
The Official TTC Thread!


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT - The OPKs are working better now since they're a little wider and easier to read. Thanks for asking! I'm also starting to see a test line too :bigsmile: so that's a good thing!

Question for you ladies...if you're testing 2 times a day with OPKs what times during the day are you testing? Also, for the Wondfos it says to use room temperature urine, do I really have to let it sit before I test?


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, August will be here before you know it! As far as the every day v. every other day thing goes, I think that if DH has normal counts, every day gives you the best shot, but if DH has lower than normal counts, every other day is best. However, as a few ladies have recently proved, one time is all it takes.

Hey HOT, good to hear from you. Anxiously awaiting news from you! Hopefully your symptoms are the real deal. Hopefully your BBs really are pregnant : )

Katy, you’re so sweet to check in, and thanks for the support. It means a lot. Hope things are going well for you and your little one! I need to check in with all of you ladies over in the other thread.

Missy, I always test immediately, and have been able to detect a surge every cycle. I test first thing in the morning, and if I decide to test a second time, I do it in the late afternoon/early evening. The second test of the day is always trickier because I drink a lot of water, but I have gotten positives at both times. Hopefully your line will start fading in now.
May 17, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you Monkey, Clairitek, HOT and Katy!

Monkey: I hope this cycle is it for you! EOD is a good plan. It only takes one time ;))

Clairitek: I'm glad to hear your first cycle off BCP was a normal one. Hope they stay that way by the time you're ready to TTC!

Missy: I tested at 10/11am and then around 9pm. I also tested around 5pm at times also :rolleyes: I tested immediately and had no problems with that. Hope you get a positive soon!

Pilsn: Oops, I forgot you guys were waiting until August. "pull and pray." got it now. Sorry, I blame it on pregnancy and mommy brain. August is only a few weeks away. Definitely no more pulling and praying then :bigsmile:

HOT: I hope to hear good news from you today! I love oysters! My friend introduced me to these yummy small raw ones a couple months ago and I wish I had gone back to eat it before getting my BFP. As for symptoms, none other than extreme fatigue. And I just love your upbeat attitude!

Katy: Thanks! I'll be tiptoeing into the JBP thread shortly.

Lizzy: Hope your scan went well yesterday!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ally_ally|1310571533|2968068 said:
Pilsn: Oops, I forgot you guys were waiting until August. "pull and pray." got it now. Sorry, I blame it on pregnancy and mommy brain. August is only a few weeks away. Definitely no more pulling and praying then :bigsmile:

Pull and Pray, hey, that's our method! :)


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Does anyone use a BBT that doesn't beep too loudly? I'm getting an earful from DH about him being woken up in the early early morning when I temp. I often wake up at 4/430 or so (get up for the day at 530) and temp then since I know I shouldnt just go back to sleep and temp an hour later. He doesn't believe me that I need to temp right when I'm awake fully for the first time and not after I've been up. I am trying to tell him that the temp rise that indicates ovulation is slight, less than a degree, and that I can't skew the location of my coverline by doing as he wishes (not taking my temp with the loud beeping thermometer until 530/545 when I am getting up).

I don't want to depend only on OPKs right now. Maybe after I get a few cycles charted and am coasting until we TTC. So any advice on the thermometer situation is greatly appreciated! Right now I have one that reads the temp to one decimal point and is called BD.

Thanks! :wavey:


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clari, I have a BBT that beeps while it's temping. There's a little "hole" in the back of my BBT that I can cover with my finger and that muffles the beep. Maybe you can put ticky-tack or something on it? Otherwise I used to temp under the covers (put the comforter over my head) or under a pillow. That usually muffles the sounds a lot too. It sounds stupid, but there it is.

I still follow you ladies along.

Monkey, have fun BDing :) Sounds like you're both in a happy zen spot now. Good for you :)

Missy, the other ladies can chime in for OPKs. I usually had no luck with them. I just relied on CM and temping.

