
The Official TTC Thread!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Gah, OK I'll order more. Good thing they're cheap. Maybe it'll work out like last time where I ordered 50 and got pregnant that cycle. LOL.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1380836532|3531663 said:
Gah, OK I'll order more. Good thing they're cheap. Maybe it'll work out like last time where I ordered 50 and got pregnant that cycle. LOL.

Haha that would be something! I've been using them the past few days...I really missed peeing on stuff! My line was a bit darker this morning and I now have EWCM, so I know I'm gearing up (today is CD 11 and I usually O on CD 14-16). If we were trying this month I'd be good to go :)


Jan 19, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ha ha LC, I can totally see that happening. I would keep the expired ones as "playing tests" if you already tested 2 times a day with new tests, you can always use an old test for fun. I used my expired ones like that and they all worked just fine. I like to test every 6 hours. Total freak! I would however not rely only on the expired ones.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


Jun 25, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all! I hope you ladies don't mind me popping in with you all. SO and I are not officially trying, but we also have decided that we are officially not not trying either. We're just going with the flow and if it happens it happens. We plan to be engaged sometime in the next couple of months, but will be waiting until 2015 for our actual wedding, mostly for my family's sake since my sister is getting married next fall. I think they'd be horribly overwhelmed if we tried to get married in the same year. That being said, we have several friends who either have recently had children, or who are pregnant, and SO mentioned wanting a baby 6 times in a month period so I finally sat him down. We agreed we have some debt to get paid off by spring, but that's doable whether I get preggo or not. We agreed it would be nice to find a way to have me stay home at least through first or second grade to really get a good learning foundation into our kids. I have two friends who are having twins, and would be willing to have me nanny if we had children close together, so I can stay home. Between nanny work and offering private yoga lessons, I think me being home will be do-able once our credit card debt is gone. I'm good at budgeting groceries and necessities, and we have a few things we could cut out to save a bit every month (like eating out, netflix, and we are looking at a low priced car to cut gas expenses, plus gas would be cut way down if I end up at home). So we are just letting things roll until spring. I'm going to be reading this thread and the preggo thread all the way through, and might bounce in and out with questions. I should be ovulating this week and we have done some bbd so we'll see, but I'm not pushing it nor getting my hopes up. I haven't been on bc in years because of horrible side effects it has on me, so I'm very regular. I hope I can get to know you all and join in the journey with everyone. I'm nervous, and a little scared, but so so excited and I feel like I'm ready. I know he is, and he'll make a great father. I worry a little b/c of the renovations we've been working on, but I also know that there is never a perfectly ideal time. There will always be projects on the house, always something to pay for, so we may as well roll with the flow and see what happens. So. HI! :wavey:


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome Dragonfly! Also feel free to pop into the Waiting but Wanting thread too. Some of the ladies there are in your timeline as well. There's lots to learn in this thread about charting and timing etc, plus all the ladies are so awesome :) I'd just be careful about the Newborn thread. The pics that are posted are like baby fertilizer! LOL


Jun 25, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang - No doubt!!!! I'll look at the Wanting but waiting thread as well! Thanks!


Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Dragonfly! :wavey:


Mar 31, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi dragonfly! DH and I are in a similar situation in that it's really not the magical perfect time for us to have kids. But we know that magical perfect time isn't really going to come, lol, and things are pretty good now. So it seems like the time to try.

Things are a little weird with DH and I'm really trying not to put too much pressure on him. We had talked about our timeline many times before, but now that it's here, we're both a little anxious. We sat down and talked about it last night and he insists that he is 100% on board and wants to do this as much as I do. But, um, all we did was talk, if you catch my drift. I think we need to try to take some of the pressure off and just try to be romantic with each other. That's hard to do in all of this, with temping and charting and OPKs and stressing about how every single cycle I've had this year has been totally regular right up until the month before TTC, when suddenly my cycle decided to go all wonky so now I am not sure when I am going to ovulate this month. None of this is romantic, and the stress is affecting us both. Any pro tips for finding time for romance in all of this?


Jun 25, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blacksand - I'd say don't let yourself feel like you have to monitor every little move, and try to just have fun with it. I know that seems easier said than done, but try date nights, or maybe be keeping track yourself, but don't break it down as much with him, then on the nights you know it's close, romance him, flirt, make it enticing for him.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blacksand, I just have to tell you that what you're experiencing is totally normal. It is a little awkward, isn't it? I remember way back in the day when we started TTC for #1, the first time we "tried" was hilariously awkward. I thought it was going to be romantic and fun, but in reality DH wasn't sure if he was 100% ready (in fact, he had an "emergency" condom in his nightstand) and I'm pretty sure that in the middle of BDing, he repeatedly asked me if I was sure I was ready. Plus, we'd spent YEARS trying to prevent pregnancy, so it was just a weird mental shift to start trying. Anyway, the whole process of TTC was not at all what I thought it was going to be, but we laughed our way through it and looking back, we still find it really funny. So I say to just embrace that it's a little awkward and don't feel bad about's not always romantic.


