
Your opinion on this 3.10 carat diamond (Blue Nile)


Oct 19, 2015

I need your expertise on this diamond I am interested in. I have searched these boards and researched as much as I can. It's a blue nile diamond, J colour (which I don't mind), 3.10 carat VS2 Ideal cut (they say its eye-clean) GIA ex/ex/ex.Strong Flouresence. Depth 59.8%, Table 61.0%. L/W 1.01. Girdle: medium to sl thick. Cutlet: none. Cost approx $31k.

I did a HCA calculation and it came up as 1.9 (if I did it correctly that it).
Here is the link:

I just want to make sure its a good choice?

Thanks so much for any advice you have!!
Link doesn't work.

Can you post the crown and pavillion angles?

I personally don't like tables that big -
Hi lesleyf, glad to hear you are researching to find the perfect stone. The link you posted just took me to the main page so I haven't seen the diamond you are looking at. You did ask for opinions though so my thought is I would want a lot more info before making such a large purchase. I'm not sure if Bluenile provides aset, video, how far away they consider a stone eyeclean, etc? Also, have you asked if the strong fluoresence impacts the stone? I would post the GIA or AGS report (it has crown & paviillion angles listed) and get feedback from the more knowledgeable PS members here before making a $31,000 purchase. I would also do a search on that stone and cost compare in case any other vendor has it listed. Did Bluenile say they have it in house? I have to run, but hopefully some other PS members will chime in soon! :wavey:

ecf8503 - The crown is 33.5. Pavilion is 40.8.
Sorry, what does it mean exactly to have a big table?

Rockinruby - I have asked about strong fluorescence, they said they will get back to e with a picture and their opinion. I am pretty sure that the stone is not an in-house stone. They said they have to ask the vendor my questions.
I am VERY nervous about the purchase. I just want to make sure it is a very good diamond for the cost. I have cost compared and it seems like the stone is well priced. However - that also make me nervous!

Generally, should I put a lot of consideration/importance into the the HCA score being under a 2?

Thank you!!!!
It's a 60/60 style stone with a larger table and a lower crown angle (but still acceptable). It will favor white light over colored and have less fire but a lot of brightness. If it is priced accordingly for it's cut, then it could be a good deal.
Thanks for the advice, very appreciated!!
Glad you already asked about the strong fluoresence so you will know if it impacts the stone. I can understand being nervous about such a large purchase. Definitely use the knowledge tab and read up on various aspects, etc. Also, continue to post info on your thread here and get more input before pulling the trigger. Not sure how much you've already researched, but I've included a few links that you might like to check out. :wavey:
(Hca under 2.0 is worth further consideration, but still research your stone, get more info and ask questions. Be sure you check the vendors return and upgrade policies, etc.)

If you browse a vendor like whiteflash, good old gold or high performance you can see they offer ASET, etc.
Hi again! Thanks for your input, SO appreciated.

I am now looking at a 2.56 carat. VS1. I colour, GIA Ex/Ex/Ex. Strong florescence, however, BN sent me a picture and verbally confirmed that it faces up very white. I like this stone as it is better for the budget. BUT when I enter in the #s to the HCA calc it gives me a 3.8 :eh:
Depth is 62.3% & Table is 58%. Crown 36.0 and Pavilion 40.8.
HCA states:
Light Return: Good
Fire: Very Good
Scintillation: Good
Spread: Very Good.
States worth buying if the price is right.

Thoughts? GIA has rated it excellent for cut/polish/symmetry. Does this look like a good stone to the experts?
What are the angles?

States: 8.69 -8.74 x 5.43 mm.

A well cut 2.56ct should be closer to 8.88mm in diameter.
Dancingdiamond - thank you very for your reply.

The diamond I noted above (2.56 carat) has been ordered. That was BEFORE I saw your reply :eh:
I am not a diamond expert by any means so I am hopeful I will be happy and satisfied with this diamond & setting that was chosen. BN has a great return policy so at least I have that comfort!

I will post pictures when I receive it.

Thanks everyone for your knowledge - this board has been a wealth of information and I am so glad I found it.
LesleyF|1445879520|3942256 said:

ecf8503 - The crown is 33.5. Pavilion is 40.8.
Sorry, what does it mean exactly to have a big table?

Rockinruby - I have asked about strong fluorescence, they said they will get back to e with a picture and their opinion. I am pretty sure that the stone is not an in-house stone. They said they have to ask the vendor my questions.
I am VERY nervous about the purchase. I just want to make sure it is a very good diamond for the cost. I have cost compared and it seems like the stone is well priced. However - that also make me nervous!

Generally, should I put a lot of consideration/importance into the the HCA score being under a 2?

Thank you!!!!
First, my compliments on your avatar. Very eye catching and memorable!

With regard to fluorescence, it is wise to have a well rounded understanding of this property. It is not quite as simple as asking a vendor if it makes the stone look hazy or not.
You can find an overview of the subject here.

There have also been numerous discussions on this forum that give differing perspectives. It is important that you determine what is right for your particular preferences and plans. Here are a couple of fairly recent threads:

Thanks Texas Leaguer. I LOVE cats (I have 2 black kitties) and I would happily grow old and become a' crazy cat lady'!

Thank you for pointing me to those links, I have read them all. I find the more I learn the more I second guess myself! The diamond/ring is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, or early next week. I will just have to judge for myself if I love it or not!
Lesleyf, congratulations on your purchase! Well done on all the research and reading up. :clap: Looking forward to seeing your new diamond! :dance:

PS. Your cat is adorable! :appl:
I hope your new ring is beautiful. I can't wait to see pics!
Hello all,

I received the diamond/ring and I wanted to show you the result! I chose to 2.56carat, I colour, VSI. I am very happy with it! At night I can see a very slight hint of yellow, however, during daylight it is white as can be.

Here it is:



Thanks again for all your expert advice!