
Weekly Workout Thread 4th Sept till 10th Sept

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Jun 15, 2006
Oops, I forgot...I ate oatmeal for breakfast, Powerbar for lunch and I have no clue what''s for dinner.

I worked out for 45 mins. on my elliptical.


Jun 24, 2005
Hi Everyone, I have been terrible the past couple of weeks, but I finally made it back to the gym tonight with my fi. I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes & lifted weights for my upper body.

I''ve been keeping up with the thread & all the talk of fruits & veggies last week just made me splurge of $20 worth of fruit at the grocery store!

I liked the goals section from last weeks thread so here are mine:

This week: Go for a long run (for me - 4 miles) on Saturday morning

This month: Get back into the groove with the gym - run 3x a week & lift weights 2x a week. Clean up my diet & hopefully lose a few pounds.

Long term: Lose 15 lbs and really maintain a consistent schedule at the gym. Be able to run 5 miles without stopping to walk

Keep up the good work all!


Jun 15, 2006
Good job returning to the gym, Danielle. Having just gotten married and moving to a new house I know how difficult it is to return to routines we fall out of.

I also like your goals! Good luck to you!


Oct 30, 2002
kudos and welcome back danielle!!!

went to work out goodness i was tired from last nite!! but i pushed through it and felt good about doing it. not working out tomorrow.

made this lemongrass and chili thai stuff tonite and it was really yummy!! it''s basically rice noodles and then a seasoning packet that has things like onion, garlic, lemongrass powder, chili powder etc. then you add your meat or fish and veggies and stir fry it. i added fresh snap peas which i love, and shrimp...and also added a bit of extra noodles because it didn''t seem like they included that much and i didn''t want greg to starve! then i added a bit more chili powder and a lot more garlic powder to help flavor the extra noodles. yum!! served it with lime wedges and cilantro.

the best part is it''s low-fat! now i am trying to decide if i want a parfait or not...hehee. or maybe just a piece of chocolate. anyway hope everyone is having a great night!!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks for the kind words Kimberley

Welcome back Dani!!

Jeff, I choose to do my workouts early in the morning, I find it gets me off to a good start to the day and makes me feel virtuous
Seriously, I do tend to find this suits me best as it is a quieter time of day once I have fed all my monsters, I can leave them munching for a while and I can do my workout. I would be too busy of an evening what with the horses, Husband's dinner and making his lunch for the next day, cleaning the kitchen, cats etc, so I find mornings are best.

Did the usual this morning, 25 mins treadmill and 20 elliptical. Went really well!

By the way Rod, I am off the nicotine gum now and am nicotine free


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 12:26:02 AM
Author: Mara
kudos and welcome back danielle!!!

went to work out goodness i was tired from last nite!! but i pushed through it and felt good about doing it. not working out tomorrow.

made this lemongrass and chili thai stuff tonite and it was really yummy!! it''s basically rice noodles and then a seasoning packet that has things like onion, garlic, lemongrass powder, chili powder etc. then you add your meat or fish and veggies and stir fry it. i added fresh snap peas which i love, and shrimp...and also added a bit of extra noodles because it didn''t seem like they included that much and i didn''t want greg to starve! then i added a bit more chili powder and a lot more garlic powder to help flavor the extra noodles. yum!! served it with lime wedges and cilantro.

the best part is it''s low-fat! now i am trying to decide if i want a parfait or not...hehee. or maybe just a piece of chocolate. anyway hope everyone is having a great night!!
Boy, your recipes sound so wonderful Mara. If you ever get tired of Greg and you decide you want to move to Florida, we have an extra room!!!!

After two days away from the gym, but we still ran Monday and skated Tuesday, we returned to the gym last night. We had a fantastic workout. Maybe being away for more than one day once in a while is not such a bad thing. My muscles had a little more time to rest and I was able to lift more. I was also able to push harder on the elliptical. This time, instead of staying in cardio the entire time. I put the ellitptical in manual, which allowed me to push the level a bit, then back it down if my legs were getting tired. Doing this, I learned I could travel farther and burn more calories, so I''m going to use this method going forward.