Oct 18, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey everybody! :wavey: I haven't been here in forever, but DH and I are TTCing #2 and after 3 unsuccessful cycles I'm really starting to feel like I need buddies to share this journey with.

In case some of you don't know me, I was a LIW in 2006 and DH and I were married in 2008. Our DS, J, was born on Dec. 29th 2009. He was conceived on the first try. Unfortunately, I had a massive cyst and ovarian rupture and had my right ovary and tube removed last May. We're now TTCing and it's currently cycle 4, CD4. I think I deluded myself in thinking it would still be easy getting pregnant despite missing an ovary and tube, so I'm probably taking it harder than I should.

I wanted to say hi, I'll try to catch up a bit!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ouch! I get O pains every month and they are always 14 days before my next cycle. Based on charting I know they happen the day before my temp spike, so I'm guessing they are timed with ovulation.

Yesterday morning I had an ALMOST positive OPK (like as close as you can get to positive without it actually being positive). Last night, around 10pm, I had O pains on my right side. Sure enough, my temp spiked this morning and I had a positive OPK (I usually get a + the day before my temp spike and then up to 1-4 days after). I figure I O'd last night. BUT, right now I am once again having bad O pains on that same right side.

What's the deal? Is it just residual O pain? Am I popping a second egg? This is weird...usually I only get it for a few hours, once per cycle.


Jun 25, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Anchor - BEST of luck!!! Don't let yourself get frustrated, or take it too hard. There are some who try for years, and to really add weight for you, I have two friends who are preggo right now after three years. Hubby had testicular cancer, they had to freeze his swimmers. The motility went WAY down in the freezing process, they think it was not done right. They did IUI, no go. They did one IVF and nothing. They had to wait to get a grant to do a second IVF, implanted 4 and they are preggo with twin girls!!!! So never ever lose hope either!

Can I ask 1) Where is best place to get reliable OPK tests? I had gotten some off Amazon a long time ago but not sure how reliable they are.
2) What does O pain feel like?


Jan 7, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Has anyone ordered OPKs from eBay? I can't order from Amazon as they won't ship here (Australia). Are they all pretty much the same?


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dragonfly411|1381275502|3534457 said:
Can I ask 1) Where is best place to get reliable OPK tests? I had gotten some off Amazon a long time ago but not sure how reliable they are.
2) What does O pain feel like?

1)- I love the CVS brand. They are about $20 for a 20 pack of test strips.

2)- Just having them now so I can describe them well (hopefully). For me, it feels like there is a fire-y hot nail being hammered through my body. It's right inside of my hip bone, maybe a bit below it. When it's really bad (as it was today) it hurts all the way through to my back. I


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

pancake|1381275526|3534459 said:
Has anyone ordered OPKs from eBay? I can't order from Amazon as they won't ship here (Australia). Are they all pretty much the same?

I'd search some TTC boards to find suggestions. I know some people love the cheapies, but they scare me. I've read too many stories of bad lots, false positives (for HPTs), and false negatives (for OPKs).


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Anchor, good to have you join us. It's hard not to stress out about TTC, but that's why it's so nice to have ladies to support each other. :)

AMC, weird not sure what the O pains could be, but I would imagine it's not so odd that you're popping 2 eggs. I"ve never had O pains, and actually never have menstrual cramps either. When I was just barely pregnant and after birth when my uterus was shrinking back down, OMfG I remember how it would take my breath away.

Pancake, no experience with ordering through eBay, but is it possible to have someone mail you some cheapies? Also can you check your local drug store?


Jun 25, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I get a pain in my lower right back pretty much right on cue every month, sort of like a jabbing. It usually lasts a few hours and then is gone. Does this sound like O pain to anyone? I certainly don't have any super sharp jabbing.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

It could be. The only way to really know would be to temp and see if it is happening right before your temp goes up. But it sounds like it could be O pains.


Oct 18, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the encouragements. If I have temp shifts on my chart, does that mean for certain that I ovulated? Not ovulating is my biggest concern... Otherwise it's just a matters of timing and... well, time, I guess. J took just one try, so we don't have any genetic incompatibilities, sperm count issues or the like.

Re OPKs: I bought a bunch of cheap OPKs and HPTs on I'll be trying to OPKs this cycle, I can let you know how well they appear to work. So far no problems with the HPTs, the control line is good and strong.


