
Weekly Workout Thread 4th Sept till 10th Sept

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Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/8/2006 8:16:11 AM
Author: coda72
Well, I didn''t run last night. Hubby persuaded me to take a rest because he''s concerned about my leg. So, I''m going to try and run today after work. Hopefully, it will go well!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Probably a really good thing your hubby did this. You need to let those muscles heal and be nice and fresh for your race. We can''t wait to hear how the race goes. You ROCK Coda!!!


Apr 30, 2005
Coda, what is the date of the race?


Mar 1, 2005
The race is September 17. Only 9 days away!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Coda, you sound fighting fit and ready for it!!


Sep 8, 2004
Oooh- Good luck Coda! We''re rooting for you!


Jun 24, 2005
Hi Everyone!

Lorelei - congrats on being completely nicotine free!!! That is so awesome! I foresee a very healthy & smoke free future for you!

Coda - I''m excited to hear the results of your race. I think you''ll do great!

Mara - I''m a few days late, but girl you are crazy going to KBox class with a foot injury! Oh yeah! I forgot to comment on your Taco Bell splurge the other day...I worked there when I was in high school & I never ate there before. Well, I got hooked during my 1.5 year service. That was terrible - I gained about 15 pounds! I Love TBell so much still - we don''t go that often, but it is mmm, mmm, good!

KimberlyH: Thanks! I hope putting my goals out there will make them seem more "permanent" or something.

Rod: I have to agree with everyone else - you are definitely a valuable asset to the thread!

Dixie: WElcome back - you can get back into the groove - we all need a break sometimes!

TG: 8lbs is awesome! I am really starting to consider doing this detox thing for a week or 2. I wonder what my fi would think of that....

JCJD - although I hate tight hamstrings, that always makes me feel like I''ve gotten the best workout. I wonder why that is??

Alright - I felt bad for not responding to everyone''s successes the other day, so I did today

I didn''t work out last night, but I had the most awesome eating day. I packed all my food to bring with me to work & I didn''t snack on any fo the evil foods we always have lying around (muffins, pretzels, random candy, etc). I had oatmeal for breakfast with peaches and at 1pm when I ate my lunch - I wasn''t really hungry like I usually am. It''s amazing how eating proper foods really keeps you a lot fuller than crappy food. So I don''t feel bad about taking a rest day.

Today I am going to the gym right after work. Since I want to go for my long run tomorrow, I am going to do some very light cardio & then some lifting. I have to be careful with my legs cause I don''t want them to get too sore. But my arms can take the pain

Next week, I want to adjust my gym schedule so I can run Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. I think I will do lifting on Mondays & Wednesdays and plan rest days on Friday & Sunday. If I''m feeling extra motivated, then those 2 days will be super bonuses! We are running in another 5K October 14th & I definitely am not going to have another poor performance like last time. I am hoping the 4 mile long runs will help with my endurance and improve my time. I still have 5 full weeks - that''s a tremendous amount of time for my body to do incredible things!

Well, this is getting quite long, so I''ll wrap it up. Have a great weekend everyone - don''t over-indulge too much!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy Friday Workout Warriers!

I ended up doing school work until after 8pm last night, with a break for workout for me.

Hubby and I decided we''d head to Lake Poway tonight for a 5 mile hike, but I just managed to slip when walking down stairs at an open house (they were travertine stairs, I recommend if you do this in your house to lay down carpet runners) and am in some pain (shoulder, back, both elbows) so I may have to skip it (I have an old back injury from a car accident - I rolled a truck going 95 mph - and I have to be extra careful or else I end up laid out for days at a time). DARN IT! At least nothing is broken, that''s the good news.

I''m making mole casserole for dinner, the carnitas are already in the crock pot. The recipe is from Cooking Light, I''m just altering it a bit because I prefer my meat more tender and that makes the crock pot my best friend.

Hope you''re all having a great work out day.


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Friday from moi, as well............

As most of you know, Friday means it''s a day of rest and Sushi!!! Yeah!!!

We really worked out hard last night. Didn''t leave the gym until well after 9:30 and my shoulders are a bit sore today, so the day of rest is really welcome. Tomorrow, we''re back with our trainer in the morning and that means he''s gonna whoop us hard.

I hope everyone''s planning a fun, but healthy weekend!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/8/2006 1:32:30 PM
Author: *~*Danielle*~*
Hi Everyone!

Lorelei - congrats on being completely nicotine free!!! That is so awesome! I foresee a very healthy & smoke free future for you!

Coda - I''m excited to hear the results of your race. I think you''ll do great!

