
The Official TTC Thread!


Oct 19, 2005
Mela: Ladybugs are my thing (Good memory, Ebree!)- complete with a tattoo on my lower hip back area. Most times I forget it''s there, as it''s *eeek!* about ten years old now! Happy One Year anniversary!!!! Sounds like DH did a great job with gifting!

Ebree, I wish you much much luck on Clomid, and with those progesterone levels- sounds perfect!

Pandora: I hope things resolve soon either way. Maybe you just implanted late, and won''t actually show a BFP until a few more days!

As for me, 7dpo, with very annoying temp rise. My temps have done nothing but go up up up. Not per usual, either!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Thanks Indy.

I don''t know why I was in tears, I just feel really horrible, irritable and over emotional.

How''s things going with the twins? Do you get twice as much hormones with twins - ie twice the morning sickness etc

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
OK, so maybe I''m inclined toward crazy optimism at the moment but:

Pandora has nausea, sore bb''s, and is extra emotional

and Amber has what might be a triphasic rise...

My spidey-senses are tingling and they sense JERKSTORES!!!

Pandora, yes, double the babies means double the hormones and so double the sickness! Lucky for me, I''m genetically inclined (if it is genetic?) toward NO m/s (my mom and grandma had none) so while I got nauseous with two, it was apparently nowhere near as bad as the debilitating nausea most twin mommas get.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Okay, I'm going to declare my full-blown Munchausen's that I appear to have caught in the last 3 weeks and ask a few questions, especially as I have no idea whether this is significant in any way, and if it is, I haven't got a clue if it's a good sign or a bad sign - I just know it doesn't seem usual.

WARNING! Sorry, this is def. TMI coming up, but I don't know who else to ask!

Okay, since when I am presuming I O'd - when I definitely had EWCM, I have had practically zero CM. Normally I would expect there only to be none about 48 hours before AF arrives, but lots in the 12 days or so following EWCM.

Secondly, my cervix is very high and soft, when usually it's hard and low by this point. It did go harder and lower until about 3 days ago, when it changed it's mind.

I can't believe that I could go from a 27 day cycle over the last 6 months to suddenly finding that I O on CD23...

Geez, the things one ends up discussing - I am beginning to understand why people say that even the most modest person doesn't care who looks at their hoohaa by the time they're halfway through labour!

Oh, and DH has suggested that I should buy myself a new pet rock for every cycle that I get a BFN, so that at least there is some kind of positive!


Feb 27, 2006
I guess I''m also inclined towards crazy optimism.

Pandora, you''re not temping, are you? What kind of CM have you had since you think you O''d? High cervix could mean that you''re getting close to O, but it''s also a pregnancy sign. I got a BFN at 9 dpo then tested again at 11 dpo in part because I realized that my cervix was much higher than it should have been at that point in the cycle. And I was so crazily emotional at 8 dpo that I couldn''t stop crying to eat dinner. I''m feeling hopeful for you. Hang in there, and take another test in a day or two.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/10/2008 5:01:49 PM
Author: Blenheim
I guess I''m also inclined towards crazy optimism.

Pandora, you''re not temping, are you? What kind of CM have you had since you think you O''d? High cervix could mean that you''re getting close to O, but it''s also a pregnancy sign. I got a BFN at 9 dpo then tested again at 11 dpo in part because I realized that my cervix was much higher than it should have been at that point in the cycle. And I was so crazily emotional at 8 dpo that I couldn''t stop crying to eat dinner. I''m feeling hopeful for you. Hang in there, and take another test in a day or two.
Sadly not temping - we weren''t supposed to be TTC until October, so I planned to start temping next cycle, so here are what info I do have...

EWCM on CD 13, watery for 4 days before that and since the day after.

BD on CD 9, 11, 12, 13

Since CD15, almost no CM at all - certainly not enough that you would see it on your underwear. Normally I know that AF is on the way because I get no CM for a day or 2 before, but this has been almost none for the last 11 days.

