
When do you take off your e-ring?


May 3, 2011
Just wondering how often you take off your e-ring? Do you wear it while sleeping, bathing, doing dishes, etc.? I don't like taking mine off but I wonder if I'm putting it through any abuse by wearing it all the time. :confused:
I always take mine off before I shower, I don't want to get shampoo and conditioner in it. Makes them look very dirty.

I only take mine off when doing dishes if I have just cleaned it and want it to stay sparkly.

I almost always sleep in mine, I don't like how my fingers swell at night and then my rings feel tight when I try to put them back on in the morning.

I feel my rings are ment to be worn and enjoyed, I really don't baby them and so far I haven't have and damage.

I take mine off a lot actually. I don't sleep in it, don't shower in it, and don't clean in it. I typically wear it only when I leave the house. I am probably being paranoid, but I am just nervous that something is going to happen to it, and want it to always be clean and sparkly!
I never wear mine when I sleep, shower, clean. Otherwise, I wear my band 24/7, and ER when I go out or feel like it.
I don't sleep, shower, garden, clean, or cook with my rings. But I'm a country girl and there's very little grace in my step.
The only time I take mine off is when I am getting either a massage or a spray tan. I don't do any cleaning as such so don't have a reason to take it off. I do wear it when showering and I clean and polish it every few weeks. I keep mine immaculate. In fact, I was down in the post office today and the lady behind the desk was admiring it and said, 'oh that must be new, it's so shiny and sparkly'. I have it well over a year so I must be taking good care of it!!!
Well, I haven't even been wearing mine for a week...
But so far, I've been taking it off to sleep...I put it back on in the morning after I've showered. I have been taking it off to do dishes and I don't wear it to work. (I work at a restaurant, so god only knows what kind of nastiness would end up all over my ring!)
I take it off before I go to bed and put it on after my shower in the morning. If I wash my hands during the day I don't take my ring off because I'm always worried that I'll leave it somewhere so once a week it goes into my cleaner for a freshen up!
I don't do dishes or clean in it. I don't wear it to sleep in or in the shower and it always cmes off when I go to they gym. I a careful when I on lotion and when I wash my hands. I don't like to get soap etc. on it. I like it to shine!
I don't wear it sleeping, washing dishes, showering, or lifting weights.
everything but showering :cheeky:
Thanks for the feedback. I should start taking it off more often to keep it sparkling. I'm so scared to lose it!
I take mine off as soon as I get home - it goes in its own box. Gets put back on the next morning before I go out. My jeweler once told me the single most damaging thing you can do to your jewelry is wear it to bed. The material sheets rub against it constantly and is no different than the cottom material they use for polishing down an item - therefore very effectively wearing away the gold.
I take it off normally right after I get home so I don't wear it for any of the house work (if going out again later at night I will put it back on)
I take mine off ALL the time. I never ever sleep with my rings on. Never shower, never clean. . . I take them off as soon as I get home. Jewelry is an adornment and is not meant to withstand such abuse. JMO I guess as plenty of people never take their stuff of. But it's delicate honestly. So I don't abuse my jewelry.
I only wear mine when I am going out. I can't wear it to work because I am a NICU nurse and it's considered an infection risk. I have a plain band I wear instead. I don't wear it to exercise, clean, cook or sleep because I don't find it comfortable. It stays safely in my jewelry box and is nice and shiny.
hmr_mama|1309899806|2962214 said:
I don't sleep, shower, garden, clean, or cook with my rings...

Ditto this, but I often leave it on when cooking (though it should probably come off then). A little care like this keeps the setting looking new longer, keeps the stone cleaner, and avoids damage.
anxiously_waiting|1309959806|2962705 said:
Thanks for the feedback. I should start taking it off more often to keep it sparkling. I'm so scared to lose it!

Have in insured. And then have one place in your home to put it and only put it in that place.
I only wear my rings when out in public. If I'm hanging around the house, they are off.
Gosh - I'm surprised that so many people take their rings off when at home. My jeweller told me NEVER to take them off as you increase your chances of losing them. I was told not to worry about ever damaging them as platinum (aside from scratching) and diamonds will withstand anything. :confused:
I usually don't wear mine around the house. I always put them in the same place in my jewelry box, so no worries about them getting lost. Yes, diamonds are tough but they're not indestructible, they can be cracked, chipped, or scratched - I'd just rather be safe than sorry.
Round Halo Lover|1309988229|2963086 said:
Gosh - I'm surprised that so many people take their rings off when at home. My jeweller told me NEVER to take them off as you increase your chances of losing them. I was told not to worry about ever damaging them as platinum (aside from scratching) and diamonds will withstand anything. :confused:

