
What kind of projects are you working on?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thanks! I've been back to playing bass and cutting Opals again for a few months now, Opals aren't an issue but I'm still working through a few issues with the bass. My finger still doesn't react the way it used to and some very fast parts I used to play are now ranging from difficult to impossible.

The surgeon was an absolute wizard; he got it all put back together despite being as mangled as it was and it was very quick procedure as well, 25-30 minutes to get it all done. I got some high fives from the nurse staff too for getting it done under a local, apparently this kind of reconstruction is not something they typically do under a local as it's right on the edge of what people can handle while awake. We must be pretty tough here in Australia!

Here in NZ we are big wisses !
I would need to be knocked out for that - but i would probably already fainted
Yesterday Gary went in for catarct surgery and in pre-op they put a line in his hand just in case
i was almost sick
the nurse said they have more trouble with the people supporting the patients than the patients them selves :lol:


Jan 11, 2021
I could only beer to read every second line - poor you but so glad the surgeon could fix it

i once was at work and came back from a comfort stop to find a trail of blood all the way from the saw cage to the first aid box behind my counter (big box hardwear store- timber dept)- so glad it was a long walk to the ladies in that job because apart from cleaning up i missed all the gruesome excitment
Hemi who had been a qualified builder and was middle aged had been doing some precision cutting for a customer ....
His finger was everdently only hanging on by a piece of skin
Lucky they took him straight to Lower Hutt where the plastic surgery is done in Wellington and it healed completly

I remember someone changed his name on his locker from Hemi to Semi (attached)

I feel sick now :lol:

'Semi' :lol-2: :lol-2::lol-2:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
You are going to be one busy little bee when that overlocker gets fixed!

I always get more done when there is more to do
Little jobs just sit around never being done
but once the house is painted i can finally start on the garden !


Dec 6, 2014
I could only beer to read every second line - poor you but so glad the surgeon could fix it

i once was at work and came back from a comfort stop to find a trail of blood all the way from the saw cage to the first aid box behind my counter (big box hardwear store- timber dept)- so glad it was a long walk to the ladies in that job because apart from cleaning up i missed all the gruesome excitment
Hemi who had been a qualified builder and was middle aged had been doing some precision cutting for a customer ....
His finger was everdently only hanging on by a piece of skin
Lucky they took him straight to Lower Hutt where the plastic surgery is done in Wellington and it healed completly

I remember someone changed his name on his locker from Hemi to Semi (attached)

I feel sick now :lol:

Semi, that is gold :lol:

It's not exactly a fun situation to deal with, all the nerve endings in my finger made it so painful that I nearly passed out numerous times as I drove myself 20 miles or so to the nearest hospital with my finger wrapped up. Felt like the longest drive I've done in a long time :confused2:


Dec 6, 2014
Here in NZ we are big wisses !
I would need to be knocked out for that - but i would probably already fainted
Yesterday Gary went in for catarct surgery and in pre-op they put a line in his hand just in case
i was almost sick
the nurse said they have more trouble with the people supporting the patients than the patients them selves :lol:

Hahaha!!! Yeah it tends to be worse when watching other people get operated on, my best friend was at a minor procedure I had done and he almost passed out :lol:
He's bloody useless though, he comes fishing but can't even watch me fillet a fish let alone help us clean any!


May 19, 2020
Working on this needlepoint. Finished the gold and orange, and currently using the red yarn.


oh my goodness that's amazing and very intricate!


May 19, 2020
Now i have a little more money coming in i have a few projects planned for the winter

i need to send my sewing machine in for a service first but i did think i do have my overlooker (i think Americans use a different name) ....
I have mum's good table cloth with a rust stain i can't get out so im going to cut it up and make toppers for the china cabinets - i thought a nice rolled hem ?

Then i have some polar fleese blankets that need sewn back together because i cut them down to better fit our beds better (our old bed was a super king)

Then i have some never used valances i want to sew onto an old eiderdown that still has plenty of life in it but its cover is just a bit old
I think i can do all that with the overlocker and make Borris a few cat blankies while im at it

then when the sewing machine is back i have a couple of lots of patchwork (just squares) to sew up im going to make into duvet covers rather than a quilt

Then i have curtains to make for two rooms - i have the fabric and lining and tape already

Maybe before then i finish painting the toilet room - i just need to get a wee bit more paint

Then i have a project i want to do on the guest bedroom wardrobe door
Its a funny hand made door i used to hate but my freind pointed out how much work went into making it so im going to pad the inside and cover with something pretty - i like the idea of a surprise when one opens the door
and then still with that same wardrobe door ..dit dit dit dit da ! Drum roll please Max ! Wallpaper the panels on the door
If it doesn't work it doesn't work - its just a one off idea and will be a bit of practice with wallpaper and no harm will be done
Its my house and it can be as quirky as i want !
Then i should have probably painted that room before i hang its curtains! - i have its paint already
of course we are going into winter here and our 20 year old dehumidifier just gave up the ghost and this house is cold in winter and paint needs 10 degrees C to dry

I also have a tall boy and a bedside cabinet to sand and paint (purple) then a large art deco cabinet i got for $40 to convert into a drinks cabinet for the Bruce room - i have the paint for that already too - but that is the room with a lot of stuff in that will need to be stacked somewhere else while i sand it - that's the major

And i have a mirror i want to decorate with ceramic flowers and fairy lights
and i have a ton of things to hang on the wall

Plenty to do =)2

oh my goodness you have SO MANY projects ! that will keep you busy for a long time!


