
#TBT an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagement


Oct 1, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

almondblossom|1362422433|3396036 said:
I am also in Europe and haven't found an OEC with certificate either (although they have been graded by the seller). It is inspiring that you were able to find such a lovely OEC in Europe. I can't wait to see macro shots! The pattern looks really lovely and the setting is so pretty and unique!!

almondblossom, thank you!! It's so funny that eventually it does look harder to find an OEC here rather than in the US! But I think it's mostly because our shops don't sell online too often, especially the antique ones! If I may ask, were do you live in Europe? :)

many of the sales people did not distinguish old from transitional cuts, or maybe did not know the terminology. in one of the shops we were bounced from a sales person, to another, and then to the owner, who is a gemologist. I generally find that here as compared with the US most people see the ring as a single entity, and don't try to break it down in stone vs setting (even only cognitively). Notice that here might be biased, since I only know a bit about PSers, and have no clue about other jewelry consumers.

In any case, here many seem somewhat hurt when asked about technicalities. They see it as a unique object passed down from generation to generation, and the overall style and impression is what matters. I am very very happy I have learned in a way to see things differently, because it helps me appreciating other aspects I would not see otherwise, but I still share this general sentiment :rolleyes:

Is this also your experience?


Dec 10, 2004
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

I read every word with anticipation and excitement. I feel like I have been part of your journey and sooooooo happy that you found the right one and it didn't take so long at all. Before I talk about the diamond, I must say your boyfriend is fantastic! I think my husband would have given up long ago - he can't bear going to antique shops and all he does is play on his phone at jewelry stores.

Now, the diamond has an amazing facet pattern and the setting is stunning! I can't wait to see more photos. Did you have a chance to clean up the ring yet?


Jun 6, 2010
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Congrats on your engagement! What a story you will have to tell your kids and grandkids! It's a gorgeous stone and a gorgeous setting! So glad that you didn't compromise and found your dream ring!! :appl: :love:


Jan 31, 2013
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

I am in Scandinavia but we have lived in France and London before that. Where I live they don't distinguish between the different old cuts, everything is just "old cuts" and once I found a transitional diamond which they insisted was a modern round brilliant :) These old cuts are not so popular here as they seem to be in the US and people don't seem to know so much about them.

Great to meet another European girl here :)


Feb 12, 2011
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

whooo hooooo mission accomplished!!! Very happy for you.. so happy you found your dream ring.. as the old timers all said.. when you see it you'll know it.. Enjoy and congratulations!!!! :appl: :appl: It's beautiful! :love:


Oct 1, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

CharmyPoo|1362424658|3396057 said:
I read every word with anticipation and excitement. I feel like I have been part of your journey and sooooooo happy that you found the right one and it didn't take so long at all. Before I talk about the diamond, I must say your boyfriend is fantastic! I think my husband would have given up long ago - he can't bear going to antique shops and all he does is play on his phone at jewelry stores.

Now, the diamond has an amazing facet pattern and the setting is stunning! I can't wait to see more photos. Did you have a chance to clean up the ring yet?

Charmy!!! ooh, thank you for the participation!! what you say is so so sweet :D
Thomas was proudly reading your comment with me and you made him blush :lol:

you have def been part of the journey!! I have learned a lot from you and from your own experiences, and I am very very thankful you shared them with me. thank you thank you thank you. You seem to be a really wonderful person, I wish we lived closer, so we could meet and go shopping sometimes!

And your husband had his share too :lol: I really can't forget your wonderful story, and think we are both very very lucky ladies! ;))

wheeew, it's such a relief to hear so many positive expert opinions! I knew I absolutely loved it, but knowing more experienced PSers see it as nice as I do is a really good feeling. I trust you very very highly, so it's great to hear you like the stone too :))

It's not here yet!! can you believe it? I'll have to go until Thursday-Friday without it, and then still wait for the official proposal to come!!
At least, I will get to play with it in the house, so I can take more pics :bigsmile:

on a side note: the gentleman in the shop recommended to wash with warm water and toothbrush only. He said absolutely no ultrasonic machine. At the moment I was too overwhelmed to really pay attention and ask why so, but now I am really wondering.

He also said they are going to issue an appraisal for insurance purposes, and suggested to have the value appraised up to the original correct price tag. I have heard sometime on PS that it would be better to insure at the price effectively paid. Does this apply to somewhat underpaid items?


Oct 1, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Mayk|1362427083|3396087 said:
whooo hooooo mission accomplished!!! Very happy for you.. so happy you found your dream ring.. as the old timers all said.. when you see it you'll know it.. Enjoy and congratulations!!!! :appl: :appl: It's beautiful! :love:

Mayk, thank you!! :D it's so so true! I can't wait to see your emerald cut sitting happily on your finger :naughty:


Oct 1, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

almondblossom|1362425231|3396064 said:
I am in Scandinavia but we have lived in France and London before that. Where I live they don't distinguish between the different old cuts, everything is just "old cuts" and once I found a transitional diamond which they insisted was a modern round brilliant :) These old cuts are not so popular here as they seem to be in the US and people don't seem to know so much about them.

