
2 Carats Under 8K: Doable or Bad Idea?

But let's get down to the details what setting are you doing? Still no idea? What options did idj show you do you have photos?

We ended up going with the James Allen setting because the coupon/sale was ending. Yekutiel didn't end up showing us any settings. From what he told me, to get the setting we wanted in rose gold, he would have probably had to send it out for custom work, and with the James Allen price what it was, it wouldn't have meant much margin for him.
Ah. Glad you're happy with you're choices.
Don't even THINK of NOT coming back with your finished pics as soon as your ring is done!!!
Hi HDer,
This has been such a fascinating thread. If I may ask, which JA setting did you settle on? I can't wait to see the finished ring, bet it will be just gorgeous!!!
It's going to be a masterpiece!! Have you discussed wedding bands, yet, or are you waiting until after the proposal? There is a matching band to go with her you think she'll go with that, or step outside & get something different?

Thank you! Interesting, I totally missed the matching band. She said she had some ideas on the band, so we'll see what she thinks. I'll show the matching one to her as well (maybe after my wallet has a chance to take a breather. :-)) Yekutiel sending you the stone first? Or are you having him ship directly to James Allen? I ask that because if stone is being shipped to you first, then you will incur cost to have diamond insured and shipped to James Allen. Perhaps consider having ID Jewelry ship direct to James Allen and see if they will ship insured to them. Be sure to contact James Allen and have that rep know to track that package and arrive safely! Get the name of the rep too!! I'm not sure of all the process of doing this but other PSers have shipped their diamonds to have their rings hand forged so maybe start a new thread or look into this.

2) Please select a wedding band with upmost care as there will be a double halo and the second halo will be perpendicular to the other. It has been posted that rings with diamonds next to each other will cause damage (stone upon stone will cause friction and wear rings down) when worn together. So others have remedy this situation by purchasing a thin 'spacer' band to wear in between the diamond bands.

Something a little funny: so when I sent the shipping label from James Allen to Yekutiel, I noticed that Yekutiel's store is a 3 minute walk away from James Allen's office. So I told him, instead of going to the Fedex store and putting the diamond in two overlapping boxes and all, why not just walk it over if you want?

But of course, he has all of the shipping materials in his store already and a regular Fedex pickup, so he hands it to the Fedex guy. So I check the tracking info today, and of course Fedex has taken it all the way out to Newark, New Jersey, just to move the package one block! Yekutiel sending you the stone first? Or are you having him ship directly to James Allen? I ask that because if stone is being shipped to you first, then you will incur cost to have diamond insured and shipped to James Allen. Perhaps consider having ID Jewelry ship direct to James Allen and see if they will ship insured to them. Be sure to contact James Allen and have that rep know to track that package and arrive safely! Get the name of the rep too!! I'm not sure of all the process of doing this but other PSers have shipped their diamonds to have their rings hand forged so maybe start a new thread or look into this.

Funny I literally posted about this 1 minute after you posted your comment. Yes, I paid 30 dollars for the shipping, but Yekutiel is doing it directly from his shop. James Allen insists on using their label, so it wasn't worth the hassle of having Yekutiel do it separately and then trying to get my money back from James Allen.

2) Please select a wedding band with upmost care as there will be a double halo and the second halo will be perpendicular to the other. It has been posted that rings with diamonds next to each other will cause damage (stone upon stone will cause friction and wear rings down) when worn together. So others have remedy this situation by purchasing a thin 'spacer' band to wear in between the diamond bands.

Yes, agreed. My plan is to get the ring first, and then we can see how much clearance there actually is. The spacer isn't a bad idea.
Like minds think alike! Crazy, that we were thinking about that at the same time! Well, I didn't know James Allen is only a block or so from IDJ, but I don't think people can just go in and drop off a diamond at their front desk and 'hope' they know what to do with it! Best to use the process and go with it! At least you can track it and someone signed for it.

2) As a suggestion, Perhaps if she is willing to wait for your 1st Anniversary you both could pick out a lovely band together! ( Your wallet can take a break and recuperate!) Then if needed, get a thin spacer band along with the wedding band! This could be a surprise for her as I know you'll make your 1st Anniversaries special! You're that kind of guy!

Funny I literally posted about this 1 minute after you posted your comment. Yes, I paid 30 dollars for the shipping, but Yekutiel is doing it directly from his shop. James Allen insists on using their label, so it wasn't worth the hassle of having Yekutiel do it separately and then trying to get my money back from James Allen.

Yes, agreed. My plan is to get the ring first, and then we can see how much clearance there actually is. The spacer isn't a bad idea.

