
Weekly Workout Thread 28th August to 3rd September

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Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 3:15:28 PM
Author: JCJD
Good afternoon people! I''m back from my yoga class, also walked to work, 15 mins, this morning. Yesterday I didn''t eat too well, tortilla chips and a veggie burger, but no chocolate bars at least!

On another note, I was thinking we should all list our short-term (this week) and long-term (this year?) goals somewhere. For lack of a better idea, I''ll just list mine here.

~ this week''s goal: I will not take the bus or take the elevator at all this week, in addition to my walking/biking and yoga. And no chocolate bars!

~ goal for this month: Lose 1 more pound this month (153 currently).

~ long-term goal: Lose 5-10 pounds of fat and/or 1-2 pants sizes and keep it off over the holidays. The lowest I''ve gotten in recent years was 145 right before the wedding, and I''d like to get back down to that consistently. At my height, 150 is the top of my BMI healthy weight bracket, but I have a lot of leg muscle, so I''d like to get to around 140 or so. Anyways, there''s my goals!
JCJD....All teriffic...what you have set for goals. Good luck!



Nov 16, 2005
Hey all - still decompressing from the weekend away. Got a quick 20 minute walk in yesterday and I''ve got the 30min cardio tape on tap at home for after work tonight. If the rain holds off I''m going to try to fit in another quick 20 minutes of walking during my lunch break as well.

my goals:
this month: 4x a week 30 minutes. Get my full amount of water in every day. Cut soda down to 1 can of diet a day (right now I do 1 20oz bottle of diet a day!
) Find a gym!!

long term -- get down to a size 8 - make exercise and healthier eating a habit and not just a short term program.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/29/2006 8:15:54 AM
Author: Modified Brilliant
Hi everyone. My first orientation session went very well. The gym staff person showed me how each exercise station worked.

It was all foreign to me but I did 15 reps on each station without difficulty. I''m hoping to focus on all areas within a 30-45 minute session
3x a week. The fact that I''ve been doing Jujitsu since March has given me the flexibility and strength to start a more vigorous routine without the usual slow start up. I''m impatient by nature but I have to remember to pace myself.
Like Rod, I haven''t stepped foot in a gym in over 20 years! Back in my younger days at the ''Y'' there was one weight bench, only free weights, and we played raquetball. That''s it! I''m in ''exercise heaven'' now...please keep after me guys! Good luck everyone...WE ARE ALL DOING GREAT

Keep on TRACKin
Great stuff Jeff!! Don''t worry, we will keep after you and before you know it you will be a gym junkie too
That is great that you did the 15 reps
Hubby is using the weight machines now and is doing cardio at home, he has been using the machines for about a month and already is getting results.


Oct 30, 2002
lorelei...isn't it hard to take that break when you feel like your body needs it but your mind wants to keep going?? i made myself take sunday off and i was chomping at the bit all day to get out and do SOMETHING. we actually went for a walk while greg did a 6mile run at the park, so P and i walked 2 miles at a brisk pace...that was my 'day off'. but i felt good that i got out and did something positive for the day. it totally is like your body becomes addicted! my dad is a total workout nut, he's a huge athlete, he does marathons and he cycles and he did a triathalon last year, he's always at the gym and watches what he eats so he stays light on his feet and on the bike etc...and he told my mom that there are worse things than becoming addicted to workouts!! hhaah. we thought that was funny since he's always been like this....and he just loves the way it makes him feel. so i'm sure he's secretly laughing now that greg and i working out way more than we used to, esp ssince he gave greg that HR monitor. sneaky dad!

kudos jeff for getting in there and signing up!!!! you will be doing fabulously in no time i'm sure!! the gym is kind of a necessary evil for me since i wanted to ratchet up my workouts but i just take my tunes with me and pretty much ignore everyone else and do my thing and leave. anyway keep us posted on your progress!!! ps i am sure you are a super hip dad.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/29/2006 11:44:44 AM
Author: Mara
lorelei...isn''t it hard to take that break when you feel like your body needs it but your mind wants to keep going?? i made myself take sunday off and i was chomping at the bit all day to get out and do SOMETHING. we actually went for a walk while greg did a 6mile run at the park, so P and i walked 2 miles at a brisk pace...that was my ''day off''. but i felt good that i got out and did something positive for the day. it totally is like your body becomes addicted! my dad is a total workout nut, he''s a huge athlete, he does marathons and he cycles and he did a triathalon last year, he''s always at the gym and watches what he eats so he stays light on his feet and on the bike etc...and he told my mom that there are worse things than becoming addicted to workouts!! hhaah. we thought that was funny since he''s always been like this....and he just loves the way it makes him feel. so i''m sure he''s secretly laughing now that greg and i working out way more than we used to, esp ssince he gave greg that HR monitor. sneaky dad!

