
At long last… Dreamer’s three stone ring


Dec 16, 2007
This thread has been a long time coming, in part because I had been yammering on about getting a three stone ring for like the first seven years I spent on PS, and in part because I got this ring four years ago and never made a SMTB thread. Well, I got a new iPhone, got my pretty all cleaned up, and it’s a beautiful sunny day, so the stars are in alignment and here we go!

If you would like a walk down memory lane or an introduction to me and my precious, here is the thread explaining how I found my 1.89ct Early American Cut Diamond on eBay back in 2014. Never did get a lab report but she’s estimate to be a K/L Color and SI1/SI2. I luvs her.

Yes I always said (thought) I wanted a three stone, yes I sold a diamond a year ago in part because it was too big, yes I am a changable creature... we all know the history! :lol:

But I had been saving to set my three stone and kept finding excuses not to do it. I couldn't decide on a setting, I couldn't decide whether I liked the big side stones or smaller side stones. Somehow I had a mental block about that project. And when I saw Demelza's huge OEC -- the first time I had the pleasure of seeing such a large and amazing diamond in person -- GAME OVER!! I wanted one too ;( InnaR said in my three stone thread that she thought I was a solitaire girl at heart. And I realized she is right. It just needs to be a really big solitaire :devil: Social norms be darned.

But I had also been wondering if maybe old cuts were not for me. I love so much about old cuts -- the chunkiness, the history, the uniqueness. But I cannot stand lazy central facets, leakage, hazy mush. I am OCD about cut!! My 7mm OEC is about as good as it gets in a traditional OEC and even that stone niggled at me in terms of optics. So I was considering getting an RB again!

And then yesterday I stumbled on a listing on ebay that made me stop in my tracks and gasp out loud! This is it! The holy grail, the one in a million cut! Just what I have been looking for! I made an offer, back and forth we went, seller shipped overnight, and I made a day long trip to pick it up today.

It is love at first sight!! :love: :love: :love: This diamond is perfect, all my dreams come true: Huge, white, perfect chunky optics, and a gorgeous setting. It is that rarest of rare cuts: a very symmetrical later European cut, what some call transitional. Like a chunkier, bolder, modern RB. The cutter who crafted this stone was a master. And it is *perfect* for me. Looks so much like Demelza's stone! And others I have admired on PS: jjc's, happy canary's, kennedy's.

So, may I introduce my 8.1mm later period European cut diamond, likely from the 1920s. Estimated G color, SI1 clarity with no under table inclusions, 1.9ct. In a supposedly authentic platinum octagonal-bezel prong-set mount.

I have named her "George" because I will love her, and kiss her, and squeeze her and never let her go.


And a couple of my favourite photos.



I really loved the platinum bezel that Georgie came in, but fast forward many years and many changes in life and it was time for a change. If you would like to read more about the process of designing my new ring, it’s all here:

Hiya everyone! I haven't been around in a while, but I am embarking on a new project so I thought I'd come see if any of my old friends are still around and want to play.

I spent the last couple days lurking in SMTB and checking out some old threads. It's fun to see what's changed and what's stayed the same. I see some new faces, but lots of familiar ones too! Old cuts are as popular as ever, maybe even more so than the last time I was here. I see that some of you have been very very bad girls and acquired very very huge rocks! :halo: Is four carats the new two carats? I sure hope so! And I see so much yellow gold! And three-stones galore! I came back at the perfect time :twisted2:

The last few years have been a whirlwind with no time for diamonds. I spent the better part of the last few years renovating a 100 year old house. I guess my love of old things knows no bounds! I also got tenure at my job. And I had a health crisis that I am thankfully recovering from now.

And I still love my George! But she needs a new home. My ring size changed quite dramatically as a result of my illness, and I don't want to compromise my glorious antique setting by stretching her beyond her limits. For the past two years, my dream ring has been languishing in a drawer! C'est dommage! :knockout: Something must be done.

So I'm going to reset my precious into... drum roll please... a three stone! I'm finally gonna do it! :lol: For realsies! And I'm gonna document the process in this thread. Who wants to come along for the ride?


