
totally new thing

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Jul 14, 2006
I have been trying to decide how to reset my stone and I hemmed and hawed and had lots of false starts and could not decide a thing.

All of this indecision led me down a whole new path: I got a new stone. It''s a quirky one, which is good for my quirky personality. Here are a couple pictures taken in a particularly hideous gold ring holder, which let me tell you, does absolutely nothing for this stone.

In the end I am back to where I started: I still have to set it. But I feel very happy and comfortable with this stone and suddenly the whole setting issue is not so prominent.


newgold5 resize.jpg
happily without the gold ring holder!

Beacon, I think your stone is beautiful! What do you mean by "quirky" -- it seems just lovely to me.
Stone is gorgeous!!!!! Now the gold prongs, I dont care for!!!???

Your stone will be gorgeous when you get in the right setting!!
Date: 2/22/2007 8:15:44 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Beacon, I think your stone is beautiful! What do you mean by ''quirky'' -- it seems just lovely to me.

Was gonna say the same thing!

WOW that is quite a stone holder hehe. Beautiful stone!!!
How are you going to set it?????? Care to share any of the specs for the bling and number hungry?
it looks beautiful---out of the gold holder.....what are the specs on this stone?
Quirky - it''s somewhat outside the usual of what you might expect to see, especially on this forum.

It''s a 2.57 D, SI1 with strong blue fluorescense and a 59 table and a pretty bad HCA score. It reminds me of the movie Seabiscuit, where the owner says, "the horse is too small, the jockey is too big, the trainer is too old and I''m too dumb to know the difference".

I really like this stone. It produces some very remarkable colors. I just got it today and it is rainy and stormy here in San Francisco. The stone showed all sorts of colors as I drove it home from steely grey to aqua green. Then it could also be as ice white as a glacier.

I think that the fact that it is D and Strong blue somehow gives it a kick. It has a lot of personality. It is not foggy or hazy at all.

Nancy Stacy appraised it and we had so much fun playing with this stone and kicking the tires. I wanted something just a little bigger than the stone I had before without getting super huge. I think it''s just right for me!
Date: 2/22/2007 8:40:58 PM
Author: Beacon
Quirky - it''s somewhat outside the usual of what you might expect to see, especially on this forum.

It''s a 2.57 D, SI1 with strong blue fluorescense and a 59 table and a pretty bad HCA score. It reminds me of the movie Seabiscuit, where the owner says, ''the horse is too small, the jockey is too big, the trainer is too old and I''m too dumb to know the difference''.

I really like this stone. It produces some very remarkable colors. I just got it today and it is rainy and stormy here in San Francisco. The stone showed all sorts of colors as I drove it home from steely grey to aqua green. Then it could also be as ice white as a glacier.

I think that the fact that it is D and Strong blue somehow gives it a kick. It has a lot of personality. It is not foggy or hazy at all.

Nancy Stacy appraised it and we had so much fun playing with this stone and kicking the tires. I wanted something just a little bigger than the stone I had before without getting super huge. I think it''s just right for me!

Well Beacon, from one quirky "Seabiscuit" stone owner to another I think it sounds fabulous and I can''t wait to see what you decide to do with it!
i can see it.

nice gold temp holder.
It''s a WOW Beacon!!!!! I can''t wait till you get it set!!!! Love your new stone!!!

It's cool. Do you mind me asking whether you bought it locally or online?

Jim Schultz from James Allen helped me with it. He is the nicest person. Very easy to work with and so positive. It was a very good experience.

I may set it in a temporary setting, hopefully a little nicer than this gold holder, and then ponder the future. I do really like a Scott Kay one with surprise diamond but am not sure if it would be the right thing for a stone this size. It might sit up too high. A simple Tiffany replica six prong would also be very nice and classic.

I am really enjoying the stone. When I sent off my old one I felt so bad and sorry for it. I went home and put on my original ering, a cute 1.29 princess, and I felt better. Now I am super happy with this one - it really suits me.

