
Will yellow gold come back into style?


I recall your initial post two years ago--explanations about your love of gold, etc. Have you rebuilt your collection as you suggested you would following the robbery? And just curious, have you introduced new metal colors or stayed with mostly yellow?

Also I recall you writing extensively about the trauma your wife suffered as a result of the robbery--I sincerely hope she is well.


canuk-gal|1366058951|3427502 said:
I recall your initial post two years ago--explanations about your love of gold, etc. Have you rebuilt your collection as you suggested you would following the robbery? And just curious, have you introduced new metal colors or stayed with mostly yellow?

Also I recall you writing extensively about the trauma your wife suffered as a result of the robbery--I sincerely hope she is well.


Thank you so much for this posting, Sharon. I thought that DoctorD was new to Pricescope. Knowing his history was very helpful to me.

I wish you the best, DoctorD, and of course I wish your wife the best as well.

I think I know who you are as we used to chat about 'tanzanite'. :bigsmile: You offered me a once in a lifetime price on the ring of my dreams :love:

You're a fine man DoctorD!!! :appl: :wavey:
LOL, DrD! for a man so sensitive to have been upset by comments here, you are certainly quick to label! there are many non-conformists around and we aren't sociopaths; contrarian, eccentric, etc. but certainly not sociopaths.

I can understand your professional and personal desire to blend in, especially in SoCal. however, not all of California marches to the SoCal drummer........why on earth would I want to cut my lovely long hair that people want to touch and always admire just to blend in with pop culture?! yes, I've had long hair for the last 20 years at least. trim those ends. no layering for me, thank you. yes, the same hair style! seems to work and I love the ability to put it up.

I do think you're onto something re your children. at some point they may want and appreciate having something that dad owned, wore, and possibly even treasured. keeping some pieces for them is a great idea and should the tide turn and yellow gold be popular in SoCal once again, you'll be prepared.

I really Really REALLY like what you did re wedding bands. that was/is a great idea. :appl:
canuk-gal|1366058951|3427502 said:

I recall your initial post two years ago--explanations about your love of gold, etc. Have you rebuilt your collection as you suggested you would following the robbery? And just curious, have you introduced new metal colors or stayed with mostly yellow?

Also I recall you writing extensively about the trauma your wife suffered as a result of the robbery--I sincerely hope she is well.


Thanks for your thoughtful post, Sharon, and yours, Deb. That was probably the worst experience of my life, and one that I have tried to forget. I had never seen my wife behave in the way she did in the days following the incident, so I was beside myself. It turned out (thank God) that all it took was a couple of days with her mother, and my wife was back to normal. So I guess it was a bit of a "false alarm." But Once things cleared up, I stopped reading the thread, not wanting to remind myself of what happened. I haven't looked at it since.

We only lost what we were wearing, so it wasn't like we lost our whole collection as might happen in a home burglary. We didn't rush out to replace everything, because we had plenty of other things to wear. But over time, we selected some nice things to bring our collection back up, and the process continues (it will probably never stop). But nothing in yellow gold; we both gave that up several years ago.
Hi! I'll play:

I do think YG will come "back into style" eventually. We've already seen rose gold achieve popularity on PS boards, and from what I've witnessed, PS has been setting trends for many years now since its inception.

When I think about jewelry trends in the past, mainly wedding jewelry, in my lifetime I've seen this:

1990's--I worked at a jewelry counter, and only YG was offered. People who got engaged with vintage/antique/heirloom rings had diamonds that were set in white metals like WG or Plat. Anything "current" was set in 14 or 18 k YG.
2000's--I lived in Chicago. Everything was trending towards white metals. Everyone I knew who was getting engaged was having their diamond set in platinum, or WG if they couldn't afford plat which happened to be higher at the time.
2010's--moved to a smaller town in the Midwest. Platinum not as high anymore, gold skyrocketed after 2008. Recession. Friends who are 30+ not bothering with custom rings. I got engaged in 2010: plain but substantial WG setting.

Oh, I forgot to include that I have a ton of my father's YG jewelry from his "mid-life crisis" in the '80's. A heavy, thick, herringbone 20" chain. Two heavy, thick Mr. T. style rope chains, lengths 20 and 24" respectively. A very heavy, gold nugget bracelet. A very heavy, masculine gold nugget ring. Thanks, Dad! Not sure what I'll ever do with all of these pieces. I love my dad for what he taught me, and how he treated me, not for what he plans to leave me, or what he bought me.

Just my $.02, to borrow a phrase from the '90's internet. YG is outdated according to the masses, but it's still gold and to many, it's never lost its cache. Here's a pic of my mom's wedding band, it's very blurry because she is 70 and was trying to get a shot of her hand with my daughter's hand (young and old, or something). Her band was purchased in 1969 in Ft. Lauderdale and back then I guess 18k YG was THE THING. It must be about 8-9 mm? It's not a dome ring, it's a solid, heavy band. ETA: I have always thought that her wedding band was the most elegant, gorgeous piece of jewelry. I idiotically told my mother when I was about 14 that I hoped I'd inherit her wedding band someday. God what a stupid and horrible thing to say to your mother. I'd like to go back in time and kick myself for that one.

Even though i didn't really want to, because it's been brought back up, I just read my two-year-old first post on this site.

