
Weekly Workout Thread 11th June till 17th June

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Mar 26, 2006
My plan was to go swimming tonight but by the time the HH would have gotten home from picking the pups up from doggy day care I know that I would have lost my motivation so I came home, changed, and went straight to the gym. Did the elliptical *gently* for 65 minutes to the tune of 652 cals. I don't know exactly what's wrong with the back of my knee but since it didn't seem to hurt any more or less while I was on the elliptical I just kept going. (Let's all hope I haven't just crippled myself, LOL.)

Dinner was a cup of butternut squash soup and one each of two different kinds of sausage links. (When I say links BTW I mean like six inches long and about the diameter of a quarter, not just little breakfast sausage.) I've become intrigued with all the different kinds of sausage at Costco and our latest purchase is chicken sausage with spinach and fontana cheese. Pretty good, but I think I prefer the chicken version of their regular Italian sausage better. I'm still only at 1095 cals for the day so I'm going to go and have a 100 cal pack of some sort of cookies, and maybe some sugar free jello too.

My morning coffee has become a necessary sacrafice on most days. When I map out my cals in my head while I'm on the way to work (sad, yes, I know... ) if it comes down to an extra pack of Lorna Doones or a cuppa Joe, well, sometimes the Joe gotta go.

Mara, can't wait to see your new car!

Marvel, I'm intrigued by how you PS and work out at the same time. Do you have an elliptical with a computer built into the monitor or do you balance a laptop on the ledge (or something else)?

TG, I love how you vary your workous. Golf, cycling, running -- so much more interesting that just going to the gym day after day like I do. I'm vicariously working out in a more interesting way through you!

Rod, NO, you MUST try things on before you buy them! How else do you know you should get size X and not Y? Or that whatever it is doesn't make your a$$ look enormous? Repeat after me: I will try before I buy, I will try before I buy, I will try before I buy...


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/12/2007 8:22:33 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

TG, I love how you vary your workous. Golf, cycling, running -- so much more interesting that just going to the gym day after day like I do. I''m vicariously working out in a more interesting way through you!
Ha, well obviously YOUR strategy is working better!


Dec 28, 2005
I will give consideration to trying before buying.....I will give consideration to trying before buying. But, remember I''m still a guy and we just shop differently. LOL

Mara, I''m sure you''ll have a wonderful experience picking up your new car. I hope the burger place has window seating and you can park the car where it can be seen while you dine. We like to do that when we get a new car too!

I didn''t really sleep well last night, so I wasn''t sure how I''d do at the gym after work tonight. But, I had an absolutely fantastic workout. And our gym was having A/C problems, so since Tuesday nights are the busiest night of the week, it was really crowded and that meant it was really hot in there. I was absolutely sopping wet, which meant I was burning extra calories and I decided to up the the pace and make the heat work to my advantage. Even during the last 35 minutes on the elliptical, I pushed well into the mid 90''s for RPM''s and kept my heart rate up in the 160''s, so I was burning calories at a higher rate than I normally do.

Then when we got home, we had our first Muscle Milk Protein shake (Chocolate Malt - Yumm), which I mixed in the blender with fat free milk and ice cubes to make it really cold and thick and it was just terrific. For dinner, we tried these new frozen entre''s we found at the store from Hannaford and they''re called On the Go Bistro. We both had Apricot Ginger Chicken and it only has 360 Calories, low sodium, low fat and plenty of protien and was a bit more substantial than a Lean Cuisine and actually was quite tasty and filling. Of course I still had my 3 squares of 70% Lindt Dark Chocolate and I''m about to have a Fuji Apple to boot.

I''m betting I''ll sleep better tonight to be sure. We''ll go to the gym tomorrow and Thursday of course too.

Again Mara, I''ll be thinking about you and Greg tomorrow. You have a great time getting your new car and please post pics as soon as you get it.

And DeeJay, I will give consideration to trying before buying...........LOL


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/11/2007 1:47:00 PM
Author: Rod
Mara, if you like the car and it has options that would add enjoyment to your life, just GET IT. The $3K difference over the life of the loan won''t really make a huge difference.
Totally agree....esp. since that''s what Mara preaches herself. "Invest the slight amount more up front - AMORTIZE!"


