
Well, Now Brett Kavanaugh Can Face His Accuser


Jun 7, 2014
Reminder that the ignore button exists and is glorious. I see something upset everyone, but happily I never saw it :)

And if I want to read nonsense, I have to press the "show ignored" button.

It's seriously the greatest PS invention ever.

I’ll be happy to give you the condensed version @lovedogs


Aug 22, 2012
Reminder that the ignore button exists and is glorious. I see something upset everyone, but happily I never saw it :)

And if I want to read nonsense, I have to press the "show ignored" button.

It's seriously the greatest PS invention ever.
Well we can agree on this.


Oct 23, 2011
Wait, you are allowed to vote because of feminists. Only they were called suffragettes back then. You have property rights because of feminists (because at one point women were considered property). You have agency over your life because of feminists (because as property, men at one point had complete control over where you’d live, whether you ate, whether and who you married, whether or not you were locked away somewhere, and they had the full right to beat you as they saw fit to discipline you if they were unhappy with you). You have the right to carry money, open a bank account, have your own credit card because of feminism (because at one point women were not allowed to do any of these things). You have custody rights to your children because of feminists (because at one point children were the property of men and men took sole custody of the children in divorce). You have the right to work because of feminism. You have the right to drive because of feminism. You have the right to ask for and be granted a divorce because of feminism (because that was also once the sole purview of men). You have the right to say no to sex because of feminism (because marital rape was not illegal at one point and sex on demand was considered a wife’s ‘duties’). You were taught to read because of feminism (rather than sewing, dancing, painting, and other ‘womanly arts’). Women are allowed into university because of feminism, and law school, and medical school. Because this was not always the case. We don’t have to be nurses or teachers only until we get married. And I don’t know these man hating, stereotyping feminists you keep talking about. Women who believe in equal pay, equal rights, and gender equality are not man hating lesbians if that’s what you mean. I love men. I’m married to one. I have friends and colleagues who are men (and fellow feminists, if we define this by being invested in gender equality), and no, my husband is not freaked out when I’m alone with them. Nor are they emasculated wimpy *effeminate* men if that’s what you are implying. Feminists don’t care if you choose to be a homemaker or a stay at home mom. We fought for the right to be able to make that choice. We don’t care if you do or don’t use birth control (just don’t tell me whether or not I can, or try to bar it from being covered under my prescription drug plan - you know, the one that I *earn* through being employed, just like men do when they expect their prescription drugs to be covered). We don’t care what type of men you like. No one’s rights are being taken away just because women ask for equality under the law. So I’m not sure where all your rage comes from.
God bless you for taking the time to respond to this poster.


Aug 14, 2009
As @nala so perfectly summarized... @cmd2014 - thank you for your post.

I don’t think I’ve posted in these threads other than to thank others for taking the time and effort to convey their viewpoints with patience, empathy, and politeness. On both sides. I, as another of the literal millions who “didn’t report it because I was terrified of not being believed”, have neither the willpower nor the self-restraint to voice my thoughts and regurgitate parts of the past that I’ve done my absolute best to forget about - I’m grateful that other PSers are so willing and able to speak for me (and the dozens of others like me, I’m sure). Thank you.

Edit. I almost edited this post to remove that. Feels like sharing too much, despite the fact that many in this thread have bravely shared far more. I’m not deleting it - and that is as much as I can do. I can’t begin to imagine doing something like what Ford did. My heart and stomach hurt just imagining it.

That’s more than I meant to share too.


Jan 26, 2003
Describes my husband to a T. He is sickened by all of this. He is a father to a boy and a girl.

My male friends with their giant trucks with two flags hanging off the back, Trump-love spewing, woman hating views are ALL married to women who are just absolutely pathetic. They are ignorant, subservient, and negative. They regurgitate ANYTHING their "man" says.

When their men aren't around, they CONSTANTLY tell me how much they love my husband. And I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not only how he looks, but how he treats women;-)

Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud. See: Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Brett Kavanaugh.

