
Weekly Workout Thread 28th August to 3rd September

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week everyone and good luck to our detoxing ladies Mara and Monnie

Had a good workout this morning, 25 mins on each machine and it was so nice not to have to drive to the gym! I had my music on ( The Jacksons today) and it was amazing how much faster the time went.

I bet they aren''t missing me at the gym with my mucky sneakers leaving mud everywhere
Hubby says that is a major foo pass as we say, wearing dirty shoes to the gym and leaving dirt everywhere, I shame him, so I bet the gym staff are glad to see the back of me

Jeff, how did your first session go?

Rod, I hope you had a great weekend and lots of good eats!

Have a great week, everyone!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 4:22:13 AM
Happy new week everyone and good luck to our detoxing ladies Mara and Monnie

Had a good workout this morning, 25 mins on each machine and it was so nice not to have to drive to the gym! I had my music on ( The Jacksons today) and it was amazing how much faster the time went.

I bet they aren''t missing me at the gym with my mucky sneakers leaving mud everywhere
Hubby says that is a major foo pass as we say, wearing dirty shoes to the gym and leaving dirt everywhere, I shame him, so I bet the gym staff are glad to see the back of me

Jeff, how did your first session go?

Rod, I hope you had a great weekend and lots of good eats!

Have a great week, everyone!
Good Morning Everyone!

I managed to catch up on the threads from last week, so thanks for the kind wishes for a nice visit with my family.

Lorelei........So glad to see Santa delvered your new toys and you are enjoying them. Saw you''ve made it a FULL MONTH and am really proud of you. Also saw that you had a craving hit you. I wanted you to know that it''s really normal and even at 3 months these cravings would hit and you just become numb with wanting one. It passes quicker and of course you can NOT succumb to the desire. You keep it up. Your lungs and loved ones (horses too!) are counting on you to live a long and healthy life.

To all detoxing ladies: Hope you have a great week. Super glad I''m not joining you
, but I hope this week delivers everything you hoped for!

Jeff: Glad you joined the gym. Didn''t see if you did anything there yet? Joining is a great first step though.

So......The foodgasm with my family was as expected. My mother thinks I''ve gone bonkers with all the fitness and diet and the first thing she said was I was too thin and I looked tired. I guess it''s a mother''s job to constantly want to feed her children but my mother went overboard on that job and helped to create an obese child - teenager - young adult - older adult. We enjoyed our visit and we did eat some fun foods. I really wanted Maryland crabs and we went to a fantastic crab house and had some enormous beauties. My god have crabs gotten expensive in Maryland. The bill for 7 of us, with just a couple orders of steamed shrimp and 3 dozen jumbo crabs cost over $350.00. We tried to be healthy, but with my family, it''s not easy. The best thing we did was get up early Saturday morning and go for a 3 mile run. My brother lives in hilly country in the MD., suburbs of D.C. It''s the first time I''ve ever run up and down hills and I did just fine.

So, now we''re home and we''ll get back on track with the gym and eating. I didn''t get on the scale this morning. I just didn''t want to get depressed.

We need everyone to mentally push that tropical storm away from the state of Florida. A hurricane is just something we don''t need. Keep us in your thoughts this week, OK?

Anyway, to a healthy week all!!


Apr 30, 2005
You will be in my thoughts this week Rod, I really pray that storm doesn''t hit and to all the other Florida PSers such as Jazmine that I know of. Stay safe.

Glad you had a great weekend Rod and enjoyed the grub! Don''t worry about the scales, occasionally eating a bit more isn''t going to hurt, plus you had your hilly run so that will burn much of it off.

Yes I have gone over a month without a cigarette
I was standing in a queue last week and my nose started twitching at a familiar, yet unpleasant smell....It was a guy standing behind me who REEKED of cigarettes, it was so unpleasant and a real eye opener, I must have smelled like that

I had a nice surprise earlier. Some of my best CD''s had been on the missing list, Hubby said pathetically '' I think they must have been thrown out..." I was not pleased
but left it for about a year. Anyway, after my home workout I decided to have a rummage and I found them! I am so pleased as they are ideal for my workouts.

