
The Official TTC Thread!


Nov 10, 2006
The suspense is killing me Mela and Pandora! I''m rooting for you both!!!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Happy Pee''ing to you too! You are correct - you''re 6 hrs ahead of us. Le sigh.


Apr 12, 2006
Pandora and Mela Lu - Good luck!

Welcome Robbie and Applequeen. Robbie, I remember you from BIW. Welcome to our world of TTC!

Nothing going on with much. CD 7. I have an appt with my gyno this Friday for a repeat pap. She did a pap 6 months ago when I was pg, and it was normal, but since I had an abnormal one last August and resulted in a colposcopy, she wanted to make sure I had another normal one. Hubby and I are going on vacation next week to LA to visit our friend and wife that just had her baby 4 weeks ago. We''re excited to get away and it should be the time when I O too. Hopefully the vacation will make us a lot more relaxed so we can bd like crazy and get a BFP early next month. My original EDD is approaching, 9/26, so it will make me really sad if I don''t get pg this cycle around.

Baby dust to everyone!!!!


Apr 12, 2006
HIL - Hope this cycle is it for you! Good luck and hope AF stays the heck away!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
aww radiant. I feel for you - but try not to think of that day (easier said than done). Just focus all your positive energy into this new lickle life that you will create. It may be silly, but I like to ''visualize'' the fertilization happening, then visualize the decent from the fallopian tubes to the uterus etc etc. I feel like all that powerful positive thinking will help my dreams come true
Corny for sure, but it keeps me in the land of the positive rather than sinking into the yucky negative thoughts.

Also, I''ve been meaning to comment on this but always re-forget. I find that I''m the MOST attractive during O time. Maybe b/c I''m excited for the prospect and because I''m getting lots of action, but I swear, my hair and skin look better, my eyes sparkle, and people notice!!! Coworkers say things like, ''you look GREAT today'' and I swear it''s true!

Maybe that''s all in my head too - but hey! Whatever gets me through the day, right!!

HIL - where are you girl? What''s up in uterus land?


Aug 17, 2007
Wow, this thread is really moving. I was OOT this weekend. so have just been trying to catch up on reading. I am new to this posting thing, so cut me some slack as I try to learn how to respond to everyone- I am amazed at those of you that manage to do that!

LittleLysser: I practice real estate law and I actually really enjoy it. You? Are you the one that is retired? What did you practice before? And how did you get into jewlery-making? That''s so cool.

Phoenix- I am with those that will wait to tell people for various reasons. On the TTC front, it''s just not my nature. I am pretty private and it just feels odd to announce to people. I find it funny when I have friends that tell me they are "officially trying" b/c I get all sorts of weird images in my head and I am thinking, basically you are just telling me you are having unprotected sex. It just seems odd to me! But not that I think there is anything wrong with telling people- some people are just more excited and sharers by nature- most of my friends are like that, and that is what I love about them. It''s just not me. Secondly, I have a lot of friends that have made that big announcement and have not had much luck. If it were me, I would have a hard time with people asking me all the time. I think it would make it harder. And then on actually being pregnant, I think I will wait as long as possible (12 weeks) to tell most people, just b/c of the m/c thing. I would probably tell my family and closest friends sooner though- ones that I would want to tell if a m/c happened, you know?

Pandora/Lisa- POAS and patience. I have to admit, I totally POAS a few weeks ago. There was no way that I was preggo, I just had this weird urge to see what all the fuss was about. And you know, it was really fun! How wacked out is that????
Pandora, pee away!!! And good luck!

Mela- Good luck with your waiting period. That was so sweet of your hubby! Have any pics of that ring?

Robbie- Welcome! Not that I am officially on the TTC, so I am not on the welcoming committee, but good luck to you!

AppleQueen- Once again, I''m with you. Reading this thread gets me all riled up to get going! So I am a bit jealous of all of you that are actively TTC. But I am trying to restrain myself. Good luck to everyone else.

