
Weekly Workout Thread 23rd Oct till 29th Oct

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Aug 12, 2005
Great job ellaila! Good to see you posting here, you lurker, you! I also did not "love" the Memory Keeper''s Daughter--it just wasn''t one of those "feel good" stories and I felt some things were left unresolved what with the husband going to his grave with his secret. I thought it was very interesting, though, and thought-provoking. I haven''t read Before You know Kindness...who is the author? I will check it out. Oh, and if you like Kim Edwards and enjoy learning while reading fiction, Jodi Picoult is a great novelist too. Vanishing Acts and Plain Truth are two of hers I''ve read--very thoroughly researched and basically fascinating.

I''m not working out tonight...we are going to see "The Departed" with my FIL (MIL is OOT and he''s lonely, we think). Also, last night while on the treadmill I managed to burn myself some nice blisters into my heels due to wearing socks that were too low. Ouch. I doctored them up pretty good this morning with antibiotic ointment and waterproof bandaids, so hopefully they''ll be healed quickly!

Everyone have a great weekend!!! Try not to indulge TOO much, lol!


Apr 7, 2006
Oh, The Departed is so good! Being a Boston girl, I'm a bit biased but really it's a great movie. Be warned, though, swearing is non-stop in the movie. A lot of it is pretty funny, but YIKES, my virgin ears!! Enjoy the movie

Before You Know Kindness is by Chris Bohjalian, who also wrote Midwives, which I read a few years ago, and some other books that I have not read. I definitely recommend this one!

I have read a few Jodi Picoult books -- some I loved (The Pact, Plain Truth), some I hated (My Sister's Keeper!!)!

If you've got any other recommendations, pass them along!! I love to read and am always on the lookout for great new books!

ETA: WHOOPS! Forgot this is a workout thread -- sorry for the hijack! Carry on (any Project Runway fans out there?) with the sweat talk


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 10/27/2006 4:39:05 PM
Author: ellaila
Oh, The Departed is so good! Being a Boston girl, I''m a bit biased but really it''s a great movie. Be warned, though, swearing is non-stop in the movie. A lot of it is pretty funny, but YIKES, my virgin ears!! Enjoy the movie

Before You Know Kindness is by Chris Bohjalian, who also wrote Midwives, which I read a few years ago, and some other books that I have not read. I definitely recommend this one!

I have read a few Jodi Picoult books -- some I loved (The Pact, Plain Truth), some I hated (My Sister''s Keeper!!)!

If you''ve got any other recommendations, pass them along!! I love to read and am always on the lookout for great new books!

ETA: WHOOPS! Forgot this is a workout thread -- sorry for the hijack! Carry on (any Project Runway fans out there?) with the sweat talk
LOL, sorry everyone for the hijacks! Ellaila, there is a book thread buried somewhere in hangout, I think, and a Project Runway thread as well. If you do a search for "books" I''m sure it will come up. I''ll see you over on those threads, he hee.


Jul 26, 2004

Is it your BIRTHDAY? Have a great one girl!

So, good work out week for me, but haven''t had time to check this thread and offer words of encouragment to all!
My class this year is a really tough one, a bunch of unmotivated fifth graders, yikes!
I leave work exhausted every day, by the time I jump on here, the thread is SOOOOooooo long!
I need to check back and catch up.

Ran 6 miles yesterday, meant to go to the gym today, but the house needed cleaning, and my brain needed unrattling
(crazy students...) so I just came home for some quiet. I will gym tomorrow and do my LONG run on Sunday.

Hope everyone has a really great weekend!



Jun 15, 2006
Date: 10/27/2006 4:57:11 PM
Author: monarch64

Date: 10/27/2006 4:39:05 PM
Author: ellaila
Oh, The Departed is so good! Being a Boston girl, I''m a bit biased but really it''s a great movie. Be warned, though, swearing is non-stop in the movie. A lot of it is pretty funny, but YIKES, my virgin ears!! Enjoy the movie

Before You Know Kindness is by Chris Bohjalian, who also wrote Midwives, which I read a few years ago, and some other books that I have not read. I definitely recommend this one!

I have read a few Jodi Picoult books -- some I loved (The Pact, Plain Truth), some I hated (My Sister''s Keeper!!)!

If you''ve got any other recommendations, pass them along!! I love to read and am always on the lookout for great new books!

