
Well, Now Brett Kavanaugh Can Face His Accuser


Aug 22, 2012
Well since at least one Rep senator (Collins) voted for based partially on the fact that Kavanaugh assured her he considered Roe 'settled law', that argument doesn't really hold water. She's based a large part of her career on being pro-choice.

Did you think Franken should step down? I'm not sure how the allegations against Kavanaugh are significantly different in terms of provability.
Sure it does because I have read article after article and many posts here that most democrats don't believe him when he says that it is settled law.
As far as Franken, take a look at the pic above and he also confessed. Big difference.


Oct 2, 2014
Tekate - my god, your experiences are horrendous. I am so, so sorry. That's just...there aren't words. (((Hugs)))

cmd - As I said before, I was focusing on him because he's the accused. I absolutely think this whole thing must have been terrifying for her. At least he's used to being well-known. She went from a private citizen to one of the most famous women in the world overnight. Exposed to every weirdo out there. Yes, it must be incredibly frightening for her.

I'm not for a moment saying that Dr. Ford definitely isn't correct in her testimony. What I'm saying is that these are serious criminal allegations so I think there should be a thorough and proper investigation. That's all.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
As a Mainer I am appalled but lucky for me I am by far not the only Mainer feeling this way! Bye Bye susan collins in 2020..

Pushing an agenda that less than 50% of Americans will hurt the republicans in 2020 for sure.

Fellow Mainer here - yeah Susie drives me nuts. 43 freakin' minutes to get to the point, when we all (here) knew which way she was going to vote anyway. She needed all that time to be on her soapbox getting the attention she loves for being the "undecided until the last minute swing vote." Even though it's never really a swing - she only votes against party-line when her vote wouldn't matter.

All that chastising in her kindergarten teacher voice. The dems are so terrible, but not her friend Dianne F. No, it's the nasty leaker (and she didn't have her facts quite straight on that one) that disrespected Ford so badly! Meanwhile, she's addressing "Mr. President" yet not calling HIM out on his atrociously disrespectful remarks about Ford. And of course she never used any of that time to enlighten us on her rationalization of Kavanaugh's outright lying under oath about formerly being a blackout drunk.

Now she's trying to have it both ways. She is saying that she believes Ford was assaulted, but not by Kavanaugh. Ford testified that she was 100% certain it was Kavanaugh who assaulted her. That leaves logically minded people with 3 choices:
- believe her
- do not believe her
- no conclusion: it may or may not have happened but it's not significant enough to matter.

Susie is politically savvy enough not to admit that for her it's the third and now is attempting to re-write the narrative. "Yes, I believe Ford is a victim! But so is Kavanaugh!"
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Mar 2, 2013
Meanwhile, she's addressing "Mr. President" yet not calling HIM out on his atrociously disrespectful remarks about Ford.

Seriously? She was addressing the President of the Senate in her remarks; not Chump. That's why you sometimes heard others (if you listened to them) also address "Madam President" at different times when the Senate was presided over by a female Senator.


Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
Seriously? She was addressing the President of the Senate in her remarks; not Chump. That's why you sometimes heard others (if you listened to them) also address "Madam President" at different times when the Senate was presided over by a female Senator.


Let me clarify for you - she chose to sprinkle "Mr. President" throughout her speech which was actually an address to the nation. I believe she did so to suck up to his base (which is definitely not her base); but that's not the issue.

My point was meant to be this: if she had to drone on and on about how horribly the (assumed democrat) leaker disrespected Ford and did NOT want to appear entirely hypocritical to her constituents, she should have taken a few of her 43 minutes to talk about how The President of the Senate completely and egregiously disrespected a private citizen by mocking her at a rally. Somehow a person who leaked the existence of a letter (not the letter itself) gave Susie all kinds of ammunition for her finger wagging, but the outrageous words and actions of The President of the Senate were inconsequential to her.

If you would like to discuss the entirety of anything I've written in a post I'm inclined to do so. If you want to cherry-pick certain words or phrases, I'll pass.


Mar 2, 2013
Let me clarify for you - she chose to sprinkle "Mr. President" throughout her speech which was actually an address to the nation. I believe she did so to suck up to his base (which is definitely not her base); but that's not the issue.

