
Which of the two Mahenges


Jun 19, 2010
I've got two to choose from (or just return them and scrape the whole project). I'm going to just show you pictures and let you guys tell me what your expert opinion is on them. Keep in mind all of these photos were taken in overcast weather.




Just a few more



Well, you know my opinion. The oval stone has better cut, less inclusions, and a more sparkly presence. These pictures aren't the best representation of the color of the stone. Those you took last night were much better. Would you add a few so peeps can see the real mahenge coloring?
I was wondering if these were even the same stones as they look so different this morning. This morning, I would say that neither appears truly saturated and both seem to have a fair amount of extinction. But yesterday, the same two stones appeared well colored - and because of the second one yesterday, I started looking myself! :naughty: :errrr:

So more pix please!
yeah, today's weather is not making for good photos. Here are the ones from last night. They're all blurry but they give a good idea of the coloring.

Hugs Uppy. You have no idea how much I appreciate your putting up with my neurosis.




One last one

Wow, they seem to be little chameleons! I went to your other thread and looked at the colors again. I really love the color of both in that thread, but the first seems silkier and more orange red, and the second one sparkly and slightly pinkish red. Here, the difference in color is less noticeable, but I don't see a real glow in either.

Athenaworth, I am so impressed with your ability to forge on and buy and design, and etc., - I hope you don't mind me weighing in. :oops:

Hope you do not mind my dissenting opinion but since I spent $$ on poor Mahenges I do not want PS-ers to repeat my mistakes. I it were me, I would return them back and keep looking. Sorry if this does not what your heart tells you, I hate seeing people spending money on stones that were expensive for the quality, and I did the same, with one stone, and it was a costly mistake. And with the cost of the setting...

P.S. Sorry I can not delete this post. Are these the same stones that you featured in the other Mahenge thread? They look SO different under a different light. The ones you posted there looked beautiful, and saturated, and honestly, I liked the oval more, but these ones look like totally different stones... Is it the light? Or are these different stones? Sorry, maybe the question looks strange, but they look different from the ones in that thread!

How well do they fluoresce?
Yeah, it's different lighting and different camera. I can't seem to get the point and shoot to Pick up their saturation like I want to. I brought my camera with me and am snapping a few more. Hopefully I can get some true color pics.
These look soooo different than in your thread from yesterday!!! I like the one that is more oval-shaped (the fat one rather than the long skinny one). Good luck!
Here are some prior pics of the two stones. The first two pictures show the oval, the second two show the elongated cushion.
Thank you so much Uppy. It's killing me being away from my computer and not being able to upload the new ones.
I have to say that much as I love the rounder oval, to me it doesn't have that neon glow like the one behind it in the second photo....
I am so confused and I can only imagine how you feel! All I can say is that I love them in some pics and don't in others. I would probably pass if what you see in the first pics this morning is truly representative, but I'm not sure what you seek... :confused:
The one behind is sleepy, which I like, but I want sparkle this time around.
OK here are a few more of the cushion




OK a few more and 2 iPhone pics which seem to pic up the saturation best




I like the oval.
Me too. It has more glow. I'd go for the one with more fluorescence.
FWIW, the cushion, which is clearer and definitely has more sparkle, looks muddy to me in many of the pics.
If you had asked me yesterday (based on your photos), I would have said that the latest more red/pink was much nicer than the orangey/pink but honestly in the photos today both seem to lack that prized glow and saturation that you'd expect to see. They are pretty stones but if you're paying Mahenge prices, you really need to get nice examples. If however you've paid spinel prices without a premium then, so long as they're what you're looking for, they'd be worth keeping.
I think the most important attribute for a Mahenge spinel is it should glow in every light. If yours do and they look pleasing to you then I would keep both. If I had to pick I would pick the oval.
Hi Athena !
I'm certainly no expert here at all, so please take what I have to say
with the ultimate grain of salt,
I usually have only good things to say on PS,
that's the way I am I guess,
and a Mahenge Spinel was my second gemstone purchase
when I started buying colored stones, and I love them so,
and I have a little collection which I adore.....
That being the case, I have taken hundreds if not more than that :oops:
pictures of my stones in every possible kind of lighting,
with both P & S and DSLR cameras.
So that's the only frame of reference I have going for me,
but I am going out on a limb here to say
that my stones glow amazingly on cloudy days, in the shade,
in a dim room, yeah they sparkle in the sun and look wonderful,
but under no circumstances do they look poorly in sub-optimal lighting.

I could attach a few pictures to illustrate what I'm talkin' about,
but this is your thread and it's about your stones.

Maybe....Let's see how they look under a black light.
Mine all glow like they have light inside them.
If yours do, too, then that's what I'm talking about,
so just pick the one that you secretly like the best.

Otherwise, I would send them both back.

Sorry so wordy.
As I thought, the sleepy stone glows the most, but unfortunately I am not in the market for that like I thought I was. The cushion glows the least and the step-cut has some pretty good fluor.


Are you loving that one, then ?
I bet you know which one you favor ~ tell us :))
Well I originally favored the cushion, but now I'm worried that it's not "Mahengy" enough. But then again I like it. The guy who made my ering made some comments a out it too, but he's not a CS expert. It just made the little devil of doubt land on my shoulder. It makes me want to stop coveting "Mahenges" all together.
I do not know your budget nor the accuracy of your photographs thus my advice may not be applicable. If I were picky, I'd probably return both and keep on looking. If I had to choose one, it'll probably be the squarer cushion but not by a large margin. Both stones might have cut issues where there are blackish areas in the stone under certain lighting. Also, some of the pictures show both stones sorely lacking saturation. Remember that you not only have to love the stone when it looks its prettiest but you also have to accept it looking its worst. Do not be swayed by the pretty side - take a good look at their worst and decide if you can live with it.
I've decided I don't want either. I'm going to try to sell the AJs on the site which shall not be named just because there's a possibility that someone may want it for the "old" price, but the new one is going back today. I think I'm sorta done with Mahenges. Thank you all for your help.
athenaworth|1315845874|3015831 said:
I've decided I don't want either. I'm going to try to sell the AJs on the site which shall not be named just because there's a possibility that someone may want it for the "old" price, but the new one is going back today. I think I'm sorta done with Mahenges. Thank you all for your help.

I know it's such a disappointment for you but I think you're making the right decision. Keeping a stone that you're not 100% sure about typically means that it'll get relegated to the draw that time forgot.
I think if you're not enamored with either, you're making the right decision. Part of the problem with this whole Mahenge thing is that it seems we are all seeking the perfect stone, or at least the best, and it may be that a lot of us can't find it within our budget, so we go through a lot of "second class" stones that are beautiful within their own rights but we may feel like we're settling because we haven't found "the one". My Mahenges may be included and/or not "top colour", but I absolutely love them and wouldn't care if they didn't meet anyone else's approval. When you've found a stone like that, then you'll know it's a keeper, Mahenge spinel or not. Sorry that this has been a frustrating enough experience for you that you are considering giving up on them altogether, though. :(

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