kudos jeff for getting in there and signing up!!!! you will be doing fabulously in no time i''m sure!! the gym is kind of a necessary evil for me since i wanted to ratchet up my workouts but i just take my tunes with me and pretty much ignore everyone else and do my thing and leave. anyway keep us posted on your progress!!! ps i am sure you are a super hip dad.
It is difficult to take a day off for me. We''ve gotten to the point that even on resting days, we don''t rest too well, with the exception of Friday. That''s become our only whole day off. We used to rest on Monday''s, but now we run instead. And on Sunday''s we''re doing double duty. Gym in the afternoon, and long walk in the evening after dinner. I''m just truly grateful that we can be this active and reap some benefit from exercise and healthier eating.

I understand how your dad feels Mara. It''s funny how we can become totally addicted to fitness and eating right. I''m betting that you and Greg will continue this from now on and just think how gracefully you''re going to go into your twilight years. I read that we are the generation who is single handedly making orthopaedic medicine the most used of all ''by choice'' doctors. We''re having hips replaced so we can run, we''re having rotator cuff surgery so we can bench press and we''re doing all we can to reverse the sins of the past and the slow down the clock that ages us.

Hey Jeff: Glad to hear your first experience at the gym went so well. You''ll be playing with the "big boy toys" at the gym in no time. We''ll be anxious to hear how things progress for you. Thanks for becoming an active member of the group!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!


Apr 30, 2005
Mara it IS hard to take a day off from it. I have some sinus trouble today and a splitting headache with it, probably the rain we have had, every time I drop my head forward it hurts. especially around my left eye
The rest of my body is craving exercise, but I can''t like this. I do get this often so I should be back in action by tomorrow.

I do think the body becomes addicted too and I am missing my fix!

Speaking of the twilight years, I remember a lady called Lottie Berk I think. She was about 75 and had the most amazing flexibility and grace, incredible for someone her age, this was because she exercised and stretched often. Well worth doing. For me with my back problems it is so important that I try to keep mobile, this is another reason to get me on the machines! I have to be careful obviously, but I have found pampering my back doesn''t help, exercise does, as long as I don''t twist my spine, that is a sure recipe for weeks of agony!


Nov 16, 2005
Date: 8/29/2006 8:15:54 AM
Author: Modified Brilliant
Hi everyone. My first orientation session went very well. The gym staff person showed me how each exercise station worked.

It was all foreign to me but I did 15 reps on each station without difficulty. I''m hoping to focus on all areas within a 30-45 minute session
3x a week. The fact that I''ve been doing Jujitsu since March has given me the flexibility and strength to start a more vigorous routine without the usual slow start up. I''m impatient by nature but I have to remember to pace myself.
Like Rod, I haven''t stepped foot in a gym in over 20 years! Back in my younger days at the ''Y'' there was one weight bench, only free weights, and we played raquetball. That''s it! I''m in ''exercise heaven'' now...please keep after me guys! Good luck everyone...WE ARE ALL DOING GREAT

Keep on TRACKin
OOoo - good job! The whole "how the heck do I use all this stuff and not fall on my face" orientation is what I am most excited for when I finally find a gym!
Sounds like you had a blast -- can''t wait to hear more gym stories out of you!!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/29/2006 12:19:47 PM
Author: Lorelei
Mara it IS hard to take a day off from it. I have some sinus trouble today and a splitting headache with it, probably the rain we have had, every time I drop my head forward it hurts. especially around my left eye
The rest of my body is craving exercise, but I can''t like this. I do get this often so I should be back in action by tomorrow.

I do think the body becomes addicted too and I am missing my fix!

Speaking of the twilight years, I remember a lady called Lottie Berk I think. She was about 75 and had the most amazing flexibility and grace, incredible for someone her age, this was because she exercised and stretched often. Well worth doing. For me with my back problems it is so important that I try to keep mobile, this is another reason to get me on the machines! I have to be careful obviously, but I have found pampering my back doesn''t help, exercise does, as long as I don''t twist my spine, that is a sure recipe for weeks of agony!
Reminding you again that "Core Performance Essentials" by Mark Verstegen is a MUST have book for you. I have a really bad lower back and was in chiropractic 2 - 3 times week. Then our trainer began emphasizing core training and I haven''t needed to see the chiropractor in many months. Having a strong core will help you avoid back pain better than anything you can do. What I do is start every gym session with at least 15 minutes of core training. The best things are called "Planks" and they really help to tighten the core.