ETA: WHOOPS! Forgot this is a workout thread -- sorry for the hijack! Carry on (any Project Runway fans out there?) with the sweat talk
LOL, sorry everyone for the hijacks! Ellaila, there is a book thread buried somewhere in hangout, I think, and a Project Runway thread as well. If you do a search for ''books'' I''m sure it will come up. I''ll see you over on those threads, he hee.
I am a big book worm so I went to bump the thread about reading in hangout and was unable to do so (on both threads I found neither had the "reply" button. Is there something wrong with me or do threads get retired if their old?


Oct 18, 2005
Ugh, I''ve been horrible on the working out this week... After a full week of the 10-minutes yoga routine every day, I did NOTHING this week. I was on Fall Break and I went home, and forgot my DVD at my apartment... I spent the week studying and spending time with my mom, and dress shopping today, and no yoga. Ugh. I think I need a kick in the behind...


Aug 12, 2005
Kimberly, I tried to bump the book thread too and wasn''t able to. Must be a new thing...I can start a new one for Fall 2006, though!
I''ll post in Hangout.


Jun 15, 2006
Awesome, thanks monarch! I didn''t want to start a new thread if I was off.


Oct 30, 2002
thanks for all the fabu birthday wishes, WWT''ers!!! i had a wonderful day and evening.

i meant to check in yesterday but i was pretty busy all day. anyway, i hit another milestone yesterday, the scale said 139 and i burned 650 calories on the treadmill in 65 minutes. pretty stoked about both....i figure with water weight and all that i am like 140 since last time i was 141 so i figure that means i met my ''goal'' in temrs of weight loss, since i just wanted to lose about 10 lbs from my 150 weight. i also measured myself today and i lost another inch from my waist, and lower waist lost 1.5 inches and hips lost 1 inch. i hadn''t been able to find my measuring tape til today, so the last time i measured was about a month ago. so the months of hard work finally paid off in results. i feel like 90% of my visible results have happened in the last 2-3 months, which is when i really also ratcheted up my workouts so i guess that was the ticket to the golden egg. i guess i was not doing ''enough'' before. so YAY.

last nite had some amazing food for my birthday dinner with my parents, and my dad gave me what i asked for, a heart rate monitor! it''s a pink polar F6 for ladies. so i''m jazzed to start wearing that during my kickboxing workouts so i can really see what is going on with my calories and heart rate. and also i''d like to compare it while on the treadmill as well. so i''m going to start wearing it next week. new toy...hehe.

then this morning i got up, ate a 1/2 a luna bar, and went to kickboxing class, its funny how tired you can feel when you get there but then once you start moving around it seems to come more easily. plus saturdays are longer workouts, about 40 minutes of cardio rather than the 30 during the week so it burns a bit more too which is good. then i got a lox wheat bagel with lowfat cream cheese, onions and capers and ate 1/2 for breakfast with coffee. the other 1/2 will be for lunch...and then dinner later tonite is at my fave fondue place with me and greg, so excited. and it''s A TON of food and it can be heavy when all is said and done so i want to just eat light today so that i don''t feel like too much of a butterball tonite. we go to la fondue 2x a year so i really like to make it count. haha.

i have to take portia to the vet to get her bordatella vaccine now that she is better and then the rest of the day, i just plan to relax basically, i might get a mani pedi or i might do that tomorrow. it''s been really challenging mentally for me with the new job and the workout schedule and also just coordination of stuff esp with portia being sick and me having to check on her during lunches. i was used to having a fair amount of down time during the weekdays to get errands done and now i have to kind of push them off til lunch or after work, even though my job is flexible....i obviously can''t be a slack and it is ramping up fairly quickly so we are starting to get very busy with projects. so i might be working longer hours for the next few months. i am JAZZED since next week portia is going back to daycare which takes a huge load of pressure off of me with coordinating who is going to get her (while she was sick she had to be quarantined from other dogs), so now 3 days a week i just drop her off and don''t worry about her the whole day which is means i have my lunches to myself again as well to get errands run or whatever. but anyway i really like the new job and am happy i made the change, so that''s positive, it makes getting back into the ''groove'' of things easier for me to know that i''m still very pleased with my decision.

anyway next week will be busy too since we have a company event on thursday, and then on sunday i leave for a biz trip to NYC for 3 days, yikes!! so i have to get ready for that next weekend, it''s a big deal since it''s going from warm weather climate (it''s 82 here today!) to NYC where it''s pretty chilly right now so it takes a lot of ''wardrobe coordination''...hehee. my coworker said she wanted to work out when we were in NYC and i am like ''YES'' so hopefully we will be able to find some time to get a few days of workouts in on our trip.

rambling now....gosh that was kind of a brain dump wasn''t it?!?! haha anyway hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Glad you had a fabu birthday Mara. Your dad's gift sounds absolutely perfect. I use my heart and distance monitor when I run and it helps me stay in a good zone, which allows me to run further. Anyway, so glad your day was special!!!

