
What are your thoughts on how government is handling COVID-19


May 30, 2012
So true..i.e. Chris Cuomo whom was tested positive for the virus and was out roaming the town.He was lying about being under quarantine in his basement...:wall:

Nor true! He was on his property.


Aug 22, 2012
Nor true! He was on his property.

It may have been his property but he had to get there from his residence, where he should have been isolated in his basement as he was leading everyone to believe that he was. Anyone diagnosed with COVID should not be out in public...we all know that by now.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004


Mar 22, 2017
If that was true then the guy whom Cuomo yelled at was trespassing.

He wasn't trespassing. He lives in the same neighborhood and was bicycling past Cuomo's house, and saw Cuomo, his wife, another woman, and some of the kids all out in the yard with no masks on and not social distancing. He stopped and while still in the street said something along the lines of "Aren't you supposed to be quarantined?" Cuomo apparently flew into a rage and started screaming and threatening the guy and headed over to him like he was going to get in the guy's face and attack him or something. I'm not saying the neighbor wasn't being perhaps a bit of a busybody, but he was correct, as @1ofakind pointed out, that Cuomo is supposed to stay indoors while infected. Cuomo's reaction was outrageously over the top and threatening, and he was the one technically in the wrong.


Jan 3, 2013
He wasn't trespassing. He lives in the same neighborhood and was bicycling past Cuomo's house, and saw Cuomo, his wife, another woman, and some of the kids all out in the yard with no masks on and not social distancing. He stopped and while still in the street said something along the lines of "Aren't you supposed to be quarantined?" Cuomo apparently flew into a rage and started screaming and threatening the guy and headed over to him like he was going to get in the guy's face and attack him or something. I'm not saying the neighbor wasn't being perhaps a bit of a busybody, but he was correct, as @1ofakind pointed out, that Cuomo is supposed to stay indoors while infected. Cuomo's reaction was outrageously over the top and threatening, and he was the one technically in the wrong.

He is a bit of a hothead. He doesn’t do himself any favors.



Nov 13, 2003
He wasn't trespassing. He lives in the same neighborhood and was bicycling past Cuomo's house, and saw Cuomo, his wife, another woman, and some of the kids all out in the yard with no masks on and not social distancing. He stopped and while still in the street said something along the lines of "Aren't you supposed to be quarantined?" Cuomo apparently flew into a rage and started screaming and threatening the guy and headed over to him like he was going to get in the guy's face and attack him or something. I'm not saying the neighbor wasn't being perhaps a bit of a busybody, but he was correct, as @1ofakind pointed out, that Cuomo is supposed to stay indoors while infected. Cuomo's reaction was outrageously over the top and threatening, and he was the one technically in the wrong.

We live not far away. Cuomo isn’t a model citizen. There are plenty of celebrities in the area and most are pretty laid back. The rest of us respect their privacy. Then there is cuomo.


May 11, 2013
Well, there's really no grade lower than F but boy she should get it! I agree, if she has Covid-19 she can be infecting many people around her. Why can't people do the right thing TMT? I mean really, the rule is 'wear a mask' maybe she doesn't understand English? I dunno but I'd have arrested her and thrown in jail for a few days. Her right to infect others does NOT outweigh the rights of others to possibly be infected, that's just common sense.

Is it possible for NYC to get a grade lower than ‘F’? This is sad!


May 11, 2013
oh here's more info @the_mother_thing - it's terrible how parents/care-givers act in front of their child/charge I mean REALLY? cursing and screaming, Lord my mother would have kicked my butt if I had done things like this.. sheesh.

My son lives in Brooklyn, he wears his mask, as far as we know he's not been infected, but if he'd had to get on a train with her then hell I dunno, you can get Covid-19 thru your eyes.. why are people so inconsiderate of others? If person who has NO symptoms can infect and possibly sign their death warrant, one should ALWAYS comply with police officers (our first responders right!) I remember someone on these boards saying "a person should just follow the orders of the police person" (I changed that a bit because a police person as you and I know can be a woman). And one shouldn't go to strike an officer unless one wants to get arrested, it's common sense today.


