
The Official TTC Thread!


Jan 18, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, C-tek! I never would have thought about taking my temperature! It's a bit overwhelming to think about're wise to get a head start. I wish I had done some research before...but I guess I have a few months now to learn!


Oct 28, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Centralsquare, I recommend reading through as much of this thread as you can! There is some great info here, and you can make a note of anything you want more info about so you can research it, ask your doctor, or post a question for the ladies here. I think it's a great starting point because, even though the thread is pretty long, it still gives a good overview in a relatively compact space :))


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare|1310865988|2970615 said:
Hi All - my husband and I have decided to try for a baby beginning in November of this year. I haven't done much research (other than talk to my doctor years ago). She said that I should stop the pill, get on prenatal vitamins once we start trying and that maybe I'd want to get some blood tests when we officially started trying.

I'm curious what others here suggest I do in order to maximize success in November?!

Yay, someone else starting TTC in November!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Anyone want to help me understand what's going on with my chart? I expected a temp rise either yesterday or today, along with a positive OPK. So far I haven't gotten either, although I did have EWCM yesterday. Oh and I also got my typical O pains yesterday. FF was originally trying to tell me I O'd on CD8 which way to early for me (my cycles are very regular, 28-29 days...maybe longer, but never shortest ever was 27 days). But it took the crosshairs away when I reported the EWCM yesterday. Thanks in advance for any thoughts!! Oh, and for comparison I'm including June's chart below my current chart. I'm wondering if I am O'ing today/now and for some reason the OPK didn't pick it up?



July chart.JPG

june chart.JPG


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I can see why you (and FF) are confused. But for your temperature drop today, I would say you ovulated on CD11 because your temps for the three previous days were in your post-ovulatory range. Keep temping and using the OPKs to see what happens over the next few days. It's possible today's drop was just a fluke, and it will bounce right back up. Did you use any OPKs prior to day 11? (I typically have a positive OPK two days before I ovulate)

CS, welcome. I jumped into the TTC pond immediately after stopping BC, so I didn't do anything in particular to prepare to TTC other than take prenatal vitamins. However, if you want to maximize your chances, you could monitor your cycle and get familiar with your fertile pattern over the next few months. That typically involves taking your temps first thing in the morning with a basal temperature thermometer, monitoring your CM, and/r using OPKs. The book Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a great place to start!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1311006649|2971457 said:
amc, I can see why you (and FF) are confused. But for your temperature drop today, I would say you ovulated on CD11 because your temps for the three previous days were in your post-ovulatory range. Keep temping and using the OPKs to see what happens over the next few days. It's possible today's drop was just a fluke, and it will bounce right back up. Did you use any OPKs prior to day 11? (I typically have a positive OPK two days before I ovulate)

Sure didn't. I figured that since my cycles are never shorter than 27 days (and 27 days is really rare for me) there was no real point in starting OPKs before CD12. I guess just as with all things TTC, time will tell!


Jun 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc - I doubt you've ovulated yet, with the negative opks, huge temp drop, and the start of ewcm just yesterday. The temp rise around CD 11sh really don't seem high enough to indicate ovulation to me, taking into account the other temps since the start of your cycle. I think you might ovulate in the next day or so - CD 16 +. (Do you usually get O pains a couple days before or on the day of?) Today's temp drop looks promising for impending O. Maybe the opk will turn positive soon.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sha|1311010641|2971527 said:
amc - I doubt you've ovulated yet, with the negative opks, huge temp drop, and the start of ewcm just yesterday. The temp rise around CD 11sh really don't seem high enough to indicate ovulation to me, taking into account the other temps since the start of your cycle. I think you might ovulate in the next day or so - CD 16 +. (Do you usually get O pains a couple days before or on the day of?) Today's temp drop looks promising for impending O. Maybe the opk will turn positive soon.

You know, I *think* I get them on the day of O. This is only my third month tracking this stuff. Month 1 I got them on the day of my strongest positive OPK (CD 14 or 15). Last month was the first time in I don't know how long that I haven't gotten them. But according to my temp I had O'd on CD14. I was really surprised when I had the negative OPK this morning. Maybe this is just going to be a randomly long cycle or something.
May 17, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC: I agree with Sha. I don't think you've ovulated yet. The OPKs have been pretty good for you in the past so I don't think you have missed your surge. Have you done things out of the ordinary? Anything stressful in the last week or so? That could delay O.

