
Weekly Workout Thread 7th Jan till 13th Jan

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Apr 30, 2005
Date: 1/11/2008 6:21:54 PM
Author: steph72276
Oooof! I really blew it today. I have been eating clean for the last 10 processed carbs, no sweets, staying between 1400-1600 cals, etc...but today I totally gave in. Somebody made Adam a cookie cake as a congratulations for his new job and he brought it home last night. I told him to take it back to work, but he was flying to Orlando today so he wasn''t in his office. It has been sitting here all day and I kept thinking about having a piece. I figured my craving lasted all day, so I would just give in and have a piece....I love cookie cake, and it was yummy! Then for dinner, we are having pizza from our fave Italian place, but I am going to have a salad and only 1 piece. Ugh, so much for the pre-cruise diet. Anyway, I am not going to be too hard on myself, I am going to wake up early and go for my 3 mile jog. Anyway, I feel better now that I admitted all that I ate! Hope everyone is having a great Friday night!
I have fought the same fight with my favourite CC that Hubby requested I make....


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

The stuffy head blech is back. GRR! At least I was feeling tired for a reason.

Had a great 1/2 day working yesterday and then finished up two school projects (I am officially finished with my curriculum courses for my credential, student teaching is all I have left to complete and I''ll have earned my master''s degree. Wow! That feels like progress).

No big plans this weekend. Maybe a movie and dinner one night. Some exercise would be good too!

Steph, that piece of cookie cake is so far from blowing it it''s comical.


Mar 16, 2005
Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I know I was being too hard on myself yesterday....I think it is like the feeling that when you wake up, you''re going to be fat again all of a sudden. Sometimes I feel like when I have a bad eating day, I am just on a path to gaining weight again. I know, silly because then I just turn around and eat well again so I''m not just all of a sudden going to gain 50 pounds or anything. Anyway, I feel much better this morning. Had oatmeal for breakfast and went on a run/walk in the neighborhood. Hope everyone is having a spectacular Saturday!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Saturday. I tried my diamond griddle again this morning and my pancakes came out "ideal". My husband said he didn’t know which was worse – my joke or that he understood it.

Tdiddy, sorry to hear you had a long bout of bronchitis. I hope you get over it soon.
Lorelei, I’m lucky my husband doesn’t crave sweet things so I rarely get a request for desserts from him. I’m the one who always wants sweets.
Kimi, congratulations on being done with your curriculum side of school and being so close to earning your masters degree. That is awesome.
Steph, that’s a good way to start the day with a run / walk. I plan on doing my TM again today.
Well, we are off to run errands.
Have a great day.


Oct 30, 2002
steph, i totally get what you are saying about thinking you are going to wake up 5 lbs heavier the next day. after i have a big meal i swear i feel the same way, like...okay the next morning i am going to have a big belly and flabby arms. of course that is not the case, but whatever. our brains love to sabotage us...we have to not let them!

sdl, sorry to hear you are sick but yay for losing weight...kind of a catch 22.
tdiddy, glad to hear you are slowly feeling better!
kimi, argh, a head cold. these bugs are just seriously floating around nonstop.

so i didn''t work out last nite because i am still fighting this cold and i thought, well it''s just cardio which actually does nothing for me at all other than burn some calories and make me feel tired. plus i worked out monday, wed, thurs and i am going to zumba this morning, so it''s not like i''m a slacker!

yesterday for lunch i found another tart yogurt place to me and a friend headed over. they have sandwiches too which were actually REALLY good. i got the smoked salmon on sourdough with a thin layer of cream cheese, very tasty. and then we got tart natural yogurts to go with mango, kiwi and grapes on them. this place also does bubble teas and has gelato and breakast bagel stuff, so it''s a total free for all. i could easily live in there. the natural tart yogurt was pretty good, but the one i tried last week is still my fave. Rod, do you know if you have diff places you can get it in florida? here all the natural tart yogurts taste differently as each place makes theirs slightly unique. so far, i have 2 favorites thus far and 2-3 i am like ''meh'' about but will do in a pinch!