If you would like to discuss the entirety of anything I've written in a post I'm inclined to do so. If you want to cherry-pick certain words or phrases, I'll pass.

Just clarifying actual basic facts about how the Senate works so as not to have people be further led astray by ignorant liberal spin.


May 11, 2013
Ayuh! ;-) Collins is now Team Trump. Will she get re-elected, not if the Press Herald can help it! ;-)

She and that fat ass LePage are an embarrassment to Mainers. There was a great op ed piece about her lack of brain power, did you read this:

if you can't get it I will copy it for you. she votes Team Trump over and over again and I don't think she's doing that much for northern Maine, I really don't.

Did you read our other senator's reasons for voting against Kavanaugh?

Wish we had more men like him in the senate and I think he does more for Maine than she does by far. and he's independent.

Fellow Mainer here - yeah Susie drives me nuts. 43 freakin' minutes to get to the point, when we all (here) knew which way she was going to vote anyway. She needed all that time to be on her soapbox getting the attention she loves for being the "undecided until the last minute swing vote." Even though it's never really a swing - she only votes against party-line when her vote wouldn't matter.

All that chastising in her kindergarten teacher voice. The dems are so terrible, but not her friend Dianne F. No, it's the nasty leaker (and she didn't have her facts quite straight on that one) that disrespected Ford so badly! Meanwhile, she's addressing "Mr. President" yet not calling HIM out on his atrociously disrespectful remarks about Ford. And of course she never used any of that time to enlighten us on her rationalization of Kavanaugh's outright lying under oath about formerly being a blackout drunk.

Now she's trying to have it both ways. She is saying that she believes Ford was assaulted, but not by Kavanaugh. Ford testified that she was 100% certain it was Kavanaugh who assaulted her. That leaves logically minded people with 3 choices:
- believe her
- do not believe her
- no conclusion: it may or may not have happened but it's not significant enough to matter.

Susie is politically savvy enough not to admit that for her it's the third and now is attempting to re-write the narrative. "Yes, I believe Ford is a victim! But so is Kavanaugh!"


May 11, 2013
They aren't the only 2 either sweetie, but going over my past is incredibly painful. I remade me when I got a bit older. I pulled myself up by my WHITE privileged bootstraps and got help from the federal government and low interest college loans and I worked my way thru college as a cleaning lady too :) fun times.. either I would die or change.

Thank you for your words. I am indebted to the people of the USA for their kindness in lendng me money, giving me somewhat of a free ride, (I did have work study too)..

I'm glad had boys because honestly I was crazy when they were little and young but I would say I don't know how I could have handled girls..

and HUGS back to you!!! you are a good listener and you are a fair minded woman :)


Tekate - my god, your experiences are horrendous. I am so, so sorry. That's just...there aren't words. (((Hugs)))

cmd - As I said before, I was focusing on him because he's the accused. I absolutely think this whole thing must have been terrifying for her. At least he's used to being well-known. She went from a private citizen to one of the most famous women in the world overnight. Exposed to every weirdo out there. Yes, it must be incredibly frightening for her.

I'm not for a moment saying that Dr. Ford definitely isn't correct in her testimony. What I'm saying is that these are serious criminal allegations so I think there should be a thorough and proper investigation. That's all.


Mar 2, 2013
Ayuh! ;-) Collins is now Team Trump. Will she get re-elected, not if the Press Herald can help it! ;-)

She and that fat ass LePage are an embarrassment to Mainers. There was a great op ed piece about her lack of brain power, did you read this:

if you can't get it I will copy it for you. she votes Team Trump over and over again and I don't think she's doing that much for northern Maine, I really don't.

Did you read our other senator's reasons for voting against Kavanaugh?

Wish we had more men like him in the senate and I think he does more for Maine than she does by far. and he's independent.

Now body shaming and picking on people for their appearance is okay ... or is it only okay if it’s an old white man? :roll:

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003

Thanks for the correction. I did not know that - I was listening on the radio and thought she was actually addressing POTUS. You are right, I was ignorant and am glad to be corrected.

That doesn't change the way I feel about Collins' speech. She should have called out POTUS along with everyone else if she wanted to go that route.


May 11, 2013
Well why should I believe him.

1) didn't Trump say he would appoint only judges that would strike down the right to choose?

