
The Official TTC Thread!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Wow - that is paradise, no doubt about it!


Oct 19, 2005
How I kept busy on the flight out.



Oct 19, 2005
Another pic outside our condo



Apr 14, 2006
Date: 7/30/2008 11:01:36 PM
Author: EBree

Date: 7/30/2008 10:56:14 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Okay, so I''m totally confused. I just recharted my chart onto fertility friend, and while it did let me make the cycle as long as it is (by the way I''ve charted from when I first went off the pill in Jan and it says my typical length of cycle is 41 days... here I thought it was 42!, not that a day means much, either way, I guess), and I end up with this crazy dashed line sloping upward to my last temp (taken this AM). I put temps in for each day, and got this. I wonder what that means. Sure didn''t see a chart like that before.

Does that make sense to anyone?


Can you post your chart? We could better analyze it if we see it.
Sorry for the late response to this, Ebree. Paul and I were involved in an accident last Thursday and life''s just now starting to BEGIN to fall back into place.

I tried to post it, but I can''t make the resolution right for posting. I''ve stopped temping at this point, as it was just making me freak out and get worried. Still no end to this cycle, and coupled with the recent accident, I''ve been a hot mess of anxiety and stress and worry.

I called to get an appointment and was told the first opening isn''t until the end of September. That made me so frustrated, I didn''t even bother to schedule one.

It makes me incredibly sad that the first month that we''re actually trying to have a baby is when this mondo long cycle comes up. It''s funny, too, I was hoping like mad NOT to have a period and now, I''m eagerly awaiting it, in hopes that I''ll be "back to normal again" next go-round.


Oct 19, 2005
This is a pic of the best ever pancakes: banana, chocolate chip and plain. More pics at home, I'll have to email them later today.

Crap, see next post.


Oct 19, 2005



Feb 27, 2008
Hi China Cat,

Thank you for spurring me out of lurkdom with questions I have been pondering myself for quite awhile. I think you are very lucky to have friends that are in a similar point in their lives as you are. I'm stuck in the middle of friends who have all been parents for years and those who never ever want kids under any circumstances. All of my "parent" friends live far away (most are from high school and college) and my close friends who I spend quite a bit of time with are all very anti kid so it's just not something I can bring up with them. i think one of my major hesitations (actually I know ) is that I am afraid of alienating myself from them when I have a baby. I'm the only one of them that is married (married 1 1/2 years together for a little over 3) so it's just hard for them to understand the change in my attitude.

Your post about being angry at the pill made me smile... and YES!!! I think that sums it up perfectly... it's like every night when I start to take it I see it taunting me... "you know you have to take me even though part of you doesn't want to". Sometimes I'd love to just throw it away but I'm just not the type of person who can stop something in the middle.. .gotta wait till the end of the pack.

Let me know what OTC brand you decide to go with. I think I'm going to try GNC since they usually have pretty good stuff but I'm going to do a little research to see if one brand stands out.

So here's what I'm going to do... I'm going to start taking the vitamins and in Oct. I'm going off the pill regardless of if we want to start trying right away and at that time I may switch to prescription vitamins. I'm hoping to approach TTC in a laid back manner (which is totally the opposite of how I normally operate) and just let it happen.

So... to everyone else... I guess you'll be seeing me around as we get closer to Oct (wow! that's 2 months from now!). I wish everyone the best of luck with what I'm learning (and I'm not even close to where you guys are) is an exciting yet very difficult time. I sincerely (in the very nicest way possible) hope that you've all moved on from TTC before I'm an active participant but for the time being it's really helping me prepare for my own journey while following yours. I lurked on PS during my LIW days and during my wedding planning and only post randomly now but maybe this is the life event that will turn me into an active poster.

Pandoa... I think your reaction is very similar to where I would be... I don't deal well with uncertainity... I can deal with anything if I just know what I have to deal with (does that make sense) I think all the uncertainities are what is holding me back here... yes I can admit I'm a control freak... good luck with everything... hope you know something soon.


Dec 8, 2005
Hello Ladies. Thanks for the kind bday wishes!

And well, I did something to commemorate that day...I GOT MY NOSE PIERCED!!! I have wanted to do it since I was 18. I was having lunch with my mom (who is in town for a couple weeks) and she said, so do it. AND I DID!