Oct 30, 2002

So I went to the gym today and weighed myself and I was 147.5!!!!! That's amazing as the scale has only fluctuated between 149.5 and 151 for the last 3 months and I have never seen it dip below. I was jazzed. So I did my workout and then I was 147. hehee. I'll take whatever I can get.

And this was at 3pm so not early in the morning (when I'm my lightest) or late at night (when I feel heaviest!)...and also it's TTOTM (girl talk Rod and Jeff, sorry!) so I am bloated beyond I'm super jazzed that even at a time like this I still lost a few lbs!!!!

WOO HOO. I don't really think the one day of this detox thing had anything to do with it really, as my body is not behaving 'differently' at all to me, and I think it's just cumulative work finally paying off. I hope to see more changes when I go back to the gym on Friday!! Keeping fingers crossed, but for now I am really happy. Could be that the detox thing is starting to jump start my body again or something, who knows??!!?

And did my workout....I did 45 minutes of the hill program fluctuating between level 9 and 12 depending on how I was feeling...burned ~340 calories and walked ~3.25 miles including my 3m of cooldown. Then I did some arms. YAY!!!

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Date: 8/29/2006 7:26:28 PM
Author: Mara

So I went to the gym today and weighed myself and I was 147.5!!!!! That''s amazing as the scale has only fluctuated between 149.5 and 151 for the last 3 months and I have never seen it dip below. I was jazzed. So I did my workout and then I was 147. hehee. I''ll take whatever I can get.

And this was at 3pm so not early in the morning (when I''m my lightest) or late at night (when I feel heaviest!)...and also it''s TTOTM (girl talk Rod and Jeff, sorry!) so I am bloated beyond I''m super jazzed that even at a time like this I still lost a few lbs!!!!

WOO HOO. I don''t really think the one day of this detox thing had anything to do with it really, as my body is not behaving ''differently'' at all to me, and I think it''s just cumulative work finally paying off. I hope to see more changes when I go back to the gym on Friday!! Keeping fingers crossed, but for now I am really happy. Could be that the detox thing is starting to jump start my body again or something, who knows??!!?

And did my workout....I did 45 minutes of the hill program fluctuating between level 9 and 12 depending on how I was feeling...burned ~340 calories and walked ~3.25 miles including my 3m of cooldown. Then I did some arms. YAY!!!
Great that you jumped on the scale and saw a difference! Keep on TRACKin

And thanks everyone for your kind support


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/29/2006 7:26:28 PM
Author: Mara

So I went to the gym today and weighed myself and I was 147.5!!!!! That''s amazing as the scale has only fluctuated between 149.5 and 151 for the last 3 months and I have never seen it dip below. I was jazzed. So I did my workout and then I was 147. hehee. I''ll take whatever I can get.

And this was at 3pm so not early in the morning (when I''m my lightest) or late at night (when I feel heaviest!)...and also it''s TTOTM (girl talk Rod and Jeff, sorry!) so I am bloated beyond I''m super jazzed that even at a time like this I still lost a few lbs!!!!

WOO HOO. I don''t really think the one day of this detox thing had anything to do with it really, as my body is not behaving ''differently'' at all to me, and I think it''s just cumulative work finally paying off. I hope to see more changes when I go back to the gym on Friday!! Keeping fingers crossed, but for now I am really happy. Could be that the detox thing is starting to jump start my body again or something, who knows??!!?

And did my workout....I did 45 minutes of the hill program fluctuating between level 9 and 12 depending on how I was feeling...burned ~340 calories and walked ~3.25 miles including my 3m of cooldown. Then I did some arms. YAY!!!
Good for you Mara. The scale is not my friend, especially after my foodgasm weekend with my family. Hopefully, the scale will be slightly more forgiving tomorrow morning after an almost 3 hour workout.

TTOTM........hey, men wear diamonds and I think we have modest versions of TTOTM ourselves! LOL


May 25, 2006
Hello all, glad to hear everyone is doing so well!

I''ve been doing really well with my workouts - just not good about keeping up with this thread!
-3.0-3.5 miles on treadmill @ 7.0-7.5 speed
-about 45-60 minutes of ''core'' strengthening "stuff"

Foodwise, I haven''t been so good - I''m looking at your detox thread and thinking I should really get in gear and have some self-discipline like that... I''m impressed with all of you! But, I''ve been trying to cut back on some of my favorites which I know aren''t exactly great for me, but MAN it makes me cranky to deprive myself!

okay, off to my desert of strawberries, fresh from the farmer''s market... yummy!