Cervix was so high around CD 12/13, that you couldn''t really feel it at all. Then started getting lower/firmer etc as it is supposed to. Then the day before yesterday I thought it seemed like it was going backwards, and today it''s definitely MUCH higher than it should be.

So, either my cycle has gone loopy for the first time in 2 years if I''m O''ing now, (I actually marked dates on a calender for the last 6 months, but it''s been pretty much the same since I stopped BCP), or I have a weird cervix and never noticed before...

I hadn''t realised feeling emotional was on the symptom list. I''m not someone who cries much and today I am a complete mess.


Jun 28, 2006
Hey Ladies, can I join the thread? DH and I are officially TTC now!

We decided to start TTC while we were on vacation this past week instead of waiting until November like we''d originally planned. We''re both soooo excited!!!

Of course this just happens to be the one month of the past 9 that I decided to take a break from charting since I figured it would just be for future reference anyway and I wanted to be able to sleep in while we were on vacation. Today was my 4th temp of the cycle even though I''m on CD 20
. I took it 40 min early because I happened to wake up and it was at my normal post-O level. I''ve only had one instance where it was at post-O level when I hadn''t O''d yet and it was because I had a fever. And wouldn''t you know it, I have a fever today. Agh. So, no idea if I''ve actually O''d or if it''s just the fever.

This is my 10th cycle charting (started charting when I stopped the pill) and the earliest I''ve ever O''d was CD 17. The latest was CD 25 and my avg is CD 20 (I think the avg is thrown off a bit by my first cycle off the pill during which I O''d on CD 25 though). My average for the last 6 months is actually CD 19. We didn''t decide to move the TTC date up until CD 18, so that''s when we started BDing. We BD''d on CD 18, 19 and 20 and hopefully we''ll have enough time to get in one more time tomorrow morning (CD 21) before I leave for work since I''m going straight from there to a business trip and I won''t be back until late on CD 23.

I just wish I''d charted this month so I knew if we even had a chance or if we started too late. Grrr. So mad at myself.

Baby dust to everyone!


Mar 5, 2006
Date: 8/10/2008 7:50:17 PM
Author: robbie3982
Hey Ladies, can I join the thread? DH and I are officially TTC now!

We decided to start TTC while we were on vacation this past week instead of waiting until November like we''d originally planned. We''re both soooo excited!!!

Of course this just happens to be the one month of the past 9 that I decided to take a break from charting since I figured it would just be for future reference anyway and I wanted to be able to sleep in while we were on vacation. Today was my 4th temp of the cycle even though I''m on CD 20
. I took it 40 min early because I happened to wake up and it was at my normal post-O level. I''ve only had one instance where it was at post-O level when I hadn''t O''d yet and it was because I had a fever. And wouldn''t you know it, I have a fever today. Agh. So, no idea if I''ve actually O''d or if it''s just the fever.

This is my 10th cycle charting (started charting when I stopped the pill) and the earliest I''ve ever O''d was CD 17. The latest was CD 25 and my avg is CD 20 (I think the avg is thrown off a bit by my first cycle off the pill during which I O''d on CD 25 though). My average for the last 6 months is actually CD 19. We didn''t decide to move the TTC date up until CD 18, so that''s when we started BDing. We BD''d on CD 18, 19 and 20 and hopefully we''ll have enough time to get in one more time tomorrow morning (CD 21) before I leave for work since I''m going straight from there to a business trip and I won''t be back until late on CD 23.

I just wish I''d charted this month so I knew if we even had a chance or if we started too late. Grrr. So mad at myself.

Baby dust to everyone!

Welcome Robbie! It''s so exciting that this is your first month... considering when you normally O, your BD days look good so far!
This is also our first official month trying! Good luck, I hope we all have a short stay here and move to the preggo thread soon!


