
Weekly Workout Thread 4th Sept till 10th Sept

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Apr 30, 2005
Good morning all!

Had a great weekend and our little gym is finished
It looks really good so as it is a 4 day weekend we are both off to test it out shortly!

Yesterday we had to buy a new music system for it, as the other one which we bought in ''97 finally got confused and ate our CD''s and would longer work.
I will miss it.....

So we bought a nice new one, but I bought what I thought was a nice disco compilation to go with it by a certain company who sells very cheap things who have been around a few years.....Anyway, I put the CD on to be greeted with the sound of Mary Hopkins singing " Those Were The Days....."
Where was my disco???
I guess the company put the wrong printing and songs on the wrong CD....Remind me never to purchase from them again.

But I digress.....Great job Mara 5 WHOLE POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully mine will start shifting soon, but I had a Baskin Robbins triple scoop sundae yesterday with RR, Jamoca almond fudge and pistachio, hot fudge sauce, cream , nuts and cherries

Off now to do some damage control!

Have a great week everyone


Apr 30, 2005
Wow, everyone must be having a great holiday, no one is checking in.....


Oct 30, 2002
haha lorelei, oh my !!! i would be feeling really guilty! hehee. i eat one scoop of BR and all i can think of is the nutritional info chart on the website, hehee. but yes it''s YUMMY. love BR.

so yesterday we walked over to this new local burrito place, it''s about a mile each way, so we walked over, picked up our burritos (which felt like they weighed 5 lbs total) and walked home. so i got my 2m walk in which was good.

today i had a wheat toasted bagel 1/2 with lowfat cream cheese (i swear i can''t taste a diff so i always get it) with salmon lox on it...yum..onions and capers. i only ate 1/2 the bagel and i''m saving the other 1/2 for ''lunch'' in a few hours. i''m going to do lizzie''s bootcamp cardio workout again today from home so i''ll do that in about an hour or so...then i have to start making stuff for the family BBQ we''re going to later.

i found a few recipes that look promising for low-fat banana bread using low-fat milk, whole wheat flour, applesauce and cinammon and i have been craving it lately so i figure why not. i''m not using nuts or anything. i just want something that turns out moist and banana-y tasting so hopefully one of these recipes, or an adaptation of both will work out.

i am also trying something new today for my famous artichoke family LOVES it and i love it too but it''s super unhealthy!! it has basically about 1c each of parm cheese, mayonnaise, and sour cream, mixed with artichoke hearts, garlic and pimento and then warmed for an hour in the crockpot. it turns into a yummy gooey mess...but i can''t get over how bad it is for me. anyway, i have already adapted it to use lowfat sour cream (which we always use anyway, this is another dairy product that i cannot taste the difference at all with real so why bother using real)...and everyone still loved it and asks for it. SO now this time i am going to try using nayannaise, the soy substitute for mayonnaise that i picked up a while ago at whole foods. i was going to mix part real mayo part nayo but i forgot to get a new real mayo so just nayonnaise it is!!! i am hoping that since it will be mixed with sour cream and parm and other stuff and heated that it will not be THAT noticeable. to me mayo just takes on the flavors of what it is mixed with really. so i am not going to tell anyone that i changed it and if everyone still raves about it, it will be a success!!! and much the parm is not a bad cheese to use actually. fairly low-fat. i serve it with organic blue corn chips which taste a little more ''corn'' like than regular which i like.

thanks for the congrats, i am super happy with the 5 lbs loss!! now just 5 more and i''m golden. in terms of what i am sticking with from last week''s detox, i still have been using vanilla soymilk in my coffee, no sugar. also i am going to eat kashi honey puffed cereal pretty consistently now...with fruit in the mornings. it''ll be a change from the high fiber protein ones i was consuming, those also have a lot of calories and now i am feeling like i don''t really need THAT much fiber and protein in the mornings when i am not even working out. also i am going to try to make us a fresh veggie meal at least once a week, if not twice. and try to incorporate more fruit snacks instead of granola bars and stuff. i really loved eating a bunch of fruit last week! i think i ate an average of 2 nectarines a day and 2 bananas a day and had an apple every other day or so. everything is really sweet right now too.