Aussiegirl : p


Nov 8, 2005
Everyone''s doing so great! Mara, congrats on making that scale move!
I know that you know that the scale isn''t everything, but I also know that it''s great to see numeric validation!

School is just insane this semester. I am so glad that I decided to teach my Group X classes in the morning. If I tried to wait until the end of the day for my workouts, it just wouldn''t happen, b/c my days just don''t end!

I taught Bootcamp again yesterday... good and painful! Taught Turbo Kick this morning... also good!


Dec 29, 2004
I miss this thread! Currently I am trapped in the world of rice and beans......*gurgle* *sputter*

Seriously, everyone keep on tracking. Coda great to see you in good spirits (and physical prowess) so close to the race!

As far as my goals for the week:

I will eat my vegetables.

I will eat my vegetables.

I will eat my vegetables.

Chocolate is the devil.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/29/2006 7:26:28 PM
Author: Mara

So I went to the gym today and weighed myself and I was 147.5!!!!! That''s amazing as the scale has only fluctuated between 149.5 and 151 for the last 3 months and I have never seen it dip below. I was jazzed. So I did my workout and then I was 147. hehee. I''ll take whatever I can get.

And this was at 3pm so not early in the morning (when I''m my lightest) or late at night (when I feel heaviest!)...and also it''s TTOTM (girl talk Rod and Jeff, sorry!) so I am bloated beyond I''m super jazzed that even at a time like this I still lost a few lbs!!!!

WOO HOO. I don''t really think the one day of this detox thing had anything to do with it really, as my body is not behaving ''differently'' at all to me, and I think it''s just cumulative work finally paying off. I hope to see more changes when I go back to the gym on Friday!! Keeping fingers crossed, but for now I am really happy. Could be that the detox thing is starting to jump start my body again or something, who knows??!!?

And did my workout....I did 45 minutes of the hill program fluctuating between level 9 and 12 depending on how I was feeling...burned ~340 calories and walked ~3.25 miles including my 3m of cooldown. Then I did some arms. YAY!!!
HOORAY!~!!! Well done Mara, I am doing a happy dance for you!!! You deserve it, you have worked so hard

I did the usual this morning, feel a bit better apart from a stiff neck. Rod I will be doing some Amazon ordering soon and I will look for the book.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/30/2006 1:39:31 AM
Author: TravelingGal
I miss this thread! Currently I am trapped in the world of rice and beans......*gurgle* *sputter*

Seriously, everyone keep on tracking. Coda great to see you in good spirits (and physical prowess) so close to the race!

As far as my goals for the week:

I will eat my vegetables.

I will eat my vegetables.

I will eat my vegetables.

Chocolate is the devil.
You get that thought right out of your head. Chocolate (in moderation) is incredibly GOOD for you. It is filled with healthy riboflavins that are extremely heart healthy. Dark chocolate is chock full of better 'flavins,' but even milk chocolate can be a heart healthy snack. Just don't sit down and eat a pound of Godiva Chocolates. Perhaps they are the devil, but pure chocolate...........good stuff.

See, something you thought was bad for you can actually be good for you!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/30/2006 4:08:11 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 8/29/2006 7:26:28 PM
Author: Mara

So I went to the gym today and weighed myself and I was 147.5!!!!! That''s amazing as the scale has only fluctuated between 149.5 and 151 for the last 3 months and I have never seen it dip below. I was jazzed. So I did my workout and then I was 147. hehee. I''ll take whatever I can get.

And this was at 3pm so not early in the morning (when I''m my lightest) or late at night (when I feel heaviest!)...and also it''s TTOTM (girl talk Rod and Jeff, sorry!) so I am bloated beyond I''m super jazzed that even at a time like this I still lost a few lbs!!!!

WOO HOO. I don''t really think the one day of this detox thing had anything to do with it really, as my body is not behaving ''differently'' at all to me, and I think it''s just cumulative work finally paying off. I hope to see more changes when I go back to the gym on Friday!! Keeping fingers crossed, but for now I am really happy. Could be that the detox thing is starting to jump start my body again or something, who knows??!!?