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/11/2007 11:13:09 PM
Author: monarch64
LOL, you can totally call me Monnie! In fact, I''m flattered you asked, Rod!
Isn''t he so cute with his southern manners!?

Rod, you''re a doll.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/12/2007 11:01:18 PM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 6/11/2007 1:47:00 PM
Author: Rod
Mara, if you like the car and it has options that would add enjoyment to your life, just GET IT. The $3K difference over the life of the loan won''t really make a huge difference.
Totally agree....esp. since that''s what Mara preaches herself. ''Invest the slight amount more up front - AMORTIZE!''
Hey Alj....where ya been?? Of course if you hang out on Rocky Talky, you know I haven''t been there much, so you could ask the same of me!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/12/2007 11:04:45 PM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 6/11/2007 11:13:09 PM
Author: monarch64
LOL, you can totally call me Monnie! In fact, I''m flattered you asked, Rod!
Isn''t he so cute with his southern manners!?

Rod, you''re a doll.
Blush........gosh, I think you''re swell too!!


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/12/2007 4:27:26 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
LOL Rod, you go struggle yourself into and out of about 20 tankinis in some phonebooth sized dressing room and tell me that''s not a workout!

Amen, sister!


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/12/2007 11:06:44 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 6/12/2007 11:01:18 PM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 6/11/2007 1:47:00 PM
Author: Rod
Mara, if you like the car and it has options that would add enjoyment to your life, just GET IT. The $3K difference over the life of the loan won't really make a huge difference.
Totally agree....esp. since that's what Mara preaches herself. 'Invest the slight amount more up front - AMORTIZE!'
Hey Alj....where ya been?? Of course if you hang out on Rocky Talky, you know I haven't been there much, so you could ask the same of me!
Well, I've been absent, but it ain't for lack of thinking of ya all! Believe me.

Many factors at play.....

1. Was away during the memorial day holiday; came home right in time to fly down and harass Mara and Greg and try to abscond with her new bracelet!
2. Flew home from seeing her; stepped off the plane to head to my niece's H.S. graduation....... (side story - had a true "Clutzy Al" moment; fell on the stadium bleachers and smashed the daylights [and LENS!!!!] out of my camera. Thank GOD I was giving niece a digital camera, and that I had it in a gift bag in the car!)
3. Worked the next day; party that evening (Friday). Saturday - all day graduation party. Sunday - down the MEGA allergies! boo!
4. We're in the last month of my fiscal year, and for the first time in nearly 9 years, I'm severely behind, so I've been grinding it out on that effort while fighting the allergy issue - all last week. Because of that, my time on PS has been VERY hit and run, quick-skim like lately.
5. However, I'm making up for my lack of attendance - started last night taking Monday night SALSA lessons for the next six weeks, so definitely getting some workout there!

Have missed you all much, and have very briefly skimmed enough to have congratulated Lorelei and DJ on their new respective 'kids', and you on your new position. How's that going?


Dec 28, 2005
4,101 sorry to hear about falling in the bleachers and ruining your camera and how busy you''ve been. The new (old) job is going just fine. It still seems just odd to be back at my desk, in my chair and and on my laptop. Turns out they never even turned off my email address during my nearly 8 month absence, my mail just went into a black hole and now that I''m back, I get messages from people who had no idea I was ever gone. So weird. But, it''s nice to be back and thanks for asking. Glad you''ll be around more. We''ve missed you too!

Got to get to bed and get some sleep. Sleep well everyone!


Jul 8, 2005
Date: 6/12/2007 8:22:33 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Marvel, I'm intrigued by how you PS and work out at the same time. Do you have an elliptical with a computer built into the monitor or do you balance a laptop on the ledge (or something else)?
I have a treadmill. It doesn't have a computer built in, but that would be cool!. It has a ledge that I usually place magazines on and read. The ledge also holds my laptop well and I surf while on the treadmill
Make sense? I can post pictures if you'd like.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends! I am back w/ a nice tan but in need of weight loss. We did hiking and lots of eating! I am planning to get back on track.


