
Bad Experience with Natural Sapphire Company (long)

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Date: 3/27/2009 2:41:06 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/27/2009 2:31:03 AM

Author: Gailey

Date: 3/27/2009 2:17:05 AM

Author: TravelingGal

P.S., I hope you have an awesome weekend that saves your week!
Thanks TG
. It''s going to take a while. Yesterday I lost a friend whom I had known since I was 11. I now have to help steer her two young daugters (one 9 today and one of 12) through the next few days and weeks. It''s one of life''s events that has the ability to put things into very polarising perspective - for me anyway.

TG, I meant what I said at the begining of my last post and I also respect your opinion in this case. I even hope I''m wrong about what I believe to be the motivation going on here.
I am so sorry to hear this Gailey. My sincerest condolences.

I don''t have an opinion on the case (other than the ring looked dodgy) but I do have an opinion that people should be able to post theirs without getting flamed (questioned yes, flamed no.)

T-gal, and you can''t wear one of my pads, you have your own, ha ha ha ha.
Date: 3/27/2009 2:45:01 AM
Author: Linda W

Date: 3/27/2009 2:41:06 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/27/2009 2:31:03 AM

Author: Gailey

Date: 3/27/2009 2:17:05 AM

Author: TravelingGal

P.S., I hope you have an awesome weekend that saves your week!
Thanks TG
. It''s going to take a while. Yesterday I lost a friend whom I had known since I was 11. I now have to help steer her two young daugters (one 9 today and one of 12) through the next few days and weeks. It''s one of life''s events that has the ability to put things into very polarising perspective - for me anyway.

TG, I meant what I said at the begining of my last post and I also respect your opinion in this case. I even hope I''m wrong about what I believe to be the motivation going on here.
I am so sorry to hear this Gailey. My sincerest condolences.

I don''t have an opinion on the case (other than the ring looked dodgy) but I do have an opinion that people should be able to post theirs without getting flamed (questioned yes, flamed no.)

T-gal, and you can''t wear one of my pads, you have your own, ha ha ha ha.
OK, that was the cruelest thing said on this thread.

...feels left out of the pad wearing party...

Gailey, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I think I''ve hit the numb stage of grief, but those first few weeks... Hugs to you and her daughters. I''ll be thinking about you and them.

I''m sorry.

PS. I''ll do everything you asked, except that I can''t drink. But, I sense that you''re telling me something else -- to live well. That I will do.
Date: 3/27/2009 2:54:23 AM
Author: FrekeChild
...feels left out of the pad wearing party...

Gailey, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I think I''ve hit the numb stage of grief, but those first few weeks... Hugs to you and her daughters. I''ll be thinking about you and them.
Freke (have I known you long enough yet to call you Liz?)

You are often in my thoughts I so understand the all stages you are going through. I can''t tell you the grief goes away. It sort of distances itself until you hit a reminder and then it bites you in the ass big time, but then it goes back to lurking again until the next time.

You can wear my new pad - you know, the one Linda''s giving me!! XX
Date: 3/27/2009 3:05:03 AM
Author: Harriet

I''m sorry.

PS. I''ll do everything you asked, except that I can''t drink. But, I sense that you''re telling me something else -- to live well. That I will do.
God I wish I knew how do do the really spiffy smilies, but in the meantime ....


I gotta hit the sack ladies - G''night God Bless
Date: 3/27/2009 3:06:39 AM
Author: Gailey
Date: 3/27/2009 2:54:23 AM
Author: FrekeChild
...feels left out of the pad wearing party...

Gailey, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I think I''ve hit the numb stage of grief, but those first few weeks... Hugs to you and her daughters. I''ll be thinking about you and them.
Freke (have I known you long enough yet to call you Liz?)

You are often in my thoughts I so understand the all stages you are going through. I can''t tell you the grief goes away. It sort of distances itself until you hit a reminder and then it bites you in the ass big time, but then it goes back to lurking again until the next time.

