
Well, Now Brett Kavanaugh Can Face His Accuser

He was already a horrible pick. He'd LOVE to be the Judge who overturns Roe vs. Wade, which rest assured if he is appointed, he will do everything in his significant power to do. He can tap dance around the subject all he wants.
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Our justice system IS ‘at risk’ if the basic fundamentals of ‘due process’ are not afforded someone accused of serious accusations such as these in lieu of a media and political smear campaign before there is ANY evidence the accused is actually guilty....

This is merely an opinion, Jenn. What dd you have to back this up?
The search functions (Search; clicking on a PSer's Threads or Message tally in their avatar box) are really wonky today & I need to go pack for a trip, so am not taking the time to again read thru all the hundreds of posts on this thread. But it's not a post of yours that I (and I think, @redwood66 and @the_mother_thing ) was responding to :))

Off to Cape Cod for a week -- where I'm going "off the grid" so that I am not seeing-hearing anything about current events & can feel like I'm really having a vacation getaway !:wavey:
Have a wonderful unplugged time! :wavey:
Yeah, But knowing the Dems they'll try to come up with something negative about her too. The Dems are trying to delay this nomination till the next Dem. Prez. takes office.

Wow. You mean the way the Republicans did with Merrick Garland? Where would we get that idea?

Nearly everything in this thread is opinion. :lol:

Absolutely untrue. I can tell fact from fiction almost all the time. Many people, however, do not bother to try.
Absolutely untrue. I can tell fact from fiction almost all the time. Many people, however, do not bother to try.
That's your opinion.
Too bad for the Dems. the 2016 election didn't go according to plans. HRC should have had won by a landslide. :lol: the Supreme Court would be full of liberal justices today.
The woman in Kavanaugh's yearbook whom he denigrated was Renate Schroeder Dolphin. I did not recall her whole name when I was writing above, only that she had been one of the original signators of the letter supporting Brett Kavanaugh (before she learned what he had written about her in his yeaarbook).
This and her yearbook I have a terrible time with. What idiotic administrator would ever let such disgusting stuff be put in a yearbook? My tiny farm school would have never let these disgusting things happen. Totally clueless. The fact that people were doing these things as well is also gross.
Dancing Fire, did Biden's speech create any actual rule? Did the Democrats actually use this "rule" you speak of?
Biden's floor speech was on June 25, 1992, more than three months later in the election cycle than it is now.
There was no Supreme Court vacancy to fill.
There was no nominee to consider.
The Senate never took a vote to adopt a rule to delay consideration of a nominee until after the election.
Nonetheless, Biden took to the floor in a speech addressing the Senate president to urge delay if a vacancy did appear. But he didn't argue for a delay until the next president began his term, as McConnell is doing. He said the nomination process should be put off until after the election, which was on Nov. 3, 1992.

Maybe you should actually research the "stuff" you post before you do so.
And Elena Kagan was appointed in August of a mid term election year yet Dems wanted Repubs to wait this year. LOL. Dems should make up their minds what the "rules" are. Next Dem nominee to SCOTUS should be raked over the coals. No more being nice as the time for that has passed.
So the fair and balanced info that NYT doesn't print, is that the graduate that NYT interviewed in say the renata references are completely innocent? That's the big reveal? That they were NOT bragging about (imaginary but male bonding) sexual conquests? So I assume Kavanagh's explanation that 14 of these male senior referencing themselves as renata alumnus, just has to do with them sharing a dance with her. YEahh, that makes total sense.
And the rhyme "You need a date / and it's getting late / so don't hesitate / to call Renate", just a suggestion for a girl who enjoys her dances. Apparently the woman this referenced was highly offended. Guess she didn't get the joke.