On the excited but ambivalent/scared note, I was at a wedding this weekend out of town. My DH was in the wedding, so I hung out with two other wives and their babies for part of the day. On the one hand, babies were super cute and seeing the daddies with their little girls (both girls) was about the cutest thing ever. And my DH is really good with little kids, they love him. So it was cute to see them flirting with him. On the other hand- wow. One baby was 6 weeks, and the other 4 months, and it was a bit overwhelming. And if I am being honest, a bit boring. It doesn''t sound fun. Lucikly, both of them were very cool and honest about how hard it was at first, but that it gets better. And of course, that it is totally worth it. Although sometimes I wonder about that- don''t they have to say that? Because if it''s not worth it, then how screwed are they??? Sorry, I can be a bit dark and snarky sometimes!

I really love this thread and the mommies thread for its complete honesty. I am one who wants to hear the worst possible scenario, and all of the bad things as well, so I know what I am in for and can prepare. Most people IRL act like it''s all roses and rainbows with their babies, and it''s just frustrating b/c I know that can''t possibly be the case. But reading some of the mommies experiences, esp the bad parts, really makes me feel like I can do this. That may sound strange, but knowing what to expect scares me less.

So I am definitely going off as of yesterday. Going to pick up vitamins after work today. But NOT actively trying for a few months at least. We''ll see!

Thanks for letting me hang out with the cool kids. I feel like I am on the JV team, and you are all on Varsity but letting me hang around and carry your towels and stuff.

Good luck to everyone, I am rooting for you!

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 4:09:13 PM
Author: ChinaCat
...On the other hand- wow. One baby was 6 weeks, and the other 4 months, and it was a bit overwhelming. And if I am being honest, a bit boring. It doesn't sound fun. Lucikly, both of them were very cool and honest about how hard it was at first, but that it gets better. And of course, that it is totally worth it. Although sometimes I wonder about that- don't they have to say that? Because if it's not worth it, then how screwed are they??? Sorry, I can be a bit dark and snarky sometimes!

I really love this thread and the mommies thread for its complete honesty. I am one who wants to hear the worst possible scenario, and all of the bad things as well, so I know what I am in for and can prepare. Most people IRL act like it's all roses and rainbows with their babies, and it's just frustrating b/c I know that can't possibly be the case. But reading some of the mommies experiences, esp the bad parts, really makes me feel like I can do this. That may sound strange, but knowing what to expect scares me less.

Oh yeah, I hate when people pretend it's all rosy. Being pregnant sucks (if I'm allowed to say that on here?), even though it's for a good end, and being the second eldest of something like 600 siblings, I know having little babies around can be NO FUN!

Honestly? I'm really not the biggest fan of babies myself. I think that the first few months will be SUPER tough, even though rather snuggly (lets face it, they ARE snuggly), but I personally consider that part a sacrifice that you make so that you can have kids who are 6 and older. For me, once they can reason and really experience the world around them, that's when the fun will REALLY start. Sure there will be trouble after that point too, but I see the first few years as time you put in to reap the rewards of kiddies who are fully fledged people you can converse with, teach, learn from, etc. Adult kids are even better.

I figure, I spent 4.5 yrs doing a Ph.D. so I could do the kind of work I like, so I can put in another few years with li'l screaming tots to have nifty growing kids to raise and help to thrive.

Seriously, what's a few months, even a few years of not-so-much-fun to having a family to raise and love for the rest of your life?


Aug 17, 2007
Ok, how do you attach/highlight quotes???