I had to get up to take the dog out on a leash in the middle of the night. (That's a long story for my thread about my dog, Hero, who knocked down a portion of my fence recently). Since I was wide awake I came to read this thread and saw soxfan's posting about her husband. It made me think about my closest friends and their husbands.

I have four really close friends as well as many other friends, some of whom I have known for many years. The four to whom I am referring are women I have known for a minimum of 40 years , in some cases 48 years and and in one case 51 years. All of them are married to non-sexist men. In two cases my friends married men who are 7 years younger than they are. I don't know if that helped them in choosing men who were less controlling. (In the case of one friend it was her second marriage. In her first she had not chosen so wisely.) Both of these women chose men in their graduate programs, one in Latin American studies, one in computer science. Both couples live in California. Both are affluent. One man has a Ph.D; the other is an attorney. In terms of what type of men my friends chose-besides being younger and very smart-they are quite different. But so are my friends. One of my friends is a vegan. She and her husband have no children or pets and keep a pristine house. She was once a realtor but now stays home and cooks vegetarian meals and goes for walks. Her husband likes to garden and keeps fruit trees. My other friend is active and artistic and speaks many languages. She just recently retired. Her husband still works. He is active and outdoorsy. He speaks many languages and travels with her, but also does bow hunting and camping out. They have a son and a granddaughter.

I need say a great deal about my other two friends. Because my point was that all of my friends are married to "real men". The other two are married to men older than we are (age 66-67), meaning men who are now 70 and 75 and who are military veterans. These are men who have had traditionally male jobs throughout their lives; can do anything with machines and outdoors; and,know their way around guns and boats. But they are truly supportive feminists.

I'm able to go to sleep now, I think.


Mar 2, 2013
The movement you are referring to is made up of people whom you have painted with a broad brush ("especially extreme, man-hating, stereotyping, hypocritical feminists") unless the movement you are referring to is a BM which doesn't necessarily require a human and is shitty nonetheless.

The "movement" (which FTR I am referring to more modern efforts vs those of years passed) and Dems are master artists ... the difference being where I have used a brush to describe them, they leverage water canons on every segment of society who dares not adopt their way of thinking. And that is evidenced by their actions ... in DC as well as on this very forum.

I don’t view this modern era of feminists as seeking equality; rather, superiority. And that is no different than - for example - whites who have done/do the same to other ethnicities. It’s one thing to ‘empower’ women; it’s entirely another to squash all men in the process in an effort to beat them into submission. It’s “shitty” that those who continue pushing these mantras don’t have the vision and foresight to see they are simply putting women right back to where they were 30+ years ago in the work place. I already see it happening. And THAT is not a place I nor many American women want to be, and that is why I don’t want any of them speaking for or representing me.

You don’t have to like it or agree with it, but I am a woman, so by ‘your’ logic, you simply must believe me.


May 11, 2013
Ayup! I think we have some similar views and opposing views :) but as humans we have to be able to meet at times in the middle :)

Deb and I are much more similar in views and I think very close in age..

For me if I don't keep learning in life then life is over. Now let me tell you all I know about the origins of man from L to me ;-) I belong to the maternal haplogroup U5b2c, etc.. another one of my big interests the origins of humans and dinosaurs! also I love food.. so we are all more than just our political views and each and everyone poster here has a story to tell.


This makes me very happy. It was my point to Deb that it is a trap to think that most everyone else thinks like you. This keeps people from actually looking outside their small circle which very likely is loaded with confirmation bias. You and I are probably not that far apart until on quite a number of things, but we are probably far apart on others.

Oh and I didn't wonder why they didn't believe Kavanaugh, I know they don't.


May 11, 2013
@AGBF I think Red was saying that not all of our opinions are mainstream, in my reading I found I was far left in a lot of things, that's fine with me. Deb you are one of the most thoughtful, and highly intelligent posters here. I have huge respect for you when you speak. I believe education is the most important way to reach a fair and balanced opinion in life.

Everyone keeps posting about how red needed to tell me I was not a mainstream thinker. Did anyone read my response to her? My point to red was that I know I am not a mainstream thinker. I did not need you to tell me I am not a "mainstream" thinker, red. I am far left of center. I am not without self-awareness. Sheesh!