He keeps saying he is a practical choir boy. You judge the accuser by things that are in her High school yearbook, that have nothing to do with her specifically, but are supposedly judging her "environment". But at the same time you don't want to judge Kavanaugh by by the company he keeps. The company he kept in High school, and in college where he voluntarily chose to join both a fraternity and a secret society (yes that one, with the T & C nickname) that were known for heavy drinking and trying to take advantage of drunk coeds. That was his choice, no one else.
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And Elena Kagan was appointed in August of a mid term election year yet Dems wanted Repubs to wait this year. LOL. Dems should make up their minds what the "rules" are. Next Dem nominee to SCOTUS should be raked over the coals. No more being nice as the time for that has passed.
I don't remember... How many people was arrested during her senate confirmation hearing? :read: was there a circus ?
So the fair and balanced info that NYT doesn't print, is that the graduate that NYT interviewed in say the renata references are completely innocent? That's the big reveal? That they were NOT bragging about (imaginary but male bonding) sexual conquests? So I assume Kavanagh's explanation that 14 of these male senior referencing themselves as renata alumnus, just has to do with them sharing a dance with her. YEahh, that makes total sense.
And the rhyme "You need a date / and it's getting late / so don't hesitate / to call Renate", just a suggestion for a girl who enjoys her dances. Apparently the woman this referenced was highly offended. Guess she didn't get the joke.

He keeps saying he is a practical choir boy. You judge the accuser by things that are in her High school yearbook, that have nothing to do with her specifically, but are supposedly judging her "environment". But at the same time you don't want to judge Kavanaugh by by the company he keeps. The company he kept in High school, and in college where he voluntarily chose to join both a fraternity and a secret society (yes that one, with the T & C nickname) that were known for heavy drinking and trying to take advantage of drunk coeds. That was his choice, no one else.
It has nothing to do with judging. It has to do with his side of the story that no one else posts here but me, DF, or Mother_Thing. That is what is called balance. I have already said what I think upthread about both yearbooks and what's in them.

Well, he's an unpopular choice. A lot of people feel he doesn't represent the people with his views. I don't feel he is going to fairly judge on women's issues with his history, both in his prior judgments and personal life. And based on what he said on Fox, versus what we know from what has come out, we know he is OK with lying if it pursues his agenda.

However, most likely going to be confirmed. Although he is second only to Bork in unpopularity, new sources estimate he would would have to be at least if not more unpopular than Bork to be voted down, since Republicans now are even LESS likely to vote against party lines compared to 1987.
I think this is wrong. If she speaks and her accusations are credible, there should be allowance for the FBI to investigate further. Instead it appears no matter what they learn on Thursday, they are going to vote regardless.
Sworn affavafit/statement of a 3rd accused detail Kav being present and participating in drugging and gang raping women. The document is absolutely horrifying.
Haven't read it yet but if one makes those kinds of accusations they had better have contemporaneous proof and an explanation as to why charges weren't filed. If true they are terrible.
In this case what you call fair and balanced, many others call burying your head in the sand. I’m not being disrespectful to you Red. There are some facts you are choosing to willfully ignore.

Kavanaugh’s roommate has come forward saying he was drunk often and a belligerent drunk.

Kavanaugh best friend has stated he does not want to testify under oath.

An FBI investigation is in order to get the answer needed in deciding who is telling the truth. My guess is there are many things the FBI would find that do not support the Kavanaugh Choir boy image Kavanaugh has tried to portray. Why the lies?

Dr Ford duscussed about the attack in therapy sessions years ago. The ignorance on how a sexual assault affects a women the rest of her life is astonishing considering the number of women have experienced this.. The odds are Ms Ford has had a happy life. That doesn’t erase the fact that this has stayed with her and probably caused her great pain many times in the past 35 years.

Kavanaugh chose to join a group called T&C. Do you know what the FFFFFFourth of July stood for? The young men at this school knew what it meant. It’s a pretty safe bet this wasn’t something these young men would choose to discuss with school administrators. These two things alone in no way represent a young man who respects women, in fact quite the opposite. The boys will be boys attitude was disgusting 35 years ago and it is disgusting now. Women and men who look the other way and do not speak out about this mentality do a disservice to all women. They seem to have no problem contributing to rape culture. They can at the very least own it when they are called out on it.

This is about decency. It didn’t take me being raped to know this. I knew how wrong this was when I was a young teenager. I believe any person who is elected to the Supreme Court should not have thought it was fine to abuse women in their past.

A new woman has come forward regarding Kavanaugh a few moments ago.