We had our trainingh session this morning. Our trainer just keeps pushing us harder and harder and we had another total body breakdown session. But, this time afterwards, we dragged ourselves to the elliptical and did another intense 30 minutes there. I managed to burn 500 calories in 30 minutes which is really good.

We're working on the positives of a Raleigh lifestyle. I got excellent feedback from my interview and have been told an offer should be made next week. We're working with a realtor up there and he's already sent us some information on two condo's that look pretty exciting. As long as we can have an urban lifestyle and we can find a good gym, I'm sure we could adjust to moving pretty well.

Tonight, we're going to a Tapas restaurant and then seeing the movie Running With Scissors. We both read the book and enjoyed it a lot. The movie didn't get the best review, but often we like movies the reviewers don't much care for and the movies they love, somehow don't impress us. So, will let you know what we thought tomorrow.

Hope you're all enjoying a nice weekend.


Jan 3, 2005
I have slacked off my newly started workouts this week too.
i''ve been so busy with my hubby getting a new job, our kids having halloween party''s/activities, some friends moving into town from Chicago and getting ready for my own trip to chicago next weekend that other than my daily walking of Zoe, nothing which means I''m going to be sore all over again when I go back to kickboxing
. I also really have to buy new workout/cross trainers b/c my current running shoes are so beat up and there isn''t enough support for a workout. any particular shoes you gals like?

mara, so glad you had a happy b-day. what did greg end up getting you?

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Sounds like the exercise regime for everyone is running about 50/50. Slackers vs. Achievers.

It''s okay to take a day off here and there
. I haven''t done anything since late Thursday.

You are all great and very special people. You''ll feel better if you look around and see folks that are very out of shape!

I became more motivated after speaking to my son (22 years young) who is a boxer and is currently training

two new fighters. My son is expected to fight professionally in our area in about 6-12 months.

You have no idea what guts and determination it takes to step into the ring. It''s a parent''s nightmare to watch

Keep on TRACKin.


Jun 15, 2006
Glad your b-day was so much fun, Mara!

Walked 16.6 miles today. Ate a chicken ceasar salad for lunch, which is more than I usually would, but the walk more than compensates.

I need a shower! Happy Saturday all.


Jul 26, 2004
16.6 miles??? I am super impressed! Nice job KimberlyH!

Mara, I''m glad your birthday was fun. It''s so funny to me that you asked for a heart-monitor, shows your dedication, speaking of dedication: Wow! Fantastic results! You must be very proud. How nice to have found your tape measure and
been able to record such dramatic changes! I''d celebrate by buying myself some clothes (but I always want to buy clothes.)

Rod, I''ve got my fingers crossed for you!!!!! Hope the good news keeps flying in!

While I meant to go to the gym today, I didn''t. Instead I played a couple of hours of ultimate frisbee with my co-ed
fall-league team. If you don''t know ultimate (it''s how I met my husband) it involves a lot of running, stopping and cutting, and
is tons of cardio vascular fun. We played pretty hard, and the weather was beautiful, so it was a nice option over the gym (I also avoided the post game beers... whew, that was a tough decision, but I had a paper to write for one of my online classes.

I really need an upper body work out soon. It won''t happen tomorrow, because that''s the long run day. Hopefully I can get to the gym twice next week in between running days.


Jun 15, 2006
Tybee: My feet agree with you! And tomorrow we''re doing at least the same, if not longer. If you''re familiar w/ San Diego at all we walked from Torrey Pines to Cardiff by the Sea and back. It''s pretty hilly terrain around Torrey Pines so tomorrow we decided to walk flat ground, we''re headed to Mission Bay as opposed to Torrey Pines to Pacific Beach/Ocean Beach and back. My husband walked with me and I figured we''d be having somthing like pizza for dinner because it''s easy, but he''s in the kitchen making enchiladas, the crazy man! I don''t want to move.

Ultimate frisbee sounds like a ton of fun and great exercise.


