
We''re Married- The Saga [with non-pro pictures!]

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Jan 10, 2007
Hi everyone- Thanks to all of you who have been so lovely and nice to me throughout my time here at PS. I don''t know how I''d have survived all of the wedding craziness without you!

We''re back from San Francisco and we''re MARRIED. Wifey and I [
] are really excited about everything and are SO happy with how our trip turned out. It is great to be married and it was a simply perfect day. Too good to be true, really- except it is!

The Long Story [Or just skip to the next post for pics]

We left on a shuttle from MA to the airport in CT at 3:45am. It was a horrible trip because the driver of the shuttle was one of the most unprofessional people I''ve encountered in my life. Let''s just say it''s the LAST time I am ever going to mention I am a political science student... it seems people consider it fair game to lecture [in this case yell
] me about their own political beliefs. He was so rude. And at FOUR AM!!

We lived on.

When we arrived at the airport we checked in and went through security no problem. We asked the flight attendants if there was anything they could do with our dresses and they told us since the flight was only half full we could take up an entire overhead bin with our dresses, which we did. It went pretty well, considering. Everyone kept being cute and congratulating us, but they were a bit confused as to who was getting married.
It was a common theme throughout the day, which was sort of annoying. ***

We landed in Michigan and quickly got on our next plane. The flight attendants stored our dresses in the closets on the plane on that flight.

Thennnnn.... *drumroll* We arrived in San Francisco! It was a pretty nice day, although a bit cloudy/foggy in the beginning. We took the BART to the shopping center and got a quick lunch, and then headed to the hotel. On the BART this sweet lady struck up a conversation with us and gave us a $20 bill as a wedding present. It was so cute and sweet of her! I really <3 random acts of kindness and it was very touching. The hotel we stayed at, Hotel at Union Square, was really nice. They gave us a complimentary bottle of wine and our room was really cute.

We got dressed quickly and then rushed to Bloomingdale''s where we had our makeup done at the MAC counter. It was so much fun! Neither DW or I wear makeup often, so it was fun to be all dolled up. The man who did our makeup was very sweet and very gay, and he thought we were very cute- he even gave us a discount!
We laughed the whole time because basically everyone who works at the MAC counter in Bloomingdale''s is apparent gay. We were in good company! All of the traveling on the BART in our huge, white poofy dresses was an interesting experience. It was really fun in a silly way because people kept staring at us. A bunch of people kept congratulating us and some people even asked to take our picture. I just
how gay friendly SF is. It''s truly lovely.

Speaking of good company... after we finished with the makeup we took the BART to City Hall, which was packed full of same sex couples trying to get their marriage licenses before the 4th. Everyone was being cute and congratulating each other... it was such a great experience to be in the presence of so many people who can relate to what DW and I are going through right now in terms of the rushing and uncertainty, but there was still such a positive atmosphere. I totally got teary. We got our license, and sat waiting for our ceremony slot to come. Tons of people were taking pictures all over the place. This one photographer for another couple took a bunch of pictures of us and gave us his contact info so he can send them!

Then our photographer showed up and it was time for us to go have our ceremony. A really cute officiant named Bud [Thomas was his real name] did our ceremony. He was great! We''re pretty sure he personalized our vows a little bit and they were just PERFECT. He even said he wished he could hang out with us forever and that we made his day. He made our life! We were legally married!!!!!!!
DW was totally crying during the ceremony... I was wiping her tears with my fingers. I think I was too shocked and happy to cry, but I am tearing up writing this now. We were both really emotional. Our photographer took some really great pictures of us. He kept saying how good the photos were turning out, and if he liked them I''m sure we will! He knew his way around City Hall really well and gave us a lot of good ideas of places to go for pictures. We felt beautiful and had a lot of fun. We both really like getting our pictures taken- especially together! I am basically dying of excitement waiting to see those pictures and I know DW feels the same!

When we left City Hall we went back to our hotel. That''s where we took the pictures I''m posting here... sorry for the not awesome quality on some of them. The hotel was not especially well-lit, so they''re a little dark and we had a bit of red-eye that I tried to erase with my cr*ppy photo editing software.
Then we changed out of our dresses and went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. The concierge at our hotel called ahead for us so we didn''t have to wait at all! We ate outside on the heated porch which was really cute and beautiful but also sort of chilly! Our waitress was really great and they gave us complimentary dessert.

After that we basically went to bed... it was a veeeeeery long day. When we woke up we repeated our trek across the country, noting how weird it was to land in Minneapolis where we weren''t married anymore [
] but then returned to CT and then to MA, which are both friendly territory.

So that''s the story! Feel free to skip over it and go right to the pics.