2) the Federalist Society picked Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and I don't like a thing they stand for. rich white money and rich white guys.

Why should I believe Kavanaugh? He belongs to an anti abortion group amongst other problems the guy has.

Sure it does because I have read article after article and many posts here that most democrats don't believe him when he says that it is settled law.
As far as Franken, take a look at the pic above and he also confessed. Big difference.


Oct 2, 2014

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
Ayuh! ;-) Collins is now Team Trump. Will she get re-elected, not if the Press Herald can help it! ;-)

She and that fat ass LePage are an embarrassment to Mainers. There was a great op ed piece about her lack of brain power, did you read this:

if you can't get it I will copy it for you. she votes Team Trump over and over again and I don't think she's doing that much for northern Maine, I really don't.

Did you read our other senator's reasons for voting against Kavanaugh?

Wish we had more men like him in the senate and I think he does more for Maine than she does by far. and he's independent.

I love Angus King - wonder if he could ever win in a presidential run.

I have not read the nytimes article on Collins, thanks for the link. A friend of mine from the west coast sent me a text after the speech that said "is she evil or just stupid?" I don't know the answer to that one, but McConnell completely duped her on health-care promises.


Jun 20, 2013
Ayuh! ;-) Collins is now Team Trump. Will she get re-elected, not if the Press Herald can help it! ;-)

She and that fat ass LePage are an embarrassment to Mainers.



Jun 7, 2014
cmd2014 , Thank you for helping women during one the most trying times of their lives. I really can’t thank you enough for the job you do. This past week has been pure hell for so many women. I believe we will be seeing a spike in suicides.

Last night’s posting by Senator Cornyn was disgusting. Just another example showing women are not believed or valued in our country. It was another stabbing knife wound for women who have been assaulted.

What woman would willingly put herself thru any of this after what we watched these past two weeks? Trump has unleashed everything that is awful in our society on every level in this country.

@Jambalaya , I seriously doubt Dr. Ford wants to become a poster child for anything. Women just want to survive and get on with their lives and be happy again. The problem is no amount of therapy one has had make the memories esrased and the way this has affected your life doesn’t go away. The feelings rape leaves you with are forever a part of your life. Those feeling become a fibers of your being. Its been thirty years and I still miss the person I was before I was raped. Therapy just helps you deal with those emotions a little better. This past weeks brought all that pain to the surface for many women. Women are angry who have never been sexually assaulted. The anger and pain for those who have been is a million times worse.

@the_mother_thing , Here is a news flash for you. Al Frankin resigned because of this picture. Your party lies, lies, lies and never takes responsibility. Your f$&ing President did worse to 19 women and continues to lie about it. Kavanaugh should not have not been given a position on the Supreme Court.

@House Cat , Thank you for wording everything perfectly in your heartfelt post. I’ve been thinking of you a lot this past week.


May 11, 2013
As an old white woman I certainly can call out my peers I'm gonna be 66 8 days after Susan Collins, I am her PEER, I am the OLD WHITE MEN'S PEER... now if were 34 I might be being disrespectful, although I don't think that would have stopped me at any age, I call's them as I see's them. How many white guys are in the senate?

Here's a happy picture and it's hardly diverse.

The average age in the senate is 62.. As I am older than the average old white guy that gives me privilege. It's not discriminatory when it's a fact there MT. Me I earned by old age and I didn't go to Yale or Harvard or Columbia but I dreamed to. Okay all kidding aside what did ya think of the pointers in my post rather than the fact that I said the senate is full of old white guys?


Now body shaming and picking on people for their appearance is okay ... or is it only okay if it’s an old white man? :roll:

Just clarifying actual basic facts about how the Senate works so as not to have people be further led astray by ignorant liberal spin.
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May 11, 2013
You can answer your west coast friend with what I say: BOTH.. she is both.

I love Angus King - wonder if he could ever win in a presidential run.

I have not read the nytimes article on Collins, thanks for the link. A friend of mine from the west coast sent me a text after the speech that said "is she evil or just stupid?" I don't know the answer to that one, but McConnell completely duped her on health-care promises.