Oct 30, 2002
lol tybee well i have been shopping up a storm lately due to my new smaller size, so i am on a shopping ban for a while now BUT i did get a bunch of new jeans and sweaters in the last month or so that show off my new more fit size so that''s definitely fun. i knew that i have been making progress, the scale was registering things, but only now am i finally in a place on the scale that i wanted to be AND in a good place with measurements, body fat etc. so it is kind of like the ultimate cumulative goal has maybe finally been reached! now i just want to maintain.

congrats kimberly!! 16 miles wow, so your foot must be totally better now right? be sure to take care of it!! and enchiladas, yum!! sounds divine.

rod...i like the sound of how things might be shaping up for you guys with raleigh..keep us posted for sure! mmm tapas.

mrs salvo, lol greg tried to get me the white gold hoops i wanted from nordstroms but they were sold out so he got me some silver ones instead for the time being and i am going to find a pair i want online and he will get them for me. poor guy, i think he was thrown when nordies didn''t have the ones i wanted and plan b was silver! such a man...he''s like ''these are okay right?''...i said ''sure for now!''
i think i may have found a pair of ones i want at mondera, they are 1.85" and white gold hoops and only $95! i didn''t want anything expensive, just something functional, cute, large hoops and can be cleaned in the US so these seem perfect. plus i am mentally saving my ''gift credits'' for my eventual b-bag!! hehe.
oh and he gave me 2 really cute cards and some other miscellaneous fun/kitschy stuff. and dinner tonite at LF. yum.
i''ve been trying to not really eat much today but i keep getting hungry, darnit! i had a kashi bar about 2 hours ago so i hope it will tide me over til our dinner ressie!


Jun 15, 2006
My foot is doing great, which is so exciting because I wasn''t sure I''d make the walk.

Shopping is always so fun when clothes fit well. I have a pretty negative body image which makes it not so fun, and the image i have of myself is silly because I do take care of myself.

Enchildas, yum yum! He''s so good about maknig them w/ turkey and mozerella cheese so they''re delicious but not terrible for me.


Apr 30, 2005
Great stuff everyone! I am definitely slacking at the moment with my workouts
, but should be able to start again tomorrow, no I WILL start again tomorrow! Just have to finish some painting in the bedroom then we will be there. Mara that is incredible how much weight and inches you have lost, you definitely found the key to those last stubborn pounds, well done!

Rod it sounds like things are shaping up for you both! MrsSalvo we will both get back into our workouts, sometimes life intrudes...

Jeff, I can imagine it must be so difficult to watch your boy in a punch up like that!

Really good job everyone!


Nov 30, 2005
Heyo all!

Well, my lovely new size 12 wedding dress arrived and I've got four months to drop a size and fit into it! I figured it's time to get off my lazy @$$ and join the workout thread!

So Saturday I spent 48 minutes on the ellipse which felt really good. I think my heart rate was a little too high for the effort I was putting in, but a week more of the ellipse and it should start to adjust, right? Yes, I'm woefully out of shape.
The image of the strapless dress before my eyes, I also did the beginner bun roller exercises and some of the arm circles. I couldn't finish the arm circle video exercises because my muscles just gave out. Who would have thought that mini hoola-hoops for your wrists could be so tough?
Food wise yesterday was a bit iffy. We went out to a nice italian place for my mom's birthday and I snapped and had tirimasu. yummm. I did have the puttanesca with no cheese rather than the sausage dish but it was definitely far too many calories all told. On the plus side we did walk over and then back the long way.

Today I'm hoping to report about the same but with less dessert.

I'm also considering asking my mother if I can borrow her ab roller thingy, has anyone tried that with good results? As you can tell by my owning a bun roller I'm a sucker for infomercials!


Jul 26, 2004
Welcome Indie!

Easy does it, right? The point is getting your brain in the right place, and realizing that you can''t do everything at once.
It sounds like you might be off to a good start.

Checking in here daily helps! I was just running my big run and thinking, "now I get to post on the workout thread that I ran 11 miles!"
That was my motivation to make it throught the last mile lol!

Nothing like a beautiful wedding dress to get you inspired, though!


