
Weekly Workout Thread 15th Jan till 21st Jan

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Nov 24, 2006
Okay, I am joining this thread. Today was the day I thought I better get with it. I am helping organize my Accounting Firms Winter Ball. I have an adorable Ann Taylor dress I bought 1 1/2 yrs ago and I thought "Oh I have the perfect dress to wear to the party." NOT. I am toooooooo fat. It won''t zip up even if I suck all my breath in. I hope to stay motivated.

I am excited! Thanks guys!


Oct 30, 2002
shortblonde, i have made bran muffins with oat bran and using flour as well, i think i posted the recipe in the recipe thread, you should be able to use the bran and flour parts and use your own fruits with those mixings quite well i would imagine. the ones i made turned out good but were pretty typical dense bran muffins, lol. i LOVE bran muffins personally but greg wants things that are sweeter. keeps him from eating my muffins typically. hehe.

i am muffin obsessed! so is my coworker now. the reason is that these ~100 cal snacks are good to eat during the day at work, better for us than half of the crap around the office, and tasty. so she wants to now try her hand at some cherry oat muffins or something...she got some fresh cherries. but i think she wants to finish the banana ones she has (YUM). i loved those pumpkin spice ones and want to make those again but i keep getting distracted by the thought of trying NEW muffin recipes!!

i bought a mini muffin pan from CB last week so i just scrounged up a muffin recipe online that has oatmeal and blueberries in it...yum. two of my fave things. so i made some conversions to it, and whipped up batch of oatmeal blueberry muffins in the mini muffin pan and they are in the oven now. should net me about 30 mini muffins at about 48 cals each. i used applesauce for the oil this time around...the batter is pretty moist since i hate adding too much flour since it's sooo high in cals, so most likely we'll get a dense muffin, not a flakey light one, but that's okay as long as they taste like blueberries and oatmeal. lol. if they come out good i will post the recipe. greg finished off the berry buttermilk ones from last we're totally out. hehe.

dinner tonite is chicken pot pies...i am a sedentary slug...i stretched out a bit last nite and i think it honestly made my stomach worse. so now i have vowed to do absolutely nothing for about a week and see how i feel. so i really have to watch the caloric intake now if i can't even WALK. but oh well. i am slowly coming to the realization that i can't WILL away this stupid injury and the sooner i just deal with it the sooner i can be back at the gym. and really it won't kill me to watch what i eat for a week in a slightly more strict manner.

muffins are done! welcome skippy!! when is your event? sounds like you had a productive day DJ! JL thanks for posting that mushroom salad recipe in the other thread yum!!! jeff, hopefully the link i posted helps you make the right choices when eating out, i know for me just being educated helps. of course sometimes we just have to have that thai iced tea though, lol!


Nov 24, 2006
Thank you very much for welcoming me. My event is Saturday, yuck! Now I have to go buy something.

I am excited to try the bran muffin recipe!


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Monday Everyone,

So, our realtor met with the developers this morning and still they had not written a counter offer to our original offer. But, progress was definitely made and they asked us to meet them at the condo tonight to meet an audio/video person to see about wiring surround sound, which somehow hadn't been done. This is no easy feat, since the unit is actually finished and there is no real way to get wires where we need them without having rip out and replace drywall. But, it seems the job can be done and tomorrow, they're going to meet with our realtor yet one more time to see if we can get this offer locked down. Tonight, they just kept saying it was our home and they felt confident we'd work this out. I hope so, because we're both so completely tied to this place.

Since it's Monday we don't workout. And since we met at the new condo we went to the Sushi Blues Cafe, which will be within walking distance of the condo. Imagine how cool that will be. We love Sushi and we'll be a very short stroll from a really cool Sushi place. It's not our favorite Sushi place, but it is really good. Then we came home and I had 3 pieces of 70% Pure Cacao Lindt Dark Chocolat, YUMMM. I'm thinking about having a Fuji Apple now.

Tomorrow, it's back to the gym for three nights in a row.

Otherwise, things are good here in NC. It's going to turn cold, but then we'll be able to wear some of the new sweaters we've been buying.

Hey Jeff: Boxing is a great workout. We really enjoy doing it with our trainer, but man, does it ever tire out my arms. Keep up the good work.

Lorelei: Glad to see you working out again!!

Have a great Tuesday everyone.......


