
Tweets from a lunatic


Jun 7, 2014
At least we know our country is in experienced, competent hands...


Incredible, in the worst possible way. It is incredible that the dumbest f*cks around are running our country, and that an unbelievable amount of people remain downright happy about it.

Katharath, I want to "like" your post a million times.


Feb 5, 2004
The very thing you rail against on the regular? Yep. Sure have.

I have asked people to stop using the P word or recently when the President is called disparaging names. I was told they have the free speech to do so, and I immediately dropped it.

But for people to go bat crap crazy over Spicer's comment about Hitler when it was regularly used here is ingenuous at best. But since Trump has had a great week, I guess you all have to grasp for straws.
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Mar 26, 2006
I have asked people to stop using the P word or recently when the President is called disparaging names. I was told they have the free speech to do so, and I immediately dropped it.

But for people to go bat crap crazy over Spicker's comment about Hitler when it was regularly used here is ingenuous at best. But since Trump has had a great week, I guess you all have to grasp for straws.

Well let's see...

Chump dropped a few bombs. Bombs dropping that is now being applauded although it was condemned when contemplated by President Obama.

His Supreme Court nominee, who has a stance adversarial to womens' rights, was sworn in only because the 'Pubs resorted to the nuclear option.

He sent his Brooks Brother's clad son-in-law to a combat zone and announced, against policy, his arrival before wheels down.

He also told said prepster son-in-law to kiss and make up with the white supremecist who is now pouting in the hallways of the White House.

And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more. Plenty more. A "great week" indeed.


There are so many words on the tip of my tongue (keyboard) right now bursting to get out, but I am going to step away from this forum for a while before I say something brutally honest, which will be (mis)interpreted as rude.

And let us be clear: *I* have used both the words Hitler and Pvssy on here. And I stand by every post I've made.


Jan 30, 2008
Can you STOP trying to gaslight everyone on this forum? Damn.
More like trying to non sequitur us to death.

Ruby, the subject in this case is Spicey's lack of a brain, not Hitler per se, not Trump, and not what has been said here in the past.

Oh, and just for the record, I owe you zero justification for anything I've ever said on PS, period.


Dec 25, 2012
Well let's see...

Chump dropped a few bombs. Bombs dropping that is now being applauded although it was condemned when contemplated by President Obama.

His Supreme Court nominee, who has a stance adversarial to womens' rights, was sworn in only because the 'Pubs resorted to the nuclear option.

He sent his Brooks Brother's clad son-in-law to a combat zone and announced, against policy, his arrival before wheels down.

He also told said prepster son-in-law to kiss and make up with the white supremecist who is now pouting in the hallways of the White House.

And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more. Plenty more. A "great week" indeed.


There are so many words on the tip of my tongue (keyboard) right now bursting to get out, but I am going to step away from this forum for a while before I say something brutally honest, which will be (mis)interpreted as rude.

And let us be clear: *I* have used both the words Hitler and Pvssy on here. And I stand by every post I've made.
100% agree and kudos on the restraint. I was there recently, it's not easy. Also not worth getting banned over.


Feb 5, 2004
And that is what I said to the other
More like trying to non sequitur us to death.

Ruby, the subject in this case is Spicey's lack of a brain, not Hitler per se, not Trump, and not what has been said here in the past.

Oh, and just for the record, I owe you zero justification for anything I've ever said on PS, period.

No the subject is consistency. Either you agree with the comparison or not. But do not base it on how you feel about the person saying it. Otherwise I will call it what is is - BS.

As for the justification owed me that is exactly what I told Soxfan who was trying to net nanny my posts.


Aug 31, 2005
And that is what I said to the other

No the subject is consistency. Either you agree with the comparison or not. But do not base it on how you feel about the person saying it. Otherwise I will call it what is is - BS.

As for the justification owed me that is exactly what I told Soxfan who was trying to net nanny my posts.

But it's not consistency, as it isn't the same comparison. Plus, there's a YUGE difference between private citizens on a forum using hyperbole and the SPOKESPERSON for the POTUS making a pretty big, unforgivably sloppy error. Did you hear what he said in his apology interview? He misspoke, wanted to apologize because he "didn't want to distract from Trump's effort to destabilize the region." How many times should we be expected to take the POTUS or his spokesperson seriously, but not literally, before we (well, Trump supporters) say ENOUGH. It's only our country's reputation at stake, I guess. Good thing for Spicey loyalty is rewarded with this admin- not competency.