anyway happy labor day all....make it count!! gotta love the extra day off!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Lorelei, it's labor day here, so yes, we're all probably having cookouts and eating ourselves into oblivion. Glad to hear your home gym has worked out so well. I thought of you yesterday. We saw the Bodies Exibit. It was the last weekend, so everyone else in Tampa also wanted to see it. The wait was over 2 hours long just to get to the inside line that snaked around. The exibit itself was mind boggling. So amazing to see whole human bodies perfectly presserved. The smoker's lung's were as black as coal and quite small in comparison to a healthy lung. It sure made me glad that I quit (exactly 13 months ago this weekend) and I am grateful that you and your husband have quit as well. I hope this exibit helps more people quit. It was so disappointing to see so many healthy young people in line for an exibit like this, who had to keep stepping out of line and smoke cigarettes. Apparently, anti-smoking education isn't making the impact on our young that it should. Anyway, I thought of you and how your lungs are already beginning to heal themselves and that's such a good thing.

Hey Mara, with the fabulous weight loss. You go girl. The scale still won't budge an ounce for me, but I won't let it get me down. Thanks for making me feel better about the chocolate the other night. But remember, I didn't just have chocolate, I had also just had half a scone and a medium popcorn, of which every kernel was eaten! I'll bet you look terrific in your high school prom dress. I don't have any clothes from my prom era, but that was 1973, and it's a good thing those clothes are long gone. Besides, I'm much smaller today than I was in 1973.

So, we did work out hard this weekend. But today, instead of the gym, we ran 4 miles, some of it faster than we wanted to. It was nice and sunny when we started our run, but thunderstorms started to grow after we hit the 2 mile mark, so we stopped at a water fountain, had a good gulp of water and ran home as fast as we could. It was simply amazing that I could run a full two miles really fast and not die. I'm really happy with my aerobic capabilities of late.

And Mara, on the closet redo, we wound up going through t-shirts. Not sure why, but I was still holding onto about 25 Large t-shirts which are now in the Salvation Army pile for donation. So, I would up treating myself to a couple new really cool tighter fitting mediums this afternoon. And I bought them at a store that caters to fitter bodies, and for the first time in my life, I didn't look like a total dork trying them on. I guess all this working out has really done good things for my health and my pride!

I hope everyone enjoyed a very safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.


Oct 30, 2002
well today was a hodgepodge of eating...i'm sure i blew my caloric intake way out of the water but oh well. it was labor day!! and tomorrow i'm back on it and working out again. i did lizzie's bootcamp workout today so at least i was active!!

i was checking out MSN health tonite randomly and came across this article and found this particular tidbit rather interesting re: portions and the food we typically so mindlessly eat at restaurants:

"Controlling portion size is absolutely essential to weight loss. And the best way to control portion size is to limit how often you eat out. According to the Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, a single restaurant meal often could feed an entire family. A pasta dish at an Italian restaurant might include eight 1-cup servings. A rib dish might have a pound of meat—more than five servings. A side of fries might include 70 of the little devils, which is seven servings. And a nut-filled cinnamon bun in a mall food court could total 1,100 calories—more than half the calorie intake on a typical weight-loss diet."

Article: 8 reasons why you are still fat (ouch!!):

I found this interesting, because it's along the same lines of what I had mentioned to MMM in another thread about how she lost 8 lbs on SB diet last week.

It's amazing what we can eat when we go out and we don't even think about it. I know *I* adore fries, so yes when I eat them, I don't just eat just 10! (unless I am at home making the oven baked ones and then I probably do eat about 12 because I KNOW what the portions are). And how many times have we all gotten the pasta dish out at a fab Italian place and eaten half of it, taken half home? Thinking we are being good by doing that, but in reality probably 1/4 of it (or 1/8) is a regular portion!

Anyway just some interesting info!! I definitely have become more conscious about what I eat when we go out, we eat out a fair amount, esp on weekends...but I figure as long as I am educated about what I am putting in my mouth, nothing can 'sneak' up on me! hopefully anyway!


Apr 30, 2005
Interesting link Mara, the advice on fat burning and effective cardio was very helpful, looks like we are all on the right track

I did 25 mins on the treadmill, on an incline of between 8 and 15% at a speed of 6.5 mph average, and that was hard work! Still I was sweating like mad and feeling smug at all the calories I must have burned! Then I did 25 mins on the elliptical on a tough hill programme. I notice I can work much harder now to get my heart rate up which I am sure is helped by not smoking.

The non smoking is getting easier still, I no longer crave or even think of cigarettes much, but I am addicted to chewing gum...I am almost off the nicotine gum now and have replaced most of that with ordinary gum. So I am really pleased to be free finally of cigarettes. I can feel all these positive changes in my body now, I can work out much harder and I never get puffed or winded now, I feel cleaner and generally better.