Indy- Exactly what you said!!! I know a lot of girls are baby people, I am just not one of them. I find kids that can speak/reason fascinating though- once they get interesting. I don''t think there is anything wrong with that at all. I am just relieved to know that that is normal, and it doesn''t mean you won''t be a good mom. And I am aware, that it''s different when it''s your own. I think nature knows what it''s doing there! If you think about it, babies have to be cute to make up for the drooling, farty, poopy, blobby messes that they are! Still, I want a poopy blob of my own! Isn''t that funny? I was talking to DH about it this weekend- all of the reasons NOT to have one, all of the bad things. But still I said to him, but why do I want one so much??? It''s so funny how that logical part of my brain is just completely out-voted by the maternal/biological clock. I am a bit surprised to be like this. But kind of glad too! And really, I have had 30 plus years to do whatever I want, it''s not like giving up a few years is going to kill me.

Mela, just saw you are going to POAS stick too. Good wishes/baby dust to you!

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Indy, I second the whole pregnancy being a major downer! I have yet to find one ''good'' think about being pregnant, aside from the having a baby, blah blah blah. Here''s my litany of physical woes:
dull hair
hair loss
resurgent acne
nausea (still at 12 weeks)
tailbone area pain
dry mouth

not to mention all the things you can''t do or eat or whatever!

So, not only do I feel icky, but I also look worse than ever. Half the time I''m hobbling while clutching my rear end, my hair braided to minimize its bedraggled appearance, and my face is completely spotty. I''m cranky, I snap at my husband, and nothing tastes good anymore.

Whenever anyone says it''s worth it for the baby, I want to bite off their head. Of course I know they''re right, and ultimately these 9 months of grievances will be something to laugh about, but at this particular moment, I''m in a dark dark place where all I can concentrate on is making another smoothie to get me through the next hour. I''ve also rediscovered my love of chocolate.

It''s so true, hearing about the bad stuff makes me feel like it''s doable. The worst thing is when other people make you feel like you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking less than cheery thoughts about pregnancy and motherhood. It''s a lot of work, most of it dirty, but echoing Indy''s sentiments, working on a dissertation is pretty rough (or any other type of job/degree, etc.), too, but that doesn''t stop us from doing it, enjoying it, and feeling fulfilled by the fruit of our efforts.


Dec 29, 2004
erica, you haven''t felt the baby move yet, correct? It''s all sucky until then. Then, for some people it''s cool the whole way and for others, having constant movement in you is annoying. But I will say this, it is definitely more REAL when they start having a party in there. And then when you can see your stomach move...well then it''s a really cool combination of "EW GROSS!" and "WHOA!"

Chinacat, you said, "Lucikly, both of them were very cool and honest about how hard it was at first, but that it gets better. And of course, that it is totally worth it. Although sometimes I wonder about that- don''t they have to say that? Because if it''s not worth it, then how screwed are they??? Sorry, I can be a bit dark and snarky sometimes!"

Well, I have to say, it''s all true. Every single cliched bit of it. We''re not saying it because we feel screwed and are trying to make everyone join in our misery, I promise! It SUCKS at first. It sucks even harder a few weeks into it. But then the light comes, and it''s a wonderful thing.

My ex-boss said it best to me when she found out I was pregnant. She was totally the career type...very successful and did not care one whit about kids. Didn''t like babies and way preferred dogs. Then when she turned 40, she and her husband both got laid off and enjoyed the time...and got pregnant.

So when I emailed her (5 years later after she got pregnant) and told her I was pregnant, she said,

"WELCOME TO THE CLUB. As I used to say before my son came along “misery loves company” but now I say “pure love and joy, loves company”.

And you know what, it''s true.
However, I should definitely say that just because you love your kid and your life with your kid does NOT mean you don''t miss aspects of your old life. I miss my old body. I miss sleeping in. I miss improptu lunches with gal pals. But I PREFER my daughter to it all.

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
TGal, you''re right, I haven''t felt the baby yet (few more weeks, I guess), and although it was great to see the 11wk ultrasound, I really don''t feel pregnant aside from the crummy symptoms. It''s especially hard since the only pregnant person I know here has had an ideal pregnancy. Very few symptoms, her acne cleared up right away (I''m using the same product to no avail!), and she''s loved every single minute of it. Part of me feels like that must mean I don''t want it as badly as her. Even though I know that isn''t true, it stinks that I''m allowing myself to think that way. But I knew from the beginning that I wouldn''t be a lovey-dovey prego. I just didn''t realize how crappy I could feel, though. I''m hoping for some relief in the next few weeks, but if not, at least I''ll have other things to amuse myself with (baby movement, gender, shopping).


