
Well, Now Brett Kavanaugh Can Face His Accuser


May 23, 2016
I talked to quite a few Mainers on my trip last year who are very unhappy that from Portland south on the seaboard runs the show for Maine. It is the same in Washington east of Seattle and in Oregon south of Salem. Big population centers deciding for the rest of the state.
Red you say that you come from a place of logic. Do you not see the flaw in yours in stating that big population places should not decide. The majority should rule, not the minority. The people that live in these smaller less populated places are in the minority


Jun 7, 2014
Red, We all know I can’t express myself eloquently and especially on this topic. If you don’t have me on ingnore, please go back and reread @House Cats post. Sexual assault almost always just involves two people. The women 99% of the time come out in the losing end. You have no idea what rape does to most women’s self esteem, her mind, and how it can change a woman’s life going forward. I spent over a year in weekly therapy (twice a week for the first month after I was raped). I consider myself one lucky woman. I went on and had a great life. But that doesn’t mean that there weren’t dark times along the way and decisions I made going forward were greatly impacted by the rape. The past two weeks have been hell for many woman and myself.

What happened last week showed ALL sexual assault survivors that they DO NOT MATTER. Susan Collins words Friday, Saturday and yesterday felt like a knife to my heart. She should lose her female card for her comments yesterday that she hopes this makes more women come forward and report these crimes. Women have been set back 50 years because of the past two weeks. I believe there will be many suicides because this. If you can’t see this you have no compassion or an empathy chip and nothing any of us can say will ever change your mind.

The republicans could have chose another candidate. It wasn’t like Kavanaugh would have been left jobless. Kavanaugh was not honest and truthful in the hearing and for that reason alone does not deserve to be a supreme judge.

Dr Ford life was forever altered 35 years ago and the Republicans beat her to a pulp this past week. They then celebrated with some of them tweeting pictures of them drinking champagne. The Republicans didn’t ever bother to consult with specialists to find out how the brain reacts to trauma. Their ignorant comments were proof of this. The investigation into Kavanaugh was a sham.

Dr Ford is still receiving death threats and her family cannot return to their home. The president said the most hurtful things about her last week and you all stand with him.

@House Cat, I hope it helps you to know that many women feel your pain. I’m in pain as well.


May 23, 2016
I feel like my anger is infinite. I'm so furious. Also, I wanted to channel my fury into something both good and petty, and bought both the F trump and the F Kav lipsticks.
I feel the same. I was ready to purchase a Just en Clou bracelet, but decided to make donations instead. My wrist won't look as pretty, but it sure felt good!


May 11, 2013
I understand completely what you say, and I for one kept my mind open to both sides and listened and her relating the incident rang true to me.

Kavanaugh overwrought performance showed his true colors to me, anti democrat and vindictive. The republicans refused to release his records from working for Bush and that REALLY bothered, what is there to hide? He's a member of the Federalist society, a hate society to me.. These things all weighed on my mind, not just my own stories because waking up that part of me makes me sick.

Susan Collins is my senator but most times she has failed my values completely.

I could easily win my assault case Aracadian, compelled to testify a woman who has been happily married, a BSN, a mother of 3 adult children, 5 grands, married to our high school football team dreamboat would have to tell her family, I cannot do that.

I KNOW what you mean about this bringing up the past that was back somewhere in my mind... it's made me sick, it's made me cry and I hate it.

I wish always happiness for you, in a way that is good for you, you owe nothing to anyone.


@redwood66 and I agree on one thing; the rule of law. Sometimes that means under that rule you lose because you don't have enough concrete evidence. I know I would have lost my assult case because it was a matter of "s/he said"

Listen, the sad part of this whole thing is that while I had personal issues about Kavanaugh and I'm sure many of us did, as a judge he had a very good track record of fairness in applying the law. My issue with him is much more personal and has to do with some of his charecteristics he had on display.

Do I think he assulted her? I believe something def. happened. But its hard to prove when this much time goes by and the dots don't line up all the way. I felt the same way about Anita Hill. Something DID happen, but the dots just didn't line up as definitive.

You all know some of my history which I dont post a lot of. I don't go into the details because for me, sometimes the incidents are like they're still happening. And to be really truthful this whole thing triggered me badly. (I made an appointment to visit my psycologist because its a bit overdue).