Mar 2, 2013
As an old white woman I certainly can call out my peers I'm gonna be 66 8 days after Susan Collins, I am her PEER, I am the OLD WHITE MEN'S PEER... now if were 34 I might be being disrespectful, although I don't think that would have stopped me at any age, I call's them as I see's them. How many white guys are in the senate?

Here's a happy picture and it's hardly diverse.

The average age in the senate is 62.. As I am older than the average old white guy that gives me privilege. It's not discriminatory when it's a fact there MT. Me I earned by old age and I didn't go to Yale or Harvard or Columbia but I dreamed to. Okay all kidding aside what did ya think of the pointers in my post rather than the fact that I said the senate is full of old white guys?

It was your reference to ‘fat ass’ that I found ignorant. I don’t know how on earth feminists expect anyone to ever respect them or whatever comes out of their mouth or is painted on a sign when all they do is contradict the very things they decry.

I’d hope you know by now how this works, but the people of each state elect those who occupy Congress. Have there been a plethora of women and/or minorities running in those states not represented by a woman and/or minority? If so, have their qualifications, ethics, platform, etc. - by the standards of that state’s voting body - been found to be above those of whomever was in office or their opponents AND they earned a majority of the vote? Are you suggesting there IS voter fraud going on in the majority of states?


Oct 2, 2014
CallieCake, your experience sounds beyond horrendous. I know what happened because you've written about it here before. I have no trouble imagining that such a thing changes you forever. I am so, so, so sorry. (((CallieCake))))


Mar 2, 2013
@Calliecake Franken resigned because he had something like 8 different women accusing him of misconduct, there was evidence, AND his fellow democrats forced him (not that I disagree with them doing so). And they knew they had to force him out or risk losing a large chunk of their base.


Jun 7, 2014
I find it amusing every time you use the word feminist @the_mother_thing Do you think it’s 1970? You act like Feminist is a bad word. Maybe you need to be around some younger women. They ALL feel they deserve the same pay as a man would make doing the same job. They feel it is their right to make choices regarding their body. I’ve yet to meet one who feels they can’t make their own decisions. They certainly don’t feel the need to get a mans approval for anything. The vast majority of young women today are considered feminists.

The barefoot and pregnant days of waiting on a man to tell a woman what to do and how to feel are over. Our bodies are also our own.


Jun 7, 2014
@Calliecake Franken resigned because he had something like 8 different women accusing him of misconduct, there was evidence, AND his fellow democrats forced him (not that I disagree with them doing so). And they knew they had to force him out or risk losing a large chunk of their base.

There has also been evidence with Republican men doing the same thing. The difference is they lie and say it never happened. They have taken a page out of the Trump book. They just continue to lie and deny. We have Trump on tape saying he sexually asssaulted women and you still voted for him.


Jun 20, 2013
@Calliecake Franken resigned because he had something like 8 different women accusing him of misconduct, there was evidence, AND his fellow democrats forced him (not that I disagree with them doing so). And they knew they had to force him out or risk losing a large chunk of their base.

Do you really really really not believe ANY of the 19 or so women that have accused Trump of sexual assault and/or rape, including his ex-wife?


Mar 2, 2013
I find it amusing every time you use the word feminist @the_mother_thing Do you think it’s 1970? You act like Feminist is a bad word. Maybe you need to be around some younger women. They ALL feel they deserve the same pay as a man would make doing the same job. They feel it is their right to make choices regarding their body. I’ve yet to meet one who feels they can’t make their own decisions. They certainly don’t feel the need to get a mans approval for anything. The vast majority of young women today are considered feminists.

The barefoot and pregnant days of waiting on a man to tell a woman what to do and how to feel are over. Our bodies are also our own.

I think you spend wayyyyyy too much time trying to infer things in my posts that I don’t say instead of the very point I state - let me type it slower for you: when feminists disrespect other people, call them names, belittle and berate members of the opposite sex who haven’t wronged them personally, people don’t take them seriously.

If women are able to make their own choices, can you please pop on over to the ‘white priviledge’ thread and post a newsflash about that? That group seems to think women aren’t capable of doing much for themselves.

And you are welcome to do whatever you want with your body ... so long as you don’t want me to pay for it. :wavey:


Jun 7, 2014
@Jambalaya , I’m ok. This week has been difficult hearing people make comments that Dr Ford is not being truthful about a number of things. An old boyfriend said she didn’t mind flying, wanted two exists in her home.