Oct 30, 2002
lol tybee, i know...reporting in here totally helps me ''oh now i can report that i hit a new milestone in calories!'' or whatever. i definitely think that the stories here inspire all of us. welcome indie...definitely don''t overdo it as you just start out, you don''t want your muscles to totally freak out and then injure yourself and be out of it for a month or something. esp since you have a timeline. slow and steady wins the race.

i have recently registered a scale drop and also lost 3-4 clothing sizes (well i went from a 10 a 6, so i don''t know if that''s 4 clothing sizes or if it''s more like 2 because it''s 10 to 8 to 6)...and really what triggered it finally was bumping up my workouts to almost every day (from about 2-3x a week to 6-7x a week after my body was ''conditioned'' to do at least 3) and then really just watching my calorie intake. i didn''t even need to do the whole ''less carbs'' or ''less fat'' thing, it was just keeping my caloric intake under a certain amount per day for how much i was working out and also trying to feed my body with the RIGHT types of fuel for what i was doing. aka 150 calories eaten could be a luna bar with high protein and fiber and vitamins for my body and low sugar intake and low fat intake, or it could be something like a pumpkin spice latte with nonfat milk which registers high sugar intake and some protein from the milk but that''s about it. so mentally it was about ''how do i want to spend my calories''. like shopping at the store but for food choices. by making more of the right choices and less of the wrong ones, i really saw some serious results. doesn''t mean i still don''t splurge, oh i do, but i try to be 99% consistent so that the 1% where i am a bad chocolate souffle eating girl doesn''t really derail me or even bother me.

anyway that is really what has led to my succeses in the last few months. just being smarter about eating and working out more consistently. it''s a lifetime change i wanted to make, not just to lose some weight. and i feel better about it long-term too.

so we just walked about 3/4m over to this park to see my dad finish the Silicon Valley Marathon...that was fun to cheer him on at the end and hang out with him for a bit, then we walked back home. i had some cracklin oat bran cereal for breakfast and coffee, la fondue last nite was divine but MAN it was pretty heavy!! we both felt like butterballs getting home. my digestive system was pretty efficient with the digestion which was very positive and this morning i felt pretty good, whereas in the past when i think my system might not have been in as great of shape, i might have felt a lot more ill last nite. but this morning we felt okay if a little bloated from the heavy food last nite.

we were going to make crockpot spaghetti which last time was DIVINE with a blend of turkey and lean meat and with a lot of mushrooms (love them)...but i don''t know if we feel like pasta tonite, after last nite''s gorgefest. so we''ll see. greg is off to run a 10k basically and i am off to the gym to do my treadmill workout...i am thinking maybe today i will also branch out to an elliptical workout and see if that does anything different for me...i feel like maybe i should be working out my middle and upper body a bit more? my legs and butt are SUPER lean...but i still have a TINY bit of fat to lose around my waist and upper area...and i think the leanness from the treadmill is wonderful for my lower half but i want to kind of see the same results for my waist, upper body, so maybe elliptical will help that a bit??

so anyway hope everyone has a great day and rest of the weekend!!! and kudos tybee on running 11 miles, you go girl! and great news on the workout indie, just take it easy and be sure to STRETCH after to avoid injuries. lorelei, hope your workout went should take some pictures of the house to post for us so we can see your efforts pay off. kimberly glad to hear your foot is better, walking all that way is great gal!


Oct 18, 2005
Date: 10/29/2006 12:18:43 PM
Author: IndieJones
Heyo all!

Well, my lovely new size 12 wedding dress arrived and I''ve got four months to drop a size and fit into it! I figured it''s time to get off my lazy @$$ and join the workout thread!
Hey, ordering the dress one size too small seems like a pretty good incentive to keep working out...
Maybe I should do that when I''ll buy it...
Not that I need to lose weight, but some slimming down at the waist could be good!


Jul 26, 2004
Hey Anchor,

If my experience counts for anything...

I bought my dress in the winter, and was between two sizes. The saleslady CONVINCED me to buy the larger size... claiming that it
is way easier to take a dress in than to let a dress out. I told her that I am notorious for losing weight in the summer, plus I''d be working out and getting in shape for the wedding. She laughed and was like, "no way."

Well, the dress came, and was HUGE! It was a corset back and could be tightened all the way and there still was plenty of wiggle room.
My seamstress was a magician. She did an amazing job... but it wasn''t cheap! I kept thinking, "what if I bought the smaller size????"

So, if I had it to do over again, I''d go for the smaller size...

That being said, I think appletini had a more stressful experience because her dress came in too small... and when it was let out it looked terrible. I think she was able to get a last minute dress change, just in the nick of time. Not something that I''d want to go through, though...