You can wear my new pad - you know, the one Linda''s giving me!! XX
Yes you know me well enough to call me Liz!!!! Silly.

I''ve hit a few reminders, so I have an idea of what you''re talking about.

Woot for sharing Linda''s pad!!!!!

Speaking of Pads, I wonder what happened to the cushion TGal had that turned out to be man made...

Date: 3/27/2009 2:08:32 AM
Author: Gailey

Date: 3/27/2009 12:50:35 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/27/2009 12:15:58 AM
Author: Gailey

Date: 3/26/2009 10:09:36 PM
Author: Fox2009
Purrfect, it is ok to tell a forum that you don't appreciate something. It doesn't mean I am objecting to not being framed as a 'victim,' which was never my point. It means that I am setting a personal boundary. If I wanted to be a victim I wouldn't continue to reiterate that I only posted this as my own experience to maybe help others shopping for a sapphire. It is ok if I appreciate people chiming in when they share my viewpoint. But, as has also been mentioned by Thetrial, I've thanked people for objective posts that didn't agree with me completely.
Ms Fox

Puhleese! Are you seriously trying to tell us that your sole intention in starting this thread is simply to 'help' others?

I think you are an extremely articulate and accomplished young woman. I am not even going to begin to dabble in the debate as to the rights and wrongs of your predicament with NSC. There are plenty of very learned people from this board, whose opinions I respect enormously, who have proffered advice in that regard.

From what I can see (unless I am missing something), your first post to this board, 4 days ago, tells us that you have already decided to get a new engagement ring, so much for the sentiment about the sapphire.

Your second post, 3 days ago, launches your offensive against NSC, about whom you feel have done you an egregious disservice, but your sole intention of sharing your story with us is simply to prevent others from suffering the same fate as you?

To coin a phrase from my ancestors, and naturally in my own opinion, but 'Do I look like I sailed down the Clyde on a Banana boat?'

Gypsy, please pass me some pie - I've heard everything now!
WHAT is with the witch hunt on this thread?

If Fox is pissed off at NSC and wants to warn people about buying from them - is that the craziest thing we've ever seen on Pricescope? Does that possibly negate that Fox's story MIGHT BE TRUE?

For god's sake, she's told her story, and it's obvious things are contentious between the two of them. She's posted pics as everyone has requested. Why the snarky bitchy attitude (and I'm not just talking about the post above). The woman has remained civil this entire thread.

Is THAT what you ladies really want? For people to be so afraid of these witch hunts and cultish loyalties that no one wants to post negative consumer experiences on Pricescope? She posted the story. It's fine to ask questions. It's fine to seek clarification. But geez, give me a break already. Just because someone has a GREAT experience or 1000000's of great experiences with a vendor DOES NOT MEAN that someone else can't have a bad one!!! I've never had a bad experience with Whiteflash. Does this mean that they aren't capable of screwing up?

Nice people get pissed. Nice vendors screw up. I'm not saying or concluding what happened in this case. NONE of us know. But if she wants to post an experience that might make someone think twice, she is within her rights to do that because she is not making up the fact that she had a bad experience. It's HER EXPERIENCE. IT MAY NOT BE YOURS.

I have enormous respect for you and your opinions. And actually, I agree with what you are saying. I too believe it is important for us as a collective to hear both positive and negative purchasing experiences where those experiences serve to educate us and to push our suppliers into providing us with ever improving goods and services. However, in this case I don't believe this thread meets that criteria.

Now I freely admit I am having a lousy week, so maybe my perspectives are a little skewed and maybe I am feeling more cynical than normal. But I truly believe that in this particular case the motivation behind this thread has absolutely nothing to do with educating prospective NSC customers, or who or what is responsible for the demise of this ring. In addition, I don't have a dog in the fight. I've never bought anything from NSC and nor do I have any affiliation with the instigator of this thread.

My resentment stems from my own belief that we as a group are being played. I feel like a pawn. I feel Pricescope is being used as a pawn to stir up controversy and negativity to the detriment of the vendor. It may be justified, it may not - immaterial really because the damage has already been done.