Feb 10, 2006
Hi everyone,
My week''s been going good so far. It feels like Sunday night since I didn''t work today and am already glad it''s a 4 day work week. Woohoo!!
I worked out yesterday and today and am very happy w/that. Normally, I haven''t been starting my workouts on Sunday and the problem is, I''ve only been doing 3 days for the past few weeks. So I figure if I start sooner, maybe that day will get me to reach my 4 day goal. Then today, I planned to go to the gym but just didn''t make it. BUT I still worked out at home. Normally wouldn''t have so am happy about that too! I feel like the week is off to a good start.

My problem lately is the eating. I''m in the middle of this huge chocolate/sugar craving. It''s been going on for about a week now and is getting ridiculous. I fought it off until last Thursday and went ahead and had some chocolate. But the problem is, once I start giving in to the cravings, I don''t want to stop. I think about it more and want something more often. Today, I had some jellybeans (a gift from someone so they''re in the house) and then later some hot chocolate to try and stop the cravings. How do you guys deal w/this sort of thing? I just love chocolate and am soooo addicted!! I don''t know how w/drawal feels but I think I''m experiencing it!

Glad to hear everyone''s doing so well lately. Mara, sorry to hear about your ab issues

Oh, another question. Do you all do cardio and weights? I always used to but really just do cardio now since I have so much that I want to lose. Do you think I should do both, and if so, every time I work out (assuming I do 4 days) or just once or twice? I also used to do abs daily but haven''t done that in awhile either.


Jul 10, 2006
So I''ve been bad about keeping up on this thread, but I have been working out - I swear!

This morning DH and I got up and went right to the gym since he had today off (apparently everyone else had the same idea) as the gym was pretty packed and all machines were just about taken. I hopped on the elliptical and did 47 minutes and burned 600 cals.

Tonight we made chili with 1 lb sirloin and 1 lb ground turkey - and my DH likes it spicey, so we put tons of spice into it. After 2 hours in the slow cooker, it was awesome.

Tomorrow, I''m heading to pilates in the morning, I haven''t gone in a couple weeks to that class and I really enjoy it.


Dec 28, 2005
Oh, another question. Do you all do cardio and weights? I always used to but really just do cardio now since I have so much that I want to lose. Do you think I should do both, and if so, every time I work out (assuming I do 4 days) or just once or twice? I also used to do abs daily but haven''t done that in awhile either.
Dixie, it depends on what you''re trying to accomplish. If your goal is weight loss and cardio vascular health, cardio is great. If your goal is total body fitness and toning plus cardio vascular health, doing a combination of weight training and cardio is a really good thing. I hop Mara chimes in on this, as I believe she will tell you that she''s made incredible fitnss gains doing weight training and cardio. In any fitness routine, it''s usually really good to mix it up and don''t just do one thing anyway.

I hope this helps........


Oct 30, 2002
dixie...i started out doing mostly cardio because i tend to build up muscle really easily and i needed to burn fat through cardio more than i needed to build more muscle. after a while i added some strength training into my workout...aka like 10 minutes of arm weights 1x a week then 2x a week then up to about 3-4x a week. not a whole lot but enough to tone my arms pretty darn nicely over time. so i''d definitely suggest doing some of that, it doesn''t have to be a ton or anything but try to add something in slowly over time. once you start to have more fat burning off and you are building more muscle it also helps make your body more efficient and i noticed easier weight loss the longer i kept at it. but i still do mostly cardio, aka 90% cardio and 10% strength training. hope this helps!!


Apr 30, 2005
DancingQueen, I walk at those speeds and inclines on my treadmill, but it is a very fast walk, being tall with long legs might help me there! However I would compare my treadmill to the gym LifeFitness one as my 15% incline being about the same as the 12% on the LF, a speed of 5 mph on the LF would be similar to 6mph on my treadmill.

Dixie, I do mostly cardio but will be doing more weights possibly 3 times a week also. Also try and down some water if a chocolate craving strikes, but make sure you plan in some daily as I do - can't be without chocolate!

Great job Jeff, boxing sounds exciting! I take it you will be seeing the new Rocky Balboa movie soon????

Yep Rod, I am doing well! I did an hour on the treadmill last night, no elliptical as my shoulder was sore, but I burned about 550 cals.

Welcome to our fitness family Skippy


Mar 14, 2006
I''d like to proclaim that the turkey lasagna was a HUGE success. My FI who is the biggest pain in the butt when it comes to healthy foods LOVED it! When I told him it was healthy, he said don''t tell tastes good, that''s enough for me. And it was so incredibly filling! I could have had 1/2 a serving and been totally full (I finished my serving of course
). I served it with a side salad and some sourdough bread to sop up the extra sauce. Also the Ronzoni noodles seemed to cook great, totally soft and tender. The only problem was I found them to be sort of they were kind unnecessary to the dish. (Any cures for this?) So this is definitely going to last us a few days...there are still 6 servings left!