May 11, 2013
WTF!!!!!!! My ex-assh--e of a husband said to me many times over our horrible marriage, that a woman's worst enemy is another woman, I thought he was right then and now.

I think we have moved on from feminist to equality, women want equality to men.

Define "men be men"?

well this was an eye openng experience based on 1952 values and beliefs. SIGH. big one.

@Calliecake & @AGBF If you think I feel negatively toward feminism, let me remove all doubt for you - I do. I don't subscribe to feminism, I don't want other women (especially extreme, man-hating, stereotyping, hypocritical feminists) or anyone else speaking for me. I don't support 'your' feminist views, and quite frankly, I think they end up hurting more than helping the very groups of women claimed to be trying to help.

There are some of us women who like their men to actually be men vs some feminine version of a man. And that definition of a man doesn't mean what feminists describe them as. And if you really & truly were all for women having choices and respecting those choices, you'd be just as supportive of those like me who choose NOT to wear a pink vagina hat and belittle men.

We don't need a hashtag or some movement to validate our views or legitimize our feelings. We own them and we own our actions vs seeking out someone to blame. Believe you me, we ARE strong, we ARE vocal, and we VOTE as well.


May 11, 2013
@yssie I feel a weight has been somewhat lifted from me.. I hope you do too. It's okay. Not telling is way harder to do, holding in has hurt me all my adult life, I am ashamed. I was young, but I cannot destroy other peoples lives right now.. including my own. But I do have a sense of peace. I hope you do too.

Peace and love to you.

As @nala so perfectly summarized... @cmd2014 - thank you for your post.

I don’t think I’ve posted in these threads other than to thank others for taking the time and effort to convey their viewpoints with patience, empathy, and politeness. On both sides. I, as another of the literal millions who “didn’t report it because I was terrified of not being believed”, have neither the willpower nor the self-restraint to voice my thoughts and regurgitate parts of the past that I’ve done my absolute best to forget about - I’m grateful that other PSers are so willing and able to speak for me (and the dozens of others like me, I’m sure). Thank you.

Edit. I almost edited this post to remove that. Feels like sharing too much, despite the fact that many in this thread have bravely shared far more. I’m not deleting it - and that is as much as I can do. I can’t begin to imagine doing something like what Ford did. My heart and stomach hurt just imagining it.

That’s more than I meant to share too.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
WTF!!!!!!! My ex-assh--e of a husband said to me many times over our horrible marriage, that a woman's worst enemy is another woman, I thought he was right then and now.

I think we have moved on from feminist to equality, women want equality to men.

Define "men be men"?

well this was an eye openng experience based on 1952 values and beliefs. SIGH. big one.
The definition of feminism is advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.. Why do people pervert this term?


May 11, 2013
Because they hate themselves? Anger?

In the 70s I identified as a feminist because I spent days at work with guys saying things like "I'm gonna eff you before you leave" "fornikate" pulling my bra straps down, accosting me.. and NO I didn't want to do it back, I wanted equality in money (he doesn't have to go home to a baby YOU do), status (Kate, can you get us coffee sweetie!), and benefits, (his stock options are more because you have a husband who's much senior).

The definition of feminism is equal rights for both sexes. Look it up. Why do people pervert this term?

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
Because they hate themselves? Anger?

In the 70s I identified as a feminist because I spent days at work with guys saying things like "I'm gonna eff you before you leave" "fornikate" pulling my bra straps down, accosting me.. and NO I didn't want to do it back, I wanted equality in money (he doesn't have to go home to a baby YOU do), status (Kate, can you get us coffee sweetie!), and benefits, (his stock options are more because you have a husband who's much senior).

Oh, i’m So sorry this happened to you. It wasn’t much different in ‘97 when I worked for a major mutual funds company. When your director is screwing a hot young management trainee, he isn’t going to listen about any of the crap happening to you. Unlawful harassment was just a baby back then.

I guess that was men just being men though....