Oct 30, 2002
evening wwt'ers! worked out this evening...i was pretty tired but i powered through...and did arm weights as well. came home, made a hodgepodge dinner as greg was out tonite for a work thing...i had crab cakes, chicken shu mai, and steamed baby zucchini with garlic and a bit of parmesan. yummy! dessert was sf afc, raspberries and whipped cream...mmmm. then i went and cleaned out my car to get it ready for trade in tomorrow...and now we are off to bed!!! hope everyone had a fab day...and is looking fwd to tomorrow. typically i am not a huge fan of wednesdays but it's a special one so i am looking fwd to it hehee.

welcome back skippy!!! marvel, thanks for the congrats...i am def excited. hehe. nite all!


Nov 24, 2006
Mara, I started reading through this thread and saw your pic; you look awesome!
DeeJay looks way awesome too! Had to repost since she is miss buff
courtesy of Miss Ellen; hope you don't mind!



Apr 30, 2005
Sorry I wasn''t here yesterday, we had power supply trouble with the computer, but I think we are sorted out now. Anyway I did a fast half hour on the treadmill last night and 45 mins the night before.

Mara congrats on the new car - tres cool!
Love the dress too!


Apr 30, 2005
Dee, you look fantastic in the pic!!


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

I''ll have to go back and read everyone''s posts, but wanted to say hello, I''m home and ready for weigh in:

Week 24
Height: 5''5"
Weight: 124.8
Bust: 31"
Waist: 26.25"
Lower Waist: 31.5"
Bicep: 12"
Hips: 35”
Thigh: 20"

Everything is the same as last week except I''m down .5 lb.

Had a terrific time at my parents'' house, got home at about 9 last night, off to work today.



Mar 26, 2006
OK, so I broke down and ordered the ipod shuffle--in hot pink no less!! And I even paid for next day shipping because I figure that way I should definitely have it by the end of the week and I can have the HH program it over the weekend. Woo Hoo!!! The HH did point out that it only holds 240 songs, but I was like, um, I--only a few weeks ago--bought my first CD of the past 10 years, so I''m probably OK with that.

Last night I did do a little arm workout for the first time but it must not have been enough becuase I''m not sore at all today. Will have to work on that a bit. But I''m on the fence about the whole thing--am I really doing myself any good? I''ve read that if you have fat arms and build up the muscle they will only start to look bigger because now you have bigger muscles under the fat. Hmmm...

You might notice that my weigh in is conspicuously (sp?) absent. The scale had taken back every nice thing it said to me last week and I''m back at only 17 lbs down. Oh well, I''m wearing thin pants and I know they look good!

Are there any swimmers on here? I''m tempted to work a Saturday morning swim into my regular routine but I get my nails done on Thursdays and I wonder if swimming will ruin my only two day old manicure. Does anyone else''s polish make it through a trip in the pool? Otherwise I could try to motivate myself on Wednesday nights, but I just think it would be more fun to go over on Saturday and lounge around outside afterwards on the deck.

Kimberly, glad you had a good trip!

Marvel, thanks for the info about the laptop on the ledge. Now if only I wasn''t afraid I would somehow manage to knock it off, LOL.

Al, you poor thing! I''m glad it was only your camera tha got busted up!


Oct 30, 2002
morning all...!! happy wednesday.

measurements for this week...!

height: 5'7"
weight: 132-133
arms: 10.25"
bust: 35ish
waist: 26.75"
lower waist: 33"
hips: 37"
thigh: 20"

i am maintaining really well...the interesting thing for me is that my body is still changing a bit. my hips were 36" at their smallest but now are 37". i think this is due to the reintroduction of my previously disappearing bootie!!! when i lost weight it got pretty flat but i think with doing hills and also these butt and leg exercises i have been doing at home, that it's perked up a little. i notice that it is looking pretty good in general but definitely a little more filled out than say 2 months ago. which i like a lot. and all my clothes from 2 months ago still fit me fine, so the 1" doesn't really matter in the scheme of things, esp if it helps make me a little more curvy like i used to be. my arms are definitely more and more toned as each week passes, i really am in love with them right now!! i think at their smallest they were about 9.75" but i prefer the look they have now with a bit more muscle to them and my shoulders too. bust is pretty much the same though i think i have gained a little in there too, they are not as tiny as they were at my smallest. i don't mind getting a little more back there! hehe.

