
A sparkly doo-dad to use up my spare OECs.

That is fab news! Fingers crossed for your meeting with the surgeon today and hope you had a comfortable night.
Checking in this morning, so happy for the good news. Continuing to pray for you and so happy for you good news! Feel better soon!
Thank you, ladies. :kiss2:

Yes, it was laparoscopic and I'm waiting till tomorrow morning when the surgeon pops by to find out what he thought of it. I had no lymph nodes removed. tho, so that's a SUPER positive sign!

Pls forgive me if I don't respond individually - I'm still in hospital, not terribly comfortable, filled up with pain meds, and basically stoned. :loopy:

Fabulous news!
Wonderful news @mrs-b! I’m so happy it was laparoscopic surgery! Hopefully the surgeon will have some more positive feedback to get you through until you get the results. I hope you feel better soon!
Just wanted to check in to see if there are any updates and to let you know that you are in my thoughts. I am so encouraged by the laparoscopic surgery aspect hope there is only good news yet to arrive! Sending you lots of hugs, prayers, and good vibes!
Hi @carbonfan :wavey:

So far, all is going well with my recovery. The most uncomfortable aspect is the CO2 gas with which they fill your abdominal cavity to make all your internal organs easier to differentiate; the under-rib and shoulder pain is a special kind of excruciating that takes days to subside! This is subsiding significantly, tho, and they say that 4 days from the procedure should see it gone.

I'm healing well from the op itself. I have some small aches and pains, but have been doing short yoga and tai chi sequences for a few minutes at a time, trying to keep everything loose and moving. I heal really well and am not experiencing more than mild pain from incisions etc. It really was the gas pain that hurt the worst (by a LONG shot). My energy is picking up fast and I expect to be feeling way better in a week - 2 at the most. I'm also genuinely happy; having this procedure behind me has lifted a huge weight.

I get all the rest of the biopsy results in about a week. With endometrial cancer, what they're looking for most is protrusion through the myometrial wall (the center layer of the uterus). If it has proceeded less than 50% of the way through, the assumption is that the cancer is contained within the uterus, and removing the uterus should be adequate treatment. More than 50% will see you get radiation treatment and possibly brachytherapy, while dissemination of any kind beyond the uterus will buy you chemo. The results I'm waiting for will tell me whether my cancer got beyond the uterus, but since, according to the surgeon and the tests done by the pathologist who attended the surgery at the time, my cancer was less than 30% through the myometrial wall, it's unlikely I'll have any secondaries, metastases, or dissemination of any kind.

There was apparently no obvious cancer in my lymph nodes, so none of those were removed - which makes for a far more comfortable surgery and removes the chance of lymphodema, which can show up even years after the surgery and is a cow of a thing - so I'm VERY happy about that, and the cancer they removed was smaller than they had originally expected - probably because they put me on hormone therapy in between my biopsy and my surgery.

I'm sorry this takes so long to explain, but I'm trying to be thorough and accurate, and none of this stuff is particularly straight forward.

In summary, tho, as far as I can see, I'm looking to be stage 1a (lowest possible staging) of a grade 1 tumor (lowest, least aggressive type of tumor). My surgery was straight forward with no signs of cancer spread. In a week or so I'll have all the path reports and, if they come back clear, I'll get a 'no further treatment' classification.

I will still need 5 years of follow up before they sign me off their books, so in the back of my mind I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for that, but I'm well placed and I am SO GRATEFUL. I've had a great deal of support, and I have a God who has blessed me in this way in this specific instance, and I am mightily thankful.

Thanks for asking, @carbonfan. :kiss2:
Hi @carbonfan :wavey:

So far, all is going well with my recovery. The most uncomfortable aspect is the CO2 gas with which they fill your abdominal cavity to make all your internal organs easier to differentiate; the under-rib and shoulder pain is a special kind of excruciating that takes days to subside! This is subsiding significantly, tho, and they say that 4 days from the procedure should see it gone.

I'm healing well from the op itself. I have some small aches and pains, but have been doing short yoga and tai chi sequences for a few minutes at a time, trying to keep everything loose and moving. I heal really well and am not experiencing more than mild pain from incisions etc. It really was the gas pain that hurt the worst (by a LONG shot). My energy is picking up fast and I expect to be feeling way better in a week - 2 at the most. I'm also genuinely happy; having this procedure behind me has lifted a huge weight.

I get all the rest of the biopsy results in about a week. With endometrial cancer, what they're looking for most is protrusion through the myometrial wall (the center layer of the uterus). If it has proceeded less than 50% of the way through, the assumption is that the cancer is contained within the uterus, and removing the uterus should be adequate treatment. More than 50% will see you get radiation treatment and possibly brachytherapy, while dissemination of any kind beyond the uterus will buy you chemo. The results I'm waiting for will tell me whether my cancer got beyond the uterus, but since, according to the surgeon and the tests done by the pathologist who attended the surgery at the time, my cancer was less than 30% through the myometrial wall, it's unlikely I'll have any secondaries, metastases, or dissemination of any kind.

There was apparently no obvious cancer in my lymph nodes, so none of those were removed - which makes for a far more comfortable surgery and removes the chance of lymphodema, which can show up even years after the surgery and is a cow of a thing - so I'm VERY happy about that, and the cancer they removed was smaller than they had originally expected - probably because they put me on hormone therapy in between my biopsy and my surgery.

I'm sorry this takes so long to explain, but I'm trying to be thorough and accurate, and none of this stuff is particularly straight forward.