PS - I would have loved to see that exhibition Rod, things like that fascinate me. You are right, somehow the message isn't getting through to some young people - I really don't know what the answer is not only to stop them smoking but to prevent them from starting in the first place...

PPS- Hubby has agreed with my request to install a TV and DVD player in our little 'gym' so I can watch my Little House on the Prairie and Brady Bunch DVD's while I exercise...


Mar 1, 2005
Well, I''ve been bad with the workouts. I haven''t worked out since Thursday. Admittedly, the weather hasn''t been cooperating, so I wasn''t able to do any outdoor runs. But I did run my 13 miles on Thursday, and it went pretty well. That''s the farthest I''ve ever run, and it was rough towards the end. I''m pretty happy with myself though because I did it in less than 2 hours, and that was my goal for the race. I think I''ll do ok on race day which is only 12 days away!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Apr 30, 2005
I missed you Coda

Sounds like you are ready for the big race now, great job!


Oct 21, 2004
Well, my son is back to school and I am back to taking better care of myself. I have been really watching my calories the past few days and focusing on healthy foods. I am off for a walk soon and I have started doing some squats everyday as well. I hope to incorporate squats and push-up/sit-ups into my daily routine and if I get really brave, perhaps I will attempt Mara''s jumping jacks as well! Heehee!

You are all so inspirational and I know it helps me to read of your success stories and daily exercise/food choices.

Have a great week everyone!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 9/5/2006 8:52:39 AM
Author: hlmr
Well, my son is back to school and I am back to taking better care of myself. I have been really watching my calories the past few days and focusing on healthy foods. I am off for a walk soon and I have started doing some squats everyday as well. I hope to incorporate squats and push-up/sit-ups into my daily routine and if I get really brave, perhaps I will attempt Mara''s jumping jacks as well! Heehee!

You are all so inspirational and I know it helps me to read of your success stories and daily exercise/food choices.

Have a great week everyone!

I agree - I really think that is why this thread has grown and become so popular, is that feeling of camaraderie we have and the encouragement and motivation we share. Fitness and weight management can be a hard road at times and it does help to know there are other like minded souls out there to share this with!


Nov 16, 2005
Hey guys! I was kind of out of the loop last week but back in now!!

We did an awesome hike on Saturday -- went for just over 2 hours -- estimated 4.5-5 miles. We kind of just go to the park and take one of the intermediate/advanced trails and see where it takes us. Hike till we are to tired to go on and then head back to the parking lot. We used to clock in at about an hour or so and now we are up to 2 hours. Pretty good progress! We even jogged up a couple of the hills!

Ran around doing errands on Sunday and was cleaning / doing school work yesterday.

My goal for the week: Get over to the last gym on my list and see if I like it

hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!


Jun 15, 2006
Okay, ladies and gents, I''m here and ready to get back into action...I got on the scale last night and have gained 4 lbs since coming home from our honeymoon...some of it is water weight and bloat, but the rest of it is me just not being disciplined and working out. Since coming home from our honeymoon I have gone on 1 sixteen mile walk as training for the BC3Day and one round on my elliptical, until this morning.

Today I did 45 minutes on my elliptical and lifted weights. I am going to return to my power bar lunches, just because I feel better when that''s what i eat (I''ve been having cheese and crackers, not so good!). I''m still eating my oatmeal for breakfast and dinner is usually a recipe from Cooking Light.

Moving in with hubby has made this whole weight control thing difficult. He is a late night snacker, but doesn''t ever gain weight because he is regimented in his snacking. He keeps chips and miniature candy bars on hand at all times. I gorge on the crap. I''ve been doing alright avoiding it (haven''t touched the chips once) or just eating a little bit (one peppermint patty) but that adds up and I need to watch myself.

Anyways, I''m back on the bandwagon. Happy week!


