
What does your username stand for??

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Mine too is self evident--I am in fact the supermodel Heidi Klum, so now you can see where Canuk-gal comes from.

OKOK I am Canadian. And not a supermodel. Altho I am female.

Alice in Wonderland!
Date: 5/27/2006 2:51:31 PM
Author: Mara
Alice in Wonderland!
Crap who told you!!! Hmmm, maybe I did mention it on here long ago.
I am really wanting to change it legally. But it would be a huge pain in the butt. My parents never called me Alice, it was Lisa from day one.
Date: 5/27/2006 2:57:35 PM
Author: kaleigh
Date: 5/27/2006 2:51:31 PM

Author: Mara

Alice in Wonderland!
Crap who told you!!! Hmmm, maybe I did mention it on here long ago.
I am really wanting to change it legally. But it would be a huge pain in the butt. My parents never called me Alice, it was Lisa from day one.

You did, I think in the other "username" thread. I have an aunt Alice, but it''s pronounced "A-leece." Is that how you ended up as Lisa?

I always think of "Alice''s Restaurant."
I did get the lead of Alice in our school play Alice in Wonderland. Friends found out my real name was Alice and kidded me forever about it. Now I think it''s a nice name, ya know for someone else but not for moi. My Mom wanted me listed in Nanny''s obituary as Alice and I put my foot down. I said no one knows me as Alice!! Actually I was named after Nanny, her Name was Alice. But she never went by it either. Her nickname was Bunny.
I''m so glad this thread was resurrected -- definitely has helped clear up some questions (and pronounciations). Well, mine seems obvious to me, because I''m a figure-skater and my first name''s Jen. However, after being on here for a while, I started wondering if people thought maybe I was a skateboarder and not a figure-skater, so I wanted to clear that up


ps on everything else I''ve always been "sweetjane" b/c, well, it''s an old nickname and I guess I''m kinda sorta a hippie-ish type girl, but I thought I''d better come up with something a little more mainstream for PS. Still not sure why, though!
Date: 5/27/2006 2:21:16 PM
Author: kaleigh

Date: 5/27/2006 2:18:51 PM
Author: Sophie

Date: 10/13/2005 12:48:17 PM
Author: kaleigh
I picked kaleigh because I liked the name and it was available. I wanted cricket, but that was taken, so Kaleigh it is.

I have often wondered ''why Kaleigh? since your name is Lisa,'' right?

Well, mine is obvious too.. it''s my name! I am not creative enough to think of something else ahahaa
Yes my nickname is Lisa. Anyone want to guess what my real name is???
"Alice." What do I win?
Date: 5/27/2006 9:50:35 PM
Author: GemKlctr

Date: 5/27/2006 2:21:16 PM
Author: kaleigh

Date: 5/27/2006 2:18:51 PM
Author: Sophie

Date: 10/13/2005 12:48:17 PM
Author: kaleigh
I picked kaleigh because I liked the name and it was available. I wanted cricket, but that was taken, so Kaleigh it is.

I have often wondered ''why Kaleigh? since your name is Lisa,'' right?

Well, mine is obvious too.. it''s my name! I am not creative enough to think of something else ahahaa
Yes my nickname is Lisa. Anyone want to guess what my real name is???
''Alice.'' What do I win?
Sorry, couldn''t resist working backwards through this old thread.
I think I may be in here already, but for the newbies mine is purely phonetically descriptive.
Date: 5/27/2006 3:05:04 PM
Author: kaleigh
Actually I was named after Nanny, her Name was Alice. But she never went by it either. Her nickname was Bunny.
THAT is awesome. Spunky ole nanny.
Heavenly learner, majestic roamer.................
20.gif initials!
I''m glad this thread was resurrected! I managed to get APhiSigLovesSAE (and guessed at his greek affiliation) and Aljdewey, but I thought that Decodelighted must be into crypto stuff. But after I saw people calling her Deco enough, I finally caught on.

Anyway, Blenheim. I''ve attached a pic of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with blenheim coloring. So how does this relate to me?

1) I grew up with a blenheim colored Cavalier.