CS: Ctek, Octavia and MP gave you some great advice. I would definitely get a copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF) because it gives you a good overview of your cervical fluid (with pictures :o ) so you have an idea of your fertile period. You can also use OPKs as well. A bunch of us also take our temperatures with a basal body thermometer (BBT) to confirm ovulation. The ladies here are very helpful and supportive so you've come to the right place!

MP: Did you do any OPKs this time around? Are you in the 2WW now? I'm ready to cheer you on!

Lizzy: Are you in the 2WW as well? I'm rooting for you too!

:wavey: to all the other ladies - Missy, Bright, Pilsn, HOT - sorry if I missed anyone. Hope you ladies are doing well!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1311007545|2971469 said:
monkeyprincess|1311006649|2971457 said:
amc, I can see why you (and FF) are confused. But for your temperature drop today, I would say you ovulated on CD11 because your temps for the three previous days were in your post-ovulatory range. Keep temping and using the OPKs to see what happens over the next few days. It's possible today's drop was just a fluke, and it will bounce right back up. Did you use any OPKs prior to day 11? (I typically have a positive OPK two days before I ovulate)

Sure didn't. I figured that since my cycles are never shorter than 27 days (and 27 days is really rare for me) there was no real point in starting OPKs before CD12. I guess just as with all things TTC, time will tell!

amc, I forgot about the long string of dark OPKs you have been getting in past cycles. Have they been doing the same thing this time and just not as dark as the control yet? I'm sure you'll know what is going on in the next few days. TTC certainly is a wait and see process! How long have you been off of birth control again?

Ally, I did use OPKs and suspect I ovulated on Saturday, which would put me at about 2dpo. We BD'd on Wednesday and Friday, so hopefully we caught the window. Wish me luck!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1311014037|2971577 said:
amc, I forgot about the long string of dark OPKs you have been getting in past cycles. Have they been doing the same thing this time and just not as dark as the control yet? I'm sure you'll know what is going on in the next few days. TTC certainly is a wait and see process! How long have you been off of birth control again?

I stopped using the test stips and am doing digital only. I suspect they were too sensitive for me and thought the digis would make things more clear. Hahahahahaha.

I haven't been on BCP since last fall when I went on them briefly to switch my cycle. I hate the pill and only go on it when necessary. We use the trusty pull and pray method :)


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP- I hope you caught that window! Sounds like you had some well-timed BDing!

Lizzy- O day today? I hope! Good luck!

Hello other ladies out in TTC (or lurking by the pool)-land! :wavey:

amc80|1311004564|2971429 said:
Anyone want to help me understand what's going on with my chart? I expected a temp rise either yesterday or today, along with a positive OPK. So far I haven't gotten either, although I did have EWCM yesterday. Oh and I also got my typical O pains yesterday. FF was originally trying to tell me I O'd on CD8 which way to early for me (my cycles are very regular, 28-29 days...maybe longer, but never shortest ever was 27 days). But it took the crosshairs away when I reported the EWCM yesterday. Thanks in advance for any thoughts!! Oh, and for comparison I'm including June's chart below my current chart. I'm wondering if I am O'ing today/now and for some reason the OPK didn't pick it up?

I was just about to come ask for the same sort of advice. I had higher temps this weekend (and two odd high temps during my period, like you did) and then a bit of a drop this morning but not to as low as my temps were CD1-11 (with the exception of the two days). Though, this morning I did get a slightly darker OPK. THAT timing makes sense to me, given I am on CD14 today and I had a regular 28 day cycle last time. I haven't been monitoring EWCM. I am oddly curious/excited to get home today and pee on another one to see if its darker.

My chart- seems a bit like yours for this month!

(Side note- when I put in my data this morning those cross-hairs were NOT there.... I think FF is incorrect.)

Also attaching a crappy iPhone picture of my OPK strips to show that I didn't get anything really on CD 11 like FF thinks I should have. Or CD10 for that matter. The unlabeled ones are CD13 AM, noon, PM and then the unlabeled one on the very end is from this morning. It is still slightly wet in the picture but I watched the others develop and this one is noticably darker in person. I'll do a better pic with my SLR when I get home today. Anyway... the short story is I think FF is confused. Thoughts?