Great to meet another European girl here :)

Hi Yennyfire! :wavey: thanks for your kind wishes! Telling these stories to your own kids and grandkids is half of the fun, isn't it?
I suspect I might end up telling it to other's people next generations too, when I'm old and not so lucid any longer :lol:
What a unique ring you have in your avatar!! beautiful!!

almondblossom, great to meet you too!! you are even Northen-er than I am :) I'm happy we can at least find old cuts, no matter what the vendors call them ;))


Jan 9, 2008
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

That ring looks perfect on your hand!!! I can't wait to see it very very clean - wow! I'm not sure I'm understanding that they gave you 15% off a price that was 7000 pounds below what it should have been marked at - something not adding up for me there. I'm guessing you'll get it appraised, so you can see what you really have.


Oct 1, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

motownmama|1362430926|3396146 said:
That ring looks perfect on your hand!!! I can't wait to see it very very clean - wow! I'm not sure I'm understanding that they gave you 15% off a price that was 7000 pounds below what it should have been marked at - something not adding up for me there. I'm guessing you'll get it appraised, so you can see what you really have.

Hi motownmama! must be my bad English :oops: They discounted the price tag indicated on the ring by 15% and then they found out the price indicated was wrong by 7000 pounds! so effectively they discounted by 7000 + 15% of the marked price :sun:

I'm glad you say it looks nice on my hand! thank youuu :halo:
the owner of a shop we visited on Friday said I have a 'square hand' and that I should not wear antique, but very modern jewelry :lol: I had never heard of square hands before, and found the comment very funny!! :loopy:

I am not sure whether I will get it appraised by an independent professional or not. Is this something that is recommendable to do also in case the item was purchased from a trusted vendor?


Oct 1, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

I also wanted to send a special thanks to DreamerD, Fortekitty, Madelise, Mara, and Diamondseeker.

Your guidance has been very valuable to me. I really hope you all will read my comment and have a feeling of how much I appreciate your help, along with that of other PSers I have already mentioned above. How great it is that so much knowledge can be passed from person to person, and with so much joy!

So here is a very very sincere thank you :halo:


May 11, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

I am soooo glad you finally found something!!! And its beautiful too BTW!!!! Congrats.


Aug 5, 2010
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Wow, I just love this story! You know, you both were put through your paces just in finding the ring, and that search and the frustration before you found "the one" could've been the undoing of a lesser couple - but you two were in it together and found it together! Sounds like there was much good karma in that ring for you.

It looks wonderful on you and I love the filigree and detailing. A big and hearty congratulations!


May 23, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

What a romantic and wonderful story - an fantastic ring! Many congratulations!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Well now I love this ring and diamond! Awesome!

Tell the shop keeper that he can use his store appraisal to blow his nose :lol: That is what it is worth to have an inflated appraisal. You should 100% go to an INDEPENDENT appraiser and get a full and detailed appraisal of your ring on your own. Ask him to determine the value based on the amount you think you would pay to actually replace it in a similar manner. You have a sense of the local market. All you want is insurance to replace your irreplacable antique, no need to over insure.


Jan 9, 2008
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

again, I love your ring!!! which metal is it? can't tell from the pics - thanks!


Feb 29, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Aww thanks honey, I'm glad I was able to help some! Truly so excited for you. I hope he proposes sooner rather than later!!!


May 10, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

What a fantastic, romantic story. So glad you found "the one!" - Both boyfriend and the ring.

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Diana, I love your story, and the ring and diamond are beautiful! :love: :love: I just love how you immediately knew it was the one, not to mention how awesome it was that they inadvertently gave you a great deal! I'm also so impressed that Thomas went to all those shops with you!

Can't wait to see more pictures!


Apr 19, 2010
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

What a wonderful story and such a beautiful ring!!! :love: :love: :love: It looks like it was worth the effort put into getting it! And it sounds like you've got a great guy :appl:


Jan 11, 2006
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

You are a sweetheart and I am thrilled for you that you found such a fabulous ring!!! It is beautiful!!! :love:

What a great story! You will remember that trip to find your ring the rest of your life! :appl:


Aug 14, 2009
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Oh WOW, what a beautiful stone and what an awesome story!!! Thank you for sharing them both with us ::)

I love the bit with card with the big YES on it - I hope you saved it! :bigsmile:


Jun 11, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

What a fabulous ring and wonderful story. Congratulations! :appl:
I too hope you kept the card with "YES!" written on it. You should carry it around and whip it out when he proposes.


Oct 8, 2010
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Congratulazioni per il tuo fidanzamento!!!
Il tuo anello è semplicemente divino!!! La tua perseveranza ti ha premiata!
Confermo che comperare diamanti antichi in Italia è difficilissimo: mercato di nicchia, niente certificati e conoscenza tecnica nulla sui tagli antichi...

