
Weekly Workout Thread 19th Feb till 25th Feb

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week to all

Everyone is doing great! I have been MIA for the past few days due to life intruding, and I am having to practise what I preach about not feeling guilty missing a few workouts, plus my good old back has been painful again
. I am telling myself that if I miss a few workouts it isn''t a big deal, as I am in this for the long haul. I just need to get back into my routine and I will. I have no rush, need no instant figure fix, but to maintain my health and shape and sometimes life will get in the way. So later on today, I plan to begin again on the treadmill to start. This is getting easier now as I have trained myself out of the " blown it again" thoughts, I haven''t! This is what will keep me healthy and trim in the long term, feelings of failure normally lead you straight to the cookie jar, rarely the treadmill! Therefore try not to give them any importance, you can always begin again tomorrow. This journey to health and fitness is like any other in life, you are bound to find a few sticks and stones in your path.

Keep up the great work everyone!


May 14, 2006
Hey Lorelei,

Ive finished antibiotics last night so Im going to go for my first workout today after college. Looking forward to getting up there and onto the cross trainer! Never thought I''d ever hear myself say that I missed the gym. My eating has been a bit all over the place the last week so starting back as normal today.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!


Apr 30, 2005
Glad you are feeling better Bee! I am gearing up to get my workout in later and I will be relieved to get back to it!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday morning everyone! I am off work today and was planning on doing a long workout but I think I might have overdone it yesterday on my elipti-fest with my heartrate in the high 160s for the entire hour. I woke up around midnight with the *tiniest* pain in my chest, but I think it was more tied to my breathing than my heartbeat, and then the same thing happend again around 5 am. Since I've been up it's come and gone a little, but I definitely triggered it when I was reaching up/in to the dryer to get some clothes out (we have a stackable with the dryer on the top). I don't know how to describe it other than a weird tightness, but the stretching/reaching movement brought it on pretty immediately. Oh well, I'm taking it as a sign that I just need a day of rest, and when I do go back to it (hopefully tomorrow) I'm going to keep my heartrate lower for a while. A little while ago when I was digging around in the pantry for some tea I was careful to get some that has no caffine because I figure that's the last thing I need right now, LOL. Probably convince myself I really was having a heart attack!

ETA: Lorelei, I forgot to say that I'm sorry to hear your back is acting up lately. And absolutely do not feel guilty about missing a few workouts--you have to do what's best for your body in the long term even if it means taking some time off in the short term. Hope you're up and good as new in no time!


Aug 3, 2006
mara, i''ve been looking at buns too b/c i''ve been really into homemade salmon burgers and blackbean burgers lately. the best ones i''ve found, taste-wise, are the ezekiel 4:9 brand that they sell at WF and i''m sure some other stores. they are really, really tasty! there''s whole grain, whole wheat, and sesame. i think the whole grain are the best, and they have 170 cal. the whole wheat are really good too though, and only have 150 cal so i get those usu. plus you can throw the whole thing in the freezer as is, and take 1 or 2 out as needed.


May 14, 2006
Hope that pains gone away Dee*Jay-I hate it when I get any pain at all around there.Im a panicker by nature so I worry about everything when I get a tiny pain!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 2/19/2007 10:57:31 AM
Author: bee*
Hope that pains gone away Dee*Jay-I hate it when I get any pain at all around there.Im a panicker by nature so I worry about everything when I get a tiny pain!

Thanks bee*! I feel like such a wuss, but when you are woken in the middle of the night by a pain in your chest (even if you're SURE it's NOTHING) it's still a little disconcerting, LOL.

Hope you enjoy your workout today!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

After all the beautiful weather we''ve been having (mid-70s and sunshine) it started POURING last night. Our non-existent grass really needed it!

I''m going to work out today. My goal is 2000 calories again this week. I am contemplating taking a week of from weighing in as I think I need to step away from the scalre for a bit, but I will do measurements either way.

Nothing much else to tell this gloomy morning.

DeeJay, you aren''t being a wuss, you are listening to your body, which is a good thing!

Lorelei: I''m so sorry your back is still hurting!

Have a great (holi)day everyone.


Jul 23, 2006
I''m doing house cleaning today as my i''m not going to do my pilates dvd today because my son was up teething half the night
. I''m going to have baked chicken parm w/low fat cheese on toasted bread for dinner--i can''t wait...i''m having healthy choice soup for lunch--i love soup especially since its so cold out today. i had 3 oatmeal cookies w/milk for breakfast.
i''m trying to figure out what i want for snacks...any ideas?