So... moral of the story? There is no moral. I guess different experiences happen to different people.
When I look back, I wouldn''t change my lovely dress for anything... but it was a tad too big (tee hee)

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Another workout week comes to an end..Hey this isn''t that bad after all

Are you in a groove? A steady routine? A specified time and day to workout?

I prefer working out at the gym at 3 pm...very few people and I have a flexible work schedule.

Congrats to all and keep up the great work. This is an amazing thread.


Oct 30, 2002
oooh so i had to check in again, i just got home from the gym (and trader joes which is a madhouse on sunday afternoon) and i wore my new pink polar HRM and i love it!!! first off, it was way easier to be able to see consistently what my HR was at on the machines, because my chest strap was also trasmitting to the machines so i didn't even need to look at the watch that often which was great. but seeing my HR consistently on the machines and knowing what my range was and what my max was, i could push harder or go slower accordingly to keep my HR in the range it should be and also keep it right at the max if i was working myself to the limit...aka i didn't want to go over the max and get all crazy. it was pretty interesting. i did the elliptical for 38 minutes which was actually surprisingly 'easy' compared to doing the incline on the treadmill for a full hour, and it burned 350 calories. so then i went to the treadmill and did the incline at 11-12 for 30 minutes since i was already warmed up and burned another 350 calories. then i went and did some arm weights. when all was said and done, i checked my HRM to see how consistent the calorie burn on there was with the machines and it said 745 for the whole workout. so the machines were 700 according to them so 10 minutes of arm machine work about 40ish calories? (with walking to get water each time in between a workout? heart rate was still high so maybe burned a few cals there) i guess i can subscibe to that notion or something around there. but i was really happy to see that the HRM was actually pretty much spot on with the machines so that makes me feel good because now i know that i haven't been WAY off in my calorie calcs for gym time without the HRM previously.

and above and beyond that, i am just way super jazzed because i hit 745 calories!!! that is definitely my all time high. i actually really liked breaking up the workouts and doing the elliptical and then the treadmill because the treadmill, as great as it is for my butt and legs, was getting a wee bit tedious for an hour 3-4x a week. so now i can 'mix things up' with the elliptical and get a bit more arm movement in there too.

so then i went to TJ's and loaded up on salads for this week and a few more pizzas, the rosemary chicken and wild rice dinner that we had this week (SUPER yummy by the way and healthy too) and some more luna bars which are now my snack of choice between meals and after a workout. i also got greg some boy clif bars since he shouldn't be eating my luna aka for women bars. hehee.

anyhow, hope everyone is doing GREAT...i surely am mentally ecstatic and i don't even feel THAT exhausted. the funniest thing is that we did that walk this morning to the park and back which was probably about 100 cals for both so i am having a 'power day'. which is good since i can't work out thurs of this week or sunday due to pre-existing committments so i will only get 5 days in this week so i am happy to power through a sunday and also burn off a few more la fondue calories.

dinner is probably going to be mini-chicken pot pies (650 cals) from marie calendars (our guilty lazy sunday pleasure!) and a fresh salad (150 cals) so i feel pretty good about today overall. have a great evening everyone!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy Sunday everyone! Welcome aboard, Indie! This thread is a great motivator.

Just got home from walking 16 miles. It was actually easier and faster today, which is a bit crazy. We finished in a shorter time frame but also cut out the hills for the most part.

Lunch was two healthmex tacos from Rubios, breakfast was oatmeal as always and I ate a handful of trailmix on the walk. Hubby is making filet mignon, roasted potatoes and a salad for dinner. I burned about 3500 calories today and a bit more than that yesterday so it''s a good night to eat a bit more than usual.

COngrats on the big calorie pruge today Mara!

And 11 miles Tybee, wow that''s a huge accomplishment.

I need a shower!


Aug 12, 2005
Go KimberlyH!!!! 16 miles--you''re awesome! How are your tootsies doing, any blisters yet?


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone!

Welcome Indie......I hope you are not here just to lose the weight needed to get in your wedding dress and forget about fitness once you're married. I hope you find something in this thread to help you make fitness an important part of your life. Now, that said, it took me nearly a half century to figure this out, but now that I have, I truly regret all the years of abuse. The smoking. The overeating. The not working out. The not taking care of myself. Anyway, I welcome you and hope you stay and accomplish more than just getting into your wedding dress. BTW.....I assume you were referring to the Elliptical? When I first got an elliptical, I thought I would die and my heart rate was outrageous. Now 15 months into a dedicated fitness routine, I have difficulty pushing my heart rate up. It's amazing how the body adjusts postively to positive input. Anyway, here's my .02 worth.........skip the Tiramasu, and get back on the elliptical and keep working at it. You'll find the endorphens way better than the cake to begin with

Jeff.....You're absolutely right. Keeping a routing and sticking with it makes all the difference. I simply can not miss my workouts or runs. I won't let myself not do it. The positive results I've experienced are so worth all the time I've spent working out.