Congratulations on your engagement!!!
Your e-ring is simply divine!!! Your perseverance rewarded you!
I confirm that buying antique diamonds in Italy is very difficult: niche market, no certificates and no technical knowledge about old cuts...


Nov 1, 2009
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Wonderful story and beautiful ring, congratulations!


Aug 14, 2009
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

JaneSmith|1362468009|3396622 said:
What a fabulous ring and wonderful story. Congratulations! :appl:
I too hope you kept the card with "YES!" written on it. You should carry it around and whip it out when he proposes.

THAT! :appl: :bigsmile:


Nov 12, 2007
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

dianabarbara|1362429381|3396121 said:
on a side note: the gentleman in the shop recommended to wash with warm water and toothbrush only. He said absolutely no ultrasonic machine. At the moment I was too overwhelmed to really pay attention and ask why so, but now I am really wondering.

He also said they are going to issue an appraisal for insurance purposes, and suggested to have the value appraised up to the original correct price tag. I have heard sometime on PS that it would be better to insure at the price effectively paid. Does this apply to somewhat underpaid items?

For cleaning, I would try the soft toothbrush and warm soapy water first (dish detergent works well for cutting grime). An ultrasonic really shakes things around (um, kind of the point) so it can loosen stones if they are not held in securely. I would suggest cleaning it gently or having it steam cleaned at a jewelers. But, I'd be careful about it. You may want to get it appraised/insured for a reasonable value (NOT based on an inflated appraisal from the seller!) before you really clean it, in case something does come loose and you are looking at repairs.


Oct 1, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

arkieb, you have been delightful with me the whole time. ::)
Thank you for your congratulations! I really appreciated your help when I was considering the almost 4 carats stone
I hope luck is around the corner for you too, and that you will stumble upon something you really really love.

minsoubijoux, rosebloom, onefifty, startgurl, and lknvbr4, thank you!! your sweet comments makes me smile out of happiness :)

Dreamer, oh dreamer! a big big hug to you for your support. again, I have learned a lot from you, and I admire your patience in explaining your insights to me and other readers in their learning phase. thank you so much!! :))

Me and Thomas have been looking at the insurance prices around here and they are around 400 dollars per year. Is this normal :confused:

motownmama, it's platinum!! We compared it with other platinum rings in the same shop, and they all look a tad different from each other. Maybe 100 years ago jewelers used non-standardized alloys? In any case, I love that it's not overly white :) it makes a bit more understated, which I think is more suitable to my work environment.

pandabee: :D

Kim_N, thanks!!! :)) I'll make sure to post very soon after I receive the magic box, and maybe after the proposal! I can't wait either!!!!! I share the office with one of my best friends and so far it's been a real pain not to tell him everything :errrr:

Diamondseeker.. awwwww :oops:
this is so so sweet!! thank you :)

Yssie, thanks for your kind post.It feels great to hear you like the stone too! I can wait to see it again and better. I'll run to get a loupe one of these days and prepare my old camera :naughty:

janesmith, What a great idea!!!! Knowing him (he loooves making speeches), the proposal could turn into a long, very theatrical, and fun event. it would be hilarious to answer like this :lol:

purplesilk, whereare you from? :) awesome to find another Italian girl!!! thanks for your congrats


Oct 1, 2012
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

rubybeth|1362495755|3396787 said:
dianabarbara|1362429381|3396121 said:
on a side note: the gentleman in the shop recommended to wash with warm water and toothbrush only. He said absolutely no ultrasonic machine. At the moment I was too overwhelmed to really pay attention and ask why so, but now I am really wondering.

He also said they are going to issue an appraisal for insurance purposes, and suggested to have the value appraised up to the original correct price tag. I have heard sometime on PS that it would be better to insure at the price effectively paid. Does this apply to somewhat underpaid items?

For cleaning, I would try the soft toothbrush and warm soapy water first (dish detergent works well for cutting grime). An ultrasonic really shakes things around (um, kind of the point) so it can loosen stones if they are not held in securely. I would suggest cleaning it gently or having it steam cleaned at a jewelers. But, I'd be careful about it. You may want to get it appraised/insured for a reasonable value (NOT based on an inflated appraisal from the seller!) before you really clean it, in case something does come loose and you are looking at repairs.

rubybeth, thanks for your suggestion. I will def try with toothbrush and warm soapy water then! Is toothbrush good also on small side stones? I'll be very very delicate and careful 8)

the seller actually said we can decide which value we want to be declared in the shop appraisal, so we are considering to have it set on the price paid. in any case, I'd like to have it appraised soon, if I can find a person I trust somewhere closeby. Maybe Antwerp would be a good place. I have to say in many ways I would be happier if I could wait till I'm in the US and contact Jonathan or some other trusted PS vendor.

thanks again for your help!! :)


Jan 11, 2006
Re: an Italo-German-British tale: our Old European engagemen

Only use a very soft baby toothbrush and I would try to avoid brushing the metal with it. Soak it in the very warm water and dish detergent for awhile to soften the dirt before doing it.
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