Yikes! Your jeweler told you that?? Diamonds are the hardest stone substance (MOHRS scale I believe but I"m not sure maybe someone will chime in) but they are not the hardest substance known to man, they certainly can scratch, crack, break, crumble, all depending upon what time of abuse it endures. But it's the prongs that are most susceptible to damage. These tiny prongs are the only thing holding your beautiful diamond in place. Constant rubbing, bumping and exposure weaken the prongs and are the primary cause of lost stones. Especially the little tiny melee in halos, shanks etc, the tiny prongs holding these in place can endure even less abuse, therefore it's a smart idea to keep your rings insured, and not to wear them to bed, the gym, showers, cleaning, cooking, gardening, etc.

ETA I forgot to add when I take mine off....I don't usually wear my rings at home, after dressing for the day I'll put them on just before I go out the door, but once I return home they typically go back into the jewelry box until I can slip them back on in the morning again. It is hard to part with them though for sure, but I would rather know that they are sitting safely in their place than risk losing a stone somewhere.
Thanks for that info Christina. My ring is a six prong solitaire so I don't need to worry about small melee. I get my ring checked by the jeweller every six months so I guess they give it a good insepction for wear and tear and tightned the setting if needs be.
I take it off as soon as I get home and put it on before I go out. When I am out, I don't take it off.
I wear mine most of the time, just not sleeping, showering, or cooking and cleaning. I also take it off while doing outdoorsy stuff like biking and kayaking.
I take mine off when I am sleeping, cleaning and showering. When I am at home and not wearing it, it goes on my nightstand in a jewelry box (its the only piece of jewelry allowed in there, too!)

I heard that SLEEPING is the worst on your ring, the wear down from the sheets (I know, crazy sounding) is actually pretty substantial and can take a big toll on your prongs. I don't know how true it is, but I take mine off just to be safe.

And I always get complements on how clean and shiny my ring always is! Still looks brand new :)
I have been wearing my rings at all time for the past year, including sleeping, showering, and dishes. Most times it's on a chain around my neck (I work as an Ob-Gyn so I need my hands free in the OR). I know many people are wary about wearing rings on chains, but many of my peers do the same. My ER is bezel halo, so no prongs. I also wear two eternity bands, so potentially a lot of loose stones, but so far so good. I just haven't developed a routine yet, so if I don't have my rings with me, I'm afraid I will forget or lose them.
I want to know if you wear your rings on vacation? Say a beach resort? Do you wear your rings on the beach? Pool? Or leave it in the hotel safe?
I don't take my rings on vacation. I have a plain palladium wedding band. So far the only place we've gone since being married is our honeymoon. I wore that band. In august we are going to Nashville TN and my rings will come with me. No ocean or beach. If I swim at the hotel my rings will be hidden in the room I guess. But I'm not likely to swim. So it just depends on location. But anything involving sand - no way. Not coming with me.

I can't believe a jeweler would say to never take your rings off. EVER? Maybe he meant in public. I know someone that would always take her rings off when washing her hands in public bathrooms. She hates water under her rings. She lost one if not two rings doing that. So maybe he meant something like that. Prongs are thin! Even platinum. . . mine are plat but I think my prongs are the most delicate part of my rings. I do not want to ding them or get them caught on anything. Nor do I want prong work done any sooner than necessary. :)
I wear mine for everything but I take it off when I put product in my hair, especially if it's sticky, and then put it back on after I wash my hands.

I also have lifetime free "spa" treatments to my ring at the jeweler nearby as often as I want so I'm a little less concerned about scratches and such than most. They will inspect the setting, polish and rhodium plate it as needed.
I don't take mine off as soon as I get home. I take it off right before bed and then I put it back on right before I head to work in the morning. I have two ring holders - one by the kitchen sink as I take the ring off when I do dishes, and one next to my bed. I don't take it off when I wash my hands during the day but the wet feeling under my ring really bothers me so I seem to spend some extra time moving it up and down to dry my finger even though that probably sounds silly! My fiance bought a cleaner so I clean it once a week. One time I took it off at my desk at work when I put lotion on my hands and forgot to put it back on until my manager saw it sitting there! It freaked me out so I don't take it off at all at work anymore and I put the lotion on my hands but try not to get any on my ring.

I too was wondering what to do with my ring on vacation. We are going to Disney in August and I wasn't sure if I should bring it with me or not. I think I'll take it with but only take it off if I go in the pool.