There are many things I never talked about to people in my life. I hate staying in a hotel room alone. I traveled for 10 years, couple times a month for my job. I never told anyone I hated it, that it scared the daylights out of me. I’ve said more on the internet than I’ve said to most people in my life. Woman try to put their lives back together the best they can. I was extremely lucky I had good insurance and could afford to go to therapy for a year. It is so wrong for any woman to say another woman handled something she did to survive wrong. You are never the exact same person you were before going thru something like this. That doesn’t mean that you don’t go on and have a happy life. But there are times you can’t help but feel the pain this has caused you and how you felt you lived your life differently because of it. We never know everything about another person, no matter how much we think we do.


Aug 22, 2012
Well why should I believe him.

1) didn't Trump say he would appoint only judges that would strike down the right to choose?

2) the Federalist Society picked Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and I don't like a thing they stand for. rich white money and rich white guys.

Why should I believe Kavanaugh? He belongs to an anti abortion group amongst other problems the guy has.
Then don't believe him. But no one should act like his demeanor is the reason he is not their pick. Because it wouldn't matter if he hadn't been indignant in the hearing. None of those people were going to vote for him at all anyway. No matter what came out of his mouth. So let's all be honest about that.
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Jun 7, 2014
@the_ mother_thing , You are literally the only one I’ve heard call a woman a feminist since the 1970’s. Back then the term was usually used by a man who was upset when a woman was not afraid to stand up to them in business. Woman did so much back then to pave the way for today’s wowen. You act as though it is a huge insult to be called a feminist. I see the term meaning basically just being a woman in today’s world. I have 6 strong nieces in their 20’s. I can’t imagine any of them calling someone a feminist. From what you have said about your daughters, my guess is they are strong too. Maybe I’m wrong and it’s a word that is used frequently where you live.

I’m not reading into your posts. You love to post comments to talk down to people as though you are superior. I find it kind of sad. I’m old enough to know that no matter what a person tries to portray, none of us have a perfect life at all times. No one gets thru life without having struggles with something at some point in time. We are all human.


Oct 2, 2014
CallieCake, do young people today not use the word feminist? Serious question. I don't spend much time with people in their twenties - no kids and I work with the elderly - so is it an old-fashioned word to millennials?

To me, being a feminist means equal pay for equal work, control over your own body, the right to say "no" at all times, and not having to deal with attacks or harassment. In other words, enjoying the same privileges, respect, and ease in the world that men do. Other things, too, but that's a broad definition of what the term means to me. It's hard to imagine any woman who wouldn't want those things.


May 11, 2013
You stated or implied that you wondered why democrats don't believe Kavanaugh and his stating it's roe v wade is the precedent.

So I don't believe anything he says. What do you mean by demeanor? if you mean his frothing, and crying? well I just thought he was a typical man/boy/baby, but his words, his partisan words stuck with me. It would have mattered a lot to me if he'd been kind, quiet and concerned and open, but wishes aren't horses.

I was gonna call you out but sinceyou posted to me, I gotta tell you, You again made me think (not something I do often ;-) ) I thought very heavily on what you said to Deb about her views were not necessarily mainstream.. and I thought What!??? that can't be, but I thought and thought about it and then I had to ask myself the dreaded question: Am I not mainstream? So I then went to the Oracle, my husband, and we discussed it at length, then I went to Pew to do a bunch of reading, and I came to the realization that I am not mainstream :) I am not far from mainstream, here I thought I was the savior of the downtrodden, poor etc and that everyone else to a larger or lesser degree felt the same and that right wing views were out of step, well far right wing is out of step, not mainstream right, everything I read is that people want abortion rights, they want a strong military, they want to help the lesser (more and less depending on your side of the divide).. I wasn't discouraged! but I was shocked. So I plan to do more reading. so thanks again for opening my eyes.. this is why forums are good and people pass info back and forth. I'm always better for it..

Then don't believe him. But no one should act like his demeanor is the reason he is not their pick. Because it wouldn't matter if he hadn't been indignant in the hearing. None of those people were going to vote for him at all anyway. No matter what came out of his mouth. So let's all be honest about that.
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