Dixie - I also do mostly cardio but I''m going to be trying to incorporate some other types of exercise, mostly for the variety. Eventually I''ll add some strength training because it does help burn fat and increases your metabolism. As for the chocolate addiction - I''d suggest trying a chocolate bar with high amounts of cocoa. I buy "Chocolove" 77% bars and have maybe 1-2 squares if I get a craving. They''re better for you (apparently) because they have higher cocoa levels rather than milk & sugar.

I''m did the yoga class on Sunday and was SO sore yesterday but I forced myself to go and run in the morning. I ran 2.5 miles. I decided I''m going to run my first 5K in the Spring so I want to get prepared for that. Also, I''m trying a boxing class for the first time tonight. I''ll let you all know how that goes.

Mara-Thanks for the CPP recipe...maybe we''ll try it next week (after we polish off the lasagna)!

Everyone else - Keep up the good work!


Aug 3, 2006
The scale finally started to budge! Yesterday morning at the Y I weighed 147, which is down 2 lbs from about 1.5 weeks ago! But I think an even better indication that I''m progressing is that when I woke up this morning, I was STARVING. I hadn''t woken up so hungry in a while, but when I was running alot and 10 lbs thinner a few years ago I woke up really hungry every morning.

I made 2 egg white/.5 yolk on a whole wheat tortilla, but I was still really hungry, so I also made a smoothie that was low cal, delicious, and really hit the spot. I''ll post it on the recipe thread, then after that it''s off to the Y again.


Feb 17, 2006
The scale has really cooperated with me! I''ll wait until Wednesday to post official results, but I''m really happy!

FI and I have been trying to find different veggies... winter is so hard! I occasionally get nauseated by broccoli... no idea why, and cauliflower... ugh. He''s tired of asparagus and green beans and I''ve been throwing spinach into everything. Last night we gave Bok Choy a try and WOW, I think we found a new staple. I chopped it up into pieces and simmered it in water with a little worchestershire sauce. FI went back for seconds! Seconds on a vegetable! I was amazed! I made swiss chard a month or so ago and he liked it too, but this must be his new favorite. And luckily it''s cheap all year round.

What "different" veggies do you cook?


Jun 15, 2006
nejarb and sumbride: so glad that the scale is cooperating with you! That''s terrific news.

Still sick and I intend to take one more day off to recoup than I''ll get back to exercising. I''m feeling a bit better today, but still not strong.

Keep up the nice work gang!


Oct 30, 2002
congrats nejarb and sum on positive scale success. glad to hear you are feeling better kimberly. el, glad the lasagna was a success, i think for us too the pasta was not all that flavorful at first but as the days wear on it seems to be better. lorelei, keep up the great work on the machines!! i am so jealous!

re: chocolate cravings, give into them, but don't get crazy. it's all about control....being able to know when you really want a piece of chocolate vs when you just want something to keep your mouth busy or you want to emotionally eat. lately i have been snacking a lot and i think it was because my body got used to having lots of little snacks and now i kind of want to reign it in a bit and it's hard....your mind apparently gets used to a routine and then it feels like 'feed me' even if your body isn't really that hungry. i am not always the best about control but i can typically stop myself from going too crazy because i know how it affects my bottom line. i try to think before i snack and if i feel like i want that TASTE in my mouth then i eat it. but if it's just a boredom thing i chew some gum or suck on a candy cane.

now that i can't work out at all for like at least another week (which has taken me days to wrap my head around...i'm still wavering between bitter and frustrated and angry depending on the minute of the day)...i really have to be excellent about my food intake. i just have to remember that even if i put on another lb or two or whatever during this time, i can take it off again quite easily. and as long as as my measurements don't change, that's the important part. i hate the thought of losing muscle tone i have worked so hard for (which can start to happen in a week or less) but i can build it back up again. i have to remember this is short term and i'm still in control long-term (hopefully!!). but yeah it just sucks. i keep reminding myself that to gain a lb i have to consume an extra 3500 cals. which is about 500 per day in one week. which is a lot of extra. so as long as i just keep an eye on things i should be okay. and again 1lb or whatever, not a huge deal. i know the tools to get back to where i was. and lol greg says 'well, you could stand to gain a few lbs'...okay thanks honey.

so anyway, this morning was oatmeal mixed with brown sugar and syrup, i still love this stuff and think about it all day!! snack is 2 mini oatmeal blueberry muffins (which came out yummy by the way, greg liked them) and then lunch is going to be that corn red pepper soup from TJ's which is super low-cal and then snack is another 2 muffins and popcorn and a pear this afternoon. for dinner tonite we are doing the whole cereal/soup thing which we are going to be doing a few times a week til i can get back on the workout wagon because it helps keep cals low for me to not have a huge dinner meal..and if i am not working out the way i was, i don't NEED to have a large caloric dinner meal. my body is basically resting. so i'll probably have oatmeal and then some cereal for dinner later tonite.