HOT keeping my fingers crossed for you. LOL your DH is an expert on all things pregnancy now. :)

Pilsn, Well July's nearly half over, so pretty soon you'll be on the TTC train for real! Hooray!

To all the other ladies, hope you're having fun if you're on your O-wait. :) :naughty:



Oct 28, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

C-tek, my BBT is from CVS and, while it does beep, it's only four closely spaced beeps at the very end to let you know it's done. My DH didn't like it for the first couple days but hasn't complained since. I'm also usually able to cover the end of it with my fingers so it muffles the beeping a bit more. I don't love my BBT, it definitely has some quirks (when it turns on, it always reads 97.70 for some reason) but it seems to do the job just fine once you get past that. It does measure to the hundredth of a degree, though, which some people don't like. I got it because I needed one sooner than I could get one shipped from Amazon and planned to order a BD one for the next cycle, but never ended up doing that. I think the BD beeping would drive both me and DH nuts.
May 17, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1310573455|2968097 said:
Does anyone use a BBT that doesn't beep too loudly? I'm getting an earful from DH about him being woken up in the early early morning when I temp. I often wake up at 4/430 or so (get up for the day at 530) and temp then since I know I shouldnt just go back to sleep and temp an hour later. He doesn't believe me that I need to temp right when I'm awake fully for the first time and not after I've been up. I am trying to tell him that the temp rise that indicates ovulation is slight, less than a degree, and that I can't skew the location of my coverline by doing as he wishes (not taking my temp with the loud beeping thermometer until 530/545 when I am getting up).

I don't want to depend only on OPKs right now. Maybe after I get a few cycles charted and am coasting until we TTC. So any advice on the thermometer situation is greatly appreciated! Right now I have one that reads the temp to one decimal point and is called BD.

Thanks! :wavey:

Clairitek, I use a basal thermometer I got from Target that beeps once when I turn it on and again when it's done. It also takes the temp to the hundredths, but I don't know if that's necessary. I do wish mine had a light on it. But it does store the last 5 temps so I can read it later if I wanted to.

LC makes a good suggestion on covering the hole where the sound is coming from.

ETA: Octavia: mine starts off at 97.70 also. Hmm, I wonder if that is standard.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Claritek, I was about to post the same thing as LC about the thermometer--if I covered the hole with my finger and put my head under a pillow, the beeping was muted well enough to not be annoying. Oddly, D never cared, but it annoyed me.

Missy, when testing 2x per day, I tried to time them about 12 hours apart. I definitely tested first thing in the morning, which was at 6:30 am. The second test was usually when I got home from work, so around 7 pm. I only used the digi OPK one cycle, but used the fade in on the Wonfos to figure out when I should double up and use the digi for confirmation.

Good luck to all of you!! I can't stop lurking :)


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Claritek, I’ve got the same thermometer. Fortunately for me, my DH is a pretty deep sleeper and is freakishly cheerful in the morning. I sympathize with your DH because I’m a super light sleeper and am NOT happy when I get woken up in the middle of the night or early morning. I’m sure you can do some searching and look at reviews and find one that will work for you both. Apparently when I was temping, my thermometer was also an alarm clock for my cat because he would start pawing on the door and whining to be let in as soon as I took my temp.

LC, thanks! I fully intend to enjoy the BD’ing this time around. We’re both making an effort to keep it more natural and less of a chore. DH is all confused now because the past cycles I insisted we needed to BD as much as possible, and now I’m telling him that every other day might be better after all : )

Ally, is it sinking in yet? You must be so excited. Hope you are feeling well!


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the responses! I forgot to mention in my original post that I tied a little rubber band tournaquette around the hole where the beep comes from and I press it down with my finger when its doing the reading. That took the beep from insanely loud to reasonable but DH must have super sensitive ears... :rolleyes: He is insistent that I need to find one without so many beeps.

Ally- I might try to get that Target one since it reads more accurately and doesn't beep 10+ times while it is taking the reading. I like that stores the last 5 temps since I generally do the reading and then put it down and look at it later in the morning.