I really like the way it looks...but MAN did it hurt. GAH!!! Right now it just has a little cz stud...but I''ll switch it out for a diamond after it heals. So weird. I''m happy with it. And I figure if I don''t like it, I can take it out in a couple months and let it close.

DH just came home and he really likes it too! Thinks it is a bit sexy. I have the cutest DH ever.

As for prenatals- my doctor suggested that I start taking them because my iron is low and also because we were considering starting to TTC.

She suggested GNC prenatals and I''ve been happy with them.


Feb 27, 2008
Date: 8/7/2008 4:50:48 PM
Author: blushingbride
Chinacat and Applequeen - WELCOME!

I must admit, I''m scared too. I''m scared about the enormous change a baby will bring to our lives. I mean, it really is mind-blowing how much will really change w/ a baby in the picture. I think, wow, there''s no turning back! I love how easy life is with just the two of us (and our pup) and hear horror stories from friends who have babies.

BUT, like you Chinacat, my DH and I have been married 1 year and together for almost 5. In addition, neither one of us are getting any younger...and all our friends are married or will be married soon so, they''ll be TTCing too. Plus, as hard as raising kids can be, I''ve heard so many more positive stories than negative ones.

I feel like this change will only make me and DH that much stronger. I truly believe that there really is never going to a ''right time'' so, sometimes you just gotta throw caution to the wind and let it rest in god''s hands.
Hy husband said to me yesterday "what do you think "m" (our cat) will think when we have a baby... she''s been my "daughter" for 5 years and is the only outlet for any maternal instincts I might have (hope to discover more when I need them

I mean... when you go out of town you can leave a cat for a few days... you can''t leave a baby!... that''s when I start stressing about childcare possibilties


Dec 8, 2005
Oh, and welcome ChinaCat and AppleQueen!

FWIW, I''m scared sheeeetless of having a child. Honestly, I think if you aren''t a bit scared...well, then, you just haven''t thought much about it, you know? It is life changing and scary!

Oh, and LL - I DEFINITELY think you did the right thing by not going to a big firm. There were 35 associates in my class and there are 2 left. Mind you, I''d be an 7th year if I was still practicing...but wow.

I''m currently working in sterling silver. It is the least expensive metal...and once I feel like I''ve really honed my craft, I''ll likely move on to gold and maybe, just maybe, even platinum.

Fisher - I''m sorry about your accident. I''m glad you guys are alright!


Dec 8, 2005
Oh, and YAY KAUAI PICTURES!!!!!!!!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/7/2008 5:25:00 PM
Author: littlelysser
Oh, and welcome ChinaCat and AppleQueen!

FWIW, I''m scared sheeeetless of having a child. Honestly, I think if you aren''t a bit scared...well, then, you just haven''t thought much about it, you know? It is life changing and scary!

Oh, and LL - I DEFINITELY think you did the right thing by not going to a big firm. There were 35 associates in my class and there are 2 left. Mind you, I''d be an 7th year if I was still practicing...but wow.

I''m currently working in sterling silver. It is the least expensive metal...and once I feel like I''ve really honed my craft, I''ll likely move on to gold and maybe, just maybe, even platinum.

Fisher - I''m sorry about your accident. I''m glad you guys are alright!
Have you had a go with the silver clay stuff? I bought my father a whole load of it and a book for his birthday. I got to play with it years ago at a tradeshow and it was such fun!

Applequeen - I''m glad you say you''d be like this. I am just a complete neurotic mess right now. I HATE not knowing things or being in control. DH is no fun either - he hates anything even vaguely TMI and so I can''t discuss anything. He just wants a Yes or No and a book on how to be a daddy.


Mar 5, 2006
I reallly want to second those who mentioned that coming off BC, it can take a while for your cycle to regulate. Before I went on BC I had normal cycles, 28-29 days like clockwork. I was on Yasmin, then Seasonale, and went off of BC in November because we originally wanted to TTC in January. Imagine my surprise when my first cycle my period didn''t show up for 60 days... second cycle, same thing! Since then they''ve been 42 days. I have used OPKs and DO get positive results during my cycle, but I''m a little nervous since you can get positive OPKs and not ovulate.

It worked out fine for us because we found in January that my husband would have a lovely summer trip to Afghanistan, and I was asked to go to Alaska for 3 months as well. So now we''re both back home and settling in, and ready to TTC! I bought 50 more ovulation strips on eBay ( I need to check pretty much every day since my cycles are long and semi-irregular) and right now I''m on CD 20. I should be ovulating in 8-12 days, so we''ll see.