I found:

Earth, Wind and Fire
Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life
Herbie Hancock
George Benson

So I now have some good tunes.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 10:21:01 AM
Author: Lorelei
You will be in my thoughts this week Rod, I really pray that storm doesn't hit and to all the other Florida PSers such as Jazmine that I know of. Stay safe.

Glad you had a great weekend Rod and enjoyed the grub! Don't worry about the scales, occasionally eating a bit more isn't going to hurt, plus you had your hilly run so that will burn much of it off.

Yes I have gone over a month without a cigarette
I was standing in a queue last week and my nose started twitching at a familiar, yet unpleasant smell....It was a guy standing behind me who REEKED of cigarettes, it was so unpleasant and a real eye opener, I must have smelled like that
Yuck. Amazing that we EVER smelled like that isn't it? And somehow, we didn't even know we smelled so disgusting. Sorry, but that "just like an ashtray" smell will never foul my body again!!

I had a nice surprise earlier. Some of my best CD's had been on the missing list, Hubby said pathetically ' I think they must have been thrown out...' I was not pleased
but left it for about a year. Anyway, after my home workout I decided to have a rummage and I found them! I am so pleased as they are ideal for my workouts.

I found:

Earth, Wind and Fire
Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life
Herbie Hancock
George Benson

Carefull're dating yoursefl!!!

So I now have some good tunes.


Nov 16, 2005
Hey all!
I''m back in town too! Had a wedding WAY up north (approx 5 hours driving one way). Beautiful country up there just so far away from everything.
The wedding was sooo touching (bride''s mother presided over the ceremony and made it super personal) and they had events planned all weekend! BBQ welcome dinner on Friday -- it was actually smoked chicken. This was the best chicken I have ever eaten - and I am not kidding here! I''ve never really been into the whole smoked meat thing but this was soooo good. Didn''t seem to unhealthy either! Fresh veggies/salad etc for sides. Reception dinner was pretty good as well -- the only problem was that the wine was flowing all night long. With all the dancing and catching up with old friends we kind of lost track of how much we were drinking. Luckily the couple was smart enough to arrange for a pontoon boat (sp?) to ferry everyone from the reception to the hotel so we didn''t have to worry about driving! We definitely were paying for all the fun yesterday though! Hung over as heck and having to drive 5 hours to get home? Definitely reminded me why I don''t drink like I did in college anymore!!

So lots of good food / drink / friends all weekend and now back to the grindstone!!

On a plus -- the hotel had a really nice treadmill and elliptical machine. Got to try both of them out for a little bit on Saturday. The treadmill wasn''t as horrible as I had feared (for some reason the treadmill has always seemed so daunting to me!) and the elliptical wasn''t exactly what I had imagined either. Good to try out the equipment - I''m going to try and get over to the last gym on my list this week to see about membership costs/deals. Then I''ll get to do some actual work on the machines!!


Apr 30, 2005
Earth, Wind and Fire
Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life
Herbie Hancock
George Benson

Carefull're dating yoursefl!!!

I am only 18 Rod, I just happen to like older music!

I know, you don't realize how bad you must smell as a smoker, I always lied to myself if I smelled another smoker thinking I couldn't possibly smell that bad...What a bunch of delusional tripe!

Cailet, well done for trying the machines! Get that gym membership going and you will soon be using the elliptical and treadmill like a pro! I was a bit nervous of the treadmill at first but now I feel very secure on it, just go at your own pace, plus don't forget the incline is good to give you more of a workout if you don't want too much speed to begin with.


Apr 30, 2005
Hubby just reminded me, has anyone tried Hydroxycut? We have it available here and I have seen the ads for it, is it worth trying or has anyone heard any negatives about it please?



Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 11:48:56 AM
Author: Lorelei
Hubby just reminded me, has anyone tried Hydroxycut? We have it available here and I have seen the ads for it, is it worth trying or has anyone heard any negatives about it please?

I did use Hydroxycut when I started losing weight and working out. I used smaller doses than they recommended because the caffein content can keep you too anxious and awake at night. If your hubby decides to try it, tell him to take it in the morning and/or early afternoon, but NEVER at night, unless he enjoys sleepless nights.


