
What are you planning on doing with your tax return?

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Jul 30, 2007
Are you getting one this year? What are your plans?

We''re getting a new mattress/bed! I''m so excited about it--now I just have to knuckle down and submit my taxes.
Going directly into the buy-a-house fund.

No fun refund purchase this year.
I''ll be really surprised if I get anything. I play around with my withholding all year so that I either end up owing $100, getting $100, or nothing.

Last year I ended up with $800 because I forgot about my student loan interest so I *might* get a little something back this year. And if I do its going straight to the credit card we''re trying to pay off.
Tax return? HA..what is that??
I know hubby had about $60 000 in income tax deducted and the gov''t still wants more! Hmmmmm!
That is totally ridiculous..especially since we maxed out our RRSP contributions !!
Mark and I put ours towards our Vegas trip every year.
I only get back as much as I have to pay the tax preparer/accountant, so there goes that. But the good news is that I did them already this year so I am very early. Last year, I totally dragged my feet on it, so I felt accomplished the other day when I walked out of the accountant''s office.
Some is going for cheap-o bedroom furniture, some is going to pay off my credit cards, and the rest is going straight to savings and never seeing the light of day.
Hmmm... I''m thinking... Tattoos.
Havent even thought about it.
I don''t know if we''re getting anything back. We sold investment property that we had for five or six years, so I guess we have to pay capital gains on the profits
I''m not sure. If I don''t post for a few years, it''s because I''m in jail.
what''s a refund

we pay, and pay and pay....

and it looks like we will be paying even more if the
income tax rates go higher.

I need to stop, otherwise I''ll be venting for hours.
Just like elledizzy my refund (if I get one) and my fiance''s refund are both going straight into the savings account that we started for a house. I don''t even care that I won''t get something exciting because honestly, what is more exciting than our first house!?
a wii/wii fit, jimmy choo sandals, and then savings
I seriously doubt we are getting a major refund this year, but anything we do get will probably go in savings in recognition of the economic situation...
I really don''t think I''m going to get anything back. I''ve owed on both state and federal for the past two years. I don''t get it. I take out the proper witholdings for a single person and I still owe! Argh! If I do get anything back it''s going into savings as I''m unemployed right now.

FI thinks he''s going to get a decent refund which he will be putting towards our honeymoon which is his portion of the wedding expenses.
Right back into savings!

Last year a good part of hubby's tax return went toward my wedding ring, so I can't complain too much about our return being absorbed by our bank account this year.
I plan on fixing my sprinkler system and replacing some of the dead shrubs I planted last year, otherwise everything goes to savings.
I''m excited to see how much money I''ll get this year.. I''ve worked much more than I had in previous years, so I can''t wait to see what the grand total will be.

Hmm... maybe I need a new blingy band to wear. Would it be weird to get a thin, blingy band to wear on my middle finger of my left hand?
We don''t get a refund, but we do get a bonus. After everything else is looked after, I think DH is forcing a new bike on me to better motivate my exercising.
I had a bad crash last year and my bike (cheap one) was never the same even after $150 in repairs. Plus I was quite put off after the fall. So we''ll see. I can''t see spending that much money on a bike, but he''s so bicycle obsessed it''s almost necessary for me to be able to at least attempt to share his hobby.
I always get a refund, mine will go in my savings, I have a son who just lost his job and I am currently sitll paying on his student loans, so I need all the money I can get
I''m just hoping we break even. We normally get a fantastic refund, but I got laid off this year and worked contract for five months, so no taxes were deducted. I put 30% of each check into savings, but our house remodel has been killing that fund. I just hope if we owe, it''s not horribly bad.
I''m getting a very nice refund that will go towards my property taxes, paying off a lawyer from my divorce, paying a small bank loan, and then banking the rest for an 8th grade graduation trip my son and daughter. Woot woot! :)
Date: 2/2/2009 6:57:22 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I really don''t think I''m going to get anything back. I''ve owed on both state and federal for the past two years. I don''t get it. I take out the proper witholdings for a single person and I still owe! Argh!
I know what you mean. I have SO MUCH withheld (single person with no deductions) every month and yet I get a couple hundred bucks back. I don''t understand it.
Date: 2/2/2009 5:27:47 PM
Author: whitetulips
Just like elledizzy my refund (if I get one) and my fiance''s refund are both going straight into the savings account that we started for a house. I don''t even care that I won''t get something exciting because honestly, what is more exciting than our first house!?
You''re second and third..much more exciting!

KIDDING..your first home is quite an accomplishment, and will always hold special memories (for me it was special because it was small, but all ours..just hubby and me! It was also the house I brought my babies home to..and raised for a couple of years). I don''t get emotionally attached to homes, or cars,but when I drive by the cute little "doll house" that I lived in for 7 years, with so many good memories, it always brings a smile to my face!! I''m excited for you whitetulips!
Date: 2/2/2009 5:27:47 PM
Author: whitetulips
Just like elledizzy my refund (if I get one) and my fiance''s refund are both going straight into the savings account that we started for a house. I don''t even care that I won''t get something exciting because honestly, what is more exciting than our first house!?
more jewelry !!
A D300 and 24-70mm F2.8 lens
I''m so stoked I can hardly stand it!
No refund here, will probably have to pay.
I need to do our taxes first. I hope I don''t get a refund. It makes me so crabby to think that the government has had my money all year long interest free! I''d much rather pay. Well, I guess I should say, I''d much rather pay A WHOLE LOT LESS in taxes. If I do get a refund it will go straight into the savings account.

1. New quartz countertops
2. new sofa
3. Fix fireplace cracks

Need to change deductions, I have a large refund coming.
Wedding budget, wedding budget, wedding budget. We are getting less than expected (apparently FI used the IRS calculator wrong or something) so I am really upset about that, but hey what can we do? Absolutely nothing except be happy we don''t have to pay I guess.
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