What prenatal is everyone taking? Honestly I am taking a normal multi right now... Rainbow Light. I was taking Rainbow Light''s once a day prenatal but... it kept making me hurl! No matter what I tried... morning, night, full stomach... 167% of my requirement for iron just does not make my stomach happy. So I am going to try Rainbow Light''s complete prenatal system -- 6 pills a day, all natural, and I figure I can just swallow 3 in the am and pm, and hopefully splitting that iron dosage will help me out! Do any of you like any other brand? I''ve been doing a lot of prenatal research online. The last 3 months I have been taking Nordic Naturals every day with a swig of OJ, goes down no problem. I used to be terrified of liquid fish oil, but this brand really does taste like lemon, no fishiness at all. Although it can be a little tough to swallow pure fat in the morning. Ha!


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 8/7/2008 5:25:00 PM
Author: littlelysser
Oh, and welcome ChinaCat and AppleQueen!

FWIW, I''m scared sheeeetless of having a child. Honestly, I think if you aren''t a bit scared...well, then, you just haven''t thought much about it, you know? It is life changing and scary!

Oh, and LL - I DEFINITELY think you did the right thing by not going to a big firm. There were 35 associates in my class and there are 2 left. Mind you, I''d be an 7th year if I was still practicing...but wow.

I''m currently working in sterling silver. It is the least expensive metal...and once I feel like I''ve really honed my craft, I''ll likely move on to gold and maybe, just maybe, even platinum.

Fisher - I''m sorry about your accident. I''m glad you guys are alright!
Thanks, LL. God was definitely watching over us! Paul''s fine and I got banged up a little, but the wounds are healing and soon I should be gauze-free (a wonderful way to be, by the way!!).

We were going out to get dog food for the puppies and someone came around a curve too fast, and there was no shoulder for me to swerve into... so they crashed us. My car may end up totaled.... Not sure yet.

Either way, we are safe and we are fine and God is good!!



Dec 8, 2005
Pandora - I''ve seen that PMC (precious metal clay) but it is pretty pricey for the amount of silver you actually end up with, if that makes sense. The arts center where I take my classes has a PMC class, but I haven''t signed up yet. I''m still working on getting the basics down!


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 8/7/2008 5:33:05 PM
Author: *Lindsey*
I reallly want to second those who mentioned that coming off BC, it can take a while for your cycle to regulate. Before I went on BC I had normal cycles, 28-29 days like clockwork. I was on Yasmin, then Seasonale, and went off of BC in November because we originally wanted to TTC in January. Imagine my surprise when my first cycle my period didn''t show up for 60 days... second cycle, same thing! Since then they''ve been 42 days. I have used OPKs and DO get positive results during my cycle, but I''m a little nervous since you can get positive OPKs and not ovulate.

It worked out fine for us because we found in January that my husband would have a lovely summer trip to Afghanistan, and I was asked to go to Alaska for 3 months as well. So now we''re both back home and settling in, and ready to TTC! I bought 50 more ovulation strips on eBay ( I need to check pretty much every day since my cycles are long and semi-irregular) and right now I''m on CD 20. I should be ovulating in 8-12 days, so we''ll see.

What prenatal is everyone taking? Honestly I am taking a normal multi right now... Rainbow Light. I was taking Rainbow Light''s once a day prenatal but... it kept making me hurl! No matter what I tried... morning, night, full stomach... 167% of my requirement for iron just does not make my stomach happy. So I am going to try Rainbow Light''s complete prenatal system -- 6 pills a day, all natural, and I figure I can just swallow 3 in the am and pm, and hopefully splitting that iron dosage will help me out! Do any of you like any other brand? I''ve been doing a lot of prenatal research online. The last 3 months I have been taking Nordic Naturals every day with a swig of OJ, goes down no problem. I used to be terrified of liquid fish oil, but this brand really does taste like lemon, no fishiness at all. Although it can be a little tough to swallow pure fat in the morning. Ha!
Lindsey, I''m taking a green bottle for my prenatals right now. I think it''s Nature Valley or something like that (oh wait, those are granola bars!). But my Dr. said that until you''re actually pregnant, you don''t really need the more expensive brands or prescriptions, because as long as the key ingredients are there in the right amounts, you''re good. Once we are pregnant, I''ll start on the prescription kind or the more potent kind, or whatever they tell me to do. The "biggies" are folic acid, iron, and calcium. One of the vitamins with a number is big, too. Maybe it''s B12, I don''t remember.