This is going to piss some of you off but I think I'm going to say it anyway; Law isn't about emotions, Its about facts. I will not sit here and say I would have voted differently from Susan Collins because I might not have and I'm not going to automatically believe "the woman" because we happen to share some chromosomes. To be able to knock this guy out of consideration those facts needed to be bulletproof and they were not.

Some food for thought. I'm going to leave with this;

This woman's life got ruined because of s/he said.


May 11, 2013
This is so funny but it's a not a meanie :) New picture of a full Supreme Court!



Jun 7, 2014
Saturday I attended a beautiful baby shower for my niece who is expecting a baby girl. It was wonderful to see her looking so happy and content. Our family had so much fun at shower. We all laughed a lot. I got in my car to leave at 5:00 and cried the entire hour and 1/2 driving home because Judge Kavanaugh was sworn in. My mind went to places it hadn’t been in 33 year.


Aug 22, 2012
Red you say that you come from a place of logic. Do you not see the flaw in yours in stating that big population places should not decide. The majority should rule, not the minority. The people that live in these smaller less populated places are in the minority
You call it the minority but the difference in votes was only 3 million in a country of over 325 million people of which 137.5+ million voted. This is a difference of about 2.2%, hardly a sweeping majority. It should tell you that half of the voting people in this country do not have the same view as you. As to majority rule, thank goodness the founders were able to see it for what it could become and establish a republic of states rather than popular majority rule. Plenty has been written on this subject and can be found on the internet. States do have representation in the House by their population which is adjusted by the census when needed.

Edit - I had to adjust the number of voters who voted as the original ones were from 2008. Sorry.
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House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
Saturday I attended a beautiful baby shower for my niece who is expecting a baby girl. It was wonderful to see her looking so happy and content. Our family had so much fun at shower. We all laughed a lot. I got in my car to leave at 5:00 and cried the entire hour and 1/2 driving home because Judge Kavanaugh was sworn in. My mind went to places it hadn’t been in 33 year.
I’m very sorry Callie. This has been such a difficult time. You aren’t alone. I hope you’re feeling a bit better now.


Aug 22, 2012
@House Cat I understand you believe all these things and nothing I say will change your mind nor do I want to. We don't see it in the same way which should be ok because that doesn't mean I don't care for you or your views. Arcadian's post is exactly how I feel about it.


Sep 17, 2008
@Tekate ((hugs)) I love you. You're a wonderful and strong woman. I get why you stayed silent. If I told my mother about the first incident she would have been in jail because she would have killed him. So I said not a word. I tear up as I say this, and I sometimes wish I had said something now that I'm older. It would have stopped much sooner. But I also felt a responsibility to keep silent because I would have lost the person I needed the most.


May 11, 2013
I love you too @Arcadian .... hugs to you.. and I so hear you.. you know? WE ARE HERE :) makes all the difference. most kindest regards to you dear friend and raise my glass of iced tea (I don't drink) to US! to us who made it through. Peace, love and friendship to you and yours.

@Tekate ((hugs)) I love you. You're a wonderful and strong woman. I get why you stayed silent. If I told my mother about the first incident she would have been in jail because she would have killed him. So I said not a word. I tear up as I say this, and I sometimes wish I had said something now that I'm older. It would have stopped much sooner. But I also felt a responsibility to keep silent because I would have lost the person I needed the most.


Jun 7, 2014
@yssie , I’m so sorry. One good thing about coming here is you know others have gone thru it. If it helps you to talk about it, please talk. No woman should feel alone with dealing with this.


Aug 6, 2014
The "movement" (which FTR I am referring to more modern efforts vs those of years passed) and Dems are master artists ... the difference being where I have used a brush to describe them, they leverage water canons on every segment of society who dares not adopt their way of thinking. And that is evidenced by their actions ... in DC as well as on this very forum.

I don’t view this modern era of feminists as seeking equality; rather, superiority. And that is no different than - for example - whites who have done/do the same to other ethnicities. It’s one thing to ‘empower’ women; it’s entirely another to squash all men in the process in an effort to beat them into submission. It’s “shitty” that those who continue pushing these mantras don’t have the vision and foresight to see they are simply putting women right back to where they were 30+ years ago in the work place. I already see it happening. And THAT is not a place I nor many American women want to be, and that is why I don’t want any of them speaking for or representing me.

You don’t have to like it or agree with it, but I am a woman, so by ‘your’ logic, you simply must believe me.