Mara: You go Supergirl. Now you know why we combine weights and aerobics. The combined calorie burn is simply amazing!

So, we had our typical Sunday afternoon workout at the gym. We worked core, then lower body, then upper body, then the elliptical. We were there nearly 3 hours and combined a lot of machines and free weights before getting on the elliptical. This time I set the level on the elliptical to the highest level I've ever used. It was tough going on my legs, but I burned an amazing amount of calories (nearly 800) in 45 minutes. I could really feel the burn on my legs though. Then we had a nice healthy dinner and took a nearly 4 mile walk to Starbucks and back. All in all, it was just a fantastic day from a fitness and weather standpoint.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to a great healthy week coming up.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 10/29/2006 7:29:06 PM
Author: monarch64
Go KimberlyH!!!! 16 miles--you''re awesome! How are your tootsies doing, any blisters yet?
Oh my feet are so disgusting right now it''s not even funny! I have strange hard growths, dry, cracked skin and blisters inches wide and long and on and on! I have been pretty hard on my feet over the years, not wearing the proper shoes if any at all, etc. which is actually to my advantage during training as they don''t hurt as much as my teammate''s.

My muscles are sore but I am doing better than I thought I would be after a back to back. One of my teammates is rather overweight and not healthy in general and we''re all a bit concerned about her physical health in regards to the walk and in general of course. The rest of my team is doing pretty well -- we have a complainer, she whines the whole time, wven though she''s in decent shape, which seems so silly as we''re doing something for a great cause and are so lucky to be healthy enough to do this -- but one woman even quit smoking after 30 years to walk, so it''s been great for her in more ways than one!

Anyways, the whole experience has been a ton of fun. I''ll post some pics of the walk in a few weeks.


Oct 30, 2002
wow go kimberly!! so that was 32 miles this weekend?!? holy moly! so, i'm curious, how do you know you burned 3500 calories today, do you wear a HRM? the reason i ask is because i have always read that walking does not burn that many calories, and even with me on an 11 incline doing a 3.9MPH walk for an hour i burn 600 calories for about 3.5 miles. and that's basically on a steep hill the whole time. so i'm wondering how you got 3500 calories for 16 miles today on a flat walking surface. when i walk on the flat walking surface on the treaddie, it's like 1/5 of the calorie burn as on an incline. so it seems like it's MAYBE 100 calories per mile. so that would be more like 1600 for you? anyway just curious because i wonder if i am missing something or maybe your calcs are wrong and i figure if they are you'd want to know right?!?! or maybe i'm missing something! so fill me in..hehee. if you really are burning 3500 calories per day, that's an insane amount!! i work out 6x a week and i burn about 2800-3000 a week.

wow rod you guys had a powerful day as well. i actually spent about an hour and a half at the gym today, my max so far, the problem is that i typically ony have like 45 minutes to an hour there during weeknights due to having to get home for P or something, so on sundays i don't really have a schedule and can stay longer, but i can't imagine spending 3 hours there, maybe if G was with me it'd be more interesting or something. he ran for 1 hour 15 minutes and burned 1250 calories. so it was a great day for us both.

the group is doing so wonderfully, i'm so proud of everyone!! and anyone who hasn't been able to get a workout in, just get back on the wagon as soon as you can. i definitely am addicted to feeling good about it, haha greg was saying 'wow we are obsesed working out today' since he had a rowing race yesterday where he basically depletes himself in 20 minutes to row with 7 other guys against a bunch of college age guys in a race! so his workout yesterday then able to run today as far as he did and do so well is great. he has always been in great shape though since i have known him. and if he ever stopped working out because work got too hectic or whatever, when he gets back into it, he sees results right away. so jealous of the male physique in that manner! that is why i definitely want this to be a lifestyle change, even if i can't 'sustain' 6x a week anymore, i still want to live the healthier lifestyle and workout at least a few times a week to maintain. but i still want to do 5-6x and it seems so far so good with my new schedule.
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