An FBI investigation needs to take place.
Reading the latest reports of the new accuser who says parties were held where girls were drugged and raped. Let the justifications continue I suppose.
Reading the latest reports of the new accuser who says parties were held where girls were drugged and raped. Let the justifications continue I suppose.

I can already hear Deny, Deny, Deny. No FBI investigation is needed. Smear the women. If anything, the Republican Party is predictable.
Reading the latest reports of the new accuser who says parties were held where girls were drugged and raped. Let the justifications continue I suppose.

Yup. It's nauseating. Plus, the 3rd woman is a govt employee with multiple security clearances, who submitted a sworn statement under penalty of perjury. And Ford now has sworn statements from 4 people she spoke to about the assault, also under penalty of perjury. Sooooooo the time for excuses is long gone.
In this case what you call fair and balanced, many others call burying your head in the sand. I’m not being disrespectful to you Red. There are some facts you are choosing to willfully ignore.

Kavanaugh’s roommate has come forward saying he was drunk often and a belligerent drunk.

Kavanaugh best friend has stated he does not want to testify under oath.

An FBI investigation is in order to get the answer needed in deciding who is telling the truth. My guess is there are many things the FBI would find that do not support the Kavanaugh Choir boy image Kavanaugh has tried to portray. Why the lies?

Dr Ford duscussed about the attack in therapy sessions years ago. The ignorance on how a sexual assault affects a women the rest of her life is astonishing considering the number of women have experienced this.. The odds are Ms Ford has had a happy life. That doesn’t erase the fact that this has stayed with her and probably caused her great pain many times in the past 35 years.

Kavanaugh chose to join a group called T&C. Do you know what the FFFFFFourth of July stood for? The young men at this school knew what it meant. It’s a pretty safe bet this wasn’t something these young men would choose to discuss with school administrators. These two things alone in no way represent a young man who respects women, in fact quite the opposite. The boys will be boys attitude was disgusting 35 years ago and it is disgusting now. Women and men who look the other way and do not speak out about this mentality do a disservice to all women. They seem to have no problem contributing to rape culture. They can at the very least own it when they are called out on it.

This is about decency. It didn’t take me being raped to know this. I knew how wrong this was when I was a young teenager. I believe any person who is elected to the Supreme Court should not have thought it was fine to abuse women in their past.

A new woman has come forward regarding Kavanaugh a few moments ago.

An FBI investigation needs to take place.
You don't get to tell me how sexual assault affects a woman. Don't you dare preach at me. I want evidence of wrongdoing in order to destroy people. Especially these new ones. If this happened, any woman that allowed this to happen and not say anything for 3 decades does not care for other women because anyone guilty of those kinds of acts needs to go to jail.
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I saw the new allegation papers. I hope brett DOESN'T withdraw his nomination. Keep lying and say he was never drunk and was a great kid. I hope the FBI investigates these claims and the ones that are yet coming. I hope it is ALL posted on national news. Everyone needs to see the disgusting humans trump calls very fine people for who they are.

I hope the other people Mr. Avenatti has who are waiting to come forward ALSO come forward at some point. They deserve to be heard too.

I would like to see brett not only prosecuted for lying to the senate regarding the non sexual stuff he has perjured himself over but I hope the state he did this stuff in doesn't have a statute of limitations.

Don't back down kavanaugh. Keep this up with this new accuser and MULTIPLE ones that Mr. Avenatti has waiting for him over the next few weeks. The GOP may finally be seen for the sick enablers and excusers they are.

The best disinfectant is sunlight and I hope those who do not believe victims and scream fake news and claim it is all politics get exactly what they deserve.

Maybe if the GOP screams "We don't believe women if they accuse a republican" loud enough they can lose the senate too. Seriously, I hope the GOP keeps this crap up. Don't believe the women, stand by all the "bill cosbys" they can find. Maybe people will finally get it. Maybe just maybe if the GOP enablers are seen for who they are then we can get a senate and house who will do their JOBS.

I am sorry for what all these women went through. I truly wish they didn't have to go through this. The pain they have had to live through is compounded when bad people like trump try to promote these awful humans to jobs they should not be in.