How exactly are women seeking superiority? We still don’t get paid as much, even with the same credentials, in the same job, with the same level of seniority. We still aren’t equally represented in positions of power on any front (finance, management, government, academia, the legal system - including judgeships, despite representing 50-60% of the workforce in these domains...and this is even higher in some professions). We aren’t granted equal rights to prescription medication or medical procedures (show me a single medication prescribed to men or medical procedure needed by men that is denied to them due to cited religious beliefs). Sexual harassment in the workforce is disproportionately directed at women. So is sexual assault (note, I am not saying that it does not happen to men, but that it is still significantly less common and when it does happen, they tend to have more favorable outcomes within the legal system). Men are still afforded greater levels of perceived status and authority. Women are still disproportionately represented under the poverty line. I don’t see anyone trying to subjugate men. Or trying to take away their rights. Where are you getting this?

Is this a Trump thing? Is this what Trevor Noah was talking about??? Are you suggesting that by daring to ask for equal pay, equal protections, and equal rights that we are somehow squashing men? I don’t get it. Am I missing something?


Jul 31, 2014
How exactly are women seeking superiority? We still don’t get paid as much, even with the same credentials, in the same job, with the same level of seniority. We still aren’t equally represented in positions of power on any front (finance, management, government, academia, the legal system - including judgeships, despite representing 50-60% of the workforce in these domains...and this is even higher in some professions). We aren’t granted equal rights to prescription medication or medical procedures (show me a single medication prescribed to men or medical procedure needed by men that is denied to them due to cited religious beliefs). Sexual harassment in the workforce is disproportionately directed at women. So is sexual assault (note, I am not saying that it does not happen to men, but that it is still significantly less common and when it does happen, they tend to have more favorable outcomes within the legal system). Men are still afforded greater levels of perceived status and authority. Women are still disproportionately represented under the poverty line. I don’t see anyone trying to subjugate men. Or trying to take away their rights. Where are you getting this?

Is this a Trump thing? Is this what Trevor Noah was talking about??? Are you suggesting that by daring to ask for equal pay, equal protections, and equal rights that we are somehow squashing men? I don’t get it. Am I missing something?

You are right, and you aren't missing anything. However, I'll go back to this saying, because it remains accurate:


The only reason that women are seen as "seeking superiority" is due to the above.


Mar 22, 2017
There is NO listening to anything a person says after they utter the words "Why didn't she say something earlier?"

Gone, done, over. There is no reasoning with those people.

Yup. Particularly after some of us have gone to painful lengths over and over to try to explain why, and they keep saying it.


Mar 22, 2017
@redwood66 and I agree on one thing; the rule of law. Sometimes that means under that rule you lose because you don't have enough concrete evidence. I know I would have lost my assult case because it was a matter of "s/he said"

Listen, the sad part of this whole thing is that while I had personal issues about Kavanaugh and I'm sure many of us did, as a judge he had a very good track record of fairness in applying the law. My issue with him is much more personal and has to do with some of his charecteristics he had on display.

Do I think he assulted her? I believe something def. happened. But its hard to prove when this much time goes by and the dots don't line up all the way. I felt the same way about Anita Hill. Something DID happen, but the dots just didn't line up as definitive.

You all know some of my history which I dont post a lot of. I don't go into the details because for me, sometimes the incidents are like they're still happening. And to be really truthful this whole thing triggered me badly. (I made an appointment to visit my psycologist because its a bit overdue).

This is going to piss some of you off but I think I'm going to say it anyway; Law isn't about emotions, Its about facts. I will not sit here and say I would have voted differently from Susan Collins because I might not have and I'm not going to automatically believe "the woman" because we happen to share some chromosomes. To be able to knock this guy out of consideration those facts needed to be bulletproof and they were not.

Some food for thought. I'm going to leave with this;

This woman's life got ruined because of s/he said.

I have to reluctantly agree that there wasn't enough definitive information to conclude with conviction what our guts are telling us likely happened - although I do believe one BIG reason for that is that there wasn't a REAL investigation done by the FBI - just a sham one. Of course, that wasn't necessarily under the control of the senators who had to vote one way or another, so I think you have a fair point there. If I had been a senator, I still would have voted against him on the basis of his lies about his conduct in high school and college, extremely partisan rhetoric, history of partisan work, and questionable statements about the legal immunity of a sitting president.