May 17, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1311016076|2971598 said:
monkeyprincess|1311014037|2971577 said:
amc, I forgot about the long string of dark OPKs you have been getting in past cycles. Have they been doing the same thing this time and just not as dark as the control yet? I'm sure you'll know what is going on in the next few days. TTC certainly is a wait and see process! How long have you been off of birth control again?

I stopped using the test stips and am doing digital only. I suspect they were too sensitive for me and thought the digis would make things more clear. Hahahahahaha.

I haven't been on BCP since last fall when I went on them briefly to switch my cycle. I hate the pill and only go on it when necessary. We use the trusty pull and pray method :)

AMC: Oh, if you've been just using the digitals then you could have missed the surge. Those things are really sensitive! If your temps jump in the next few days then today could be O day.

ETA: C-tek: I don't think you've O'd yet either. It looks like you're testing 2x a day so I don't think you've missed your surge. Your wondfo today looks like you're getting close though. Maybe this afternoon will be a positive one! If you can, start assessing your CF. It will give you a clearer picture of your cycles and fertile period.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek, I am still waiting for a positive OPK. I am using the digitals and started testing on day 10. Day 11 I had the appt with the RE and she told me that I still had some time before ovulation so I'm thinking I am going to O around Wednesday (CD18). I started testing twice a day yesterday as last cycle I caught it in the afternoon and i don't want to miss it! I think you haven't O'd yet and that you will soon based on today's OPK.

Ally, waiting to O my friend! I am getting anxious waiting for it. I started testing twice a day with digis as I don't want to miss it!

AMC, i'm not too good at reading the charts but if your cycles are pretty short it certainly is possible that you O'd earlier.

Centralsquare, welcome! November will be here before you know it!

Monkey, hurray on being in the 2ww!!! I hope it goes by quick with good news!

AFM, CD 16 here and no positive OPK. My RE told me on CD 11 that it was going to be a little before I o'd based on what my ovaries looked like. I just started testing twice a day with the digi's but I think I am going to go out and get some cheaper ones today with the lines so I can see if I am getting close. I had one old cheapy left and just used it and the second line was still quite faint so I think I have some time before O. However my cheapy was expired by a couple of months so I need to buy some more tonight! I'm also wondering if Clomid delays O a little as well based on some quick research that I've done. I usually O between cd13-cd18, so we are still in the range. We have BD so far on CD13 and CD15. I plan to do every other day until I get a :)) on my OPK. I just want to O already!!!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ally_ally|1311016752|2971605 said:
amc80|1311016076|2971598 said:
monkeyprincess|1311014037|2971577 said:
amc, I forgot about the long string of dark OPKs you have been getting in past cycles. Have they been doing the same thing this time and just not as dark as the control yet? I'm sure you'll know what is going on in the next few days. TTC certainly is a wait and see process! How long have you been off of birth control again?

I stopped using the test stips and am doing digital only. I suspect they were too sensitive for me and thought the digis would make things more clear. Hahahahahaha.

I haven't been on BCP since last fall when I went on them briefly to switch my cycle. I hate the pill and only go on it when necessary. We use the trusty pull and pray method :)

AMC: Oh, if you've been just using the digitals then you could have missed the surge. Those things are really sensitive! If your temps jump in the next few days then today could be O day.

ETA: C-tek: I don't think you've O'd yet either. It looks like you're testing 2x a day so I don't think you've missed your surge. Your wondfo today looks like you're getting close though. Maybe this afternoon will be a positive one! If you can, start assessing your CF. It will give you a clearer picture of your cycles and fertile period.

Yeah but normally I can get at least 2 days of positives on them...My gut is that I haven't O'd yet (or am now or tomorrow).