I''m afraid my dinner was not so grand. It was Lean Cuisine Spaghetti and Meatballs (280 calories 6 grams of fat) and half a mango for desert.

Happy Thursday Everyone


Mar 1, 2005
I''m a little concerned about my race. I was running great last night, faster than I usually do. When I was on my last mile, all of a sudden my left leg started killing me. I tried to run through the pain, and it just got worse. I was afraid of doing damage, so I stopped and walked the last mile. I''m hoping it was a fluke thing; I never get strong pain like that when I run. When I run tonight, I''m going to take it easy. If the pain comes back, I''m going to stop immediately and rest my leg. I really want to get a few more runs including a long run in before the race, but if I can''t, so be it.

Lorelei, congratulations on being nicotine free!


Dec 28, 2005
Coda, I hope you're able to overcome the pain. You've worked so hard for this and I know you would be so disappointed if you weren't able to finish. Hopefully, you're just pushing too hard. Is your goal to win the race, or complete the race? Believe me, I'm nowhere near your capabilities on the running side. But, I have discovered that if I run for speed, I hurt and poop out too quickly. If I run for distance at a slower pace, I have much less pain and longer stamina. Anyway, for me to offer any advice is like someone who only knows hot to open a can of soup, trying to tell a chef how to bake a pie from scratch...........

I hope all your hard work provides the results you are hoping for. No matter what, you've got our support and admiration for working so hard towards this goal.


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Coda!

I was wondering with your leg, do you have some of those specially fitted running shoes which help you if where you either walk or run on the inside or outside of your foot? Hopefully it was just one of those things and you won''t get a recurrence.


Nov 16, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 5:12:59 AM
Author: Lorelei
Thanks for the kind words Kimberley

Welcome back Dani!!

Jeff, I choose to do my workouts early in the morning, I find it gets me off to a good start to the day and makes me feel virtuous
Seriously, I do tend to find this suits me best as it is a quieter time of day once I have fed all my monsters, I can leave them munching for a while and I can do my workout. I would be too busy of an evening what with the horses, Husband''s dinner and making his lunch for the next day, cleaning the kitchen, cats etc, so I find mornings are best.

Did the usual this morning, 25 mins treadmill and 20 elliptical. Went really well!

By the way Rod, I am off the nicotine gum now and am nicotine free

WOOOHOOOO Lorelei! CONGRATS!! Nicotine free - hope it feels fabulous!!

and double congrats for being able to get up in the morning to work out! that''s something I have ALWAYS struggled with.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 5:12:59 AM
Author: Lorelei
Thanks for the kind words Kimberley

Welcome back Dani!!

Jeff, I choose to do my workouts early in the morning, I find it gets me off to a good start to the day and makes me feel virtuous
Seriously, I do tend to find this suits me best as it is a quieter time of day once I have fed all my monsters, I can leave them munching for a while and I can do my workout. I would be too busy of an evening what with the horses, Husband''s dinner and making his lunch for the next day, cleaning the kitchen, cats etc, so I find mornings are best.

Did the usual this morning, 25 mins treadmill and 20 elliptical. Went really well!

By the way Rod, I am off the nicotine gum now and am nicotine free

Wooo Hoo Lorelei!!!!!!! Sorry I missed this. I''m so proud of you!!!!


Apr 30, 2005
****blush****thanks guys!

Funnily enough, the cravings are much less now I have stopped the nicotine altogether. I think the gum was perpetuating the addiction...It is nice not to be thinking about it so much, I wasn''t craving cigarettes any longer, it was the GUM! But hopefully I am on the right track to becoming chemical free now!

I want to say thanks again for all your encouragement, especially Rod. The support I had from you all has really meant a lot, it wasn''t easy, but I am a fairly determined individual and wasn''t going to let smelly old cigarettes get the better of me

I am sure I couldn''t have quit so easily without working out, I would say to anyone who might be reading this and wants to quit smoking - hit the gym - it really helps the stress and gives you the motivation you need.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 10:26:26 AM
Author: Lorelei
****blush****thanks guys!

Funnily enough, the cravings are much less now I have stopped the nicotine altogether. I think the gum was perpetuating the addiction...It is nice not to be thinking about it so much, I wasn''t craving cigarettes any longer, it was the GUM! But hopefully I am on the right track to becoming chemical free now!