Mar 26, 2006
So I think today will end up being a "no gym" day for me. I have a dentist appointment at 3:15 to start replacing some of my old fillings and I don''t imagine I''ll be in much of a mood to work out after having my mouth worked on for a few hours...

I had a pumpkin muffin for breakfast and I managed to resist all of the goodies at the breakfast meeting I went to--even though it was held in the banquet room of a cooking school and everyone around me was oohing and ahing about the pasteries, but I did have one cup of coffee with some real cream in it.

Lunch was Trader Joe''s chicken masala, 320 calories, but there are some chocolate dipped biscottis in the kitchen that are screaming my name!

And dinner... probably something soft and easy to chew, LOL.

Becky P

Sep 7, 2006
So, yesterday I went to the gym as planned. I got there a few minutes early, so I did a little warmup walk on the treadmill and then headed off to the classes. The first class was an ab class, and the instructor totally kicked everyone''s butts! She had in her head what workout she wanted to do, and didn''t take into account that over 75% of the people in the class were brand new! So, she had us use these balls to do ab excercises, and let me tell you it was the most hilarious thing ever! When you have a class full of people brand new to working out, attempting to balance on these balls PLUS do situps, well, you get the picture. Balls were flying everywhere! So, I did complete the 30 minute ab class (with some resting, but I expected that), and by the time I was done, I thought I would DIE! So, I decided to skip the cardio class because there''s no way I would''ve been able to get through it and I don''t want to kill my enthusiasm before I even really begin. So, instead I walked a little more on the treadmill (as my muscles were twitching and shaking from that stupid ball). So, total, I did about 20 minutes on the treadmill plus the ab class. Today is a rest day, and tomorrow morning there''s a Pilates class at 6am. I''ve never done Pilates, but I was a cheerleader and love to do stretching type things, so I''m hopeful that I''ll like it.

For food, I''ve been doing really good for me. Yesterday I had Smart Start cereal for breakfast (it actually has less calories and more nutritional value than granola!!) and a glass of orange juice. Then, beef/vegetable soup and some red potatoes for lunch. A banana for a snack. And, a grilled chicken salad and an apple for dinner. Oh, and a 100 calorie pack of popcorn for a snack. So far today, I had 1 packet of oatmeal for breakfast and beef/vegetable soup for lunch.


Nov 29, 2004
I had a meeting during lunch today so I didn''t get to work out as planned, but omg it was catered and I had the yummiest salad...I added grilled shrimp and didn''t eat the chips.

Tostada Salad: A Fresh Blend of Black Beans, Corn, Tomatoes, and Green Onions Tossed in a Cilantro-Lime-Cumin Dressing. Served on a Bed of Mixed Greens with Tortilla Chips.

I had planned to do some elliptical afterwork, but due to the weather my office is closing at 4pm today so I''ll try to do the elliptical at my apt if I can stand the cold long enough to run over to the workout promises.

Also tomorrow morning I''m supposed to have my final weigh in for the holiday maintain don''t gain program at my gym---I''m curious to see the results.


Jan 6, 2005
OK, so since I''ve been drawing inspiration from this thread now for a couple of weeks I figured maybe I should start posting.

I normally work out 4-5 days a week doing intensive cardio for about 60 minutes a day, usually on the elliptical, which usually burns around 600-650 calories. However, since I''ve been sick with pertussis (whooping cough) complicated by asthma for the last 4 weeks, I haven''t been able to go to the gym, so I''ve totally been feeling the frustration like Mara and Kimberly. However, I have to say that not having a huge appetite like I was used to having has given me a great opportunity to clean up my eating. I''ve been using Sparkpeople to track calories and for the past week I''ve averaged 1400 a day, which I think considering I''ve been sedentary is great
our scale is broken so I don''t know how much weight I''ve lost in the last few weeks watching my eating, but I can say that all my clothes fit better already, so clearly something is working!