In summary, tho, as far as I can see, I'm looking to be stage 1a (lowest possible staging) of a grade 1 tumor (lowest, least aggressive type of tumor). My surgery was straight forward with no signs of cancer spread. In a week or so I'll have all the path reports and, if they come back clear, I'll get a 'no further treatment' classification.

I will still need 5 years of follow up before they sign me off their books, so in the back of my mind I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for that, but I'm well placed and I am SO GRATEFUL. I've had a great deal of support, and I have a God who has blessed me in this way in this specific instance, and I am mightily thankful.

Thanks for asking, @carbonfan. :kiss2:
You made my day @mrs-b! I’m happy you’re healing well and checked in. I saw you talking about your upgrade in another thread....and I hoped it meant you were feeling well and thinking of bling again. <3
Yay! I’ve been thinking about you and so glad to see your post. I smiled reading this last post and so happy for you.Take care and hope to chat with you soon:kiss2:
Thank you so much for the update, @mrs-b; this made my entire week! I am so happy that things are looking up and you sound like you are in good spirits. You are a fighter and you have some great people on your team, and as importantly it seems like you caught this thing right out of the gate which is fantastic. I will be sending good vibes and hoping your healing continues smoothly and easily... hopefully bling distractions will make it all go by quickly! ((Hugs))
So happy for your good prognosis! Sending healing vibes your way.
@mrs-b glad to hear surgery was laparoscopic and no lymph nodes had to be removed. Praying that you only need a hysterectomy and no radiation or chemo. Will they keep you on hormone blockers for years?
Joyous news mrs-b!! So happy for you and your excellent prognosis.
I am going to keep my fingers crossed for good news. One of my girlfriends had to have this done for endometrial cancer, and other than the hysterectomy, there wasn't anything further that they had her do. I hope this is true in your case too (although from what she said, it wasn't any picnic being thrown into instant menopause as they took her ovaries as well). Hoping you have an easy recovery from the surgery too. Even laparoscopic ones are no fun.
Sounds like fabulous news so far! I will keep you in my thoughts for a great pathology report. Please rest and heal and know that many here are thinking of you and wishing you all the best!
Wonderful news! So happy that you're recovering well, sorry to hear about the shoulder tip pain, it's a bugger! Lots of love.
@mrs-b Hallelujah! this is fantastic news girl! I am thrilled, happy, relieved and full of happiness for you. The best possible outcome. :love::love::love::love::love:
Mrs-b, delighted to hear your news! I’m sure you will have more good news to come.........I will say prayers for that! Rest and take care of yourself.
@mrs-b so happy for your good news and praying for you that you make a speedy recovery. I think that your Doc’s would agree that you should wear all your fabulous jewels while recovering because when you look at them your body will release more “happy healing hormones!” Prayers for healing
I’ve been flat out all weekend and just checked in now to see how you’re doing @mrs-b. This is the best news! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that it keeps on being great news and this is the extent of the surgery you need.
So happy for you mrs-b!! This is really just so positive and great to read.

I'm really encouraged reading about your strong faith. You sound like you know you're in good hands.

My mum had to have an emergency colonostomy during the week as she had a perforation in her bowel. I live 4 and a half hours drive away from my parents so this weekend I've driven to see her in hospital and spend some time with my dad.
Their pastor and his wife came to visit mum today after me and dad had been to church and rather than hide behind the curtain while we prayed for mum we decided to just openly thank God for her recovery so far and bless her. We're blessed to live in countries where we can freely express our faith and not have to hide it. Bless you heaps and I'll be continuing to pray for you as you heal and get 100% well.
Very very happy to hear this news, @mrs-b, and so happy you are doing well. I hope all of this is behind you, at least to some extent, even though you have a bit of time until the final results. It looks very good and I hope you will be able to relax a bit and not be too stressed out. Praying for you still and thankful to God for the answered prayer. Big hugs.
Waiting for my path results to come out, which will tell the full story. They told me they'd be 10-14 days, but I can't help getting more and more wound up as each day passes. I saw my PCP today and told her all the info I knew so far, and ended with " I'm feeling pretty confident it will be stage 1a." - to which she said "Sure - unless something has slipped out somehow and lodged somewhere. But it's always treatable." Completely made me want to throw up.
Waiting for my path results to come out, which will tell the full story. They told me they'd be 10-14 days, but I can't help getting more and more wound up as each day passes. I saw my PCP today and told her all the info I knew so far, and ended with " I'm feeling pretty confident it will be stage 1a." - to which she said "Sure - unless something has slipped out somehow and lodged somewhere. But it's always treatable." Completely made me want to throw up.

Doctors are extremely intelligent folks but sometimes with some doctors their intelligence outweighs their common sense. There was no need to say this in light of the fact that your pathology results are not back. PUSH that out of your mind - no need to borrow trouble! Rest and think of pleasant things and memories. You've got Christmas coming in five months so need to be planning for that - lol! Much more important things to think about!
Waiting for my path results to come out, which will tell the full story. They told me they'd be 10-14 days, but I can't help getting more and more wound up as each day passes. I saw my PCP today and told her all the info I knew so far, and ended with " I'm feeling pretty confident it will be stage 1a." - to which she said "Sure - unless something has slipped out somehow and lodged somewhere. But it's always treatable." Completely made me want to throw up.
@mrs-b That was a ridiculous thing to say to you! All signs point to a 1a....
9F249B4E-8433-4020-BD2C-514A8C915C56.gif Great news @mrs-b.
Stay positive and keep healing!
Don’t let yourself dwell on this statement. Don’t project the possibility of this scenario. Waiting on pathology is agonizing. Stay positive mrs-b!