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Autumnovember said:My full name is Margarita (Rita for short)and I used to sit next to a girl at work named Tequila!
Autumnovember said:My full name is Margarita (Rita for short)and I used to sit next to a girl at work named Tequila!
I have an eight year old cousin named Lyla. We loved her name when she was born and thought it was unusual for these times, but since then it has become SO popular.ChloeTheGreat said:I've always liked Layla for a girl and Graham for a boy.
I'm not sure I want children.
One of my cousins named his new baby girl Lilah...I hope if I have a daughter and name her Layla they won't think I'm copying.
yennyfire said:Thanks Nashville...of course, with Irma, Harold, Joseph and Bertha in the queue, we had to be pretty creative, lol! We ended up using some of their middle initials in addition to their first initials, because we couldn't find both first/middle names that we liked for our kids with their first initials....as much as I love tradition, sometimes it proves rather challenging.![]()
Autumnovember said:My full name is Margarita (Rita for short)and I used to sit next to a girl at work named Tequila!
Lislis89 said:Autumnovember said:My full name is Margarita (Rita for short)and I used to sit next to a girl at work named Tequila!
I went to school with a boy called Kaulua (pronounced KAH - LUA) just like the drink too! In fact I remember a teacher teasing that his mum must have drank too much of it before he was born that's why she named him after it........ Bit mean!
Barack Uzi? How badass is that! I love it.swimmer said:I hear you! We had Shmuel, Channan, Yitzhak, Zebulon, Baruch... DH wanted to change that just a bit to honor our President. He seriously wanted to name our son Barack Uzi (insert Jewish last name that begins with a G here). Yup, BUG. At least we had some other excellent relatives' names to pick from. We did go with a rather unusual middle name, but you can take some real liberties there I feel.
hawaiianorangetree said:My name is Alani, pronounced Ah-Lah-Nee. It is hawaiian for orange tree.
I hated it growing up, I wanted to be like one of the 4 Sarahs in my class! No one could ever pronounce it right (still don't) and I hate introducing myself because i have to repeat is several times before people get it.
My husband on the other hand loves my name, which has in turn made it grow on me a little.
I think is is pretty unusual because there is only a handful of us on FB with the same name and most of us have contacted each other to talk about how we have never met anyone with the same name!
I really didn't want to give my kid an unusual name so i named her Kaitlin. She hates being one of 3 Kaitlins in her class. LOL you just can't win sometimes!!![]()
Hudson_Hawk said:Nashville said:I know some kids with pretty "out there" names, and maybe a few years ago I would have been like "HUH?!" but these days unusual is the norm. Everyone wants their kids to have such unusual names that now it's the kids with names like "Henry" and "Sarah" that stand out in their class!
I volunteer at a few difference schools and I can't even begin to describe how many Aidans and Emmas I see! Those names definitely had a major spike in popularity.
Now that I think of it, my daughter's name might be considered weird by some, but it's actually a pretty old fashioned name.
My son's name is Aidan...
I don't know, I guess I'm too conventional to go all out and give my kid an unusual name. I'd rather have a common name than a more unusual name with weird connotations. For example the name Marley, sure it's a little unique, but why would I want to give my kid a name that reminds people of a pot smoking Rastafarian musician?
Sarahbear621 said:DH and I have EXTREMELY americana names. I mean as common as you can get and both of our names plus our last name all begin with S (oh yeah my maiden name also began with S and sounded very similar to my now married name). Anyhow so becasue i had such a common name i really REALLY wanted our DS to have a unique name. My top names were
Jasper (Twilight killed that option off quickly)
Tristan (loved this one)
We ended up going with Rowan Chanan (very irish first name with a very israelie middle name)..most people give us thelook when we tell them his name
Anyhow I would like to remind everyone that most names have all been made up at some point. In the 1800's and early 1900's Meredith, Ashley and Tiffany were all boys names. Then became unisex and now are pretty much exclusively girls's names. Wendy was a name completely made up and then became extremely popular. I bet if you name your kid "sofa" or "wipeboard" it might be unique now but in 20 years it will be the norm.
packrat said:Ohhh Alani is so pretty! I pronounced it correctly in my head too when I was reading it so yeah points for me! It's very feminine!
There's a little girl in town here named Nalani.
When my mom was pg w/me, my Grampa told her she was going to have a girl, born on his birthday, and Mom was to name her Hazel Dell.Mom called Grampa from the hospital right after I was born (on his birthday) and said "Well Doc, 2 out of three ain't bad" and he just knew..he said "What's wrong with the name Hazel Dell?" Yikes. Didn't matter, he called me Mitzy or Love.
I've named 2 cats Hazel Dell however.
B.E.G. said:HOT, I have to say, I love Hawaiian names. I used to live there, and one of my close friends is Hawaiian and her middle name was Nalani. I was so jealous - I wanted a Hawaiian name! I also used to help out a kindergarten teacher when I was in 5th grade or so and one of my favorite students in the classes was named Noelani. Still jealous.