I only take the one pill a day and I''m borderline anemic and it''s brought up my iron already (started the beginning of this year because I read that you should take prenatals for at least 6 mo. before you try for a baby, although most people don''t and they have totally healthy babies, too).


Oct 19, 2005
I fourth getting off BC, because you never know. And there are a ton of other options, as long as you''re okay with the possibility of an "oops!"

I''m currently taking the GNC prenatals, as of... yesterday.


Mar 5, 2006
Amber those pancakes look AMAZING. Thanks a lot, now I am seriously craving some pancake goodness

fisherofmengirly thanks for the advice. It''s good to know that you can get your iron levels up with a little effort. Do you tolerate it pretty well? My mother told me that anemic people have a harder time tolerating iron, so I''m hoping that I''m not anemic?


Aug 17, 2007
Applequeen- Sounds like we are on the same page. I lurked through LIW and BWW as well- not sure why. I think I am a bit shy on the internet- weird b/c I am not shy IRL at all. But this baby-making and then baby-having stuff is so over my head, I think having an outlet like this is just fantastic. Plus I am amazed at all the super-researchers that PS seems to breed, so I am riding on their coattails! All my friends that are TTC don't live near me, so I am a bit alone in this if I go for it. I think I will try GNC too.

Oh, and I had to laugh about your comment on your cat. My DH and I have a dog that we have had since it was 5 weeks old- and I am totally that annoying person who relates having a dog to having a kid! But I have to say in my defense, that I just love him with all my heart and when he's up in the middle of the night sick (TMI- coming out of both ends)- I really don't care. That's when I thought maybe I could do the kid thing. LOL- By the way, has anyone seen the blog Stuff White People Like? There is a hilarious one on there about white people getting a pet as a test run for a baby!

LittleLysser- Happy Birthday! Good for you on the nose ring. I got a tattoo on my 25th- just seemed like a cool celebration. And like you and LL, I am a lawyer- but not recovering yet, still practicing.

Fisher- Glad you are ok. That is so scary- I am always freaked out by things coming out of nowhere, things you can't avoid.

Amber- Your pics of Kauai are awesome. We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon, and it was just heavenly. Can't wait to go back.

Well, thanks for the warm welcome. I am going OOT this weekend, so won't be around. But I am going to unofficially join and cheer you all on while I try to make the leap. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Mar 20, 2003
OK, I''m adding my name to the list. I have one more BC pill to take tonight, then my fake period or whatever next week, and then it''s TTC. I''m taking prenatal vitamins and have switched from Claritin-D to just plain Claritin since I''ve read that the pseudophedrine in the decongestant is questionable. I talked about TTC with my GP at my checkup in April but wasn''t aware of needing a more specific checkup until I read about it here and in the Mayo Clinic book. I''m thinking we might just get started and then go for further checkups if we''re not pregnant within a few months.

I''ve been on the pill for six and a half years. I''m hoping I won''t have any weirdness when I go off but I''ll let you guys know.

One thing that seems to be a part of our culture is to keep it mum that you are trying until you are three months pregnant. I am such an honest person and it doesn''t make sense to me not to tell people that, yes, we''re thinking about having kids. I mean, I know they don''t need the gory details of when I went off the pill or how often we''re trying, but it also doesn''t seem like something to lie about ("Oh, I just feel like water" at a party or whatever--I''d rather say, "Oh, we''re thinking about having kids"). What do you guys think?


Dec 8, 2005
ChinaCat - interesting that we have so many lawyers here! What sort of law do you practice? Oh, and I TOTALLY LOVE the nose ring...I've wanted it forevers...and I love it!

Phoenix - I think that the reason that most people don't say anything isn't because of cultural issues, so much as it is because the chance of miscarriage is so high initially...and it is probably difficult to tell a bazillion people that you miscarried - which you'd have to do, if you told them you were prego. Does that make sense? I think a good rule of thumb is to tell the people you'd want to there for support if you were to miscarry.

The reason for not telling people you are trying is sort of the same - a friend of mine told everyone when they were TTC...and she was not able to get pregnant. It was very hard on her to have people constantly asking if she was pregnant. It ended up being a pretty painful and difficult process...and the last thing she needed was random acquaintances asking if she was pregnant. If you don't really tell people you are trying - then it isn't an issue.