Apr 20, 2012
He said it and he apologized.

As for Dan Rather, didn't he have a hissy fit while live on the national news and then walk off the set.
This apology is okay with you? Shocking, and IMO, completely shameful that you would attempt to defend this. And during Passover, no less, so much for your devotion. My grandparents would say, in Yiddush, that you should grow a wooden tongue.


Feb 5, 2004
I no more defend Spicer then I do the posters who made a similar comparison between Hitler and Trump.

It is the BS that I am calling out.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
Ruby, posters did not make a similar comparison between Hitler and Trump. The comparison made between those two has to do with Trump's displays of fascist leanings. One may or not may not agree with the comparison, but it in no way paints Hitler in a more favorable light.

Spicer, on the other hand, was comparing Assad to Hitler and saying that Hitler wasn't as bad as Assad. ARE YOU F*KING KIDDING ME. Because Hitler didn't "gas his own people." Oh, sure, Hitler was a bad dude, but he only went after those Jews - no one anybody really cared about - so he is LESS EVIL?

I get that you don't really care about any of this, that your sole purpose here is to just argue for the sake of argument, but I was truly truly surprised that you could carry on like this.


Go ahead and put that O in the middle Ruby, it's not nearly as sinful as what you've said in these posts.


Apr 20, 2012
I no more defend Spicer then I do the posters who made a similar comparison between Hitler and Trump.

It is the BS that I am calling out.
Cool, by all means keep on doing that, freedom of speech first.

But stop representing yourself as a (serious?) (devout?) Jew while trying to excuse this egregious, hideous language & ludicrous attempts to clarify from the WH top spokesman: It cannot be excused, not now, not ever.


Jan 1, 2016
But it's not consistency, as it isn't the same comparison. Plus, there's a YUGE difference between private citizens on a forum using hyperbole and the SPOKESPERSON for the POTUS making a pretty big, unforgivably sloppy error. Did you hear what he said in his apology interview? He misspoke, wanted to apologize because he "didn't want to distract from Trump's effort to destabilize the region." How many times should we be expected to take the POTUS or his spokesperson seriously, but not literally, before we (well, Trump supporters) say ENOUGH. It's only our country's reputation at stake, I guess. Good thing for Spicey loyalty is rewarded with this admin- not competency.

I'm envious that you still have some belief that ANYTHING exists that would make them say 'enough'. I'm on the edge of giving up all hope.
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Jan 1, 2016
Cool, by all means keep on doing that, freedom of speech first.

But stop representing yourself as a (serious?) (devout?) Jew while trying to excuse this egregious, hideous language & ludicrous attempts to clarify from the WH top spokesman: It cannot be excused, not now, not ever.

Not to mention defending a president who has willingly employed his good friend, a known anti-Semite and white supremacist (Bannon) as his closest advisor. Oh, and then there's Gorka... But it's ok, he's going to fix health care and spend less time on the golf course than Obama. :lol:

Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 09.28.56.png

Oh, right, there's this...
(I know you don't click on links, Ruby, so here's a copy and paste- sorry there's a blank space in the middle where there was an ad- can't figure out how to get rid of that).

Donald Trump set to rack up more travel expenses in first year than Barack Obama spent in two terms

US President has spent an estimated $21 million on trips in his 80 days in office


Donald Trump has held discussions with several world leaders while playing golf Getty
Donald Trump is reportedly on course to spend more of US taxpayers’ money on travel in his first year as president than Barack Obama did in his entire time in office.

The US President has spent 21 of his 80 days in office at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, where he recently met Chinese Premier Xi Jinping.

When Barack Obama made a similar four day trip to the sunshine state in 2013, a 2016 Government Accountability Office report found the total cost to the Secret Service and Coast Guard was $3.6 million (£2.9 million).
While estimating the cost of Mr Trump's trips is difficult, using Mr Obama's trip as a benchmark, the cost of the current president's trips are estimated to be $21.6 million (£16.9 million), according to US broadcaster, CNN.