I want to say thanks again for all your encouragement, especially Rod. The support I had from you all has really meant a lot, it wasn''t easy, but I am a fairly determined individual and wasn''t going to let smelly old cigarettes get the better of me

I am sure I couldn''t have quit so easily without working out, I would say to anyone who might be reading this and wants to quit smoking - hit the gym - it really helps the stress and gives you the motivation you need.
I''m so glad I could have been of any encouragement to you my friend!!! And now I know you''ll be around for so many many more years to chat with!!

BTW......your advice above to anyone reading who might be trying to quit is absolutely RIGHT ON!! For me, I replaced the nicotine addiction, with a fitness addiction. Still, I''m addicted to something, but something far more healthy! Again, congratulations Lorelei. You''ve done something so many try to do, but can''t do and you will live to celebrate it!!!


Feb 10, 2006
Hi everyone,
I''ve been absent from the thread the last week or so. Just haven''t had much motivation and probably feeling a little sorry for myself. Anyway, feeling better now although I''ve only worked out once this week and only twice last week. I am planning a workout tonight although my allergies have been terrible lately, including awful headaches and an overwhelming feeling of wanting to just lay down and do nothing. At least now I have a real reason not to workout.
But hopefully w/a little Excedrin, I can get in another workout. I should be able to do 3 this week. My eating''s been ok but lately have been having a lite bagel w/low fat peanut butter for breakfast. I LOVE peanut butter! I do realize it''s pretty unhealthy though and have to get rid of this morning craving. Part of the problem is that I haven''t been grocery shopping in awhile so there''s not much to choose from in the frig.

I am glad to hear of everyone''s continued motivation!

Lorelei, Congratulations of being nicotine free! You are amazing!!!


Mar 1, 2005
Rod, I think 2 things were at work last night. It was getting dark, so I was hurrying to finish my run before it got too dark. I''m not a fan of running in the dark. And I am trying to increase my speed to finish the race strong. I''ve been reading a bit about racing, and if you''re training for a race, you should do some speedwork to help you have a stronger finish. Also, it will make you run better overall. I''ve been doing pretty well with getting my speed up, but I guess I just pushed it a bit far last night.
I''m not trying to win the race, but I''d love to finish in 1 hour , 45 minutes. Last week when I ran 13 miles I did it in 1 hour, 51 minutes, but I wasn''t pushing myself at all. I''d like to push myself a little harder if possible. But if I can''t do it without injuring myself, then I won''t do it.

Lorelei, I tried to buy shoes that correct for what I think is overpronation. I should go to a running store to have them check out my shoes, but I just find it so much more convenient to shop online! The shoes I''m wearing right now haven''t been giving me trouble at all, so I don''t think they are the problem.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 10:35:30 AM
Author: dixie94
Hi everyone,
I''ve been absent from the thread the last week or so. Just haven''t had much motivation and probably feeling a little sorry for myself. Anyway, feeling better now although I''ve only worked out once this week and only twice last week. I am planning a workout tonight although my allergies have been terrible lately, including awful headaches and an overwhelming feeling of wanting to just lay down and do nothing. At least now I have a real reason not to workout.
But hopefully w/a little Excedrin, I can get in another workout. I should be able to do 3 this week. My eating''s been ok but lately have been having a lite bagel w/low fat peanut butter for breakfast. I LOVE peanut butter! I do realize it''s pretty unhealthy though and have to get rid of this morning craving. Part of the problem is that I haven''t been grocery shopping in awhile so there''s not much to choose from in the frig.

I am glad to hear of everyone''s continued motivation!

Lorelei, Congratulations of being nicotine free! You are amazing!!!
Hey Dixie, we all go through down times and occassionally lose our motivation. Sound''s like your Mojo just took a temporary vacation, but is back and ready to go. your comment about peanut butter being bad. Actually, it''s not. It''s an excellent source of protein and can help you fuel a workout. So, eat that lite bagel and smather on the peanut butter with little guilt!!!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Rod and Dixie! It still feels amazing to me that after struggling for all those years I am a non smoker! I too need an addiction of some sort as I am the sort of person who never does anything by halves, but as you say Rod an exercise addiction is a healthy one!

