
Weekly Workout Thread 7th Jan till 13th Jan

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week!

Everyone is doing so well after the holidays with getting back on a healthy path, well done! I wanted to mention that this time of year, it can be quite easy to be '' good'' what with all the talk of NY resolutions, changing your eating habits can be a little easier at this time, it is sticking with it that can be the hard part.

That is why it is best to have a sustainable plan that you can live with. It doesn''t work having a plan that consists of foods you don''t really like, and trying to eat them because they are low calorie / low fat / good for you etc. What does work is eating with care mainly - I try for around 85% of the time, then the other 15% I can spend on treats. I alter this ratio according to how I feel. I think we know when we need to cut back a little more or not.

Bottom line. I try to fuel my body as best I can most of the time, have the odd treat and try not to consume more calories than my body can burn. Really quite simple and I find this way of living is the best method for me. I am into my third year of doing this now and I am so pleased with the results. Of course there are things about my body I would like to change, but I think that is the case for most people!

Of course, a very important part of my healthier lifestyle is exercise. I have exercised on and off for years, I have used weird rope contraptions that fix to a doorhandle, you lie on the floor and move your arms and legs as if you are having a fit, really uncomfortable wobbly exercise bikes, ab trainers, thigh trainers, butt blasters etc etc. But what has really worked is a good old fashioned treadmill, elliptical and some basic weights! Even better can be actually getting outside and walking if the weather permits! Now I have discovered a way of exercising that suits me, the huge benefit is this, my metabolism seems to have kicked back in, and I can now stay trim far easier and have lost visible fat, which is great.

Staying true to my new healthier lifestyle has been reasonably easy, as I have found a plan which works for me and some great tools to keep me on track. I hope that this year those of you who haven''t yet found the key to your healthier future, can do so with the help of this thread.

Have a great week


Mar 16, 2005
Lorelei, once again your opening is spot-on. I agree with you that this has to be a lifestyle and one that you can maintain or there is no point. For the last few months, I have been focusing on the "last 10 pounds" to no avail. But I started thinking....I am back down to the same size I was at my wedding, and I thought I looked pretty good then. My goal of 10 more pounds would put me where I was in college. I got it in my mind that that is the weight where I looked my best because I had people telling me I looked good, got asked out on dates, etc....but when I really think about why I weighed so little, I remember that I used to spend all my money on clothes for going out and survivied on lucky charms, ramen noodles and pb& jelly! Not exactly heatlhy. Now I eat very healthy 80-90% of the time and I am regular with exercise instead of sporadic. So maybe I need to lose the mentality of 10 more pounds and just maintain my healhty lifestyle My husband and friends have all said I look great and don''t need to lose anymore, maybe they are right. My resolution for this year is to worry less about the scale and more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one that I can stick with forever!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Steph! I do know what you mean about the last 10 pounds...When I was in my twenties I weighed probably about 14 pounds less than I do now, and part of me longs for that still, even though it was a long time ago, what looked fine and skinny at 22 won't necessarily suit me 20 years later! Also it was so hard to maintain and led to a lot of my diet angst and misery trying to stay there. It can be hard to let go of our lightest weight and part of us can think we haven't done well enough unless we can hit our lightest ever target again. But the thing is, it may not be the right weight for us now for a huge variety of reasons! It can be a mental thing that real success = 140 pounds and not quite there = 150 pounds, even if the heavier weight is in reality fine, part of us feels that the lighter one is even better! And I think that is true for most people!

I think the main thing is to celebrate any success and try not to dwell on the 'what was' so much, but how you feel now, what you have achieved and ultimately what your goals are. If you feel you would be better at your college weight Steph, even though everyone else tells you not to lose any more weight, perhaps set a goal of half of that to lose another 5 pounds and see if that is a happy medium. But if you are pleased with what you have achieved ( and you should be!) and you feel great, then that is the main thing!

Also I rarely weigh myself as I have found over the years it wasn't a good thing for me, so perhaps if you cut down the scale use and keep on with your healthy lifestyle and routines, you will probably find your body fat and weight will settle into a good healthy range for you and that might even mean you hit that 10 pound less goal naturally in time. Maybe weighing every 2 weeks at the same time, same place, same clothes might give you a good idea of how you are doing, especially as you don't have very much weight to lose at all, if you choose to even lose it! But it will help you keep track of maintaining in this way.


Mar 16, 2005
Marcy, haha...that is too funny, a griddle with diamonds! Yea for being in the 170s! You are amazing!

SDL, that recipe for shells sounds really good. I make one very similar that my family loves. Good luck with ww. I did it online about 2 years ago and it really helped jumpstart my weightloss. I stopped doing it b/c I found sparkpeople, which is free, but it got me into eating better and smaller portions.

Monnie, hope little Daisy is feeling better.

