
What kind of e-ring would you buy for 20-25K?

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Jan 23, 2005

Hi! I''ve been lurking on this awesome site for a few months now...really just learning as much as possible and also trying to get ideas. Every day I''m inspired and every day I see something new and breathtaking.

Here''s the situation (and I admit at the start that I''m blessed beyond belief to be IN such a situation ):

My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 3 years and we are starting to seriously talk about just completely feels like the right time. We''re both excited about it and we''ve been to see some rings on a few different occasions. I think the engagement will happen in the next few months and I have LOVED being in on the process enough to try things on -- it''s REALLY intoxicating (there''s no other word I can think to describe it). The PROBLEM is, I''m all over the place in terms of what I want for an engagement ring. I go back and forth and in between and back again. I actually think I have learned too much and am now overthinking -- I never knew how many different cuts there were! My boyfriend is doing well financially and I know he wants to get me something beautiful (in the above-mentioned budget) but he also wants guidelines. Ultimately I want him to select a stone and setting but I really want to narrow things down for him.

I started out wanting a beautiful, classic round -- and with that $ I know we could find a spectacular one. But then I couldn''t shake the feeling that the round is the shape you most often see -- my sister has one (and I didn''t want it be a situation where I have to say "oh, it''s just like yours," etc), most people I know have a RB. So I started looking at other shapes. We both really started to like the look of the radiant and also the asscher (a well-cut square emerald or a royal asscher), but those are overwhelming shapes to research and see -- and in the case of the asscher, you end up with a much smaller looking stone than you would in other shapes...

See how confused I am???? I love so many of the stones I see, I''m just having trouble deciding what I want THE ONE to be.

Here''s what I do know: the stones I mentioned are really the only ones I''m considering and I really love the look of a solitaire.

My question to all of you experts and diamond lovers is: what would you do? I am really in need of guidance here!

Thanks in advance for your input. FYI, my ring size is a 4.


Nov 19, 2004
yes, that is quite a dilemma, that many would wish they were in!!
first of all keep in mind, that a round is popular because it is timeless. there are many cuts that come into fashion and have a following, but the bottom line is, a round will always be the classic choice. that''s not to say that there aren''t many other breathtaking cuts, the asscher being one of them. i must admit, i would have a hard time deciding between a well cut asscher and a nice rb. the choice is yours though, classic or unique. for your budget, you will be able to get a very nice looking stone, no matter what you choose.
btw, when you find something you are interested in, be sure to post the specs., there are lots of very informed and helpful people here that can help you make a decision. best of luck!!


Nov 1, 2003
Large Asscher/S.E. in a plat. U prong setting!!!
No question about it :}


Nov 12, 2004
I think you should really think about what shape you like best- are you more of a squarish type person, or a round person??? Dont be afraid that everyone will compare your ring to your sister'' have to get what YOU like. I agree with you that the round is the most common shape, however, they are beautiful, and always in style. And, there are so many setting styles to choose from- you can make your ring look totally different, even if it has the same style center stone.

I have found myself in the same predicament, so I know how you feel- but at least I know that I am more of a "square" person (and I thought I was bad-lol!) Have you had a chance to try on some different styles of rings? It makes a big difference when you see it on your own hand vs on the computer or in a jewelry case.

Each style of diamond has its own unique look- radiants look like cracked ice, asschers and emeralds have that pool-like water/octagon effect, etc. You really need to go look and see them on your finger. Eventually one style (or stone) will move into the lead!

There are so many types of cuts out there, it is easy to be overwhelmed with all of the choices... go check out goodoldgold''s website- you will see there are a lot of different cuts that sparkle and have good spread like a round, but have a more square-like shape- H & A cushions, Flanders, Regents, etc. Good luck, and keep us posted! I am sure whatever you choose will be beautiful!