Dixie, we all go through slumps, don''t worry, I am sorry to hear about your allergies, it must be miserable. Try and get a gentle workout in and see if that helps. I have had sinus trouble this week, when the weather is wet and windy it triggers it for me, but generally some cardio helps it a bit.


Dec 29, 2004
Coda, wow...1 hr 52 minutes...that is a great time! I am a slow runner, and I think it took me like 2 hours 20 minutes. I''m not sure my pace would have been any faster if I ran only the half (you tend to pace yourself more when you run a full) but I doubt it. I just think I''m a turtle. Anyway, you will be fine...your training will kick in, as well as the adrenaline rush.

Lorelei...Nicotine free...WHOO HOO, you go girl. That is just awesome. We are all very proud of you!

Well, I have some news today too...I weighed in at 134 even today! Funny...I have been on the detox thing since Tuesday and minus 4 tortilla chips, I have not cheated. Only fruits, veg and tofu. I''ll have to see if that had anything to do with it. My FI went on a fruit detox a couple of months ago and lost about 5 pounds in a week. A lot must be water, but he has managed to only gain a couple of pounds back. I am sitting here wearing pants that were too tight a month ago! I think I have lost 8 pounds since I''ve started this thread (I started being serious about watching weight and exercising in the beginning of July.) 8 pounds is definitely noticeable on me.


Oct 30, 2002
rod is right about the PB *but* if you are not working out then don't eat too much of it. i love it too on a toasted bagel but it just bugged me that it was so full of fat, even healthy fat. kind of like smoked salmon on a bagel which i love but i only allow myself once every 2 weeks or so because i just can't get over that it's STILL fat. and if i am not working out that day or whatever and don't need all that healthy fat and protein then why eat it. maybe the PB and bagel can be a reward for doing a workout? sometimes i can get more motivated that way when i know i am allowing myself something really yummy but it has to be 'won' first. i have found that mental games can go a long way in terms of workout motivation OR getting to you that next level in your mind kind of thing.

it's tough but you know what has motivated me so much lately? seeing that what i was doing *was not enough* and realizing that i was dedicating a fair amount of time to eating right and working out and it was still not seemingly doing tons. but then i added that extra 2 workouts and kicked it up a notch and since then i have seen a ton of changes. i think seeing changes in your body or your spirit or whatever totally can help motivation. if you are at a plateau right now, just push through it! if you can, most likely there are positives waiting for you around the other bend. also i definitely have learned that just because i can't SEE results doesn't mean things are happening inside my body. AND i know i'm doing what's great for it and that it's healthy. and that is a reward in and of itself for me. anyway i know i sound like some funky motivational broken record but maybe it helps.

coda, i wanted to say to you....i don't know if i mentioned this before but my dad does runs and races all the time...he's doing a 10k in the next few weeks and another one in october. he's done half marathons, marathons etc. some days you just don't have a good run. some races you just don't have a good race. i know you have put a TON of effort into this upcoming race and you have these mental goals and i think it's great that you have progressed as you have and are so motivated!! but the one thing i wanted to say is aware you COULD have a bad day on the race day. your leg could start hurting, or you could get a stitch or you could get lightheaded. lots of things could happen. things like this have happened to my dad many times in the 30+ years he has been a runner. sometimes we have gone to the race and when he finishes he is really unhappy because he had to walk part of it or he got a pain and had to do stretches or whatever. it can mess up your mojo. anyhow, i don't want to be a downer because i surely hope you do have a wonderful race day and that it all goes as you plan!!! you definitely have enough passion and motivation for it. but just know that sometimes things out of your control DO happen and your body can be tempermental at if you don't make all the goals for the race the way you hoped, it's still really amazing that you are doing this!!!! i tell my dad that too when he has a bad race or run or day. just the fact that he's out there every time is amazing to me.