"The NYPD said in a statement that its officers approached the woman before her arrest and "politely informed her" that she could not enter the subway system without properly wearing a face mask.
Police said the woman "responded to the officers with vulgar language and repeatedly refused requests to properly wear her face covering over her nose and mouth" before the officers told her she would be escorted from the transit system for not complying"

DeBlasio said there should have been a de-escalation and the officers should not have escalated the situation, I agree.. but I also agree she should have been following the rules.


May 11, 2013
@rocks except the guy who didn't respect Cuomo's privacy. I think the view of Cuomo falls to politics. Ann Landers (I think or her sister) used to say MYOB, and the guy should have done so.. Cuomo should have flipped him the bird and moved on.. waste of his time.. de-escalate not escalate.

A lot more important things happening in this Covid-19 world that this guy being outside with his family. The only time I say ANYTHING to anyone is if they giet closer to me than 6 feet.. otherwise I mind my own business.


Mar 2, 2013
@Tekate Thank you for clarifying; it’s helpful to know that citizens who use vulgar language in response to police officers who are attempting to compel compliance is now acceptable justification for getting a beat-down by po-po.


Nov 13, 2003
@rocks except the guy who didn't respect Cuomo's privacy. I think the view of Cuomo falls to politics. Ann Landers (I think or her sister) used to say MYOB, and the guy should have done so.. Cuomo should have flipped him the bird and moved on.. waste of his time.. de-escalate not escalate.

A lot more important things happening in this Covid-19 world that this guy being outside with his family. The only time I say ANYTHING to anyone is if they giet closer to me than 6 feet.. otherwise I mind my own business.

Chris cuomo has a history of behaving badly in public. This also occurred while he was purportedly on lockdown in his basement due to his being covid positive. I agree that he has a right to privacy...he should have been tucked away in his back yard, away from the public. Plenty of fresh air and plenty of distance.


Aug 22, 2012
@Tekate Thank you for clarifying; it’s helpful to know that citizens who use vulgar language in response to police officers who are attempting to compel compliance is now acceptable justification for getting a beat-down by po-po.

And that this woman who was not wearing a mask, swearing and behaving badly around her children should be arrested and thrown in jail when Cuomo who we KNOW was infected was not wearing a mask out in public, with people other than his own family, verbally abusive (I can’t recall if he was swearing) and behaving badly in front of his children....but in that case people should just MYOB.


Mar 2, 2009
People need to worry less about their “rights” and think more about their responsibilities to their community. Seriously, wearing a mask is not that much of a hardship. It really speaks volumes either to your lack of intelligence or lack of humanity if you can’t follow the guidelines. Much less engage in criminal assault over your “right” to not wear one while trying to enter spaces that do not belong to you.


May 11, 2013
I believe that, many people have a history of rants (Trump, Bieber, Cheney, Kanye, Pompeo, Tracy Morgan I mean the list is endless with morons, ranters, idiots etc)

From reading the 2 above I think being on his own property was enough to be considered on 'lockdown' the distance is 6 feet, to be honest with you I'm not sure most people do 6 feet at least here in Texas they don't.

I judge Cuomo just like I judge Trump, a loud mouthed, dumb ass, best thing for NYers is that Cuomo is a newsguy vs Trump as making decisions that affect all Americans, but neither get's a bye from me, Cuomo needs a true anger management class.

Chris cuomo has a history of behaving badly in public. This also occurred while he was purportedly on lockdown in his basement due to his being covid positive. I agree that he has a right to privacy...he should have been tucked away in his back yard, away from the public. Plenty of fresh air and plenty of distance.
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May 11, 2013
He wasn't out in public, he was in his own front yard. There is a difference, if Cuomo ws at the local IGA with no mask on that would be horrible.

I don't think the woman was thrown in jail, I do think you better not be showing any force to a first responder.. Don't you think this is so? I personally feel very worried about my son as I said he's in Brooklyn, works in Manhattan and all of this concerns me deeply.

So the point is: he was on his property, she was in a public subway station, if the people were reversed I'd feel the same.. I feel - even though I am a liberal - that residents out on the Island who don't want NYers to visit their summer homes for fear of the bringing the virus along with them is wrong.. if one pays taxes one can visit their home whenever they want.