2) I''m getting the puppy in the photo on June 9 or 10. (We confirmed this tonight!)

3) I have similar coloring. Fair skin with a few freckles and hair that''s varying shades of red depending on how much sun I''ve been getting.

4) Winston Churchhill was born at Blenheim Palace. Okay, totally not related to me, but it''s an interesting fact.

I WANT THAT PUPPY!!!! Or if not, at least a gazillion pictures when you get it.
Love that breed SO MUCH!
Don''t worry, I''ll start a very picture intensive thread once we get him!
Date: 5/27/2006 3:00:39 PM
Author: Selkie

Date: 5/27/2006 2:57:35 PM
Author: kaleigh

Date: 5/27/2006 2:51:31 PM

Author: Mara

Alice in Wonderland!
Crap who told you!!! Hmmm, maybe I did mention it on here long ago.
I am really wanting to change it legally. But it would be a huge pain in the butt. My parents never called me Alice, it was Lisa from day one.

You did, I think in the other 'username' thread. I have an aunt Alice, but it's pronounced 'A-leece.' Is that how you ended up as Lisa?

I always think of 'Alice's Restaurant.'
Selkie where are you located? There is an Alice's up in Woodside where all the bikers hang out!

K did you did mention it in another thread...tee hee. But I think once you know someone's nickname or whatever you typically use to call them most of the time, it sticks. It's hard to imagine calling some people other names.
Mine is REALLY boring. My name is Cindy and my sister and brother-in-law call me "Cind". The 11 happens to be my DH''s favorite number and it''s easy to remember for me. I wish I would have picked a name having to do with my fondness for either shopping or cats. Oh well.
Date: 5/27/2006 11:11:32 PM
Author: Mara
Date: 5/27/2006 3:00:39 PM

Author: Selkie

Date: 5/27/2006 2:57:35 PM

Author: kaleigh

Date: 5/27/2006 2:51:31 PM

Author: Mara

Alice in Wonderland!
Crap who told you!!! Hmmm, maybe I did mention it on here long ago.
I am really wanting to change it legally. But it would be a huge pain in the butt. My parents never called me Alice, it was Lisa from day one.

You did, I think in the other ''username'' thread. I have an aunt Alice, but it''s pronounced ''A-leece.'' Is that how you ended up as Lisa?

I always think of ''Alice''s Restaurant.''

Selkie where are you located? There is an Alice''s up in Woodside where all the bikers hang out!

I''m in LA, but I was thinking of the 60''s anti-war song "Alice''s Restaurant". It''s by Arlo Guthrie, and it''s something like 25 minutes long. The chorus goes, "You can get anything you want, at Alice''s Restaurant." Some radio stations play it at Thanksgiving, because the story mentions it. I bet a lot of places called Alice''s took their name from it, and it would fit a biker''s hangout!

It kinda means Blodwyn-the-cat!

>^..^< meow!
what a fun thread!

novia = bride in spanish, my first language.
Mine is my first name. Liz was taken already, so I used a double z.
Littlelysser is a nickname a good friend of mine gave me in college. That was quite a while ago, but the nickname stuck.

My real name is Melissa...I also go by Lyss or Mel, but never Missy. I am so not a Missy!!

This is a great thread, I''m glad it was resurrected!
Eleguin = Elephant (my fiance''s favorite animal) + Penguin (my favorite animal)
I love hearing the stories...even names that seem obvious often have an interesting story...

I just chose it because I am a fan of (drumroll please...) DIAMONDS! I also like most other bling, so I considered BLINGNUT (like wingnut but not) and GEMFAN or GEMNUTor JEWELNUT or some similar iteration of the theme. Diamondfan just won out for some reason...
This is a great thread.

WELL.. I've been Gypsy on the net for a loooong time. It used to be because I moved around a lot.

And now, well... it's more because I MISS moving around a lot. I hate where I live now. Wish I were a carefree gypsy again.
Gypsy, not to get too detailed, but where are you living and why do you not love it? (just curious, you can be general about it) I take it you are a free spirit?
I live in Ocean County NJ. And the PART of it I live is just bloody awful. Excuse me while I bitch.