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

clairitek - I never got complaints from DH about the beeping, but it really annoyed me. My thermometer (walgreens brand) beeps when you turn it on, and then has 5 beeps spaced apart when it's done. I just wrapped it in my down comforter after it started beeping and I honestly couldn't hear it at all. I also temped with my head under the covers.

MP - have fun this week ;)) EOD worked for me! It's good to hear that you have gotten to a more zen place in all of this. I hope this is your month!

To the rest of you lovely ladies - I hope your stay is short and sweet!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, Clairitek, the way I see it, your husband's super sensitive ears are going to come in really handy when you have a newborn baby waking up serveral times a night :)

Brown, thanks! I have no choice but to be more zen about it because it is clearly out of my control at this point. Hope you and are feeling well these days!


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brown, LC, NEL, Katy, good to "see" you here! Hope you are doing well!

Clairitek, sorry I am no help on the thermometer as I don't temp. The other ladies have given you great advice thus far! Sounds like you are right on top of things! Good Luck!

Ally, how are you feeling? So excited for you!

Missy, I usually only test with first morning urine unless I get some signs that O may be approaching (CM, cramping). Then I test in the late afternoon. One time I would have missed the surge if I didn't test in the afternoon!

HOT, any news??? I am hoping that AF does not show up today!

Pils, good luck on being careful this month! Looking forward to you joining us in TTC next month! August is right around the corner!

AMC, that dress looks so nice on you!!! What color are you doing for bridesmaids?

AFM, CD11 here! I had my follow up appt today at my RE to discuss all of the test results for myself and my DH. We are "all clear". No red flags at all. His semen analysis was perfect, my HSG was perfect, and I have excellent egg reserves which she was ecstatic about. She said that I responded well to Clomid which is a good sign if we end up wanting to do IVF down the road. But at this time she recommended trying naturally this month on Clomid. I have 2 leading follicles that will release eggs and one more that is a maybe. She felt strongly that we should try this month on Clomid. My lining looked great and she said that the risk of multiples is very low on Clomid and usually it is only twins. I'm a little nervous about it, as I know DH and I said we would not try if there were more than two, but I feel excited to try this month and she really felt strongly that it would be a good month to try. She said that the hope is that of the 2-3 eggs released, one of them will fertilize, implant correctly, and stay full term. She said of course that there is still a chance I could miscarry, and if that unfortunately does happen, we are going to do IVF the next cycle. What do you all think? My DH is on a business trip and doesn't come home till tonight to discuss. Anybody know anyone who used Clomid? Did they have multiples? I am so excited to try again this month!


Sep 21, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, sounds like a fantastic appt (with perfect results, yipee). If it were me, I would go along with what your dr. recomends. It sounds like a great plan and makes sense. It's amazing how much they can tell you too (about follicles and eggs releasing). I would not get so hung up on the chance of multiples - afterall, this is the next step towards the pregnancy you very much want so why not move forward. There is a chance of everything in life and what will happen will happen! I have friends who used Clomid without multiples. I have a friend who recently had IVF and had twins but one did not make it. You just never know.

Good luck and excited for you this cycle!!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1310586854|2968258 said:
AMC, that dress looks so nice on you!!! What color are you doing for bridesmaids?

Well, I only have one, my MOH. We aren't really all that theme-y....our main color is light blue, like a baby blue. Which is impossible to find. So my MOH will probably end up in gray. I really like these two:

My fiance will have a light blue vest/tie and a gray suit. His best man will have the same gray pants and a white shirt and blue tie, but no coat. Beachy.

Here's a question for you guys. I know they say the average, healthy couple has about a 20% chance of conceiving each month. By average, do they mean people who aren't on birth control but aren't temping, OPKing, etc.? I'd be really curious to know what the chances are if you timed it perfectly. Or is the statistic saying that even if you are perfectly healthy and time everything exactly right you still have only a 20% chance? It's hard to tell, since most people who are doing all of those things have probably been trying for a while, at least that's what I would imagine.