Spacers are inexpensive. Go to & look for anything you like. Vendors at Etsy, in the majority, are remarkable to deal with, and totally ligit. Without Etsy, my wedding would never have happened in 8 weeks. Long story, but to sum it up, I MADE everything for my wedding, with a little help from about 1/2 a dozen vendors, scattered across the globe, whom I found on Etsy.
There are some beautiful spacers on Etsy (I'm considering one for myself)...
Wow, this is going to be a stunner! Can't wait to see pictures! It looks like you may not even need a spacer but if you do I purchased my 1mm at ewedding bands. I bought a 10k white gold and it is perfect for times I need one. :mrgreen2:
Thanks! I saw your "cut analysis tool" referenced in your other thread. Do you have a link? Would love to check it out.

Not really a cut analysis tool, just a way to try to 'unround' GIA certificates, to try determine if your 41.2 is a 41.1 or a 41.29. Nerdy fun..

and for an excel sheet on diamonds
Not really a cut analysis tool, just a way to try to 'unround' GIA certificates, to try determine if your 41.2 is a 41.1 or a 41.29. Nerdy fun..

and for an excel sheet on diamonds

@gm89uk, I hope you've paid for extra data bandwith as I'll be using your site more often than not when checking GIA reports in conjunction with HCA.

Great work!
I kinda lost track of this. I know you bought the GIA 2.7 L light brown stone and what did you decide to set it in? The double halo? You haven't seen the stone yet, right? IDJ is sending to JA?

ETA: ok. Got it. pretty

So the melee will be color F/G or did you change that?

James Allen's tracker says the ring is in QA so a very fast turn around.

I didn't ask them to change the melee to lower colored diamonds.

I did ask them to make the claws match the rendered image instead of the actual images because a PSer pointed it out and got this somewhat strange response.

"Thank you for the reply. Since the halo is being completed in the rose gold metal, the prongs will also be completed in rose gold. We can only modify the ring design to have white gold prongs if the center diamond is also purchased from our collection. Please let us know if you have any questions."

Not sure why the stone source affects their ability to match the image they show me but it might be for the best due to the L color center.
I just read through this entire thread, fascinating! I can't wait to see the finished ring!
James Allen's tracker says the ring is in QA so a very fast turn around.

I didn't ask them to change the melee to lower colored diamonds.

I did ask them to make the claws match the rendered image instead of the actual images because a PSer pointed it out and got this somewhat strange response.

"Thank you for the reply. Since the halo is being completed in the rose gold metal, the prongs will also be completed in rose gold. We can only modify the ring design to have white gold prongs if the center diamond is also purchased from our collection. Please let us know if you have any questions."

Not sure why the stone source affects their ability to match the image they show me but it might be for the best due to the L color center.

You are probably right. Given it's L color and the GIA color of faint brown, you probably want rose gold prongs. (I assume?).... but yes, that is strange that they made a point to say you can't have white because it isn't their center stone. I guess no modifications unless the entire thing comes from them?
I'm lost. I can find videos of the stone, but not the specs. Can someone tell me - it's an L color, yes? What's its ctw? And did I see VS! somewhere for the clarity? Damned if I can find this info in this thread!

Thanks all.
Yes, they are diamond vendors and provide settings for their stones. They do some customizations sometimes when you buy their stones. That's why we recommend buying settings from the diamond vendor unless going custom.

In this case I don't think the rg prong color will matter due to the center stone color.
Here's the diamond info:

Here's the diamond video:

Here's the setting:

I'll create a new thread when I actually receive the ring.

As for the requested "customization" as you see from the video of the setting, it shows claw-like white prongs, so I wasn't requesting a customization per se. Anyways, doesn't really matter now.
Here's the diamond info:

Here's the diamond video:

Here's the setting:

I'll create a new thread when I actually receive the ring.

As for the requested "customization" as you see from the video of the setting, it shows claw-like white prongs, so I wasn't requesting a customization per se. Anyways, doesn't really matter now.

Yes, I see. How odd.
Looks like they have the white prongs to blend in with the pave/halo? I think the RG will look great though.
Strange... I just checked the ring's progress again and it looks like it's in "production." I could have sworn yesterday it was already in "quality assurance." Still, the estimated shipping date is the 26th, and the ring only got there on the 12th so a 2 week turn around isn't that bad.
The quality assurance was probably the inspection of the stone to make sure they were getting what they were told they were getting. I can't wait to see it, this looks like it's going to be a very pretty ring!
Are they on schedule to ship tomorrow? We are all anxiously waiting to see this stunner!!!
Thanks everyone! No update yet. Still supposed to ship tomorrow.
HD, when you get the ring, and you make a new thread... can you alert us on this thread pretty please? :)