i know i can get back down to 130ish if i really wanted to, but for me that is not a sustainable weight. where i am now, i can indulge and be good and not have it blip much. i would really have to struggle and not eat much to get down to 130 and stay there and that's not what it's about. i want to be strong and healthy and fit, not just skinny. so yep, overall i am really happy with how i look right now...funny but at the wedding, my friend who got married told me that she thought i had gained a few lbs in the middle area but that she really liked it. that i was too thin before and that this made me look more proportionate. on one hand i was like 'what gained a few lbs?' but on the other hand i know what she means. when my body was still losing weight, certain areas were too small and others weren't budging enough etc. so now i definitely do feel more proportionate and also my shoulders are a little wide in general, bone structure wise, so i feel like i am definitely more balanced. i think the additional weight training i have been doing and also the exercises at home have given me a more toned look than i would have had 2-3 months ago. the one bane of my existence still is my 'belly'...but i notice when i eat well it totally flattens out and stays that way. but the minute i have more than one meal that is too much food, it bloats out the next day and then takes another day to go back to normal. it's definitely motivation to not overeat but sometimes it's not enough, desserts..mmmmm. lol! but at least i know the secret to getting it to flatten out again. i was complaining about it to my friend who got married at the same time she was telling me i looked better and she said 'you do NOT have a belly'...making me wonder again about perception and if i really am ready for the cuckoo's nest lol. however, i have gotten way more easy going about things in the last month, thank goodness, and i know now from experience that as long as i eat well and do the whole 3-4 days of eating really well and 2-3 days of more splurgy that i can maintain and stay fit and healthy.

so there's my report!! i'm eating my fage, fiber one and berries for breakfast with my precious coffee. and DJ i said this in your other thread as well but you look fabulous are so tiny now!! keep up the awesome work. skippy, tell us all about your trip! miss lorelei where are those horsie pictures?!

DJ in terms of weights and bulking up, what i did was lost most of the weight so that i got to a point where i felt good about how i looked and then i added more arm weights in. because i felt the same way, well if i still have fat to lose, why add muscle so that it just looks bigger all around. but when my arms shrunk down and were skinnier, i started doing weights and now i have built them up a little but not much (like 1/2") and they look sculpted and nice in summer clothes but not too thin or too bulky. so if you don't feel like doing weights yet, then get down a little more and see how you feel then. but for a while i felt like my arms were too thin but not really looking appealing. so that's why i started doing more weights.


Nov 24, 2006
Kimberly, I was reading through the WWT and was wondering where you were. . . I almost asked and then saw you popped in. Glad you had a good trip to your parents! How is school? Is subbing over for the year?

Okay, I gained 8 lbs total from being out of town 3 1/2 weeks. Eeeek. I am back thank goodness. I feel like I have not control when I am out of town plus it is so hard to turn down yummy looking foods and seek healthy items. Oh well I plan to lose these; I know I can do it!

Mara just read about the Mini; those look like so much fun. I have a friend who has a cute black and white one with red interior and she always looks so chic driving hers!!! Very exciting

I plan to mow our super tall lawn since we were gone 2 1/2 weeks and it rained a lot while out of town.

Where''s Peachy? Mrs S?

Yeah to a small butt Ellen


Aug 17, 2005
Date: 6/12/2007 4:27:26 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
LOL Rod, you go struggle yourself into and out of about 20 tankinis in some phonebooth sized dressing room and tell me that''s not a workout!

Oh my, Dee you are HYSTERICAL! I almost spit out my tea.

just checking in from the road. Had a good workout yesterday, and hope to get another one in today and then tomorrow before I head home.

Food/Drink here has been good- sipped tonic water last nite at a cocktail gathering, which is HUGE for me. Not even a glass of wine all nite!