anyway lol rod about the extra room, florida might sound mighty nice in the wintertime..hehee. i have been cooking way more than i used to in the last 4-5 months...i think partially because i like making things that i know what is going into them rather than getting take out and having to guess on nutritional values and calories. also cooking light has some AMAZING recipes!!! really. i mean who knew you could make yummy tasting low-fat mashed potatoes?? and still using real butter!!

congrats lorelei!!!!! you are amazing for being able to quit and quitting the gum too. woo hoo for you!!!

oh and i wanted to throw this out here since i know only my crazy workout nut PS pals can understand. last nite i took portia out to the park to play before class. on the way back in to change etc, i closed the inner garage door to the house, and my foot was too close to the edge of the door and it scraped the right side of my right foot. some of the metal on the edge there is kinda sharp. anyway, it hurt like the DEVIL and it took a few minutes but it started to bleed pretty heavily. this is 25 minutes before my class. i'm thinking, okay no way do i want to put my workout shoe over onto this wound, it's killing me BUT i also don't want to miss my workout!! so being the trooper i am, i go upstairs, put neosporin on, put a bandaid on (the blood was flowing pretty freely at this point to my chagrin!)...and then limped around getting ready. in the car i put a folded padded tissue between the bandaid and my sock and then my shoe over it. it felt really tight but i also figured that would help stop the blood flow. i worked out, it was really hard to act normally but i didn't want to favor my left leg or anything and i was worried about the blood coming through my shoe...and it was painful at times. BUT it stopped bleeding and i finished my workout and was really happy i pushed through it!!! i could have easily said oh i'll just stay home. talk about motivation!!!!
but i knew ROD would make himself go to the gym. hehee. so i figured well i can do this, it's just a cut foot!! no biggie.

and yay TG for losing 8 lbs total so far!!! what were you before doing the detox, i didn't follow exactly? i am going to the gym on friday so i will weigh myself then, hopefully i didnt gain back any of the 5 lbs i lost last week...and it'd be nice if i lose a few more but i'd be just happy to not gain!! hehe. it will be interesting to see how my body reacts now off detox and also when i do it again in a few weeks if i see more changes.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 9/7/2006 11:59:34 AM
Author: Mara
oh and i wanted to throw this out here since i know only my crazy workout nut PS pals can understand. last nite i took portia out to the park to play before class. on the way back in to change etc, i closed the inner garage door to the house, and my foot was too close to the edge of the door and it scraped the right side of my right foot. some of the metal on the edge there is kinda sharp. anyway, it hurt like the DEVIL and it took a few minutes but it started to bleed pretty heavily. this is 25 minutes before my class. i''m thinking, okay no way do i want to put my workout shoe over onto this wound, it''s killing me BUT i also don''t want to miss my workout!! so being the trooper i am, i go upstairs, put neosporin on, put a bandaid on (the blood was flowing pretty freely at this point to my chagrin!)...and then limped around getting ready. in the car i put a folded padded tissue between the bandaid and my sock and then my shoe over it. it felt really tight but i also figured that would help stop the blood flow. i worked out, it was really hard to act normally but i didn''t want to favor my left leg or anything and i was worried about the blood coming through my shoe...and it was painful at times. BUT it stopped bleeding and i finished my workout and was really happy i pushed through it!!! i could have easily said oh i''ll just stay home. talk about motivation!!!!
but i knew ROD would make himself go to the gym. hehee. so i figured well i can do this, it''s just a cut foot!! no biggie.
LOL...for some reason as I read this, Month Python''s "It''s just a flesh wound" went through my head.

Good for you Mara!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 11:59:34 AM
Author: Mara
rod is right about the PB *but* if you are not working out then don''t eat too much of it. i love it too on a toasted bagel but it just bugged me that it was so full of fat, even healthy fat. kind of like smoked salmon on a bagel which i love but i only allow myself once every 2 weeks or so because i just can''t get over that it''s STILL fat. and if i am not working out that day or whatever and don''t need all that healthy fat and protein then why eat it. maybe the PB and bagel can be a reward for doing a workout? sometimes i can get more motivated that way when i know i am allowing myself something really yummy but it has to be ''won'' first. i have found that mental games can go a long way in terms of workout motivation OR getting to you that next level in your mind kind of thing.