Aug 17, 2007
TGal- Thanks for chiming in. I think I somehow know that will be the case- that it will be worth it and more than make up for that lost life. I guess that part is scary too though- knowing that you will become a different person than you are now. I know that's kind of the point of it, and I know that it's a good thing, but it's an identity loss nonetheless. I guess similar to when you get married. Though you are ready for it, it's still hard to let go of who you've been for so long.

Like no matter how old you are (up to a point), you still identify with the young/single and childless couples- you are still joining in on the spontaneous happy hours and such. But once you have kids, you are totally relegated to the other side of the party. You really are officially a grown up. I think this whole process of trying to decide to TTC is just getting ready for that. Like I am mourning that part of me now, and slowly letting go so that it won't be such a shock when it actually happens.

Though I don't know who I'm kidding. My DH and I still go out and I love happy hours, but honestly after dinner we are both more than ready to go home. We are totally the old boring married couple, I just haven't accepted it yet.

ETA: Erica- Don't beat yourself up. I suspect there are many more like you. I know I have heard of many women who simply did not like being pregnant. At all. You are still going to be a great mom. I don't think one has anything to do with the other. And btw, I would be VERY grumpy and unhappy if I felt everything on that list of yours at once. Ouch. Some people just have different tolerances for different things. And some people never had braces either.
You also sound like a bit of a perfectionist (I mean that in a good way!). Maybe try to relax just a bit. And if not, well, it only lasts 9 or 10 months right????


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 8/11/2008 6:00:24 PM
Author: erica k
TGal, you're right, I haven't felt the baby yet (few more weeks, I guess), and although it was great to see the 11wk ultrasound, I really don't feel pregnant aside from the crummy symptoms. It's especially hard since the only pregnant person I know here has had an ideal pregnancy. Very few symptoms, her acne cleared up right away (I'm using the same product to no avail!), and she's loved every single minute of it. Part of me feels like that must mean I don't want it as badly as her. Even though I know that isn't true, it stinks that I'm allowing myself to think that way. But I knew from the beginning that I wouldn't be a lovey-dovey prego. I just didn't realize how crappy I could feel, though. I'm hoping for some relief in the next few weeks, but if not, at least I'll have other things to amuse myself with (baby movement, gender, shopping).
And that the highlighted part I say "Pah." They call it morning SICKNESS for a reason...who feels great when they are sick? Not me! I had a pretty ideal pregnancy (L&D is another story however) and you know what? I really don't care to do it again. I didn't mind being pregnant (and sometimes I liked it when the movement started) but really...most women could do without that part. So I agree, don't beat yourself up over it. Honestly, I think the first trimester should be called the "What the hell did we do" trimester. Even those who want it, tried and charted for it end up being in a bit of shock when it happens and it is hard to come to grips with the fact that your life is about to change drastically. It's tough facing such a big life change when you are 100% healthy, but of course your body doesn't give you much time before it hits you with nausea and fatigue...which only makes all of seem more of a mouthful to chew on.

Chinacat, yeah...I guess you are officially a grown up when you have kids (maybe this is why so many dads have a hard time adjusting!). Even worse, you are a MOM. And your mom's a mom, and they just seem so old and unsexy...hehehe...and I'm one of em now! Plus nothing makes time seem scarier or faster than when you have a kid. You start thinking, oh crap...when my kid goes to kindergarten (in 5 years time, which, let's face it...goes fast) I'm going to be 40! Then high school graduation...holy moly, I'll be 53. 53?! I don't want to be 53! And then when they're 30 (younger than I am now) I'll be 65. 65?! That'a a senior citizen. And on and on it goes.