Mara - I''m a few days late, but girl you are crazy going to KBox class with a foot injury! Oh yeah! I forgot to comment on your Taco Bell splurge the other day...I worked there when I was in high school & I never ate there before. Well, I got hooked during my 1.5 year service. That was terrible - I gained about 15 pounds! I Love TBell so much still - we don''t go that often, but it is mmm, mmm, good!

KimberlyH: Thanks! I hope putting my goals out there will make them seem more ''permanent'' or something.

Rod: I have to agree with everyone else - you are definitely a valuable asset to the thread!

Dixie: WElcome back - you can get back into the groove - we all need a break sometimes!

TG: 8lbs is awesome! I am really starting to consider doing this detox thing for a week or 2. I wonder what my fi would think of that....

JCJD - although I hate tight hamstrings, that always makes me feel like I''ve gotten the best workout. I wonder why that is??

Alright - I felt bad for not responding to everyone''s successes the other day, so I did today

I didn''t work out last night, but I had the most awesome eating day. I packed all my food to bring with me to work & I didn''t snack on any fo the evil foods we always have lying around (muffins, pretzels, random candy, etc). I had oatmeal for breakfast with peaches and at 1pm when I ate my lunch - I wasn''t really hungry like I usually am. It''s amazing how eating proper foods really keeps you a lot fuller than crappy food. So I don''t feel bad about taking a rest day.

Today I am going to the gym right after work. Since I want to go for my long run tomorrow, I am going to do some very light cardio & then some lifting. I have to be careful with my legs cause I don''t want them to get too sore. But my arms can take the pain

Next week, I want to adjust my gym schedule so I can run Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. I think I will do lifting on Mondays & Wednesdays and plan rest days on Friday & Sunday. If I''m feeling extra motivated, then those 2 days will be super bonuses! We are running in another 5K October 14th & I definitely am not going to have another poor performance like last time. I am hoping the 4 mile long runs will help with my endurance and improve my time. I still have 5 full weeks - that''s a tremendous amount of time for my body to do incredible things!

Well, this is getting quite long, so I''ll wrap it up. Have a great weekend everyone - don''t over-indulge too much!
You go Danielle.......Sounds like a well thought out training and aerobic plan! It''s a great balance, which is often lacking from what I often see at the gym. I see the "uber" guys grunting and groaning with their 300 pound weights, but you never see them on a treadmill or elliptical. Then, there are the aerobic junkies, who never train with weights. What you''ve laid out above shows you want to work all your muscle groups and be really healthy aerobically as well. Your heart, lungs and muscles must ADORE you!!!


Sep 8, 2004
Hi everyone!

Danielle - It is weird, I''m the same way. If I''m sore the next day, I''m both sad and glad that I''m hurting.

I''ve been a very good girl this week. I''ve had not one, but 2 pieces of fruit today - a banana with breakfast and a 4 oz. can of pineapple tidbits in juice for a snack. Plus my veggie chili for lunch (OK, with corn chips and cheese!), and I''m feeling healthy!

I just got glasses yesterday for the first time, and I''m feeling a bit ick from it. The main correction is for astigmatism, so my eyes are taking some time to adjust and it''s given me a bit of a headache. As a result, I''m going to put off my workout video until tomorrow morning. That means today I''ve walked to work (20 mins) and will be biking home shortly (5-6 mins biking). I also took the stairs up to the 3rd floor (I''m in the basement) instead of the elevator.

Hopefully I''ll start losing pounds soon. I weighed myself this morning and I''ve GAINED half a pound from last week. Hopefully it''s just muscle weight and I''ll start noticing inch loss instead.

Have a great weekend everyone! Happy exercising!


Oct 30, 2002
everyone is doing wonderfully!!

i didn''t work out yesterday since greg''s sister and her bf came into town...we''ve been kind of eating up a least most of it is seafood. i did have a yummy choco mousse dessert last nite!! i went to the gym tonite and walked 3.75 miles on the hill program and burned 370 calories. so i figure that''s about 1/8 of lunch. hehee. tomorrow morning i''m going to kbox class and then we''re probably eating again!! our guests leave on sunday morning...and i figure we''ll do a 3m walk then, maybe i''ll go to the gym too.

my foot is better now, hehe thanks for all the kudos. it wasn''t THAT painful in retrospect but at the time i was envisioning rivers of blood coming through my shoe or something!! bandaid on the foot is not fun. also come on, i wound my FOOT. why not a cut on my leg or something that i don''t actually have to really USE. hehehe.

anyway hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!