we got sushi last nite with our neighbors which was the first time we''ve had sushi in a month, it was so yummy! the place we love got some new rolls, we tried 2 of them and only liked one of them, the other was a little odd and not really all that tasty. then we played mille bornes, this european card game that greg has that he always has wanted to play and grew up playing and i won the overall game (5 hands)...hehee. it was really fun.

slept in a bit this morning and i have zumba in 30 minutes. a friend is joining today so i hope she kind of likes it so i will have a companion on saturdays. i''m still taking echinacea and airborne but do have a small sore throat, so hopefully this will stop it from progressing any further.

tonite we have dinner plans with some friends at this fairly new mediterranean place that is supposed to be fab, and then i am excited because it''s in the same town as the yummiest natural tart yogurt place so that is what i plan to get for dessert. hopefully there''s no yummy looking chocolate molten cake on the menu at the medi place or else i might be derailed from better intentions!!

depending on how the weather is and how we feel, we may try to get a walk in before dinner...or maybe not. the couch is looking darn appealing today. hope everyone has a fab day!!


Jun 15, 2006
Just wanted to report back that I worked out on the elliptical for a long time (I don''t track, I just do it as tracking was making me crazy, like if I can''t do an hour it''s not worth it and that''s just silly) and then did 50 girl push ups and a bunch of situps. Felt great.

Mara, hope zumba is fun and that you feel better.

Marcy, thanks for the congrats. It feels really good to have completed this portion of school. I started a year and a half ago and I''m finally seeing the light at the end of the''s quite exciting. If all goes as planned (arranging my student teaching has not been fun) I''ll be completely finished in May.

Have a good day all!


Mar 20, 2003
Steph, I'm glad the cookie cake seemed less evil the next day. I love cookie cake too, and I don't think there's anything wrong with a treat here and there. Without treating yourself (reasonable portions, of course, but a calorie is a calorie, ya know?) every so often, I think you run the risk of snapping and just giving up on healthy eating altogether.

Kimberly, it sounds like you had a good workout, and it sounds like you have a healthy attitude with not feeling the need to keep track.

OK, so I don't think I have the flu, just a cold (aches and minor fever lasted only one day and then the congestion came), but it has really wiped me out. I missed two days of work, went back Thursday and felt fine (well, stuffed up and coughing but energetic), then went in yesterday, felt crappy, and lost my voice. One of my students helpfully suggested, "Can't you take some DayQuil or something?"

So as a result I missed a week of exercising. C'est la vie. As of today I am still totally congested when I lie down (which means I haven't slept well in days . . . hello glimpse of parenthood) and have no voice. But I am proud to report that I did a Firm workout just now, albeit a shorter, all weights workout (I thought cardio would just make my nose run and induce coughing). I definitely didn't give it my all, but I figured it couldn't make me feel worse and might make me feel more energetic. It doesn't seem to have since as I was working out my spinal erectors I thought, "I could just go to sleep right here on the floor."
But I'm giving myself an A just for getting off the couch and giving it a try.

DH burned something like 3,750 calories today according to his heart rate monitor doing a 50 mile road bike ride and then a two hour long mountain bike ride. I don't really understand how this is humanly possible, but apparently it is. The man can apparently outdo all his peers in bike tricks and keep up with them in stamina, but I am proud to report that I can pump as much iron as he can, at least in bicep curls! He came home from his last personal trainer session after newly joining the gym and asked me sheepishly if I could do bicep curls with 10 pound weights. I usually only use 8 pounders but I know I could do 10 (which I demonstrated despite my weakened condition). Since he has never worked out his upper body before he said that he was really having a hard time with 10 pounders! I gloated a little but also pointed out that this was the maximum of what of my body was capable of after almost a year of weight training and just the minimum for his. I swear he looks more muscular after working out three times and I am very proud of and excited for him! Yes, I gloated a little, but I'd take a husband with bigger muscles than me any day!


Nov 24, 2006
I felt like Rod today. My sister and I did cardio for 50 mins (30 mins on the treddie and 20 mins on the bike). Then we did my friends Killer muscle hour; my sister was so impressed w/how killer it was. We both were saying how sore we are going to be; I already felt in when I got home! hehee Hubby and I went for sushi today. My arms were so sore lifting my glass of water. I need to start going to muscle hour Sat too (I just don't like how packed it is since it is probably the best class). Marcy did you go walking?