Today will be my first day easing back into the gym, tonight after a class. I''m going to aim for about 35-40 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical, taking it pretty easy because I don''t want to irritate my lungs or anything. I keep having to tell myself that its better for me in the long run to not get really sick again, and to take it slowly at first so I can get back to where I was and maintain my healthy eating (although maybe up that calorie average a bit once I''m working out more).

On another positive health note, I completed my training at our local SPCA so I''m now qualified to take the dogs there on training walks, which I''ll do for about 3 hours per week so that will be some additional exercise (although sometimes with the enthusiastic big dogs its more like being pulled than walking LOL

Anyway, I hope to continue posting in this thread, and I''ll try to post a few recipes I''ve enjoyed over in the WWT Recipes thread. Thanks to everyone for being such a great inspiration to stay on track even while I''ve been so sick


Dec 29, 2004
Welcome everyone!!!!

Well, happy to announce I got through another partying weekend with NO ALCOHOL! Whew! They catered in Mexican food and I decided I needed a plan to not pick and eat like I always do. So I made my tortilla soup, which kept me busy COOKING and not EATING.

I have to say, at the end of the evening when everyone was well into drunken-land, I sat back and was quite happy to be totally sober. Two weeks of this and I feel GREAT. Just more energy overall.

Don''t think the scale is going to budge much this week...that time of month and I am BLOATED. Ick.

Yesterday was a holiday for us and I spend much of the afternoon exercising with Pilates class and a long rollerblade on the beach. Then some people wanted to go to Buca di Peppo for dinner.
That place is just over the top with food portions. I sat at the end of the table and only took a bit of food (no appetizers). Right when I didn''t feel hungry anymore, I stopped I consider that a job well done. Hee hee.

Breakfast today was oatmeal (apple and cinnamon). I bought a large pack at Costco over the weekend and have to say it''s pretty good.

Let''s have a great week everyone!!!


Feb 17, 2006
Well, I knew this day would come...

I''m going out to dinner with my girlfriends. at Lauriol Plaza. The BEST mexican place in DC. UGH. I will NOT order a swirl margarita. I will not! I drove today, so that''s my excuse when I order the iced tea.

But what to eat for dinner???


Dec 29, 2004
Ooh, sounds yummy...

I would have a couple of healthy appetizers...their ceviche sounds good. Or one of their salads and take out any high cal stuff, and ask for salsa instead of salad dressing. It''s flavorful and low cal.

If you have to have a drink, can you do wine...or maybe a vodka/soda with a splash of something?


Feb 17, 2006
Lauriol is divine, plus they have free valet parking... one of the reasons we go there so often. But I usually get the fajitas... and 2 margaritas, and the drinks are strong, so we end up ordering dessert to sober up... If I go in with a plan, I''ll be ok.

How about this salad? Too much cheese and avocado?

Fiesta Salad
Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, olives, green peppers, avocado, pepperoncini and cheese, topped with chicken or beef fajitas, served with our delicious house dressing.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 1/16/2007 4:24:28 PM
Author: sumbride
Lauriol is divine, plus they have free valet parking... one of the reasons we go there so often. But I usually get the fajitas... and 2 margaritas, and the drinks are strong, so we end up ordering dessert to sober up... If I go in with a plan, I''ll be ok.

How about this salad? Too much cheese and avocado?

Fiesta Salad
Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, olives, green peppers, avocado, pepperoncini and cheese, topped with chicken or beef fajitas, served with our delicious house dressing.
Nix the cheese, easy on the avocado (or vice versa depending on what you prefer). Go with the chicken and get salsa for the dressing. Extra pepperoncini will add flavor as well...


Feb 17, 2006
Date: 1/16/2007 4:35:12 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 1/16/2007 4:24:28 PM
Author: sumbride
Lauriol is divine, plus they have free valet parking... one of the reasons we go there so often. But I usually get the fajitas... and 2 margaritas, and the drinks are strong, so we end up ordering dessert to sober up... If I go in with a plan, I''ll be ok.

How about this salad? Too much cheese and avocado?

Fiesta Salad
Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, olives, green peppers, avocado, pepperoncini and cheese, topped with chicken or beef fajitas, served with our delicious house dressing.
Nix the cheese, easy on the avocado (or vice versa depending on what you prefer). Go with the chicken and get salsa for the dressing. Extra pepperoncini will add flavor as well...
I can live with that! Thanks!