Diamonds are a little bit "alive" for me. I attribute certain characters to them. I know this is silly, especially when so much of it is about the math and all, but it''s just how I do.
beacon, your stone looks pretty darn beautiful to me. I can''t wait to see what you decide on for a setting..
Date: 2/22/2007 9:27:24 PM
Author: Beacon

Diamonds are a little bit ''alive'' for me. I attribute certain characters to them. I know this is silly, especially when so much of it is about the math and all, but it''s just how I do.
nooooo I *totally* hear ya :) "superideals" are nice and all, but there are some seriously wonderful characters and personalities ''outside the box'' ;)
Wow, Beacon! What a big, beautiful stone!!!
Date: 2/22/2007 11:04:08 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/22/2007 9:27:24 PM
Author: Beacon

Diamonds are a little bit ''alive'' for me. I attribute certain characters to them. I know this is silly, especially when so much of it is about the math and all, but it''s just how I do.
nooooo I *totally* hear ya :) ''superideals'' are nice and all, but there are some seriously wonderful characters and personalities ''outside the box'' ;)
Yes, Cehra, it''s been a long diamond journey. I used to hate rounds. I liked any shape as long as it wasn''t round. I then reconsidered when confronted face to face with a particularly pretty round.

This stone is holding my interest visually. Maybe that''s cause it''s a little "different". It''s not off the wall or anything, GIA has it for ''excellent'' cut and vg/vg on sym and polish. But there is something unique about it to me - it''s a very fun one!
Oh, Beacon. It''s just awesome. Superideals are beautiful and all, but stones like yours have distinctive PERSONALITY. I can tell in just these few photos how rainbow-y that stone is. While at the same time strikingly white! Not a bad combo!
And I''m so glad you had a good experience with Jim. I''m a huge fan of his, obviously.

I really like the idea of setting that beauty in a Tiffany replica. It would showcase the stone in all its colorful glory. Congratulations!!!

PS -- aren''t Seabiscuit stones wonderful? I love mine, too. hehe.
DeeJay and KD, what are the Seabiscuit quirks in your stones? Both are extra beautiful, not to mention huge
35.4 CA and 40.9 PA. HCA of 2.something. That's serious no-no stuff around here!

As it has been said many times before....numbers aren't everything!!!
I think your stone is totally fun! How do you feel about the SB flourescence in different lighting conditions? I have a friend who is considering an SB fl in a larger stone and even with a rap rebate of a decent amount he is wavering...I have nothing more to tell him, I think it''s psychological... but I would love to hear your take.

D and SB is a huge no no in the industry, so that''s intersting to hear...Frankly, it''s just a characteristic to me that individualizes an increasingly interchangeable collection of mass produced "super stones".

But then again, I like rose cuts, OECs and Old Mine cuts...the kind where you can tell the era or cutter based on the cut style... :)

Your diamond sounds like a total keeper! If you want unique and quirky, have you considered a "unique" setting for the stone? Something a bit less traditional at all? Just a thought. The Tiffany setting is nice, but if your stone is such a kicker, maybe a simple but different solitaire setting could really make a statement... and it''s a nice size to say something loudly...
Date: 2/22/2007 11:04:08 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/22/2007 9:27:24 PM
Author: Beacon

Diamonds are a little bit ''alive'' for me. I attribute certain characters to them. I know this is silly, especially when so much of it is about the math and all, but it''s just how I do.
nooooo I *totally* hear ya :) ''superideals'' are nice and all, but there are some seriously wonderful characters and personalities ''outside the box'' ;)
I used to be about "math" once. Then I saw too many diamonds that all looked alike, and I started to hate the math that made them. Personally, to me, diamonds are NOT about MATH. They are a luxury good, and they are about evoking a feeling. It''s like food. You can eat to fill a hunger or you can eat to enjoy. I don''t look for numbers anymore because I am not looking to fill an order by numbers, I am looking to satistify and enjoy.

Then again, I like it when the crown is rotated and the arrows on a round completely disappear...I''m weird.
Date: 2/23/2007 2:05:34 AM
Author: Nicrez
I think your stone is totally fun! How do you feel about the SB flourescence in different lighting conditions? I have a friend who is considering an SB fl in a larger stone and even with a rap rebate of a decent amount he is wavering...I have nothing more to tell him, I think it's psychological... but I would love to hear your take.
I know the industry doesn't like SB in high color stones. I had such an interesting time at a local jeweler here. I told him I was considering this stone and we got in a long conversation. He has a customer deciding between 2 asschers. Nearly identical stones, both 2.5ct, F color and VS (I forget if VS1 or VS2 but they were the same). One was SB, one was no fluor.