Dec 16, 2007
I worked with Caysie at CVB Inspired design. She was very helpful through the entire process and was willing to try some experiments in the design before we settled in this final iteration. I think the whole process took 3-4 months total, but it was only about 6 weeks from approval if CADs to the final product.

I admit I found the custom design process stressful. It was my first time and I learned a lot about myself and what I like and need. I think I benefit from seeing things in person and it’s hard to communicate subtle aspects of design in writing for me. Also, being my first time I didn’t fully understand what to expect along the way, and worrying about what the final product would look like, having never seen one of Caysie’s designs in person before, was also hard for me. Caysie was very open, responsive, and professional thought the entire process and I would definitely work with her again.

In the end everything was totally worth it because the ring is such a masterpiece.

The Deets:

The center earth mined diamond is a 1.89ct Early American Cut (circa 1920s) and it is a K/L color and likely SI1/Si2. The diamond is 8.0mm in diameter.

The side stones are each 0.30ct Modern Round Brilliants that I purchased from James Allen in 2019. One is L VS2 and the other is K SI1, and both are GIA XXX cuts. They are each 4.3mm in diameter.

The ring is made of 18k yellow gold with engraving and antiquing, with platinum prongs. My ring size is 10.5 :cool2:

Here are the glamour pictures that Caysie sent me.





Apr 7, 2010
We’ve been waiting a long time to see your masterpiece. It is stunning with old world charm and showcases your stone beautifully. Can you please provide some hand shots and about a 1,000 more photos.


Nov 21, 2013
Gorgeous!!! I love that the MRBs perfectly compliment your stone. And what a lovely design to the ring!


Aug 14, 2018
What a beautiful stone!!! I read the old threads as well. Congrats on the new dress; she’s beautiful.


Oct 22, 2019
Beautiful! I am a transitional lover myself. I love this, enjoy it!


Aug 14, 2009
:love: :kiss2::appl::wavey::love:

It’s so lovely to see this screenname pop up again!! Oh my goodness DD. I’ve missed you ❤️

And of course I remember E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G about your glorious threestone. And way more than I probably should about George :lol: I was actually wondering, a few months ago, if you were still wearing this ring, and how the engraving had held up - it looks phenomenal!! Just as beautiful as it was brand new. Just got a few years of proof of love now.

Welcome back old friend ::)


Jul 31, 2014
Oh my lord. Where are my smelling salts??????

The center stone is LIFE. Perfect chunky arrows transitional/OEC/MRB all rolled into one. And the setting. Gahhhhhhhh. Perfect.


Dec 16, 2007
We’ve been waiting a long time to see your masterpiece. It is stunning with old world charm and showcases your stone beautifully. Can you please provide some hand shots and about a 1,000 more photos.

Farley it’s so nice to “see” you again! I remember you collection well and our many conversations about settings and diamonds all those years ago.


Jan 3, 2013
It’s truly a dream @dreamer_dachsie !! Love everything about your three stone!!


Dec 16, 2007
So nice! From one transitional wearer to another- congrats! Caysie also set mine.

I went looking for photos of your Diamond and couldn’t find a thread of it set, but if it’s this guy here from one of your earlier threads, it sure is lovely!



You might know this already, but even though both of our stones are trasitionals, mine is from the 1920s whereas yours is more likely from the 1940s or maybe even a little later. Can you see how your arrows are little thinner and the culet smaller? And a larger table. All of those characteristics only became possible when they developed new tools and techniques in the 1940s onwards in response to overhead electrical lighting changing how diamonds needed to be cut to maximize light return. I love this kind of transitional that you have bc they show that amazing checkerboard pattern you can see in the first image, above. I love that. I’d love to see your ring if you have photos.


Dec 16, 2007
Gorgeous!!! I love that the MRBs perfectly compliment your stone. And what a lovely design to the ring!

I do think the MRBs work wonderfully with my old cut, I’m glad you agree! I spent a fair bit of time trying to figure out the best option for side stones once it became obvious I was not going to find a matched pair of old cuts of the same make as my main Diamond (I don’t know why my auto correct capitalizes “diamond” but I like it ).

