I've seen this stone, and its eye and mind clean for me. Please critique the dimensions and cut for me?! Thanks!!
mrb09|1309570715|2960327 said:Thanks. I'm not worried sick even though it looked great to my eyes against other ags0 stones. I fear it creating dark spots. I know the center is green on the image, but it still seemed to jump and be lively in person...very lively.
mrb09|1309579779|2960402 said:So after a little more research, I found out that what im looking at is a FIC diamond, "firey ideal cut" reflects more colored light, less white light. Little bit taller in the crown from what I see, but some seem to seek FIC stones for their colored flashes.
Stone looked great in person. I saw it beside a "hearts on fire" ags0 2.04ct which was smaller and equally as beautiful. But my feeling was to go for the slightly bigger stone for the thousand dollar difference.
Anything else on the cut of this stone to look for?
Diamond Cut Grade
A diamond grading report with a diamond cut grade is essential when you want a full evaluation of a diamond's quality. AGS Laboratories takes the diamond cut grade a step beyond other grading reports. The AGS Laboratories analyzes a diamond's light performance in both the quantity and quality of the light being returned to the viewer. To do this, we first measure the diamond in three dimensions, then use a powerful software program to trace the light traveling through the diamond. Once this has been done an AGS Laboratories diamond grader will analyze the diamond under a microscope for polish and symmetry.
The following are descriptions for the American Gem Society Diamond Cut Grades.
AGS Ideal® Cut — Superior craftsmanship in the diamond cutting process. All diamond cut quality factors are at the highest possible levels, and they make the maximum contribution to the diamond’s beauty and value.
• The diamonds are first measured using a computerized measuring device, which also creates a three-dimensional model.
• The diamond grader imports the information into the AGS ray-tracing software and receives values for proportions and light performance.
• The diamond grader then analyzes the girdle, the culet, the symmetry, and the polish characteristics of the diamond.
All form the three elements to the final diamond Cut Grade - Light Performance, Proportion Factors, and Finish, giving you a more thoroughly analyzed diamond, which in turn helps you make a more informed buying decision.
mrb09|1309606059|2960508 said:It's through a family friend wholesaler, so the 2.04 HOF actually wasn't carrying a premium. In fact, it was $200 more back of RAP. It was one color higher than the 2.5 and one clarity. The difference in diameter was 8.14 (both dimensions rounded) to a 8.67...so the difference was noticeable, and memorable....however, the 8.14 was certainly nothing to scoff at!
From the diamond cutter, and gia gem on site, he believed that the 2.49 should be resubmitted for color, as we couldn't pick up any difference to the eye from h graded HOF stone, and their may have been a tiny bit more color from his h master color stone, but it was hard to tell even there. I asked if we were dealing with a high I and a low H, and they said...could be, however, they believed we were looking more at 2 H's.
I guess what's making it hard to pass of that HOF is the fact that I have seen several in retail stores that were smaller and with lower color and clarity for thousands more...and like I said, it was selling further back from rap than the 2.49 ags0. Am I just a sucker for this branded cut??? I'm afraid that may be the case....unbranded, and I'd have been able to walk away without second guessing myself...oh the power of branding!