Mara: Glad you decided on the new car. Pics soon, please!
Rod- hope you got a good nite''s sleep. I certainly hope so after your power workout!
Alj- Tell me more about your salsa lessons, do you like so far? I adore salsa dancing, just hardly ever get to do it. I want DH to take lessons so we can DANCE!
Skippy- welcome back!

I''ll check back on Friday when I''m back in the office.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/12/2007 5:44:27 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 6/12/2007 5:06:41 PM
Author: marvel

Date: 6/12/2007 4:11:26 PM
Author: Rod
Ahem........Ahem Ahem..........Rod said, tongue in cheek, but this is supposed about health and fitness. Anyone doing anything healthy, or just burning calories trying on bathing suits and skirts. Ahem......Ahem Ahem. (He is trying to be funny ladies!) Of course, car talk is OK as this guy can relate to that subject, but the bathing suit questions...........He''s not too sure about that stuff??
If I post pictures of me trying on bikin''s, will that make up for my thread jack?
LOL.......MAYBE!!!!!! And too funny DeeJay!! That''s why us guy''s never try things on in dressing rooms. Too frustrating. No, we buy it, take it home, take the sales tags off, forget to try it on, find out two months later it doesn''t fit and we look like baboon''s in it and throw it away or give it charity.

This is so funny because my husband does the same. You hit the nail on the head Rod. Hubby drove me nuts one time because he bought some $200 Ecco''s and wore them once out doors and decided they didn''t fit after buying them and then wearing them! He then gave them to Goodwill!


Mar 20, 2003
This week hasn''t been spectacular for workouts, but I know it will be much better next week. It''s the last week of school, and I just am not motivated to wake up early. I skipped Monday morning (was up late grading the last of my students'' work), and yesterday I did a Firm workout but was nauseated and dizzy and had to skip some stuff. This morning I snoozed too long so my walk was just barely an hour.

But that''s life, right?

DH has the exercise guilt too because when he didn''t ride for two days he said he felt bad about it and needed to ride ASAP. He''s entering a race this weekend so that''s exciting.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 6/13/2007 11:17:53 AM
Author: Skippy123
Yeah to a small butt Ellen

That sounded funny, but thank you.

Glad yer back Skippy, your ray of sunshine was truly missed.


Dec 28, 2005
DeeJay, it's great to see a picture of you and you look very healthy and trim to boot!! You're going to love your new iPod Shuffle (even in Pink!)

Happy New Car Day Mara!!

Welcome back Skippy, we missed you. Sorry about the weight gain, but I hope you enjoyed every calorie. I'm sure you'll drop the weight quickly AS LONG AS YOU GET BACK IN THE HEALTHY SWING OF THINGS!!

Glad you enjoyed your time with your parents Kimberly. Amazing that you could be with family, which usually involves overeating, yet you lost 1/2 pound! Good For You!!

Today's been an odd day. The company I worked for in Raleigh for 4 months only, has threatened to sue me for coming back to the company I worked for 15 years, because they say my non-compete with them prohibits me from working for any competitor for one year. I live in a totally different state than they're in. I have a different job than I had with them and Florida (as well as NC) is a right to work state. There's not much chance they can enforce their stupid non-compete, but just the aggravation is yet another reminder of how much I hated my job and life in Raleigh, NC. No offense to anyone in the Raleigh area (sorry Gail), but this just makes me even happier to be gone. Most judges won't enforce such broad-based non-competes to begin with, but I shouldn't even have to defend this one. Why must life be so complicated at times??

I can't wait to get the gym and take out my frustration on some machines tonight.

Anyway, I'm sure this will all go away and I shouldn't lose much sleep over this. But it's a bit more aggravation from this whacked out year I've had.

I hope everyone's day is going a tad better than mine is!