it''s tough but you know what has motivated me so much lately? seeing that what i was doing *was not enough* and realizing that i was dedicating a fair amount of time to eating right and working out and it was still not seemingly doing tons. but then i added that extra 2 workouts and kicked it up a notch and since then i have seen a ton of changes. i think seeing changes in your body or your spirit or whatever totally can help motivation. if you are at a plateau right now, just push through it! if you can, most likely there are positives waiting for you around the other bend. also i definitely have learned that just because i can''t SEE results doesn''t mean things are happening inside my body. AND i know i''m doing what''s great for it and that it''s healthy. and that is a reward in and of itself for me. anyway i know i sound like some funky motivational broken record but maybe it helps.

coda, i wanted to say to you....i don''t know if i mentioned this before but my dad does runs and races all the time...he''s doing a 10k in the next few weeks and another one in october. he''s done half marathons, marathons etc. some days you just don''t have a good run. some races you just don''t have a good race. i know you have put a TON of effort into this upcoming race and you have these mental goals and i think it''s great that you have progressed as you have and are so motivated!! but the one thing i wanted to say is aware you COULD have a bad day on the race day. your leg could start hurting, or you could get a stitch or you could get lightheaded. lots of things could happen. things like this have happened to my dad many times in the 30+ years he has been a runner. sometimes we have gone to the race and when he finishes he is really unhappy because he had to walk part of it or he got a pain and had to do stretches or whatever. it can mess up your mojo. anyhow, i don''t want to be a downer because i surely hope you do have a wonderful race day and that it all goes as you plan!!! you definitely have enough passion and motivation for it. but just know that sometimes things out of your control DO happen and your body can be tempermental at if you don''t make all the goals for the race the way you hoped, it''s still really amazing that you are doing this!!!! i tell my dad that too when he has a bad race or run or day. just the fact that he''s out there every time is amazing to me.

anyway lol rod about the extra room, florida might sound mighty nice in the wintertime..hehee. i have been cooking way more than i used to in the last 4-5 months...i think partially because i like making things that i know what is going into them rather than getting take out and having to guess on nutritional values and calories. also cooking light has some AMAZING recipes!!! really. i mean who knew you could make yummy tasting low-fat mashed potatoes?? and still using real butter!!

congrats lorelei!!!!! you are amazing for being able to quit and quitting the gum too. woo hoo for you!!!

oh and i wanted to throw this out here since i know only my crazy workout nut PS pals can understand. last nite i took portia out to the park to play before class. on the way back in to change etc, i closed the inner garage door to the house, and my foot was too close to the edge of the door and it scraped the right side of my right foot. some of the metal on the edge there is kinda sharp. anyway, it hurt like the DEVIL and it took a few minutes but it started to bleed pretty heavily. this is 25 minutes before my class. i''m thinking, okay no way do i want to put my workout shoe over onto this wound, it''s killing me BUT i also don''t want to miss my workout!! so being the trooper i am, i go upstairs, put neosporin on, put a bandaid on (the blood was flowing pretty freely at this point to my chagrin!)...and then limped around getting ready. in the car i put a folded padded tissue between the bandaid and my sock and then my shoe over it. it felt really tight but i also figured that would help stop the blood flow. i worked out, it was really hard to act normally but i didn''t want to favor my left leg or anything and i was worried about the blood coming through my shoe...and it was painful at times. BUT it stopped bleeding and i finished my workout and was really happy i pushed through it!!! i could have easily said oh i''ll just stay home. talk about motivation!!!!
but i knew ROD would make himself go to the gym. hehee. so i figured well i can do this, it''s just a cut foot!! no biggie.

and yay TG for losing 8 lbs total so far!!! what were you before doing the detox, i didn''t follow exactly? i am going to the gym on friday so i will weigh myself then, hopefully i didnt gain back any of the 5 lbs i lost last week...and it''d be nice if i lose a few more but i''d be just happy to not gain!! hehe. it will be interesting to see how my body reacts now off detox and also when i do it again in a few weeks if i see more changes.
Not only are you my food inspiration, you are officially my HERO!! That took a lot of courage to put a bandaid on a foot that was bleeding profusely and do your workout anyway. WOW!! Something similar happened to me a couple of months ago. I actually shaved my upper lip. Who knew it wouldn''t stop bleeding? So, there I was at the gym, with a bandaid on my lip, but it wouldn''t stay in place. So, I had to keep putting a tissue on my lip, but it kept falling off too. So, blood was dripping down my face, but I refused to let it stop me. I sure did get a lot of strange looks from that workout.