Jan 23, 2005
Thank you! It''s so comforting to get replies :). I like the sound of the asscher/square emerald in the plat setting...what''s a u prong?? Any pictures of that? I have really loved looking at asscher/square emerald, but it is overwhelming trying to find one with the right specs. I saw one at a local jeweler -- 2.11 carat, g color, vvs2. It is extremely shimmery, due to the 59% table, but it faces up rather small. It is, I found out, a stone from the 1920s that was cut down and re-polished so I kind of like that it has that charm. It''s one that has really spoken to me...but a few have done so. I hesitate because it looks so much smaller than some other square emeralds I''ve seen (granted those had 70-74% tables).

Etiquette question: Can I ask my local jeweler for copies of the gia certs while I ponder?


Dec 18, 2004
When you get to a certain size, it doesn''t matter what shape it is, it''s gonna impress.

That said, with your budget, I''d go for a 2 carat RB ideal cut stone. Probably F color and then play with the clarity to get into the budget.

If it''s big and sparkly, people won''t say it''s just like all the others since many people don''t concentrate on teh cut so your stone will look nicer than most other stones just from sparkle alone.


Oct 20, 2004
I''d suggest taking your time and shopping around. Don''t be afraid to go into jewelry stores and try a variety of different things on (even if you plan to buy on-line) because often times you''ll be surprised at what you like on your finger (as opposed to in a photo or even in a store window/case). Here''s a picture of a personal favorite that''s simple, but not plain. It would look nice with almost any shaped stone.

cartier cushion.jpg


Mar 9, 2004
If you like Square emeralds, look at the designer Daniel K. like this one at Solomon brothers....''%'',''%'',''%'',''%'',''1510'',-1,-1,Null,Null,''ASC''

I am personally not a big fan of round stones after a certain carat range (for me it''s 2cts), so I would suggest shaped stones, especially with a healthy budget like yours, a classic oval, emerald or cushion, you just can''t go wrong, and still look classy...


Nov 12, 2004
Check this out


Nov 12, 2004
OOps it didnt work!


Jan 11, 2005
Hi--I''m looking for my own stone right now, so I can relate. I, too, looked and tried on tons of different shapes. I thought I would LOVE the cushion, but not so much. I am doing an emerald. One thing I noticed about a radiant cut is that it looks soooo much smaller than a rb. So, I would think a radiant in a larger carat weight (I was looking around 1 ct at the time) might work.

I actually think you will have a pretty decent chance at finding a nice Asscher. I''m looking for an emerald right now and they all seem to be square (I want a rectangular shape).

Sorry I can''t help much. Like everyone else has said, a rb is timeless and classic. Like another poster said, though, I don''t personally care for really huge rb''s. THen again, I''m probably the only woman on earth who thinks that way. Call a jeweler and have him/her try to find all 3 shapes in approximately (notice I said approximately) the same clarity/color/carat (won''t he/she love you?) so you can compare them with each other.

Good luck and let us know what you decide!!


Nov 12, 2004
Trying it again- asscher-cut in a pave setting.



Apr 21, 2004
i''d find the biggest and best cut square emerald thru Mark at ERD, G color and VS1 clarity, and then have Mark Morrell come up with a design just for you to house the stone. sounds like a perfect plan to me


Jan 23, 2005
Wow -- that''s beautiful. TONIGHT I am loving the square emerald and even the slightly rectangular emerald -- so classic and elegant. The more I see radiants, the less I like the cut glass (or is it crushed glass) look.

Good advice everyone about going to try things on some more. I have been to Tiffany a few times and just have never been treated well/taken seriously there. It feels so much like a factory there too...

I have had lovely experiences at Shreve, Crump & Lowe (I''m in Boston) so I may go back there.


Mar 9, 2004
Oooooh, who is the designer of that ring Dani?! It''s beautiful!!! I personally like pave and that double claw prong Harry W look!