I'm sorry that you, too, have had traumatic experiences that are being triggered.


Mar 22, 2017
How exactly are women seeking superiority? We still don’t get paid as much, even with the same credentials, in the same job, with the same level of seniority. We still aren’t equally represented in positions of power on any front (finance, management, government, academia, the legal system - including judgeships, despite representing 50-60% of the workforce in these domains...and this is even higher in some professions). We aren’t granted equal rights to prescription medication or medical procedures (show me a single medication prescribed to men or medical procedure needed by men that is denied to them due to cited religious beliefs). Sexual harassment in the workforce is disproportionately directed at women. So is sexual assault (note, I am not saying that it does not happen to men, but that it is still significantly less common and when it does happen, they tend to have more favorable outcomes within the legal system). Men are still afforded greater levels of perceived status and authority. Women are still disproportionately represented under the poverty line. I don’t see anyone trying to subjugate men. Or trying to take away their rights. Where are you getting this?

Is this a Trump thing? Is this what Trevor Noah was talking about??? Are you suggesting that by daring to ask for equal pay, equal protections, and equal rights that we are somehow squashing men? I don’t get it. Am I missing something?

The only thing I can think of is what I have occasionally seen on social media. Occasionally I will see a comment thread where a man or some men are sincerely trying to express support for equality for women, and there will be a few women who are so very angry that they will harass him (or them) endlessly about how he still doesn't get it and never will, never can, is still not saying it right, is an oppressor just by existing, etc. Just endlessly twisting whatever the men say to make them always wrong, no matter what. I don't see it often, but I've seen it enough that it concerns me greatly that those few women are doing a terrible disservice to those men and to the overall cause for equality. It's wrong, but they are so deeply in their anger and emotions that they can't see it. Fortunately, I've not seen it much, and I've assumed that their attitudes and behavior don't represent the overwhelming majority of us on the liberal side - just an extremist fringe. (Or a Russian troll.) They most certainly don't represent me or my views.


Jun 7, 2014
I have never seen anything like that @OboeGal . I would guess this is the exception and not close to being the norm. I think most men get it. They have women they love in their lives.


Mar 22, 2017
I have never seen anything like that @OboeGal . I would guess this is the exception and not close to being the norm. I think most men get it. They have women they love in their lives.



Aug 6, 2014
I have never seen anything like that @OboeGal . I would guess this is the exception and not close to being the norm. I think most men get it. They have women they love in their lives.

My husband said the other day that the Kavanaugh confirmation made him realize how little he had been aware of the continued inequality for women, and that it made him rethink a lot of the assumptions he might have made about why certain things might be the way they are. That he hadn’t realized how hard women have to fight just to be seen and heard, let alone to succeed and thrive. How it’s made him think about how he can help support young women coming up in his still very male dominated profession. And he’s one of the good ones. I think this has opened eyes and started conversations over the past few weeks about the reality of how things are, rather than how we wanted them to be, so maybe that’s the silver lining here.

I hope the attacking people on social media is not the norm. But anonymity brings out the worst in people, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Congrats to Kavanaugh! hope you drink a 6 pack tonight.


Jul 31, 2014
Why don't you invite him to play Devil's Triangle with you and the misses, DF? Heck, get your daughters to join the fun and make it a Devil's Pentagon! :lol::lol::lol:

And since it's a drinking game, no part of Maria's post should have offended anyone! Fun how that works!

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
And since it's a drinking game, no part of Maria's post should have offended anyone! Fun how that works!

Exactly! I'm sure DF's wife and daughters would so enjoy an evening of Devil's Triangle with the honorable Brett. And what's a little friendly boofing between friends? Maybe afterwards Brett will fondly mention that he is "DF's Ladies Alumnae" on his FaceBook page.

edited to add: If the ladies don't drink enough they probably won't boof; but I'm sure DF and Brett can boof all night.


Jan 26, 2003
I thought the swearing in ceremony tonight was bizarre. I actually couldn't believe that Trump had the nerve to praise all those Republicans for pushing through Kavanaugh's nomination in front of all the justices from The Supreme Court. I had thought that in front of The Supreme Court there would be a dignified ceremony to honor Kavanaugh in a gracious, public ceremony. When Trump started out his speech with that "apology" my first thought was that Kavanaugh must be cringing!!! Who would want to have Trump bring all that up again? I am sure that he would have preferred a refined ceremony with no politics!

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