Jun 28, 2006
Date: 8/10/2008 8:14:27 PM
Author: *Lindsey*

Welcome Robbie! It''s so exciting that this is your first month... considering when you normally O, your BD days look good so far!
This is also our first official month trying! Good luck, I hope we all have a short stay here and move to the preggo thread soon!

Thanks, Lindsey!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Hi gals! and Hi Robbie!! I remember you from the BWW forum
I wasn''t that active in that thread; mostly a lurker - but it''s great seeing you move over here!!!

You gals have given me a little food for thought. Although I''ve yet to have any signs of Pg, I''m a total emotional wreak. We watched my friend baptize her baby today and I was a sniveling mess. That, and i got weepy watching "Under the Tuscan Sun"...but not at any of the mushy parts - I got weapy at the landscapes?! WTF! I broke down and POAS - but it was a BFN. I figured that much as it''s waaaaay to early to tell. I just figured with the emotions running so high that I may as well pee. alas, I''ll wait a few more days before POAS again. AFF coming this Friday (With my fellow cycle buddies). Good luck to all and to all a good night!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/10/2008 10:03:34 PM
Author: mela lu
Hi gals! and Hi Robbie!! I remember you from the BWW forum
I wasn''t that active in that thread; mostly a lurker - but it''s great seeing you move over here!!!

You gals have given me a little food for thought. Although I''ve yet to have any signs of Pg, I''m a total emotional wreak. We watched my friend baptize her baby today and I was a sniveling mess. That, and i got weepy watching ''Under the Tuscan Sun''...but not at any of the mushy parts - I got weapy at the landscapes?! WTF! I broke down and POAS - but it was a BFN. I figured that much as it''s waaaaay to early to tell. I just figured with the emotions running so high that I may as well pee. alas, I''ll wait a few more days before POAS again. AFF coming this Friday (With my fellow cycle buddies). Good luck to all and to all a good night!
Good Luck, you''re a day after me, so I''ll hope for both of us for the next 5 days.

I am starting to have murderous thoughts towards the inventors of early PG tests. I think I''d be better off thinking I had to wait till the day AF was due to POAS...


Nov 10, 2006
Hi Ladies - wow, this thread is bump''n! I was away all weekend for a friend''s bachelorette party. Well, I''m on CD 10 and was not temping this weekend (was sharing a room with one of my BFF''s - can you imagine, I just whip out my thermometer at 6:30 in the morning?) and almost forgot to temp this morning (I had gone into the bathroom to turn the shower on when I realized and then ran back into bed so, I guess this morning''s temp isn''t very accurate!

Welcome Robbie!
I also remember you from the BWW forum - I got married a month before you (I can''t believe my 1-year anniversay is coming up in 2 weeks!)

Amber - you are so good posting your HI pics. I have all mine from our trip download, but I haven''t uploaded them to a photosharing site yet which has been delaying the whole process.

Mela, Pandora, Robbie and whoever else is currently knitting, best of luck!!!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/10/2008 7:50:17 PM
Author: robbie3982
Hey Ladies, can I join the thread? DH and I are officially TTC now!

We decided to start TTC while we were on vacation this past week instead of waiting until November like we''d originally planned. We''re both soooo excited!!!

Of course this just happens to be the one month of the past 9 that I decided to take a break from charting since I figured it would just be for future reference anyway and I wanted to be able to sleep in while we were on vacation. Today was my 4th temp of the cycle even though I''m on CD 20
. I took it 40 min early because I happened to wake up and it was at my normal post-O level. I''ve only had one instance where it was at post-O level when I hadn''t O''d yet and it was because I had a fever. And wouldn''t you know it, I have a fever today. Agh. So, no idea if I''ve actually O''d or if it''s just the fever.