It is a very personal thing. For me, I told my close friends that we are trying and I will also tell them when/if I get knocked up...pretty much right away. As for acquaintances, well, I probably won't tell them until I've passed the three month mark.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
When the thread is a rockin', don't come a knockin'!!!!!!! WOW!!!
Hi All! Welcome newbies - it's great to have some fresh meat in here
to overanalyze things and beat the poop out of all the gory details!

I totally hear the "secretly mad at the pill thing". I went off the pill at least 6 months before we were even married b/c I HATED it that much. I could barely swallow it and that Alanis Morrisette song kept playing in my head "swallow it down/ that jagged little pill." Blech! We managed with other forms for 1.5 years without getting KTFU (knocked the fark up). you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just also want to draw attention to my total self-centered'ness for not properly calling out the HAPPY BIRTHDAY's!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Bday LittleL and Pandora! You two are fantastic and I really hope that this year brings with it all of your wildest dreams come true.

Amber - great pics! What a dream. Happy that you've decided to play with us in other ways. Love having you around!

HIL - I don't think I'll POAS until AFF is due. I'm pretty good at waiting, and also I'm not really feeling any s/s - so I have low expectations. Since my cycle was a little "off" I'm just looking forward to starting next cycle with the temping so that I can actually confirm O day.

Re: Prenatals. IMO, the only reason to chose Rx over OTC is because Rx is covered by health benefits (for me) and OTC is out of pocket. They are just as good as each other - so whichever you decide to go with will be just DANDY.

LittleL ¡- when I turned 30 back in May, I had WF quote me on a diamond nose stud. Only $150!!! Then I chickened out of piercing my nose b/c DH was against it. Boo hiss. That's okay. I guess I didn't want it that badly. Haha. Anyhoo, $150 from WF¡K..not bad *wink wink* nudge nudge. Haha.

Today I am CD22 (approx 8DPO) - and only one week to go until I can POAS! Hooray!


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 8/8/2008 9:58:43 AM
Author: phoenixgirl
OK, I'm adding my name to the list. I have one more BC pill to take tonight, then my fake period or whatever next week, and then it's TTC. I'm taking prenatal vitamins and have switched from Claritin-D to just plain Claritin since I've read that the pseudophedrine in the decongestant is questionable. I talked about TTC with my GP at my checkup in April but wasn't aware of needing a more specific checkup until I read about it here and in the Mayo Clinic book. I'm thinking we might just get started and then go for further checkups if we're not pregnant within a few months.

I've been on the pill for six and a half years. I'm hoping I won't have any weirdness when I go off but I'll let you guys know.

One thing that seems to be a part of our culture is to keep it mum that you are trying until you are three months pregnant. I am such an honest person and it doesn't make sense to me not to tell people that, yes, we're thinking about having kids. I mean, I know they don't need the gory details of when I went off the pill or how often we're trying, but it also doesn't seem like something to lie about ('Oh, I just feel like water' at a party or whatever--I'd rather say, 'Oh, we're thinking about having kids'). What do you guys think?

Phoenix, for what it is worth, you don't actually share anything really (except your uterus!) with the baby until quite a bit in. So there is really no need to totally abstain until you KNOW you are PG. So there is no need to lie ya know?

As far as not telling people once you ARE pregnant, it's a personal decision. Many people wait simply because there is a high risk of miscarriage in the first 12 weeks. After that it normally drops off to almost nothing. So if you are someone who would WANT others to know if you were going through a miscarriage tell them! And if you are a private person and would rather deal with it yourself, then that is ok too.

We told our closest friends and parents around 7-8 weeks, but we didn't tell others until later. I knew I would want some people there for support if something happened, but wouldn't want the entire world to know.

And if you don't want to tell anyone, seltzer and cranberry with a twist of lime looks exactly like the real thing. No one will be the wiser.

Everyone who is worried about abnormal cycles off BC Just because your cycle isn't the textbook 28 day cycle doe NOT mean you aren't ovulating and/or can't get pregnant. I had a very long cycle the month after I went off the pill, didn't ovulate until well into the 20's, and got knocked up right away with TWINS. So don't despair! It can happen even if your cycles aren't regular.