Dec 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Delurking for a sec... Pancake I got some OPKs and HPTs from this website, located just north of Sydney. Might be a little more expensive than eBay or amazon but not too bad and if I recall correctly was pretty good service. I also got a bulk pack from CPT Worldwide but they seem to have changed their name and don't have the bulk packs anymore.

Good luck everyone x


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

anchor31|1381348499|3534871 said:
Thanks for the encouragements. If I have temp shifts on my chart, does that mean for certain that I ovulated?

Yes. I mean I suppose it could be a fluke that you suddenly have randomly higher temperatures. But really it just means you O'd.


Mar 31, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the tips, dragonfly and NEL. NEL, thanks especially for making me feel better about being awkward! I think embracing the awkwardness and having a good laugh is a good way to go. So far, so good. I should be ovulating in 4-5 days, goes nothing!

Welcome anchor, and good luck to all. I hope it won't be too much longer for any of us.


Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1381355964|3534940 said:
anchor31|1381348499|3534871 said:
Thanks for the encouragements. If I have temp shifts on my chart, does that mean for certain that I ovulated?

Yes. I mean I suppose it could be a fluke that you suddenly have randomly higher temperatures. But really it just means you O'd.

Can you elaborate on this, amc? Is it ever possible to have a progesterone surge ( and the resulting temp spikes) without actually ovulating? Or is the progesterone a result of the corpus luteum that only results from a little egg popping?

Mp, how's the clomid treating you this cycle? Do you have an idea when you might trigger?

Hi Anchor! :wavey:

Ello, how's things going? Any more weirdness like last cycle?

My cycle is limping along over here; cycle day 36, officially the longest cycle I've had since coming off BC. No AF and a BFN two days ago, so I'm wondering if this go around was anovulatory. I haven't had an anovulatory cycle before, but I know it can happen randomly especially when stress is a factor like it is right now. I thought I got o signs from CM back around CD 19, but then I travelled and came home sick as a dog with a cold. I did have all my classic AF symptoms- cramps, sore boobs, headache, heavy legs (whats up with that symptom, anyway? but its like clockwork, every time) starting right on cue 9-11DPO and lasting about a week. They are mostly gone now. With all the travel and schedule craziness I wasn't tempting so I can't confirm o this month at all. And lemme tell you, I have learned my lesson! I hate being in the dark! Now just hoping AF starts on her own so I can have a do over :rodent:

As soon as AF gets here I am going to put a call in to my midwife and just see what her recommendations are moving forward since I will have passed the sixth month mark.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1381419813|3535304 said:
amc80|1381355964|3534940 said:
anchor31|1381348499|3534871 said:
Thanks for the encouragements. If I have temp shifts on my chart, does that mean for certain that I ovulated?

Yes. I mean I suppose it could be a fluke that you suddenly have randomly higher temperatures. But really it just means you O'd.

Can you elaborate on this, amc? Is it ever possible to have a progesterone surge ( and the resulting temp spikes) without actually ovulating? Or is the progesterone a result of the corpus luteum that only results from a little egg popping?

Progesterone isn't what surges to cause ovulation, it's a surge of LH. The progesterone spike happens after ovulation as a result of the corpus luteum. Just like you said. What I was saying was I suppose you could have a temp spike unrelated to ovulation (like a fever, heavier blankets, restless sleep, etc.) that happened to be right at the time you expected to ovulate. But the more likely scenario is that your temp rose because of the progesterone which was caused by ovulation. So, potential sickness aside, if your temp is up then you ovulated.

ETA- I'm in no way a medical professional and am just spewing out what I've learned during the TTC process. So if somebody knows better please feel free to correct what I've said. :)


Jun 25, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar - how many DPO do you calculate yourself at?

I bought pre-natal vitamins. :-o :shock:

Probably a jump ahead of the game, but I figure better safe than sorry if we're not not trying? Yes? No? Craziness?


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dragonfly411|1381420701|3535313 said:
aviastar - how many DPO do you calculate yourself at?

I bought pre-natal vitamins. :-o :shock:

Probably a jump ahead of the game, but I figure better safe than sorry if we're not not trying? Yes? No? Craziness?

Not crazy at all. You should be on them for at least 3 months before you start TTC.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Not crazy. It's best to have it even if you have an oops, which I know you guys are not planning. I started taking prenatals after I got my Mirena taken out, just in case.


Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hmm, IF o was on cycle day 19, which I thought at the time, but can't confirm, I would be DPO17 today.

So the real answer is I don't have any freakin idea :lol:

Thanks, amc, that makes a lot of sense!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1381421438|3535322 said:
Hmm, IF o was on cycle day 19, which I thought at the time, but can't confirm, I would be DPO17 today.

So the real answer is I don't have any freakin idea :lol:

Thanks, amc, that makes a lot of sense!

TEST! If you think there's any possibility you are 17DPO then TEST!
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