This is my 10th cycle charting (started charting when I stopped the pill) and the earliest I''ve ever O''d was CD 17. The latest was CD 25 and my avg is CD 20 (I think the avg is thrown off a bit by my first cycle off the pill during which I O''d on CD 25 though). My average for the last 6 months is actually CD 19. We didn''t decide to move the TTC date up until CD 18, so that''s when we started BDing. We BD''d on CD 18, 19 and 20 and hopefully we''ll have enough time to get in one more time tomorrow morning (CD 21) before I leave for work since I''m going straight from there to a business trip and I won''t be back until late on CD 23.

I just wish I''d charted this month so I knew if we even had a chance or if we started too late. Grrr. So mad at myself.

Baby dust to everyone!
Yay, come and join me on the ''I was going to start TTC in x, but then thought what the heck let''s get going now'' land!

Good luck!


Dec 8, 2005
Good Morning Ladies!

Hope everyone is doing well.

I''m CD 16, I''m temping this O in sight. EWCM for the past four days, but I''m now convinced I''m not ovulating. I really really really kind of hate this. Sigh. And considering that my last cycle was 23 days...I don''t know what the heck is going on. I''m just feeling down and crappy.

So whatever. I don''t have a good feeling about this cycle at all...or the next or the one after that. Or the one after that. Sigh. I''m starting to think it ain''t going to happen...and I know it takes more than a couple months, but my freaking cycles have been so wonky...

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well.

Looks like we may have a couple of new jerkstores coming our way! Maybe? Possibly? I''ll be thinking good thoughts for both of you!

Welcome Robbie - I figured you''d be joining us soon! Welcome. And try to ignore my foul mood today.

Mela and all the knitters, good luck!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/11/2008 10:10:11 AM
Author: littlelysser
Good Morning Ladies!

Hope everyone is doing well.

I''m CD 16, I''m temping this O in sight. EWCM for the past four days, but I''m now convinced I''m not ovulating. I really really really kind of hate this. Sigh. And considering that my last cycle was 23 days...I don''t know what the heck is going on. I''m just feeling down and crappy.
Lysser, I had a 23 day cycle and then the next cycle I had EWCF for like 5 days before O on CD 16, and that was the cycle I got knocked up! Lots of fertile CF is a really good sign, if you were annovulatory you would not get it so consistently for so many days. Lots of CF means lots of estogen which means a nice strong ovulation! Until you O, there is no "sign" that O is coming, other than CF which you have, so try to stay positive! If you really have EWCF, then O will come in the next few days for sure... I know I kept thinking it would never come the month I got preggers because I''d never had so many days of fertile CF in a row before, but then it came and bingo, we were knocked up. So cover those bases, KWIM
! It will happen.


Dec 16, 2007
Oh, a good luck and welcome t oal lthe other TTCers! It is a trying time, that is for sure, but this thread is such a great support.

Pandora my cervix went high and soft too when I got my BFP, but the major sign for me was tonnes and tonnes of watery CF in the days before AF is due. Apparently all the pregoo signs are the exact same as the signs AF is coming, so there is just no way to tell... but I do think that anything "unusual" is a possible indicator, except you can only know for sure it was an indicator after you get you BFP
. Good luck! Sounds like your timing of the F-tastic was really good so there is a chance!


Jun 28, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 8:58:19 AM
Author: Pandora II

Yay, come and join me on the 'I was going to start TTC in x, but then thought what the heck let's get going now' land!

Good luck!
Pandora, I've had the baby bug for about a year now (yes, I got it before the wedding, lol). The only reason I wanted to wait was to make sure that I'd be able take FMLA which meant I had to be at this job for a year before giving birth. DH was fixated on November for some reason, but after being around all of our nieces and nephews at the beach he changed his mind

Blushing, it's crazy how fast time flies when you're having fun! Our 1 year is coming up in just under a month now.

Don't give up littlelysser. I had 9 days of EWCM before I actually O'd last cycle on CD 22.