Jun 24, 2005
Hi Everyone!
I just got back from my run! I had planned out a run using the google maps pedometer (it''s really cool, you put in your location & then you can plan out a run by clicking on the places you want to travel. It tells you how far you''ve gone & you can even turn on a calorie counter also).

Well, I planned out a 4 mile route around my neighborhood & the ones close by to us. I made a wrong and got off track. When I got back to my house, I ran around our tiny block (.2 miles) 2x because I didn''t think I went far enough. I retraced my steps when I got back and I ended up doing 3.8 miles (close enough!)

I felt really good the first 20 minutes or so. Then I took a little break & I felt pretty bad the rest of the run
. I am starting to think I shouldn''t take breaks at all because they seem to really ruin the whole thing for me!

I had told my dad I would run in a 5 mile race with him right around Thanksgiving which is part of the reason I am upping my mileage. But I just don''t know if I could really finish in a respectable time yet. I am going to see how I progress throughout September & then decide if I want to run in the race or not. I''d really like to know that I can run a 5K without stopping to walk before I try to go even further distances, but I don''t want to disappoint my dad either

Well, I''m gonna start my weekend now - hope everyone else is doing well!


Apr 19, 2004

With "back to school" begins my routine; the weather still so fine I "marched" two kms outside with my 5 kg pound weights on each leg, cycled on my stationary bike for 1/2 an hour high resistence, and walked-ran without weights for another 1/2 hour. Surprisingly, my quads were sore only on Wed, the rest of the week AOK.

I still plan to enlist the services of the personal trainer at my gym, sometime this month maybe when the weather turns and I end up working out entirely indoors.

Feels good to be back to the routine!



Oct 30, 2002
congrats sharon and danielle!!

i worked out this morning in kbox and even though i drank about 3/4 of a glass of soy milk before to give myself a little protein and fat boost (i also can''t eat right before working out), i was really tired for 1/2 the class. i worked out late last nite at about 9pm so i think i didn''t give my body enough ''rest'' in between the two workouts as my legs were really sore this morning, but unfortunately that''s just the way it is sometimes with scheduling. so i pushed through it and got more of a wind the 2nd half of the class and really tried to ''go to town'' so that i could really make the time count. i feel tired now but glad i went. just had a bowl of cereal and soy milk and coffee for breakfast. tonite we''re having dinner at this really fab steak place so i''m excited about that but hoping greg will share a meal or something with me because i LOVE this place''s wedge salads and i want dessert too...hehee. or maybe he can share the salad and dessert. ehhe.

have a great day everyone!!

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
I''m still here...just took a few days off. Monday is Jujitsu lesson...then to the gym Tues, Thurs, Sat

I''m really proud of everyone. Keep on TRACKin


Jun 15, 2006
I''m reporting in with nothing to tell. My back is still hurting, so I''ve been banned from exercise for a few days. It''s ND football day, hubby bought a junk food lunch so I''m having salad for dinner to balance the bad. Hopefully one more day of rest and I can get back to business as usual.


Apr 30, 2005
Just did the treadmill yesterday as my legs were so sore. We now have a TV and DVD player, so tomorrow when I workout again I can watch my shows!
Day off today.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Danielle and Sharon......You''re doing great!!

Hey Kimberly......I''m sure you''re back will get better soon.

Hey Jeff......Good to hear you''re still there and heading back to the gym.

Hey Mara: Sounds like you made pennance for the foodgasm with SIL and you''re right, back to back workouts can be tough.

Hey Lorelei........Sounds like you''ve got all the entertainment options sorted out in your gym. Now you can enjoy your shows and burn calories to boot. Good going.

We had a good weekend. Sushi Friday as usual. A really tough session with our personal trainer Sat morning. He just pushes us harder than we thought we could be pushed, but he says we''ve made such progress. We got together with two couples from our old neighborhood Sat night and we had a really good time. I was very good at the restaurant and ate good, but healthy fare. Today, we had our Sunday afternoon gym session. And we got our Frozen Yogurt treat after dinner, so all is good with the world!!

Hard to believe it''s almost time for Lorelei to wake up on her side of the world and start a new week''s thread. Where does the time go?

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend. See you in next week''s thread.


Oct 30, 2002
worked out today doing the lizziec bootcamp home version...hehee...about 40 minutes of workout then 5 minutes of cooldown. then we had pizza for dinner, hee hee...but at least i had a bowl of salad too. i''m glad i worked out today. greg went for a run and burned 1000 calories!! so jealous. hehee!

hope we all have a great week next week!!! here''s to lots of workouts and healthy eating !!
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