Jun 15, 2006
snack ideas:

pita bread w/ hummus
yogurt (Activa is 70 calories and has the active enzymes that are good for you in it)
12 almonds (80 calories, 7 g of fat)
granola bar


Oct 30, 2002
kimberly the activia they sell here is like 150 cals or something...i checked it out and was like no way. there must be another size i am not familiar with.

nycsparkle i posted a massive list of snack ideas in last week's thread, on one of the last 3-4 pages i think. check it out. i wish there was a way to archive that since people ask about snacks all the time. and they also ask how people distribute calories all the time too, hehe.

DJ don't overdo it, your body probably does need a rest. it's probably some muscle that was being used that is not used to it. Lorelei, sorry to hear your back is giving you problems, be careful on the treadmill, but trust me I know how frustrating it is to be off your schedule and not able to do what you want.

nejarb, turns out we liked the sara lee buns, they taste a lot like the 45 cal bread i get from them. for me, hamburger buns aren't something i care too much about, they are kind of a wasted bread for me...they are never as good as 'real bread' aka sourdough or similar, and so they just serve a 'purpose', kind of like the tortillas for me. so the lowest calories the better, i was jazzed to find wheat ones for 110 cals. and i like that they are not too big because then we don't have to make monstrous burgers.
great tip on the freezer...i was like gosh okay now we have 6 more buns i have to refridgerate but i didn't think about the freezer. though honestly those burgers i made last nite were so good, i would eat them without the bun. they got RAVE reviews from Greg, i think i counted three times he said 'this is good' while eating, haha.

speaking of the freezer, is anyone else having problems with their freezer being stuffed with goodies? now that i visit TJ's so often i always have a bunch of stuff in there!! also with my LC's and my ice cream treats, waffles, etc it's getting really crowded, lol.

so last nite after dinner we ate our banana cream pudding but then we also had a truffle each, hehe. and i had 2 30 cal truffles before we got to the 'real' truffles.
they are just like teasers. i told greg we need to get these truffles out of the house and he goes 'by eating them?'..i said is there a better way? hehe. so anyway we have made a pact to share one for like the next week and a half (he's gone for 1/2 of that so i'll wait for him) and then they should be gone. and i was looking up handmade truffles online and they don't seem like they'd be THAT bad for you (i found a few reports ranging from 110-150)...but it's so hard to tell with the handmade ones. they are surely primo stuff that's for sure. i put the box in the pantry and am hoping i will forget about them, out of sight out of mind?

today it's a beautiful day here in northern CA. i know we are supposed to get rain at some point but not sure when, we thought yesterday. but there is not a cloud in the sky right now. so i am going to take advantage of it and take P out for an hour long walk in a little while as my 'gym' activity for the day...and then run a few errands this afternoon. i love having a day off but Greg has to work so it's definitely not as much fun!!

breakfast was fiber one with a bit of honey bunches of oats and 1/2 a sliced banana with fat free milk, and coffee. this is going to be more like a wkd day for me in terms of eating, aka small snacks throughout the day and not necessarily a real 'lunch'...and then for dinner we are having soft tacos with the leftover ground chicken and the 50 cal tortillas, beans, shredded iceberg lettuce, 2% cheddar, salsa and lf sour cream, yum!!

hope everyone has a wonderful day, if you are off enjoy it, and if not, look fwd to the coming weekend!!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 2/19/2007 12:30:40 PM
Author: Mara

speaking of the freezer, is anyone else having problems with their freezer being stuffed with goodies? now that i visit TJ's so often i always have a bunch of stuff in there!! also with my LC's and my ice cream treats, waffles, etc it's getting really crowded, lol.

Just yesterday when we got home the happy hubby opened the freezer to put some stuff in and was like, um... there's no more room in here...

I stopped at TJ's last week to stock up for the HH's ski trip, but he also just made a batch of chicken broth, which he stores in one cup tupperware containers, to use in future recipes, and we have all sorts of LCs 'cuz they were on sale the other day, and who knows what else is in there.

The HH and I are both off today but we're doing some work anyway. He's been coming down to my office every fifteen minutes since 9:00 asking if it's lunchtime yet!


Oct 30, 2002
yeah i need to fire up the work laptop at some point today and do a bit of work too but i am in denial!! hehe.

oh and DJ when is HH going on his ski trip? Greg leaves for his with the boys on wed and comes back on sunday, boo hoo!!! but i already have 3 evenings planned out with friends/family, and a few (window) shopping trips with friends for the weekend. oh and i need to schedule a spa day for some fun!! i figure if he gets to go and have some fun, i do too!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 2/19/2007 12:48:08 PM
Author: Mara
yeah i need to fire up the work laptop at some point today and do a bit of work too but i am in denial!! hehe.

oh and DJ when is HH going on his ski trip? Greg leaves for his with the boys on wed and comes back on sunday, boo hoo!!! but i already have 3 evenings planned out with friends/family, and a few (window) shopping trips with friends for the weekend. oh and i need to schedule a spa day for some fun!! i figure if he gets to go and have some fun, i do too!

