
Do You Have a Favorite Gold Designer?


Jan 26, 2003
In another thread on gold jewelry I was asked if I had posted all the websites I found that offered high karat gold jewelry. I have not. Some of the high karat jewelry is offered by small Asian vendors and some of it is offered by high-end retailers. It appears that even some of the high-end retail jewelry is designed by Asian designers (at least designers from Asia Minor), however.

From one site, minata, I found the designer Gurhan. His work is offered on his own website as well as on minata and others who advertize on the 'net (like Neiman Marcus). I believe he is Turkish. I know he has one store in Istanbul. I think he is by far my favorite designer of gold jewelry at the moment.

If one visits his website he can see the many celebrities who own his jewelry. As I said elsewhere, I apparently have very expensive taste! Meryl Streep buys jewelry from him! Who could have known? Certainly not I when I found him by poking around on the Internet looking at high karat gold!

Here is a link to his website! Who else has a favorite gold designer? My motive in asking is *not* altruistic! I want some more gold resources!

These are 24K gold over platinum stacking rings worn by Kate Hudson in a recent movie. Gurhan's website says that the actress also wears his jewelry off-screen. I absolutely love these but wonder if they are too soft for safety. (I always think, "earrings" when I think of high karat gold because it *is* soft). Does anyone know what happens when one puts 24 karat gold over platinum? (Besides spending money, that is!)

oh, my god!!! gurhan''s going to have a trunk show less than 20 miles from my home! guess where i''ll be on october 21 or 22!!!!

oh, no! we''re talking about leaving for australia earlier that week! perhaps i''ll have to send hubby and stay home........

peace, annette

Trunk Shows

Spring 2005 June 9th to 10th, 2005
Eiseman Jewelers-Dallas (Dallas, TX)
Summer 2005 August 19th to 20th, 2005
Grannis Galleries (Burlington, VT)
Fall 2005 October 21st to 22nd, 2005
The Vault Gallery (Santa Cruz, CA)

Thank you!!!!!! You have had this calendar all along!!? Vermont in August sounds *perfect*!!!

no, i just went to the website via the link deborah provided and poked around. very easy to find, actually!

i LOVE LOVE LOVE his amulet rings!

peace, movie zombie
deborah as opposed to AGBF

peace, movie zombie
I just logged onto Pricescope and saw an ad for Pearlman's, a jewelry vendor. That name would have meant nothing to me until recently since it is not a diamond vendor I knew. A few days ago, while looking for Gurhan gold jewelry, I came across their name, though. Sure enough! They sell Gurhan and Georg Jensen and other designers! One of Pricescope's own advertizers! How cool!

Date: 5/28/2005 8:15:48 PM
Author: valeria101
Ann Biederman

Thank you for the heads up on Ann Biederman. I love her bracelets, which look like the Gurhan bracelets (which, I suspect, look like ancient jewelry and are the reason for the similarity). I like soft, yellow gold that looks as if it has been worked by hand. The bangle bracelets look that way to me and so do hammered pieces!

Date: 5/28/2005 8:15:48 PM
Author: valeria101

Well, I have looked and found that I love Niessing, too! You introduced me to two new designers I love with one posting! I am starting to make myself think of "The Midas Touch" and "Goldfinger"! I can see how one could truly become *obsessed* with gold! I can see having an obsession with gold far more than I can see an obsession with diamonds, in fact!

I absolutely *LOVE* this ring (the Plissé) by Niessing! The problem with Niessing is *finding* it! There is only one store in the United States that carries it and that is in Los Angeles, 3,000 miles away from me!


These are Performance rings by Niessing. I love these, too. They have the simplicity that some of the the Biederman and Gurhan pieces (mainly gold rings and gold bangle bracelets) have.

Deborah, that Niessing ring is amazing...looks like flowing fabric. Any idea on the cost it I wonder?
love those ''folded'' gold rings! we''re planning a trip down to lala land at some point this summer.....guess i''ll have to visit that jeweler! can you forward the jeweler''s name and/or address to me?

peace, movie zombie
Date: 5/29/2005 11:57:28 AM
Author: movie zombie
love those ''folded'' gold rings! we''re planning a trip down to lala land at some point this summer.....guess i''ll have to visit that jeweler! can you forward the jeweler''s name and/or address to me?

Done. Let me know if you do *not* receive it via e-mail!

Date: 5/29/2005 10:28:19 AM
Author: valeria101
There are few things left 'unique' in jewelry... here's one of the 'Folds Collection' at Mickyroof....

The Wrinkle Collection? I love it! Thanks for the lead!

I may have posted this elsewhere on Pricescope (I don''t remember). It is a bracelet designed by Jean Schlumberger. In the past I would never have entertained wearing something so big. (My taste has always run to small, classic, conservative jewelry.) I now think that this would be fun to wear. Unfortunately it doesn''t come cheap! The price tag (before tax) is $5,800.00! And, remember, it has no diamonds in it!


I found another site where a designer (Maya Ofir, in this case) uses 24K gold in his (in this case, her) designs. Some of these are too rustic for my taste, but I like the silver and 24K rings and bangles.