ETA: I woke up at 5 this morning (20 min earlier than yesterday and an hour earlier than I usually temp) and my temp had jumped .3 so I'm thinking I did O and it's not just the fever. I'm actually not sure if I even still have a fever. I'll have to check that later. Anyway I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I O'd on CD 18 or 19, but I haven't noticed any EWCM since CD 17 and I almost always have at least one day after I O.


Feb 27, 2008
Hello everyone,

Quick question from a Pre-TTC poster.
When you went off bc what sort of period did you have? Was it normal (like you were still on bc) or was it longer. I guess it varies for everyone but I only have 3 active pills left and I''m seriously considering not getting a refill. My concern is that I have a couple of trips planned for the next month and an out of control period would not be so good.

I guess I''m just getting more and more anxious to get on the ball with this. I found out on Saturday that my friend (I think I mentioned her before) that has been trying since May 07 is finally pregnant. She''s only 3 weeks so I''m hoping it sticks.

My husband went to poker night at a friends house Sat. night and came back and woke me up and said "I want a baby NOW".
The guy who hosts poker has a 1 year old and I guess they were talking about babies (who knew that''s what actually went on during guys night
) . We''re still going back and forth for an actual start date.... we''re both wanting to start now but we keep find excuses not to. I started my vitamins on Fri. night. We''re still remodeling our house and we sort of want to get through some of the major projects (due to time, money, and the fact that if I''m pregnant I won''t be able to do as much work (we''re DIY) ).

Well it looks like it could be an exciting week around here... looking forward to hearing the results... I''m anxious for all of you that are waiting to hear (and a little jealous that I''m not there yet).

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 10:33:24 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Oh, a good luck and welcome t oal lthe other TTCers! It is a trying time, that is for sure, but this thread is such a great support.

Pandora my cervix went high and soft too when I got my BFP, but the major sign for me was tonnes and tonnes of watery CF in the days before AF is due. Apparently all the pregoo signs are the exact same as the signs AF is coming, so there is just no way to tell... but I do think that anything ''unusual'' is a possible indicator, except you can only know for sure it was an indicator after you get you BFP
. Good luck! Sounds like your timing of the F-tastic was really good so there is a chance!
Thank you!

I''m sitting here trying to decide if I am going to POAS tonight or wait until tomorrow morning - can 12 hours really make that much of a difference.

Or... I could buy several and the POAS tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and then I have some already that you can use the day AFF is due!

Please vote:

a) Control yourself and wait till tomorrow
b) Buy every POAS test in Boots and get peeing

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
LOL! Pandora, I have no self control so I have to vote for b!

AQ- My first "real" period I was hit with EVERY PMS symptom possible, much worse than I remember it being before. The (sorry) bleeding itself was a bit heavier/longer, but not bad though. I don''t think that is everyone''s experience.

Wow, the things we talk about on here! I never expected to be detailing my fluids as much as I do!!!

Welcome Robbie


Oct 19, 2005
AQ: I think I was surprised about how like my BC period my actually ovulating period was. It tends (and started out that way) at 3/4 days, mostly light, heaviest is medium. I truly believe being on the pill helped regulate my cycle, as pre-bc I was literally all over the calendar with 7/8 day periods coming at all times during the month. Aside from last cycle's wonky-ass timing, things have been right on schedule with 27 day cycles with O on the 15th day.

Today I am 8 dpo, CD 22, my temp dropped this morning .02. Seriously, from 97.97 to 97.95. If we go by my 27/28 day cycles, I'll be expecting AFF on Saturday. If we go by the 31 day cycle, it should come on Monday. Blah. Always have my period on a weekend! Sucks because I'm in massive pain for the first day.

Pandora: I say B all the way. Even when I'm not in the 2ww, I pretty much pee on anything. All sticks, tests and cups. I'm a whizzing machine, to be crude.

Welcome Robbie!

LL: I hear ya, homie. That's why I put it off for a few months because I was miserable, depressed, and incredibly hard to live with. Not only am I a hypochondriac in usual day to day things, but that one wonky cycle had me feeling cramps that weren't there, and sore everything that wasn't real and just misery. I TOTALLY HEAR YOU.