Oh no, lots of sick people, sending a (((Big hug))) out to you all and hope you feel better soon, so sorry.
Have a great weekend!!


Jun 15, 2006
Phoenix, the attitude is a must or I make myself nuts. I am, for better or for worse, an all or nothing person and I needed to figure out how to exercise even when I couldn''t do so for as long as I want. So my solution was to stop tracking. I let the battery die on my elliptical monitor and don''t plan to replace it. Congrats to you for out-curling your husband! That''s funny.

We went to Little Italy today and spent 2 hours walking. It was great exercise in addition to what I''d already done. I also came up with some great ideas for decorating will perusing an architectural salvage store.

We''re having fresh butternut squash pasta from the italian deli, with some EVOO, pine nuts, and capers on top. Tomorrow night we''re going to our favorite burger place downtown for a splurge...I''m so excited!


Sep 26, 2006
Skippy, I know it's really crazy to say this, but I love that feeling of being so sore after a workout that you hurt to lift a glass of water. It's like affirmation that you worked HARD. Maybe it's just me, but I love it. So cheers to you for getting to those muscle hours! And lots of cardio. Woohoo! Oh, I almost forgot...since you asked, I am studying for my MCATs. I studied architecture as an undergrad but during graduation, I decided that I want to be a doctor. I work now in medical research.

Phoenixgirl, just get better...your body needs rest to fight the cold off. I'm very impressed by your DH's accomplishments!! Can you believe I am scared of biking? When I was a kid I biked all the time and loved it. But as an adult, I'm petrified of riding in the streets and the thought of biking down a mountain?!! Eek! It takes me about two weeks to burn as many calories as your DH burned in one day. Wow. And your story reminded me of something similar. I had FI's dumbbells set to 12 lbs for my bicep curls, and they were just lying on the floor of our apt. His friend was over, picked one up and was doing bicep curls. He's a marathon runner. He said, "wow *almost-Mr.CrownJewel*, you lift these?! Oh my god they're so heavy." It took me a while to realize, but I walked over and started doing bicep curls with them and was like, "wait, these are mine!" That was a good laugh just because I am like 70 pounds less than the friend.

Kimberly, I am going to make that lentil soup! You're awesome for all those situps and push ups! 50 pushups?! I think I can only do 2 sets of 10 each with a BIG break in between. Then I'm pooped.

Mara, I hope zumba was fun. Someday I'll figure out what it is. :) Do you like taking classes at your gym?

Marcy, did you get arrows in your pancakes? heehee.

Tdiddy feel better!

Rod, I love how your Fridays sound. Sushi, froyo, and coffee under a beautiful oak tree? So perfect.

Steph, I know from experience that there's no way you could wake up suddenly 5 pounds heavier, unless it's temporary bloating from water weight. I ate so much "bad" stuff in Switzerland, and I am now 2 pounds lighter than before I left? And we all know it's not because I skiied. I ate buckets of cheese and bread, and one night had 5 bowls of spaghetti, and drank gallons of wine. You are doing so well!!

FI and I went for a 2 mile run in the park today. It was great! I love working out with him, because he rarely ever works out! Tonight we are having dinner with friends at some sports bar...and then watching a football game. I know NOTHING about football. Should be funny. Good night everyone!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday all!

No workout today bit I''ve been running around like a mad woman. So far I''ve taken in about 850 cals, but the HH is making something wonderful up there (salmon over onion strewn grits with portabello red wine reduction) so all bets are off from this point forward. And my butt is killing me from that killer treadmill workout I did yesterday. (My right cheek is more sore than my left--is that normal?)

Now much else to report. Just trying to catch up on e-mail and bide my time ''till dinner is actually done!


Jun 15, 2006
CJ, don''t give me so much credit, I do push ups in sets of 10. Enjoy the lentil soup!

DeeJay, can I come over for dinner? Funny that one cheek hurts more than the other. Is it your weaker side?