May 19, 2020
I've made a few wreaths recently. I have also commissioned 2 paintings from artists, which I'm really excited about.

All my other projects are involving plants and animals.

all of my favorite things!


May 19, 2020


May 19, 2020
Gardening is my project. I’m not artistic or musical but I like to make it nice.

where are you located? this is stunning!


May 19, 2020
I ordered a 9qt Le Creuset dutch oven, I'm going to start venturing into the fun adventure of making my own sourdough artisan bread......does cooking/baking count as a hobby?

oh my goodness yes! my husband actually has his own sourdough starter. He has lovingly taken care of it for the last year and every week makes his own loaf. it's delicious! i will post a picture when i'm off my work computer.


Sep 17, 2008
Currently working on a jacket. Jacket making is a lot harder than you would ever imagine. I drafted the pattern, created the muslin mockup (4 times), Now I'm just about ready for construction of the real thing as I wait for material to arrive. there is LOTS of hand sewing for these things. No idea how long it will take me so I'll just go with the flow.

I originally wanted to do a boucle jacket a la Chanel but reality is, I'm in FL and most of that stuff (the good stuff) is wool. Its too hot for that type of thing here. Of course I could still do it yeah no.

I did look at trying for a cotton based Boucle which can be hard to find in the colors I want (I'd have to do custom, we're not paying custom kinda money) And doing a poly based one is just out. I've learned how much I hate working with poly!! There are some wool/poly blends but thats a mix of hot and hot, so....

Anyway One jacket will be a beautiful royal blue stretch cotton, with a viscose sunshine yellow lining. The material has butterflies, so, the buttons on the jacket will also (I found some czech glass ones)

The other jacket will be a royal purple linen (non stretch), silk jacquard lining in ice blue. that will have a theme of crickets. Looking for cricket buttons right now!


May 19, 2020
Currently working on a jacket. Jacket making is a lot harder than you would ever imagine. I drafted the pattern, created the muslin mockup (4 times), Now I'm just about ready for construction of the real thing as I wait for material to arrive. there is LOTS of hand sewing for these things. No idea how long it will take me so I'll just go with the flow.

I originally wanted to do a boucle jacket a la Chanel but reality is, I'm in FL and most of that stuff (the good stuff) is wool. Its too hot for that type of thing here. Of course I could still do it yeah no.

I did look at trying for a cotton based Boucle which can be hard to find in the colors I want (I'd have to do custom, we're not paying custom kinda money) And doing a poly based one is just out. I've learned how much I hate working with poly!! There are some wool/poly blends but thats a mix of hot and hot, so....

Anyway One jacket will be a beautiful royal blue stretch cotton, with a viscose sunshine yellow lining. The material has butterflies, so, the buttons on the jacket will also (I found some czech glass ones)

The other jacket will be a royal purple linen (non stretch), silk jacquard lining in ice blue. that will have a theme of crickets. Looking for cricket buttons right now!

oh I bet that's beautiful! Hope you post pics!
Apr 22, 2020
Im not a crafty person or someone particularly good with my hands so I don’t have much to share, but I have two cool projects that are (kind of) on the way so I can give some details -

one is upcycling my mother’s wedding dress but this will have to wait until the pandemic is over as I will need to go fabric shopping in person in India to make it happen and that’s just not happening any time soon. I’ve gotten as far as sketching out my designs but that’s about it.

the other is helping my first cousin design her bridal jewelry - I’m super excited about this!! We just started doing this last week so it’s early days but it’ll give me a chance to try my hand at designing indian jewelry for the first time! She wants me to help her and her mom go through her mom’s jewelry to find stuff we can upcycle first, and then fill in the gaps with new pieces. So I’m super excited!


Jan 11, 2021
Im not a crafty person or someone particularly good with my hands so I don’t have much to share, but I have two cool projects that are (kind of) on the way so I can give some details -

one is upcycling my mother’s wedding dress but this will have to wait until the pandemic is over as I will need to go fabric shopping in person in India to make it happen and that’s just not happening any time soon. I’ve gotten as far as sketching out my designs but that’s about it.

the other is helping my first cousin design her bridal jewelry - I’m super excited about this!! We just started doing this last week so it’s early days but it’ll give me a chance to try my hand at designing indian jewelry for the first time! She wants me to help her and her mom go through her mom’s jewelry to find stuff we can upcycle first, and then fill in the gaps with new pieces. So I’m super excited!

Ooh, BOTH of your projects sound really fun and exciting !! :appl: :appl: AND, I think you're much too modest about your abilities - "upcycling" and "design" sound pretty crafty/good with hands to me!
Apr 22, 2020
Ooh, BOTH of your projects sound really fun and exciting !! :appl: :appl: AND, I think you're much too modest about your abilities - "upcycling" and "design" sound pretty crafty/good with hands to me!