BB: SO not good at posting pics. I took about 500 and only managed to resize four! It's so bad.

See, if I hadn't been such a prude in high school, I'd probably have 2 10/11 year olds, knowing how the freaking world works.


ETA: I had NO SLEEP last night. Damn Phelps and his sexy abs. The dang Olympics showed his medley race at 11:30 or so, and I HAD to watch it immediately. So, I went to bed after rousing DH saying, I AM A PHELPS PHAN!!!!!!! and having maniacal giddy daydreams about his sexy abs, as I mentioned before. SO, I had about 3 hours sleep. *hangs head in shame* I am an old pervert.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 12:02:02 PM
Author: applequeen
Hello everyone,

Quick question from a Pre-TTC poster.
When you went off bc what sort of period did you have? Was it normal (like you were still on bc) or was it longer. I guess it varies for everyone but I only have 3 active pills left and I''m seriously considering not getting a refill. My concern is that I have a couple of trips planned for the next month and an out of control period would not be so good.

I guess I''m just getting more and more anxious to get on the ball with this. I found out on Saturday that my friend (I think I mentioned her before) that has been trying since May 07 is finally pregnant. She''s only 3 weeks so I''m hoping it sticks.

My husband went to poker night at a friends house Sat. night and came back and woke me up and said ''I want a baby NOW''.
The guy who hosts poker has a 1 year old and I guess they were talking about babies (who knew that''s what actually went on during guys night
) . We''re still going back and forth for an actual start date.... we''re both wanting to start now but we keep find excuses not to. I started my vitamins on Fri. night. We''re still remodeling our house and we sort of want to get through some of the major projects (due to time, money, and the fact that if I''m pregnant I won''t be able to do as much work (we''re DIY) ).

Well it looks like it could be an exciting week around here... looking forward to hearing the results... I''m anxious for all of you that are waiting to hear (and a little jealous that I''m not there yet).
I went of BCP two years ago, but I possibly have a not typical answer.

I was on the pill from when I was 18 to when I was 34. I took Yasmin for the last 2 years of the combined pill and loved it, but I used to take 6 packs one after the other with no gap, then have a gap, then another 6 packs. This stopped me getting most of my migraines which are triggered by oestrogen drops.

My GP then made me come of the combined pill because of the migraines and put me onto Cerazette. I tried it for a year, but felt so bad on it I finally gave it up. I didn''t have a period for that entire year which was a very nice side effect.

My cycle then came back immediately I stopped and has been pretty much 27/28 days from the outset. It was also much lighter and only lasted about 3 days, which is way better than I remember from before the pill. It is also shorter than it was when I was on the pill.

I''m pretty lucky with my cycle. Other than slightly sore (*)(*) and feeling a bit bad-tempered the day before AF I don''t have any PMS, never had cramps and cycle has always been like clockwork. My sisters are both completely the opposite poor things.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Am off to buy large numbers of POAS tests. Enablers the lot of you!

See you all in an hour or so....


Feb 27, 2008
Thanks Pandora,

Migranes are actually one of my biggest fears about going off. Apparently I had hormone related migranes for years but never really knew what caused them until I went on bc. That''s when I figured out that I was only getting the migrane during my "off" week. My Dr. then switched me to Loestrin 24 with few "off" days (so less drop in estrogen) and so I stopped having the severe migrane once a month. At this point I get one (not too severe) usually on the last day before I start a new pack. I''m scared that I''ll get one and since I''m not starting a new pack (getting my horomone fix) it''ll linger for awhile.

The rest of it I can deal with (was never all that bad before) except for maybe the mood swings (actually I can deal with those just fine but I''m not sure if DH can

Good luck on your POAS adventure... I''m anxiously following the progress and I really hope you find out something soon. I can''t imagine what the waiting must be like.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Pandora - OPTION B! POAS POAS POAS!!! I''m waiting here with baited breath.