Then you look at your kid and hope you live to be 120 so you can be here as long as possible for them. Go figure.


Feb 17, 2007
Erica, China, and Indy: You ladies are NOT alone. I don''t like being preggo either at all. I DO love the movements though. It certainly makes it more tolerable. But I already told DH he is a very lucky man that we''ve got twins this time around because I''m not sure I want to do it again!

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Date: 8/11/2008 3:39:09 PM
Author: mela lu

HIL - where are you girl? What''s up in uterus land?
Hahaha! I am hoping and wishing that uterus land has a new little occupant hanging around

I am 9DPO, AFF scheduled to show this Friday... stay away you stupid cow!
I POAS yesterday, BFN. I knew it was dumb, it was pretty early still but as you all know I cannot resist those little sticks in my cupboard!

It''s crazy though that last month at this point I had so many PMS/wishfull pg symptoms, sore (*)(*) [i love that Pandora!], light headedness, exhaustion, mood swings... and this time, nothing! No signs or symptoms at all that suggest AF or otherwise.

If I can help it I will wait until Wednesday am to test. If still a BFN I think I''ll skip Thurs because I don''t want to chance being dissapointed on DH''s bday.


Oct 19, 2005
Happy, I''m one day after you, but not testing because I''m on POAS strike. I''m glad I''m not "trying" these few months because everything (like family and friends and WTH, tv) around me is baby baby baby, and I just want to be pregnant SO BAD (So stop complaining ladies, or I will have to confiscate all 5 of your fetuses and raise them half mexican like me!!
) that if I knew there was a chance I''d be driving myself CRAZY!!!! Instead I''m just throwing it all aside and reading a lot. Chick lit, cartoon collections, crappy lady-mysteries. Cereal boxes. PennySaver (desperately seeking spawn), Maxim, Christmas Card catalogs. Bright side, I''m starting to actually read the instruction manuals for all our appliances. Maybe I will make myself some homemade ice cream and bread with our two machines that are in the closet unopened (wedding gifts).

I hope hope hope you get lucky!!! (I wish there was a crossing fingers icon)


Apr 14, 2006
Okay, still no end to this cycle. It''s crazy, because now it''s like I''m praying for my period, and before, I was praying NOT to get it. Life''s a trip, no doubt.

Good luck to everyone out there.

Good to see you joined the crowd, Robbie!


Aug 31, 2005
Attention ladies!

A gentle reminder: This is a mini-forum for women who are trying to conceive. Most of you have been there yourselves, and know how difficult and emotional a time it can be. While it''s wonderful that some of you who are already pregnant are sticking around to cheer us on, it might be best to discuss the good AND bad of pregnancy over in the pregnancy forum. Remember, some of us are aching FOR the pregnancy symptoms you''re aching FROM.

This isn''t to anyone in particular, but to everyone. Let''s try to be respectful of each other''s feelings during this sensitive period.



Oct 19, 2005
Oh Fisher, I''m so sorry your cycle is so dreadfully long. I know the feeling of wanting AF to appear so you can just hurry up and get on with the rest of your life, bringing "necessities" everywhere, never really knowing when it''ll hit. Just a warning: when it does appear, don''t worry if you''re super emotional. After I was a week late and AF arrived I seriously just broke down. It was slightly embarrassing as it was like, "Where on earth did this come from?!", but also kind of a sigh of relief that nothing was seriously wrong with me. I forget, how long are your cycles typically? Perhaps a visit to the doctor could be in order, or a blood test to make sure all is well with the womb.


And yes, the IRONIES of TTC: for me, when we weren''t married yet, I would pray AF would come. Then TTC it was praying for her not to come, then when she was late, back to praying she''d come again!

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Just wanted to say sorry to everyone for the mini-thread-jack that got going there.
I see how insensitive it was.

It won''t happen again.


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 8/11/2008 10:16:27 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Just wanted to say sorry to everyone for the mini-thread-jack that got going there.
I see how insensitive it was.