Mara, all of yours and Monnie''s talk of Mexican makes me crave it. We really don''t have many Mexican places here in So. Florida, they are all Latin which is a very different flair, so I am missing my fave Mexican place big time. Oh, Adam and I used to look up resturants in the Orlando area since we will be moving there soon. That is such a cool website, thanks for mentioning it. I''m sure we will be using it more once we learn the area there.

Kimi, sounds like a lovely day. I would love to sit and read while it rains out....too bad that''s never gonna happen with a 3 year old boy full of energy running around here! Maybe I can read on our cruise next week! Ahhh, I haven''t read anything besides children''s book in ages.

Lindsey, yea for a great week! I have heard that when conceiving you are supposed to switch to whole milk and real ice cream instead of lf. I can''t really remember what the study says about it and why it works, I will have to look into it more now that we are talking about trying for another baby.

Skippy, that is too funny about your walk...the same thing happened to me yesterday. There were blue skies all around and then boom, I was half-way finished with my 3 mile run and downpour. That really made me kick my run into full gear trying to get back home!

Golden, hope your bday was great and the ice cream cake sounds wonderful

Jas, yea for the bf loss! And I remember a pic you had up of your wedding, and you did NOT look "goth" at all, just beautiful!

Dee-Jay, hope you got a chance to relax a little, you sounded stressed!

Rod, sounds like you had a great bday. Yummy to upside down pineaple cake! You even work out on your are sooo commited, great job!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

It sounds like everyone had a nice wrap up to their weekends.

Lorelei, after I lost the initial 70 lbs I was terrified that I'd wake up one morning and be fat again. It was really scary for quite some time. And I had to learn to eat normally again, because I survived off of Lean Cuisines, oatmeal and bean burritos the first time around. When I joined WWTers thread and lost 13 lbs (6 lbs that I'd regained over a 5 year period, and then an additional 7 lbs.) I did so eating much more normally, and it felt so much better to know I didn't have to limit myself so greatly to be successful. Thanks for the reminder that long term is key. So important for all of us!

Marcy, being in the 170s is such a great accomplishment. You continue to wow me!

Stephanie, reading is one of those must dos in my life. It is my version of relaxation.

So my vacation has been extended one more day. I imagined it would be unlikely that a lot of teachers would call in sick the first day back to school after a 2 week break and was right. So tomorrow it is (I have an observation lined up for school and then jobs on Tues. and Wed.). I feel very guilty about not having to work today, but there's not a thing I can do about it. School doesn't resume until tomorrow, but I've a couple projects I can focus on.

We went out to dinner last night at a Thai restaurants and then to the movies. It's been a great movie weekend in our household. We shared chicken curry and cashew chicken for dinner and had curry cups for an appetizer. A very yummy meal, but terrible service. We always have terrible service at this place, it's really odd, but the food is good enough that we try to ignore it as it's the only Thai place in our city.

I'll workout today, we'll have dinner at home. Nothing thrilling.

Have a good one, all.


Oct 30, 2002
Kimi I totally agree on learning to eat normally after losing weight. Most of the time people lose weight by deprivation of some sort, I did the same thing even though it wasn''t really deprivation body wise...I was eating all the right things that my body wanted, it was more like deprivation of the mind. Less sweets and eating out less and all that. Well I like to eat out and eat sweets and that stuff doesn''t just go away, so eventually I had to re learn how to do that the right way and not be afraid that I''d just pork out again by doing it. It''s taken a while but my eating habits are a lot more normal now...and I am pretty much maintaining my weight at a happy place. So it''s good to know that I can have my splurges and still kind of make it even out one way or the other and stay the same.

Marcy yay for 170 lbs, that is amazing lady. Big congrats.
Lorelei great opener of course as usual.

Morning all!! Hope everyone had a great weekend. We didn''t get to go for a walk yesterday as the rain came in again and was on and off all day and night. I went out to TJ''s to get our groceries and that was it. Made this light carbonara dish for dinner last nite, invited the neighbors over and had the moroccan olive bread from TJ''s, that stuff is so yummy. A romaine salad with candied walnuts and bleu cheese with champagne pear vinaigrette. Truffles and coffee for dessert. Overall quite a nice day...too bad today is Monday! I need some more time off!

Portia is still kind of under the weather, so I am going to take a poo sample (fun times) into the vet this afternoon at lunch. So hopefully she''ll cooperate with me this morning. She''ll be at my parents today. She''s acting fine for the most part, a little mopey, but eats, drinks and plays normally. It''s just this weird poo/stomach thing...I think she might have some sort of bacteria that needs meds. So the vet can analyze what I bring in within a few minutes and let me know what to do. We''ve been giving her pepto for her stomach and man that is not a fun ingestion process. She is SO absolutely tolerant of whatever I want to do to her, including forcing pink liquid down her gullet, but she doesn''t like it. hahaha. Poor thing.