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

@Clairitek- yes, our charts are similar! FF's algorithm is interesting sometimes. It tried to tell me I I'd O'd on CD 8 after I put my temp in yesterday. It took my crosshairs away after I put in my EWCM. Of course this is the first month I've really paid attention to CM. It's kinda gross but seems like it should be the easiest way to know what's going on. Lord, I'm SO glad I'm starting all of this stuff now before we are TTC. I think it would just stress me out if I was trying to get preggo right now.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I'm interested to see if your temp spikes in the morning. Are you using the OPKs 2x per day? Are you using the digi or the Wondfos? If you're using the Wonfos, is there any fade-in at all? I know last month you had a long LH surge starting on O-day...I wonder if you might get a positive tonight?

FF was always very picky with my crosshairs. I only charted for a few cycles, but at the end of the cycle my crosshairs always disappeared. I mostly just wanted to record my temps for myself and didn't put too much stock into the crosshairs.

Also, it looks like your temps are slightly higher this month in general (that happened to me, too). Hopefully after a few cycles of charting, you start to see a real pattern. When I looked at all the charts in TCOYF, they all seemed so clear and mine was never that clear! I had a 9-month wait between stopping BC and TTC and used OPKs, but I wish I'd consistently charted, I think it would have given me more insight, so I think it's good you're starting now!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NewEnglandLady|1311023332|2971669 said:
amc, I'm interested to see if your temp spikes in the morning. Are you using the OPKs 2x per day? Are you using the digi or the Wondfos? If you're using the Wonfos, is there any fade-in at all? I know last month you had a long LH surge starting on O-day...I wonder if you might get a positive tonight?

FF was always very picky with my crosshairs. I only charted for a few cycles, but at the end of the cycle my crosshairs always disappeared. I mostly just wanted to record my temps for myself and didn't put too much stock into the crosshairs.

Also, it looks like your temps are slightly higher this month in general (that happened to me, too). Hopefully after a few cycles of charting, you start to see a real pattern. When I looked at all the charts in TCOYF, they all seemed so clear and mine was never that clear! I had a 9-month wait between stopping BC and TTC and used OPKs, but I wish I'd consistently charted, I think it would have given me more insight, so I think it's good you're starting now!

I'm just using digitals. I'm only using them in the morning since I've never had much luck with them in the evenings, even the normal test strips. I think it's because I drink a ton of water and pee a I can never get a good concentration. I think next month I'll go back to test strips...because I like seeing the fade in. What a pain in the butt. I have a feeling I'll get my temp rise and a positive OPK tomorrow.


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you for all of the input on my chart! Much appreciated.

AMC- FF gave me cross-hairs on Friday when I put in my first elevated temp (97.9 or so) and then took them away on Sunday morning when I put in that temp. Didn't give me the cross hairs when I put in today's temp but then I got them back when I logged in to take my chart for you guys to look at.

I felt what I've always believed to be O pains this afternoon and I have had some watery CM at work. I definitely think you are all right that I will O soon. I'm glad I'm not nuts and FF is probably wrong.

Lizzy- Sounds like your rarin' to go! Interesting how the more expensive strips don't seem to be as sensitive to the hormones. Good luck this week!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, crossing my fingers you get that smiley face soon! Does clomid have any impact on when you ovulate - i.e. can you ovulate earlier or later on clomid than usual? Sounds like you are still in your normal range, but I was just curious? So excited for you this month! You so deserve a sticky bean!

Clairitek and amc, you are definitely wise to start monitoring now. As someone who started TTC'ing right after stopping BC, I can tell you that trying to figure out my cycles and all of the different monitoring techniques (opks, temping, and cm) added a lot more stress the first few months. I hope you both get some clarity in the next few days about your O day.


Oct 11, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I will catch up with all posts later tonight, but first the most TMI question I have asked to-date:

EWCM... I think I have it, but I don't know. It is clear-ish, super stretchy, but also kind of globby. Does EWCM have to be thin and watery? I definitely had creamy CM for the past few days but today is a jelly/stretchy/clear day.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1311033282|2971773 said:
I will catch up with all posts later tonight, but first the most TMI question I have asked to-date:

EWCM... I think I have it, but I don't know. It is clear-ish, super stretchy, but also kind of globby. Does EWCM have to be thin and watery? I definitely had creamy CM for the past few days but today is a jelly/stretchy/clear day.