Oct 30, 2002
lol lorelei, i grew up listening to stevie wonder and EWF and i love the old disco music like that!! i know many of the words to the songs too (strange anomaly, if i hear a song i like, i tend to remember words pratically forever)....i have some nice remixes of EWF on my ipod for those quick workouts...september was played at our wedding reception!

anyway i got up this morning fresh for our far it''s not bad...hehee i posted in the other thread but i managed to have some coffee with just vanilla soy milk and no sugar, yack! but it wasnt SO maybe i''ll drop sugar from coffee for good. how nice would that be?!

i measured myself this morning too out of curiousity and i was amazed to discover that i lost another 1/2 from my lower waist (aka where low rise jeans sit) and 1/2 from my hips and butt, which is the BANE of my existence right now!! yay! my waist is still pretty much the same but it lost the few inches i needed it to a while ago, the hips and lower waist were the ones that were stubborn. so i guess SIX workouts a week is making my body actually drop some of the fat off! yay. progress!! i noticed also that just from a week ago, i have more definition in my arms and shoulders. the six workouts is really kind of kicking my body into where it needs to be i guess.

one random thought i had as to how much progress visually it seems my body has made even in just the last 2-3 weeks since i have kicked up the workouts from always see in the mags how celebrities get back into shape from a baby or something and it''s ALWAYS that they work out for about an hour every day...or 5x a week or something. when you read the mag you think wow that''s alot but now i am actually doing it! more like 45 minutes 6x a week. so i wonder if that''s just really the recipe. bombard your body with exercise and eat healthily and you''ll see changes fairly quickly. hmmmm.

i am interested to see too if this detox thing jump starts my system into losing weight on the scale too. i also wonder if maybe i am eating too much protein, rod what do you think about this. i tend to eat a lot of protein in my cereals in the morning and then at night after working out. i read previously where you said that to build muscle, drink or eat protein within an hour after a workout (i read somewhere that you just should do it after a workout, but not to ''build muscle'' persay), so now i am wondering if that is why i am building so much darn muscle and not dropping any actual weight. this week with this more fiber and carb diet and less protein (soy and tofu is really all we have, and nuts), if i will see a difference in either energy, or soreness or how i feel or the SCALE. thoughts anyone?

anyhow, have a wonderful day everyone!!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 12:31:48 PM
Author: Mara
lol lorelei, i grew up listening to stevie wonder and EWF and i love the old disco music like that!! i know many of the words to the songs too (strange anomaly, if i hear a song i like, i tend to remember words pratically forever)....i have some nice remixes of EWF on my ipod for those quick workouts...september was played at our wedding reception!

anyway i got up this morning fresh for our far it''s not bad...hehee i posted in the other thread but i managed to have some coffee with just vanilla soy milk and no sugar, yack! but it wasnt SO maybe i''ll drop sugar from coffee for good. how nice would that be?!

i measured myself this morning too out of curiousity and i was amazed to discover that i lost another 1/2 from my lower waist (aka where low rise jeans sit) and 1/2 from my hips and butt, which is the BANE of my existence right now!! yay! my waist is still pretty much the same but it lost the few inches i needed it to a while ago, the hips and lower waist were the ones that were stubborn. so i guess SIX workouts a week is making my body actually drop some of the fat off! yay. progress!! i noticed also that just from a week ago, i have more definition in my arms and shoulders. the six workouts is really kind of kicking my body into where it needs to be i guess.

one random thought i had as to how much progress visually it seems my body has made even in just the last 2-3 weeks since i have kicked up the workouts from always see in the mags how celebrities get back into shape from a baby or something and it''s ALWAYS that they work out for about an hour every day...or 5x a week or something. when you read the mag you think wow that''s alot but now i am actually doing it! more like 45 minutes 6x a week. so i wonder if that''s just really the recipe. bombard your body with exercise and eat healthily and you''ll see changes fairly quickly. hmmmm.