So anyhow, that''s my report. Monnie are you out there? I asked in yesterdays post if that was you on tpf posting re Burberry? I though so but wasn''t sure. There are so many PS''ers that lurk on tpf too.

Have a great day all! I have my trainer tonite where we''ll do some interval cardio and I am going to request back/shoulders and abs for my resistance stuff. Whee.


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Mara and Kimmy! It can be scary trying to keep the weight off, and gaining confidence that you have the tools to be able to do it, but I think it comes with trial and error. Once you learn to be able to manage your weight by eating carefully and living in a normal manner, it gets so much easier, that you don''t have to panic if you do have a splurge, adjusting to that becomes second nature and being prepared to avoid getting too hungry is key.

Mara, I know Portia will be fine, it is so worrying when our babies are unwell, but I bet it is just a little gastric upset and she will be as right as ninepence before you know it!


Jun 15, 2006
It was so difficult for me to move on, once I''d reach maintenance level, when I initially lost weight. I never wanted to see a bean/ff cheese burrito again, but had no clue what else to eat. I''ve come so far since then in regards to cooking and eating lots of things. I think the one thing I can''t get beyond, that I wish I could, is the cravings of a treat or eating for the sake of eating. I wish I had learned to eat all foods in moderation as a child, because it is such a challenge for me now. I love food, but I wish it was not such a big deal, if that makes sense. Obviously, it''s something I control, or I''d weigh a lot more than I do, but I hate that it''s a struggle.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 1/7/2008 11:36:19 AM
Author: KimberlyH
It was so difficult for me to move on, once I''d reach maintenance level, when I initially lost weight. I never wanted to see a bean/ff cheese burrito again, but had no clue what else to eat. I''ve come so far since then in regards to cooking and eating lots of things. I think the one thing I can''t get beyond, that I wish I could, is the cravings of a treat or eating for the sake of eating. I wish I had learned to eat all foods in moderation as a child, because it is such a challenge for me now. I love food, but I wish it was not such a big deal, if that makes sense. Obviously, it''s something I control, or I''d weigh a lot more than I do, but I hate that it''s a struggle.
Kimmy, I completely understand as I feel the same way. I had a hard time with food since I was a child, even to when I was a 6 year old child at school, a '' teacher'' tried to force feed me boiled tomatoes and fish, which I gagged back all over her, I was severely punished for that. I was then made to sit in front of all the other children as being ungrateful for the food I was given and as a warning to them.
I was also harshly judged for having some puppy fat as a child, unfairly. I was also not given much in the way of eating skills, but told off for liking sweets and crisps, these were often the only foods I wasn''t fearful of, also toast. So it makes me happy if I can help other people avoid some of the misery I had to suffer, by trying to be encouraging in this thread.

But I think having food issues, at least for me, is something I will need to work on probably forever, but I am improving slowly!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 1/7/2008 11:45:39 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 1/7/2008 11:36:19 AM
Author: KimberlyH
It was so difficult for me to move on, once I'd reach maintenance level, when I initially lost weight. I never wanted to see a bean/ff cheese burrito again, but had no clue what else to eat. I've come so far since then in regards to cooking and eating lots of things. I think the one thing I can't get beyond, that I wish I could, is the cravings of a treat or eating for the sake of eating. I wish I had learned to eat all foods in moderation as a child, because it is such a challenge for me now. I love food, but I wish it was not such a big deal, if that makes sense. Obviously, it's something I control, or I'd weigh a lot more than I do, but I hate that it's a struggle.
Kimmy, I completely understand as I feel the same way. I had a hard time with food since I was a child, even to when I was a 6 year old child at school, a ' teacher' tried to force feed me boiled tomatoes and fish, which I gagged back all over her, I was severely punished for that. I was then made to sit in front of all the other children as being ungrateful for the food I was given and as a warning to them.
I was also harshly judged for having some puppy fat as a child, unfairly. I was also not given much in the way of eating skills, but told off for liking sweets and crisps, these were often the only foods I wasn't fearful of, also toast. So it makes me happy if I can help other people avoid some of the misery I had to suffer, by trying to be encouraging in this thread.

But I think having food issues, at least for me, is something I will need to work on probably forever, but I am improving slowly!
Lorelei, my mom was a food hoarder. She hid candy bars and other junk from my sister, dad and I. It turned items like that into things to be coveted instead of just another thing we eat, in moderation (I'm not a big fan of psychobabble, but I think I just spewed a bit of it, sorry!!!). We used to find them, and then hide them in different places so she couldn't find them; we thought it was hysterical. My husband's parents never limited his food choices. He was allowed to eat what he wanted, but they were regimented about 3 meals a day, no snacking. He is the most normal eater I know. He enjoys fast food, but he'll go to Wendy's and get chili and a salad, instead of a hamburger and fries. He can eat one piece of See's candy and be done. It's amazing to me and I think it has so much to do with how he was raised. He enjoys good food as much as I do, but he doesn't covet it, if that makes sense.