Well tbf I plan on working with a tailor and a jeweler to bring those projects to fruition so it’s really just “design” - I also can’t draw well so I cobble together some Frankensteined bits and pieces and get the jeweler to draw it again :D with an outfit it’s a bit easier to manage even if you can’t draw if you give accurate measurements and drape it in front of the tailor yourself.


Sep 17, 2008
oh I bet that's beautiful! Hope you post pics!

I will! I'm supposed to get a fabric shipment today so will see what it will like once its here. (then I have to wash it...oh joy!!!)


Jan 11, 2021
YOU provide the inspirational ideas to the 'worker bees' - so, you are the QUEEN of CREATIVITY :appl: :appl:
Well tbf I plan on working with a tailor and a jeweler to bring those projects to fruition so it’s really just “design” - I also can’t draw well so I cobble together some Frankensteined bits and pieces and get the jeweler to draw it again :D with an outfit it’s a bit easier to manage even if you can’t draw if you give accurate measurements and drape it in front of the tailor yourself.


Dec 6, 2014
OK so a bit more about my project Bass;

I bought a Precision Bass copy last year for cheap, the plan is to break it down for the body. Unfortunately I'm not that good at woodwork, so instead of making my own guitar body I'm just going to go with one that's already been made. I'm going to remove all the electronics, the hardware and the neck and then sand the body back. From there it's a bit of a choice on what I want to do for the paint and overall motif;

1. Originally I was going to paint it in a metal flake white and put a matte black pick guard over the top with an ebony neck and fretboard (ebony is a wood that is about as black as it gets). My idea is for the matte finish on the black neck to flow into scratchplate on the sparkly white body.

2. My other idea was a metal flake black paint with a shiny black scratchplate and a light maple wood neck and fretboard. But I was going to use one of Stuart Sempel's Black paints. It's not Vantablack, but it's close

I just have to find time to start breaking down the bass and actually start on it :lol:


Sep 23, 2017
I ordered a 9qt Le Creuset dutch oven, I'm going to start venturing into the fun adventure of making my own sourdough artisan bread......does cooking/baking count as a hobby?

sourdough is my pandemic hobby too so i'd say, yes it counts =) good luck!


Sep 17, 2008
So I have fabric and its freaking awesomesauce!

I think I've changed my mind on the royal blue with yellow lining and I'll show why


I took a chance and ordered some jacquard from Mood Fabrics. OMG, I really like it because its so freaking I had a choice of beetles or, ladybugs if I went with the red.

I've got a weird sense of humor so having bugs lining my jacket is up my alley.

Here's what I might pair with the yellow...maybe:

I also chose a lining for raw silk material I have, I just won't buy it for some obvious reasons I have a few things going on currently!


Feb 24, 2017
We’re almost done with our ‘project’. We’ve completely repainted the whole house, 7 beds, kitchen, dining, sitting, orangery, bathroom ceilings, 27 doors, all the skirting boards, and architraves, and now we’re clearing out all the cupboards, garage and shed of everything we don’t need.

I’ve listed about 100 things on our FB local free page, and they’ve all gone off to new homes. Anything not recyclable has gone to the local tip, but that really hasn’t been much. I dropped off about 30 towels to a local dog rescue today, and probably getting on for 20 bags of good quality clothing to the Salvation Army, so we’re really getting there.


Jun 7, 2014
We’re almost done with our ‘project’. We’ve completely repainted the whole house, 7 beds, kitchen, dining, sitting, orangery, bathroom ceilings, 27 doors, all the skirting boards, and architraves, and now we’re clearing out all the cupboards, garage and shed of everything we don’t need.

I’ve listed about 100 things on our FB local free page, and they’ve all gone off to new homes. Anything not recyclable has gone to the local tip, but that really hasn’t been much. I dropped off about 30 towels to a local dog rescue today, and probably getting on for 20 bags of good quality clothing to the Salvation Army, so we’re really getting there.

I hope this project goes quickly Austina and you are living in the US soon!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
We’re almost done with our ‘project’. We’ve completely repainted the whole house, 7 beds, kitchen, dining, sitting, orangery, bathroom ceilings, 27 doors, all the skirting boards, and architraves, and now we’re clearing out all the cupboards, garage and shed of everything we don’t need.

I’ve listed about 100 things on our FB local free page, and they’ve all gone off to new homes. Anything not recyclable has gone to the local tip, but that really hasn’t been much. I dropped off about 30 towels to a local dog rescue today, and probably getting on for 20 bags of good quality clothing to the Salvation Army, so we’re really getting there.

Wow !
Have you recovered yet ?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
So I have fabric and its freaking awesomesauce!

I think I've changed my mind on the royal blue with yellow lining and I'll show why


I took a chance and ordered some jacquard from Mood Fabrics. OMG, I really like it because its so freaking I had a choice of beetles or, ladybugs if I went with the red.

I've got a weird sense of humor so having bugs lining my jacket is up my alley.

Here's what I might pair with the yellow...maybe:

I also chose a lining for raw silk material I have, I just won't buy it for some obvious reasons I have a few things going on currently!

Wow !
Is that mood like on project runway?
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