It won't happen again.

Indy, love, I didn't mean to make you (or anyone) feel bad. I just know, being in the middle of the process, how hard it can be.

I hope I didn't discourage any pregnant ladies from sticking around. We need your encouragement (and baby dust, darn it!).


Oct 19, 2005
Date: 8/11/2008 10:31:58 PM
Author: EBree
Date: 8/11/2008 10:16:27 PM

I hope I didn''t discourage any pregnant ladies from sticking around. We need your encouragement (and baby dust, darn it!).

SERIOUSLY. RAIN IT DOWN ON ME, SISTERS. Spray it from above like bug spray- only baby spray.


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 9:00:44 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Oh Fisher, I''m so sorry your cycle is so dreadfully long. I know the feeling of wanting AF to appear so you can just hurry up and get on with the rest of your life, bringing ''necessities'' everywhere, never really knowing when it''ll hit. Just a warning: when it does appear, don''t worry if you''re super emotional. After I was a week late and AF arrived I seriously just broke down. It was slightly embarrassing as it was like, ''Where on earth did this come from?!'', but also kind of a sigh of relief that nothing was seriously wrong with me. I forget, how long are your cycles typically? Perhaps a visit to the doctor could be in order, or a blood test to make sure all is well with the womb.


And yes, the IRONIES of TTC: for me, when we weren''t married yet, I would pray AF would come. Then TTC it was praying for her not to come, then when she was late, back to praying she''d come again!
Prior to the pill (which I LOATHE!!) I was not regular, regular, but around 30-35 days each cycle. Post-pill (since Jan 2008), I''ve been incredibly irregular. The average has been about 40 or so days. This cycle, I''m nearing 60. I''m sad, but more than that, I''m worried. I called the Dr. again on Friday and they said that my nerves about it are likely keeping it off, and possibly the stress from the accident, too. They said I shouldn''t worry about anything for a while yet. I don''t know. I haven''t had any "problems" before and now that we''re ready to begin trying, I''m just irked that it''s NOW that the cycle would STRETCH way, way out. Oh the *irony* indeed!

The Dr. suggested (again) that I make an appt. for late September, and just let them know if when my period comes, if it''s anything "different." Different how, I don''t know, but yeah... gotta love those phone consults, huh?

I definitely think that there something to be said for the "good ol'' days" when people just ended up pregnant, without a lot of planning or freaking out or stressing or measuring this or stretching that or graphing this or that. Haha... and those were the days when people would end up with 13 kids to help on the farm, too! It must have *worked* pretty good!

Paul''s been very encouraging and says it just gives us more time to prepare and dream of growing our family (in the right time, which we both know will come). It''s hard, but I''m trying to make the best of it.

Thanks for the support here, ladies. Some days (especially lately), I''ve been so emotional, and somehow, coming here can make it better.


Jan 18, 2005
Fisher- Can you not see a different doctor or go to a different practice to get in sooner? Granted, September is just 3 weeks away at this point but, 60 days is too long for 1 cycle.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 8/11/2008 8:53:01 PM
Author: EBree
Attention ladies!

A gentle reminder: This is a mini-forum for women who are trying to conceive. Most of you have been there yourselves, and know how difficult and emotional a time it can be. While it's wonderful that some of you who are already pregnant are sticking around to cheer us on, it might be best to discuss the good AND bad of pregnancy over in the pregnancy forum. Remember, some of us are aching FOR the pregnancy symptoms you're aching FROM.

This isn't to anyone in particular, but to everyone. Let's try to be respectful of each other's feelings during this sensitive period.

Good point EBree...I was thinking the same thing as I posted my (probably inappropriate) post. Back to lurking!