Feb 27, 2008
Hello laidies,

Thanks for the warm welcome. I feel like I''ve finally found people who understand my sudden craziness
. I also think I''ve found exactly what I need... a bunch of enablers to push me to stop thinking about it and start working on it. I really really need someone to tell me just to go for it!

I talked to my husband this morning (our schedules are crazy which is one reason we''re worried about bringing a baby into our lives but we both agree that since it''s not likely to change anytime soon (for the next few years) we can''t really let that slow us down) and I will be starting vitimans this weekend and stopping the pill in Sept/ Oct depending on how the cycle falls. He keeps thinking in terms of "Dec. is better than Oct. because of when the baby will be born". I''m trying to convince him that a few months either way really won''t make much of difference when all is said and done.

I''m sort of afraid someone will see me buying the vitamins and know what I''m up to

Good luck to everyone... I''ll be away for the weekend but I look forward to catching up on everyone''s progress next week. Hopefully before too long I''ll have more to report. I might need some help figuring out all this charting stuff (which as much as I like to think I''d be laid back about TTC I know I won;t be because I''m not laid back.. .I''m a planner) .

It''s just so hard to shift my way of thinking... for years my goal was to not get pregnant (getting pregnant bad... very bad) to reminding myself that I''m at a place in my life where it''s OK... it''s a good thing to do.

Thanks again... have a great weekend.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 8/8/2008 12:19:00 PM
Author: applequeen

Good luck to everyone... I''ll be away for the weekend but I look forward to catching up on everyone''s progress next week. Hopefully before too long I''ll have more to report. I might need some help figuring out all this charting stuff (which as much as I like to think I''d be laid back about TTC I know I won;t be because I''m not laid back.. .I''m a planner) .
HAHAH. you''ll fit in well here! GL and don''t worry about what anyone else thinks.
this is a very personal and special decision between you and your DH, and IMO is not anyone''s bidness but you''re own. Starting a family is a wonderful decision; once you''ve commited to taking that leap. I too was really nervous before. Then, as I started "prepping" my family and close friends, I saw that they were SO happy and excited for us. Its a wonderful feeling!



Nov 10, 2006

Date: 8/8/2008 12:19:00 PM
Author: applequeen
Hello laidies,

Thanks for the warm welcome. I feel like I''ve finally found people who understand my sudden craziness
. I also think I''ve found exactly what I need... a bunch of enablers to push me to stop thinking about it and start working on it. I really really need someone to tell me just to go for it!

I talked to my husband this morning (our schedules are crazy which is one reason we''re worried about bringing a baby into our lives but we both agree that since it''s not likely to change anytime soon (for the next few years) we can''t really let that slow us down) and I will be starting vitimans this weekend and stopping the pill in Sept/ Oct depending on how the cycle falls. He keeps thinking in terms of ''Dec. is better than Oct. because of when the baby will be born''. I''m trying to convince him that a few months either way really won''t make much of difference when all is said and done.

I''m sort of afraid someone will see me buying the vitamins and know what I''m up to

Good luck to everyone... I''ll be away for the weekend but I look forward to catching up on everyone''s progress next week. Hopefully before too long I''ll have more to report. I might need some help figuring out all this charting stuff (which as much as I like to think I''d be laid back about TTC I know I won;t be because I''m not laid back.. .I''m a planner) .

It''s just so hard to shift my way of thinking... for years my goal was to not get pregnant (getting pregnant bad... very bad) to reminding myself that I''m at a place in my life where it''s OK... it''s a good thing to do.

Thanks again... have a great weekend.
AQ - that is so true! For so long we''ve been preventing pregnancy and then month ago we changed everything! It is really crazy when you think about it and BD for the first time.

Amber - love, love, love the pics! Makes me relive my honeymoon all over again! Those pancakes looked heavenly!!! Mmmmmm!

Pandora - Happy Birthday to you too!
I don''t know how I missed you, but hope you had a good one!

Mela - the anticipation is killing me...I believe you''re the only one who''s knitting right now correct? Well, I''m rooting for you!!!

BTW - the prenatals I''m taking are over-the-counter. My doc told me that once I''m preggers she would give me a Rx for some "stronger" ones. I know that when I compared the label on mine to what I should be taking, it was standard. The ones I take are called Nature''s Bounty.


Oct 19, 2005
Welcome to all the New TTCers! This place is fantastic and just full up with support. I''m on CD19, 5dpo. Nothing much going on. Came in late to work because DH and I went to a diner for breakfast. Gotta love days like that.