And you're doing a great job of being encouraging. Thanks!


Oct 30, 2002
I totally agree with you ladies about it always being a constant kind of 'reminder' that you have to exercise control. I wonder if that ever just becomes second nature. I mean it took us how many years to get here? How many to undo. It's not realistic to think, well I have had this unhealthy kind of way of looking at things like sweets and treats for 15 years, it is just going to take a year to undo it. Sometimes I look at people and I think gosh I bet they don't think about having that 3rd truffle the way I am. And then I think well I make the sacrifice to not have the 3rd or 5th truffle so that I can look the way I want to look and be healthier. My body doesn't NEED the 3rd truffle. My mind does. But yeah it's always the extra few minutes to 'think' it over.

I am getting better about trying to just eat when I want to eat and WHAT I want to eat, part of that intuitive eating thing. Like if I want to have a truffle or a cookie, I have it. But when I want three more or whatever, is when I start thinking it over. I don't think I have the type of personality to ever want to turn down cookies or desserts, because I just love sweets. But I am a lot better about just having what I am thinking about and then if I have one too many, I have one less piece of bread at dinner or a smaller portion or something. In the end it seems to even out and that's what is important.

Kimi it's funny you say that you think your hubby is the most normal you know for eating. I think Greg is too. He eats whatever he wants and never thinks twice about it, but he also has a really fast metabolism and doesn't gain weight. He can eat a fair amount of food but then he might skip lunch because he's just not hungry. Or he might just have a slice of pizza for lunch and then a bigger dinner. Or a muffin for breakfast, big lunch and light dinner. He never thinks about what he SHOULD or SHOULDN'T have, he just eats and drinks what he wants. I'm so jealous of that blase attitude. He can turn down a truffle or a cookie if he is SO FULL from dinner. I'd rather have the truffle or cookie than dinner half the time!! I wonder if a lot of it is a male thing. Many of them seem to just not have that same kind of obsession with food that so many women have.


Apr 19, 2004
HI gang:

Ohhhh back to the old routine...boy that alarm was early this morning! My son was pretty good about getting out of bed without a reminder after 17 days off.....

Rode the bike very hard, did my abs, squats, weights an hours worth. Need to get some fresh movies to watch!!!

Keep well folks!



Jun 15, 2006
Date: 1/7/2008 12:24:44 PM
Author: Mara
Kimi it's funny you say that you think your hubby is the most normal you know for eating. I think Greg is too. He eats whatever he wants and never thinks twice about it, but he also has a really fast metabolism and doesn't gain weight. He can eat a fair amount of food but then he might skip lunch because he's just not hungry. Or he might just have a slice of pizza for lunch and then a bigger dinner. Or a muffin for breakfast, big lunch and light dinner. He never thinks about what he SHOULD or SHOULDN'T have, he just eats and drinks what he wants. I'm so jealous of that blase attitude. He can turn down a truffle or a cookie if he is SO FULL from dinner. I'd rather have the truffle or cookie than dinner half the time!! I wonder if a lot of it is a male thing. Many of them seem to just not have that same kind of obsession with food that so many women have.
John has a weight that he doesn't like to go above; he weighs himself when he starts feeling he's getting to that point and then scales back a bit. That's happened twice in the 3+ years I've known him. He is very regimented in general, but with food it's just so easy for him to pass things up. When he's not hungry he doesn't eat. When I'm not hungry and something looks good I debate whether or not I should have it anyways. He loves good food as much as I do, but he just doesn't crave it. It's hard to explain, but you get what I'm saying.

Just finished working out. It felt great. Spent just under an hour on the elliptical. I need to pick up the weights again. I was doing good with them, and push ups, for a while, but I fell out of the habit.

Sharon, I'm glad you had a good workout and that your son returned to reality without a hassle!


Jan 8, 2007
Hey everyone, thank you so much for all the birthday wishes! I did not have cake because the bakery we love, closed early, so we will celebrate with some cake tonight! I am only having a bite.

DJ- I believe I read a while back that you are in real estate, I too am in real estate and the last month (Decemeber until now) has been the bussiest for me in a good year.

SDL- wow you are both on low points. 17 points seems really low! Is she able to do it? How are you doing with the 22 points? I read online somewhere- NOT WW, that 1 point equals 100 calories. I don''t know if this is true or not. I also read on that same site that I could eat up to 25 points, but then the WW book says 20. I have been eating between 20-25, if the calorie thing is right, 20 would be too low for me.