May 11, 2013
Oh YEAH! they were 'REAL MEN' ... the stock options buggggggggged me.. you are saying to me that I get LESS options because my husband is way higher up? What's a feminist to do in the 90s? well she ate it. I'm sorry for too HC too, this grueling, never ending work to be equal is demoralizing to women.. Treated as a lesser employee cause we give birth. eff em. Jeez when I was first at IBM the 2nd line manager was screwing some programmer from another division, he had a wife and 3 kids, he brought her to department activities, it was horrible for everyone, but he did get his comeuppance, he died of a heart attack at 44. His wife never did leave him.. she was a sweetie.

Oh, i’m So sorry this happened to you. It wasn’t much different in ‘97 when I worked for a major mutual funds company. When your director is screwing a hot young management trainee, he isn’t going to listen about any of the crap happening to you. Unlawful harassment was just a baby back then.

I guess that was men just being men though....


Aug 18, 2013
I didn't say you personally. That's your inference. And I didn't say I am the only woman. Again, your inference. Youhave/do belittle men whom you do not know personally, who simply disagree with your philosophy. I don't agree with that. That's my prerogative.

I responded to this post but decided to come back and delete on the basis that I have come to believe that this ID is a (Russian?) troll. And I don't feed the trolls.
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Aug 22, 2012
IMO I have a hard time when women who claim to be for all women do things like the Women's March tweet calling Collins a rape apologist. She laid out my opinion of this particular situation very well. And this is about this particular situation with Kavanaugh, not all women and not all sexual assault. I wish people would stop conflating the two things, or at least be a bit thankful that this has brought a bigger light to sexual assault with many women bringing out their stories. That is important. For me this is about the rule of law and presumption of innocence, especially when no corroboration exists, which is far and away more important than anything else we have in western civilization. It's what is supposed to keep things from dipping into anarchy and despotism. If we lose sight of that then we head down hill.

This doesn't mean I hate other women or don't feel anger at inequalities that exist. But I expect to be treated with respect with regard to my opinions just as I will treat others with respect in discussing theirs. You have to give it to get it. Stop telling me that I am from the 1950's because I don't agree with you all the time. Stop telling me I don't have any empathy because I challenge you on some issues. There are many people, and women, who don't think like you (collective) and they have as much of a voice as you do. They just don't post on PS.

Kate and HC those things are awful and need to stop if they are still happening. Women should not have to put up with it. But don't think for a second that I believe that kind of disgusting behavior is ok.
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House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
IMO I have a hard time when women who claim to be for all women do things like the Women's March tweet calling Collins a rape apologist. She laid out my opinion of this particular situation very well. And this is about this particular situation with Kavanaugh, not all women and not all sexual assault. I wish people would stop conflating the two things, or at least be a bit thankful that this has brought a bigger light to sexual assault with many women bringing out their stories. That is important. For me this is about the rule of law and presumption of innocence, especially when no corroboration exists, which is far and away more important than anything else we have in western civilization. It's what is supposed to keep things from dipping into anarchy and despotism. If we lose sight of that then we head down hill.

This doesn't mean I hate other women or don't feel anger at inequalities that exist. But I expect to be treated with respect with regard to my opinions just as I will treat others with respect in discussing theirs. You have to give it to get it. Stop telling me that I am from the 1950's because I don't agree with you all the time. Stop telling me I don't have any empathy because I challenge you on some issues. There are many people who don't think like you (collective) and they have as much of a voice as you do. They just don't post on PS.

Kate and HC those things are awful and need to stop if they are still happening. Women should not have to put up with it. But don't think for a second that I believe that kind of disgusting behavior is ok.

Red, in regards to sexual assault victims, this situation served to show them that THEY DON’T MATTER.

Is that a positive?

Fewer women than ever will report now.

Sexual assault victims were shown that the very people who are voted into office to create laws to protect them, DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEM ONE BIT.

Sexual assault victims are unprotected and cast aside. I see no positives.

They were already sharing with the #metoo movement.


Aug 22, 2012
Red, in regards to sexual assault victims, this situation served to show them that THEY DON’T MATTER.

Is that a positive?

Fewer women than ever will report now.

Sexual assault victims were shown that the very people who are voted into office to create laws to protect them, DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEM ONE BIT.