Jan 8, 2007
I am frusterated today, but trying not to let it get me off track! I am up a pound, still below my start, but it really frustrated me. I am doing WW points. I am eating 20-25 points, really 25. I have been thinking about it, maybe 25 is too much. I know NOT being able to work out is going to hinder my weight loss, I am STILL sick and as of this morning, I have no voice, it was almost impossible to do an open house today! UGH I know I can''t weigh myself daily either, and if I do, which I know I will almost always, I can''t help myself, to expect the up and down. I guess I am just venting!
I am keeping it belowe 20 today to see what the scale says tomorrow, I really just don''t want to deprive myself, that''s why I have been eating 25 points and not 20.

SDL- what do you think about the points? WW booklet says I should be eating 20 points, I have not joined WW so I really don''t know exactly, I know you said your friend is eating 17, maybe I should even be below 20. What are your thoughts?


Oct 30, 2002
evening all!! we're heading out for dinner soon, hopefully i can get a yummy chicken or fishie dish for some protein.

i'm still fighting the cold, took a nap a little while ago. got a much needed mani and pedi today as well. greg took P out for a walk so that i could nap on the couch.

greg's mom's box of goodies for us got lost at xmas and just literally showed up, the PO is so LAME. it's like christmas in middle of jan. included in the box were homemade brownies. we were sad because we love them and thought they'd be totally bad by now. but they weren't bad! we just cut off the edges because they were totally hard but the inside was still soft. so now we have a container of brownies here, argh! and his mom knows i LOVE them...haha she made them for us the whole time we visited in spring.

so today i've had breakfast, then string cheese, a few crackers, a gnu bar, and brownies. lol.

CJ zumba is great. i also don't take these classes at my gym, it's at my personal training facility...which is tiny and only offers kickboxing, zumba and yoga. class was very fun today...i am totally loving finding a bit more rhythym in me and getting a workout too.
Kim good for 2 hour walk. i wanted to do a medium hour walk with greg and P today but unfort just didn't happen. hopefully tomorrow as my workout!

golden, i think you need to stop weighing yourself daily. try for like twice a week. it can take a while to see results. it took me almost 2 months of eating better and working out to start to see results on the scale. that's why i don't use the scale anymore to gauge my success. it's too inaccurate in the short term on a daily basis for me. you also could be eating too little and your metabolism may have slowed since you are sick. i actually eat so much more than i used to and my body needs it. if i eat too little i actually was gaining weight.

anyway, have a great evening everyone!


Mar 26, 2006
Golden, I did WW a few years ago and I found that I need to mix it up in terms of points, so 20 one day, 30 the next, etc. I couldn't do 25 (or even 20 consistently) and loose weight because my body became "used to it" but mixing it up worked.

LOL Kimi on the "weaker side"! How 'bout just the "sore-er side"!

BTW, fairy dust my way if you would please kids... I'm waiting to hear back on a a $1M+ deal. Best and final offers were due at 9:00 tonight and we're in limbo 'till we hear... !!! (I might be on pins and needles, but my client is on MORE pins and needles.)

ETA: Forgot to say, dinner was GREAT. But I did have to take a nap afterwards due to the THREE glasses of wine I had with it!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 1/12/2008 10:04:49 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Golden, I did WW a few years ago and I found that I need to mix it up in terms of points, so 20 one day, 30 the next, etc. I couldn't do 25 (or even 20 consistently) and loose weight because my body became 'used to it' but mixing it up worked.

LOL Kimi on the 'weaker side'! How 'bout just the 'sore-er side'!

BTW, fairy dust my way if you would please kids... I'm waiting to hear back on a a $1M+ deal. Best and final offers were due at 9:00 tonight and we're in limbo 'till we hear... !!! (I might be on pins and needles, but my client is on MORE pins and needles.)