I am starting off the week, down another pound. I can''t even believe it, I know once I am completely over this cold and working out, I won''t see as much weight loss because I will be gaining muscle weight, as long as I see the inches and I can reach my first goal- getting into my size 26 jeans and my long term goal is getting into my size 24 jeans (in all honesty, when I bought them 4 years ago, the love handles were happening a little bit)

QUESTION regarding points- it says 1 cup of cucumber is 0 points, what about 2 cups? I have been counting veggies as 0 points so far and only adding points for the dressing, btw, croutons make a huge difference in the salad and they are only 1 point per serving!

It was definitely VERY rough getting back to an early work day. I am exhausted, used to sleeping all day from when I was sick last week.


Nov 24, 2006
Golden 1 pt vary's, it all depends on fat and fiber and calories. 1 pt can be anywhere from 30 calories to 110 calories all depending of fiber and fat. Enjoy the cake; btw I think attending a meeting is cheap and you get all the materials to figure out the points and how many points to eat. 2 cups of cucumbers is still 0 points; they are mostly water and super low cal 10 calories each. Are you doing points too? great job on the lb lost!

Kimi, I finished your book!! It was good. Glad you have 1 more day off.

Lorelei, great opening, you are awesome!

Steph, you look great; I am glad you found a good place to maintain. I did have to run home too because it was in the low 40's when the rain came down. hehe

Marcy, that is awesome you are in the 170's!!!

Mara, hope Portia feels better soon. Yay for the workout tonight.

Sharon, whoo hoo for the workout!

Rod, glad you liked DHW. I wonder when there will be another episode?

SDL, yay for doing points too. I do points too and I am suppose to eat 22 a day w/the extra 35.

It is rainy and cold; today will be workout day off. Tomorrow is muscle hour at the gym and my sister is going to workout w/me. Hubby made some low cal foccacia bread last night and it was super yummy (a WW recipe); I think I will have some soup for lunch. Have a great day all.


Feb 21, 2005
hello all! i feel like a mini-mara today - i had tj''s tomato and red pepper soup for lunch and i''m headed out shortly to my first zumba class. i like african dance so much that i thought i''d try out another dance class to get in a little more exercise.

i was bad this afternoon and had about 5 small cookies even though i wasn''t hungry. i just wanted to eat. i know that i have been stressed and unhappy lately (it''s amazing how fast it all closes back in after vacation) and have been eating to comfort myself. this is not something i want to do! i''m trying to have tea or chew gum and distract myself with other activities, but it is hard sometimes. i figure being aware of it is the first step in changing it. fortunately, i have been consistent in keeping up my exercise routine - my one saving grace.

off to exercise, then home for a light dinner and no more snacking!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Hi all! Made it to the gym today but only for 36 mins (400 cals) on the elliptical. At that point I think my phone had rang 5 times and I was late anyway so I had to hop off.

Foodwise I think I''ve been pretty good, although it''s been a random mix of things today.

Will catch up more later. Have to go try to negotiate a contract.


Oct 30, 2002
"i was bad this afternoon and had about 5 small cookies even though i wasn''t hungry. "


lol SB now THAT is really a mara you MUST be morphing into me!! hehe.


Sep 26, 2006
Hi everyone! I have yet to catch up on posts from the last two weeks, so I apologize for being out of the loop. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year''s! HAPPY 2008!

I''m back from Switzerland! I did not purchase a watch because my friends there said it is better to just window shop for specific styles in Switzerland and then purchase in the US because that will save me lots of money. The trip was amazing. We spent 2 nights in Geneva, then drove off to the mountains for 7 days of skiing. FI and I took a day trip to Lausanne. Then we all drove back to Geneva for one last night.

I ate so much cheese. FONDUE FONDUE FONDUE everywhere!! The Swiss are fantastic cooks. I totally ate everything that the locals ate, because we had this one Swiss couple cooking for us the entire time. They eat lots of bread, butter, cheese, meat, potatoes and wine. And somehow I didn''t not gain a single pound! (Yet). I asked how they stay so thin...they said that they stay active. And by staying active, they know.

I skiied for only one day because I was just too scared. The "easy" slopes on the Alps are like reds in the US. They don''t even have bunny slopes or greens. They start at blue, but like I said, their blues are like reds. I fell my way down the mountain, and twisted my bad knee twice during that run. So needless to say I was totally traumatized! I spent the rest of the week resting and icing. I did manage to go for a few hikes after the swelling went down. Knee is totally fine now. I don''t think I''ll have to see the orthopedic surgeon about it.
Overall, it was a great vacation. I look forward to revisitng!

Once I catch up your posts from the last two weeks, I''ll post more!