i am interested to see too if this detox thing jump starts my system into losing weight on the scale too. i also wonder if maybe i am eating too much protein, rod what do you think about this. i tend to eat a lot of protein in my cereals in the morning and then at night after working out. i read previously where you said that to build muscle, drink or eat protein within an hour after a workout (i read somewhere that you just should do it after a workout, but not to ''build muscle'' persay), so now i am wondering if that is why i am building so much darn muscle and not dropping any actual weight. this week with this more fiber and carb diet and less protein (soy and tofu is really all we have, and nuts), if i will see a difference in either energy, or soreness or how i feel or the SCALE. thoughts anyone?

anyhow, have a wonderful day everyone!!
Mara, I''m convinced additional protein will help build more muscle. There''s a guy at our gym who make''s lifting 300 pounds look like child''s play and I asked him if he used supplements (steroids) and he said he never used anything other than "HUGE" amounts of protein. I''ve also noticed that since we kicked up our workouts a few notches, we''ve really craved protein, so I know there''s an absolute connection between protein in and muscle growth. Also, to your comment about having protein within an hour of a workout. Most of the fitness magazines I''ve read comment the timing is a little less for maximum benefit. Supposedly, after "shredding" your muscles during a strenuous workout, one should feed them complex proteins within 30 minutes and they''ll heal faster and grow more. I''m not scientific enough to know why the 30 minute window is critical and I don''t know if not feeding your muscles with protein after 30 minutes prevents muscle growth. Mara, I do believe that with you working out 6 times a week, the reason you''re not dropping weight is you are adding muscle and as your note demonstrates above, your measurements proving it''s true, even if the scale doesn''t show weight loss!!

You keep up the great work!! Your clothes will tell you all you need to know as to whether you''re gaining weight from fat or muscles.


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Rod, I will tell Hubby and maybe we will try it.

Mara, September is such a classic feel good song, I bet that got everyone up and dancing at your wedding! I can''t wait for tomorrow''s workout now I have these great tunes to play!

Also Mara, you are making AMAZING progress with the inch loss, I was thinking of starting 6 days a week for 50 mins now I have the machines at home, so I will see how it works.

I am noticing another good change. Due to my scoliosis, I have a hump on my lower back and it is definitely looking a bit flatter, probably because the elliptical works the back muscles. So I am delighted about that as I am conscious of it...

Also, I notice with our elliptical it gives the arms more of a workout that the Life Fitness one. It is great that we are so pleased with the machines, commercial gym equipment is a hard act to follow and I was concerned that our own stuff wouldn''t be as comfortable, be as effective etc. But so far so good.


Oct 30, 2002
thanks do you think if i ate a bit less protein that maybe i''d shed some pounds? i love muscle of course but i don''t want to be like the bionic woman or anything. right now i am still ''leaning out'' which is good. not bulking up...

lorelei...i''d even try just doing 6x a week for 30 minutes. i kind of worked my way up...2x then 3x then 4x and i was doing 4x for a month+ then i bumped it to 6x. i don''t know if i could have done 6x just off the bat. but listen to your body, it will tell you when you are maxing out!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 1:38:22 PM
Author: Mara
thanks do you think if i ate a bit less protein that maybe i''d shed some pounds? i love muscle of course but i don''t want to be like the bionic woman or anything. right now i am still ''leaning out'' which is good. not bulking up...

lorelei...i''d even try just doing 6x a week for 30 minutes. i kind of worked my way up...2x then 3x then 4x and i was doing 4x for a month+ then i bumped it to 6x. i don''t know if i could have done 6x just off the bat. but listen to your body, it will tell you when you are maxing out!
Mara, I honestly don''t think that you''ll cut pounds by reducing your protein intake. I think as long as you''re working out, you''ll continue to tone your muscles. I doubt you''re going to wind up looking like the Bionic Woman, but I do believe you''re heading towards becoming the hottest ''babe'' in your husbands life and the ABSOLUTE hottest ''babe'' on your street or your neighborhood for that matter!!