To put it another way- all things being held constant, are someone's chances of conceiving fast higher than the average "let's have a baby" people who just stop preventing?


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

janinegirly|1310588079|2968276 said:
Lizzy, sounds like a fantastic appt (with perfect results, yipee). If it were me, I would go along with what your dr. recomends. It sounds like a great plan and makes sense. It's amazing how much they can tell you too (about follicles and eggs releasing). I would not get so hung up on the chance of multiples - afterall, this is the next step towards the pregnancy you very much want so why not move forward. There is a chance of everything in life and what will happen will happen! I have friends who used Clomid without multiples. I have a friend who recently had IVF and had twins but one did not make it. You just never know.

Good luck and excited for you this cycle!!

I agree with janine on this one. But don't do it unless you can accept the possibility of twins. Like, you wouldn't lose your mind at the notion ;)) Because though the odds are low, they are still higher than usual, so it is possible. Not probable, but possible.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I’m so happy to hear all of your tests came back perfectly. Although it doesn’t help explain why you have had recurrent miscarriages, I hope you at least feel comfort knowing that there are no major problems. If it were me, I would definitely try with the clomid. But that is because I am desperate to have a baby and would gladly welcome two. I agree with Dreamer that if you are truly uncomfortable with the idea of multiples, then you should think long and hard about trying this month because you just never know.

Amc, I have no idea how they come up with the 20% figure, but I do know that if you are monitoring your cycle and timing BD’ing appropriately, your odds are better than a couple who just randomly BDs throughout the month. Anecdotally, most of the ladies who have been posting on this site recently and who are ovulating have gotten pregnant within a few cycles of actively trying. Well, except for me. I’m special that way : )


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I think you should go for it. But I'm a twin so I think twins are totally awesome! :) Actually I believe DCGator's soon to be born daughter was conceived via IUI and Clomid regimen. I think she had two "ripe" follies, and ended up with on very healthy baby on the way. Hope this eases your mind. But seriously twins are awesome :)

Claritek, I'm with Monkey, you'll have to remind your DH about his super sensitive hearing when the newborn cries. Ha ha!



Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Janine, LC, Dreamer and Monkey, thanks for your feedback. I think because I already have one child, and know the amount of work and sleepless nights involved, the thought of having twins now scares me a bit. (but it would anyone I think) If this was going to be my first child, I think I would be less stressed about it and just want a baby period like Monkey said. But twins are doable for us and I know it is possible. But having said that, I want another baby. period. If we have twins it will be harder to do things, but it already is hard to do some things with just one ya know? And the one thought that keeps running across my mind is that we originally thought about having three children, so we will be just fine if that is what happens. Triplets though, I dunno!!! ;)) If you guys were in my shoes and had one child already, and knew that it was possible to have twins on Clomid, would you still try this month? Or would you choose IVF and only implant a singleton? Dreamer, you have a newborn, so you know firsthand how much work it is! I still need to get my DH's thoughts on this tonight. I'll be honest, I was daydreaming a little today about having twins and it was kinda cool.

LC, do you have any other brothers and sisters besides your twin?

AMC, I think the 20% chance is for anyone off of birth control, but I'm not sure.


Jul 6, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello Ladies! I hope you all are doing well here in TCC-ville

MP - Thanks for all your well wishes. I am really hoping that we might be lucky our first time at it, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much =) I keep trying to remember that what will be, will be. Enjoy your upcoming BDing! It is funny about your DH's confusion about the timing =) the guys just don't get the details like we do. I have a feeling that this is going to be your month!!

PPM - thanks for the welcome I hope your cycles are back to normal soon so you will know when you are ovulating. August is right around the corner!!

Missy - Hope your wider OPK's help - those things look like they are hard to read as it is, good luck trying to find your O.

AMC - I love your wedding dress, it is so beautiful and I love, love, love the draping! So elegant!