Nov 12, 2004
You know what? I am really not sure of the designer...just saw it one day here and saved it to my computer as one of my faves- which was good advice by the way, Holly, I have already done that! When my boyfriend actually saw my "collage" the other day, he was like....ohh... myyyy.... goddd...!!! Yeah, I am psycho over rings...I will admit it....I am really not sure what I want either! I should take my own advice. Although, I really do love this ring....


Sep 10, 2003
If you are on the fence, you might consider looking at settings first. You can afford not to scrimp on the setting, so look around, see all your options, and if one really captures your heart, the shape may already be determined for you.

Happy hunting.


Mar 20, 2003
Good Old Gold has a lot of fancies for you to look at in detail, although mainly in the 2 to 2.5 carat, $10k to $15k range. I don''t know if you''re looking for a stone that''s bigger than that (but with a size 4 finger, a stone of that size will look all the bigger).

2.06 H VS2 cushion

2.21 F SI1 oval

Etc., etc.

Some other vendors:

White Flash includes an ideal-scope image for all of their "expert selection" (in house) stones.

2.84 J VS2 asscher

2.47 F IF asscher

Blue Nile has quite a selection in their Signature Cut Asscher collection.


Jan 23, 2005
Thanks for all the input (and keep it coming! it''s helping).

I do know that I want a solitaire...haha, that''s about all I know. I love the simplicity of the solitaire and that way I can obsess and waffle about the right wedding ring down the road :).


Jun 5, 2004
What is the first e-ring you remember seeing that made you go "oooooooooooh" - and i don''t mean as an adult about to get engaged, i mea before that.

I was never a "ring" person, and hten one day i saw a pav bezel ring and went "oooooooooooooh" and BAM, that was my destiny. Since then i have looked at a MILLION ringson this site and others, and I still love what I chose, the style of the first "ooooh" I ever felt!

So while asscher is trendy now, RB is classic, BUT asscher is different, and if it''s YOU, then get it!

Also, there are so many different kinds of settings - don''t pass up an RB because your sister has one1 I have 3 older sisters, 1 has asscher, 1 has pear, and 1 hsa RB - but NONE of their ettings are anything like mine1

oh, and 1 more thing- there''s always the square brillliant, someone one here has that - it''s all the lovely brilliance of an RB but in a square!


Jan 23, 2005

Your ring is beautiful. As far as the first stone that made me go "ooooooooooh," I''m sure it was a round brilliant. That''s about all I had exposure to. Growing up, my mom had a gorgeous 1.75 ct RB set in a wide band (she combined her wedding band with the engagement ring and just wore one ring) and I think that ring made me go "oooooooooooh." Later, I worked in a law firm and remember seeing a variety of "wow" rings, but I loved the one a friend of mine had -- a big RB with prong-set rb diamonds as a setting.

I have grown into liking emeralds as well and they seem to have some staying power with me, but I do truly appreciate a beautiful RB when I see one.

I try to look at my hand a couple of times a day and imagine different stones. I like them all! I guess it''s hard to go "wrong," it''s just a question of going "most right."

I know I need to block out things like my sister''s ring, etc., but I so want something special. But it also has to be one I love (and never doubt) for the rest of my life.


Dec 6, 2004
It''s a personal choice....try using some of the websites that allow you to "build your own ring" - where you can change the shape of the diamond and the setting....Even better, go to a large jeweler/diamond outlet and try on rings/settings.....see what looks good to you and on your hand...There are lots of beautiful diamond cuts ....the emerald is a really nice looking one, in my opinion...but then again, nothing else really sparkles like the round have to look around ...something will "speak" to you................


Oct 18, 2003
What about a pear? Not too many people have them but they are beautiful and timeless...and elegant and sexy (at least i think).


Jul 10, 2004
if i was you i would go for a rb but in a unique sister has the most amazing ring. its a two carat round set in a platinum bezel flush to the hand. very simple but looks antique


Jun 5, 2004
I totally understand your dilemma. Being the youngest of 4 girls, I often feel that I have to be different in some way. So I too was hesitant about a Rb, because it''s such a "favorite" and typically I do not lean towards anything common. But knowing that an RB had the most sparkle won over, and I decided to be original in my setting choice. (Which, by the way, is in every freakin magazine now..) Can''t win. *sigh*

If I had a 25,000 budget (mine was less than half that!) I would def get an ideal cut RB as big and high quality as I could. I salivate at the thoguht of a 2 ct RB!! *wipes mouth*.