Oct 30, 2002
lol rod you are too cute...thanks...!

the other night we were at dinner in SF...and i walked back from the bathroom, and greg told me that i was the prettiest AND hottest gal in the room and if he wasn't married to me and he was married to some other girl who was ALMOST as hot as me but not quite that he'd be looking over wistfully at me, LOL. he's so funny. i said well you ARE are in love with me!!! haha. he just smirked. i was like okay just remember that next time i piss you off.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 2:23:12 PM
Author: Mara
lol rod you are too cute...thanks...!

the other night we were at dinner in SF...and i walked back from the bathroom, and greg told me that i was the prettiest AND hottest gal in the room and if he wasn't married to me and he was married to some other girl who was ALMOST as hot as me but not quite that he'd be looking over wistfully at me, LOL. he's so funny. i said well you ARE are in love with me!!! haha. he just smirked. i was like okay just remember that next time i piss you off.
It seems from what you've written in various threads that you and Greg have a wonderfully well grounded life together. It's a terrific thing to have have someone who makes you feel special and who makes you want to be the best you can be. You are a lucky lady to have Greg and Greg is one lucky dude to have you! No wonder you have such a gorgeous rock around your finger!!!


Oct 30, 2002
hehe thanks rod...yes we are very lucky to have each other. one thing i have always found interesting about our relationship in a really positive way is that we have always encouraged each other to be the best we can all things...and it extends to something like working out or being healthy. greg has always been athletic and he doesn''t mind taking some heat for being honest when he would encourage me to work out more or whatever. and vice versa. it doesn''t affect how he feels about me at all, he has always thought i am hot or beautiful regardless and he always tells me that, but i know he feels happy when i am happy because i am looking better. and now HE is working out more too because i am. it''s kind of funny how we play off each other. i also love looking good for him and vice darling is a leo and is ego driven and loves compliments. so he is very free with giving them as well because he loves to get them so he figures everyone likes to hear them. hehe.


Dec 28, 2005
Mara........I think that''s wonderful. We''ve noticed sometimes that when one person in a relationship all of the sudden starts dieting or losing weight and the husband or wife does not, it can be a prelude to the end of the relationship. We''ve lost a lot of married friends that way. When both partners (like what my partner and I are doing) are working out to be healthier and yes, more appealing to each other, we''ve seen it strengthen a relationship. It''s obvious that''s the way yours is. Becoming more fit for both of you is helping your relationship!!

Just like Lorelei and her hubby too! Both quit smoking (YEAH) and both exercising. Who knew fitness could be such a crucial part of a relationship??


Sep 8, 2004
Good afternoon people! I''m back from my yoga class, also walked to work, 15 mins, this morning. Yesterday I didn''t eat too well, tortilla chips and a veggie burger, but no chocolate bars at least!

On another note, I was thinking we should all list our short-term (this week) and long-term (this year?) goals somewhere. For lack of a better idea, I''ll just list mine here.

~ this week''s goal: I will not take the bus or take the elevator at all this week, in addition to my walking/biking and yoga. And no chocolate bars!

~ goal for this month: Lose 1 more pound this month (153 currently).

~ long-term goal: Lose 5-10 pounds of fat and/or 1-2 pants sizes and keep it off over the holidays. The lowest I''ve gotten in recent years was 145 right before the wedding, and I''d like to get back down to that consistently. At my height, 150 is the top of my BMI healthy weight bracket, but I have a lot of leg muscle, so I''d like to get to around 140 or so. Anyways, there''s my goals!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 3:15:28 PM
Author: JCJD
Good afternoon people! I''m back from my yoga class, also walked to work, 15 mins, this morning. Yesterday I didn''t eat too well, tortilla chips and a veggie burger, but no chocolate bars at least!

On another note, I was thinking we should all list our short-term (this week) and long-term (this year?) goals somewhere. For lack of a better idea, I''ll just list mine here.

~ this week''s goal: I will not take the bus or take the elevator at all this week, in addition to my walking/biking and yoga. And no chocolate bars!

~ goal for this month: Lose 1 more pound this month (153 currently).

~ long-term goal: Lose 5-10 pounds of fat and/or 1-2 pants sizes and keep it off over the holidays. The lowest I''ve gotten in recent years was 145 right before the wedding, and I''d like to get back down to that consistently. At my height, 150 is the top of my BMI healthy weight bracket, but I have a lot of leg muscle, so I''d like to get to around 140 or so. Anyways, there''s my goals!
What a great idea!!