Mar 16, 2005
Skippy, I finally posted that whole wheat lasagna recipe in the healthier recipe thread for you. Sorry I took so long, but it slipped my mind!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 1/7/2008 8:27:49 PM
Author: steph72276
Skippy, I finally posted that whole wheat lasagna recipe in the healthier recipe thread for you. Sorry I took so long, but it slipped my mind!
Steph, thank you;
what does the colby cheese make it taste like, never had it in lasagna but sounds yummy. I also posted a few recipes for fun too! I am glad Mara posted some too! I love trying new things.

Rod, did you workout tonight or is it sushi night?

Mara, a few cookies isn't bad. heeeheee

Shortblonde, yay for being a mini Mara! I like the days I am like Mara superwoman. hehe

DeeJay, here's hoping for a sale!!! Yay for a workout!

CrownJewel, wow, I am so sorry about the knee; hope you heal quick, what a bummer!!! Glad you had some fun.

Jas, you were such a beautiful bride I do not see the vampire thing at all; your make up looked great, silly bro!


Dec 28, 2005
Evening Everyone!

Such a great opener as usual Miss Lorelei!! I still worry about the foods I eat and still tend to deny myself certain things. It''s all mental of course, as I don''t seem to gain weight anymore, but something as simple as Pizza petrifies me as I LOOOOOVE Pizza and I''m afraid of opening the flood gates. Just having a piece of chocolate cake on Christmas day was a hurdle, but I am getting better about having much of what I want all in Moderation. And I know I can NEVER go back to the eating ways I had when I was fat. Kimberly, I know what you mean about waking and looking in the mirror and all of the sudden you''re fat. It''s my fear every morning that I''ll wake up go to get in the shower and glance at myself in the mirror and whamo, Fat Rod is staring at me. Aggggghhhhh!!

Thanks for confessing your sins SB, er Mini Mara. You have been forgiven!! LOL

Mara, I hope Portia is OK. I know like us with our kitties, you worry so about her, so I''m just hoping nothing''s wrong for sure.

SDL, SparkPeople is a great resource and I have gotten some great things there.

It isn''t fun getting back in the saddle after time off Sharon. Glad you and your son are adjusting again! Good job on your workout too!

Enjoy your cake tonight Golden. I can''t offer any advice on WW points. I''m not a WW person, but good luck with that!

DeeJay, I''m glad business is going so well for you. I always thought the holiday''s were a slow time in Real Estate, plus with the slowdown (everywhere except downtown Chicago evidently) it''s great you''re doing so well. The market in Tampa is still awful. But of course the Media helps fuel the sluggish market. Everyday there''s yet another article in the paper about how it''s a buyer''s market, or home sales are the lowest in decades, or the subprime disaster or something else negative. It''s no wonder people are scared to buy anything.........

Sorry it''s rainy and cold Steph. Enjoy Muscle Hour tomorrow with your sister!!

Welcome back CJ. I''m glad you had a good trip. I''m sorry you twisted your ankle skiing. That continues to prove Rod''s theory on snow, which is it should be looked at, but never touched. That includes putting pieces of wood on one''s feet and trying to slide down a hillside on them.......OH NO........I am glad you didn''t hurt yourself worse.

Long day at work, but as you know Monday''s are not workout days, so that was OK. We had a great dinner at favorite Sushi spot #2, then our healthy frozen yogurt treat. It''s funny to see someone try CaliYogurt for the first time. Since it''s a natural yogurt with active cultures, it''s pretty tart and when someone is expecting an icecream type taste, it''s amusing to either see them like it or see their faces scrunch up a little. Most really like it, but some are like, OH NO, none for me thank you very much. But, we would eat it every single day of the week if we could.

Our washing machine died tonight. It''s not even two years old and pffft, it won''t spin. The washer and dryer came brand new with the condo, but we''ve never liked them at all. So, I guess tomorrow, we''re going to have to buy a new washer and dryer as I refuse to pay good money to fix a piece of crap to begin with. We''ll probably just wind up getting the Whilrpool Duet like we had in our house before the condo. We really liked them a lot.