Dec 16, 2007
Fisher, I''m sorry that the doctors were condescending enough to actually say to you that "nerves" are holding off your period! GRRR!! This is what women have been told for decades when they complain about their health--"it''s nerves dearie, take this valium and DON''T call us in the morning!" And when women have irregular cycles or other "women troubles", they always say its stress! If a man went to the doctor and said that he couldn''t get an erection, they would see him the same day and run the gamut of tests and solve it fast. (Sorry to throw down the "e" word, but I am all mad.)

Anyways, enough ranting. I think you should try to see another doctor who will take you seriously. If nothing else, I know that they can give you a shot to bring on your period and end your super long cycle. But they really should test your hormones at different points in your cycle, if for no other reason than to put your mind at ease during this already-stressful-enough time in your life! {{{HUGS}}}


Oct 19, 2005
Fisher, I totally agree with DD. If a doctor isn''t willing to see NOW because you''re FRIGGING CONCERNED- find someone else. You should have your hormones tested, at least, to at least set your mind at ease. Ridiculous.

It''s always something right? Back in the 1800s, women were "hysterical" and prescribed "massagers". Lordy. Find a woman''s health center, I bet they''ll step right to it.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Back again - and again a BFN

AF is due on Thursday, so me thinks I''m probably out.

I''m still feeling icky, cervix still mega-high, but the (*)(*) don''t hurt at all any more - WTF? I mean, 2 days before AF is due the wretched things should be a bit sore, but nope not a twinge. Biology is a mystery....

I am going to wait till Thursday now as I am feeling pretty sure it''s a no.


Jun 28, 2006
Awe, Fisher, I''m sorry this cycle is so long! I''d definitely look into finding another doctor. Stress can''t hold off your period, just delay ovulation, but everyone on every TTC board I''ve been on has said that if there''s been no AF/ovulation by CD60 their doctor would bring on AF. I agree with finding a new doctor who will listen to your concerns.


Mar 5, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 11:03:45 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Prior to the pill (which I LOATHE!!) I was not regular, regular, but around 30-35 days each cycle. Post-pill (since Jan 2008), I''ve been incredibly irregular. The average has been about 40 or so days. This cycle, I''m nearing 60. I''m sad, but more than that, I''m worried. I called the Dr. again on Friday and they said that my nerves about it are likely keeping it off, and possibly the stress from the accident, too. They said I shouldn''t worry about anything for a while yet. I don''t know. I haven''t had any ''problems'' before and now that we''re ready to begin trying, I''m just irked that it''s NOW that the cycle would STRETCH way, way out. Oh the *irony* indeed!

The Dr. suggested (again) that I make an appt. for late September, and just let them know if when my period comes, if it''s anything ''different.'' Different how, I don''t know, but yeah... gotta love those phone consults, huh?

I definitely think that there something to be said for the ''good ol'' days'' when people just ended up pregnant, without a lot of planning or freaking out or stressing or measuring this or stretching that or graphing this or that. Haha... and those were the days when people would end up with 13 kids to help on the farm, too! It must have *worked* pretty good!

Paul''s been very encouraging and says it just gives us more time to prepare and dream of growing our family (in the right time, which we both know will come). It''s hard, but I''m trying to make the best of it.

Thanks for the support here, ladies. Some days (especially lately), I''ve been so emotional, and somehow, coming here can make it better.

Wow Fisher, I am in the exact same boat as you. Came off of BC last November, cycles are sooo irregular, right now they''re averaging 40-45 days. It IS stressful! Do you know if you are O''ing or not? I do get positive OPKs, but then I read somewhere on fertility friend that you can get a positive OPK and still not O, so of course I''m worried. I think that you should definitely see a different doctor. Honestly I''m surprised it hasn''t occured to me to visit one yet about this, but my yearly exam is coming up. How long have you been TTCing?

Ah, so on that note, hope everyone is moving right along! I am on CD 25, should be O''ing in just a couple of days, and my OPKs finally started getting darker yesterday so that''s a good sign. Last night I was so tired and felt weird just wanting to BD because well... we''re getting close to that time of the month. How bizarre.
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