Again, in my opinion, Fox has launched an offensive against NSC. But we (Pricescope) have perpetuated it because individually, one by one, we call it as we see it, because that's what PS is, a very public vehicle for public opinion.

I genuinely don't have a view about who's door the blame should be laid at for Fox's ring because I don't know enough to make that call. People who read my opinions know how much I value what Pricescope stands for, so perhaps some will also understand my degree of indignation.

This thread is controversial. It has successfully pitted member against member, thus generating maximum interest, which in turn has kept the thread, whose title is: 'Bad Experience With Natural Sapphire Company (long), at the top of the page for days.

Maximum impact - achieved.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[BIG HUG]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

My condolensce to you. Such a difficult time, please take care of yourself. Will be think of you..

I happen to agree with Linda. If you post on the internet you have already chosen to make the issue public. Next time maybe think that anything that goes on the internet is fair game nowadays for anybody - especially hackers. There is no more privacy. I too would have liked to have seen a picture of this damaged setting.
I will speak no ill will of either party. The issue just raises questions.
I like to hear the customer service experiences of my fellow PS-ers and have benefitted from those willing to share them, Boom comes to mind of recent.
Interesting thread to dredge up from the past . . .
Date: 12/16/2009 1:36:34 PM
Author: LaurenThePartier
Interesting thread to dredge up from the past . . .
I thought this thread was closed, it''s kind of old.
It was. tapio must have requested to have it reopened.

Can''t say I''m excited about it. This is probably my least favorite thread ever.
But reopened for what purpose? The original poster is long gone.
Good question Chrono.
I am wondering that myself. Tapio, how come you re-opened this thread??? Perhaps you didn''t realize it was an old thread?
Well since he started a thread glowing about NSC not too long ago, he probably wanted to make sure this thread had the same type of comments.

Completely off topic- TGAL I wanted to tell you that the quote in your signature I have inscribed on a silver bracelet my BF got me years ago. Everyone always stops me to ask what the bracelet says. I have never seen that quote anywhere else....just a random thought that I wanted to tell you.
Date: 12/16/2009 6:36:08 PM
Author: Sarahbear621
Completely off topic- TGAL I wanted to tell you that the quote in your signature I have inscribed on a silver bracelet my BF got me years ago. Everyone always stops me to ask what the bracelet says. I have never seen that quote anywhere else....just a random thought that I wanted to tell you.
It''s a good quote, isn''t it? So good that it''s been my quote of the week for, oh, about two years now!
Date: 12/16/2009 6:48:29 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 12/16/2009 6:36:08 PM

Author: Sarahbear621

Completely off topic- TGAL I wanted to tell you that the quote in your signature I have inscribed on a silver bracelet my BF got me years ago. Everyone always stops me to ask what the bracelet says. I have never seen that quote anywhere else....just a random thought that I wanted to tell you.
It's a good quote, isn't it? So good that it's been my quote of the week for, oh, about two years now!

Remaining off topic, it used to be my e-mail signature until a few months back. Excellent quote! And how cool that you have it inscribed on jewelry, Sarahbear! Giving me ideas...
Date: 12/16/2009 7:39:05 AM
Author: tapio

I happen to agree with Linda. If you post on the internet you have already chosen to make the issue public. Next time maybe think that anything that goes on the internet is fair game nowadays for anybody - especially hackers. There is no more privacy. I too would have liked to have seen a picture of this damaged setting.

I will speak no ill will of either party. The issue just raises questions.


once again giving you the benefit of the doubt as a newcomer - but this thread was very old and the issue "dead and gone".
You will see the last post before you was way back in March of this year, and the poster who started the thread is long gone.

I have to admit like the others I find it odd that you would ask for such an old thread to be re-opened (or even post on it and re-new it) - if you went searching for threads on the NSC and didn''t realize the dates, than fair enough.
But I personally don''t really see the benefit in re-dredging these old threads unless you have something educational to add.
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