Anyway, that''s the news from our side of the world. Sleep well everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! One day down, 4 to go. When is our next holiday? Ha Ha.
I sure ate light for lunch today. I ordered a ham / swiss cheese 6” wheat sandwich from Subway then remembered right when it showed up I couldn’t eat it because Subway has turkey ham and I can’t eat turkey. Rats. I ate ½ the bun with the piece of cheese. I was so hungry this afternoon I had two 100 calories snacks.
Lorelei, you are so wise knowing that we are more likely to stay on this healthy journey if we like what we eat not just eat something because it’s low cal. Finding the magic mixture of generally smart eating choices and doing exercises you enjoy will make it easier to commit to this lifestyle long term. I am delighted you have found that magic combination that works for you. It is important to focus on how we feel now. Our company asked us to take a health assessment today (optional) and for the first time I decided I would take it because I would probably do fine. I did great. It told me if I lost 25 more pounds that would help improve my overall health and try to exercise more. I didn’t mind either suggestion.
Steph, it sounds like you are at a good spot health wise and I think it’s a great idea to focus on maintaining your healthy lifestyle instead of focusing on what the scale says. I think you are doing great! Leave it to me to find a pan with diamonds, eh? Thanks for the kind words about my new low weight. I am sure you ran more quickly trying to get out of the rain – it’s a good motivator. I will go check out your lasagna recipe; it sounds great.
Kimi, you do so well at eating many wonderful things and maintaining your healthy lifestyle. It’s strange you mentioned being terrified of gaining it back after loosing the weight. The closer I get to a weight where I want to be, the more I think about the hard part of staying there. I do eat very well though and am enjoying the walking and exercise so I am confident I will be fine. I also wish I’d learned moderation and wise food choices as a child but the only relative who set that kind of an example for me was kind of cranky so I never paid any attention to her. I learned to bake as a very young child and quickly found comfort in homemade cookies, brownies and cakes. I still love them but they are a big treat for me now instead of a constant. Thank you for the nice compliment. That is great getting one more day of vacation. I am going to start on my online classes tonight.
Mara, I am glad you agree what what Kimi said about eating food you can’t live on for life. I feel that is one reason I am so successful is that I eat normal, everyday food and it’s usually something I enjoy. Thank you for the congratulations. You have certainly achieved a great balance of eating well and exercising to remain in your happy place. All of you guys are my heroes. I agree it is the fact we think about whether we should eat another truffle that makes a big difference in our lives. We also make concessions later by eating a little less for supper or working out an extra 20 minutes. Sorry to hear Portia is still feeling poorly, I hope the vet can find some meds to help her.
SDL, I like sparkpeople and participate in a few groups. It’s worth your time and can be very helpful.
Sharon, you had a great workout today. It is back to the routine time around here too.
Golden, glad to hear your real estate business has been busy. My mom is on ww and they told her 1 point was about 100 calories. They also allow her to have extra points a week but I don’t remember how many. She’s been on maintenance about 2 years now. Congratulations for being down another pound.
Skippy, thanks for sharing in my excitement. Sorry to hear it was cold and rainy there today. We had sun for awhile which was nice. Enjoy your class tomorrow.
Shortblonde, you sound like mini-Mara today. Have fun at your zumba class.
DeeJay, I’m glad you had the time to get in some exercise. Congrats on negotiating a contract. Yippee!
CrownJewel, your trip sounds terrific! Why is it cheaper to buy a watch in the US? Just curious as hubby wants to go there and buy a watch some day. Woo hoo for not gaining a single pound with all the great food you enjoyed. The ski slopes sound treacherous, sorry to hear you fell and twisted you knee but I am glad it’s better now.
Well, have a great evening! Take care.



Feb 27, 2007
Rod, you are so dedicated and motivated I don’t think you’d have any problems eating pizza and chocolate cake. It’s probably good we keep that fear of our old selves around to keep us honest and always striving to not slip in to our old habits. Sorry to hear your washing machine quit; have fun looking for a new one.


Jun 15, 2006
Good evening all,

Hope everyone had a good Monday.

Dee Jay, I'm so glad you're so busy!

Rod, something tells me you'll never wake up fat again, but having been there I know how you feel. It's scary, and not so fun. But you should be so proud of all you've done, relish in it like I tell Marcy to, it's so fantastic! Pizza, yum! I think people need to do what works for them. If having pizza will send you over the eating edge I'm all for avoiding it completely; if you can have a slice or two, do and enjoy!

Skip, that book creeped me out. It was really well written for a thriller. Glad you enjoyed it.

We had ribs and salad for dinner, so delicious. I'm observing tomorrow and then I have a hair appt. Should be a good day, back to normalcy!


Oct 30, 2002
evening all!

thanks for all the well wishes on princess portia''s behalf. i was going to take a sample into the vet today for her, but then it was like 80% normal this morning so i thought hmmm well lets give it another day or so and see how it goes. maybe the pepto is helping. also my coworker told me her friend''s dog had something similar, not the best bathroom activities for like 2 weeks but normal otherwise then finally whatever it was worked itself out and he was fine again. i felt a little guilty not going into the vet, but seriously most of the time it seems like whenever i go into the vet for her, it''s like they poke her, ask for $50, give me some meds for another $50 and then she''s fine like a day later. OR even better she''s allergic to the meds so i pay another $50 for a non allergic type. LOL. so i have been trying to be better about letting things ride out as long as she eats and drinks and plays normally, then i am trying to kind of let it work it out. so we''ll see...she ate her dinner tonite and we played a bit and my parents said she seemed fine today.