These stones had a big price difference, 30K and 40K. Since we were getting into it, he was nice enough to bring them out. They were identical enuf that they could have been a perfect set of earrings. Just the same. In most light they looked identical. We moved them all over the store. From time to time you could see "something". We put them in strong sunlight and you could see some blue. It didn't look bad; it actually looked interesting.

Both my husband and I agreed, if we were the customer, keep the 10K and go with the SB. I'll have to ask him what ended up happening.

I could not help but think that the whole thing was silly. In fact, I wondered that if the stones were marketed differently, like the SB was considered special and therefore it was more costly that maybe people would go bonkers for that attribute.

I have seen SBs in high color that did look bad. Messed up the transparency of the stone and caused a periwinkle haze. Those would not be so nice.
I think your diamond looks amazing and you are the one who can see it in person to know how wonderful it really is. That matters much more than any numbers. I hope that you can find a setting for it that you love!
Date: 2/23/2007 2:11:41 AM
Author: Nicrez

Date: 2/22/2007 11:04:08 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/22/2007 9:27:24 PM
Author: Beacon

Diamonds are a little bit ''alive'' for me. I attribute certain characters to them. I know this is silly, especially when so much of it is about the math and all, but it''s just how I do.
nooooo I *totally* hear ya :) ''superideals'' are nice and all, but there are some seriously wonderful characters and personalities ''outside the box'' ;)
I used to be about ''math'' once. Then I saw too many diamonds that all looked alike, and I started to hate the math that made them. Personally, to me, diamonds are NOT about MATH. They are a luxury good, and they are about evoking a feeling. It''s like food. You can eat to fill a hunger or you can eat to enjoy. I don''t look for numbers anymore because I am not looking to fill an order by numbers, I am looking to satistify and enjoy.

Then again, I like it when the crown is rotated and the arrows on a round completely disappear...I''m weird.
is that an offset crown? I think the arrows are ONE look and the non-arrows are ANOTHER look and I kinda like the non arrows better... I like the randomness of it... but I like the arrows as well.... the arrows are very good at saying "look at how symmetrical I am, I MUST be great!" especially in photos LOL

Sometimes I really worry about the impact of internet sales on how diamonds will end up being cut - you know... cut so that like you said, they all look alike - they''re all in the same ranges, and they''re cut to conform to an idealscope or a H&A viewer. Rather that they''re ALL cut like that. It''s still something to behold out in the real world, but if all diamonds were like that how bland would that be... I dunno, I like my weird stone and I''m more than happy to be in the quirky stone group even if I don''t have a round LOL
What a beautiful diamond! I think it''s lovely. I would love to have a D SB, not hazy. How fun is that!

I am really, really partial to the Tiffany replicas. It''s big enough to stand on its own. Otherwise, I like the settings with the eternity (or semi-eternity) bands, and for this one, definitely platinum! Well, that''s MY thought, but it''s gorgeous and it will look good what ever you set it in.
Date: 2/23/2007 1:51:04 AM
Author: Beacon
DeeJay and KD, what are the Seabiscuit quirks in your stones? Both are extra beautiful, not to mention huge

My own Seabiscuit has a 35 crown angle and 40.4 pavilion angle with an HCA of only .6 and super long lower girdle facets (85%) -- and I love it!
Date: 2/23/2007 10:41:16 AM
Author: Cehrabehra

Sometimes I really worry about the impact of internet sales on how diamonds will end up being cut - you know... cut so that like you said, they all look alike - they''re all in the same ranges, and they''re cut to conform to an idealscope or a H&A viewer. Rather that they''re ALL cut like that. It''s still something to behold out in the real world, but if all diamonds were like that how bland would that be... I dunno, I like my weird stone and I''m more than happy to be in the quirky stone group even if I don''t have a round LOL
I used to wonder about that, too. Personally, I think there are too many people who really don''t care about perfect cut and are not very particular. They want a size and a price range, and possibly a color and clarity, and they want to go to X jeweler and put it in Y setting. Most people I know just don''t care and would think I was totally off balance for being on a diamond board (who DOES that???). Oh, well. Actually, on the boards the super ideals are really common, but in real life, not at all! AND, Beacon, I think a GIA excellent is still way beyond what most people in real life have. You''ve got a winner!
wow, BIG and beautiful!
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