Were he to continue at that pace, his travel costs would dwarf the $97 million (£78 million) in travel expenses accrued during Mr Obama's eight-year term in office, according to US Secret Service and Air Force documents reviewed by Judicial Watch.

Mr Trump has demanded spending cuts across the rest of government. His proposed budget has reduced non-defence spending by $54 billion (£43.5 million), resulting in deep cuts to the budgets of the US State Department, the Department for Housing and Urban Development, and the Environmental Protection Agency

Government-funded programmes set to be cut include medical research, international aid initiatives and NASA climate change studies.

Mr Trump frequently criticised Mr Obama, his predecessor, for taking holidays and for playing golf.

“Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter,” he wrote in October 2014.

And in May 2016 he said: “While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, the TSA is falling apart, just like our government! Airports a total disaster!”

The below chart, created for The Independent by statistics agency Statista, shows how Donald Trump's time spent golfing compares with that of previous US presidents.


The Republican leader also promised during last year’s presidential campaign that, if elected, he would not go golfing.

"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf," he said in August 2016.

In the same year, he told a rally: “You know what - and I love golf – but if I were in the White House, I don’t think I’d ever see Turnberry again, I don’t think I’d ever see Doral again, I own Doral in Miami, I don’t think I’d ever see many of the places that I have.

"I don’t ever think that I’d see anything, I just wanna stay in the White House and work my ass off, make great deals, right? Who's gonna leave? I mean, who's gonna leave?"


Dec 25, 2012
The Trumpettes will literally go to their graves justifying all his nonsense. Maybe it will even say "SAD!" on their headstones. It's up to the rest of us to get out of this mess.


Sep 10, 2003
[QUOTE="Calliecake, post: 4150894, member: 78021"]And we could not be in a bigger MESS. This whole administration is a joke, a very SAD joke.[/QUOTE]
North Korea has threatened nuclear action if they become irked by the increasing presence of the ships cheeto is sending their way so things could get messier. Makes you wonder what will happen if Ivanka has a bad hair day and blames Kim Jong Un.


Feb 5, 2004
Ruby, posters did not make a similar comparison between Hitler and Trump. The comparison made between those two has to do with Trump's displays of fascist leanings. One may or not may not agree with the comparison, but it in no way paints Hitler in a more favorable light.

Spicer, on the other hand, was comparing Assad to Hitler and saying that Hitler wasn't as bad as Assad. ARE YOU F*KING KIDDING ME. Because Hitler didn't "gas his own people." Oh, sure, Hitler was a bad dude, but he only went after those Jews - no one anybody really cared about - so he is LESS EVIL?

I get that you don't really care about any of this, that your sole purpose here is to just argue for the sake of argument, but I was truly truly surprised that you could carry on like this.


Go ahead and put that O in the middle Ruby, it's not nearly as sinful as what you've said in these posts.

Maria, read some of the comments here from people who post how they feel and do not apologize about it.

Well, the same goes here. I will interpret it as I see fit, and I will not apologize how I do either.

As for that O I will type it as I was taught, thank you. As far as what you find sinful, follow your own beliefs as I will mine.
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Feb 5, 2004
Cool, by all means keep on doing that, freedom of speech first.

But stop representing yourself as a (serious?) (devout?) Jew while trying to excuse this egregious, hideous language & ludicrous attempts to clarify from the WH top spokesman: It cannot be excused, not now, not ever.

This is my first encounter with you. I am a person on a message board. Do not assume to know anything about me or my religious beliefs.

I am a Jew because of what is in my heart, not because of how devout I am as evidenced by marrying outside my religion.

And devoutness as nothing to do with the topic at hand. It is all the bellyaching about comparing Hitler to Assad. It is now being pointed out by the various news agencies as I did during the previous comparisons that Hitler should be left out of the discussion. Yet the same posters continued to do it and no one spoke out against it. So it is BS to do so now.


Feb 5, 2004
Well let's see...

Chump dropped a few bombs. Bombs dropping that is now being applauded although it was condemned when contemplated by President Obama.

His Supreme Court nominee, who has a stance adversarial to womens' rights, was sworn in only because the 'Pubs resorted to the nuclear option.