Anyway these MRBs have very similar proportions to my old cut and especially in person, they just look like little cheerleaders for the center stone and nothing else matters.


Dec 16, 2007
What a beautiful stone!!! I read the old threads as well. Congrats on the new dress; she’s beautiful.

Thank you! I love reading old threads on PS. It’s a walk down memory lane, and also a really interesting time capsule of trends on PS and in jewellery more generally.


Dec 16, 2007
Beautiful! I am a transitional lover myself. I love this, enjoy it!

I just commented on your thread! I love your new Diamond. What a wonderful project!


Jul 23, 2012
I thought of you today whenever you listed this stone as an April fools joke.

Glad to see you reset it in something you really love.

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Dreamer, it's good to see your name back here! I've wanted to see more of George and your three-stone for so long--it's spectacular! :love: Every detail is so carefully thought out, and it's the perfect showcase for George. (Btw, George remains one of my all-time favorite stones on PS and was the inspiration for my recut.)


Dec 16, 2007
:love: :kiss2::appl::wavey::love:

It’s so lovely to see this screenname pop up again!! Oh my goodness DD. I’ve missed you ❤️

And of course I remember E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G about your glorious threestone. And way more than I probably should about George :lol: I was actually wondering, a few months ago, if you were still wearing this ring, and how the engraving had held up - it looks phenomenal!! Just as beautiful as it was brand new. Just got a few years of proof of love now.

Welcome back old friend ::)

I misssssssssed you tooooo! I’m back because I have a new project in the works (thread in coloured jewels). That and I gave up twitter lol

You have had so many wonderful projects in the least few years. Your collection is so aspirational to me, as each is so carefully chosen and designed by a master artist.

I really baby this ring which is why it’s still looking so good. I basically only wear it when I go to work on campus which was not at all for about two years and now only three days a week. The milgraine and engraving is all in perfect condition. BUT I noticed when I was taking these pictures that the antiquing/oxidizing coating is starting to show enough wear that I think it’s time to remove it. Caysie said it can be done and won’t damage the gold. It will be like a whole new look! I need to DM Caysie and see how it’s done. I want to do it locally as I really don’t want to ship high value jewels cross border anymore.

I also think I need a macro clip for my iPhone to get good photos. What do you do for your pics? This was my first attempt using my iPhone for jewellery pics and I like the artsy look but it’s not showing the detail I want.


Jul 28, 2013
This is gorgeous! The combination of George, the prongs, the engraving, the double milgrained donuts, the milgrained band, the two tone, the antiqued gold, etc etc is just perfection :kiss2:


Jan 9, 2006
Aahhhh I've been waiting for this thread for what feels like forever!! The ring is beyond perfection, I adore everything about it.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Beautiful! This ring has been a LONG time coming & was worth the wait! :kiss2:


Dec 12, 2006
wow that is pretty!!!! welcome back!


Aug 27, 2019
I went looking for photos of your Diamond and couldn’t find a thread of it set, but if it’s this guy here from one of your earlier threads, it sure is lovely!



You might know this already, but even though both of our stones are trasitionals, mine is from the 1920s whereas yours is more likely from the 1940s or maybe even a little later. Can you see how your arrows are little thinner and the culet smaller? And a larger table. All of those characteristics only became possible when they developed new tools and techniques in the 1940s onwards in response to overhead electrical lighting changing how diamonds needed to be cut to maximize light return. I love this kind of transitional that you have bc they show that amazing checkerboard pattern you can see in the first image, above. I love that. I’d love to see your ring if you have photos.

Yeah I am not really educated on stuff like that so wasn't really aware, when the antique jeweler that is big in my area of the southeast sold it to me in 2010 they told me 1920s but they also told me it was an OEC and I didn't know any better, someone here told me it was a transitional.

I think the title of the thread was Christmas Eve Arrival with it set but I only had a few pics, will try to attach one here F573EF6A-13BE-45CA-8001-FF8ED30FA492.jpeg
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