Oct 30, 2002
welcome kimberly!

okay so today i am going to be bad BUT it's a conscious bad. i used to LOVE taco bell but i haven't had it in a really long time, aka 9 months if not longer...and i told myself that the next time i had a craving i would give into it so i wouldn't keep thinking about it. so that day is TODAY. i am totally craving the beef in their burritos.

anyway i printed off the nutritional info and i am going to have a beef burrito supreme with no sour cream and a regular taco. so it puts my lunch at 560 calories which is a bit much for me typically, i have about 350-400 most days, but i figure i have to do it or else i will just obsess on it. TB is totally my only fast food weakness, gross i know!!

so i AM working out tonite and if i do taco bell i am going to also take P around for a 1m walk to at least burn off another 75 calories or so, AND i will do my 200 jumping jacks after workout tonite to burn off another 60. i figure whatever i do counts!! kind of like you rod with your chocolate square and scone etc!

for dinner tonite i think we are just going to do a casual turkey chili night, so that will keep me under my daily caloric intake anyway and it's only a few grams of fat so it will hopefully balance out the TB. hehee. in my dreams maybe?!?!?

hope everyone else is doing well OR if you are being bad like me, at least make it a conscious thing!!


Dec 28, 2005
I also welcome you Kimberly!

See how we have to rationalize our little indulgences Mara? I''m afraid the only fast food habit I used to have was Popeye''s Spicy Fried chicken. Man I loved that chcken from Popeyes!! We drive past one often, but I haven''t had anything Popeyes in over a year. I wonder if I would enjoy it as much as I used to, or would I just feel so damn guilty for indulging that I wouldn''t get any enjoyment from it. You''ll have to let us know how your TB foray is for you. Will Mara truly enjoy her burrito, or will she feel guilty for giving in? Tune in tonight and she''ll let us know!!

We''re (gasp) not working out tonight. For me, I pushed so hard Sunday at the gym that my shoulder is still aching. I think I''m actually experiencing ''growing'' pains from my muscles. I''ve had this before and when my arms felt the way my shoulders do, I wound up with bigger arms. So, maybe my shoulders are getting bigger, but it''s somehow painful in the process. In lieu of the gym, I plan to go for a nice long (8 miles or more) skate. It''s a good fun aerobic activity.


Oct 30, 2002
LOL Rod well the Taco Bell was awesome!!!! It''s always been a guilty pleasure of mine since college! I just love the spicy beef and the weirdo cheese texture. Greg is SO grossed out by it. hehee.

Anyway, I figure what''s the point of killing myself at the gym all the time, if I can''t give in sometimes to the evil craving monster! As long as I am ''edumacated'' about what I am eating that is.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/5/2006 4:30:16 PM
Author: Mara
LOL Rod well the Taco Bell was awesome!!!! It''s always been a guilty pleasure of mine since college! I just love the spicy beef and the weirdo cheese texture. Greg is SO grossed out by it. hehee.

Anyway, I figure what''s the point of killing myself at the gym all the time, if I can''t give in sometimes to the evil craving monster! As long as I am ''edumacated'' about what I am eating that is.
Good for you. I still can''t seem to let myself indulge without guilt. But, I''ve a long way to go before I feel that my weight and new body are here to stay.


Jun 15, 2006

I don''t know you''re whole story, but it sounds as though you''ve gone through a profound weight loss and are now a workout guru. Five years ago I lost about 65 lbs and have maintained almost all of that loss. But that feeling, in my experience, never goes away. I have learned to ignore it when I really feel it''s time to indulge, which only happens every once in a while (Western Bacon Cheeseburgers from Carl''s Jr. are my weakness). I give in about once every 6 months or so. I have actually learned to like the feeling, because before, the 4 lbs. I''ve gained would have been shrugged off, now it''s a big deal and I am completely motivated to get them off.

As for food, today I had oatmeal for breakfast, Power bar and a few crackers for lunch and we''re having ground beef tacos and fruit salad for dinner. Oh, and a peppermint patty for a snack.

Mara, I hope your TB experience is delicious!

Thanks for the warm welcome.



Dec 29, 2004
17,193 I come for encouragement, and I read the words TACO BELL.
Such words should be banished from these threads...they don''t do well to stop the cravings! LOL. Actually I can live with''s KFC I have a hard time resisting. Still haven''t succumbed to it though...

Was horrible over the weekend, but I haven''t gained any weight. Hopefully it will stay that way as I am still eating my veggies and fruit (will include fish though) and will try that on and off for the next three weeks. Last month until the wedding and I have to lost a few more pounds to feel great. We''ll see.

Looking forward to hearing continued success stories this week from everyone!