I''ve since cut my lip a couple of times (I used to wear a mustache, but it''s getting gray and well, you get the idea, it''s gone from my face) and I''ve discovered Liquid Bandaid. It really works.


Mar 1, 2005
Mara, thanks for the advice. I''ve run in some races, although not as many as your Dad, so I do know things can happen. I can run through most pain, but I can''t run through what I experienced last night, and that''s what scares me. I could barely walk it hurt so badly. I think if that happens during the race I will just drop out. But I''m hoping that was a fluke thing that won''t happen again.

I remember when I ran a 10 mile race I had a cramp in my shoulder from mile 2 all the way to the end, but I pushed through and somehow ignored it, and I finished in a decent time. The very first race I ever ran, I started out too quickly the first mile and had to stop and walk the last mile. I was pretty humiliated by that, especially since my college roommate was there at the finish line and I had to walk. We were also competitive with each other (although not in running), so it was especially humiliating. Since that race, I told myself I would never walk a race again, and I haven''t . I think since I have started training so hard for this race, that some muscle in my legs has hurt every day. I just take it as it''s a part of training and ignore it. But that sharp pain I couldn''t ignore. But enough, on that.

TG, I don''t really consider myself a slow runner, but more of a fast jogger! Thanks for the encouragement.


Sep 8, 2004
My yoga workout yesterday REALLY kicked my booty - my shoulders and arms are so sore, and my hamstrings are really tight!
Today, I biked to work and just got back from teaching lab, so I feel like I got another good workout running around the lab in high heels
I''ll be walking home this afternoon as well.

I lent my favorite cookbook to a friend a few months ago and got it back not too long ago, so I''m rediscovering all my favorite recipes from it. Right now I''m munching on an apple and pineapple salad with nonfat yogurt dressing and raisins - Yummy! And vegetarian chili tonight for dinner!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 12:42:13 PM
Author: coda72
Mara, thanks for the advice. I''ve run in some races, although not as many as your Dad, so I do know things can happen. I can run through most pain, but I can''t run through what I experienced last night, and that''s what scares me. I could barely walk it hurt so badly. I think if that happens during the race I will just drop out. But I''m hoping that was a fluke thing that won''t happen again.

I remember when I ran a 10 mile race I had a cramp in my shoulder from mile 2 all the way to the end, but I pushed through and somehow ignored it, and I finished in a decent time. The very first race I ever ran, I started out too quickly the first mile and had to stop and walk the last mile. I was pretty humiliated by that, especially since my college roommate was there at the finish line and I had to walk. We were also competitive with each other (although not in running), so it was especially humiliating. Since that race, I told myself I would never walk a race again, and I haven''t . I think since I have started training so hard for this race, that some muscle in my legs has hurt every day. I just take it as it''s a part of training and ignore it. But that sharp pain I couldn''t ignore. But enough, on that.

TG, I don''t really consider myself a slow runner, but more of a fast jogger! Thanks for the encouragement.
Just know that your friends here on the fitness thread think you''re AMAZING and we all applaud you for working so hard on this.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 12:01:39 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 9/7/2006 11:59:34 AM
Author: Mara
oh and i wanted to throw this out here since i know only my crazy workout nut PS pals can understand. last nite i took portia out to the park to play before class. on the way back in to change etc, i closed the inner garage door to the house, and my foot was too close to the edge of the door and it scraped the right side of my right foot. some of the metal on the edge there is kinda sharp. anyway, it hurt like the DEVIL and it took a few minutes but it started to bleed pretty heavily. this is 25 minutes before my class. i''m thinking, okay no way do i want to put my workout shoe over onto this wound, it''s killing me BUT i also don''t want to miss my workout!! so being the trooper i am, i go upstairs, put neosporin on, put a bandaid on (the blood was flowing pretty freely at this point to my chagrin!)...and then limped around getting ready. in the car i put a folded padded tissue between the bandaid and my sock and then my shoe over it. it felt really tight but i also figured that would help stop the blood flow. i worked out, it was really hard to act normally but i didn''t want to favor my left leg or anything and i was worried about the blood coming through my shoe...and it was painful at times. BUT it stopped bleeding and i finished my workout and was really happy i pushed through it!!! i could have easily said oh i''ll just stay home. talk about motivation!!!!
but i knew ROD would make himself go to the gym. hehee. so i figured well i can do this, it''s just a cut foot!! no biggie.
LOL...for some reason as I read this, Month Python''s ''It''s just a flesh wound'' went through my head.