More senior citizens here than anywhere else except certain counties in FL. Which means all the restuarants are buffets with bland food, everything closes at 10, and there are some of the WORST drivers EVER out here. Seniors, in herds, are very selfish people. Serious entitlement issues. PLUS, there is this THING out here about diversity. There isn't any. Either you are Irish, Itallian or Jewish. (Black people live here, but most of the folks out here are in denial about it). And well... you don't MINGLE out here. Like sticks to like. It's frankly very backward and offensive. If you are different people just don't understand. Like they can't comprehend it. They are very comfortable with thier stereotypes out here. It's stutifying and well... it disgusts me.

FI is a real estate agent. So for the forseeable future I'm stuck here. We keep meaning to move up north. But we've gotten used to our larger house and moving up north means less square footage. And with four cats and a BIG dog...
. It just doesn't seem worth it to still live in NJ.

I was born abroad. Lived in FL... moved to LA... moved to the SF bay area, went to school outside of Sacramento, went to DC for Lawschool and live in NJ now. And well... hate it here.

Like it up north. Kinda. Not really though. But there are decent places to go out up there and diversity isn't a four letter word.

Would MUCH rather move back to CA or DC. But I'd need a good permanent job to be able to justify selling everything off and moving. JUST waiting for it though.

Which is another reason why, even though FI keeps encouraging me to get my ring re-set and plan the wedding I just... well. DON'T.

I am saving all our money to get the HELL OUT OF HERE.

Wow. I had no idea all that was in here. Well. I did. But I had no idea I was so ANGRY about it all.

I clearly have issues.
Sorry, didn't mean to well... unload like that. It just happened.
It is totally reasonable to vent if you are unhappy. I am from LA originally and moved East about 9 years ago. I like where I am (Philly suburbs) but it took a while. I found it to be a bit cliquish and provincial, like if you did not come over on the Mayflower you were suspect. Once I made my group of friends and found my niche it bothered me less.

What is funny to me is that some seniors ARE rude and pushing you...I guess when you get to be that old you feel entitled? They will just bash on through you to get places. It is almost comical. I know people who LOVE the shore, but with exception, I am not enamored, and I do not live there. It seems a bit sleepy to me, though I think it has gotten better...more year round people...

The Blue laws here blew (pun intended) my mind when I moved here...and dry towns were a shocl to me...

Good luck, I am sure you will get to a place you like better, sooner rather than later!
I actually like parts of Philly quite a bit. LOL @ at the Mayflower thing. SO true.

The blue laws are strange. But I lived in Montgomery county MD just outside of DC for a while... a bit of a shock to me. It is strange after living in CA with alcohol in every grocery and drug store to move out here.

Yeah. Eventually I'll get out of this place. It just gets to me somedays more than others... lol. Guess today was one of those.
Once I stopped comparing it to Los Angeles (and trust me there were things about LA I did not like after a life lived there) it was has it charms and we love the greenery and history, which LA lacks! Sorry to thread jack here, I have loved hearing the stories too!
Last thread jack post. I promise.

I LOVE the green and the history. That''s why I adored the DC area. So green and the history... but well... DC has diveristy and nightlife and things to do and the burbs are still nice and most have little downtown areas that are fun so you don''t have to go into the city if you don''t want to. That''s actually what I compare NJ to, and it falls horribly short.

Philly has a few cute areas like that too and it''s own identity. We have friends who live out there and I think I could fairly happy out there. Jersey? No so much. The whole state is a giant burb of NY, NY without an identity of it''s own. Especially out here where it''s not Jersey. It''s Joy zey. Ick.

Don''t like LA to live in. Love it to visit though. I''m a N CA girl at heart when it comes to CA. But DC? DC felt like coming home the first time I went there. Strange, but true.

ANYWAY. I think my gypsy soul would be very happy settling back there.

But THAT, all of it, it why my nick is gypsy.
Easy...I''m a mommy and I live on Waller Street! No great story there...
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