So is Cuomo a hypocrite? Nope but he sure needs anger management..

And that this woman who was not wearing a mask, swearing and behaving badly around her children should be arrested and thrown in jail when Cuomo who we KNOW was infected was not wearing a mask out in public, with people other than his own family, verbally abusive (I can’t recall if he was swearing) and behaving badly in front of his children....but in that case people should just MYOB.


Jun 7, 2014
Thank you @MakingTheGrade. We need to do all we can to protect everyone. If wearing a mask in public is a huge imposition and you feel it’s taking your rights away, you have a problem. Is it really that difficult to help others feel more comfortable, especially when it is something as simple as wearing a mask. We never know what others are going thru, especially now.


Mar 2, 2013
People need to worry less about their “rights” and think more about their responsibilities to their community. Seriously, wearing a mask is not that much of a hardship. It really speaks volumes either to your lack of intelligence or lack of humanity if you can’t follow the guidelines. Much less engage in criminal assault over your “right” to not wear one while trying to enter spaces that do not belong to you.

Really ... people need to “worry less about their rights“?

~ When governments are releasing violent criminals from jail before having served their sentences, many of whom are committing additional violent crimes ...

~ When citizens are jailed for trying to put food on their tables by opening their businesses responsibly with masks/distancing ...

~ When Child Protective Services is weaponized against citizens who are trying to make a living/pay bills because they don’t have the luxury to have sizable savings and/or work from home, and unemployment isn’t flowing but bills are piling up ...

~ When citizens can fill a Walmart, Lowes, grocery stores with “masks” and “social distancing” but are denied the right to practice their religion with masks/distancing ...

~ When a person cannot get cancer treatment, knee replacement or dental care, but can get an abortion because - according to Michigan Gov. Whit-less - that is a “life sustaining” procedure ...

... it becomes painfully clear how much “responsibility to the community” government thinks it has, and how justified people ARE/should be in “worrying about their rights”.

Please cite any law that states it is “criminal assault” to not wear a mask in public, considering most municipalities have said they would not arrest citizens for non-compliance.


May 11, 2013
@the_mother_thing You are quite welcome! Unfortunately here on these boards occasionally some people don't read or care to follow up and through to find out what is truth vs. BS or what our rights are.. so in reading that you appreciate my help! OMG that is wonderful - anytime you need help you can either google for info or even call your local first responder! so glad I could be of assistance to you. a FIRST! lucky me. :dance: :dance: :dance: :appl::appl:

You know, some people just cannot understand that it is important to not infect MY son, or other people sons/or anyone :) just because they need to get from Brooklyn to Manhattan or Queens.. And remember she tried to use force against a first responder and that is a no no in our country - especially when walking while Black in our country, we have heard over and over again: When a first responder tells you something DO IT! it wasn't nice what they did, but of course, she didn't follow the rules in our society..

Here's the ACLU talking about your rights and what to do when stopped by a first responder.

Oh and since you are in a learning mode! yay... here's what one should do if they are stopped by our first responders in NYC.

it's longish but make sure you click on the drop down boxes!

The mother thing said:

Thank you for clarifying; it’s helpful to know that citizens who use vulgar language in response to police officers who are attempting to compel compliance is now acceptable justification for getting a beat-down by the po-po.
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Dec 25, 2012


Thank you @MakingTheGrade. We need to do all we can to protect everyone. If wearing a mask in public is a huge imposition and you feel it’s taking your rights away, you have a problem. Is it really that difficult to help others feel more comfortable, especially when it is something as simple as wearing a mask. We never know what others are going thru, especially now.

Agree - rights and freedom are a responsibility, not just an unearned privilege. And those not willing to wear a mask seem to be willing to hurt others and put others at risk. They should stay inside if they aren't willing to wear a mask. Plain stupidity.


Mar 2, 2009
Agree - rights and freedom are a responsibility, not just an unearned privilege. And those not willing to wear a mask seem to be willing to hurt others and put others at risk. They should stay inside if they aren't willing to wear a mask. Plain stupidity.