Good for you Mara!


Jun 15, 2006
Way to go, Lorelei! Being nicotine free is a tough go, especially in the beginning! I quit smoking after 10 years, at least 1/2 a pack a day, at most 1 and a 1/2 packs a day. Now hubby and I had just started dating and he HATES smoking...he enticed me with a trip to Hawaii if I could last 6 months without smoking. It was 2 years on August 4 and I am so glad I did it. I totally empapthize with you...and am so proud and happy for you. Your lungs are proud of you too!

No exercise today...too much school work. It''s finally cool though, so maybe a walk after dinner. We''re having pesto and fruit salad.

Mara mentioned Cooking Light. I have a subscription and just bought their recipe book and I LOVE IT. Hubby isn''t too big on health food and he''s enjoyed almost everything I make from there. I made Italian meatloaf, their recipe, the other night and hubby said it''s the best he''s ever had. They don''t forgo flavor to be low fat and a lot of it is good enough to serve to guests. Weight Watchers blew it in that respect. Their recipes and cookbooks just never hit the mark for me. I love garlic and spicy foods and somehow they missed the mark, at least when I was in their program. It felt to diet-like, not real life enough, cuz let''s face it food is good and we all enjoy eating.



Oct 21, 2004
Congrats on taking things to the next level Lorelei!!!
You are winning the war!

Mara, you are seriously amazing to push through with your workout after receiving that wound! Everytime I read your posts, I feel your energy!

Rod, you have added so much to this thread and I want to say thanks! I don''t post often but I do read and absorb! I love how everyone here is so supportive and informative.


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks again everyone for the encouragement on my quitting nicotine journey! I have been smoke free for almost 6 weeks now! Well done to you too Kimberley, it is a tough road and I had to do some realy soulsearching and break out of the " lying mindset to justify smoking" - you wouldn't believe some of the pathetic excuses I used to have to smoke. I realized what BS it was and realized my battle was far more mental than physical. They say that nicotine is a tougher addiction to beat than heroin, that sounds terrible but gives the non smoker an idea of how hard it can be.

Heather I totally agree that Rod adds so much to this thread, he is a real asset to it! Also Mara too, you can feel her energy and enthusiasm, which helps us get off our backsides and workout too!

Did the usual this morning, then boredom set in BIGTIME on the elliptical. But we will be getting our TV stand and things to mount it in our little gym with the DVD player, then I will have my Little House on the Prairie DVD's and I won't be bored any longer!

Coda, I was thinking of you last night and wondering what it must be like to run 13 miles, I can't run well at all, never could. Congrats to you!

I hope Jeff's gym sessions are going well!


Mar 1, 2005
Well, I didn''t run last night. Hubby persuaded me to take a rest because he''s concerned about my leg. So, I''m going to try and run today after work. Hopefully, it will go well!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/7/2006 11:46:10 PM
Author: hlmr
Congrats on taking things to the next level Lorelei!!!
You are winning the war!

Mara, you are seriously amazing to push through with your workout after receiving that wound! Everytime I read your posts, I feel your energy!

Rod, you have added so much to this thread and I want to say thanks! I don''t post often but I do read and absorb! I love how everyone here is so supportive and informative.
Thank you SO MUCH!!! This thread means the world to me. I can''t wait to get up and see what everyone''s doing for their health and I truly believe we are all helping each other to live fuller healthier lives!!! It''s great having you here as well!
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