Ally - Congrats again on your BFP - I am so excited to follow you on the JPB thread. I hope your work doesn't keep you too busy going forward!

Clairtek - Its great that your cycles went back to "normal" so quickly, enjoy your BDing!

HOT - Thank you for the welcome, I loved your story about the oysters! I hope they worked, any sign from AF today!! Fingers are crossed for you!

LC & NEL - thanks for continuing to comment over here, you both are such a contribution to this thread and I look forward to your posts!

Lizzy - Yay for the great results back from your and your DH's tests!! I hope you are able to come to a decision about this month!! We are here for you no matter what - we want a sticky bean so badly for you!!

Hi to anyone else I might have missed!

AFM - Since deciding that this is going to be our first month TTC I have gotten so excited (obsessed) with all things baby, which is just crazy for me. Growing up I never had a strong maternal instinct and was always freaked out by the idea of becoming a mother, suddenly it feels totally different. I even went into a baby store this week just to look around =) If my family knew this thy would be pretty surprised. I am on CD5 so I think this weekend and next week will be the best time to kick our BDing up a notch. I don't think that I will use OPKs this month but if we aren't sucessfull than I will probably order some for next month. I'm 33, will be 34 in October so I am starting to really hear the tick tock and am excited to finally get going on the baby making!

- MM


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I have an older brother. He's 15 months older than we are. So, y'know it could be worse :-o You could have THREE babies in the house. My mom just dealt with it because that's how it worked out. Plus it's not like she 1) knows anything different or 2) can do anything to change it. But being a twin is super great. Sis and I are incredibly close and it's really comforting/empowering to know that I have someone that 100% knows me and is there for me. More than my parents, my brother, best friends (although she is my best friend), and pretty up there with my husband. Growing up, my brother and my mom have commented that they felt "left out" of our unit. Since you asked for opinions, if it were up to me, I'd still try this month, even with the chance of having twins.

Mary, is this your first cycle TTC? Sounds like you have a really good plan there!



Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1310594361|2968361 said:
Janine, LC, Dreamer and Monkey, thanks for your feedback. I think because I already have one child, and know the amount of work and sleepless nights involved, the thought of having twins now scares me a bit. (but it would anyone I think) If this was going to be my first child, I think I would be less stressed about it and just want a baby period like Monkey said. But twins are doable for us and I know it is possible. But having said that, I want another baby. period. If we have twins it will be harder to do things, but it already is hard to do some things with just one ya know? And the one thought that keeps running across my mind is that we originally thought about having three children, so we will be just fine if that is what happens. Triplets though, I dunno!!! ;)) If you guys were in my shoes and had one child already, and knew that it was possible to have twins on Clomid, would you still try this month? Or would you choose IVF and only implant a singleton? Dreamer, you have a newborn, so you know firsthand how much work it is! I still need to get my DH's thoughts on this tonight. I'll be honest, I was daydreaming a little today about having twins and it was kinda cool.

I think twins with a toddler would be hella hard! But the toddler is much more work right now than the baby. If you have family to help and used formula in addition to breast feeding, then I don't think twins would be so much more difficult than one baby. But it would be a handful! What would I do in your shoes. I am impatient and would likely try this month. The odds of twins being so low I would trust probability.


Oct 11, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1310594361|2968361 said:
Janine, LC, Dreamer and Monkey, thanks for your feedback. I think because I already have one child, and know the amount of work and sleepless nights involved, the thought of having twins now scares me a bit. (but it would anyone I think) If this was going to be my first child, I think I would be less stressed about it and just want a baby period like Monkey said. But twins are doable for us and I know it is possible. But having said that, I want another baby. period. If we have twins it will be harder to do things, but it already is hard to do some things with just one ya know? And the one thought that keeps running across my mind is that we originally thought about having three children, so we will be just fine if that is what happens. Triplets though, I dunno!!! ;)) If you guys were in my shoes and had one child already, and knew that it was possible to have twins on Clomid, would you still try this month? Or would you choose IVF and only implant a singleton? Dreamer, you have a newborn, so you know firsthand how much work it is! I still need to get my DH's thoughts on this tonight. I'll be honest, I was daydreaming a little today about having twins and it was kinda cool.