Since I bought a whack of cheap tests, I''m going to POAS tomorrow morning for fun. AFF™ is due on Friday, so Wednesday is probably better, but who can resist peeing on $1 sticks??? Not me! I only had self-control with the expensive tests. Oh how my life has changed because of Dollarama! LOL

K, waiting Pandora....!!??

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006

CD 25/28; probable 11 DPO; feeling icky and with a long list of other potential symptoms...

I have duly POAS and... wait for it... BFN


I used a different brand this time and having duly peed on said stick, I then read that handy little leaflet thing inside and it said if testing before date of AF you must ONLY test first thing in the morning.

So, OBVIOUSLY that is the reason for the BFN and not my before now undiagnosed Munchausens.

Oh, and I now have at least a GCSE in POAS. (GCSEs are public exams you take in the UK at 16)

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
well, it ain''t over till the Fat Fart sings. I too am on 11DPO (I presume) and think it''s still early to test. Don''t give up hope yet!!! Tomorrow morning will bring with it a new concentration of, er, "hope" in which you can tinkle with. A lot of these tests are not very sensitive to HCG and therefore need the morning urine. My cheapies are only sensitive to 25 (whatever the units of measurement are). That''s not very sensitive.

We''ll both test in the am and meet back here, k?

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 1:15:44 PM
Author: applequeen
Thanks Pandora,

Migranes are actually one of my biggest fears about going off. Apparently I had hormone related migranes for years but never really knew what caused them until I went on bc. That''s when I figured out that I was only getting the migrane during my ''off'' week. My Dr. then switched me to Loestrin 24 with few ''off'' days (so less drop in estrogen) and so I stopped having the severe migrane once a month. At this point I get one (not too severe) usually on the last day before I start a new pack. I''m scared that I''ll get one and since I''m not starting a new pack (getting my horomone fix) it''ll linger for awhile.

The rest of it I can deal with (was never all that bad before) except for maybe the mood swings (actually I can deal with those just fine but I''m not sure if DH can

Good luck on your POAS adventure... I''m anxiously following the progress and I really hope you find out something soon. I can''t imagine what the waiting must be like.
Migraines are a nightmare. I''m seeing a specialist at the Neurology Hospital in Queen''s Square in London which is pretty much world-renown for their research in such things.

I had a long talk with the consultant about migraine and pregnancy. He reckons that on the whole most women with hormone sensitive migraines tend to have less during pregnancy. But sadly, if you do the only thing you can safely take are opiates which don''t work for everyone.

I have taken dihydrocodeine or codeine for mine in the past when I don''t have my normal stuff on me and it doesn''t stop the pain - you just don''t really care about it anymore which is quite nice. I don''t know if you can get codeine in the US.

Normally I take half a Zomig tablet which works amazingly well and quickly for me (I had one coming on during our wedding reception and my father got me my tablets. I took it with the first course and by dessert it had gone).

Problem is that it''s one thing knowing that you can''t take it during pregnancy, but quite another if you can''t take it while you are TTC.

Anyway, I recommend trying Zomig - I found it much better than Imigran - if you need a migraine pill in the meantime.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 2:36:55 PM
Author: mela lu
well, it ain''t over till the Fat Fart sings. I too am on 11DPO (I presume) and think it''s still early to test. Don''t give up hope yet!!! Tomorrow morning will bring with it a new concentration of, er, ''hope'' in which you can tinkle with. A lot of these tests are not very sensitive to HCG and therefore need the morning urine. My cheapies are only sensitive to 25 (whatever the units of measurement are). That''s not very sensitive.

We''ll both test in the am and meet back here, k?
Absolutely. I''m sure I heard somewhere that POAS only have a shelf-life of about 14 days, so I would be silly to waste them.

It''s currently 7.40pm here, so I''m presuming I''ll be here before you! Good Luck!
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