ETA: Forgot to say, dinner was GREAT. But I did have to take a nap afterwards due to the THREE glasses of wine I had with it!
Dee, my right side is weaker than my left, and tends to respond more to any sort of exercise. Fairy dusting you on the deal!!! J is out investigating odd neighborhood activity (we live at the end of a rural two lane road and cars keep driving up and turning around, it's strange) and I'm enjoying a 2nd glass of wine.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I pulled the classic bad idea for a diet today. I ate one pancake for breakfast then we didn’t eat until about 3 so I overate and ate bad things. We stopped at Chilis and I ate some chips and salsa, my normal ½ of a hamburger with a few fries but then we split a chocolate molten cake. Aak! We did not eat supper though but I think I’ll have something light so I don’t get hungry again.
We spent hours walking around Lowes today. My husband is putting tile on the bathroom floor so he needed assorted tools for that. He said now I knew what it was like following me around women’s clothing stores.
I walked on the treadmill again tonight. This time I walked 21 minutes and walked about 6/10 of a mile. I walked a little faster too.
Mara, I hope you rest up this weekend and can get rid of that cold. Have fun at the new Mediterranean restaurant. Mmm brownies. That is pretty sad the box just showed up.
Kimi, that is awesome you’ll be finished with your masters in May. I often think about starting to work on my masters but with 2 jobs I don’t know when I’d have the time. The cars driving around sound scary; I hope they go away.
PhoenixGirl, I hope you get over your cold soon. My husband loves it when I loose my voice – ha ha. Wow, your husband really must be in terrific shape. That’s a lot of miles to ride on a bike. Yeah for beating him on bicep curls.
Skippy, you really went the extra mile on exercising today. Woo hoo for being sore. We walked around Lowes for a few hours, Kohls for about ½ hour then I went grocery shopping and I did pick up some Fuji apples. I did walk on the TM tonight adding 5 minutes and will add 5 minutes on it tomorrow.
CJ, good luck studying for your test. Your medical research sounds interesting. LOL about arrows in my pancakes. I hope you had fun at the sports bar and watching the football game.
DeeJay, your supper sounds marvelous. Running around like a mad woman can’t help but burn off calories. Good luck fairy dust is coming your way for success with your big deal.
Golden, sorry to hear you are still sick. Maybe join ww for awhile to see what they recommend for your points just so you know you are eating enough.
Have a great evening.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

The dreaded pound is still hangin'' around. We''ve cut back eatig out to one night a week, I''ve been exercising and there the damn thing still is. If it isn''t gone by Wednesday I''ll return to calorie counting. I''ve been in such a good place for quite some time and didn''t want to have to be so regimented again, but if I can lose it (and perhaps get back to 125 instead of 127) maybe it won''t be such a bad thing.

We''re going to see some movie J picked out this afternoon then off to dinner. Now that I''ve weighed myself I''m not so excited about eating out, but I can''t get too crazy about it, life is too short, right Mara?

Marcy, I''m not as proud of myself for working on my MEd as I would be if I attended a real school. The calibur of students in my program (an online program) leaves me feeling like I''m in remedial English class at a continuation school, not a master''s program, most of the time. It''s quite frightening to me that these people will be or are allowed to teach children. If I could do it all over again I would most definitely attend a traditional school (where I hear there are similar problems, but I find it hard to believe that so many not so bright people can be enrolled in master''s programs) but this was the most convenient way for me to do this as it allows me to work, so on I go; I may opt to earn a second credential in special education at some point and I will certainly make different choices if/when I return to school once this is over. Sorry for oversharing, this is one of those things that eats at me as I feel like I''ve been had and am scared about how the reputation of the school is going to affect my chances of getting a job. Don''t worry about your off day, I know how hard it can be, but I''m sure in the long run it won''t matter at all! Good for you for getting back on the treadmill. You''re making great progress.


Mar 5, 2006
Date: 1/12/2008 9:00:01 PM
Author: golden
I am frusterated today, but trying not to let it get me off track! I am up a pound, still below my start, but it really frustrated me. I am doing WW points. I am eating 20-25 points, really 25. I have been thinking about it, maybe 25 is too much. I know NOT being able to work out is going to hinder my weight loss, I am STILL sick and as of this morning, I have no voice, it was almost impossible to do an open house today! UGH I know I can''t weigh myself daily either, and if I do, which I know I will almost always, I can''t help myself, to expect the up and down. I guess I am just venting!