LC, do you have any other brothers and sisters besides your twin?

AMC, I think the 20% chance is for anyone off of birth control, but I'm not sure.

Lizzy I just want to sneak in and say that I am an identical twin and my Momma had my brother 15 months after us (and he was a month overdue!). She said it was a breeze and that she never once for a second thought it was too much or ever really thought anything other than just going with it. I personally have to say we had an amazingly wonderful childhood and my brother is a wonderful best friend for my sister and I. It can be totally doable if you don't start off thinking it will be overwhelming. ;))

(I can't resist adding a few pictures either lol - just to get a visual of 3!)

Screen shot 2011-07-13 at 11.02.59 PM.png

Screen shot 2011-07-13 at 11.03.13 PM.png

Screen shot 2011-07-13 at 11.03.43 PM.png


Mar 8, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, just popping in to cheer you on! I say go for it as well. The goal here is to get pregnant and if it happens to be with two babies instead of one, how incredible is that! I try to not think of regrets in advance, but if everything looks promising this month being your month as per your Dr., I wouldn't waste a moment worrying that the outcome could be more overwhelming. I think after what you've been experiencing, I would take any and every shot I had at getting pregnant. If you're meant to have twins, it's out of your control and will happen anyway. Just trust your gut and go with it.

That said, you and DH should also feel comfortable with your decision, but I'm a full-speed-ahead-waste-no-opportunity kinda girl, so take that for what it's worth!


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy- So glad that your tests came back without any issues and that your RE is excited about your prospects in regards to egg reserves and sperm health. I wish you serenity in making the choice to TTC this month.

The two of you who pointed out that DH's sensitive ears may come in handy have such a good point.

AMC- I love J Crew dresses! I have about 4 in my closet thanks to stocking up on sales. My two MOHs wore the Sophia in aqua for my wedding (I just told my girls blue, of any kind, and knee length). We purchased both through eBay for great deals. I especially love your Arabelle choice. I am a sucker for a draped/wrapped looking sweetheart neckline! Plus, it would sort of echo the neckline of your gown. The baby blue/grey combo is going to be stellar! Now is the moment I realize that my DH did a grey suit with a blue paisley tie (mostly aqua looking from a distance- his best color). No wonder I am so enthusiastic about your choices!

MerryMary- I am envious that you're starting now! I was a bit like you until my first close friend got pregnant. Then all of a sudden I found myself asking DH if he wanted to move up our timeline more than a year. To my surprise, he agreed! I, too, am finally feeling a bit of a maternal instinct. I've always been motherly to my friends (especially in college in my sorority, I was generally the one who looked out for others quite a bit), but I've never felt a strong tug towards motherhood. Happy for you that you're feeling it and I wish you the best of luck with your first cycle of TTC!

MissJaxon- Those pictures of you and your siblings are precious! Your brother is one lucky dude to have two big sisters who care for him so much!

I ended up going to Target to buy Dixie cups (for OPKs) and a new thermometer. I ended up successfully temping without waking up DH. I did the pillow over the face trick, too, just to be sure. I read the instructions on the thermometer and it mentioned that it does a self calibration thing where it will read 97.7 for one second before going into measurement mode. I think two people mentioned that theirs read 97.7 when you initially turned it on. I did an OPK last night and then one this morning. I thought I saw it get a tad darker this morning but it is still firmly negative (not shocking, I'm on CD10). Curious if I will see that fade in pattern or not! I guess we shall know (hopefully) in a few days. I hope they are conclusive since I did switch thermometers part way through the cycle. The BD one seems to read higher (either that or my Target one wasn't stuck in my mouth properly) because my temp this morning was beneath 97. 96.93 to be exact. About 0.4 degrees less than I have been measuring this month so far.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1310655410|2968766 said:
AMC- I love J Crew dresses! I have about 4 in my closet thanks to stocking up on sales. My two MOHs wore the Sophia in aqua for my wedding (I just told my girls blue, of any kind, and knee length). We purchased both through eBay for great deals. I especially love your Arabelle choice. I am a sucker for a draped/wrapped looking sweetheart neckline! Plus, it would sort of echo the neckline of your gown. The baby blue/grey combo is going to be stellar! Now is the moment I realize that my DH did a grey suit with a blue paisley tie (mostly aqua looking from a distance- his best color). No wonder I am so enthusiastic about your choices!