I found this site from a Google search,"Passion for Stones." I mistakenly thought PS stood for Passion for Stones (okay, I wasn't thinking too clearly at the time), thus my thinking it was about personal and emotional issues, not price and design. I hadn't read any posts before deeply delving into my story. I think that is comical in itself.

At the time I scanned the many responses (so many more than I had expected), looking for immediate solutions, rather than reading them carefully. Now, reading my whole thread more carefully, I notice I made a few typing and editing mistakes that changed a few fairly important details in my story, but basically it still stands.

I'm pleased that it made me smile and laugh a few times. That shows how helpful time always is. But also I laughed at how people reacted so wildly differently to me and my story. It parallels what I was saying about how I've observed that the whole idea of men wearing diamonds gets strong and oppositional reactions. Responders tend to be supportive/helpful vs. what I would call misanthropes.

The most common criticism was those who didn't believe my story at all. Fine with me; believe what you want. But I would like to address the criticism about my asserting my masculinity. Long ago I became so sick of the assumption that jewelry-wearing men are effeminate or gay. I wanted to prevent that perception of me. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay (I have a gay son and I love him just like my other sons). Probably a photo would have gotten that point across without my writing a word about it, but obviously I thoughtl I can't/shouldn't do that; at the time I didn't know how even if I'd wanted to, and didn't want to spend the time to find out. I found it interesting that someone used the word "macho" -- Latino men like and wear a lot more gold jewelry than white men. I've picked up the word "oro" many times around me.

Along those lines, I found Black Jade to get right to the crux of the matter when he wrote: " I have to wonder why people feel surprised that a man would be defensive about wearing jewelry, given the social mores in most of the world at this time

He went on to say, "Louis XIV covered in diamonds is no longer what people expect to see in a masculine man."
I love to hear about male historical figures who wore precious stones and metals. I knew ancient Egyptian men wore a lot of jewelry, but I hadn't known about Louis XIV. Gives me something to research.

MAC-W, if you are still around, I owe you a very belated and highly deserved thank you. You seem to have read my post far more carefully than most. Your point-by-point analysis was insightful, helpful, informative and thought-provoking. Are you a guy? May I ask what type of work you are in?

My thanks probably belong on that original post to several of the people who took the time to read my long posts and offer very sensible and well-thought-out advice. But I don't want to bump it to the forefront to do so -- I'd much rather that it remain mostly forgotten. (Moderator, if you are reading this, could you forward my msg to MAC-W? It appears there's no way to send a private msg on this site?)

Perhaps it isn't yellow gold that is out of style, but rather the design of the items you possess in yellow gold that are. While I am educated I cannot speak intelligently on trends but there are a few pieces that really do "speak" to the time they were "popular"; namely eagle pendants, astrology pendants, and figaro design chains, multi rowed channel or baugette set rings, etc.

There is nothing wrong with recycling your jewellery. I have gotten rid of dozens and dozens of pieces that lay asleep in my safe--given to family, friends and the local Estate jeweller. No regrets.

DrD since you are so open, I will respond the same. I will tell you outright I found your numerous remarks about men with "boney or skinny hands" offensive and did raise my eyebrows at your tagline about "real men/jewellery". It isn't that you are not allowed to express your opinion, but I was taken back with the authority in which you repeat it. My Father was a jeweller and had a large number of employees in his company. He was under 5' 10", thin, with very fine hands and although he rarely wore any jewellery at all, when he did it looked appropriate. Moreover my husband who is over 6' 4" and just under 195 lbs, has lovely long slender fingers and size 10. Perhaps boney by your standard, but very elegant nonetheless. He wear very little jewellry but it is tasteful and he looks very well wearing it.

That said, this is an internet forum and we are free to express our opinions and by the same token, raise objection. Take what you want and leave the rest.

Sharon, you are onto something!
perhaps the dated items can be reworked or melted down and made into something more modern.
there certainly is enough there to be worked with.
Here is a partial list of Pricescope threads about yellow gold and about its going out of style and coming back into style:

Is yellow gold popularity coming back? : [URL=''][/URL]
Yellow Gold Setting: [URL=''][/URL]
Does Yellow Gold Band Change Diamond Color?: [URL=''][/URL]
Show Me The Yellow Gold Bling: [URL=''][/URL]
Is yellow gold increasing in popularity?: [URL=''][/URL]
Show me your yellow gold E-ring settings: [URL=''][/URL]
Is Yellow Gold out of style?: [URL=''][/URL]
Is yellow gold making a comeback?: [URL=''][/URL]
Show me your yellow gold rings: [URL=''][/URL]
Do You Have A Favorite Gold Designer?: [URL=''][/URL]
Will Yellow Gold Come Back Into Style?: [URL=''][/URL]

If you look at cutting edge designers, yellow gold never went out of style (even if it does have to share the lime light now). Todd Reed, Michael Good, Barbara Heinrich, the Munsteiners, Abrasha, Antonio Bernardes, Zobel and many more have worked with yellow gold (alone or with other alloys) for many years.

If others look up to you, then don't be a mere fashion follower but set your own trends, combining your favourite pieces with modern clothing. What is classier than a man that wears a watch with history - that his father gave him, that he bought when he landed that big promotion or that reminds him of a special occasion?

Do you enjoy your gold Rolex? Then wear it proudly, as a fashion choice. Do you feel that other pieces are too dated? Sell them, melt them and move on.
DoctorD, I know I told you before you have good taste but now seeing your collection: you have Really good taste!