I am keeping it belowe 20 today to see what the scale says tomorrow, I really just don''t want to deprive myself, that''s why I have been eating 25 points and not 20.

SDL- what do you think about the points? WW booklet says I should be eating 20 points, I have not joined WW so I really don''t know exactly, I know you said your friend is eating 17, maybe I should even be below 20. What are your thoughts?

Golden, Weight Watchers does not do point ranges anymore, like 20-25 points. Instead you have a target point number, and 35 flex points for the week. If you want to do weight watchers I would suggest joining, and at least joining their website so you can have the proper tools/advice to use the program. Their program is very effective, but you need to make sure you''re doing it correctly. Otherwise you may be better off using Sparkpeople perhaps, where you can choose your own calorie range.

Also are you up a pound for the week, or up a pound since yesterday or a few days ago? If so, remember that your weight can fluctuate by as much as SEVERAL pounds on a daily basis. Hang in there!


Jan 8, 2007
WW won''t allow me to join. I am just under 5''4 and weigh 118.5lbs. If I started Jan 1, at my weight of 121-122, it allowed me to join. Actually, since I was sick with this miserable cold, I was ahead on Jan 1, which was day 1 for me, I was 119.5 when I started WW on my own. I know I am in the healthy weight range for my height and age (I am 25), but I have gained weight the last 2 years and I am no longer at "my comfortable weight". I was 114lbs last year and even then I wanted to lose a few, but instead I went UP! I carry my weight in my mid section, I have LOVE HANDLES, and they are as real as they get, it is NOT in my head. This is why I know I need to get back to working out. The last 2 years, my work out as been very close to none.
I am doing WW because I do not want to "crash diet", I don''t even want to "diet", I want to still be able to eat what I like, but have control over it instead of saying "ill eat whatever I want this weekend and start my diet Monday", I have been doing that forever. If I count calories on my own, I have trouble staying on course and with WW, it helps me to eat healthier foods, where with counting calories, I don''t see myself eating healthier foods, just getting in the calories in foods I like. My first target weight is 114, where I was maybe 2 years ago, then I want to work my way down to 107. I realize this is going to take a long time, and I am ok with that, that''s why I have to really stop weighing daily.
I don''t want anyone to think I am crazy for doing WW''s and my friends do, but it''s pretty easy to hide love handles.
So when I look at the WW''s booklet, I should be at 20 points, but I think that is not enough calories for me, that is why I have been eating 25, but I think maybe this is why I am stuck now at 118.5, I had gotten down to 117.5 a few days ago, but I know as soon as I start working out, I should be ok at 25. Maybe I will do 20 points while I am sick and unable to work out.
I do not do the extra 35 points, IF I were to do them and divide them to have points each day, I would be allowe 25 points, so when you look at it that way, I am eating the 20 they say to and eating the extra points.


Mar 5, 2006
Sounds good! And if you DO want to join the site... just alter your height to be lower and input your current weight


Mar 26, 2006
Golden, I think when you eat the same points/calories consistently day after day your body gets used to it. That''s why mixing it up helped me. If I ate more one day but then less the next my body would be like, "oh, might as well go head and burn these cals ''cuz we''re getting more later," (thinking it was still yesterday--the more cal day) even on the days when I ate less. Does that make any sense, LOL?

Off to a crazy crazy day right now. Doing TWO open houses, meeting a client at a new development, and *hopefully* pulling the deal together that I mentioned last night. We''re soooooo close right now!

