
Well, Now Brett Kavanaugh Can Face His Accuser


May 11, 2013
His choice, you may not agree with it. I personally have no bone in this fight Red. He, I am sure, has a contract and in it spells out what is public persona should be. One of the Facebook employees said "he was 2 seats behind Kavanaugh, he obviously wanted to be seen". When my husband mentioned this situation this morning to me, I said the exact same thing, well if he wanted to be there not as a representative of Facebook he should have picked a less visisble seat. It only matters what Kaplan's managers think and what his contract says. Facebook employees are most probably prohibited from posting information on Facebook, but the company allows open discussion so there is no problem there as far as I am concerned.

Red, high tech companies express an interest in their employees and allow them to speak whether positive or negative, or right or left wing, it's part of the millenial culture. At IBM as my manager rated me, I rated her.. only fair.

:read:This to me is a nothing burger.

This concerns me deeply. The backlash at Kaplan by the FB employees is not indicative of a world I want to be a part of and is an attempt at mob rule. If they push him out then we have gone over the cliff. He should never have apologized IMO.


May 11, 2013
Well you have what you call 'mob' rule and I feel I have 'fascist' rule in America. Why do I believe this happened to her? Because worse happened to me, I went to Catholic high school in Fairfield Cty CT, both my husbands went to all boy Catholic High Schools, one in Long Island and one in DC. I have heard these stories over and over in the last 50 years.

You say nothing about Kavanaugh's hissy fit and his paranoia on the Clinton's.. do you think the Clinton's were somehow behind the information that came out? I don't, I think that is paranoid crazy talk and it scares me as to what kind of judge he will be.. and yes I remember Bill Clinton and the dress and the long, forever, very expensive Whitewater investigation, after Anita Hill I took another look at my beliefs about Billy and his screwing around, just another young white guy with power, we shouldn't let it happen again.

There is no mob rule in the US right now, right now I AM being governed by a small majority of rich men and women who control the republican party and who are regressive, anti abortion and just plain ugly and selfish. I am scared.. as fascism grows and the power of the leader and his war machine grows and then we end up with a Germany in the early-mid last century.. so I feel your angst I am just on the other side of the fence.

I am not a political animal and although I've followed the hearing, I don't know all the ins and outs of it all.

I just want to say that it appears to me this guy was tried in the court of public opinion, that he seemed to be guilty until found innocent, and it reminded me of a total witch-hunt. If it's true, it can't be proved because it happened three decades ago. You cannot up-end someone's life on the basis of an accusation, but that's what I saw happening. I felt as if everyone had forgotten the phrase "reasonable doubt." I didn't like the jeering, sneering public bearpit of that hearing. It was like the modern equivalent of the Romans throwing the Christians to the lions. I am very disturbed about the amount of people that are 110% per cent utterly convinced that he's guilty, and disturbed about the way there isn't even a microscopic glimmer of doubt in some people's minds. What if he's innocent?

The surety of his guilt based on an accusation is what I find disturbing. There doesn't seem to be any balance for some people. I'm talking about some people I work with who believe, without question, everything thing Dr. Ford said and basically want KV's life to be ruined. With no real proof. Talk about a mob mentality. It's wrong.
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May 11, 2013


Jan 26, 2003
Does it really Deb? I am asking in all sincerity. Because in the past, long ago, I have posted many links to non-mainstream views. And I can say without a doubt, it didn't make anyone think, at least not anything good. Those ideas/commentaries were dismissed, ridiculed, laughed at and torn apart. And it was not because of my temperament. I think you would be hard pressed to find a post where I was being nasty or antagonistic, or using hate speech.

I'd like to think what you said here is true, but in my heart of hearts, I don't. But one can hope.... :))

*said with much love and respect*

You always write thoughtfully, Ellen. I love what you wrote above. It has really made me think.

I remember some of the postings you made in the distant past. If I remember correctly some of them were about alternative health or vaccination views. I may not be remembering the topic(s) correctly, but I do remember that you posted and that I read those threads. You are absolutely correct that you never lost your cool and you were always courteous (as you always are as a poster) when you wrote in those threads. There was nothing about your tone that should have contributed to the desire of others to be argumentative.

Maybe it is not always safe to pose alternative views here on Pricescope. I just read your posting and have not really had time to digest it. I will have to give it a lot more thought. (It deserves a lot more thought.) But you certainly have my attention.

Big hugs,


Jul 31, 2014
Well, he's our newest SCOTUS judge. Unreal.


May 11, 2013
Well I can say in all honesty, he's not for the people or by the people, just another schmuck but I have no say in the matter as I am a woman, back to the kitchen I go. Next up bye abortion rights, the good thing is NY, NJ, MA, ME, VT, CA and a few other states will legalize it so some women won't have to die trying to do what they think is best. :)

Well, he's our newest SCOTUS judge. Unreal.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Well, he's our newest SCOTUS judge. Unreal.
I'll send him a case of beer.