Oct 30, 2002
lol TG...sorry for derailing your mental fortitude!!

thanks for the article heather...i love reading articles about stuff like that. esp the part where it says it's great if you can still fit into your high school prom dress. check!

okay so i decided not to take the 1m walk, but did take P for a .50m walk. then i decided that i would do a double kickboxing class, back to back...yikes!!! i used to do that years ago but i haven't done it in a while. anyway, i did it and it was tough, and i was sweating like a pig and i drank my whole 24 oz water bottle but i felt good about it!!! since one class is about 350 calories burnt, i figure i burned near to 700 if not more with the extra abs and stuff.

so the taco bell is more than burned off!! YAY! so dinner is turkey chili from the can with a bit of cheddar, yummy. and lots of protein with the beans and the cheese. so overall i'm pretty pleased with the day..and don't feel guilty about the TB anymore!! hehe.

tomorrow is another kbox workout before the family visit and gorgefest begins. at least hopefully we'll be eating a fair amount of seafood. ehhee.

hope everyone had a great day!!


Dec 29, 2004
Did well today...came back from an hour walk with my mom. Took her out to dinner but we only had mushrooms and artichokes. Then I came back after our walk and had one nectarine and some sweet potato.

Then...arrived home and FI was sitting there eating tortilla chips. Damn...that Taco Bell demon got to me after all...I ate 4 of them...........

Tomorrow is another day!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 9/6/2006 12:42:49 AM
Author: Mara
lol TG...sorry for derailing your mental fortitude!!
Hehehe...I think we all know by now that my mental fortitude isn''t all that impressive..............


Apr 30, 2005
Kimberley, the weight you have lost is AWESOME!!!!

Great article Heather!

Did the usual this morning and it went very well. I was able to really push it on the elliptical. I saw a friend last night who I haven''t seen for a few weeks and I immediately got a lecture about not losing any more weight as I will look gaunt etc etc...
. Why is it often congratulations aren''t in order but comments about how " you will make yourself look ill" etc seem to be the norm? I am not starving myself, granted I am exercising hard but I feel great and look good. I guess some people don''t take change very well....


Jun 15, 2006
Lorelei: Thanks for the kind words, it was a huge turning point in my life in many ways. And I had one friend in particular who behaved much like the person you saw last night. I hope you don''t let that discourage you. My friend was overweight and when we met she and I could share clothes (I was about 1/2 way through my weight loss at the time) I think it bothered her that I kept getting smaller. And I do not consider myself to be tiny, I am medium sized, well proportioned and have a rather large chest (I have been the same size, letter wise since the eighth grade) but I am physically healthy, I eat right and enjoy physical activity. Anyways, just wanted to share as I can relate to the neysayer and how upsetting it can be. Keep your chin up and know you''re doing what is best for you!

Glad you had a good work out this morning. I''m hopping on the elliptical in about an hour. I just got on the scale and have managed to lose two of the four lbs. I gained...yippee!

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Hi everyone

Just trying to figure out a schedule to go to the gym.
Do you have a favorite or suggested time? And why?
My schedule is flexible AND I''m a morning person.

Thanks for your input.


Oct 30, 2002
Jeff, I say do whatever feels right. I just go whenever I can find the time in my schedule. My kickboxing classes are always at night so I don''t have options with those (but I like working out in the evening anyway)...but the gym I typically fit in depending on what my schedule is that day, where I am going to be. It''s near my work so I tend to go after I do some time in the office because then I can head home after and shower and start dinner etc.

Breakfast was cereal and soy milk and coffee with soy milk...lunch is spicy tuna sushi roll from Whole Foods and snack will be a fresh fuji apple...and dinner is going to be this curry noodle thai thing where the noodles and mix comes in the box and you add fresh shrimp and bean sprouts and veggies to turn it into a dish. Should be yummy and it''s healthyish too esp with fresh shrimp.

Going to class tonite but MAN I am SORE from my double classes last nite. But I''m really glad I did it!!!!


Sep 8, 2004
Well, I was bad this weekend (pizza AND a chinese buffet) and didn''t lose my second pound for my goal last week. I did keep off that first pound though - yay! now I''m at 153 lbs as of this morning. Because of Labor Day there was no yoga on Monday, but I went to a yoga/pilates combo class yesterday. It''s probably just a difference between instructors, but my regular yoga class gives me much more of a core workout than the pi/yo class did. I also biked to and from work/school twice! to and from work and after dinner to and from pi/yo class, about the same distance.

Today I was running late for class so I hopped on the bus rather than taking my 15-20 min walk to work. Today, our yoga instructor kicked our butts! We were all dripping and my heart was pounding.