Jan 23, 2005

That''s exactly how I feel! I just want it to be both beautiful and unique. I am very drawn to the large RBs and I would probably try to go for special setting if we do select a RB for the stone. If we go with a fancy, I''ll likely choose a solitaire setting. Your ring is gorgeous. It doesn''t look like the ones in magazines to me!

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Keep them coming. I''d love to hear what all of you would do!


Oct 20, 2004
I''m in the decision making stage too. I knew I wanted a pave band and my fiance has a strong preference for round stones in simple settings. So, if my jeweler says it''s possible (she''s on vacation right now), I would love to have something similar to this Cartier solitaire made, but add pave to the band (and possibly the basket too). The stone would be roughly 2+ carats (my fiance keeps upping my budget

cartier solitaire.jpg


Jan 18, 2005
If I could buy any ring, I think I would get this one. I
it to death! I wish I could have it! /idealbb/editor/cute/images/emcry.gif
I''ve seen it on this site several times and just fell in love with it. Again though, like many have said. I''ve never tried it on so I may not like it on my finger itself. Sounds like you have small fingers so pretty much any ring is going to pop off of your hand. Good luck and send pics when you find one you love!!

3 sided pave ring with pave diamond prongs in platinum. The ring is set with 158 diamonds weighing 1.50ct of diamonds. (If I could, I would prefer a princess cut as the center stone) The one in the picture looks round.



Oct 30, 2002
That last ring is a 3.1c round stone. The setting was custom, but now it looks as thought MB retailers are selling it for $8k.

Personally if I were you starting from scratch, I'd get my butt into a jeweler and start trying things ON. All of this virtual what would you do is one thing but since you don't have a shape in mind even, you need to find out what looks good on your hand and what you really like the look of...since you will be looking at it forever!

The funny thing is that once you start trying things on, you will most likely figure it out quite quickly. I used to always want a princess cut and then suddenly when it was time to look, all I knew was I wanted a round classic! The setting was another matter, that took months for me to decide on.

So my best suggestion is to get into a few stores, not just one, and try on some rings. Go into some high end stores as well since your budget is very good, and get an idea for their more elaborate settings and stones...however I would NOT buy from them, the markup in a place like that would be insane--more insane than most B&M's!

So since I said all that, for 20-25k, I would get something like the MB Princess setting or the Ritani Endless love where it's pave eternity all around, I think those are around 3k for the setting and the bands are thin so it will make your stone look bigger. The MB/Ritani look like the picture someone posted above from a side angle, simple solitaire head and then pave thin band all the way around. Then spend the rest on the STONE baby!! For $ depends on what kind of shape you get, but if you wanted a round, and were not too much of a stickler on color/clarity (aka no D IF), then you could probably get something like a 2c G VS2 or a 2.4c H SI1 or similar. There isn't alot of inventory of stones of that size, so you may have to look around a good while and/or wait until something is brought in that fits your bill. There are a few 2.1-2.3c H SI1's H&A AGS0 available right now if you look around the site and find the search tool.

But I get ahead of myself. Get into some shops and look around!! Good luck.

Edited to add: aeli I LOVE that ring, the thought of it with a 2c+ stone and pave down the shoulder and band makes me swoon. Great taste!


Jan 23, 2005
Thanks, everyone. I think I am going to go look some more tonight or tomorrow and I will seriously look at all types of stones, though I am still leaning toward a beautiful RB or an emerald cut (so different, I know, but both classics).

One thing is now clear -- I really LOVE the custom work of Mark Morrell. Thank you for introducing him to me! I am planning to contact him soon.
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