Sexual assault victims are unprotected and cast aside. I see no positives.

They were already sharing with the #metoo movement.
How does it show that they don't matter? Because they didn't cave to a mob disregarding the presumption of innocence? I would think that keeping it a secret from the committee and leaking it is the ultimate betrayal of Dr. Ford, because isn't that what keeps women from coming forward is having to have public trials where their stories are out there for all the world to see?
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House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
How does it show that they don't matter? Because they didn't cave to a mob disregarding the presumption of innocence? I would think that keeping it a secret and leaking it is the ultimate betrayal of Dr. Ford, because isn't that what keeps women from coming forward is having to have public trials where their stories are out there for all the world to see?
This is your warped point of view of these events.


Dec 25, 2012
There is NO listening to anything a person says after they utter the words "Why didn't she say something earlier?"

Gone, done, over. There is no reasoning with those people.


Aug 22, 2012
This is your warped point of view of these events.
You didn't answer the question. How did it show they didn't matter? I want to know what you think.

Edit - I am warped because I don't agree with you?
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Jan 26, 2003
I responded to this post but decided to come back and delete on the basis that I have come to believe that this ID is a (Russian?) troll. And I don't feed the trolls.

Hi there, mrs-b-

Sometimes this ID says things that are so ridiculous that I really cannot respond to them. But at other times, it seems to demand a (brief) response. I, for one, am sorry to have missed what you wrote (although I understand your reasoning). :))



Sep 17, 2008
@redwood66 and I agree on one thing; the rule of law. Sometimes that means under that rule you lose because you don't have enough concrete evidence. I know I would have lost my assult case because it was a matter of "s/he said"

Listen, the sad part of this whole thing is that while I had personal issues about Kavanaugh and I'm sure many of us did, as a judge he had a very good track record of fairness in applying the law. My issue with him is much more personal and has to do with some of his charecteristics he had on display.

Do I think he assulted her? I believe something def. happened. But its hard to prove when this much time goes by and the dots don't line up all the way. I felt the same way about Anita Hill. Something DID happen, but the dots just didn't line up as definitive.

You all know some of my history which I dont post a lot of. I don't go into the details because for me, sometimes the incidents are like they're still happening. And to be really truthful this whole thing triggered me badly. (I made an appointment to visit my psycologist because its a bit overdue).

This is going to piss some of you off but I think I'm going to say it anyway; Law isn't about emotions, Its about facts. I will not sit here and say I would have voted differently from Susan Collins because I might not have and I'm not going to automatically believe "the woman" because we happen to share some chromosomes. To be able to knock this guy out of consideration those facts needed to be bulletproof and they were not.

Some food for thought. I'm going to leave with this;

This woman's life got ruined because of s/he said.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
You didn't answer the question. How did it show they didn't matter? I want to know what you think.

Edit - I am warped because I don't agree with you?
You and I disagree all of the time and this is the first time I’ve called your point of view warped, Red.

I don’t want to make assumptions because you’re one to slap another poster on the wrist for such things. It SEEMS that you feel that everything was done to the highest standard to prove Brett’s innocence. I believe the FBI investigation was a sham and nothing but theatrics. I also think the few hold-out senators played politics and when they got the favors they wanted elsewhere, they flipped. They weren’t holding out due to these allegations.

I believe the law was manipulated to confirm Brett. I believe it is naive to think otherwise.

At the very least, a thorough FBI investigation should have taken place. They could have taken a month, who gives a shit as long as the right thing is being done? I’m talking about morality. A woman is saying she was attacked by a man we are trying to put on our highest court. Let’s clear his name without a shadow of a doubt.

Instead these senators and our president said Dr Ford was credible and confirmed this ******* anyway. That is where the message was sent to all sexual assault victims that they do not matter, that they can be credible and it will not matter. This was a sad, sad day for women, Red.

We weren’t asking for much, just to be taken seriously. Just for a real investigation. Just to keep a man with an accused sexual assault history off the Supreme Court bench unless he was really cleared. Brett wasn’t.

That’s my story. I’m stickin to it.
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