This Week''s Goal: Run 4 miles tonight, workout Tue, Wed and Thur. Ensure I did not gain any weight while visiting family

Goal for the Month: Add additional miles to my running. Continue working on the belly to tighten my abs and continue tightening my pecs and arms.

Long Term Goal: LIVE Healthy, LIVE Long, LIVE Happy. Never increase my waist size beyond 32" and never weigh more than 175 lbs. Make working out a life long committment, not a short term aberration.

Gosh that felt great. Thanks JCJD


Oct 30, 2002
hmmm...good idea JCJD!

this weeks goal: survive on the detox diet for 5 days while not compromising my tastebuds too much and also try to not be too bitchy thanks to TTOTM and detox combo.
; and maybe lose a few lbs on the scale jump starting my body; work out 4-5 times this week.

this month''s goal: continue working out at least 5x a week hoping to stick with 6x; add a bit more walking in even with my regular workouts (feels good to stretch the legs); drink more water; continue to see further positive changes in my bod.

long term goal: continue to make positive changes in my lifestyle and stay healthy and fit!!!


Feb 10, 2006
Hi everyone

Well, last week I was out of town part of the week and then completely indulged in great-tasting, very bad for you foods the rest of the week. I did manage to go workout on Saturday so that was my 1 workout of the week. But I ran for 9 min, walk 3 then ran another 8. I was pretty happy. That is the longest that I''ve run. This week I start a new phase in my running program. I won''t get to the gym until Wed. though so I have to make myself workout at home today and tomorrow. I am feeling pretty sleepy today but am planning for something short this evening... at least to start off the week in a positive way.
As for my goals (great idea btw!):
This week: 4 workouts, more water, take my measurements, go grocery shopping
This month: keep up the workouts, cook a little bit more, take measurements once or twice, lose a few pounds, incorporate more strength-training in my workouts
Longterm: workout 2-3 times/month to maintain and stay healthy, keep eating well, cook more and eat out less

Lorelei, you''re doing great w/the non-smoking. You have really acheived an amazing accomplishment!!

Everyone else seems like they''re doing great!

I had planned on doing the detox thing. Woops! I completely forgot and had oatmeal this morning and a chicken and veggie pita for lunch. Good luck to you ladies though!

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
The start of another great week! Keep on trackin''

I''m off to the gym right now so I''ll have a progress report soon. Just so you all know, it was the
strong support of everyone here that pushed me to join. It''s been about 25 years since I joined a gym.
I''m in good shape but I''m not happy with the way I feel overall. I feel so much better when i work out.
I can''t believe how hi-tech the equipment is today! Does that make me a dino? Both my adult kids 22 and 23
think I''m a cool Dad...however


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 6:47:05 PM
Author: Modified Brilliant
The start of another great week! Keep on trackin''

I''m off to the gym right now so I''ll have a progress report soon. Just so you all know, it was the
strong support of everyone here that pushed me to join. It''s been about 25 years since I joined a gym.
I''m in good shape but I''m not happy with the way I feel overall. I feel so much better when i work out.
I can''t believe how hi-tech the equipment is today! Does that make me a dino? Both my adult kids 22 and 23
think I''m a cool Dad...however
Good to hear you''ll have progress to report Jeff!! All the machines were completely foreign to me. Until last October, I had never worked out or run in my life. Now, less than a year later, I look like a completely new man and one, I might add, a bit younger than when I started. Glad your kids think their dad is cool. I''m sure that''s a good thing. And regardless of whether you work out or not, I hope you''re always cool to your kids. Just think though how many more years your kids will be able to think their dad is cool if you work out and make yourself healthier!!!