Oct 30, 2002
get the fajitas and ask for corn tortillas and get cheese, sc and guac on the side. get pinto beans or black beans.

you can build your own fajitas and you''ll be golden.

nix the margaritas...definitely have iced tea. have a sip of someone''s margarita. remember 800 cals in a flavored margarita!!!

or get the taco or fiesta salad or whatever and again get the cheese, sc and guac on the side, and don''t eat the shell. the shell has like 1/2 the calories of the entire dish.

on friday i went to our fave mexi place with my parents and i got the taco salad and just dipped the tines of my fork into my sc and guac a few times, but overall it was really yummy with lots of lettuce, some cheddar cheese, LOTS of salsa, and marinated grilled chicken!


Feb 17, 2006
I love the fajitas but I don''t think I can restrain myself... they come with garlic butter.



Oct 30, 2002
lol ask for no garlic butter!! easy!! hehe. i actually love getting fajitas at chevys, lol. but at real mexican places i love how they spice their meat typically so it makes it easy to be ''better'' because you can get simpler things (aka fish tacos or chicken tacos, soft of course are really good for you too) and have them still be really ''flavorful''.

oh and go easy on any chips ... unless they are baked kinda thing.


May 1, 2006
Wow - seems like lots are doing very well and motivated! Yay!
Kimberly ~ hope your one more day of rest allows you to get all better so you can happily continue working out again.
Mara ~ So sorry your ab pain is still there. I can imagine how frustrated you are right now. I''ve had ankle sprains and knee problems that have sidelined me before. I hope it heals soon!

So, yesterday was a bit of a food splurge, but overall not too bad. My FI And I went out for brunch, and I got a side of French toast (not a whole order!) and a side of potato cakes. But the good news it that food kept me full all day and our dinner was pretty healthy - soy chicken nuggets, corn, and a nice spinach salad.

Exercise yesterday was great. I went to a cardio circuit class where we do all-over body strengthening and also some intervals of cardio. My gym got these new gliding discs: and Apparently there are infomercials for these things, but I hadn''t seen them. Any way, you use them on a smooth-surfaced floor. Our class was quite large, so we had one glider per person. Putting the disc under the ball of one foot we did lots of side lunges and rear lunges. OMG! Using these discs you cannot cheat - so the leg that is supporting you (i.e. the leg not on the disc) gets a serious workout and burn. We also did some push-ups, ab slides, and hamstring slides/bridges. Boy, can I ever feel my legs today! After that I did 15 minutes on the treadmill at a 10-incline at 4 mph.

Today has been good. Light-n-fit yogurt and a small piece of zucchini bread for breakfast, tomato soup made with skim milk for lunch, and a snack of grapes. Dinner is yet-to-be-determined ... I''ve got to make it to the store sometime soon.

Exercise tonight is a 30-minute step class followed by a 30-minute class called Upper Body Blast. It has been a while since I''ve gone to these classes (my normal Tuesday class got moved to Sundays), but I remember them being quite the workout. If I feel like it I will probably do another 15 minutes on the elliptical after class to get up to the 45-minute level for cardio.


May 14, 2006
well done nejarb,sumbride and ambergretchen on the weight loss! Ive had a really good week too but I''ll post tomorrow too! Its great seeing the numbers on the scales come down.

Hope that you''re feeling better Mara and Kimberley. Thanks for the healthy eating out tips Mara-D''s taking me to a Thai restaurant on Saturday night so those tips came just in time!

Ive been good yesterday and today. I went to the gym yesterday and did 30 mins on the cross trainer, 20 mins weights and sit ups and 15 mins running on the threadmill. I was so tired when I got home last night. Today is a non gym day so I myself and D took amber on a walk. I''ll head to the gym again tomorrow. My eatings been very good too-havent had a packet of crisps in 9 days now. I find it easier just not to have any, as if I have one, I know that I''ll eat the whole multipack bag


Mar 26, 2006
Well the whole side of my face is still totally numb and I''m definitely not working out becuase I''m afraid I''ll bite the side of my cheek. I did that once and it was terrible for days! On the food front I was going to treat myself to some sort of pizza tonight but as I was standing in front of the freezer case I realized that I could have a can of Progresso chicken and wild rice soup and a {{{ insert angel chorus here! }}} TRIPPLE CHOCOLATE DOVE BAR for the same amount of calories as the pizza I was looking at. Even with that, I will still come in at 1290 calories for the day. Sometimes trade offs work out wonderfully!

I noticed today that that pants that I complained I could only get into with control top panty house at the beginning of December actually have a tiny bit of "baggy butt" to them right now.
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