Now workout today, but I''ve got it on the calendar for tomorrow. Happy Sunday all!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 1/13/2008 10:55:17 AM
Author: golden
WW won't allow me to join. I am just under 5'4 and weigh 118.5lbs. If I started Jan 1, at my weight of 121-122, it allowed me to join. Actually, since I was sick with this miserable cold, I was ahead on Jan 1, which was day 1 for me, I was 119.5 when I started WW on my own. I know I am in the healthy weight range for my height and age (I am 25), but I have gained weight the last 2 years and I am no longer at 'my comfortable weight'. I was 114lbs last year and even then I wanted to lose a few, but instead I went UP! I carry my weight in my mid section, I have LOVE HANDLES, and they are as real as they get, it is NOT in my head. This is why I know I need to get back to working out. The last 2 years, my work out as been very close to none.
I am doing WW because I do not want to 'crash diet', I don't even want to 'diet', I want to still be able to eat what I like, but have control over it instead of saying 'ill eat whatever I want this weekend and start my diet Monday', I have been doing that forever. If I count calories on my own, I have trouble staying on course and with WW, it helps me to eat healthier foods, where with counting calories, I don't see myself eating healthier foods, just getting in the calories in foods I like. My first target weight is 114, where I was maybe 2 years ago, then I want to work my way down to 107. I realize this is going to take a long time, and I am ok with that, that's why I have to really stop weighing daily.
I don't want anyone to think I am crazy for doing WW's and my friends do, but it's pretty easy to hide love handles.
So when I look at the WW's booklet, I should be at 20 points, but I think that is not enough calories for me, that is why I have been eating 25, but I think maybe this is why I am stuck now at 118.5, I had gotten down to 117.5 a few days ago, but I know as soon as I start working out, I should be ok at 25. Maybe I will do 20 points while I am sick and unable to work out.
I do not do the extra 35 points, IF I were to do them and divide them to have points each day, I would be allowe 25 points, so when you look at it that way, I am eating the 20 they say to and eating the extra points.
Golden, I think you should take the following into consideration:

1. Your body may not be capable of weighing what it did 2 years ago, or even less than that; I'm sure you know that as we age our metabolism slows down and our body makeup changes.
2. Your goal is to be underweight and your body simply may not allow you to do so while eating normally because it's not healthy.

I don't think you're "crazy" I just think your goals may be unrealistic and unhealthy and that your friends' concerns might be valid. I would highly recommend you focus on eating a reasonable amount of healthy food, exercising regularly, and stepping away from the scale. You will be much better off in the long run.

I don't mean to come across as didactic, but your post concerns me.


Jan 8, 2007
I do understand where you are coming from Kimberly, but I would never go below 1200 calories.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 1/13/2008 11:51:51 AM
Author: golden
I do understand where you are coming from Kimberly, but I would never go below 1200 calories.
It's good to know you won't go below 1200 calories a day and I'm glad you understand my intent is to be helpful.

I would really try to focus on eating healthy and exercising as opposed to the scale. I know how hard it can be (I'm fretting over a stupid pound) but you'll be doing yourself a favor in the long run for sure.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys...quick check in as the inlaws are here. Since they were here, Adam and I got a little alone time and went to the gym where he works out yesterday and today. It was so nice to change things up a bit from only working out outdoors. He really challenged me on the elliptical to go faster. Then we worked on some of the machines yesterday and those resistance bands today and worked out abs. I told him when we move to Orlando, we need to find a good gym and keep going together, it was so much fun! I feel really good and plan to keep it up on the cruise. We are leaving tomorrow morning, so this will probably be my last check in until next week, so everyone have a wonderful week!


Jun 15, 2006
Stephanie, enjoy your cruise!

Jas, CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting for you and your husband.


Sep 26, 2006
Steph, have a wonderful time on your trip! I agree that working out with your significant other is a lot of fun...I wish my FI would do it more often. :)

Mara, I finally googled Zumba and saw a youtube video on it. It does look like fun! I would like to try out some of the classes at my gym, but I know they don''t have Zumba.

golden, I agree with everything Kimberly said. I don''t know your body composition, so I don''t know if 107 is too low. It does sound underweight for your height, but once again, I can''t judge because I''m not a nutritionist nor have I ever seen you! At one point I was 97 pounds (which I''ve come to realize is not uncommon for some women my height, only because they have a different body composition than me). But I KNOW 100% that was not right for me. My body is naturally very muscular, so to be 97 pounds, I was not eating foods I enjoy (which is a terrible terrible thing!). I think you can focus on toning your sides, but not focus so much on the numbers. I know I also have to stop checking the scale so often, because once I fit into my clothes comfortably, I''ll know I''ve reached my goal!


Jun 15, 2006
Just finished an elliptical workout, yay! It felt great. I''m sore from pushups, so I''m going to give my arms and ribs a day to rest.
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