You can see her work here.

These are the rings and bangle in silver and gold.


Date: 5/28/2005 10:53:36 PM
Author: AGBF
These are Performance rings by Niessing. I love these, too. They have the simplicity that some of the the Biederman and Gurhan pieces (mainly gold rings and gold bangle bracelets) have.

I spoke to Niessing about these rings. They have a core of platinum surrounded by soft, 24K gold. They come round (or oval) and then, over time, each gets to have a unique shape (based, one supposes, on wear the ring gets banged!). They are, in my opinion, pricey...ranging from about $2,750.00 to $3,655.00 Not that I wouldn''t pay that if could...but the price, for me, is a definite clue to pause and think!

The round ring comes in a 4.8mm or a 5.8mm width. The oval ring comes only in the 5.8mm width.

Date: 5/28/2005 10:49:25 PM
Author: AGBF
I absolutely *LOVE* this ring by Niessing!

As I said above, I spoke to Niessing. This ring, the Plissé model, is made of 22K gold. I.Gorman in Washington, DC currently has one of these in stock. I would love to see it!

Date: 6/1/2005 7:57:06 AM
Author: AGBF
As I said above, I spoke to Niessing. This ring, the Plissé model, is made of 22K gold. I.Gorman in Washington, DC currently has one of these in stock. I would love to see it!

Today I visited I. Gorman in Washington, DC, the name of which was given to me by Niessing in Los Angeles. (The woman who helped me, Bonnie, will be in Las Vegas with y'all!) Guess what? I did not like the Niessing Plissé ring! At least not on me! I was shocked. The design is fabulous and *exactly* what I like! And I have been exclaiming about how great yellow gold looks on me. Well, this ring looked dull on me. Actually bad. Bonnie said it almost looked like bronze (on me). On the *other* hand, I managed to find some items I loved. There was an 18K gold band by Ursula Scholz set with tiny diamonds that had a matte finish; I thought I would like it plain to use as a wedding band or to stack. I also liked the smallest size (of three) spiral earrings by Michael Fine that I had seen on-line. Only I infinitely preferred the matte finish on them. Bonnie said that it just shows that one has to try things on. I am still in shock. Why does yellow gold (including 22K) usually look great while this 22K ring did *nothing* for my hand?

Deb :-)
maybe you''re lucky it didn''t look good....!

peace, movie zombie

ps but i still want to try one on....
The 2005 Design Center at the upcoming JCK Show in Las Vegas will be featuring Ursula Scholz and Gurhan among its many, many designers. Here is a link to a list of featured designers!

2005 Design Center

Here are some Ursula Scholz rings.


Does anyone know ippolita?


I like the plain matte gold rings and bangles, but they are a little too thin and irregular for my taste.
These are some ippolita rings. This photo does *not* do justice to them! Although it may, soon, expire, I will post a like to the current Gold Inspirations page which has a *FABULOUS* photo of them!


I hope this link will take you to the page with the huge photo of ippolita''s gold rings. If it does not, it is worth rummaging around for!

ippolita on goldinspirations website

Today I saw some Yossi Harari gold jewelry and I fell in love with the soft yellow color of the gold. I had hoped to acquire some Gurhan jewelry, but have never seen any. Has anyone here seen both Gurhan and Yossi Harari gold jewelry? If so, please tell me what you think of the relative gold color! (I was scared by seeing a Plissé ring by Niessing that was not the color I had expected. It makes me wary of buying gold jewelry I have not seen.)

Date: 6/26/2005 5:59:01 PM
Author: AGBF

Today I saw some Yossi Harari gold jewelry and I fell in love with the soft yellow color of the gold. I had hoped to acquire some Gurhan jewelry, but have never seen any. Has anyone here seen both Gurhan and Yossi Harari gold jewelry? If so, please tell me what you think of the relative gold color! (I was scared by seeing a Plissé ring by Niessing that was not the color I had expected. It makes me wary of buying gold jewelry I have not seen.)

HI Deb:

I have seen neither--but wondered which YH pieces you saw and if their website pictures did them justice. We will be in California this year--and wondered if it worth it to track his stuff down somewhere (I know Gurhan is available at NM).

Date: 6/26/2005 6:40:32 PM
Author: canuk-gal
I have seen neither--but wondered which YH pieces you saw and if their website pictures did them justice. We will be in California this year--and wondered if it worth it to track his stuff down somewhere (I know Gurhan is available at NM).


I saw a number of pieces in the store, trying on a few, and then saw a catalogue with many, many more pieces. I tried on a thin bangle and a stackable gold ring with a tiny, bezel-set diamond. I didn't try on, but did buy a pair of earrings: each has a gold ball hanging from an earwire. I thought that if I was going to see some Gurhan that having a piece of Yossi Harari would help me to compare colors. That means it was bought for research purposes only and anything bought for science, doesn't count. So I didn't spend any money. And Mara's cake ( for 10,000 postings) will have no calories, based on the same principle. I mean, she posted to help others if not for science, right? It's all the same. Money, calories, science. Just trust me on this.