And did my workout....I did 45 minutes of the hill program fluctuating between level 9 and 12 depending on how I was feeling...burned ~340 calories and walked ~3.25 miles including my 3m of cooldown. Then I did some arms. YAY!!!
HOORAY!~!!! Well done Mara, I am doing a happy dance for you!!! You deserve it, you have worked so hard

I did the usual this morning, feel a bit better apart from a stiff neck. Rod I will be doing some Amazon ordering soon and I will look for the book.
I''m going to hold you to it will change your life. I know it changed mine


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 8/30/2006 9:36:22 AM
Author: Rod

Date: 8/30/2006 1:39:31 AM
Author: TravelingGal
I miss this thread! Currently I am trapped in the world of rice and beans......*gurgle* *sputter*

Seriously, everyone keep on tracking. Coda great to see you in good spirits (and physical prowess) so close to the race!

As far as my goals for the week:

I will eat my vegetables.

I will eat my vegetables.

I will eat my vegetables.

Chocolate is the devil.
You get that thought right out of your head. Chocolate (in moderation) is incredibly GOOD for you. It is filled with healthy riboflavins that are extremely heart healthy. Dark chocolate is chock full of better ''flavins,'' but even milk chocolate can be a heart healthy snack. Just don''t sit down and eat a pound of Godiva Chocolates. Perhaps they are the devil, but pure chocolate...........good stuff.

See, something you thought was bad for you can actually be good for you!!!
LOL Rod...I know. But for this week (detox week), I am not supposed to have any. I love those Trader Joe''s dark chocolate truffles...and I am pretty good in that I can stop at one!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/30/2006 9:39:59 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 8/30/2006 9:36:22 AM
Author: Rod

Date: 8/30/2006 1:39:31 AM
Author: TravelingGal
I miss this thread! Currently I am trapped in the world of rice and beans......*gurgle* *sputter*

Seriously, everyone keep on tracking. Coda great to see you in good spirits (and physical prowess) so close to the race!

As far as my goals for the week:

I will eat my vegetables.

I will eat my vegetables.

I will eat my vegetables.

Chocolate is the devil.
You get that thought right out of your head. Chocolate (in moderation) is incredibly GOOD for you. It is filled with healthy riboflavins that are extremely heart healthy. Dark chocolate is chock full of better ''flavins,'' but even milk chocolate can be a heart healthy snack. Just don''t sit down and eat a pound of Godiva Chocolates. Perhaps they are the devil, but pure chocolate...........good stuff.

See, something you thought was bad for you can actually be good for you!!!
LOL Rod...I know. But for this week (detox week), I am not supposed to have any. I love those Trader Joe''s dark chocolate truffles...and I am pretty good in that I can stop at one!

I guess I forgot you''re on the detox that my friend, might be the real devil.....disguised. Denying oneself so much........insane I''m telling ''ya. Simply Insane!!! LOL LOL


Apr 30, 2005
I am a chocoholic.

I allow myself some chocolate in a decent amount daily - a kitkat bar, as otherwise I start craving it and eat a ton of it. As I don''t drink alcohol or eat crisps etc so much, I can work in my little indulgence and look forward to it daily. So TG, allow yourself a bit of chocolate a day if you like, you can still stick to a healthy plan and enjoy some.


Jul 6, 2005
after a bit of a fitness hiatus i am back to my running and pilates and healthier eating routine. It was nice to have a break. but it''s nice to be back.

I came across this quote this morning. liked it immensely
for all the walkers on the thread:

Every day I walk myself into a state of well being,
and walk away from every illness.
I have walked myself into my best thoughts,
and I know of no thought so burdensome
that one cannot walk away from it.

Soren Kierkegaard



Apr 30, 2005
Thanks for that Lulu, I should copy it and stick it on the treadmill


Sep 8, 2004
Hi-ya. Yesterday (Tuesday) I biked to and from work (10 mins total) and scrubbed the entire bathroom, top to bottom for a couple hours. When I weighed myself this morning, I was 151.5!! YaHoo!!!!! I''ve also been really good about taking the stairs instead of the elevators upstairs this week AND the only chocolate I''ve had this week is a tall iced decaf nonfat mocha, half the mocha powder, yesterday afternoon! Unfortunately, I had to skip yoga today because I have an eye appointment soon after yoga''s slated to end, but I''ll suggest a nice long walk tonight after dinner so we can get some exercise in today. Don''t want to sabotage the weight loss progress!!

