MacAir and I love it.
Our new Samsung smart tv. Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, Pandora, and regular tv all rolled into one. Yea!

And of course there is my diamond! Woo hoo!

Also! And I'm pretty proud of myself, I got a candle that was almost 30 dollars for 2.99 because a salesperson accidentally tagged it wrong! Best candle ever! It burns cleanly, the wick stays trim and the smell is strong enough to fill the whole room!

And, DH's 370z, his Jeep and his 1969 convertible VW bug. He got three cars this year. Which makes it easier for me to get more bling by guilting him! I wish there was a maniacal laugh emoticon :) But I shall use :naughty: and :applaud:
Just purchased.

When I was a kid all our Christmas ornaments were shattered by a move, and my dad took me shopping for all new ornaments. My favorites were these bells.

I have an ornament collection but the bells haven't fared that well. I only have 2 remaining and one of them is missing tier.

I've been looking on ebay for years hoping someone wold list one. And they did this year!! So... even though it's not here yet, by far my favorite buy of the year.

On a sentimental note, surgery for my dog that cost twice my e-ring but my doggie is priceless! :) We have pet insurance so fingers crossed we get back about 80% of that. Either way, it's worth having him with me for years to come!

I also love my new iPad! :) so much fun! And iPhone 5.
marcy|1355714292|3333141 said:
Haven, I have the 11" MacAir and I love it.
I am VERY excited! I don't remember the last time I actually bought a new laptop for myself, now that I think of it. My mom is a technology coordinator for a school, so I used a series of hand-me-downs from her for a while, and then DH's hand-me-down when he got his new MacBook. I feel so special to be getting a brand new laptop that nobody has ever used before! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I'm taking a partial maternity leave next semester and only teaching one class online, so that is how I justified this purchase in my mind. :cheeky:

I just bought this sleeve for it on Etsy :lickout: :
canuk-gal|1355710507|3333089 said:
Haven|1355710072|3333082 said:
It hasn't arrived yet, but we ordered my 11" MacBook Air a little over a week ago.

My hard drive crashed two weeks ago :(( so I was really down about that. But not anymore! I had been using DH's hand-me-down MacBook for four years, so now it's my turn! The best part is that my job gives me $600 for personal technology purchases, so that covers half of it. Woot!

Excellent! Hope your MB arrives shortly since you'll be needing it to store many pictures of your (soon) little arrival! :appl:

That is what the Apple employee said when we were talking about how much storage I needed! He pointed to my belly and said, "I think you'll be taking more photos and videos pretty soon."

This is a fun thread! I love reading about everyone's purchases!

Madelise--I definitely hope to be able to slip the laptop in my purse, so I love knowing that it works for you!
webdiva|1355716138|3333153 said:
On a sentimental note, surgery for my dog that cost twice my e-ring but my doggie is priceless! :) We have pet insurance so fingers crossed we get back about 80% of that. Either way, it's worth having him with me for years to come!

I also love my new iPad! :) so much fun! And iPhone 5.
Oh, I'm so happy to hear your doggy is doing well! DH and I always say that every penny we spend on the furbabies is worth it.
webdiva said:
On a sentimental note, surgery for my dog that cost twice my e-ring but my doggie is priceless! :) We have pet insurance so fingers crossed we get back about 80% of that. Either way, it's worth having him with me for years to come!

I also love my new iPad! :) so much fun! And iPhone 5.
Oh yay! That's way better than anything I got for 2012!!! My baby is hurting right now... Her hips, there's something wrong and I would give anything to make sure she never feels any pain. I'm sooo glad your doggie is better!
Haven|1355716712|3333162 said:
marcy|1355714292|3333141 said:
Haven, I have the 11" MacAir and I love it.
I am VERY excited! I don't remember the last time I actually bought a new laptop for myself, now that I think of it. My mom is a technology coordinator for a school, so I used a series of hand-me-downs from her for a while, and then DH's hand-me-down when he got his new MacBook. I feel so special to be getting a brand new laptop that nobody has ever used before! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I'm taking a partial maternity leave next semester and only teaching one class online, so that is how I justified this purchase in my mind. :cheeky:

I just bought this sleeve for it on Etsy :lickout: :

That is awesome you are getting your very own new laptop. :appl: Congratulations on being pregnant. The MacAir is so light; I have an iPad and I swear the MacAir seems lighter. It easily slips in to a purse and light weight enough to carry around. The sleeve looks perfect for it. I bought a zip neoprene bag for mine to carry it around. Have fun with it when it gets here. What do you teach?