If you can stretch it between your fingers when you pull them apart then it's ewcm :)


Jan 18, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Octavia|1311002041|2971403 said:
Centralsquare, I recommend reading through as much of this thread as you can! There is some great info here, and you can make a note of anything you want more info about so you can research it, ask your doctor, or post a question for the ladies here. I think it's a great starting point because, even though the thread is pretty long, it still gives a good overview in a relatively compact space :))

Thanks - I'll start making my way through it!


Jan 18, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1311004480|2971427 said:
centralsquare|1310865988|2970615 said:
Hi All - my husband and I have decided to try for a baby beginning in November of this year. I haven't done much research (other than talk to my doctor years ago). She said that I should stop the pill, get on prenatal vitamins once we start trying and that maybe I'd want to get some blood tests when we officially started trying.

I'm curious what others here suggest I do in order to maximize success in November?!

Yay, someone else starting TTC in November!

Hopefully I will be...I feel like I'm behind on what I need to be doing in order to be ready! I'm still on BC and haven't done anything to prepare myself :errrr:


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1311029517|2971741 said:
Lizzy, crossing my fingers you get that smiley face soon! Does clomid have any impact on when you ovulate - i.e. can you ovulate earlier or later on clomid than usual? Sounds like you are still in your normal range, but I was just curious? So excited for you this month! You so deserve a sticky bean!

Clairitek and amc, you are definitely wise to start monitoring now. As someone who started TTC'ing right after stopping BC, I can tell you that trying to figure out my cycles and all of the different monitoring techniques (opks, temping, and cm) added a lot more stress the first few months. I hope you both get some clarity in the next few days about your O day.

Sometimes I wonder if I just need something to distract me until baby making begins in earnest. But thank you for the reassurance that this is not a total waste of time. I'm sorry the beginning of your TTC process was stressful! I have everything crossed that you catch the egg this month!

OPKs are getting darker! Just as you guys all predicted. Attached image. Top to bottom CD 9, CD 13 PM, CD 14 AM, CD 14 (two hours ago... early evening). They're all dry.

Ctek OPKs.jpg


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1311033282|2971773 said:
I will catch up with all posts later tonight, but first the most TMI question I have asked to-date:

EWCM... I think I have it, but I don't know. It is clear-ish, super stretchy, but also kind of globby. Does EWCM have to be thin and watery? I definitely had creamy CM for the past few days but today is a jelly/stretchy/clear day.

EW is like really really runny snot, like when you cry really hard for a while ;)) It is smooth to touch and stetches and will not break or snap back into a ball if you pull fingers apart too far. There is another type, sticky, that some mistake for EW that is more like jello, globby and keeps in a ball when it comes off your fingers.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC if your temp on the 19th is high again I think you ovulated on CD 11. Your post-O temps are typically in the same range cycle to cycle, and yours after CD 11 are in the range of your post-O temps from last month. OPKs are error prone, as is a novice's assessment of CF, so I would trust the temps. But you need a couple more to see a pattern.


Jun 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzy - yes, Clomid can definitely delay O. I think you're supposed to ovulate 5-9 days after taking the last Clomid pill, but it can be later. I'm generally a later O'er (Cd 19 +) - with Clomid I ovulated around CD19-24. This last cycle I O'd on CD22/CD23- about 14 days or so after the last pill. It's really helpful to have opks or other O tracking devices when using Clomid.

Be aware the Clomid can also lenghten your luteal phase by a few days too! I usually get AF on CD 14, but one cycle on Clomid I got it on CD 16/CD17.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1311048264|2971949 said:
AMC if your temp on the 19th is high again I think you ovulated on CD 11. Your post-O temps are typically in the same range cycle to cycle, and yours after CD 11 are in the range of your post-O temps from last month. OPKs are error prone, as is a novice's assessment of CF, so I would trust the temps. But you need a couple more to see a pattern.

My temp was low again today, 96.5. So I'm guessing I havent O'd and this is just going to be a long cycle.


Aug 17, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Greetings ladies. Hope you guys are all doing well. I haven't been following this thread, so forgive me if this has been discussed recently.

Do any of you use a good fertility tracker app? I am thinking of something other than Fertility Friend as I am not temping or doing that kind of stuff yet. Just more of an easy to track period/ovulation window, etc. I've been browsing a few but haven't found one that seems great yet. Just curious.

Good luck to all of you!
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