The HH also leaves on Wednesday but he'll be gone until Monday. As of right now I only have a few things planned for while he's out of town, but I know I'll manage to find a way to keep myself busy! The only sad part (well OK, aside from the fact that I have to manage to feed myself, LOL) is that The Demon is so depressed while HH is gone. He sits and looks out the window for the longest time with this doggy angst on his face. SO SAD!!!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks for all the kind wishes guys, I managed to get a workout in, I did a little on the treadmill and the elliptical, so it is something...


Jun 15, 2006
Mara, the Activia John buys (he''s the grocery shopper in our house) comes in 4 packs. I actually prefer the Yoplait 100 calorie yogurts, but because they have all that good for you stuff in them I eat them anyways, and am likling them more the more the more I have them, but I do trade off between the two.

So I burned 500 calories and then did 100 sit ups, YIPEE!!


Jan 3, 2005
I fellow heathy lifestyle gang. So the weather has warmed up here today so I can finally get the kids and dog back out on walks. I just hate going when it's 30 degrees and make hubby walk Zoe. But with a high around 60 that's perfect walking weather and also a good excuse to get the kids to the playground to burn some energy for a while.

again, these may have been mentioned in another thread but my sister just introduced me to Larabars. they are 100% organic and all natural ingredients. I tried the cherry/date one yesterday and it was really good. Just cheeries, dates, almonds and one other thing. they had under 200 calories, 4 grams of fiber and I can't remeber the rest. I just love have to go bars and things to keep in my purse for a quick snack when I'm out. it reduces the tempation to drive thru someplace when I'm hungery and will tide me over until I can get something substantial. Also, they're good for you which I like. I've also got my kids eating them which is great b/c I'd much rather them snack on foods that have some nutritional value and fiber.

anyway, hope all of you off work enjoy your day!!

oh and mara, I bought the devil's food cake mix and canned pumpkin to try your muffin recipe this week..


Jul 23, 2006
I''m trying that muffin this week too.. it sounds delish. thanks for the snack ideas..i always forget about pineapple even though i have some frozen.


Oct 30, 2002
mrs salvo and NYC you will love those pumpkin choco muffins. i''m out of my healthy bran muffins and my bananas aren''t ready yet, so i decided to finally make the No Pudge! chocolate muffins just mix some nonfat yogurt with the mix. it only made 10 muffins rather than 12 so they end up being about 140 cals each but 0 fat!

i tasted the mix off the spatula before washing out the bowl and YUM YUM and YUM. super chocolatey. so hopefully they come out good.
i''m actually meeting my mom and sisters for shopping in a few hours so i better get my walk in soon. have a great day all!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone,

So, I'm having a cranky day and I don't know why? I slept OK last night, but I woke up cranky and my entire staff is kind of avoiding me. Of course Monday is report day and my team did not hit their goals last week, so I just sent out my weekly summary ( I refer to myself as Metric Rod at work) and half my people have sort of avoided me all day. Maybe they thought if they didn't cross my path, they wouldn't show up in the report. LOL. Anyway, I'm just having a cranky day, but wish I really knew why.

I met Charlie for lunch and a cup of coffee, which was nice. We really need the day off from the gym. And since it's Monday, you know we take Monday's off and have Sushi. So, at least I have that to look forward to. I think we'll go to the Sushi place near the condo we're hoping to buy. They have this Lobster Roll (which at $13.95 for one roll is kind of pricey), but it is pretty exceptional.

Lorelei: Sorry to hear your back pain continues. You know I'm like a broken record on this, but CORE CORE CORE. Are you doing enough Core exercises??

DeeJay, sounds like you need a day of rest too. But, if that pain continues even in the slightest, you need to see a doctor. It scares me when someone refers to a pain in their chest.

Anyway, from Cranky Rod.........Happy Monday.


May 14, 2006
ok I know its not weigh in today but I had to share-after not being to the gym in a week I decided that I would weigh myself today-14 and a half pounds are gone

I am officially over a stone lighter than I was on the 8th of Jan when I started eating healthier and exercising! Woohoo-Im so happy!! D has said that he''d treat me to a facial too so its been a great day all round!