Yeah and even if you don’t “believe” in masks, do it anyways as a courtesy to your neighbors peace of mind.

We all do things all the time as concessions for group comfort when we are in public that we might not do in our own homes. Like wear clothes :p. I personally would be perfectly content to just wear underwear and sneakers to go out when it’s 100 degrees, but I don’t, because laws and consideration for others who wouldn’t be comfortable with that.


Aug 29, 2014
Re: Attacking the other candidate is ok but not the voters..

I, too, have family members who were guilty of "driving while black". My stepdad got popped twice - in VA - on the same highway for going 5 mph over the speed limit, which is why I think he may have been profiled. I wish he had fought the tickets but he isn't even a smidge argumentative or combative, and said the fact was he was speeding, and the cop was doing his job. Are there bad cops? Of course ... and bad surgeons, bad lawyers, bad teachers, bad jewelers, etc. But it's how we respond to those things, those people, those situations that I feel determines the future. There are too many variables in so many situations that I won't outline them all here. But in a lot (not all) of the recent headline-making incidents, the facts end up coming out that the "victims" we're in fact arguing/resisting/threatening the police who were just doing their jobs.
Funny how you only care about these "victims" when it fits your narrative? I hope you're a bit kinder the next time BLM gets attention or a POC is killed by unjust police actions. You've said some extremely unsavoury things about them in the past.


Mar 2, 2013
I won’t judge others choice to wear/not wear a mask; I am responsible for me. Where we live, from what we’ve observed on our outings, only about 60% are wearing masks. And of those, again from our own observations, most aren’t wearing them properly, are touching their masks & faces, reaching under it, etc. A grocery clerk - while checking me out recently - had her mask down under her chin and her 2” long fake nails poking out of her plastic gloves.

I could have had the rent-a-cop or her employer come issue her a beat down and/or publicly humiliate her to make an example out of how desire to kill others with her ignorance. Instead, I chose tolerance ... everyone is dealing with a bizarre world, and no one needs the “Karens“ of the world making it worse.

What we DO need is government that has clear & consistent laws that make sense and are fair, and do not unnecessary impede citizens from doing the things they need to do. Covid isn’t the only health issue people face, contrary to what people choose to think. We were asked to help ‘flatten the curve’; not surrender every American value & right afforded us indefinitely. If “you” want to play along, have at it. Not everyone else does not can afford to. And I’d hazard a guess most don’t give a hoot about the opinions of well-to-do people on a diamond forum.


Mar 2, 2013
Funny how you only care about these "victims" when it fits your narrative? I hope you're a bit kinder the next time BLM gets attention or a POC is killed by unjust police actions. You've said some extremely unsavoury things about them in the past.

Awwww how stalker-ific you must feel to have found a post I made in the past where I said “a lot but not all cases” and acknowledged there were bad cops ... all in reference to something entirely unrelated to the topic at hand! I’d give you a gold star, but social distancing and all... :clap:

But I’m glad you’re highlighting the issue of race ... re: the incident I posted in this thread ... the media - the LEFT-LEANING media in fact - have been highlighting what appears to be disproportionate policing by NYC of mask-wearing/social distancing against people of color.

The NYPD's data revealed that the majority of 300 social distancing enforcement-related summonses issued between March 16 and May 5 were to black and Hispanic men.

In Brooklyn where Rozier's arrest occurred, the district attorney's office said the NYPD arrested 40 people for social-distancing violations between March 17 and May 7; 35 were black, 4 were Hispanic and just one was white.

The thread IS about “how is the government handling COVID” ... Cops enforcing questionable “orders” is part of government response ... that’s what I’m discussing. Sorry if it doesn’t fit YOUR narrative. :roll:


May 11, 2013
That's AWESOME! you won't judge others on wearing a mask, , so if you can or cannot judge, makes no difference to me, BUT if you told me a first responder told you to put a mask on or you will be arrested, then you MUST put it on.. we have no rights when it comes to the health of others.. this is WHY we have the smokers outside the building huffing away, because people get lung cancer it MAY be your right to smoke where ya want but if it infringes on other's health then ya can't do it in the office.. So if you don't wear your mask and you have Covid-19 you could endanger someones life or help speed them along to death.. that's not riight!