I didn''t even think about RX prenatals being covered by insurance! Yay for that, although I think a lot of them have stool softener which isn''t exactly a necessity for us right now.

Now, as for telling people what. I agree with the mindset of not telling anyone we''re TTC, because as I know from experience, often times they think that because you told them you''re TTC, they can ask you constantly if you''re pregnant. Luckily I only told about 4 people, two of whom are close friends and the other two who are close family- and I still got emails while in Hawaii reading "How are you? ARE YOU KNOCKED UP YET?" Of course, that person is pregnant herself and would like a buddy, but still... kind of hard to read and respond with "nope".

I do believe that once I do catch pregnant I will tell a few people- my two friends mentioned above, you guys, and my mom and dad. MIL may have to wait until the dreaded 12 or so weeks have passed as she gets excited very easily, and I could see her buying loads of presents. Should the pregnancy not be viable, it would break my heart to not only have to deal with all the stuff she bought, but also with the disappointment she''d feel. My parents would be nothing but supportive, and would actually be able to get past their own feelings of loss in order to help with ours. Make sense? ALSO: my SIL is notorious for getting pregnant when another SIL is pregnant. Funny how her kids are all LITERALLY three months younger than our other nieces and nephews. Coincidence? Not in the smallest.


Mar 5, 2006
You guys are right, pricescope seems filled with folks who are... planners. I go to other baby boards and the gals just aren''t the geniuses that I find here! I love that everyone here really puts thoughts into their posts, and of course I know I can get fab baby and baby gadget device here, everyone researches the heck out of things!

I''m with most of you, in that others don''t know we are starting to TTC. I am hoping that this thread can help me keep my big mouth shut, so that I can blab to all of you instead of friends and family. I''m with Amber though when I may tell a couple of people pretty soon... I''d die if I had to wait 3 months. Actually I would not die, because I wouldn''t even get close to making it 3 months!

Have any of you been thinking about baby names? I have totally been indulging myself and making lists. Unfortunately, of the names in my list, my absolute favorites are my husband''s absolute LEAST favorites. Of course! Between the baby names, prenatals, OPKs, I am ready to get this show on the road! Ugh.


Aug 17, 2005
YAHOO for Kauai pics, Amber! OMG- those pancakes... they look delish. PLEASE tell me where you had ''em. I''m working on our food/restaurant list for Kauai... only 3 more weeks to go! Hope you''re feeling better, gal. Glad to see you stuck around. This place wouldn''t be the same without you! Please feel free to vent away...

Happy Belated Bday, littlelysser & Pandora! Mine is in 11 days, and I''ll be 37 OY!

Lisa, so you were 37.5 when Olivia was concieved? Gives me hope! We''ve put off TCC-ing for now, but I know I can''t hold off for too much longer...

ChinaCat & Applequeen- welcome! i mostly lurk as i''m not quite yet TTC-ing, but i''ve begun prepping.
Like: I started taking prenatals in January- i figure, why not? I''m taking the Trader Joe''s brand.
I stopped taking my BC pill in January. I''ve been on it for 15-ish years on/off, and wanted to get it out of my system.
My cycles have been wacky- very similar to Lyndsey''s. So, I too would recommend doing this early!


Oct 19, 2005

The pancakes were from Kountry Kitchen in Kapa'a. On the main road (I think it's Kuhio Hwy 50?) going up to Princeville. SO GOOD. BUT. By far the BEST pancakes were at Eggberts, in the Coconut Grove shopping center a little bit south on Kuhio Highway, where this is also a shave ice place that is killer. I'll post a pic sooner or later!. It was a place called the Fish Shack or something like that. Ha. Kountry Kitchen closes at 1pm every day, but the food is really good. Eggbert's has really good hash browns, almost like mashed potatoes with a crunchy outside. Tasty.

We loved the Ultimate Kauai Guidebook that was recommended by everyone. In the book they talk about a place called Scotty's (shocker: on Kuhio Highway). There is a "nice view", which is really nothing special- looking at the ocean from the street. Kind of like looking at Venice Beach from the boardwalk, only closer. The food was expensive for what it was, but the drinks are definitely potent. We won't go back next time.

We had such a good time. Next time, we hope for more time, more hiking, and less sunburn!

ETA: the shave ice was HALFWAY EATEN in this pic. BIGGER THAN MY HEAD!!!

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