Good luck on everyone''s workouts today!
Congratulations on the scale movement Mara!
Cailet - I haven''t drank soda in several years, and I don''t miss it at all! I definitely noticed a difference in how I felt when I first stopped drinking it - not so bloated feeling from all the carbonation, even diet leaves a syrupy feeling on your teeth, and water quenches your thirst so much better than anything else! Have you thought of trying some of the flavored carbonated waters to try and wean yourself off of pop? A lot of those are diet too, without so many unpronouncable ingredients.
TravelingGal - Rice and beans - yum!!!!! Hee hee, I''m a veg, so this is my staple diet. Good luck! I wasn''t always so good about eating my veggies, still aren''t if I''m not careful!
Lorelei - I just started seeing a chiropracter for my upper back, shoulder and neck pain - pampering wasn''t helping me at all either. Since starting 2 months ago I''ve been working on improving my posture and building those core muscles as well, and my omnipresent shoulder knots are sooooo much smaller and less painful, all because I''m using my back and neck muscles correctly. Have you thought of taking a pilates class? If you went to an instructor, s/he could give you exercises that won''t aggravate your back and will strengthen your core muscles to relieve the pressure off of your spine.
Great quote lovelylulu! Thanks!

Off to get my eyes checked! "See" you all tomorrow!


Apr 30, 2005
JC, I have actually been interested in Pilates and need to look into it more. That is great it helped you, plus I have heard it gives you that lean, elegant look with the muscles and posture, definitely tempting...

No workout this morning as I still have a stiff neck. I have to wait until Hubby is home so we can work out together today, he is fussing and worried about it. I have probably just slept on it in a weird position and it feels a bit better, but I must obey my lord and master and humour him!


Mar 1, 2005
I took off last night in preparation for my long run tonight. Tonight I want to run the whole 13 miles to make sure I''m fully prepared for the race. I''m leaving tomorrow for a long weekend, so this is perfect timing. I hope I can do it!

Have a great weekend, everyone.


Apr 30, 2005
You can do it Coda!!!
I know you can!


Jul 6, 2005
Lorelei, I just thought that quote embodied such a great attitude and seeing that i can''t always muster it up myself, perhaps i should tape it to the treadmill too
or maybe the fridge...

coda, you can do it! best of luck

jcjd and lorelei, i love pilates. i''ve tried yoga, but it didn''t click. with pilates it was the opposite. it just felt right. it was the perfect compliment to my running routine -- much less impact, though still challenging. you can absolutely feel your body getting stronger! i highly recommend it and like jcjd said -- the exercises can be modified to accomodate whatever health and injury concerns you have.

went running last night. was so close to going home, because i was in a wee funk-- my husband is away in alaska and because of the time difference and his ridiculous work schedule we haven''t found it too easy to get in touch and work was getting me down -- but at the last minute i decided to go. i had a much better evening because of it.


Apr 30, 2005
LOVED that quote Lulu!

I find too that if working out is the LAST thing I feel like, of course if I am ok physically, I always feel so much better afterwards. Well I cheated and didn't wait for Hubby, so my workout is done for the day, half an hour on the elliptical on a varied intensity programme and 25 mins on the treadmill. It went really well.


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Thursday ladies and Jeff!

Jeff: Any news to report?

Coda: Am rooting for you and your 13 mile run. Makes our 4 miler''s seem puny.

So, we decided to eat before the gym last night. Maybe we should do that more often? It really did help fuel quite strong workouts. We added a few new machines, but the best thing was finally breaking 100 lbs., on the free weight bench press!! It''s way more different than a machine and requires so much more coordination and you know the weight could come crashing down on your chest. So we spot each other to avoid injury. But, for the first time we weren''t pressing the lowest weight in the "big boy toy" area.......LOL I''m pretty sore this morning, which is actually a good thing. Then, maybe because I had some food in me, I had an explosive Elliptical session. 45 minutes. 6 miles. RPM over 87. Over 700 calories burned. At least that''s what the machine said??

Tonight is our 3rd gym night in row and tomorrow is our day off. Sushi night. Yummmm......can''t wait.

To all a great Thursday!!


Oct 30, 2002
go workout gang!!! i feel kind of torn between our detox thread and this WWT this week...!!!

coda, you are amazing with your long runs, i hope 13m is easy for you today girl.

rod, your workout sounded fab, you powerhouse!

lorelei, take it easy gal!! it's great you are so motivated though!

lulu, congrats on pulling yourself out of the funk to pull on the running shoes! i find sometimes when i have extra time, doing a workout makes me feel better too.

i just did a 1.5m walk yesterday with P and then a .5m walk later with her just to stretch the legs. i was still pretty sore from my workout on tues at the gym where i did the mega hill program.

tonight is kickboxing for's my first class since last saturday and i really missed it.
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