Mar 26, 2006
Rod, it sounds like you know this already, but let me reiterate that the courts virtually always side with the employees in instances like this. I'm surprised, given the overwhelming caselaw (adjudicated on a state-by-state basis) that supports your postion, that the firm's legal counsel is even going along with this goofy legal action. The main things that courts generally take into account are time restrictions (the longer the restriction the less likely the agreement is to be considered valid), geographic restrictions (the larger the geographic area the less likely the agreement will be enforced; keep in mind that the geographic area of the company business is taken in account so as to protect the company's interests), and the employee's ability to earn a livelihood based on the restriction. BTW, a lot of companies just throw that non compete document down in front of new (or existing employees) and never even consider that it might not be enforceable. That's what I'm hoping is the case here; that the company has an invalid agreement and they don't realize it yet.

Is the company that you work for now (and that you worked for before going to Raleigh) in the same line of business as the Raleigh company or did you just perform a similar *function* for both firms? Do the companies have the same customers or other overlapping spheres? What is the time frame of the restriction? Are the prohibitions specific or general in nature?

KEEP IN MIND I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY AND AM NOT TRYING TO GIVE YOU LEGAL ADVICE. I'm just going off of what I recall from law school and what I've learned in the business world as a compliance officer for many years, having been brought into several employment situations.


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks for your comments and questions DeeJay. The company I am with now, who I was with for 15 years and the company in Raleigh are in the same line of business. As a matter of fact the company knew of me because they supply resources through my current company, so when I was laid off, they pursued me to work for them as I had much industry knowledge and experience that could benefit them. Funny how they had no opposition to me using the knowledge that I had gained with 15 years service to their benefit. The sad truth is the President and owner of the Raleigh firm appears to be such a southern gentleman, but is infact a selfish man who believes everyone on the planet is out to take advantage of him. He trusts no one and has created an atmosphere where every time his office door was closed, everyone trembled with fear that they might be the topic of discussion. I truly felt I had landed in a Twilight Zone episode and had to get out of that awful place. My current company is much larger than the company threatening to sue me. And I''m sure our legal department will come up with an appropriate response. And you are right that most non-competes are patently unenforceable as the courts, for good reason, usually side with a persons right to earn a living. Again, thanks for your comments.


Dec 29, 2004
Rod, so you did sign a document?

I''ve only known one company in my business that made their employees sign them AND went after them if they went to a competing company. They never took them to court...just did a lot of threatening and they have a terrible rep in our industry.

Ironically, the company is in North Carolina too.

Didn''t run last night. I ate French Fries instead. Not kidding. TGuy had a hankering for a meat pie and there is only one bar down here that serves them. Oh well...I love my husband and if he has a craving for something back home, I am not going to deny him. Problem was that I couldn''t deny me some fries either!

Going running tonight! My WWI is conspicuously missing too, but I am going to wait until I feel better about some things! Which probably won''t be until all this travel is over. Geez!


Oct 30, 2002
afternoon everyone! rod sorry to hear that the NC company is being not so nice, but hopefully your company can help you take care of it right quick!

today i have had the weirdest stomach ache for most of the day. i kind of alternate between feeling nauseated and super tired and sleepy from time to time...i don't know if i am coming down with a bit of a stomach bug or what, but i felt a little off yesterday who knows. after i eat i feel better so maybe my body is just tired. hopefully a big fat burger and some fries tonite will make it feel all better. i am leaving work early today to pick up portia and head home and then meet greg there to drive over to the dealership to do the deed!

snack was 2 fiberful bars and a handful of corn bran, and then lunch was a chicken marsala frozen entree that i really like from this company called 'ethnic gourmet''s only 200 cals for a fair amount of food, chicken and rice basically. for snack i am going to steam up some baby zucchinis in the micro and eat those, i may or may not do my wow cow today, since it's a shorter day, but i just want to keep my body fueled with the right stuff so hopefully i feel less tired. plus i will be eating out tonite which i am def looking fwd to.

no workout today since i don't have the time in the schedule, but i'll be walking tomorrow again. i think i need a day rest too!

anyhow, hope everyone is having a fab day.


Dec 28, 2005
TG, I was required to sign the document. They won''t let you work for them unless you do. But you never think they''d actually try to prevent you from earning a living. My current company would never try to stop someone for working for a competitor. It''s pretty foolish to think you could win such a case. But, they can make my life miserable and cost much in defending myself and my ability to earn a living, which is just a waste. Anway........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
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