Food-wise I''ve been a lot better this week than I was on the weekend (fried rice!!). Not on par with my fruit and veggie intake yet, but the calorie load has been right on target, about 100-200 calories less than my metabolic usage. We''re going grocery shopping tonight though, so I can load up on fresh fruits and veggies again!! Tomorrow we''re going to be dining on delicious crock-pot vegetarian chili! Fresh peppers, 3 kinds of beans, lots of tomato, yum!

Here''s my goals for this week, this month, and long-term:

This week - lose another 1-2 pounds. I have a conflict with yoga this Friday, so my goal for Friday is to do a workout video at home instead. Eat one piece of fruit every day for the rest of the week.

This month - lose a total of at least 3 pounds - one for every week left this month. Continue to keep my fruits and veggies intake high. Continue my yoga schedule this semester.

Long-term, same as before - Lose 5-10 pounds of fat and/or 1-2 pants sizes and keep it off over the holidays and beyond. Also, continue biking/walking to work even when it gets chilly!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/5/2006 5:57:03 PM
Author: KimberlyH

I don''t know you''re whole story, but it sounds as though you''ve gone through a profound weight loss and are now a workout guru. Five years ago I lost about 65 lbs and have maintained almost all of that loss. But that feeling, in my experience, never goes away. I have learned to ignore it when I really feel it''s time to indulge, which only happens every once in a while (Western Bacon Cheeseburgers from Carl''s Jr. are my weakness). I give in about once every 6 months or so. I have actually learned to like the feeling, because before, the 4 lbs. I''ve gained would have been shrugged off, now it''s a big deal and I am completely motivated to get them off.

As for food, today I had oatmeal for breakfast, Power bar and a few crackers for lunch and we''re having ground beef tacos and fruit salad for dinner. Oh, and a peppermint patty for a snack.

Mara, I hope your TB experience is delicious!

Thanks for the warm welcome.

Hey Kimi.......yes, I''ve made some major life changes, from being a pack a day smoker, fat couch potato, to a guy who will never smoke again, who works out 5 days a week at the gym and runs on non-gym days or skates (10 miles last night - Yeah) and who will always feel guilty if I eat something not healthy or something that could make me fat again. I have this recurring dream that I eat a fudge brownie and instantly become a blimp. Perhaps the brownie''s just not worth the anxiety.

Your progress sounds truly reamarkable!! Glad you''ve joined our family and I hope you stick around and become a regular here!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/6/2006 2:44:29 PM
Author: Modified Brilliant
Hi everyone

Just trying to figure out a schedule to go to the gym.
Do you have a favorite or suggested time? And why?
My schedule is flexible AND I''m a morning person.

Thanks for your input.
Jeff, my adivice is to pick a schedule you can actually do and stick with it. For example, I''m not a morning person. I don''t wake up hungry, or communicative. Morning''s would be a lousy time for me to workout as I''d likely find any excuse I could for not going in the AM. And, since I work in an office, even though I''m the boss, working out during the workday isn''t possible, so we go from the office directly to the gym after work. Here''s our weekly workout schedule:

Monday: Run or Skate outside
Tuesday: Gym for 2. 5 - 3 hours after work
Wednesday: Gym for 2.5 - 3 hours after work
Thursday: Gym for 2.5 - 3 hours after work
Friday: Sushi Night - No gym, running or skating
Saturday: One hour personal training session at 11:00 AM, followed by additional 1 hour on the elliptical
Sunday: Gym for 2. 5 - 3 hours, typically around 2 PM, followed by long walk after dinner

We follow this schedule religiously. And we''ve done it now for almost a complete year, so it does work for us.

Again, I suggest you look at your calendar and pick a schedule you know you can actually do and then as the Nike ads say........Just Do It!!!


Jun 15, 2006

I am a full time student, so I typically work out in the morning before I start to focus in on school, and then at night my hubby and I will often do something physical, a walk or hike depending on our moods. When I worked full time I tended to work out more in the evening. I am not a big fan of gyms. I use my elliptical trainer and free weights at home and the rest of my exercise consists of outdoor activities. I am currently training for the Breast Cancer 3Day, so I get together with my team every few weeks for long walks. We usually start in the morning and go until mid-afternoon (our last walk was 16 miles, hence the length). It''s all about what fits into your schedule and works best for you, because you are the one who is going to have to get up early or go to bed a bit later or miss your TV shows or whatever.

Rod, I too was a smoker. I am not as dedicated to exercising as you are, but we have a lot in common. I admire you.

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