Funny, because he is probably doing paisley or his tie as well, ha! And I agree, the neckline on the Arabelle dress would be great with my dress. She said she would prefer straps, so that is in the back of my mind. But BUT I had no say whatsoever in the dress I wore for her wedding...which makes me feel not quite so bad :wink2:


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1310658497|2968812 said:
Clairitek|1310655410|2968766 said:
AMC- I love J Crew dresses! I have about 4 in my closet thanks to stocking up on sales. My two MOHs wore the Sophia in aqua for my wedding (I just told my girls blue, of any kind, and knee length). We purchased both through eBay for great deals. I especially love your Arabelle choice. I am a sucker for a draped/wrapped looking sweetheart neckline! Plus, it would sort of echo the neckline of your gown. The baby blue/grey combo is going to be stellar! Now is the moment I realize that my DH did a grey suit with a blue paisley tie (mostly aqua looking from a distance- his best color). No wonder I am so enthusiastic about your choices!

Funny, because he is probably doing paisley or his tie as well, ha! And I agree, the neckline on the Arabelle dress would be great with my dress. She said she would prefer straps, so that is in the back of my mind. But BUT I had no say whatsoever in the dress I wore for her wedding...which makes me feel not quite so bad :wink2:

Almost all of the J Crew strapless dresses I have bought came with straps that you could hook on. You also have a brilliant point about the fact that she didn't give you much choice in your dress for her wedding! I got married before some of my close friends and one of them returned the favor, for the most part, to me. She liked my monochromatic bridal party look but she wanted it in orange. I ended up buying a dress that I wore to two other weddings because I loved it so much!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1310659324|2968826 said:
Almost all of the J Crew strapless dresses I have bought came with straps that you could hook on. You also have a brilliant point about the fact that she didn't give you much choice in your dress for her wedding! I got married before some of my close friends and one of them returned the favor, for the most part, to me. She liked my monochromatic bridal party look but she wanted it in orange. I ended up buying a dress that I wore to two other weddings because I loved it so much!

Oh that's good to know. And she gave me NO choice. Long story but dress shopping was sort of last minute and I couldn't go, so I just got stuck with what she and the others picked. It looked good on but the dress itself was super bridesmaidy. The one thing I told her from the beginning of this is that I don't want her to get stuck with a dress that looks like it's from a bridal store. So I think she can suck it up and go strapless...especially since she has good boobs that aren't droopy yet.


Jul 6, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC - Yes this is our very first month of no protection and hopefully timed BDing. Although I am a little nervous about overwhelming my hubs with "on-demand" sexy time. I'm not sure if he is at all prepared for what is coming his way and hope he will be a good sport about it. In fact our usual pattern sounds very similar to yours and your DH's - so the fact that one time, not so close to your O, day is VERY encouraging for me.

Clairtek - Thanks for your excitement for me! I went of BC about ten months ago to see what my cycles would be like but then went back on for a few months earlier this year, went back off BC at the end of June and now DH and I are both on the same page for this month. I am happy to finally make some progress in getting a family started. I also have a sister who is younger by a few years and always hoped that we might have kids at the same time, but she and her hubs don't seem too close to starting and I am getting nervous to wait any longer, especially if we end up going for two kids. Plus there is no garrantee that we will get preggers quickly given the 20% figure mentioned above. :-o
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