Justification that people touch their masks, pull the etc is still no justification for ANYONE to go out without their mask in public, Just because you believe in others rights to infect people doesn't mean many people do, and sometimes the minority get's to rule (ala Trump! the electoral college).. in this case people need to follow the rules, wear your mask.

I dunno can renta cops arrest you? don't know but if the guy/gal is an off duty cop working a 2nd job then they can I know this.. if somebody is a rent a cop but not a first responder that could create a problem if they tried to bring you down.. we, as Americans, have to be VERY AWARE of people carrying concealed weapons and the stand your ground laws.. ya never know.

I'd agree wholeheartedly that we need rules that assist the American citizens BUT the needs of health supercede a person's right to infect another.. hey! do you remember Typhoid Mary??? if not google is your friend.. they took her to an island to live for the rest of her life because she just wouldn't stop infecting her employers!

We were asked to flatten the curve which means wear a mask, It means staying in till it's safe to go out for ALL Americans not just Americans whose immune system is better than another's. Older Americans have to do what they can to stay home till it's safe to come out - that is up to every over 65er and people who are younger but are more at risk must also do what they can for themselves.

Now to the Karen's of the world, that is in the ear of the beholder for sure. There are Asian Karen's, White Karen's, Black Karen's, she aint just a middle aged blonde. Karen's have been around since the dawn of hominids I'll bet. To one's ear a Karen can be correct to another a total ahole :)

If people can't afford to shelter then the government should give them an income till it's safe to come out.. that should be the law.. Frankly our government gives hands up help to the rich all the time.. time for the regular American to get a lift.

I won’t judge others choice to wear/not wear a mask; I am responsible for me. Where we live, from what we’ve observed on our outings, only about 60% are wearing masks. And of those, again from our own observations, most aren’t wearing them properly, are touching their masks & faces, reaching under it, etc. A grocery clerk - while checking me out recently - had her mask down under her chin and her 2” long fake nails poking out of her plastic gloves.

I could have had the rent-a-cop or her employer come issue her a beat down and/or publicly humiliate her to make an example out of how desire to kill others with her ignorance. Instead, I chose tolerance ... everyone is dealing with a bizarre world, and no one needs the “Karens“ of the world making it worse.

What we DO need is government that has clear & consistent laws that make sense and are fair, and do not unnecessary impede citizens from doing the things they need to do. Covid isn’t the only health issue people face, contrary to what people choose to think. We were asked to help ‘flatten the curve’; not surrender every American value & right afforded us indefinitely. If “you” want to play along, have at it. Not everyone else does not can afford to. And I’d hazard a guess most don’t give a hoot about the opinions of well-to-do people on a diamond forum.


Aug 29, 2014
Awwww how stalker-ific you must feel to have found a post I made in the past where I said “a lot but not all cases” and acknowledged there were bad cops ... all in reference to something entirely unrelated to the topic at hand! I’d give you a gold star, but social distancing and all... :clap:

But I’m glad you’re highlighting the issue of race ... re: the incident I posted in this thread ... the media - the LEFT-LEANING media in fact - have been highlighting what appears to be disproportionate policing by NYC of mask-wearing/social distancing against people of color.

The thread IS about “how is the government handling COVID” ... Cops enforcing questionable “orders” is part of government response ... that’s what I’m discussing. Sorry if it doesn’t fit YOUR narrative. :roll:
The search function is hardly stalkerific, but if it makes you feel special you are free to believe it! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Mar 2, 2013
That's AWESOME! you won't judge others on wearing a mask, , so if you can or cannot judge, makes no difference to me, BUT if you told me a first responder told you to put a mask on or you will be arrested, then you MUST put it on.. we have no rights when it comes to the health of others.. this is WHY we have the smokers outside the building huffing away, because people get lung cancer it MAY be your right to smoke where ya want but if it infringes on other's health then ya can't do it in the office.. So if you don't wear your mask and you have Covid-19 you could endanger someones life or help speed them along to death.. that's not riight!