*** For people who are interested in these things [any social sciences geeks out there?] we thought it was really interesting, although annoying for sort of obvious reasons, the way that heterosexism [as well as heteronormativity] played out during our whole trip, especially on the planes/in the airports. We thought it was mildly amusing the weird stories people would invent to explain how it came to be that S and I were traveling together and both carrying wedding dresses. It was more believable to them [despite our very obvious PDA and the dresses] that we were a) Having a joint wedding [I''ve got to say I think that''s sort of tacky...] b) Marrying the same man [?!] c) LOOKING for husbands [apparently already well prepared...] d) Dressing up for Halloween than that we were together and getting married. People really said those things to us! Obviously we''re both acutely aware that we''re in the minority, but academically speaking it was a definite point of interest. Personally speaking it was annoying and led to really awkward conversations... /analysis

All of these are taken at the hotel post-ceremony and pro-pics.

In the lobby...

Wedding SM 1.jpg
DW sitting on the bed!

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Me on the stairway

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Our complimentary beverage...
Our "fakey" marriage license in the background! We''re not yet sure if we can get a certified copy of it. If prop 8 passes and ss marriage is no longer legal they may not issue us the certified copy, according to the people at City Hall. We would still be married [the attorney general seems confident that attempts to make legal marriages already performed invalid will fail], but wouldn''t have a real copy of it. We have to wait 10 days to request one, so obviously that is after Nov. 4th. Here''s to hoping!

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DW on the stairs

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Me being GIDDY!

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Me sitting on the bed

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Congrats on the wedding! You looked beautiful and I can''t wait to see the rest of the pics. And how sweet of that lady to give you $20. Makes me happy to hear that there are still good people in the world.
With our veils!

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Hanging out in the hallway

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The shoes hurt my feet after all of that walking...

That''s all!

Wedding SM 8.jpg
Congratulations!! I read your story and it''s incredibly moving...I''m so happy for you. Best of luck to you both!
Congrats! I am from CA and I will think of you when I vote (no of course)

Love the pics, y''all are so cute! Haha, and I especially
the top of your dress! So pretty! Anyway, I am sorry people were so confused..I can imagine that would get quite annoying after a while. But I am glad the day went off overall without a hitch and everything turned out beautifully!
Cannot wait to see pro pics!
Oh Wishing you made me tear up over here!!!! I am just SO SO happy for you guys and so happy it all worked out for you. I wish you guys the best with your marriage!!!
Yayayayaya Wishful and DW!! I am so glad for you and despite the awkwardness of your trip, just think of all the stress you avoided by eloping!!!! You both look beautiful and I wish you a happy life full of love and joy....

Congratulations, Wishful! I am so happy for you both!
Yay Wishful!
Congratulations to you and your wife! It is very clear that the two of you are elated. I know you will continue to enjoy your lives together.

*and as a true and honest social science geek, thanks for the analytical commentary, although I am sorry that you have to experience it.
congrats!! im glad everything went well!! :-) Not sure if u mentioned it in one of your other threads.. but are ya''ll still going to have your wedding you''ve been planning??
OMG!!! Did you have the same Make-Up Artist as me? Did he have the most awesome frosted tips all over his hair? Well I guess it''s hard to describe but it made me just want to pet his head.

Well you girls looked gorgeous and for some reason the picture of the two of you with the veils on is so beautiful to me! It is so wonderful that everything worked out so well. What a whirlwind it must have been!

I''m sorry so many people were confused about two brides. Hopefully one day it won''t be so confusing to people.

Did he say when you would get the pictures? I asked for a few right away for our photo-announcements and he emailed me some the next day! So if he didn''t say anything just ask...

Yay! I am soo happy for you two. Can''t wait for the pro pics!
Congratulations, WishfulThinking! I am so very happy for you. You and your new wife look BEAUTIFUL in the photos. I remember you having some hesitation about makeup--I think your makeup turned out perfectly. You both have such pretty faces and smiles!
Many congrats on your wedding
You and your DW look beautiful!
Awww...what a lovely story and such beautiful pictures Wishful - it sounds like you too had an amazing day
Just thrilled for both of you and can''t wait to see the pro pics
Wishful congratulations
you and your DW both look gorgeous = love the dresses
cant wait to see more pics
Congratulation Wishfulthinking! I''m glad that everything went smoothly and you''re MARRIED! You both look gorgeous and so bridal in your dresses -- I can''t wait to see the pro pics.

I love that you''re calling your sweetie "wifey" -- so cute! I wish you and your wifey all the best.
i have tears streaming down my face. thanks for sharing your story...congrats to you both and i pray that one day people will not have to invent stories to explain why 2 women would be traveling with dresses. i feel lucky to live in a very liberal state (CA) and i am thrilled for you both! woo! congrats! :)
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