Back to Normal-workout was good-I did cross trainer for 30 mins and then I did 15 minutes running and some weights. I thought I''d be more tired after being sick for the week but I felt great.
Hope you all had a good Monday!


Oct 30, 2002
aww rod sorry to hear you are having a cranky day, i get those sometimes too!! lobster roll will be a nice pick you up later!

CONGRATS bee on the weight loss! that is fantastic! you are doing great.

just took P out for a 55 minute walk...i must have drank too many liquids earlier because 25 minutes of the way through i had to go to the bathroom so badly!!! but with P it''s not like i can just duck into a starbucks. so i just walked faster, hahhaa. i would have gone for longer but 55 was all i could manage. then did some stretching for another 10 minutes for a cooldown, and according to the HRM 385 cals burned. so not bad at all. my goal was 400. also i am going to the outdoor mall with my mom and sisters so we''ll be walking around for a few hours, and i might go for a short walk with Greg and P later. i like walking on days off if i can find the time. it''s mentally soothing (when you don''t have to pee!).

when we got home, i had an egg white scramble with a bit of the chorizo/egg combo from yesterday mixed in, on one of my 50 cal tortillas; and am drinking the rest of the Special K protein''s pretty tasty. so i got a nice dose of protein for my lunch snack.

the muffins came out very nice but they have more of a brownie consistency which is fine...they aren''t cakey but a bit more thickey. but they look yummy. i haven''t tasted one yet but i will probably have one later. but that batter, YUM. hehee.

off to shower and head off to meet my mom and sisters...hope everyone has a great afternoon!


May 14, 2006
Thanks Mara!! I keep forgetting that you guys are a couple of hours behind us here-Im on my way to bed, while you''re heading out for the afternoon!! Enjoy it!


Jun 27, 2006
Hi All,

Lorelei and DeeJay - I hope you feel better soon!

I did another 45 minutes (10 miles) on my bike trainer today. My back muscles are a little sore from weights yesterday, which always makes me feel like something is working with what I''m doing! Breakfast was my normal oatmeal, for lunch I had a half turkey sandwich on wheat bread with tomatoes, mustard, and pickles and a single-serve bag of baked lays. I had a cottage cheese for a snack, and I made myself a yummy omelette for dinner (mushrooms, peppers, onions, low-fat cheese, and a chicken sausage) which was surprisingly low calorie using 1 egg and 3 egg whites. I had an english muffin with smart balance along with it, and that puts me at about 1250 for the day. I have a pint of strawberries in the fridge, so those will be my nighttime snack.


Dec 28, 2005
OK......I'm much less cranky. The lobster roll was absolutely wonderful. I enjoyed my large Sapporo beer and the Spider (soft shell crab) and the spicy tuna roll was really good too. Then we went to Starbucks and I just couldn't help myself and I had a chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing. Yumm Yumm. Sometimes, you just have to give into your cravings, particularly if you're having a particularly cranky day!! Now we're home with kitties curled up in our laps and the world is just a little better.

Tomorrow, it's back to the gym for the next three nights, so I'm sure I'll work off the cupcake in short time!!

Glad to see that you were able to workout some Lorelei.

I got this mental picture of you walking P, Mara, only in my mind, I saw you jumping up and down for the last 1/2 hour due to needing the restroom. You were quite amusing in my mind!!

Kimberly.......release yourself from that scale!! It's a great feeling when you realize you don't need to get on it. I used to weigh myself twice a day. Now, I rarely weigh myself more than once or twice a week.!! It's so liberating.

Take care everyone. Have a great Tuesday!!


Mar 26, 2006
Well I spent the whole day working on things I brought home from my office and napping with The Demon. Not a very active day at all, but nothing like a good chest pain to slow you down a little, LOL.

I was fairly snacky today and dinner was leftovers from last night, but then the happy hubby clued me into dessert nirvana. Chocolate pudding with litte bits of peanut butter in each bit. YUM!!! Chocolate and peanut butter are my favorite combination so I was SO glad he told me about this. I kinda want another one... NO!!!

Hopefully tomorrow I will feel 100% better, but if I don't I'm not going to work out. A little knee pain is one thing, but a chest pain is a whole 'nother thing and I'm not pushing though this one (even though I'm sure it's nothing... ) Thank all for your concern. I promise to be good and take care of myself until it's better!

Kimberly and Basil, congrats on such great workouts!

Bee, I don't know how much a stone is, but good for you for losing one. (If only I could get rid of these twin boulders otherwise known as my ass, ha ha!)