Justification that people touch their masks, pull the etc is still no justification for ANYONE to go out without their mask in public, Just because you believe in others rights to infect people doesn't mean many people do, and sometimes the minority get's to rule (ala Trump! the electoral college).. in this case people need to follow the rules, wear your mask.

I dunno can renta cops arrest you? don't know but if the guy/gal is an off duty cop working a 2nd job then they can I know this.. if somebody is a rent a cop but not a first responder that could create a problem if they tried to bring you down.. we, as Americans, have to be VERY AWARE of people carrying concealed weapons and the stand your ground laws.. ya never know.

I'd agree wholeheartedly that we need rules that assist the American citizens BUT the needs of health supercede a person's right to infect another.. hey! do you remember Typhoid Mary??? if not google is your friend.. they took her to an island to live for the rest of her life because she just wouldn't stop infecting her employers!

We were asked to flatten the curve which means wear a mask, It means staying in till it's safe to go out for ALL Americans not just Americans whose immune system is better than another's. Older Americans have to do what they can to stay home till it's safe to come out - that is up to every over 65er and people who are younger but are more at risk must also do what they can for themselves.

Now to the Karen's of the world, that is in the ear of the beholder for sure. There are Asian Karen's, White Karen's, Black Karen's, she aint just a middle aged blonde. Karen's have been around since the dawn of hominids I'll bet. To one's ear a Karen can be correct to another a total ahole :)

If people can't afford to shelter then the government should give them an income till it's safe to come out.. that should be the law.. Frankly our government gives hands up help to the rich all the time.. time for the regular American to get a lift.

It’s a ridiculous and ignorant assumption on your part that I don’t care about infecting others, considering most of my family members are “COVID-fragile” but you didn't bother to ask. But to correct your misstatements: No, “flatten the curve” was NEVER sold to Americans as meaning “wear a mask” because when FTC/SIP became a thing, the guidance re: mask wearing for non-medical professionals was that it was not helpful/necessary/required. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that it even became suggested. ”Flatten the curve” was also NEVER sold to Americans as “stay home/inside until its safe to come out for ALL Americans”. It was to prevent hospitals from being over-run -- period. Guess what ... they aren’t overrun ... and in NYC - ground zero - they barely used the medical facilities/ship provided by the Fed Govt and Samaritans Purse ... instead, they shipped seniors off to nursing homes to infect/kill others. But sure, keep feeling like your government has your best interests in mind.

This has now become a non-stop moving of the goal-posts with massive government overreach and abuse of power. I read that some yahoo in CA wants people to “stay home until there is a cure”. Are you kidding me? If “you“ wish to stay inside forever, have at it ... but “your” fear doesn’t overrule others’ rights to go back to their jobs/businesses/livelihoods, regardless of how big a group is chanting about it or how repetitively they do so. Does it suck that some people don’t have a choice - like my parents/in-laws - yes. But they aren’t pitching a fit because they are also largely dependent on others getting back to work to provide/deliver services they need. Life isn’t fair, some people have conditions or have reached an age that make them more fragile than others; it sucks, but the world does not stop revolving.

The fear about over-running hospitals is largely passed for most states; and the goal posts do not need to keep moving unless there is data proving (not hypothesizing) a need to revert backward - and they need to be transparent about publishing it vs. just citing it when launching the next extension of SIP.

Risk is inherent to our way of life; we all get to choose what is best for our situations. You can drive a car or not drive a car; take the train/plane or not; go to a grocery store or have someone else go for you or have items delivered. And I respect all the medical workers on the “front lines” who are helping save lives, but I find it unethical and hypocritical to go so far as shame and lecture people to “not take risks“ when they always make darn sure to have patients sign those waivers for risky medical procedures ... procedures that help pay their bills. So spare me the lecturing (especially on a forum when you’re not that persons physician) about what risks are/are not acceptable when you aren’t paying that person’s bills, feeding their family, nor responsible for their employees trying to do the same.

States are welcome to keep giving people unlimited income to stay home until they decide the coast is clear, but that’s not a Federal responsibility. Governors are responsible for their states’ citizens since they are the ones exerting so much control over them.

I asked earlier for someone to post the law - from any state - citing failure to wear a mask as “criminal assault”; I’m still waiting ...
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