Mar 2, 2013
Well here's a video I don't know if you will think highly of but it's GREAT!!!

I saw it (DD shared it with me). I do have a sense of humor, so I thought it was funny ... as were some that I saw re: Ford, though I suspect those would send the lefties here into a tizzy, so I haven’t bothered to post them.

This was an excellent presentation of the thought process in deciding her vote.

Agreed 1000% :clap::clap: THAT is what a senate floor speech outlining one’s vote rationale should look/sound like - the facts, not all the partisan BS.


May 11, 2013


May 11, 2013
Not partisan?

But as with every regime that tumbles, this too shall pass.

I saw it (DD shared it with me). I do have a sense of humor, so I thought it was funny ... as were some that I saw re: Ford, though I suspect those would send the lefties here into a tizzy, so I haven’t bothered to post them.

Agreed 1000% :clap::clap: THAT is what a senate floor speech outlining one’s vote rationale should look/sound like - the facts, not all the partisan BS.


Aug 22, 2012
As a Mainer I am appalled but lucky for me I am by far not the only Mainer feeling this way! Bye Bye susan collins in 2020..

Pushing an agenda that less than 50% of Americans will hurt the republicans in 2020 for sure.
I talked to quite a few Mainers on my trip last year who are very unhappy that from Portland south on the seaboard runs the show for Maine. It is the same in Washington east of Seattle and in Oregon south of Salem. Big population centers deciding for the rest of the state.


May 11, 2013
Correct. It's the stats that show how partisan this was and how partisan Susie Collins was. It shows the divide between Democrats and republicans. One cannot say that Susan Collins used non partisan thought since she IS partisan, but the women of Maine will remember and her little mess up on healthcare is even a bigger issue with democratic men. Maine is another state of loss of jobs and republicans to the north and the south has the growth and jobs and the more democratic supporters. My husband remarked that after the next census the north may not have enough residents to even have their own Congressional district. Maine has the oldest population in the US, especially in northern Maine, change is coming.

That was written on Sept. 23rd before the additional FBI investigation and hearing. It says that people want to wait until after hearing and investigation for a vote.


May 11, 2013
Yes they are unhappy, they won't move for a job, they are on welfare and they use drugs because the mills are or will close. If there is no job one has to move. In the south there is little care about the north because they won't help themselves.

I talked to quite a few Mainers on my trip last year who are very unhappy that from Portland south on the seaboard runs the show for Maine. It is the same in Washington east of Seattle and in Oregon south of Salem. Big population centers deciding for the rest of the state.


Aug 22, 2012
Correct. It's the stats that show how partisan this was and how partisan Susie Collins was. It shows the divide between Democrats and republicans. One cannot say that Susan Collins used non partisan thought since she IS partisan, but the women of Maine will remember and her little mess up on healthcare is even a bigger issue with democratic men. Maine is another state of loss of jobs and republicans to the north and the south has the growth and jobs and the more democratic supporters. My husband remarked that after the next census the north may not have enough residents to even have their own Congressional district. Maine has the oldest population in the US, especially in northern Maine, change is coming.
You are concentrating on how she voted and the reason I posted it is because of the in-depth presentation of her reasons. I appreciated everything being laid out with specifics.


Aug 22, 2012
Yes they are unhappy, they won't move for a job, they are on welfare and they use drugs because the mills are or will close. If there is no job one has to move. In the south there is little care about the north because they won't help themselves.
That is quite classist and I expected better from you. The ones I talked to were working and very affable people.


May 11, 2013
I cannot change what southern Mainers think of the north. Northern Mainers also love to bait bears and kill them and I find THAT appalling, My opinion of northern Maine is that they are not flexible, you cannot CREATE orders for wood out of thin air when the world is changing. There are jobs to the south, lots of job, they can commute. For me it's a case of right wingers who want government sponsored work that they are against if it's for their neighbor.

We all have expectations of others, I can't meet everyone's and I have learned to take care of my self first. Why you 'expected' more from me I don't know, just stating what the papers say.

That is quite classist and I expected better from you.


May 11, 2013
To me she was just a robot speaking. She's been a politician her whole life. She rubber stamped the guy.

You are concentrating on how she voted and the reason I posted it is because of the in-depth presentation of her reasons. I appreciated everything being laid out with specifics.


Aug 22, 2012
I cannot change what southern Mainers think of the north. Northern Mainers also love to bait bears and kill them and I find THAT appalling, My opinion of northern Maine is that they are not flexible, you cannot CREATE orders for wood out of thin air when the world is changing. There are jobs to the south, lots of job, they can commute. For me it's a case of right wingers who want government sponsored work that they are against if it's for their neighbor.