Dec 28, 2005
We came home and the temp was still near 90, and we were so tempted to just eat the nice salad we had broght home, but I decided we''d be giving ourselves license to lessen our progress and we HAD to run. So, run we did and it was just fantastic. We ran a full 4 miles and only stopped to get a drink of water from a nicely placed water fountain at exactly the 2 mile point. We did take a short walk on a fishing pier where the fountain is (Balast Point if anyone''s familiar with Tampa) and it has a great view of the Tampa city skyline on the bay. It was a bit warm, but it felt so good. My goal is to run a 5K this February. By then, the weather will be much cooler in Florida and I should be able to easily handle the distance and not be the slowest fellow out there. I have this rdream that I''m in a race and everyone finishes while I''m just getting past the first mile. In my little dream, I make it to the finish line, but everyone has gone home and I don''t even get the cup of water from a volunteer.

Tomorrow, we''ll be back at the gym for our normal 2.5 hour workout. Having been away for a few days, we''re really anxious to get back there.

Night everyone. Sweet dreams.


Oct 30, 2002
kudos rod for making yourself get out there and do it!!!

tonite i am not feeling up to par for the full on kickboxing thing, so i just did a home workout...i did about 350-400 jumping jacks (i lost count!) and then did a bunch of leg and butt exercises and then took P out for a mile walk.

eating was pretty good today...since i''m doing the detox thing...hope everyone else is doing well too.


Dec 29, 2004
I usually save reading this thread for the end of the day...when I am tired and don''t wanna work out. But you guys always inspire me to haul my butt to the gym. So I did an hour on the treadmill (running 40, walking 20) and 35 minutes strength training. It was TOUGH doing the treadmil tonight. I better eat more fruit and veg......


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/28/2006 2:52:20 PM
Author: Mara
hehe thanks rod...yes we are very lucky to have each other. one thing i have always found interesting about our relationship in a really positive way is that we have always encouraged each other to be the best we can all things...and it extends to something like working out or being healthy. greg has always been athletic and he doesn't mind taking some heat for being honest when he would encourage me to work out more or whatever. and vice versa. it doesn't affect how he feels about me at all, he has always thought i am hot or beautiful regardless and he always tells me that, but i know he feels happy when i am happy because i am looking better. and now HE is working out more too because i am. it's kind of funny how we play off each other. i also love looking good for him and vice darling is a leo and is ego driven and loves compliments. so he is very free with giving them as well because he loves to get them so he figures everyone likes to hear them. hehe.
Hubby and I are like that too Mara and it really helps you to get the best out of life if you work together on these things. Like with the smoking and diet and exercise, it is so much easier if you encourage each other and follow the same lifestyle. It is great too to compliment each other, so important.

I am going to try for 6 days a week and maybe shorten the duration of the workouts. I didn't workout this morning as I have done 5 days straight and felt I needed a day off, I am grumpy about it but feel I need a rest for today.

Hope the gym session went well Jeff, look forward to hearing about it!

Thanks Dixie, I am into week 5 now smoke free


Mar 1, 2005
I ran 8 miles last night and felt pretty good. I could have easily gone another couple of miles. So, I think I''ll be quite ready for the race which is less than 3 weeks away! This Thursday I''m going to try and run 13 miles this time running the whole way and not walking at all. Tonight I''ll do a short 3 mile run and tomorrow probably a 5 mile run.

I hope everyone''s having a great week so far!


Apr 30, 2005
Great job Coda, you will zoom through that race!

Ok my goals as per JC...

this week - to complete workouts of about 50 mins until Saturday

this month''s goal - to aim for 6 workouts a week.

long term - keep on working out, lose about 10 more pounds, get fitter and stronger so I can live a longer, healthier and happier life.

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Hi everyone. My first orientation session went very well. The gym staff person showed me how each exercise station worked.

It was all foreign to me but I did 15 reps on each station without difficulty. I''m hoping to focus on all areas within a 30-45 minute session
3x a week. The fact that I''ve been doing Jujitsu since March has given me the flexibility and strength to start a more vigorous routine without the usual slow start up. I''m impatient by nature but I have to remember to pace myself.
Like Rod, I haven''t stepped foot in a gym in over 20 years! Back in my younger days at the "Y" there was one weight bench, only free weights, and we played raquetball. That''s it! I''m in "exercise heaven" now...please keep after me guys! Good luck everyone...WE ARE ALL DOING GREAT

Keep on TRACKin
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