He sent his Brooks Brother's clad son-in-law to a combat zone and announced, against policy, his arrival before wheels down.

He also told said prepster son-in-law to kiss and make up with the white supremecist who is now pouting in the hallways of the White House.

And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more. Plenty more. A "great week" indeed.


Well let's see...

Chump dropped a few bombs. Bombs dropping that is now being applauded although it was condemned when contemplated by President Obama.

His Supreme Court nominee, who has a stance adversarial to womens' rights, was sworn in only because the 'Pubs resorted to the nuclear option.

He sent his Brooks Brother's clad son-in-law to a combat zone and announced, against policy, his arrival before wheels down.

He also told said prepster son-in-law to kiss and make up with the white supremecist who is now pouting in the hallways of the White House.

And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more. Plenty more. A "great week" indeed.


There are so many words on the tip of my tongue (keyboard) right now bursting to get out, but I am going to step away from this forum for a while before I say something brutally honest, which will be (mis)interpreted as rude.

And let us be clear: *I* have used both the words Hitler and Pvssy on here. And I stand by every post I've made.

There are so many words on the tip of my tongue (keyboard) right now bursting to get out, but I am going to step away from this forum for a while before I say something brutally honest, which will be (mis)interpreted as rude.

And let us be clear: *I* have used both the words Hitler and Pvssy on here. And I stand by every post I've made.

As to the highlighted, you as a Trump hater will continue to see what you want to see. And as an Obama can do no wrong, you will not see that he dropped the ball as far as Assad and the country was in the toilet because of his indecisiveness.

As far as leaving the keyboard and being brutally honest, I have taken a lot from so many here. And I am still here. Notice how I never threaten to leave when the going gets rough. That is how adults handle a message board.


Mar 26, 2006
As to the highlighted, you as a Trump hater will continue to see what you want to see. And as an Obama can do no wrong, you will not see that he dropped the ball as far as Assad and the country was in the toilet because of his indecisiveness.

As far as leaving the keyboard and being brutally honest, I have taken a lot from so many here. And I am still here. Notice how I never threaten to leave when the going gets rough. That is how adults handle a message board.

I AM a Pvss Grab hater, and I've never made any bones about it. As for Obama, show me where I've stated or implied that he could do no wrong. Your comment about indecisiveness, where in reality he was attempting to do things in a way that our allegedly civilized political society gets things accomplished, is absurd. Nice try though.

You apparently misinterpreted my comment about stepping away from the forum for a while last night so let me clarify: I was going to a kitchen and bath showroom to look at a marble vanity top for my weekend house as I need to make a decision by Friday to keep the contractor moving. I was not "threatening to leave" the PS community.

As for the going getting rough, I find your comment laughable. If you think for one instant I find you, or any comment you could possibly make, even approaching the category of "rough" you haven't been paying very good attention. At All.

Thanks for that though -- I always appreciate a good laugh!


Feb 5, 2004
You apparently misinterpreted my comment about stepping away from the forum for a while last night so let me clarify: I was going to a kitchen and bath showroom to look at a marble vanity top for my weekend house as I need to make a decision by Friday to keep the contractor moving. I was not "threatening to leave" the PS community. - DeeJay


There are so many words on the tip of my tongue (keyboard) right now bursting to get out, but I am going to step away from this forum for a while before I say something brutally honest, which will be (mis)interpreted as rude. as posted by DeeJay upthread.

Exactly what did I supposedly misinterpret, DeeJay from what you stated above. And where did I say anything about you leaving permanently. I said I could take anything dished out at me as I have never threatened to leave.


Jul 27, 2007


Jul 27, 2007
But he won. And democrats were predicting he would not which would show that Trump was losing support.
Were they?


Mar 26, 2006
I said I could take anything dished out at me as I have never threatened to leave.

Well that's EXCELLENT Rubes, because PS just wouldn't be the same for me without you to play with! :wavey: Don't EVER leave because I get more absolute humor from your posts that any other, and god knows a good laugh is always a welcome thing. Like yesterday when you said that Cheeto von Tweeto had a good week -- I'll be chuckling over THAT one for a looooong time!
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