We all have expectations of others, I can't meet everyone's and I have learned to take care of my self first. Why you 'expected' more from me I don't know, just stating what the papers say.
It was more your description of your neighbors and it took me by surprise. I expect it from some but not you. No worries, you should always take care of yourself first.


Aug 22, 2012
To me she was just a robot speaking. She's been a politician her whole life. She rubber stamped the guy.
I don't know much about her other than what I read off and on. Does she have speech issues or a medical impairment of some kind? My great uncle had Parkinson's and early on it affected his speech similarly, not his mind though. I am not being critical, just asking.


May 11, 2013
Red, those neighbors can't stand me, you know that? If not, it's true, they are vocal on their hate of me, of liberals, of Obama, or Clinton, of anything not white. It's a crying shame. Maine is in trouble, I moved here 4 years ago because it's beautiful.

Let me know if you can't read the article below.. Maine needs enlightened leaders, not stuck in the 1980s people like Collins.

It was more your description of your neighbors and it took me by surprise. I expect it from some but not you. No worries, you should always take care of yourself first.


May 11, 2013
I wondered the same for 4 years now. She is popular, till now, demographics are changing in Maine. She sounds like she has mild Parkinsons, but she could have had the quiver in her voice her whole life. I used to be very tolerant of her, till she was about #2 on the list of senators who vote straight trump.

I don't know much about her other than what I read off and on. Does she have speech issues or a medical impairment of some kind? My great uncle had Parkinson's and early on it affected his speech similarly. I am not being critical, just asking.


Jul 31, 2014
Just FYI, this is why Collin's speech sounds unusual:

Spasmodic dysphonia, also known as laryngeal dystonia, is a disorder in which the muscles that generate a person's voice go into periods of spasm. This results in breaks or interruptions in the voice, often every few sentences, which can make a person difficult to understand.


Jun 20, 2013
Vote. In 2018 and in 2020. That's all we can do. Elections DO have consequences.

I think Kavanaugh will think twice maybe 3 times about ruling as a conservative to save face. Or at least I hope after his bullshit rant against democrats. Our supreme court does not represent our demographics. But that makes sense. They can live to 100 years old. That's why the Supreme court is so coveted- they can hang on as the last hope of a dying mindset. *see republican dinosaurs raging against the future....

I loved how Mitch McConnell tried to spin stuff today. "Oh this riled up our base! We haven't been able to do that and it's all due to the other side."

Nice try. It's why he doesn't talk much- there is something seriously wrong with him. He reminds me of a South Park character. I said earlier that it's a good thing that Kavanaugh got though. THAT is what will encourage democrats to get out and vote. IF they take the house, which is likely, they can file an article of impeachment against Trump. Will that actually happen? Who knows?

Elections are so close. And everyone needs to NOT rely on their preconceived notion that this nation will vote on common sense. They don't. They are simple-minded and set in their ways- that's how Trump got elected. It's revenge. Revenge for a black president and a woman presidential nominee. WE have to get out and vote. This is what we are up against- they believe any and every conspiracy theory- and now we have a judge on the supreme court who thinks the clintons were behind all of this. You can't engage with them. They literally BELIEVE this shit:



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Oct 2, 2014
Tekate, I said "mob mentality" not "mob rule." I'm a liberal, strongly pro-choice and pro-marriage equality. I'm not very political and I don't have the background of political knowledge that others here have, so I can't answer your questions adequately. (FWIW, I think the claim that the Clintons had something to do with this is nonsense.) So my post was strictly about the unfairness of so many people being 110% convinced that BK did it with no proof, and my horror at the Middle-Ages-style bearpit that ensued. Whatever happened to the idea of a fair and thorough investigation? He has been tried by media and convicted in the court of public opinion and I think it's wrong that someone's life can be turned upside down this way and that a family can be put under this kind of stress without a fair, impartial investigation. What if he's telling the truth? How would you feel then? I'm not disputing that Dr. Ford was assaulted, but it was 36 years ago. It was dark, preppy boys are a dime a dozen - maybe she got the wrong guy?

It just seems wrong and unfair that a person's life can be shaken up to this degree on the basis of what can only be a he said/she said, this many years later. That's all. I'm talking fairness, not politics. I'm liberal but that doesn't stop me from being concerned about unfairness to people from other political stripes, unfairness that can carry major consequences and cause huge stress. My views are liberal - pro-choice, pro-marriage equality - but I am not ideologically driven. If I see someone being treated with what may well be abject unfairness, I'll voice my concerns whether they're a Democrat, a Republican, or a traffic cone.
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