so my trainer was feeling poorly and cancelled earlier today. i forgot my ipod but had my earbuds so i did the elliptical in the work gym listening to TV for 20 minutes and then did a few circuit rounds with jump rope, arm weights/pushups on the ball, and abs.

my new obsession is california cuties...anyone know what those are? they have them at TJ''s in a box and they are these tiny mandarin oranges (actually i think they are called clementine oranges). a box of about 40 is $5.50 at TJ''s and the skin peels off super easily and they are so sweet and yummy. so i got a box yesterday and have been using them as snacks. i really crave fresh fruit in the winter and this is a good way to get a dose a day. esp some vitamin C!

eating today was quite good...yesterday was pretty good as well actually. i feel like i am more in healthy mode rather than cookie mode again. today i had my egg white and 1/2 english muffin breakfast, sugar free oatmeal for snack, then a 6 pack sushi roll thing from whole foods, spicy tuna with brown rice, ate 1/2 the rice. and a seaweed cucumber salad thing. cuties for snack. a luna bar. then for dinner we had the yummy emeril trout and tomato recipe i posted in the healthy came out fab EXCEPT that the trout was so not boneless like the guy told me. so we picked out a few bones which i hate, but other than that we both thought it was really tasty. next time will try with something like a seabass or a halibut. for dessert/snacks i had a few cuties and 2 homemade dark chocolate truffles.

on a fun note, i have not gotten on a scale since before xmas since i was mentally horrified thinking about what it might say considering that i was eating an average of 5 homemade cookies per day, EVERY day for 2 weeks. well i was pleasantly surprised to see that today at the gym, it said i had maintained, actually it said i had lost 1/2 a lb but it can fluctuate so i figure it''s like a wash. so i was very happy to see that...last week i felt SO bloated. but we ate pretty well over the i think i feel more normal now.

time for bed, night all!!


Apr 30, 2005
Just moving Jeff''s post over to this thread - hiya Jeff and good to see you!

Happy Monday everyone.
It was my first day back with my Jujitsu instructor since early December.
The 25 minute boxing workout was energizing and we worked on new Jujitsu
techniques (I won''t go into detail...but if not done correctly could cause problems).
Like Rod, I''ve never felt better. He''s 53. I''m 51. The best part is when I tell people that my "kids"
are 24 and 23. Honestly, it''s so important to stay active, eat healthy, surround yourself with
positive people and get enough sleep. Not that difficult.

Keep up the great work in 2008...see you again soon.



Aug 12, 2005
Date: 1/6/2008 4:56:38 AM
Author: monarch64
Mara, I snuck a quick post onto your WW thread...thanks for the well wishes for daisy, and I hope Princess P is feeling better!
SDL, your recipe was very appealing to me as a veggie, but I have no problems with healthy recipes I can make for DH, bring ''em! And of course WW is great for most people who want to attend meetings, I think it is just a question of personalities and whether you benefit from group meetings like that or you do better with keeping track through a journal of your own or online. You''re like me, I would rather come here and know that I''m accountable without all the hoopla of real life meetings, I think. That is just not fun to me, nor is it motivational, I guess. You''re going to do great, your plan looks wonderful and you seem really committed, plus you''ve been posting here and holding yourself accountable already, which is fab. You''ll be a skinny minnie in no time!
There are a lot of vegetarian type meals on WW, I love so many of the recipes and since they are healthy all the way round the family likes them as well. When I cook like this for the whole family, it keeps me on plan.. I agree with you on the meetings thing. And I guess because we have all talked for so long here about so many subjects, and shared so many life stories here, I just feel connected. Make sense at all? Maybe I''m just silly, but its how I feel. :) I know I''m not good about posting often on this thread, but I do read it nearly every day. :)

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy:
They are the charming gardens who make our souls blossom...
~Marcel Proust~

Of course. Hope you don''t mind me copying and pasting your response from last week. I just wanted to respond and say that whether a recipe incudes meat or not as long as it''s heathy I don''t mind and will probably use it anway since hubby''s a meat eater. Thanks again for your input here...I''m glad you''ve joined the WWT!


Apr 30, 2005
I was thinking about comparing our Husband''s eating habits, mine seems to gravitate towards greasy junk food and I try to help by packing him a lunch, but if he can get away with it, he is scoffing greasy burgers
and other rubbish food. He can lose weight so easily if he puts his mind to it and eats the right things, but I think sometimes he isn''t very good at restricting himself. I know how hard that can be to walk away from eating whatever you want, but I hope in time as I try to set him a good example ( without nagging!) that he will be able to do it too.


Mar 16, 2005
My husband has the easiest time of losing weight. He was a soccer player and got away with eating anything he wanted and never gaining any weight until about a year ago. Then he noticed he had put on a little weight, decided after Christmas to cut out cokes and work out at the gym and boom! 10 pounds off just like unfair
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