Mara, I was trying to get the HH to make me the chocolate muffings before he goes but since we don't have any cake mix I think my chances are better for the regular pumpkin muffings. I'll take what I can get!

Rod, your dinner sounds wonderful, and I LOVE Sapporo with my sushi too. For some reason that's the only thing that tasts "right" to me with sushi now.


Jun 15, 2006
Rod: Some days i just feel so beholden to it. My history with the scale is that I go through phases where I avoid it for months and then become obsessed with it, as I am now. I just don''t think it''s good for my overall health and well-being to be so focused on a number. Once a week seems a reasonable period of time to weigh in, but I feel drawn to it a lot more often than that, and it''s just silly.

DeeJay: I''m so sorry, no muffins and a whole day spent working! Phoey!

John is making a low-cal tamale pie for dinner. I''ve spent most of the day enjoying my book, it''s been quite pleasant!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 2/19/2007 9:11:42 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Rod: Some days i just feel so beholden to it. My history with the scale is that I go through phases where I avoid it for months and then become obsessed with it, as I am now. I just don''t think it''s good for my overall health and well-being to be so focused on a number. Once a week seems a reasonable period of time to weigh in, but I feel drawn to it a lot more often than that, and it''s just silly.

DeeJay: I''m so sorry, no muffins and a whole day spent working! Phoey!

John is making a low-cal tamale pie for dinner. I''ve spent most of the day enjoying my book, it''s been quite pleasant!
kimberly, put the scale in a closet and pull it out only once a week, say on Saturday or Sunday mornings. If it''s there on the bathroom floor beckoning you to do its'' evil bidding ''buahahahahah,"
you''ll never break the chains it binds to you.


Oct 30, 2002
rod glad to hear that your sushi made the day all better. i LOVE great sushi too as you know and it's definitely one of the best foods for a mental mood lifter. something about fresh fish makes you feel healthy and relaxed all at the same time..hehe. basil congrats on what sounds like a good day!

DJ sorry to hear you got stuck working all day...and no chocolate muffins?! if you feel slightly adventurous on your own, try these no pudge brownie muffin things i made, my sister LOVED them, she said they tasted just like regular brownies. literally buy the box of stuff, add a 6oz container of nonfat yogurt, some vanilla, mix well and bake. i like 'muffins' because they are just easier to transport and handle than brownies, but the consistency of these is definitely more brownie than cakey. which is fine with me, as long as it gives that taste of chocolate that i crave, heehe. oh and HELLO girl...what are these pudding cups with PB in them?? spill. i want to know more.

kimberly i agree about the scale, as you know i am also caught up in it's spell from time to time. i decided that i will continue to weigh myself but not stress out at all unless it creeps up past 135 and stays there for 2 weeks or something crazy. but mostly it's just moving around between 132 and 134 so honestly who cares. i just don't want to lose and i don't want to gain. and my clothes are fitting me better than ever actually...!!!

walked around for a few hours at the mall (and bought a few cute things for spring!)...i've had a really light eating day so far, but that can always change, haha. i ended up having a 60 cal smoothie while out shopping, and now i just had a small bowl of grapes. i budgeted mega cals for 2 slices of cinammon raisin bread because i was obsessed with it yesterday and i figured if the same thing happened today i'd be ready lol...but so far i have been okay, it's in the pantry so maybe out of sight is really out of mind. not really.
i just know we are going to be eating dinner in about an hour so i don't feel like scarfing 2 pieces of bread. i really need to work on these controlling the urges things. since i have met my goals i tend to be more mentally 'free' about things and so far it's been okay and has not set me back at all, but quite frankly, i need to impart some self-control from time to time just to remind myself that i can't have everything i want ALL the time when it comes to my sweet tooth. and then in turn, it reminds me as well that things like fresh fruit (aka grapes) are very sweet and yummy and GOOD for me. nutrition wise. i'm very happy that fruit is starting to come back into season...i love fresh sweet fruit as snacks and treats and i find that it works pretty well for craving control sometimes.

dinner tonite is our soft tacos and some fresh steamed corn with spray butter, yum yum...and dessert will be either a brownie or a 1/2 truffle or maybe even a small brownie with banana cream pudding on it! lol. anyhow hope everyone had a great day, i loved not being at work today... but it's back to the grind tomorrow, wah!! tomorrow night is a full workout at the prep for my sister's birthday dinner out on wed at maggianos...spaghetti and meatballs and tiramisu oh my!


Nov 24, 2006
Hey Friends!

Mara; glad you had fun shopping! Rod, yum sushi!

I did high intensity step aerobics for 1 hr. Ate within my points limit! Whoo whooo. Thanks for the motivation
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